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Everything posted by Luminaire
[color=crimson]Of all teachers I have had in the years, I would have to say my English techer this year is my favorite. She is funny and she plays tricks and she wanted us to go see Troy for our class. She can be a tough teacher, but that could be a good thing. She is fun to just talk to and we sometimes talk about very random things in class. She asks us for advice sometimes, like about whether or not she should let her daughter watch Friends or something. I really enjoy my English class. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
[color=crimson]All right. I have a question for anyone who bothers to browse this forum. This is for my research paper in English and I thought this would be a great place to get some feedback. Anyone can answer this, even though it relates mostly to teens. Here's the question: Is there a song that you believe has changed who you are or the way you look at life? If so, what song and what artist? Why do you believe this song has affected you so? If you can't answer that, try this: What do you believe drives people to listen to the music they do? Can music affect how a person identifies themselves? Why? If anyone answers these questions, I ask permission to quote you in my paper if necessary. This is posted here because the topic relates to the forum. Thank you in advance to anyone who answers. Also, this is not to be a debate, just your opinion. Domo arigatou. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
[color=crimson]Actually, NorykoAngelcry, David Wenham was the entire reason I went to see the movie. ¬_¬ To me it was more comedy and cliche. I started saying what would happen before it happens and my friends ended up asking me if I had already seen it. Some of the effects were very over done. [spoiler]When the carriage catches on fire, that didn't make any sense to me, unless I completely missed some huge fireball hitting it. Almost every explosion filled the entire screen. Most of the time, there was nothing that could combust like that.[/spoiler] I know movies don't have to be logical, but this one was so illogical it had me laughing and crying at the stupidity of it. As everyone else said, the accents were terrible. On the lighter note, I thought Dracula was adorable. Who played him? I want his phone number! ¬_¬ ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
[color=crimson]I have a slight case of multi-personality disorder, so this is going to be two. I would have to say I am most like Watari from Yami no Matsuei (Descendants of Darkness). Kinda quiet and mysterious, but very amusing. I crack jokes and do some pretty crazy things. And if he ever mentioned his ingredients for his sex-changing potion, I would probably try to perfect it. I am insane, have long hair and glasses, and I am very intelligent (or at least others say that). I also like to blow things up, and I love science. The only difference is I am a girl and still alive. I used to have a pet bird too. XD I am also a lot like Kiba from Wolf's Rain. Determined, quiet, mysterious. I tend to hide my feelings and help others before myself. I can be kinda cold toward others as well. It depends on my mood or what kind of day I am having. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
[color=crimson]In a literal sense, we did not walk out. We never went in. O_o 600 kids didn't show up to homeroom, first, second, and most of thrid period. The parents have been working at this since the incident occured, but no one asked the students' opinion, so we showed them instead. Besides, the principal couldn't do a thing. We sat there peacefully with our picket signs until we got some attention. We have the right to assemble peacefully. So we did, and the law says there was nothing he could do. The cops couldn't make us leave, or the BOE. He did send out the vice principal to make sure that things were under control. Actually, for the past few weeks, students have been attending board meetings and speaking with the BOE about the situation. They have made a little more progress than the parents. I realize we are fighting an uphill battle on a hill that is almost vertical. But that doesn't mean we are just going to let Dr. O and the issue go. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
[color=crimson]Well, Winter, a protest is not entirely pointless. The reconsideration of the BOE's decision has started. The BOE is basically a bunch of Saxton's puppets, but when the media came into it, Saxton was walking on fine ground. He had taken money out of some of the extra-curricular activities, such as Drama, and was using it to build his own office in the school. His office was to have a marble bathroom and a plasma TV. There would be fine (expensive) wood paneling on every wall. That is why I personally do not like Saxton. The Drama and other programs had been planning a walk out in protest of having no funds. We were going to do it, but we had parent intervention, and they used some kind of threat and the money was restored. But Saxton is still getting his office. I want to do some kind of protest against him, I know many other students who dislike him and his building of his shiny new office. The tore down the industrial arts section of the school for it. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
[color=crimson]For those who are interested, here is the article and video from News 12 New Jersey: [url]http://www.news12.com/NJ/topstories/article?id=104451[/url] I was out there, I actually walk by in the background. I was getting phone numbers for radio stations and news channels. I happen to really like Dr. Onorato. He recognizes fully that I am not my brother and got me out of trouble when someone accused me of smoking in the bathroom like my brother does. I don't even smoke. Anyway, despite the fact it was below freezing and snowing from time to time, myself and many other students stood out on the football field to keep Dr. O around. My phone call efforts were appreciated by the organizers of the event. I spent most of my time wandering the bleachers trying to get a radio signal because Oakland is in the mountains. Alot of people ended up with blankets and coffee or coacoa, but not me. I only had a sweatshirt on too, but some people were in short sleeves. I appreciated the chance to show my opinion about the situation with Dr. O's contract. And the fact that I feel great dislike for Saxton really fueled my opinion on the matter. I know we may not have achieved anything at all and there may be consequences, but that doesn't matter to me, I got my opinion out. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
[color=crimson]A few weeks ago I went to the bookstore with a friend. I purchased the first issue of Juvenile Orion. When we got home, I put it on the shelf with all my other manga so I could find it later. My friend went to peek through my collection. She later pointed out that the one I just bought was the only non-Tokyopop manga I owned. I thought she was kidding so I went to look myself. Gatekeepers, Brain Powered, Fake, etc. All manga distributed from Tokyopop. I think (as in I'm not exactly sure) that Tokyopop distributes more titles than any other companies. I looked through their title list and others and theirs has been the longest so far. Yet, I wonder if that is really why I have so many Tokyopop titles. I have read a few shojo mangas. The titles from Clamp or Shojo never really caught my attention like those of Tokyopop. Same with some other genres, like mecha. I like Brain Powered but most of the Gundam titles I don't read. I like the art in Tokyopop titles more as well, but I think that just has something to do with my psycho mind. What I really wanted to know is if anyone else prefers a specific distributor. Does anyone else have only Tokyopop titles in their manga collections? Does anyone else prefer a genre from one distributor but not another? etc. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
[color=crimson]I usually find all my Mars volumes at Borders or Barnes & Noble. In either places you can find it in the graphics novels section or the teenage reading section. Good luck finding it because Mars is a really good series. ^_^ ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
Manga What new manga/manwha are you reading now?
Luminaire replied to Monkey_Orange's topic in Otaku Central
[color=crimson]Not two days ago, I picked up a copy of the new manga [b]Juvenile Orion[/b]. I saw it in a magazine the day before I got it. It may be based off a card game, but it is pretty damn good. If anyone wants more info on this new title, just pm me or something. I am also reading [b]Ragnarok, Fake, Gravitation, Chronicles of the Cursed Sword, Fushigi Yuugi, Demon Diary, Samurai Deeper Kyo,[/b].....>walks over to bookshelfcries< ~Lumi ^_^[/color] -
[color=crimson]I have liked Fruits Basket for quite a while now. Just look at my sig. Kyou and Hatsuharu are in my banner. I have a huge collection of pics on my comp and have seen all but one episode of the series. It's a cute, funny, dramatic series that I really really love. Kyou and Haru are my favorite characters, especially Kyou. He gets angry so easily, but he is actually a very deep person. Haru is just so...different. He has personality conflicts and he is just so darn cute. ^_~ In the series, Tohru mentions she wanted to be a cat, and not a member of the Chinese Zodiac when she heard the story of the cat and rat. For anyone who really cares, turns out there is a year of the cat. >pulls out book< It's part of Vietnamese astrology. The Year of the Cat replaces the Rabbit. So, if you were born in 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, or 1999; you are a Cat. If you want more info on that, just pm me. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
[color=crimson]Thank you, Manic. I think I will definitely be looking into this series in the near future. It sounds very...interesting. ^_^ Alot of episodes though...and probrably not sold at the local video store...this is going to be hard to see. I'm not really into comedy anime, but this sounds pretty good. Thank you once again, Manic. And, if anyone finds out how many episodes there are, I would very much appreciate knowing. ^_~ >runs off to search the web< ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
[color=crimson]I read about this one in Anime Insider. The fact that there was nothing abnormal about the characters blew me away. XD They're just normal kids! I love it! >laughing< I did purchase vol. 1 recently and I did like it. I don't know what it was about it, but I smiled the entire time I read it. I made my sis read it (as in tied her down and taped her eyes open to make her read it) and she ended up liking it. She said it reminded her of her life. O_o Normally, this type of story wouldn't interest me, but my friend Mich said she would like to borrow it if I got my hands on it. Since nothing else had come out, I got it and read it. I have yet to give it to her. I think she will enjoy it. There are alot of parts I laughed at, and I enjoyed reading it, so she will probably like it more if she is into the shoujo type manga. I was trying to think of another manga to compare Azumanga Daioh to, but I haven't come up with one yet. If I do, I'll post again. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
[color=crimson]The very first manga I ever got was Ragnarok. That was...last year, or the year before. I don't remember. O_o My sis had some of the Sailor mangas before that, but I barely read them. I was just browsing the bookstore and a book with green binding and jagged letters caught my eye. Turned out I was in the Graphic Novels section. I picked it off the shelf and read the back. I read the first ten pages and then decided to buy it. And then I explored the rest of the section and found other great mangas. I guess I became interested in manga because it was like anime, but more accessible. u_u The obsession idea seems to rule out. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
[color=crimson]I saw this anime for sale during Christmas on disconutanimedvd.com. Now that it has been brought up, I would like to know what it is about. How many episodes are there? What are the characters and story like? I really would appreciate if someone could answer those questions. ^_^ ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
Anime Do you use anime/manga for school projects or assignments?
Luminaire replied to Marron347's topic in Otaku Central
[color=crimson]I used a Gundam Wing fanfic I wrote for my Writer's Workshop class and got an A. I have also made pursuasive speeches in which I included how anime and other TV programs could teach about history, science, etc. I convinced the Social Studies Dept. Head that Grave of the Fireflies was a great movie to show during the study of the post-WW2 period. XD Manga is one of the only things I will draw/can draw other than stick figures. We had to do a political cartoon and Napoleon looked like Char. O_o I got an A too. I use parts of animes as examples in problem-solution essays. I really enjoy being able to relate anime to the real world and the real world to anime. ~Lumi ^_^[/color] -
Anime Who Has Heard Of The Anime One Piece
Luminaire replied to Roronoa Zoro's topic in Otaku Central
[color=crimson]Wow, someone else has heard of this. One Piece was not one of my favorite animes. It was okay. Strange, some good characters, interesting plot, etc. I rented it at Blockbuster and watched it. My brother sat and made fun of it until I threw the remote at his head. It was good enough to get defensive over. ^_~ So, Zoro, what do you like about One Piece? Tell us what it is about or something. ~Lumi ^_^[/color] -
[color=crimson]>screams< I LOVE Demon Diary! I have been following the series since two months before it came out. I have every volume except 4 because I have yet to get it from my cousin. It does remind me of Gravitation. The whole thing between Eclipse and Raenef is really cute. The manga is cute and sometimes depressing and adventurous. Chris and Erutis are so funny together. If they end up getting together, I get to yell "I TOLD YOU SO" at my friend and she owes me 2 bucks. ^_^ I have read all 5 and loaned them to quite a few of my friends. My friends come to me for manga, I am like a manga library. Has anyone seen a more misfit group of characters? I probably have, but the Demon Diary cast always makes me laugh. Chris and Raenef, best friends and mortal enemies. XD ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
[color=crimson]I have heard of this series. It might have been a preview on one of the anime VHSs, I don't know. I have seen very little of Serial Experiments Lain, but I have seen Boogiepop Phantom. Texhnolyze seemed like a pretty good show, but I can't find it anywhere. I was wondering something though...how the heck do you says "Texhnolyze"?! Also, Dagger, do you know the general story of Texhnolyze? A summary would be nice. ^_~ ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
[color=crimson]Well, I wouldn't be buying the anime if I didn't know how it was first. Waiting for a recommended show to come out at blockbuster or play on Cartoon Network is just not working. If I download any anime it is always maybe the first two episodes for a sample of the show. If I like it, I add it to my wishlist, find it on Ebay or discountanimedvd.com, and delete the files. It does make me feel alittle bad, but unlisenced animes are really hard to find, and even harder to find with good quality subs, audio, visual, etc. [i]1. Regardless of whether or not you download anime, do you believe that doing so is wrong?[/i] It really depends. If you have looked everywhere for a certain anime and cannot find anything except downloads, what would you do? Download the fansubs, right? I guess some circumstances make it wrong. I always wonder how much it costs to make the DVDs or VHSs, is it as much as they charge for the consumer? What is the percent of increase? I don't know, I don't really care. Retail, wholesale, blah...it doesn't make it any easier for me to continue my obsession of anime. [i]2. Do you think that you'd buy more DVDs if you didn't download any shows?[/i] I'd probably get the same amount. One or two every Christmas. My mother won't let me use her credtit card online for discount, and I don't have enough to buy the retail. At least I'm not addicted to something more harmful, like cigarettes (no offense to anyone who is). [i]3. Do foreign (not Japanese) anime companies pay attention to the popularity of various fansubbed series?[/i] They don't really seem to be doing so. America is concentrating on the music industry. I don't see the TV industry doing any less successful because of anime fansubs. O_o I don't really pay attention to current events, so I may be wrong. I think there have been complaints on the fansubs, but none that have been big enough to catch my attention or any of my other anime watching friends. I download unlicensed and some lisenced anime. Sometimes it makes me feel guilty and Dagger made me feel even more guilty (don't worry about it though). I wish my mother would be a little more openminded and allow me to buy anime when I wish. Just because she and PayPal don't get along, doesn't mean I have to suffer. u_u If she would let me have access to my account, I would probably have more anime, but I am way too conservative, so I may not have more. I get $20 a week to last me through lunch and other stuff. If I buy lunch everyday, it costs me $15 dollars a week. I spend about five a week. Then I either skip lunch or bring it. $15 bucks for me to spend and my mom won't let me give it to her and use her credit card to buy anime online. >sighs< She'll put it in my account though. Downloading or renting the few animes at BlockBuster are my only sources of new anime. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
[color=crimson]Well, someone mentioned Thunder Cats and I started laughing because I remember watching it and my eye kept twitching because the animation was annoying me. The early Gundam series had a problem for me too. I'm not sure what it was, it might have been the roundness of everything (explosions, hair, noses, etc.) or the poor outlinging and definition of most things. I just couldn't watch them. I didn't like how outlined the muscles in DBZ were. Definitely my Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and yours Kinetic. In some series you can tell where money started running low or the artist rushed or got lazy. The artwork seems to change. You can see it in Gundam Wing and Yu Yu Hakusho and lots of other shows. Kinda bothers me, but it's alright. Oh well, I'm crazy and you should all know that. ^_~ ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
[color=crimson]I have read every volume of the manga that has come out so far. I have also seen the first two episodes of the anime. The overall story is really cool, and there are alot of plot twists. It's like riding a rollercoaster! ^_^ The characters are neat. I'll tell you which are my favorite characters next time. I have to go out to lunch. u_u ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
[color=crimson]Well, being made fun of almost everyday for watching anime taught me a few things: 1. People who make fun don't stop at anything. 2. Verbal arguments are fun. ¬_¬ 3. Don't get upset. 4. Always carry proof of the difference between anime and cartoons. ^_^ In my wallet, I have two small magazine clips. One is from Animerica and has some Fruits Bakset's characters on it. The other is from a TV Guide and has Ed, Edd, and Eddy on it. If someone annoys me enough or demands concrete evidence, I just whip out the two clips and catagorize them. Yeah, I have no life. XD Don't worry, Waterflash. You get used to it and people will learn. Some day it may stop all together and world peace will reign over all. ^_^ Not likely, but oh, well. Just ignore your family or something, no need to waste good ramen. ^_~ ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
[color=crimson]I started studying Celtic magick after the Celtic mythology unit in my English class. Sad, but true. If you would like an author who writes wonderful books. Silver Ravenwolf.
[color=crimson]Hmmmm...this is like my Christmas list...I didn't get a single thing on it. 1. Yami no Matsuei (Decendants of Darkness) - Yeah, I am very specific with what I want. I really have wanted this series for a while now. I have seen every episode except 8. I really enjoyed the series and would enjoy owning it. 2. Weiss Kreuz - I don't even remember where I heard about this anime, but I really really want it. I have seen the first five episodes and I have this like obsession with having to one the whole series of an anime I like and this is one of them. 3. Gravitation - I love this anime. It's funny, cute, sad, happy, dramatic, strange, full of angst and bishies. ^_^ I have seen the whole series of this anime and I would really love to have it. Hiro is sooo cute ^____^ There are alot more on my list, but I'll leave it at that for now. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]