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Everything posted by Luminaire

  1. [color=crimson]>sighs< Around here, there are close to zero places to buy anime. I have sights and stuff I have bought anime from, but my mom won't let me use her credit number to order it. [url]www.discountanimedvd.com[/url] is my favorite site. I have spent maybe $250 in all on anime. v_v I can now rent stuff from Blockbuster, but owning it is different. Now manga is another story, I can get it at any bookstore easily. I have ALOT of different mangas. Maybe $600 worth. I wish buying anime was that easy. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  2. [color=crimson]A topless guy is a man without a shirt on. You need to consult a dictionary. I did a double take for that. Shame on you. Are you some kind of feminist promoting the "true woman" in all women? Now I wasn't going to have a problem until you called me a "peeping whore". You needlessy insulted me on a topic that is not at all involved with this thread. And what if I told you I was a guy? If you want to make an issue of this, PM me instead. Don't ruin a perfectly good thread with spam. And, please, go read the rules before you post spam and insults in a thread. And, what makes you so special that you know what a true woman is? You have to be a feminist. That whore comment was totally uncalled for and it was unnecessary. Oh, a 15 year-old whore...what is the world coming to? We could have had this argument peacefully, but, you have ruined that option. You just had to insult me. You had no right to call me a peeping whore. Now, on the topic, Watari's experiments. Does he ever finish that sexchanging potion and get the directions down? I didn't think he did, but I wanted to make sure. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  3. Uh...nudity...? >rewatches anime< where? [quote][i]Originally said by Aunty Mae[/i] [b]This sounds absolutely appalling! Nudity, violence, satan worshipping!? For pete's sake, what we need is another Hitler, whip you whipper-snappers up for something usefull and productive... rather than watching this ... pornography.[/b][/quote] [color=crimson]you sound like my mom....>_> I find a few things wrong in your post. Your opinion is based off what others have said, yet you have mentioned things that have yet to be said. Satan worshipping? I see no one calling on the power of the devil in Yami no Matsuei. Most of the show is based off mythology. I haven't seen any nudity except a topless guy or a guy in a robe in YnM. So where that comment came from, I have no idea. Violence, yes, there is violence. If you want to comment on something and insult it, at least have accurate information to back it up. Watch the show and then let's see what you can say about it and its relationship to pornography. Oh, and Hitler would probably not help much either. The comment about him was what really annoyed me most about your post. It makes your post off-topic. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  4. [color=crimson]Neon Genesis and Gundam Wing were tied for me. I love both series equally.Though they were very different, they were both awesome shows. They both had a storyline different from the norm. The characters were unique. The shows were focused around the mechs, but at the same time kinda said humans were important as well. Both of these animes caught my eye. I first saw Gundam Wing on the Toonami Midnight Run and Evangelion I read the manga first, then saw the show. In the end, I voted for Evangelion for it's little secrets and sybolism. It really made me think. You could hear the gears turning and smell the wood burning in my head. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  5. [color=crimson]Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh! >feels like an idiot< I remember him now. >snickers< Hisoka was a girl...XD Thank you, neko! ^___^ ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  6. [color=crimson]maladjusted has a very good idea. An FFVII anime would be really cool. I think Chaos Legion and Castlevania would also make great animes. Pretty decent storylines, action, good characters. Should be interesting. If I was an anime creator, I would have already tried to make an anime out of all the games I mentioned and probably every other FF game. It would be awesome to see any of those games as an anime. They make live action films from games, but why not animes? ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  7. [color=crimson]I don't think this belongs here, but oh well. I played Kingdom Hearts. It was pretty good. The Disney characters were kind of annoying, but the story was good and the game was interesting. Riku was my favorite character if anyone cares. ^_^ The biggest problem I had with the game was Sora's weapon. It was a key...O_o It just really bugged me. Bringing the Final Fantasy characters into the game was a neat idea, but it makes you wonder if they did that to get the attention of FF players or if they were too lazy to make new characters. There's another one coming out? Do you know if it will be related to the original or not? Phantasyphan, what does GCN mean? >is confused< ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by phantasyphan [/i] [B]anyone else realize that toonami hasn't had the best of anime's on recently, I mean, what ever happened to the 4:00 to 7:00 line-up? Also, whtever happened to Tenchi, I know that they played every single episode at least once, but I know plenty of people that would love to see it come back on, like Ronin Warriors, and old stuff like that. UGH!. :flaming: how come toonami can't just make an e-mail thingy on tv saying what shows you'd like ta see on, oh YEAH!, what ever happened to Gundam, there are soooo many series, but now they have like SD gundam, and it's totally NOT like the others. I mean, WHY CAN'T I CREATE A TIME MACHINE?[/B][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]I don't know where you live, but where I am on the East Coast, Tenchi has been off air for how long? A year? Maybe 2? The 4 to 7 lineup was Toonami. They did that over the summer to fill air time as far as I know. Maybe they will do it again sometime.Gundam 0083 was just played through like 20 times on Adult Swim. Though, seeing Gundam Wing again would be nice. >_> I can't remember what series were going to be aired, but there are to be (I think) 4 new series coming on or back. I think Fushigi Yuugi was on the list, but I am not sure. I think Gundam Seed was one too. Hopefully there will be something you like on. Have patience, grasshopper... ~Lumi ^_^ PS: I tried making a time machine once. All I succeeded in doing was knocking over a lamp...Don't ask. >_>[/color]
  9. [color=crimson]Ahhh...good choice for the arc, VeryKawaiiNeko. The St. Michael Arc was my favorite as well. It was very touching. [/color] [quote][i]Originally said by Verykawaiineko[/i] [b]The work they do is almost professional[/b][/quote] [color=crimson]That had me cracking up. XD I was thinking. The character Terazuma, I don't remember much about him, but he had to have been important for something. >is having a mental blank out< Was he the one with multi-personalities? He was a shinigami, right? I can't remember! >_< ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#707875]Ooo, scar discussion! ^_^; Ahem. Yeah, well...I had chicken pox when I was little. And one of them was on my knee...and I made the mistake of scratching it. So as you can imagine, it became all giant and gross. And it left a big scar.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]Ahhh...the chicken pox. I have a scar on the tip of my nose from scratching mine. It's not that big though. When I was four I was running down the stairs with a toy and I tripped. The toy hit me right on the bridge of the nose and I got a cut, but it didn't break. The scar there looked like my glasses were pushed in too hard. Hmmm...I have this really neat scar on my left arm where I had gotten cut by a knife. When it healed up, some of my freckles were pulled toward the scar and they now connect with others. It kinda looks like a flower. In all, the worst scar I have is across my tummy. I was climbing a tree when I was 7, and there was this little stub where a branch had broken off. It was right by my stomach and slipped when reaching for the next branch and swung to the side and the stub cut right across my tummy. I fell out of the tree too. My dad worked for the First Aid Squad in our town so he brought me there instead of the hospital because it was not like my insides were falling out. They patched my up and sent my home with stitches. I couldn't get up for weeks without help for fear of the stitches tearing. It left a hell of a scar. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  11. [color=crimson]I have seen Yami no Matsuei, but I have yet to buy the series even though I want it soooooooooooo much. >glares at mother< There's a manga? Who is that distributed by? I kinda wish the series was longer, but it was excellently done. I like Watari the best, he's neato! >thinks on what to say< The whole concept of the show is very strange. It was fun trying to explain why the characters don't die. I also liked making corny jokes during the show. "I'm going to kill you!...Again!" ^_^;;;; Lots of puns there. I only made the jokes after I had seen the series once. Yami no Matsuei is on my top three anime list and I have seen most of it over 14 times. Never gets boring! btw, Dagger, the swordsman in the Kyoto Arc that fights with Hisoka is named Oriya. I really like him, so I thought I should point that out. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  12. [color=crimson]I have the soundtrack, but I only saw the trailer once. I can't think of the tune...Any place I could watch the trailer and tell you? ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  13. Luminaire


    [color=crimson]I like Slayer. I borrow the cds from my brother without asking sometimes(or steal if you prefer), or I just listen through the wall. They have some great songs. The first cd is the best. I listen to more rock than metal, but I like Slayer immensely. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  14. [color=crimson]I saw this movie. At least 4 times now. It's a good movie with some very funny and touching parts. I liked it very much. I saw it at my friends house after it first came out. It was a movie where I wouldn't mind watching it more than once. The storyline, both inside and outside, was good. Kinda reminded me of real life. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  15. [color=royalblue]The Hourglass The falling sand Slipping towards the end of time Light of day Dark of night Always dripping like an endless rain Creating dunes Against glass walls Swept away by imagined winds A few grains left Dancing towards the center A hand reaches out The hourglass is turned Time has begun again [/color] [color=crimson]~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  16. [color=crimson]I love this last banner. The color scheme just goes perfect. It's very peaceful, but the colors make it wild at the same time. Very well done. Wish I could do that in PSP, I haven't even finshed with the stupid user guide....>_> I loved your wallpaper that started this whole thread. That background and Chi's skin contrast, and her dress seems to join the background. You have some really awesome stuff in this thread. Keep up the good work! ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  17. [color=crimson]It's for my brother, but I don't think I would ever show it to him. Tell me what you guys think.[/color] [color=royalblue]Questions What happened to your smile? Where has your laughter gone? Why do we never talk anymore? What happened to the boy Who played and laughed with me Who called me silly nicknames Who shares my memories? What happened to the good ol' times Of silly games Of cloud-castle adventures Of chasing fireflies? What happened to my best friend Who talked to me late at night Who cared about my happiness With whom I never had a fight? What happened to my brother? Am I nothing to you now? Why do all our happy memories make me cry?[/color] [color=crimson]~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  18. Luminaire


    [color=crimson]I love this show...hmmmmm 1. "Wooden Cannon". They built a wooden medival style cannon. Then, they had to see if it worked. The whole process of trying to make it the same way peole in the 1400s would have (without power tools) was neat. The actual firing of it was awesome, but I wonder why it didn't catch on fire. The myth proved true because it worked the first 2 or 3 times it was shot off, then I believe it blew up. I don't really remember. 2. Jamie. He's quiet, but funny. He has some smart aleck comment up his sleeve the whole time. 3. I would recommend it because you get to see if those ridiculous stories you hear are true or not. It's actually a neat show, and you can learn stuff from it. Like the cannon. They told about how they made it and stuff in the 1400s. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  19. [color=crimson]It always seems to be on, so when ever I have nothing better to do, I put it on. Most Extreme Elimination! It's so funny. I love the voiceovers of the competitors. Some are kinda rude, but others are hysterical. "Oh, look, a birdy!" >falls off log< It's a very interesting show. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  20. Luminaire

    old songs

    [color=crimson]"Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" and "Rubberband Man" are my favorite older songs. The first one is just so much fun to sing to, and it has a great beat. I don't know why I like the second one. My mother gave me a 70s cd and it was on there, and it was an instant favorite. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  21. [color=crimson]I love Daft Punk. Scary thing is, I first heard of them from kuja (the banned one alot of people disliked). I got their cd, Discovery, awhile ago and my friends got hooked. My favorite song is Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger. I also like Too Long. Daft Punk is great because I can listen to their music for hours on end and not get bored. >is listening to it right now< ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  22. [color=crimson]Wow, I am a hero. I did do that in MS Paint. The little orange cat under the gray mouse is Kyou Sohma is his cat form. I drew that and scanned it for someone to use on a site. It can get confusing...maybe i should put numbers on all of them and ask which ones need improving...16 rows...21 columns...336 pics...maybe not...but I do plan on changing the one pic in the very bottom right corner to something else. I'll try the faded layer of color...I put it in grayscale also already, that is in this post. I went alittle crazy with PSP and made red, green, and indigo. If there is too much color just say so. A wee bit of colordidn't look so great. I got a headache making it...>_> Here are the four new ones [url]http://luminaire.250free.com/Wallpaper/wallpaper50gray.jpg[/url] [url]http://luminaire.250free.com/Wallpaper/wallpaper50indigo.jpg[/url] [url]http://luminaire.250free.com/Wallpaper/wallpaper50green.jpg[/url] [url]http://luminaire.250free.com/Wallpaper/wallpaper50red.jpg[/url] ~Lumi ^_^[/color] Edit: Sorry, I moved some stuff around for organization purposes. ^_^;;;
  23. [color=crimson]My friends and I once went to a really expensive restaurant for dinner. My friend's boyfriend was treating us to it. Well, the other people in the restaurant were glaring at us because we were wearing casual clothes (Slayer t-shirts, jeans, sneakers, etc.), and every time we would laugh they would "shh" us. So, my friend and her boyfriend decided to have a little snog session right in front of everyone. You know that awkward feeling when the whole room goes silent? Happened right then, as they were so immersed they actually toppled off the chair (my friend was sitting on his lap). We left a little while after that...>_>;;;; ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  24. [color=crimson]In all actuality, don't our votes not count? >thinks of lesson from history in 7th grade< As far as the government voting process goes, they already know who will be president before the voting even starts. There's this group of people, can't remember the name, who choose who is best. Does anyone else find it suspicious that Gore would have won if Florida hadn't had its little mishap? If Gore had won Florida, he would have won. It seemed strange to me. Personally, if I even register to vote at 18, I would vote for the one who would do more good things for the country. Or, the one who matches most of my ideals. It really depends on who you are. (sounded so cheesy) ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  25. [color=crimson]Mostly random. If you look to the right, there are a lot of pics of Yuki from Gravitation together. I didn't notice it until now. Since it was random, I kept losing track of which pics I used or didn't use, so I think there may be at least two repeats. I original had a border, but it added size to the pic. I think I'll try again. Any color particularly? And, wiccan, I can name all of them. I have every single on of the full pics in my pic library and I saved all the little ones as AIM icons and avatars. If you really like any certain pic you can pm me for an avatar or just the pic. ^_^;;; ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
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