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Everything posted by Luminaire

  1. [color=crimson]Good ones phantom. I like the second one alot. [i]Dying in spirit Tired in body and mind Damn reality[/i] Hmmm, these always make me think, but I can make them really fast. [i]We are connected By an invisible string I cut with scissors[/i] ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  2. [color=crimson]I have neither .hack Mutation nor Infection. What I do have though is the display box for Outbreak. ^_^ I love it. I asked for it in a local Gamestop, the guy gave me a weird look, said it came out in september and then said ok. That was August, he also mentioned about reserving a copy of Quarintine, which I did a few days ago. If I reserved that I got discounts on the 3 previous games which was cool, but I still can't afford them. v_v ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  3. [color=crimson]I like the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack very much, I was gonna buy it, but I discovered I was about a buc short, and I haven't seen it in a store since. The music has a lot of variety to it: blues, rock, funk, country, you name it. My personal faves are: Call Me, Call Me Want It All Back Real Folk Blues GreenBird and Blue I also enjoy some other songs from other animes. Tangerine Dream(don't know the Japanese name) from Inu Yasha, Dearest from Inu Yasha, Heart of Sword from Rurouni Kenshin, Yasashii Yoake and Obsession from .hack//SIGN, etc. The songs all have great tunes, good lyrics, and a great show it goes with. ^_~ ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  4. [color=crimson]I really like Princess Mononoke very much. I rented it from Blockbuster every week for about 6 months straight. The people at the store were like "Just buy the damned movie!" Well, I liked the idea of the destruction of the forest and the animals fighting back. Reminded me of the Rain Forest. The idea of hatred turning gods into demon was cool too. Have you ever had someone hate you and when they look at you, you can say they look like a demon in some way? The characters, story, animation, and music were gripping and I never want to let them go. I thought it was funny how A****aka's hair would leviate when he was angry. The relation's between A****aka and the other characters were a little strange to me. Does he hate anyone or at least dislike someone? I thought it was Eboshi, but that didn't work out. Oh, what was the movie rated? ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  5. [color=crimson]>looks to MistressRoxie< 1 >looks around< er...1... In my group of 5 friends, Roxie is the only one who may like anime and know what it is and others. I have one friend who sat and watched some of Escaflowne, but she doesn't like anything else. And, another who like Rurouni Kenshin, Inu Yasha, and Yu Yu Hakusho, but not any others. But, in my school, I have found quite a few people who like anime. Yet, I don't have classes with them. >_< To most people, that is like my secret life. >.> ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  6. [color=crimson]In middle school, 7th and 8th graders get to take archery in the district. I loved it! I think I was in the top 20 or so for archers in the school. ^_^ When I was going into high school, I was thinking of taking the university program called Theatrical Arts. I have stage-fright, but I wanted to take it for the theatrical combat part. I decided against it, but I might join fencing. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  7. [color=crimson]Grr...>thinks of Ms. Kokanokis< She hated me. I have no idea why, she just did. We did absolutely nothing in her American Studies class, I would sit and read, and she would tell me to pay attention when the kids in the corner were playing Connect Four. >rolls eyes< I was the only one she ever lectured about missing class for choir or band or something when like half the class also went. It was annoying. I was going to tell her off, but I didn't want to get into trouble, so I wrote it down on a paper, and showed it to Roxie who gave me a big grin, thumbs up, and said "go you!" I hate teachers like that. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hiei Jagashi [/i] [B]The manga of escaflowne is so much different then the anime.When i say different i meen almost totaly different.The actull escaflowne looks totaly different and even some of the characters are totaly different.Its so confusing.I think its realy strange. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]Yeah, I know what you mean. I showed the manga to a few of my friends and then a pic of Escaflowne and Hitomi in the show, and they were like: [SIZE=10]O_o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;[/SIZE] They are really different. Oh, I found another reason why I like Escaflowne. It has like a medieval theme to it. Kings and Queens, knights and dragons, etc. I find it interesting with the mix of like futuristic technology and the past. Very cool. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  9. [color=crimson]^____^ Thank you guys and gals for the advice! I'm gonna try to start it. Today at lunch I got 13 people to sign for the idea of the club. My mum said maybe if I can't find a teacher and I had the people, I could possibly ask the office to send a bulletine through the school to find someone willing. Asian Apprecitation and learning about other cultures and maybe some Japanese too, seems to be the best reasons for why the board would give permission. Sadly, Molleta, considering the number of kids in the school and how would join from just my lunch, I don't think meeting at someone's house would work. I thought about that too. I am moving to a smaller house in october, and the basement I currently have would be great for the club, but my mum would strangle me if I tried it. Basement in the new house is uber small. v_v A good thing though is that out of the 13 people that signed, only 2 people don't own any anime. And, students from all four grade levels were interested. I think this might actually work! ^_^ ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  10. Luminaire


    [color=crimson]Hmmm...Trigun. I have only ever seen the first episode. I would really like to finish the show though. I thought the love of doughnuts thing was cute. From what I have seen of other episodes, the story is good, characters are great, plot twists, humor. All good stuff in my opinion. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  11. [color=crimson]Hmmmm...Wow, this is actually hard for me... Aoshi Shinomori's swordstyle, kodachi-nitou-ryu, and his double kodachis. Spike Speigel's trench coat. O_o;;;;; And...A Caster Gun and shells from Outlaw Star. ^_^ ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  12. [color=crimson]I would have to say "Through the Night" from Outlaw Star is my favorite. I loooove many others, but that one is my favorite. The song has a great beat, nice lyrics, and a great video strip that goes with it. Rurouni Kenshin's "Sobakasu" is another of my favorites. I prefer "Sobakasu" over "Freckle", though I do like the latter. It's "cute", I like the lyrics, but they sound better in Japanese to me. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  13. [QUOTE][I]Originally posted by stormy_weather[/I] [B]my friend only lives a block away so me and my sis would walk over there every day and hang out[/B][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]Oh, the hardships one endure for a great anime. I enjoy the fact alot of people know of Escaflowne and like it. When I originally saw the commercial for it, I thought it would be stupid. Then I ended up watching the first episode and I was addicted, then I got me sis into it. That may have been one of the only times my sister and I got along very well. Great anime brings people together.(coughcornycough) ^_^ ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i] [B]Well, I don't know about your school, but at my school you just need a teacher that will let you use their room and basically just supervise. They can do whatever they like while we watch it; they don't even have to like anime to begin with. Right now I'm asking any teacher I can.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]I'm a freshman this year and I was going to find as many anime fans in my school as I could and see what they thought about the idea of a club. A few people I know have huge collections of varied animes that would be good, and I have a few of my own. Finding a teacher and asking the school principal and getting the board's apporval is required though. I have a few teachers in mind, but it might be hard to find a classroom because the whole school is basically demolished with construction. I had been thinking this over last year too. I have most of the actual workings of the club figured out, but the approval is needed and I have absolutely no leadership skills. Funny thing I thought about was 'what if we can't get a T.V. and VCR/DVD player?' In my basement, we have one of each. XD If anyone has any suggestions on how I should go about getting permission, please post. I have no confidence, so I am kinda afraid to ask. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  15. [color=crimson]I saw it on cable too. It freaked me out, but I liked it. I don't remember much about it, so if I could, I would be willing to watch it again. While parts were disgusting, I think the most disgusting thing I have seen in anime was when someone's intestines fell out and piled out the road in Akira. >gags< The plot was good and the movie itself was very interesting, I sat till 3am watching it(must have been good). ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  16. [color=crimson]Oh, I know some of these. I crack up every time I hear the "Open foot, insert mouth" line. Characters and numbers don't mix either. If they say the number once, it's ok, but more than once it changes. Most of the clothing in anime is magical at some point or another. ^_^ Duo's outfit in Gundam Wing goes through a large variety of black and blues. Spike's yellow shirt changes to white in one ep, his hair turns black for like 12 seconds one time too, I counted. Throughout the Gundam UC series, the name Zeon goes through many changes: Zenon, Zena, Zeno, I heard just Zon once too. Left and right? In one episode of the dark tournament in Yu Yu Hakusho, Hiei is holding his katana in his injured right hand(which should not be able to hold anything), but the screen goes to the enemy and when it comes back, his katana is now in the left hand. This happens a few other times with Kurama's rose whip too. It also happens in Rurouni Kenshin and some of the Gundam series and Escaflowne. Fun to spot these thing! ^_^ ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  17. [color=crimson]I have all 9 issues that have come out where I live and I am patiently waiting for #10. I am big on mythology, so when I heard there was a manga based off my favorite, Norse, I was like "I have but a penny, but I will have it!" I went to Borders and sat and read the first issue. I really liked it. So, I eventually bought it. The story is good and there is drama, humor, and fighting, which kept me interested. Also, there are ALOT of plot twists that keep the story going. Oh, you don't have to study Norse mythology to understand this manga either, most of the stuff you need to know is explained in the books themselves. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B]No, its not and I'll tell you why. G Gundam is more based around a fighting video game mentality like Street Fighter or whatever. You don't see them taking out whole fleets of skilled mecha pilots, but Devil Gundam hordes...--; HOWEVER, Wing is tied into the Rangers more. Five frickin invincible mobile suits, who can somehow take out legions among legions of enemies without dying or even getting hit... MOST realistic? LMAO! When one mobile suit can take on the entire enemies' full on fleet and not recieve any drawbacks, please tell me how that is realistic. I don't care how skilled a pilot is, u can't dodge that many simultaneous shots. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]What about the pilot? Duo got caught and thrown in jail with Heero and Wufei. While the mobile suits are ment to be indestructable, the pilots are not, and that was shown in the series. I think what most people meant by most realistic is how most of the futuristic technology was looked into and explained to some extent. And, just the ideas and dreams and hopes in the show for peace and a better life kept me dreaming too. That's what I found great about Gundam Wing. I also very much enjoyed 08th MS Team. I would sneak downstairs and watch it on the Toonami Midnight Run on a school night, really pissing off my mum. I loved the series, the end made me cry. My friends think I am weird cause I loved and understood a 13 episode show, but I still love and talk about it all the time. My older brother even liked this series. I liked G Gundam to some extent, but it got boring. When both my older brothers sat down to watch it with me, we ended up imitating the character and making up really corny lines like "Oh, yes, I now remember the secret special technique that defeats everything!" And, we did it in these really funny voices. There were so many stupid things in the show like that that was a turn-off for me. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  19. [color=crimson]1) At the end of the series, quite a few questions were left unanswered: What happened to the gundams, what about Lady Une and the other Oz and WhiteFang people? So the movie answered most, plus there was some info about Trowa's past. 2) It was her father's will and Dekim Barton kinda brainwashed her into it. Being Treize's only child, she was the perfect person to threaten the peace. 3) If you read Episode Zero, it kinda explains how Mariemeia is really Treize's daughter. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  20. [color=crimson]I chose Trowa for the most intriguing character. He has no name, no past, is silent, and that creepy-eyed stare. I find him the most challenging to figure out and so do most of the other characters. Everything concerning his past from the family he can't remember to the mercanaries he worked with fascinate me. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  21. [color=crimson]Name: Merle Age: 14 Planet: Gaea Description: [img]http://www.birdangel.net/escaflowne/ci01.jpg[/img] Bios: After the war, Merle returned to Fanelia with Van in order to help with reconstruction. Though Van ordered her to stay behind and help with the finishing construction of Fanelia, Merle does not listen and follows. She doesn't want Van-sama to get into trouble. Weapon: Dagger(though I don't think Merle ever uses it) I think most of that is right. I love Merle! ^_^ ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  22. [color=crimson]The middle school I just finished had the same rule. I don't know why, but it has been there for years. I tried to make as many stops at my locker as I could, and I started making one-subject notebooks multi-subject. @_@ Now, going to highschool, the rule is not enforced there. I just don't get it. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  23. [color=crimson]You know, I find it ironic that you are going through the same thing my mom went through when my brother, Christopher, died at birth. I wasn't even 1. We found out he died on April 1st, thus I am not a fan of April Fool's Day. Jeez...I didn't even know I would have had a younger brother until I was four. My parents didn't want to tell me. My mom also had the nervous breakdown and disappear for awhile thing. She came back, and turned into a workaholic. My dad always stayed with me and the rest of my siblings. He worked for the first aid squad in the town, so he had more time. I saw my mom go through the same exact thing you are going through for the first 4 years of my life. It takes time to heal. Good luck, and I will remember Christophe as much as I remember Christopher. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  24. [color=crimson]Since there was a disagreement on Greek and Roman and Christian mythology, here's some fun info. The Roman culture was Hellinistic, which means based off Greek society. All the Roman gods are just the Greek gods with different names. Zeus and Jupiter are the same, Mars and Aries, Minerva and Athena. You get the point. Hades was Pluto. When Christianity is thrown into the mix, the devil/Satan is kinda based off Hades. Since Hades had Cerberus, it was only "natural" for stories and tales to get mixed and melded. Chimeras, I can't believe someone mentioned them! ^_^ >glomps sadclown< ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Artemis [/i] [B] I usually dont' like stories where the main character suddenly wakes up and it was all a dream, but this one was pretty good. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]Actually, that was added one afterwards, I didn't like it very much, but the teacher said there were too many things left hanging so I just threw that on, either that or pick up from where I left off in someone else's third-person POV. Maybe Wufei. Thank you very much for all who reviewed. ^_^ ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
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