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Everything posted by Luminaire

  1. Has any mod even looked at this? O_o Spam-mania and triple posting. Don't do that anymore Dark Knight or you be in big trouble. ~Lumi ^_^
  2. [color=crimson]I have the entire series in Japanese on DVD. It cost me $38 on discountanimedvd.com. I watched the all 26 episodes in two days and rewatched the first 17 the next day. I love this show. Escaflowne originally aired on Fox Kids and my little sis and I would run(literally) home from school every afternoon, make popcorn and sit to watch Escaflowne. Though I must admit Fox Kids changed quite a few things, I still enjoyed it very much. After a while, even my older brother would sit and watch it with us. Out of all the characters, I like Merle, Folken, and Allen the best. Merle is so funny and very cute. Folken is just cool. And, Allen...his sword fighting skills and nobility as a knight were very interesting to me. The guymelefs were cool too. Escaflowne had a very cool design, but if you really think, why do all the other guymelefs look the same? No clue. The storyline of the show had me watching for hours/days on end. I love the way the twists in the plot would change the entire guess you had made for the ending. [spoiler]I really didn't understand at first, how Hitomi was the one creating the future. I was like "Wha???" And Dilandu really being Allen's sister? I was like O_O[/spoiler] What suprises! ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  3. [color=crimson]I have thought more than once about leaving. But, being 15 and still under the rule of my parents, I wouldn't get very far. I would like to be in France, but nope, no passport. I don't like to argue so, whatever. Tough crowd, ne? I have a weird question though which is a bit off topic. >.> Is suicide legal? Cause if murder is illegal, isn't suicide sorta related? Bleh, I wish I was still invisible on this board. v_v ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  4. [color=crimson]It's not hating an individual person. Think about the person. What is it you do not like about them? Have you ever met someone else that had that same problem that you disliked? Maybe it's unintentional. Like earlier in this thread someone had mentioned that they did not like some black people because they were loud. But, the same person had no mention of anything else they did not like about the people. Would that not make them racist toward loud people? Or people who maybe(in the person's opinion) over-express themselves? Ok, maybe I think too much on the subject. Don't get offended or anything. My comments in this thread are to get people to think, not upset. >feels bad< >sighs< I dug a hole by ranting...fun fun...you could have just ignored me, it's what everyone does... >.> ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  5. [color=crimson]O_o;;;; Does that count? >.> Do you noramlly speak like that? Oh well, I forgot something and convienently a post popped up. Justin, what you said, I completely agree. I passed a house today that had the words "God Bless America" in Christmas lights on the front lawn. I started ranting and raving to myself about how sick I was of the patriotism Americans [i]suddenly[/i] had AFTER sept. 11th. I am thoroughly fed up with America as it is. I can't even say the flag salute, it's like brainwashing. The worst line of the whole thing is "One nation under God", isn't there more than one nation in this world? I don't want to turn this into a religious talk, but this whole America and God relationship does not work out in my mind. I believe God does not control fate, just watches it. I do believe it's high time American pulled its head from its a** and stopped with the arrogance prance. Argh! >tears out hair from seeing that sign again< ~Lumi >_
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Die Krähe [/i] [B] Jews killed my Christ. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]Out of all you said, Die. That has got to be the weirdest. Er...Jesus was Jewish. So...do you hate him too? [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by THx11 [/i] [B]Racist people are the lowest form of life. They belong in hell. [/B] [/QUOTE] Look, another case of racism of racists! But do think, every racist person who read that post must suddenly want the same thing to happen to you, ne?(no offense meant, need to make point) [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matto Tradagen[/i] [B]Yes, I have laughed at few racist jokes. Hasn't everyone at one point? I laughed because it was just a joke someone was telling. [/B] [/QUOTE] Er...yeah I laughed a very fake laugh, then slapped the person who told the joke upside the head...That a bad thing? Ah, the questions that follow racism are so many. Earlier I had asked if I hated racist people was I showing racism to them, but when I looked at some of the post, people would say that they disliked SOME of those people. I personally believe that any kind of hate towards any other being on this earth is racism. Some may call it prejudice, but aren't prejudice and racism closely related? If you do not like someone, what is it about them you do not like? Voice, attitude, some kind of look? If you answered that question, would you not be racist against people with the problem you have with just one particular discomfort with? Six billion people are out there, all different, yet all the same. Hating at least one other person in this world, yet having no action against them. How many people hate Bush? Or Sadaam Hussein? Or Al Queida? There is nothing wrong with hate. Humans live by hate and greed and pride. Without hate in the world, there would be no love, or we would not be able to distinguish what love was. So, six billion racist people are out there. I am not accusing anyone of racism, but you have to be able to think of at least one person you dislike. Me? Racist people who express it. I am racist against them. I do not hate them really, more like they...[i]annoy[/i] me, for lack of a better term. I think any and everyone has the right to hate, but would the world not be a better place if you kept it to yourself? Thus we have gone in a circle. >sings< "The road goes ever on and on..." ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  7. [color=crimson]Ahhh, this story is not so popular, I was hoping for more input on my writing skills, but since you guys wanna see the rest. I put some comments, in here it is:[/color] Duo walked down the hall. To him it seemed to take forever to get to the dining room. Again, Duo felt a poke in his back. Once again he turned around to see no one. Just his shadow from the sun shining in the window on the back door was behind him. He continued walking. He felt another poke and turned around again; no one was there. He looked to the dining room door; he should have been there by now. He started towards the door once again, only to feel another poke. He whirled around, no one was there. He turned again and heading for the dining room door, glaring at it like it had betrayed him. Before he could feel another poke, he whirled around. Trowa was two feet away from him. Duo sighed in relief then glared at Trowa, ?Why do you go around poking people like that, Tro?? ?What do you mean?? Trowa asked. ?You know full well what I mean,? Duo was pretty angry, ?You sneak up behind me, poke my back, then duck into a room before I turn around!? Trowa stared at him in shock. He knew Duo was acting weird, but this was way out of the normal. He took a step towards Duo. Duo recoiled and put up his fists defensively, ?It was really mean of you to scare me, but if you plan on hurting me now, I will never forgive you.? ?Too late,? Trowa said in a sinister voice. Just then the hall seemed to grow colder and he seemed to change. Trowa jumped forward and punched Duo in the stomach. Duo stumbled back winded. He clutched his stomach and nearly fell to his knees. He was about to retaliate when he thought of a better idea. He turned and ran for the dining room door; he knew Quatre could help. He reached the door and looked back, Trowa was on his heels. He threw himself into a forward roll to the door. He came right out of the roll to be standing in the dining room. The hair on the back of his neck went up as he felt Trowa fly by the door. He glanced around the room, and his mouth dropped open. Quatre and Trowa were still at the window talking to Heero. Wufei just got into the kitchen. Trowa was in the dining room. ?But that?s impossible?? Duo whispered to himself. Quatre turned around and saw his shocked expression. Duo quickly walked out and looked both directions down the hall before going back into the dining room. He gave Trowa a wary look then went to check out the food. ?Yum,? he said happily to Quatre and Trowa, ?eggs, bacon, and toast: my favorite.? Quatre smiled and looked to Trowa who was staring at Duo cautiously. Quatre?s eyes shot over to Duo quickly to see him watching Trowa warily, as well and walking around the other side of the table. It was as if Duo did not want to go near Trowa. Quatre?s eyes shot between Duo and Trowa so fast he started to get dizzy. Neither Duo nor Ryo seemed to notice his stare. So instead, Quatre looked to Heero. Heero was gone from the kitchen, but he was standing in the dining room door. Wufei walked in too. He had a fresh pot of coffee. Duo?s wary look at Trowa turned to one of delight at the smell of coffee. ?Ah, coffee,? he said warmly, ?What kind is it, Fei?? ?It?s French Vanilla,? He stated as he took a sip from his mug. Quatre looked between Wufei and Duo, ?What?s with you two and coffee?? ?It?s ?so? good,? Duo said as he stole the pot from Wufei and poured his own mug. ?It?s not healthy to drink coffee when you are a teenager,? Trowa pointed out. Both Wufei and Duo shrugged and took a sip of their coffee at the same time. Heero took his seat and grabbed the pot of coffee. He studied the pot for a while and finally poured a cup. ?That stuff has no nutritional value, you know,? Trowa quickly stated not really caring if the coffee did have something healthy in it. He did not want to see what would happen to Heero if he drank caffeinated coffee. Heero stopped right before he took a sip and put the cup between Wufei and Duo. Duo grinned as Wufei started to protest, but Trowa threw a hand over his mouth before he could say the nutrition facts of the coffee. ?So, what is everyone doing today?? Quatre asked as they ate. ?I was thinking of going to the movies,? Wufei said with a big smile. ?I am going to help out at the hospital again,? Trowa stated. ?I am heading to help on construction with the new church,? Duo said through a mouthful of toast. ?I am going to get the groceries, it is my turn,? Heero said. ?And, I am going to visit my sister in the next town over,? Quatre finished for them. ?Quatre?the next town over is like 25 miles away,? Duo pointed out, ?We are living in the desert, how do you plan to get there?? ?Roxie is sending a car to pick me up,? Quatre said. ?Good luck on the roads,? Heero said, ?The sandstorm did a real job on closing some of them.? ?Oh yeah,? Quatre said in sudden realization, ?sandstorms are so unpredictable.? ?Isn?t it supposed to rain anyway today?? Wufei asked; he always kept track of the weather, ??The problem with living in a desert is the rain. If it rains it rains ?a lot?.?? He had quoted the weatherman. She even used his lame British accent. Duo had to laugh at the corny imitation. ?Thank you, Duo,? Wufei said with a big grin, ?I?m here all week.? Breakfast ended with entertainment as the coffee that Duo and Wufei drank kicked in and they started flinging food and singing ?Rain Rain Go Away?. ([color=crimson]O_o[/color]) It was Duo?s turn to do the dishes today. He pouted and pleaded all week that he should not have to do them before going to church. Quatre refused to give in. ?Since I am paying the rent because I?m rich, you guys do the chores,? Quatre had said. Quatre?s father was the owner of the Winner Corporation, and Quatre was his only son out of fifteen children. So, basically, Quatre was ?very wealthy?. Duo sighed and headed to do the dishes. He stacked the dirty plates on his left arm, put the silverware on top of the plates, put a piece of bacon in his mouth, and picked up three of the five glasses with his right hand. He walked carefully over to the window that connected to the kitchen and set down the glasses, silverware, and plates. He went back to the table and grabbed the last of the glasses and the plates on which the bacon, eggs, and toast had been on. He put those through the window too. He normally would jump through the window into the kitchen, but this time he was afraid of knocking over something. He went out into the hall instead. Trowa was waiting for him out there. Trowa pushed himself off the wall. ?Are you afraid of me or something?? Trowa asked. He wanted to know what was wrong with Duo, but it seemed like Duo was a little jumpy so he did not want to scare him. ?No,? Duo said quickly and walked to the other side of the hall before continuing down to the living room and the kitchen. ?Then why are you walking as far away from me as possible?? ?Because,? Duo stated, he did not even bother to finish the statement. ?What is wrong with you, man?? Trowa asked. ?Nothing, now if you don?t mind I need to get to the kitchen to do dishes,? Duo said curtly. Trowa stepped in front of Duo before Duo could walk any further. Duo growled in frustration and tried to walk around him. Trowa was having trouble keeping Duo away from the door at the end of the hall, and he had to actually push Duo back at one point. Duo finally stopped trying to get by, ?What do you want?? He asked wearily. ?I want to know what is wrong,? Trowa said in a warm voice. ?I told you I was fine,? Duo said, ?But even if I told you the truth, you wouldn?t believe me.? ?All right, I have another question.? ?Shoot.? ?Why are you afraid of me?? ?Well, if I hurt you, wouldn?t you be afraid of me?? ?What?? Trowa was at a total loss for words. ?I will admit you hit pretty hard, but not as hard as Heero,? Duo said smiling even though Trowa could tell Duo was angry. ?I didn?t hit you,? Trowa declared. ?Yes, you did,? Duo said through clenched teeth. ?No, I didn?t,? Trowa protested. ([color=crimson]yes, the sound of third-graders[/color]) Duo lifted up his shirt to reveal a nasty bruise on his stomach, ?Oh really?? ?When did that happen, Duo?? Trowa asked; he really wanted to see if Duo was sick or Heero had hit him. ?In this hallway right before breakfast,? Duo seethed, ?You should know.? ?But I don?t know,? Trowa countered. Finally, he leaped forward and grabbed Duo?s arm so he could not run, and placed his hand on Duo?s forehead. Duo jerked then froze. ?Just calm down, Duo,? he said to him. Duo was not listening, he began to struggle, ?Let go!? he shouted at Trowa. Trowa was suddenly on his back as Duo threw him over his shoulder so he would let go. Duo?s face contorted in pain as his wrist twisted with the move, but it did not break so he was fine. ?Sorry,? Duo apologized as Trowa started to get up. He looked really angry so he bolted for the dining room. He reached the dining room in record time. Duo ran straight through and did his famous dive and roll through the window to the kitchen. Amazingly, nothing fell off the counter where he left the dirty dishes. He came out of the roll and turned around to close the shutters on the window just as Trowa?s hand shot through. Trowa grabbed his shirt collar and tried to pull him back through. Trowa?s eyes were wide as he realized that he did not want to do what he was doing and had no control to stop himself. Duo looked at him fearfully. ?Duo, remember what happened to Quatre?? he asked solemnly. Duo nodded meekly. ?I think it is happening to me now,? Trowa told him. ?What should I do?? Duo asked. ?See that frying pan?? he waited until Duo nodded, ?Grab it, hit me with it ([color=crimson]Sorry, need to make comment, I like the idea of hitting people with frying pans[/color]), and when I let go, run. Head for Heero?s room, he got Quatre out of his problem.? ?How is it that you are not trying to kill me like Quatre?? Duo asked. ?My mind is calmer and I can control myself easier, so maybe I am fighting it,? Trowa suggested with a slight shrug. ?Before I do this, I apologize,? Duo said as he reached for the frying pan. Duo grabbed the frying pan and swung it at Trowa?s headed. He winced as it hit and was immediately free to run, and that is exactly what he did. Following Trowa?s instruction he headed into the living room and towards the stairs. He was about half way up the steps when Trowa came out of the hall. Duo broke into a full sprint, jumping up the stairs three at a time. He reached the top and ran for Heero?s room. He shouted while he ran. ?Heero!? Duo shouted frantically not really knowing what to say, ?Open your door!? Heero?s door swung open and his head popped out. He saw Duo coming down the hall at a dead run and Trowa was following with a knife he must have picked up in the kitchen. Heero jumped out of the way for Duo to come in. Trowa charged in shortly after. Heero slammed his door shut and all three of them were shrouded in darkness. Even in the morning with the sun right outside the window, his room was pitch black. He had a sheet over his window. ?Heero?? Duo called out from somewhere in the room, ?Why is it so dark in here?? ?Because I like the dark,? Heero stated from somewhere else in the room. ?Ow!? Trowa exclaimed from somewhere in the darkness, ?I think I just stabbed my hand on something!? ?Ouch,? Duo said trying to find Trowa, ?Can you turn on a light?? ?No,? Heero said in his most expressionless voice. ?Okay,? Duo said, ?Hey, I found the bed.? Trowa looked around to pinpoint Duo?s voice; somehow he swore he heard an echo. ?Are you guys there?? Duo?s voice called out as he tried to find someone or the door. No one really ever went in Heero?s room, so he didn?t know the layout. ?Here,? Trowa called as if taking attendance. ?I?m by the door still,? Heero said from somewhere to Duo?s right. Duo closed his eyes and waited for them to adjust to the darkness. Out of nowhere he muttered, ?I don?t here it anymore.? ?What don?t you here anymore?? Trowa asked from his left. ?That damn voice,? Duo explained curtly as he tried to figure out why. He must have realized that Duo did not want to talk about this voice so he kept quiet and waited for his eyes to adjust. He was finally able to see an outline of both Duo and Heero and some of the various items in the room. Suddenly, thunder boomed outside and made Duo jump, ?Heero, please turn on a light or let me out,? Duo nearly pleaded. ?All right,? Heero responded from the right. The door opened immediately afterwards. Duo was out of the room in a flash of black. His black clothing had fit well in the dark room. He turned around to look at what was in Heero?s room. His mouth dropped open. Lying all over the furniture, except on the bed, were computer parts and what appeared to be parts of guns. In one corner there was a laptop in front of a beanbag chair. In another corner there was a small tool bench. Duo had the urge to go and fiddle with some of the computer parts and tools. ?Well, I now see why you spend so much time in here,? Duo said with an impressed whistle, ?what?s with the gun parts though? The war?s over.? ?Self defense,? Heero replied. ?Don?t tell Quatre.? ?Why would we do that?? Trowa asked as he too exited the room. ?I don?t know,? Heero admitted, ?but some people are unpredictable.? Duo realized that last statement was directed toward him. ?Not a word,? Duo promised. Mostly everyone was gone by the time Duo had finished the dishes. Quatre was forced to stay home due to the bad roads; he had received a call from Roxie. Trowa went to the hospital, which was actually a small one-floored building. He had to take one of the two umbrellas they owned, it rarely rained where they were. Wufei was hopping about at that moment trying to get rain boots on his feet. He was heading for the small theatre in the town; the theatre was for tourists who normally stopped by during spring and fall, but it was winter at the moment. With his rain boots on and a smug grin to Duo he took the last umbrella and left. Duo waited for Heero to appear downstairs before leaving. Duo liked the rain, but hated thunder. So, he waited so he could walk with Heero. Duo stared out the window, watching as the rain fell. His amethyst eyes reflected back at him every time lightning flashed. He heard soft footsteps on the stairs and turned to find Quatre behind him. ?Is Heero up there still?? Duo asked Quatre. ?No he left a minute ago,? Quatre told him. ?Really? How did he get by me?? Duo questioned with shock in his voice. ?You know Heero: always quiet and secretive,? Quatre said with a smile. ?See you around, Q-ball,? Duo said as he rushed out the door to catch up with Heero. As soon as he stepped out the door thunder rumbled in the sky, Duo visibly cringed, ?Stupid thunder,? he muttered to himself. As he walked he thought about the voice. It was still gone. Ever since he went into Heero?s dark room it had been quiet. His thoughts wandered to what the voice had said: ?Shadow?Sunlight?? What is that supposed to mean? Duo thought to himself. He next remembered what happened to Wufei. He was probably going to have scars the rest of his life. Once again Duo?s thoughts turned back to the voice and the slashes that form two words: Shadow and Sunlight. He growled in frustration as he realized the words were opposites. He stopped and tried to think of a connection the two words had. ?Bingo!? Duo snapped his fingers as he thought of a relationship, ?Sunlight creates shadows. One mystery solved.? The next question was if the voice was good or bad. It might be a warning, he realized, or I could be crazy. Duo was sure the latter was not the answer. ?A warning?? Duo said thoughtfully to himself out loud, ?What could it mean?? ?Wait a minute?? he paused in his walking again. An image of watching the sun set over the horizon before seeing what happened to Trowa popped into Duo?s head. Next came the sunrise through the kitchen window, as well as the dining room window. Both images were followed by a picture of the shaded wall of their house and the sunny area around it. ?Holy?? Duo trailed off before using any profane language, ?All the attacks happened under the sun, none happened at night?? He had just figured out the Sunlight part of the warning. ?Shadow?Shadow?? Duo said to himself repeatedly out loud as he quickened his pace to find Heero. An image of Quatre?s shadow disappearing when he went into the shade popped into his mind next, the same thing happened when Trowa ran into Heero?s room. The sun had gone down after Trowa had been attacked. After all the attacks, there were no shadows. ?The shadows have come to life,? Duo felt as if he was reading a book. He quickly took out a small walky-talky. Wufei, Trowa, Quatre, and Heero all had the smile radio, as well, except all of them had a different channel. Heero rarely ever kept his with him though. Duo quickly tuned into channel four to message Quatre, ?Quatre if you are there pick up the walky-talky.? Duo was glad the town was no bigger than five miles in every direction; the walky-talky did not work outside of a five mile radius. ?Quatre here. Over,? Quatre responded. ?Whatever you do today, do not go outside,? Duo said in a warning voice, ?go around the house and close all the shades too. Then head for Heero?s room and stay there until the rest of us get back. On Heero?s nightstand I saw a flashlight and a poetry book, read that if you have to distract yourself. Just stay away from the sunlight.? If Quatre found any of these instructions odd, he did not say it, ?All right, Duo,? Quatre said, ?Just promise to tell me what is going on when you get back. Over.? ?Promise,? Duo said kindly before ending the conversation and tuning into to channel five to reach Wufei. Wufei responded within seconds, ?I?m in the movie and heading out, what do you want?? ?I want you to stay in that dark movie theatre. Don?t leave until it is night time outside. Just stay away from the sunlight,? Duo repeated the last warning with great emphasis. ?Duo,? Wufei said back, ?it?s cloudy outside.? ?I know that, but if the sun comes out, stay away from it,? Duo countered. ?All right, I?ll head back to the house when it is dark out,? Wufei gave in. ?When you get there join Quatre in Heero?s room,? Duo finished then turned to channel three to talk to Trowa. ?Earth to Clownman,? Duo said sarcastically through the walky-talky. ?Yes?? Trowa asked almost right away. ?Are you in a room with no windows?? Duo asked. ?Yes, why?? he sounded curious. ?I?ll explain later,? Duo stated quickly, ?Stay in that room, and if possible get all patients and workers into rooms with no windows. Close the doors, turn out the lights. Try to make the hospital seem like Heero?s room. Just stay away from the sunlight.? Duo could almost see Trowa staring at the walky-talky with an odd expression, ?I don?t get it, Duo.? ?Please just listen to me, this is not some horrible joke,? Duo said pleadingly, ?I?ll explain what it is that is happening when I get home tonight. Also, don?t leave the dark rooms until the sun goes down. When you get home, head for Heero?s room, you should find Quatre in there and possibly Wufei.? ?Got it,? Trowa said, ?Now I gotta try to convince the staff to move whatever patients to the center of the hospital.? ?I got to find Heero,? Duo said with a smile. ?Good luck to both of us then,? Trowa said with laughter in his voice. Duo switched off his walky-talky and put it back in his pocket. He knew he would not be able to reach Heero on that so instead he broke into a run. His chestnut braid flew wildly behind him as he looked down every alley while he kept running. He spotted Heero about two blocks ahead of him. He ran faster hoping the sun would not come out. His hopes were crushed as the town was being looked upon by the sun as a cloud moved out of the way. He called out to Heero, who turned around seeing Duo running towards him he started jogging back down the road. He never did get all the way back to Duo. Duo watched in horror as a black knife went through Heero?s back and out the front of his stomach. His stomach twisted in a knot as he saw Heero fall to his knees and crawl towards the shadow of a building. Duo jumped into the shadow of another building and ran through the shadows until he was by Heero?s side. ?You blend well in the shadows,? Heero complimented through the pain he was feeling. ?Shut up, baka,? Duo said sarcastically tears welling up in his eyes as he realized he could not save Heero. ?Hey, that?s my line,? Heero choke out and smiled. ?You knew, didn?t you?? Duo asked already knowing the answer, ?You knew that shadows were killing and hurting people.? ?Yes, I did,? Heero said, ?that is why my windows were covered.? He coughed up some blood and Duo knew that Heero didn?t have a lot of time left. ?Where are the others?? Heero asked. ?I walky-talkied them and they are safe,? Duo said with a smile, ?Poor Trowa has to convince the staff to move all the patients.? Heero looked like he tried to laugh, but instead coughed up blood. If he had laughed, that would have been one of the very few times Duo would see him do so. Duo was the only one that had been able to make him laugh. ?Well, I don?t think you realize this, but you are my best friend,? Heero admitted, ?Too bad I didn?t try hard enough.? ?You didn?t have to try, Heero.? Duo said back, ?You have been my best buddy since the day I met you.? ?And you shot me. That?s good to know,? Heero stated, ?I?m gonna waste my last breath on you, you know.? Duo quirked his head to one side and listened carefully. ?This is going to hurt your feelings,? Heero pointed out first, ?This is all your fault.? Duo watched as Heero?s chest fell, but did not rise again. He felt a tear slide down his cheek, cutting through all the rain that was on his face. It was as if time stopped at that moment. The rain froze in its freefall, the clouds refused to move, the sun continued to shine. The whole world seemed black and white until a rainbow shot across the sky. The rainbow slowly faded away as the sun started to disappear, but not before the sun hit the spot where Duo was kneeling holding Heero in his arms. Duo felt a sharp pain in his stomach and looked down to see a black knife protruding from his gut. The knife retracted and Duo slowly turned around. Behind him was a black figure, black as night. He saw the outline of his own face mirrored in the darkness that created the figure. ?Touché,? Duo said to his Shadow with a smirk before his whole world went black. Duo shot up so fast in bed he almost broke Quatre?s nose with his forehead. Quatre had jumped back in surprise when his eyes had opened, which put him just out of range to a skull-bash from Duo. ?Duo?? Quatre asked frantically as he watched Duo look around the room fearfully, ?Are you okay?? ?Where?s Heero?? was the first thing out of Duo?s mouth. This seemed to surprise Quatre very much. ?He?s right here,? Heero said from the doorway. He had a loaded gun with him. ?What were you planning to do with that?? Quatre asked about the gun. ?If you couldn?t wake the idiot up, I was going to try my way,? Heero said with an evil smirk as he looked down at his gun lovingly. ?Uh?? Duo was too shocked by this change to speak. ?Too bad he woke up,? Heero said as he walked out of the room. ?Better hurry up and get packed,? Trowa said as he walked in the door. ?Why?? Duo asked. ?Because we are heading to my house in Egypt,? Quatre told him. ?Can I have the key to the house?? Duo asked giving Quatre puppy eyes. He had completely forgotten about the dream. ?Fine,? Quatre reached into his back pocket, ?Just don?t lose it.? After a long plane flight from the U.S. to Egypt, Heero, Duo, Trowa, Quatre, and Wufei got off the plane and were able to explore. They all agreed to meet back in the airport in an hour. Duo wanted to go explore the ancient tombs, but he knew that it would take too long. Then again, there is always enough time for one tomb, he thought mischievously. He headed for the nearest tomb, not even bothering to wait for a tour group or even find out the name of the tomb; he snuck in. He wandered around for a bit until he saw an odd crack in one of the walls. The wall had a beautiful, yet terrible drawing on it. Fire rained down from the heavens as eclipse shrouded the land in darkness. He was about to touch the crack when a feeling of déjà vu came over him. In his mind, Duo saw himself touch the crack and the wall collapse and a darkness crawl out then disappear. Duo drew his hand back quickly and all but ran from the tomb. As he exited he heard a very familiar voice: ?Shadow?Sunlight?Shadow?Sunlight?? The End...or Is It? [color=crimson]Well, that's it. Yeah, you all think it sucks...v_v I am a horrible writer. >sighs< ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  8. [color=crimson]Personally, I would switch a few people around. Orlando Bloom should do Bakura. Yes, that would work. O_o When I first saw it, I nearly died. In the middle of the bookstore MistressRoxie and I were shopping in I yelled "NOOOOOOOOOOOO" and then started the mantra of "they're lying, they can't do it". I was "upset". When I read the article I was laughing so hard, I had to find a place to sit or I would have fallen over and rolled around laughing. The store owner thought I was having an asthma attack. O_o Frankie Muniz, won't work. The hair, the face itself, and the eyes. Look at Yugi's eyes, they're HUGE. They will have to like put stickers or something over Frankie's real eyes. Same goes for the other characters. They are gonna look really weird without those big eyes that symbolize who they are(dramatic, I know). >sighs< The Blue Eyes White Dragon would look really cool probably. And, I think the person to play Pegasus should be the guy who played Caesar in Gladiator. Don't ask me why, I just think it would wok really well. ~Lumi ^_^ P.S.: Solo, next time you merge a thread like that, could you PM the person? I thought you deleted it or something.[/color] [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]Fixed colour tags. And I will, Lumi. Sorry about that. -Solo[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [color=crimson]>cracking up so hard< Too cute, but the music... I HAVE to get MistressRoxie to look at this page, she'll die. Not that I want that to happen or anything. >.> As far as I saw though, they only had one 4" plushie. O_o I wanted a Duo one. >cries< Oh well, >runs to get Mum's credit card< BWAHAHAHA Life-Size! I found another page, but it only had Zechs for like $100 dollars and it looked badly made. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  10. [color=crimson]Uh oh...this is my kind of topic. I am really into...any and all kinds of mythology. Greek, Roman(exactly like the Greek with different names), English Folklore, Norse, you name it. Let's see now...Nymphs, I have always liked the Nymphs. Wood Nymphs especially. If a traveler were to take the wood of a tree ruled by a Nymph without first asking permission, s/he would be strangled by the other branches of the tree. Water Nymphs are cool too, if a traveler drinks from their pool of water without asking, the water will turn to poison and the traveler will die. Nymphs are very pretty and in Greek Mythology, even the Olympus Gods would fall in love with their beauty(coughApollocough). Hmmmm, from Norse Myth, there is the Munin(sp? couldn't find it). This is an almost raven-like bird that is magical. Odin was known for keeping one as a "pet". The actual bird itself looks almost exactly like a raven, but whatever magical properties it has, makes it a VERY different bird. Also, I believe in one story, a man needed a Munin tail feather and was forced to ask Odin, who said "no"(duh!). Love that Munin! ^_^ >thinks< Dragons are very cool. In Norse myth, there was the dragon Nidhogg, the Devourer of the Dead; the Eater Beneath the Tree of Life, Yggdrasil. In Norse, Nidhogg is the most terrible of all dragons. Ever chewing at the roots of Yggdrasil, he is the mortality of the world, a sign of its coming demise...Ragnarok, the end of the world. Very cool myth for a very cool dragon. I think this sorta counts. In Norse myth, there was the wolf god, Fenrir(no, not the FFIX summon XD). I thought Fenrir was very cool, though I can't remember the exact myth. I think Fenrir was able to change into a human at one point or another. Pheonix...I like the Pheonix. Bird of the Flame of Rebirth(long name), Bringer of New Life, many of titles I don't want to type. The actual Pheonix itself is a very beautiful creature. I want one! I'll leave it at that. I could write more if anyone needs ideas or what not, or you want to hear more about my favorite mythogical creatures, I do like ALOT of them. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  11. [color=crimson]Actually, last year, in a few of my classes, I had ALOT of sarcasm towards the subject. One teacher, American Studies, hated me for it. The rest actually appreciated that I even said anything in their class. In some classes, I just sit in the back by the window and only speak when asked a question or raise my hand when no one else did. >.> So what? I was quiet. And, if I ever really caused mischief and got caught, I did stuff that would make even the teacher laugh, and I tried not to do it when the teacher was talking about something important. I am a "cooperative class clown" you can say. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  12. [color=crimson]In 6th grade, we had a VERY oblivious teacher. Everytime she turned around my friend and I would get up and dance and move things in the room. A few times, we managed to get the whole class change seats behind her back. She still called each of us the original occupant's name. That was funny. One time, I changed the due date for the homework everyday for 6 days in a row(includes a weekend). Poor teacher was so confused. Somehow, I managed to light a fire in the bathroom. It was really weird, I have no idea how it happened, and I threw it in the toilet and even though it was wet, it was still burning. I don't even know what IT was. O_o;;;;;; ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  13. Luminaire


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by yalborap [/i] [B]You need to scare it out of her. Show her non poisonous spiders. You have to convince her that they aren't bad. That or dangle a fake one over her face when she wakes up. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]I tried that once...I ended up with a broken nose and a black eye. And, she still afraid of spiders. >cringes< I was also deaf for about a week. >_< ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B]HIs deck does have a theme. Black Magician focus, although he only has one. Or you could say its a Magician deck. It promotes every single aspect of what revolves around BM. Super Magical Swordsman - Black Paladin, Magician of Black Chaos, Black Robed Sage, Black Magician Girl. He then has BM's partner in crime, Buster Blader, and the match to the BEWD in his eyes, Chaos Soldier. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]Though the theme is there, it's in two separate decks as far as I know. I have both the Yugi deck and the Yugi Stucture deck. In the Structure deck you get the Magician of Black chaos, Dark Magician Girl, and alot of the other cards that were left out of the first deck. If you take away the extra cards from both decks and put the leftovers together, you get a 65 card deck. O_o All of which are cards Yugi uses in the Duelest Kingdom and Battle City episodes. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  15. [color=crimson]Oh dear....>reads anime insider< I just got this a few days ago and it has an article about possible casting recommendations for a live-action Yu-Gi-Oh movie. Article says:[/color] [QUOTE]Live-action duelists? A [I]real[/I] Blue Eyes White Dragon? In this age of the anime boom, a live-action Yu-Gi-Oh! film is becoming more and more possible; North-American, live action versions of smashes Dragon Ball Z and Lupin the 3rd are already in the planning stages. Could today's hottest kids' craze be in for a medium jump? We'd like to see a live-action Yu-Gi-Oh~, to reflect what a monster(excuse the pun) success the show is in the States. To help steer those movie execs in the direction of our King of Games, we've got some hot casting suggestions to fill their decks! [B]Frankie Muniz as Yugi Mutoh[/B] Mega-hit Yu-Gi-Oh! needs a mega-hit leader, and Frankie as the loveable dork in Malcolm in the Middle is a perfect mesh with Yugi. For those personality-switching moments, Frankie's got the talent to pull off Yugi's competent, dangerous alter-ego Yami Yugi; get the right wig and we can't see Yugi any other way. [B]Shawn Ashmore as Joey Wheeler[/B] This Animorphs and X-men star's to play pretty tough-guy Joey. Plus, Shawn's got sweet down pat(and we all know Joey's a big softie deep down). The only irony will be seeing Iceman whip outhis Flame Swordsman. [B]Julia Stiles as Mai Valentine[/B] Mai's got attitude. Mai's got greed. Mai's gotta be played by a chick in charge. If you can think of a razor-sharp female who makes men shrink better than Julia--like she did in Ten Things I Hate About You--we'd like to hear it. [B]Christian Coulson as Bakura[/B] Having Voldemort as your creepy classmate would certainly make school more interesting. Christian's role as the schoolboy-turned-evil from Harry Potter isn't far from what he'd have to play as dark and mysterious schoolboy Bakura; now all he needs is one very nifty ring. [B]Hayden Christensen as Seto Kaiba[/B] Granted we don't think Kaiba's quite on the track to super-villiandom, but the Boy Who Will Be Vader can still make an effectively eerie rival. Hayden definitely has the intimidating glare to pull off Yugi's ill-tempered adversary; he sported it for an entire quarterof Star Wars: Episode II. [B]Emma Watson as Tea Gardner[/B] Since she has to chase dangermagnets Harry Potter and Ro Weasley around, Emma's sweetness is laced with the firm backbone required to keep stupid young men in line. Wait--stupid young men? Like Yugi and (especially) Joey? That does sound like Tea, doesn't it? [B]Orlando Bloom as Maximillion Pegasus[/B] If you were asked to pick one young man who can pull off silver hair, Orlando as Legolas from Lord of the Rings would probably come to mind. Orlando's also got the appeal to make the ultimate villian and Duel Monsters creator(and Millenium Eye holder) appropiately charming. Yowza! [B]Jerry Stiller as Grandpa[/B] A comedian who's been around for year, Jerry(who played George's father in Seinfeld) is both sweet and strange enough to put a wacky spin on the part of Yugi's game-loving grandfather. Plus, Jerry is short enough to play Yugi's near-midget mentor. [/QUOTE] [color=crimson]My good ness, that was long. That's all possible info. So, if you are waiting for or dreading a live YGO movie here it is. Out of all the parts named, I think only Hayden Christensen as Seto Kaiba would would. O_o;;; ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shy [/i] [B][size=1]This was a great post LetalisNox. Welcome to OB, I hope this is the first of many intelligent topics. One of the main things about Endless Waltz was that everyone was trying to prevent a war on Earth. The war between the Colonies and Earth was so terrible and horiffic that humanity was forced to create lasting peace. War was over, for everyone, including the soldiers. But a soldier will always be a soldier, and the urge to fight will remain with them until the day they die. Our only real hope to create peace lies with the next generation. The Gundam pilots, Zechs and even Relena represent the last generation of warriors. Their lives have been set into place long ago by their parents and guardians, especially with Heero and Relena. They have very little control over their own fate, but can radically change things for future generations. In the long run that's how it is for everything. We can only improve our own lives so much, but our hopes for the future can be limitless. Children are the future, and their unlimited potential can make them as great or as weak a leader as they want to be. That's what "coming of age" is all about, and that's why most of the characters are adolescents. (That and they look good in bathing suits, anyway...) They are at the age where they will decide about what they are going to do with their life; how they are going to change the world, for better or for worse. I don't see Gundam Wing as an epic "Parents are lame," story, but one could definitely interpret it that way. -Shy[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]I definitely agree with you Shy. We are the future, and I'm more than alittle afraid of how it's going to turn out. I know people who laugh at tragic scenes in movies where a soldier will fall down dead in a puddle of his own blood in order to save the life of his best friend. I had a friend who wrote a poem on this, the last stanza always stays with me:[/color] "And I? I was crying I was sobbing For the death of my generation." [color=crimson]The very last line was my idea. At the same time, I was writing a poem called "So Young" and it was based off of Gundam Wing. Last stanza also makes the biggest point:[/color] "They are heroes They are soldiers They are terrorists They are murderers They are only fifteen years old." [color=crimson]I wonder if maybe Gundam Wing was aimed towards an adult audience to show where the future might end up. Child murdering adult diplomats without even flinching. But, then again, if you really think about it, is it not a great strategy for war? Yes, very sad, but most people don't want to kill children, thus the children run free to kill. If the deceit and dark traits of the human soceity grow even more, this is where war will end up. Sad, ne? ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  17. [color=crimson]I know, that is true. I was thinking that as I posted. >looks at Episode Zero< Are you lying to me!?!?!? Maybe the author forgot? I don't know. >attempts to find Lag Range map again< Found it! A ha! I see why there is a mix up. X18999 is the same distance from both Lag Range Points 1 and 3. Maybe it was first an L-1 colony, but later becomes and L-3 colony. Kinda confusing. O_o;;;; ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  18. [color=crimson]I liked Duo's, Wufei's, and Quatre's the best. I cried when I read both the Duo part and the Wufei part. But, Heero's part. I found it kind of funny to see an eight-year old holding a rocket launcher. >looks at pic< Busride to bookstore, $3.50. Manga, $10. Seeing Young Heero Yuy holding a missile launcher, Priceless. For everything else, there's my mom's credit card. ^_~ ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  19. [color=crimson]I actually cried during that part. I am very emotional when it comes to anime. >.> >Solemnly drops flower on Maha's grave< Now I lay thee down to sleep, I pray the Lord thy soul to keep. >single tear streaks down face< ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  20. [color=crimson]Hmmm...I like X Japan, but some of their stuff is English too. Two Mix is one of my very personal favorites. Yuki Kajiura and Wada Kouji are my favorite Japanese single artists. Yuki Kajiura did alot of the music for the .hack shows. And, Wada Kouji did all the Japanese themes for all four Digimon seasons. >looks through large collection of J-music< Oh! Hamasaki Ayumi!!! I LOVE her music. Her songs Endless Sorrow and Evolution are the best. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  21. [color=crimson]Well, for those who missed it, you could try watching Adult Swim all week, they are bound to show the commercial more than once. Or, YOU could try to recording it. I have no webcam to get the video up and hooking the TV to the comp is not an option(TV is from 1987). But, I could make 10 copies of the tapes, send it to ten people who want it with a letter of who to send it to next if more people want it...but that might get complicated O_o;;;;; ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  22. >plays back tapepauses< O_O There it is. I didn't see that the first time I watched it. Hey, Shy, if you really want a copy of this tape, PM or IM me later. Silent commercial...kinda scary...>.> ~Lumi ^_^
  23. [color=crimson]Ah, funny that you had the same idea as me but wolfbaden6, what about on roller blades while balancing a book on your head? I was a weird child, ne? The Sports Authority near my home is too big for it's own good, we took advantage of that. ^_~ ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  24. [color=crimson]Ihave no problem with anyone except racist people. Racism is big in our school and quite stupid, I hate it. While the people themselves think it's so funny, one day, they are gonna make the mistake of making one of their "gay jokes" or "cuban jokes" in front of the wrong person. I always argue with those people in our school, especially concerning their verbal bashing of gay people. I actually kicked one guy for it. In our school, the word stpid has been replaced by gay. It's sad really. On another note of racism. Did anyone ever notice how when white people make racist comments to black people it is severely looked-down upon, while black people can go and run their mouths off with racist white comments with no problems? I think it is rather stupid. Lastly, even if the human race only had one sense(sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste), they would still be racism. That has got to be the saddest realization I ever came to. In most minds, the person has got to be better then another in some way, shape, or form. I hate racism and racists people, but that must make me racist against racist people, ne? There's no way around it. ~Lumi[/color]
  25. [color=crimson]Well, when I joined WebRing, I couldn't think of a name and I was playing Chrono Cross at the time and I used Harle's Lvl. 7 tech, Luminaratic(what a word!). And, I got this great idea to use it as my name there. Then I joined my friend's message board and I used the name Sonic Sword, Glenn's Lvl. 5 tech skill in Chrono Cross. And, then when I joined OB, I looked through the tech skills and considered a few, but my favorite tech skill in the whole game was Luminaire, Serge's Lvl. 5 tech. So, I used that name, and I have used it everywhere since. I still love the name now. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
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