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Everything posted by Luminaire

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Flamme Immorale [/i] [B]A comment about the stupid people: They don't start wars. They don't have the power. It's the mental geniuses who start them and fool the less inteligent tho follow them blindly. Of course, without those same geniuses, there would be no technology to BETTER our world. We wouldn't even be in a stone age if not for them. Pacifism is not possible. Domon said it himself, it is human nature to fight. If one nationed believed it could strive without developing weapons of, at least, protection, it would fall. Gundam Wing is an anime. As difficult as this is to say and hear, anime is not real life. (Someone hold me.. ;_;) [/B][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]Actually it's a mix of arrogance and genius. Everyone has an ego, some less than others. Arrogance is what causes people to fight, and greed. The want, no, the need to be better than someone else. Total Pacifism just can't work. In Endless waltz, it said there was a year of peace, but what about the Preventers? Weren't they fighting to keep the peace. To achieve something so big, you have to really fight for it. I was once told that greed was the emotion humans live by. Are controlled by. And, I believe that. Even if it isn't said outloud, people always want something, no matter how big or small, no matter how impossible it is to get. I spend alot of time thinking about war and peace, heck, I even read the book [U]War and Peace[/U]. One of the biggest factors from war, I noticed, was how many people were living in each country. There are over 6 billion people on this planet, and in some places, not enough money to support all them. That's where poverty comes from, and then politicians(I am not a politician fan so no offense to anyone who is) use poverty in their country to get money from other countries. But, then the countries who loaned them money, may suddenly need it. What to do now? It's a very confusing process, or maybe I think too deeply into it. Peace can't happen with out fighting. It's like two sides of the same coin. Light and dark are a good xample: without out darkness, light ceases to have meaning, and vice versa. To get peace you have to fight for it, and then fight to maintain it. Okay, I have really rambled now, so I'll stop there. But, what I mean to say is: Peace is possible, but there still has to be fighting. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  2. Name: Kelsey Age: 15 Race: Hylian Descritpion: He has short touseled brown hair, violet eyes, and a small/scrawny build. He wears a tattered cloak that once had been a blood red color, black leggings, and a black shirt. His clothing is baggy on him. Kelsey has a a birth mark uder his right eye in the shape of a tear, making it seem as if he is forever crying. Behavior or attitude: Quick-witted, but very quiet. He only speaks when spoken to or if he has something good to say. At times, he may seem aloof and uncaring of others, but will go to great lengths to protect the people he cares about, even if they don't know it. Bios: For most of his life, Kelsey has lived off the streets. Playing the roles of thief, informant, guide, and performer may have well kept him alive. Extra: Bomb
  3. [color=crimson]Most of you probably don't know me, but I have been around the boards for awhile. I must ask now: What is going on here? Members fighting members? Admins of one board fighting another? Offensive graphics? Though the thread is now gone, someone had posted a graphic that was offensive to the work of another member on OB. Now people are running around with graphics similar and worse than that one. I bet that the person who this is all meant to offend would never admit that he is hurt. He poured his soul into what he did. Yes, he said some rude comments, but look back at what some of you said to him. Didn't we all do something wrong here? Some or most of you probably have no idea what or who I am talking about, but some of you do. Why can't we all just get along? I have seen arguments in topics that should not even be argued in. Though i hate to have to say this, if you have to argue, take it somewhere else. And, that doesn't mean banners and avatars can be used to offend another member because banners and avatars are a part of the boards. In the past week, I have seen something I never would even wish to happen to the person I hate most. I met someone who had closed off their emotions to the world. This person has no bit of forgiveness left. No care for who he hurts. No care for himself. And, you wanna know why I think he closed off? Because he was hurt one too many times. He tried to forgive, but ended up betrayed again. So he has decided to push everyone who cared and still care for him away. He has isolated his emotions and himself, he stopped caring about what others said about him, and, the part some of you are angry about with him, he hurt others by pushing them away. I don't think some of us realize how badly we hurt one another by even the smallest comment. I was once told that humans care about things without reason. I denied the point. This same person gave me a list of people I know and asked me if I could name some alternative reason why those people cared about me. Sister-because we are family, Mom-because I am smart (weird, huh?), Shrink-because he was paid to care. And the last person on the list was the person i mentioned in the above paragraph. I couldn't find a reason for why he would care, he could have walked away the whole time, but didn't. To see this same person in the condition he is now in breaks my heart. I have asked myself what could have happened that finally tipped him over the edge? He wouldn't answer me, and I couldn't answer myself. Those of you who know what I am talking about, think back to all the times you have been hurt. Think of how it felt, then multiply it by ten. There are two ways to deal with that much pain: emotional outburst(crying, suicide, etc.) and emotional shutdown. Both can be bad, but only one is healthy. I guess the point I wanted to make is that I am saddened by the little feuds going on around here. Some of them have caused more damage than anyone would think. Some people can't tell just how much damage, but others can. And, it is a sad day when you will meet some who is emotionally shutdown. They either don't realize that they are like robots or don't care. I hope my message has made some of you consider your past actions. If you have anything to say or anything you want to add to what I have written, just post. Even flames against what I have said are accepted. You can live forever or die trying. Enjoy life! ~Lumi p.s.: James, or any other admin/mod, if you decide to lock this thread, all I ask is that you don't delete it.[/color]
  4. [color=crimson]Hmmm...I think the duel between Altron Gundam(piloted by Wufei) and Tallgeese(piloted by Treize) was my favorite duel. The end of it made me cry a bit. The fight between Hiei and...Wu(?)...was really cool. The way it was done was cool. Go Hiei! I also like the Genkai and Toguro fight. That was a really good fight, Genkai used her best moves, which are pretty cool. That one also made me cry. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  5. [color=crimson]Yami: Are you a Kaiba fan? Panik: *blinks* yeah, why? Yami: Your coat is too dark. Panik: You mean, I don't look like Kaiba?!!! Yami: *smirk* oh, no, you do... ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  6. [color=crimson]You remember the Fragment Version of the game? Well, what if Tsukasa's mother played that before she died. And, since there is a way for players to keep on existing from the memory of the game, then maybe he did really hear his mother's voice as the system remembers it. How do you know the plug was pulled? It never once said it was. Also, the adoption idea is strange...and the bad homelife, wanting to get away from the loneliness. Very early in the series, he states that he just wants to be alone. Tsukasa's mother must have died when he was older because he knew who she was. If your mother died when you were very young, you probably wouldn't really remember as much as Tsukasa does. He may have started to play the game after she died, and his dad was alive. If she died at all that is...When did it say she died?(if it did, really, when?) You never know. The Broken Man could be his dad for all you know. Strange, but it could happen. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heavyblade [/i] [B]I think the broken man in "Castle" has something significant to do with it since when Bear,Tsukasa,and Mimiru were in that room with him when they were about to leave Tsukasa said "wait I found it" then they left so that's what I think. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]Well, what is the one thing Tsukasa has found that no one else has seen. Others have seen the Guardian, and Maha has been seen. The only thing is Aura and her world. So...that definitely means she has something big to do with it. Also, the Broken Man was talking about Aura as if she was his daughter. Little piece can make a big picture. I don't want to spoil anyone else's view by continuing on my theory, so I shall stop there. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  8. [color=crimson]False, in every Japanese anime, lines are change to fit the mouthing in the show when changed to English. And, I believe Sora is kinda perverted with some of his lines in the Japanese version. Question: What are the Crimson Knights called in the Japanese version? (incredibly easy, but I can't think of anything else) ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  9. [color=crimson]For your first question, no, he only fires once as far as I know, or if I am mistaken, there is a Twin Vulcan Cannon(looks alot like Buster rifle) which shoots off more than one shot. Second question, you must remember that Quatre built the Wing Zero, not the scientists. Someone wrote up the blue prints and sent them to the scientists. It never said who created the Zero system. If Quatre could access those files, why couldn't Treize? Or how do we know that Treize didn't come up with the Epyon system, and the doctors got a hold of it, and modified it? We don't. It's for our own minds to figure out. Last, Quatre came up with the idea to destroy the gundams, not Trowa. Trowa figured out a way to do it. Quatre was the one who had the materials to send them into the sun. From what I know, Quatre does not say "I never should have suggested sending the gundams into the sun." he says "I never should have suggested destroying the gundams." But, I must remember I saw the Japanese version. Maybe the line is different in the English version. Hope that was helpful! ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  10. [color=crimson]hmmm...I'm stuck between Trowa and Duo. Both have qualities that I have, smarts, stealth, and flexibility. Also, they both know what to do and how to improvise. Heero would drive me crazy because he is too into it, and Quatre is not very good at stealth. Wufei would work, but he is more of a loner. ~Lumi[/color]
  11. [color=crimson]I have seen Gundam Wing, 8th Ms Team, G Gundam, Gundam 0083, Gundam 0080, Mobile Suit Gundam, and a few eps of various gundam series. If they could play something they have never played, that would be cool. But if they couldn't, a repeat of any of the above except G Gundam would be fine with me. Toonami needs something new though. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  12. [color=crimson]I have seen the lot of them, but I still find myself drawn to watch Gundam Wing. The complicated storyline, the action, the politics, the characters, gundams, secrets, rebels, all of it keeps my attention. Just the way the events played out was interesting. It had a reason to be 49 episodes and a sequel movie. 8th MS Team comes in close second. Even my brother liked that one!(that's saying alot) Tough it was short, it was interesting. It also had one of the most well done relationships I have ever seen. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  13. [color=crimson]Hehe Smiley-Eyed Polka-Dotted Dragon Level 8 Atk: 2000 Def: 4000 Cute Dragon/Effect Effect: If your opponent giggles once for the rest of the duel, you automatically win. ^_^ ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  14. [color=crimson]Hmmm... Well, Magic Card: Harpie's Feather Duster What it does: destroys all of your opponent magic and trap cards. Monster Card: Japanese, I have no clue what it is really called. Effect Monster Atk 2450 Def 1700 What it does: For every monster this card destroys, the card gains 200 ATK points. Trap Card: Kunai Whip Chain What it does: switches attacking monster to defense mode and adds 500 ATK points to one of your own monsters. Roxie hates me for the Harpie's Feather Duster. Just wait until your opponent has alot of magic/trap cards on the field, and bam! Very Useful, especially if your opponent doesn't have a Magician of Faith. The monster card is great. It can become more powerful than BEUD, if you kill enough monsters. Kunai Whip Chain is always there for me. I love it! ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  15. [color=crimson]Pegasus: Now, Sean will duel against Bandit Keith! Bandit Keith: Are You Serious?!!?! Sean's thoughts: oh why did he have to choose me? I was just about to go to the bathroom! This could take hours! NOOOO! ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  16. [color=crimson][b]9 out of 10[/b] I found some of the episode confusing because I missed the previous episode. That might be the only downer of this series. When Aura opened her eyes, I nearly fell don the stairs I was sitting on. That part scared the **** out of me. I am glad to see Mimiru and Bear are so willing to help Tsukasa. I also see a relationship forming between Subaru and Tsukasa ^_~. How many times does Sora kill BT in thi series? sheesh...violent guy... ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  17. [color=crimson]I would most definitely be a Twin Blade. This type of character is perfect for thievery and assassination. Fun, fun. Daggers would be my weapon or dirks. Claws might be good too. I perfer characters of stealth, so this is good with magical abilities of some sort. I believe Sora is a Twin Blade. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ruby [/i] [B]Answer: If my right is his left then of course it's his left, that is if we were facing each other.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]Actually the paint is on Bear's right. I don't have an answer for the last question, but I got my own question: What are the Crimson Knights called in the Japanese version? (incredibly easy) ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  19. [color=crimson]How about Yukina and Kuwabara? My goodness, it is hilarious to watch Kuwabara be an idiot, but it is so annoying! Poor Yukina has no idea that Kuwabara even loves her, and Hiei is probably going to kill Kuwabara if he asks Yukina to marry him and she says "yes" because she has no idea what is going on. Sheesh... Heero and Relena. I am not a big fan because it is cliche and Relena practically stalks Heero for the whole series. For other GW couples, I do not like 1x2 very much, and 3x4 is just meant to be. Anyone heard of 2x5? My personal fave. In some weird cases I have seen TreizexRelena...just scary. Artemis and Luna. Pet love is not one of my favorite topics. It is cute, but Luna falls in love with a human and she does not even realize Artemis likes her. Squall and Rinoa. Rinoa is too much the "damsel in distress" type. I think Seifer and Rinoa would go better with each other. There are various other couples I know, but you probably would never even know what I was talking about. *cough*manga*cough* This is enough for now. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  20. [color=crimson]I'm upset that they cancelled Trigun so early in the series. I have seen most of the eps of Family Guy and Futurama so I wish they would replace one of those or Reign because I don't like it. Putting Cowboy Bebop back on would be nice. I have yet to see the eps I missed. I personally believe CN should put Gundam Wing on Adult Swim or Escaflowne. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  21. [color=crimson]Hey...that didn't say that when I first looked at it...oh well, you must have tried again. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  22. [color=crimson]Hmmmm...I would donate my eyes or my sensetivity. Eyes, because they are mood eyes; meaning they change colors with how I am emotionally feeling. Strange, but cool. My eyes turn like ice blue when I am really angry. They are normally hazel though. My sensetivity because I can always tell when someone is upset and I can help them. I am so sensetive, I have been called "empathic". O_o ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  23. [color=crimson]Yeah, That's what I read about. These happenings are very weird, even for a concert. I thought the guy jumping on stage was pretty funny, especially his crowd surfing escape...^_^ Those are examples of why my mum won't let me go to concerts, especially OzzFest. v_v oh well ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
  24. uh...what's with the "..."? The problem has to be what is between the [img ] and the [/img ] (spaces only there for my use, yours are right) Check the address again, or give it to me and I can see what I can do to help.
  25. [color=crimson]My sleeping habits are not that strange. I have to sleep on my stomach. I don't know why, I just can't get to sleep otherwise. Also, I sleep with no pillow. My whole family thinks I am crazy. Sometimes I end up using my pillow as a stuff animal instead... I am supposed to be in bed by 10. And, sometimes I am. I don't go to sleep until anywhere from 1-4am. I also never take naps. I can't sleep with the T.V. on or if someone is touching me. Like...my cat is lying on my back, her body warmth keeps me awake. I need noise though. A fan, radio, computer buzzing, etc. help me sleep. When I find I can't sleep I roll off the bed, get on the comp for a bit, then see if I can sleep again. If that doesn't work after a while, I try sleeping on the floor. That usually helps...o_O. When I have a bad dream, I never go back to sleep, so I stay up til 7am when I am supposed to wake up. Sleeping at night annoys me because it is the only time of the day when I am at peace. So, naturally, I do not want to sleep. So I stay up late on purpose. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
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