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Everything posted by Luminaire
[color=crimson]I have found that shutting out things or keeping them inside is hard, and you should never do that. Personally, I believe your emotions are still there, just on subconscious hold. That happened to me because I was emotionally hurt by so much **** happening around me, those emotions shut down for a bit. After some of it passed, my subconscious hit the power on some of those emotions, and whoosh, there they were. But when they came back, I found I felt more depressed. I believe you can get over this. I might be a different story though. Just give it time. And, don't be afraid to cry or laugh. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
[color=crimson]I know the exact feeling. I took this test at [url]www.feelingblue.com[/url] for depression and answered "yes" for every question. 5 out of 11 yes's say you should see someone, and if you answer "yes" to the last question you should see someone. I was a little spooked for the next three days, and then, (since I took it at school and decided to print my results, then I lost it)the guidance councilor found out. She talked to me, and she HAD to tell the principal and he had to tell my mom and it turned into this horrible disaster I like to call my present life. And, then my dad made it worse, I am not getting into that. I ended up on Effexor, an anti-depressant. I hate taking it, but what else am I supposed to do? Sometimes, it makes me feel better. Hanging out with my friends more often helped me as well. I enjoy hanging with them to get away from my family. I still feel like I am not all here. I am just accepting the fact even if it truly is ripping me apart. I just don't care anymore. ~Lumi[/color]
[color=crimson]I do believe there are some other living creatures out there. Maybe not in this galaxy. We on Earth believe that aliens are much more intelligent than us, but I believe there could be very primitive aliens out there. We should go looking for them if we really want to know, because they may never get here. ~Lumi[/color]
[color=crimson]For me, either reading or listening to music. Or in algebra...>_< one time i had my hand up for five minutes without realizing it and my teacher had called on me. The whole class just sat and stared at me. I probably wouldn't have zoned back in if my friend sitting next to me hadn't poked me in the side.(a very sensetive spot for me because my kidneys are weird) ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
[color=crimson]I love alot about the internet. I especially love the wonderful friends I have met through the net. I have a way to escape real life for a little while. The information is wonderful too. Anything I look up can be found on the net. This information makes school a whole lot easier. Fanfiction is also good. Fanart, information on anime or video games I enjoy can be found on the net. OtakuBoards is on the net. I could never forget that, never. 'Tis where I started to get into anime and meet different people. Where I am able to speak my opinions and ideas. A wonderful place it is. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
[color=crimson]This is just horrible: Being raped by your mother or father when you are a teenager(and trust in a parental figure is the strongest) while he/she slowly cuts through the veins in your forearms and other places less fatal with a jagged piece of glass. Then having them leave you there to slowly bleed to death while wondering if you were wrong to trust anyone. It would be even worse if you lived through it...>winces< Why does my mind think up these things? ~Lumi[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solo Tremaine [/i] [B]When they happen during sleep, they are hypnogogic hallucinations, so I'm told. Some people think that if you fall into a hole in your dream and hit the bottom then you die, and the 'jump' is your body saving you, but that's not true. The sleep in which dreaming happens is one you can easily be woken up from- it's almost like being awake in terms of brain activity. What happens is that the levels of emotional arousal basically causes you to wake up- in the same way some dreams can be vividly pictured as if you are there, this has the same effect. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]Yeah, hypnogona phenomenum, I have that. Sometimes it is horrible. In some cases, like mine, your body is awake but your mind is still asleep; you can feel pain from a dream that way. I once got stabbed in the stomach 3 times in that state of sleeping mind awake body. It hust so bad, and since they say you can't get hurt in a dream, I believed it really happened. I was wrong and now it scares the **** out of me to sleep sometimes. You all may say it's cool, and sometimes it is. But I have to remember, if I can get hurt in a dream, how to figure out it is a dream. Sometimes, I really don't know. Normally, though, I wake up from whatever pain it is, from stubbing my toe to being shot. Pain is not so fun. ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
[color=crimson]I wanted to go to OzzFest to see Disturbed, but it is useless to even hope. My mum would never let me go. I don't keep up with anything other than OzzFest because I only listen to KRock on the radio. The Reading Festival sounds awesome. I want to go! ~Lumi ^_^[/color]
[color=crimson]1. people mix up accidentally and accidently way too often for my liking. It is accidentally. 2. I can't say "specific" or "Pacific" for the life of me. 3. crumb, thumb, comb...the b's just annoy me. 4. Pollen and Pollination. Notice something odd? The "e" in pollen changes to an "i". 5. I was taught to spell "Messenger". But, messanger is not correct. And, we send "messages", not "messenges". 6. Hydrophobia and Rabies are the same thing. Fear of water. 7. Balogna. The most annoying word. People say "baloney", I say it the way it is spelt. 8. Croissant. In french, it sounds like "quasont", in english I hear "crescent" like the moon. 9. Hogie, Submarine sandwich, sub, hero, longer sandwich. I could add more... 10. "Toss the cookies" means to throw up. I know 6 other words for throw up sadly. 11. Feng Shui pronounced "fung shway", how did they get that? 12. old English "shoppe" it's pronounced "shop" not "shoppee". 13. the confusion of good and well annoys me too. 14. Funny how "suck" and "blow" mean the same thing nowadays. That annoys me so much. 15. Coffee, how is that supposed to be pronounced? Same with quarter? 16. People have become very lazy with their "kinda's" and "sorta's", same with "gonna" and "wanna". 17. Sadly, in my school, the "g" in "ing" has been forgotten. 18. Last, but not least, in my school, everything you say has a naughty double meaning...how truly sad that is. ~Lumi ^_^ P.S.: I am a Grammar and Spelling freak.[/color]
If I could be the President of the United States for just one day
Luminaire replied to Phantom's topic in General Discussion
[color=crimson]Well, if I could be president for just one day, I would erase all the state boundaries. Why do we need them? Then, I would sit in the oval office and shoot spitballs at the ceiling so when Bush came back the next day, they would fall on his head ^_^. Lame, but fun. After that I would try to get Canada to unite with us so Alaska would actually be joined to the U.S. Then I would figure out a way to attach Hawaii to the country as well. After I do all this, I would take over Siberia. Pointless, but fun. I would stop the search for Elvis and let him live in peace. I would lower house prices, so those poor people can have houses too. I would use the taxes to stop starvation in the U.S. (not a well-known problem) I would make it legal for gay couples to marry anywhere in the U.S. I would also make it possible for them to adopt. I would make senior citizens take a driving test when they turn 68. I would shoot off all the nuclear warheads for the Universe's largest fireworks display. I would probably do more, but that is enough. ~Lumi ^_^[/color] -
[color=crimson]PERSONAL[/color] [color=crimson]Member Name:[/color] Luminaire [color=crimson]Former Member Names:[/color] Luminaire [color=crimson]Member Since:[/color] Mar. 21st, 2002 (I think) [color=crimson]Current Status:[/color] Newbie (it never seems to change) [color=crimson]Nicknames:[/color] Lumi = Lumeh = Mistress of the Light [color=crimson]Favorite Forums:[/color] Fanfiction, Otaku Lounge, Art and Graphic Design, Digimon, Gundam, and a whole bunch of others. [color=crimson]Favorite RPG:[/color] I don't RPG. [color=crimson]Favorite Threads:[/color] I enjoyed reading through Down with the Newbies. The Cowboy Bebop Fan Club was cool too. [color=crimson]Favorite Smiley:[/color] :sleep: just cute. [color=crimson]Most Memorable Moment:[/color]Being introduced to Otakuboards by MistressRoxie, and reading the replies in my newbie thread. [color=crimson]Quotable Quote:[/color] "Penguins!!!!!! ^_^" ~Roxie [color=crimson]Words of Wisdom:[/color] Always behave like a duck: remain calm and unruffled on the surface, but paddle like the devil underneath~dont remember who said that [color=crimson]Wish to be remembered for:[/color] making people smile, if they ever did smile because of me. [color=crimson]Desired Epitaph:[/color] don't know [color=crimson]Favorites:[/color] Green, Pasta, Duo Maxwell, Cats, the Eight Virtues, Different Laguages, Ancient Civilizations. [color=crimson]I will....[/color] .......All my half finished stories and story ideas to go a dear friend, Roxie. ^^ .......My kitty, Vierna, to Roxie. .......And my anime collection to anyone. .......My manga collection to anyone. [color=crimson]MOST AND BEST[/color] [color=crimson]Most likely to succeed:[/color] All who have a dream and the will to reach for it. [color=crimson]Most likely to secede:[/color] no one, everyone succeeds, even if it is small. [color=crimson]Worst spelling:[/color] No offense, Roxie, but your typos drive me nuts @_@ [color=crimson]Best poster:[/color] anyone who posts [color=crimson]Cutest couple:[/color] Charles and Roxie [color=crimson]Best writer:[/color] Sara or DuoGodOfDeath(?) [color=crimson]Best artist:[/color] all who post in the arts forum for the effort, but Aj did pretty well with MS paint. [color=crimson]Best...spar-er?:[/color] sorry, don't spar. [color=crimson]Craziest:[/color] Toughy...Ken, Zeh, or Roxie. [color=crimson]Funniest / wittiest:[/color] Ken definitely gets this. [color=crimson]Interesting-er-ist:[/color] [color=crimson]Random award:[/color] Quatre Lover Award- MistressRoxie, Best Ranter- Devidremon, Most Patient Guy on OB-James [color=crimson]SIGNATURES[/color] It is 3:43am so I will post them another day.
This is truly a sad day. I came back to OB with high hopes of finding kindness and the first thread I enter has a four page argument! What is wrong with you people? Can't you take this somewhere else? Otakuboards is meant to share kind words and information, to talk with friends, to have fun. Didn't you consider that your behavior affects others at the boards? If you want to argue, do it on AIM or in PMs. Some of us do not want to see your cruel words between each other written out. If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything. Personally, I have no problem with the mods. I have never found them to be too strict or too easy going. They get their job done and they do it in a polite manner. ~Lumi~ :)
Writing I haven't done a poem in a while, so....
Luminaire replied to Charles's topic in Creative Works
Dark...but very well written. I like it. You should write poetry more often. I love the last stanza, sweet and sad. 10/10 in my opinion. ~Lumi~ :) -
You know...i think if we started a conversation it would HAVE to be a new thread. BTW My first post here was on page....2. Also, I have a new AIM s/n: Lumimoon. ~Lumi~ :)
O_O 14 PAGES!?!?!?!?!? How did that happen. Sorry I missed so much. Hi new memebers >waves
I know for a fact when Sessho-maru was born his mother was a demon. When Inu Yasha's father fell in love with Inu Yasha's mother, and wanted another child, he was fully aware as to how half-demons were looked down upon by demons, I do not believe he knew about a human's opinion of half-demons. ~Lumi~ :)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solid Snake [/i] [B][color=teal] I'll let you decide the first discussion, just so I know that everyone is paying attention, lol. :) [/color] :blah: [/B][/QUOTE] Uh, I really would not only want to discuss the theories of the last episode's tragic ending. I have already had the same dicussion on like four different boards. A topic I would like to bring up occurs in the ending of episode #5 Ballad of Fallen Angels. During the fight between Vicious and Spike, Vicious says that they, he and Spike, are of the same blood. Does that mean they are possibly family? ~Lumi~ :)
Uh...I know a lot about G Gundam, and I would like to know what you need as a bio from this show. Do you want only the mech stats? Because there are fighter stats as.
Some Answers to Heavan's Cloud's Quiz: 1. her first name was Victoria Telpsicorei , I don't know her husband's name, but I know her husband was a bounty hunter 2. Orange 3. A scorpion 4. Turned everyone on Ganymede in to an ape 5. Space Lion ~Lumi~
Ah! I missed so much! 8 pages! :eek: My dad's cable modem blew up (literally, there was pieces and smoke everywhere) so I couldn't get online for 3 weeks. Anyway, my AIM s/n is fluffypillow20. I almost finished watching the whole CB series. I missed the episode that comes before the Real Folk Blues (part I), and I think I missed a few meetings. I read that post on the last four pages, and I'm confused! Can someone catch me up? ~Luminaire~ :p
Did you read any of the Jedi Apprentice books? I thought some of them were really good. The books take place before Ep. I, before Obi-wan is even an apprentice to Qui-gon Jinn. The only down part is that the books are kind of short. :( ~Luminaire~ :p
I was on that chat room last night and only one person was on. It was kinda boring. Maybe we should try a different time or something because I couldn't get on until 9:30. That was just a suggestion. By the way, who loves my new banner? Thanks Aries! ~Luminaire~ :p
You always seem to find out something new about Tenchi, normally it is some special power that is very powerful. Tenchi is more powerful than you think. But if it had been: Who is the most destructive? I would have to say Ryoko!!!! :D ~Luminaire~ :p
Awesome! A Cowboy Bebop Fan Club. Sounds like fun! Name: Luminaire Fav Character: Ein (the dog that Spike chases through session #2) Fav Session: Session #5 Ballad of Fallen Angels Fav CB Song: Green Bird This is so cool, I love clubs!! ~Luminaire~ :p
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solid Snake [/i] [B][color=teal]Okay, I've decided to post up my own quiz. Be warned, however, that it's a little bit harder than the last one. Enjoy! 1. What is the name of the fortune teller that you first meet in session one as he helps Spike forsee his future? 2. When you first meet them, how many members of the Space Warriors (the environmental protection society for ganymede searats) are there? 3. What was the name painted on the side of Decker's ship? 4. Who was it that made the mushrooms that halucinated Faye, Jet, and Spike? 5. What was the name of Andy's (the ditz Cowboy bounty hunter) horse? Bonus: What is Ed's full name?[/color] :blah: [/B][/QUOTE] 1. Bull 2. 8 3. ? 4. ? 5. ? Bonus: Edward Wong Haupeppelau Tvrusky 4th The bonus was easy!!!!!! :D ~Luminaire~ :p