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About imperialdramon

  • Birthday 02/20/1981

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  1. MRD gate gaurdian and B. skull dragon) PSV(the parasides) LON (don't know the cards but who cares?)
  2. :idea: furry dragon dark atk: 2700 def: 2200 level: 6 [dragon/fusion] kuriboh+red eyes B. dragon
  3. my 6 year old brother got red eyes tin and in one of lob booster pack drum roll please GAIA THE DRAGON CHAMPION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. oh the show in the card game atk 1000(head and torso) 200(left and right feet) 200 (both arms) do the math 1000 200 200 +400 ____ 1800 so in the card game any cards above the atk of 1800 can destroy exodia on the monster zone nuff said
  5. typhosion: FIREFLAME! feraligater:foulagater togepi:roge pinsir:pish and posh gastley:mr.gas and much much more
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