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The Unholy Newt

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Everything posted by The Unholy Newt

  1. [QUOTE=xmystic_silverx]Of course he would. He's Light! [spoiler]Revealing yourself at the crucial point makes more of an impact doesn't it? And he likes making that impact. He also revealed himself to Raye's fiance and only because he knew he was going to kill her anyway. I'm thinking he wanted to give her the feeling of impending doom.[/spoiler][/QUOTE] Yes, you're right there, but it's still different in this situation. [spoiler]In the case of Naomi, he had obtained her ID and thus her true name, so he knew she was dead, there was no escape from Kira in her case and Light knew it, so it was safe to reveal himself. In Raye Penbar and L's cases respectively, they are both dying from the power of the note at the same moment Light reveals himself to them as Kira. He does like to reveal himself to his important victims, but he only does it when assured of victory. The whole aim for Kira through the entire series is: Do not let [i]anyone[/i] know who Kira is. Every move Light makes is calculated and percieved several steps in advance, he is not the kind to screw up everything at the most crucial moment just to gloat. The way he reveals himself to Near and the others in the warehouse, is stupid and out of character in my opinion. Near is totally assured of himself, and Mikami hadn't killed anyone at all yet, so there was no way to know whether Light's plan had worked. Revealing himself at that time was way too risky a move for Light to make.[/spoiler]
  2. That's a beef I have with Light's character towards the end of Death Note: [spoiler]Light doesn't act at all in the way that Light should. He is greatly out of character, he wouldn't reveal himself at such a crucial time. He only let L know that is was him when he was dying from his heart attack.[/spoiler]
  3. Just about the only pic I have of me: [img]http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l50/deyve1/Guit.jpg[/img]
  4. Looks like a got a hell of a lot of reading to do then. Be back with an article.
  5. Does anyone remember Liamc2's "Special Youth Force" RPG series? That was huge, I reckon that might earn an entry? Or how about Cloricus . . . remember him? lmao EDIT: Never mind, Cloricus is already in there for suggested articles, hehe.
  6. Ooh, I'm really eager to talk about this one, but I'll wait till you all have seen the ending, it's to hard to discuss having read the manga and knowing how it ends. This is my favourite manga of all all time, only watched the first 20 or so eps of the anime so far, but damn they did good at sticking true from what I've seen.
  7. Hey, I haven't been here in ages, I'm not sure if there's anyone I know still around on here, but I thought it was about time to show my head. Anyone here read the Battle Royale manga by Koushun Takami and Masayuki Taguchi? Really awesome manga based of the novel of the same name (by Takami) about 42 9th grade students in an alternate reality Japan who are selected to be part of "The Program" a fight to the death where only one may remain, and if they don't co-operate, they are killed by bombs on steel collars. Very interesting manga, though quite brutal, probably not for the younger readers. Makes you think a fair bit. I'd recommend it.
  8. Cowboy Bebop made me cry, the last 3 episodes are sad as, yet totally awesome, one of the best finales to series I have ever seen.
  9. ?Naturally.? ?And you left the Zhenotdel soon after the war . . .? ?Russia is my motherland but it is no land of opportunity. I wish for my family to move here, start a new life away from the fascism. But a move like that requires a fair amount of money, along with some very powerful connections . . .? ?Both which I possess.? Maria finished for her. ?Exactly.? Maria sighed. ?I suppose we could house you for a short period of time here. I?ll get onto some of my contact and see if we can underplay Catroni?s unfortunate demise.? ?Thank you . . . I trust that I owe you a lot for this.? ?You can count on it Miss Rukov.? _____ Raymond Torreno stepped out of the car and headed into the warehouse, closely followed by Mario and Luigi. A broad Italian man in a blue sweater greeted Torreno with a handshake as he got through the door before leading them into a room filled with quite a number of dangerous looking men. ?If you would please get their attention Frankie?? Torreno asked the large man, Frankie bellowed out. ?Listen up ya bums . . . the Big Boss wants to speak.? He motioned to Torreno who stepped up onto a block to address the mob. The room fell silent and the lot of them turned to stare at Torreno. He signaled to Mario and Luigi who then moved around the crowd handing out folders. ?Take a close look at the photos in those folders. The guy is Basil Coddlesworth, the skirt, Mia Farrow. These two are both detectives for the New Orleans police and they have both managed to interfere with our business a number of times.? Whispers filled the room but were silenced by the sound of a shotgun blast. ?Silenzio! The Big Boss ain?t done yet!? Frankie yelled at them. ?Thank you Frankie. Now I want you all to hit the streets and find out whatever you can about these two and if you can . . . take care of them. There is a $5000 bounty on both their heads. Make me proud.? _____ After Baz dropped Mia and Jake at their respective places, Baz went home for the night. He pulled up at his apartment and went up the steps. He unlocked the door, stepped inside and shivered. There was a draft coming from somewhere in the apartment. ?Strange. I could have sworn I closed this whole place up.? He found the offender, a window, and closed it up. He shrugged it off and then went into the bathroom to wash up. He turned on the tap in the sink and washed his face. He then caught a glimpse of something in the mirror. He drew his revolver and spun around, but it was knocked out of his hands by a lead pipe. Baz grabbed the hand holding the pipe and yanked upwards, snapping the wrist. The intruder smashed Baz in the face with a left hook and he released the man?s other hand. He took the pipe in his good hand and drove it into Baz?s already beaten up knee. Baz cried out and fell to the floor. While on the floor, he picked up his gun and blew the man?s good arm off. The man screamed loud enough to set all the dogs on the street off barking. The man clutched at the stump that was formerly his arm and stumbled towards Baz. Baz sent a kick hard into his diaphragm, winding him. Baz got to his feet and cracked the intruder with his elbow in the side of the head, sending him into unconsciousness. He went to his phone and called the station. Meanwhile, Mia was having a little problem of her own. The door was slightly ajar when she got up the steps to her apartment, so she realized straight away that something was wrong. Slowly, she drew her pistol and stepped warily inside the apartment. Before she could react, two strong arms grabbed her from behind and tried to wrestle her gun away. She struggled to free herself as the man?s grip tightened. ?Drop this investigation, or you might just get your pretty head blown off.? The man breathed in her ear. Mia?s eyes flashed. ?Like hell I well you bastard.? She delivered a swift kick to his shin using the heel of her boot before turning and pistol whipping him in the jaw. Before he could retaliate, Mia sent a roundhouse kick that snapped his head to the side. He then scrambled to get out the door just as Mia pulled her trigger. When she heard his cry of pain, she knew she had hit him. But because of the darkness she couldn?t tell whether he was down or not. She fired another shot off for good measure, feeling the adrenaline pump through her veins. She stood in the middle of her living room, breathing heavily and grinning. What a night. ?Mia dearie? Is everything okay?? A old voice floated up the stairs to her apartment. She heard the footsteps coming closer. ?Everything?s fine Mrs. Browning . . . I was just getting rid of a rat.? She called out. ?A very big rat.? She silently added. The footsteps stopped. ?Okay then . . . but next time just chase it out the door. No need to shoot it down Young people these days.? She called back, her tone slightly scolding. Mia chuckled. ?Sure thing ma?am.? _____ Ray Torreno watched as two of his goons helped carry one of his guys into the surgery. Dominic Virelli has\d bought about a dozen clinics all over New Orleans and hired several doctors in each of them so that they could both launder fake money and patch up any wounded Virelli men at any time. While the clinic business was profitable, the laundering of fake money makes it more lucrative and the free health service to the Virelli mobsters was always a good morale booster. Mario walked towards Raymond Torreno and began briefing him about what happened. ?Vincent here was shot in the shoulder trying to convince the broad to back down. I think she quite obviously refused. The doc says it?s nothing a little bit of patch up work and a few days rest wont fix.? He told him. ?I see . . . and Coddlesworth?? ?One of our boys, Eddy Jim, was caught trying to take him down. But he won?t tell them anything. Miss Virelli has already sent one of our lawyers down. He?ll confess to being just a small time burglar and get one to two years, maybe less.? Torreno bit back his anger. He had quite obviously underestimated the two detectives. He was going to have to resort to more . . . extreme, measures. He picked up the phone. _____ Baz pulled up at the station and went into his office to find Mia sitting in his chair. ?What are you doing here?? He asked her. ?Same as you. Got attacked in my apartment.? Baz became concerned. ?Are you alright?? Mia gave him a dismissive wave. ?Don?t fret big guy, I?m fine. Can?t say the same for my assailant however. I put at least one bullet in him before he got away. How about you?? Baz grinned. ?Getting sloppy . . . I at least caught mine. He?s tied and unconscious on my bathroom floor. A couple of black and whites went round to pick him up. Thought it would be fun to make my knee bend the other way with a lead pipe. He hurt for that one.? ?Somehow I don?t think this was a coincidence.? Baz rolled his eyes. ?Thank you Detective Obvious. Looks like we?re top priority on the Virelli hit list. We better wrap this up quickly or we won?t be alive long enough to do it.? Mia nodded absently and picked up the phone. It was time to get some answers. ?What are you doing?? Baz asked her. ?I?m making a call, what does it look like?? Baz rolled his eyes. ?I know that girl . . . who are you calling?? ?A friend . . .? Mia answered. ?Fine, don?t tell me. I?ll be in your office.? Somewhat pissed off, Baz storms out of the room and sits down in Mia?s office. Fifteen cigarettes and five coffees later, Mia appears at the door. ?What the hell are you doing smoking in my office!?? Mia fumed. ?Well you were in mine.? Baz replied. Mia was quite obviously trying to restrain herself from an outburst. ?Let?s go. We?ve got a meeting with Charlie.? Jake watched the two pass by his desk out to Baz?s car. ?Hmm, I wonder where they?re going.? He thought to himself. He looked over to the clock; it was just coming on midnight in the wonderful city of New Orleans. He slumped in his chair, rubbing his eyes furiously to keep the sleep out. ?Midnight, I should probably be getting some sleep . . . hell, I know should. But this case, this whole situation.? Jake reached for a glass of water and drunk it, just to concentrate on something else for a moment. The dispatch crackled. ?This is dispatch. Any officer on watch, please pick up.? Jake looked around. He was the only one in the office. He picked it up. ?Dispatch, this is Williams. Go ahead.? He answered. ?Williams, we?ve got a report of two floaters in the bayou. Across from Centennial Park. There is a black and white there already to meet you.? Jake hesitated. He wasn?t really qualified for this, but there was no one else at the moment. ?Alright Dispatch, I?m on it.? He took one last swig of water and rushed out the door. _____ Torreno sat waiting for Theodore ?Slugs? Marris to arrive. He had told his old friend that he needed some people to handle two extraordinary policemen and told him of his problem concerning the detectives. If anyone could take care of it, it was Slugs. He could get the right kind of people around New Orleans to get the job done. He just had that type of people skill that attracted the best. Slugs had been working for several mob bosses in the last 40 years and only worked for the Virelli mob 15 years ago when he moved to New Orleans from Chicago. The old mobster got involved into the business when he worked as a simple pickpocket at the young age of ten. He got the nickname Slugs based by the number of times he got shot and survived. At one time he was shot five times in the back during a shootout somewhere in New York but pulled through after several operations and three deaths on the table. Now the old mobster worked as the headman of the Virelli Mob operations in the Northern part of the city. He also managed the booze and illegal smuggling operations at the docks and keeps an eye on all known gangsters and hitman coming in and out of New Orleans. Slugs Marris could be safely considered as one of the most powerful mobsters in New Orleans. Second only to Raymond Torreno. There came a knock at the door. ?Come in.? Torreno said. Mario stepped in the door with a cigar in his mouth and a half empty bottle of bourbon in hand. ?Boss, some of Marris? boys are here.? ?Let them in.? Mario muttered something drunkenly. He couldn?t hold his drink as well as Torreno could. The both of them had hit the liquor after the debacle at the cartel and the detectives apartments. Mario had always been his favourite over Luigi. Luigi had the brawn behind him, but Mario was intelligent and much better company. Mario gave a signal out the door and three men and a woman walked in. One of the men gave Mario a strange look, seemingly amused at what Mario had muttered. He wore a black shirt and jeans with suede boots. He was quite muscular judging through the somewhat tight shirt. Another of the men was dressed smartly in a grey business suit. He was extremely thin and reminded Torreno somewhat of a scarecrow. He greeted Torreno with a crooked smile. The woman that entered was wearing all black. She was quite beautiful with longish red hair. She gave Torreno a nod and a smile. Ray returned the smile and then turned his attention on the last guy. A well dressed mustached man of Negro descent. He was dressed in a white pressed tuxedo and walked gracefully with a black metal cane in hand. Torreno rose and gave the man a great hug, surprised to see him. ?Gerard Johnson! I did not know you were back in Orleans.? Torreno exclaimed. ?Hold on there mah brother! I don go by the name Gerard no more. You can call me Jive Johnson, Slugs Marris? right hand man.? ?Gerard, Jive, whatever. It is good to see you back. I trust these are the help that Slugs sent?? ?Yes mah friend. These are Slugs personal best.? He indicated the muscled man. ?That there is Timothy Brown. England?s former heavyweight champion in boxing. He was banned from the sport after an unfortunate incident in Shanghai.? Brown bowed his head slightly. ?I heard about that, killed two guys in a bar. After he lost that match to that German boxer.? Brown smashed his fist into a nearby filing cabinet, quite obviously upset. Mario dropped his bottle in shock looking at the damage done to the cabinet. It was made from solid steel to ensure that it could not be opened without the actual key. There was an obvious indent in it now from Brown?s fist. Torreno certainly wouldn?t want to be on the receiving end of that fist. ?Tim, now you behave there boy. Don?t do something that you?ll regret later. You know how nasty I can get when I?m mad ya hear?? ?Excuse me boss.? He bowed to Jive. ?Sorry about the cabinet, I shall reimburse you personally.? He shot Tim an angry look. ?These British, they go on about how civilized they are and then they turn out things like him. He is good in a fight, but that bloody temper.? Torreno waved dismissively. ?It?s okay; I was planning on getting that replaced anyway.? Jive moved over to the thin man and patted him on the back. ?And this smartly dressed fellow over here is Mr. Rupert Hobb. He looks rather weak but don?t underestimate him. He is mighty good with a knife. So far he has killed fifty men in the last three years with just that knife of his.? ?A scalpel actually. I was a surgeon in Arizona before I ran into some trouble with the law.? Hobb said. Jive whispered to Torreno. ?He likes to cut people up and remove the insides while they?re still alive. Then put them all back together.? ?Okay . . .? ?And lastly, Miss Cynthia Blush. The best arsonist and explosives expert in all of New Orleans. She used to work with Joey Hawk?s gang in San Francisco a few years back, but they did a turn around on her and she made fireworks of their limo on the way to a meeting . . . with them in it. She made a wise decision in then coming here to escape retribution from the remainder of the gang.? Cynthia nodded her head. ?Pleased to meet you sir.? ?Good . . . this is great. Slugs sent me a bruiser, a walking knife and a pyro to take care of my police problem.? Torreno was pleased. ?And don?t forget me. No one is as good as a shotgun as I.? ?Brilliant. Remind me to thank Slugs later.? He lit up a cigar and handed two photos to Jive. ?These are the two cops I want you to take care of. The addresses are on the back of the photos. They shouldn?t be there too soon. Some of my boys messed up trying to off them at their places so I don?t think they?ll be rushing to go home. You be real careful, these two are some of the toughest we?ve come across. They took down about ten men doing a shipment, decimated one of our hit squads, took down a cartel and then foiled our assassination attempts. They are real tough customers.? Jive took a look at the pictures. ?Do not worry. Their names will be listed in the tomorrow morning obituaries.? He handed the picture of Coddlesworth to Brown. ?Here Tim. You and Rupert will handle this mangy looking ruffian. Miss Blush and I will take care of the girl. _____ All was quiet as Baz and Mia pulled up to the Du Lisalier mansion. Mia paused to run a hand through her hair before turning to look at Baz. He had lit another cigarette but this time Mia just let it pass, getting out of the car. ?Charlie, you have so many secrets still locked away in that head of yours, it?s a wonder you?re still alive.? She muttered to herself. ?You say something?? Baz asked her. ?Nothing. I just need some answers. She may even know what happened to Rick.? Baz nodded before putting out his cigarette. ?I think she does.? The doors were opened by Charlie?s butler and the two detectives walked in. They were then escorted to Charlie?s study where Charlie sat at her desk, waiting. The beautiful young woman?s faced is closed. She looks tired and drawn as she sat with her hands folded on the desk. ?You are here mes amis.? ?And we want answers. I don?t care how dangerous you say this family is, I want this to stop and . . .? Charlie cut in on her. ?And you want to know what happened to Rick? Then you and Baz had better sit down cher. It pains me to tell you this for fear of your lives, but I know you are capable of handling yourselves. Especially you Baz. Ah, where to start . . .? ?How about this family . . . who are they?? Baz asked. ?I can?t tell you that . . . no, not can?t, won?t. That you shall have to find out for yourselves. I will not betray that. But the head of this family is ruthless. One snap of his fingers will have a person swimming in their own blood . . .? A sick feeling of dread came over Mia and she interrupted. ?Charlie . . . what did he do? Tell me . . .? Charlie looked at Mia, her eyes pained. ?I am sorry cher . . . your Rick is dead.? _____ Jive and Cynthia had arrived at Mia?s place and were going through her belongings and taking their time looking through all her clothes and . . . personal items. Her landlord, Mrs. Browning, he thought her name was had stepped out to feed her cat and Jive had ?accidentally? bumped into her and lifting her keys, while apologizing profusely. ?Find anything interesting?? Cynthia asked while looking through her reading table. ?Nothin honey. Just a pair of nice frilled panties and some fine silk items. I wonder how a police officer can afford such lucrative lingerie on their salaries.? He pocketed the underwear. ?Gee Boss, you?re such a perv, you know that?? Cynthia said shaking her head. ?For your information, I am not stealing this for some perverse activity. Rather, I like to wear them.? ?What!?? Cynthia asked, somewhat disturbed. ?What can I say? They feel quite nice on my skin.? ?Man . . . you?re a strange one. And besides, why can?t you just buy some?? ?But why buy when we can steal? We?re criminals remember. Besides, these are my size.? ?Now I know why Rupert and Tim don?t like hanging out with you after work.? ?Whatever. Anyway, I think we?ve done enough searching. Proceed to rig up whatever nasty little device you have planned.? Cynthia thought for a moment. ?How about the old string to the doorknob trick? I can rig up some strings tied to some grenades, and then when our little chickie opens the door. BOOM! Bye bye birdie.? Jive shook his head. ?No. You did it last month on the warden of the Louisiana State Pen. How about something a bit more . . . creative.? Cynthia took a metal box out from her bag. ?Ooh! What is it?? ?Well I was saving this for a special occasion, but I guess now is ok.? ?Don?t keep me in suspense baby, tell me about it.? ?I got it from a friend in Chicago a while back. This box contains powerful explosives triggered by a unique mechanism sensitive to both pressure and movement. It works when these two springs located near the . . .? Jive cut her off. ?Spare me the technical ****. Just tell me what it does.? ?I fix this under our little chickie?s bed and when she lies down it triggers. When she makes her next move, like rolling over or getting up, the thing will explode. Best part is there?s a nice petrol based chemical in here to cause damage later on, so if the explosion doesn?t get her, the fire will.? ?Damnit, that?s sick! . . . use that! ?Yes boss.?
  10. This is a story I am writing. It is still in the works but I'd like some people's opinions on what I have got so far. ----------------------------------------------------------- [center]The Vampire of New Orleans[/center] Basil Coddlesworth knew it was going to be a bad day as soon as he stepped into the office. He could see the glare bouncing off the paperwork on his desk before he even reached the door. ?I?m going to need one hell of a coffee for this,? he muttered to himself as he headed off toward the kitchen. He swore under his breath as he realized he?d walked straight past the chief?s door. He winced in advance. ?CODDLESWORTH GET YOUR *** IN HERE NOW!? Baz spun in his heel and stepped into Police Chief Bradley J Russo?s office. He took a preparing breath before the onslaught began. ?What the hell is your problem Coddlesworth? A shootout in Jackson Square? Explain yourself!? Basil took a step back, afraid that Russo would blow an artery. ?I only shot one person,? he mumbled in defence. ?I don?t care, you know how much paperwork this department has to fill out because of you?? ?If it?s as much as the amount on my desk I can sympathise,? Basil said trying to lighten the mood, Russo pulled a gun on Baz. Clearly the mood was not lightened. ?Get out of my office Baz, or I will shoot you,? Russo said through gritted teeth. Baz backed slowly out of the office with Russo?s gun following him all the way. He let out a relieved breath as he closed the door behind him. He made his way back to his office and lit a cigarette as he sat down, propping his feet up on the desk. Just as he had the cigarette half lifted toward his eagerly awaiting mouth, his partner, Mia Farrow, walked in with two cups of coffee. ?You better not be smoking while I?m in her Baz, which is going to be quite a while as I see the Chief has been chewing your head off, again.? Baz took a big long puff. ?So go open a window.? Mia smirked. ?My, aren?t we wound up today, how far up is that stick wedged this time?? Mia handed him his mug, he took it gratefully and downed the lot. As soon as he finished he put the mug down and eyed her suspiciously. ?You never get me coffee . . . what did you do.? Mia shrugged and sat on her desk. ?I went out.? ?Without me?? Baz?s voice sounded slightly hurt. ?It?s not like I don?t do it all the time, will you put that damn thing out.? ?Fine, close the door and tell me what you found,? Baz said making no obvious move to put the cigarette out. Mia got up and closed the door. ?You know that guy you shot yesterday? Well he and a few friends have been naughty. I went through his house this morning and found a bunch of shipping schedules.? ?I?m sure it was interesting reading.? Mia picked up a folder and dropped it in front of Baz, he picked it up and started to leaf through it. He did a low whistle. ?Yeah, not your everyday kind of cargo.? Baz handed her one of the schedules. ?Is this one dated today?? Mia looked over it. ?Yes.? Baz got up, took his trench coat of his stand and put it on. ?We?ve got an hour let?s go.? He lit up a cigarette as he walked toward the door. ?I?m warning you Baz, put that out or I will.? As he walked past he doused the cigarette in her coffee and smiled sweetly. Mia stood fuming for a moment then stormed off after him. She hopped into the car next to him. ?Next time you do that Baz it?s going to end up in your face I swear. If I fall asleep from lack of caffeine I?m going to shoot you.? ?That time of the month huh?? Baz smirked. ?Don?t get smart with me Coddlesworth, just drive.? The trip to the docks was a very silent one. There was just a bit of animosity in the car and Baz was very relieved to get out of the vehicle. As soon as he stepped out he lit up a cigarette. ?BASIL GABRAEL CODDLESWORTH PUT OUT THAT CIGARETTE NOW!? Mia screamed. Baz?s hand stopped halfway to his mouth and he slowly lowered the cigarette to the ground and stepped back with his hands in the air. ?Uh, now which dock was that?? Baz asked tentatively. ?Dock 7,? Mia said pleasantly and happily strolled along with Baz stumbling bewilderingly in her wake. _____ The Emerald-Rose Mansion. One of the few great newly-built mansions built near the New Orleans bayous. The massive house had 4 story?s and over 30 rooms, with 2 employee quarters buildings, with an area of nearly 30 acres, is home to the Virelli family....namely Dominic Virelli; the vampire of New Orleans. It houses nearly 60 employees; from butlers, maids, maintenance workers and bodyguards. The building, all white in its glory is situated facing the great bayou from just a few hundred metres away separated only by a great black iron gate. And beyond that was the bayou itself....a vast swamp-like area perfect for a man's isolation from modern civilization. A small boat appeared from the mists and flashed its light signaling the guards at the pier of its arrival. One of the guards held up a Thompson sub-machine gun taking aim of the boat and lowered the weapon after the guard next to him confirmed that the boat was theirs. The only way for anyone to enter the Emerald-Rose Mansion area was by boat as the great bayou and its rivers was a natural defense barrier. Raymond Torreno stepped out from the boat and gave the rifle-armed guard a look.Several other men stepped out, all dressed in different kind of business suits complete with fedoras and trench coats; your usual mobster outfit. He addressed the older guard. ?A new guard I see.? ?Yes Boss. The kid just arrived today. Please excuse him for the discourtesy.? Torreno eyed the nervous guard. ?What?s yer name kid?? The kid wiped the sweat off his brow. ?Uh . . . Gerard, sir.? ?Gerard eh?? He slipped a twenty into his pocket. ?Try not to be so trigger happy kid, we?re all friends here.? ?Yes sir.? ?And lose the sir. People call me Boss.? He smiled at the kid. ?Yes . . . Boss.? 10 minutes later, Raymond Torreno was standing face to face with the Virelli's reading room door. He felt a something heavy stuck in his throat and he loosened up his collar, to ease himself. A few seconds passed before he was able to swallow the feeling down his throat. He was always this nervous when meeting with his boss. His henchmen were in the next room, sitting and waiting for him. After some time, Raymond finally knocked on the door and was greeted by a loud gunshot from inside the room. Raymond took out his Colt Model 1911 automatic pistol and rushed into the room only to be greeted by the scene of Don Virelli's daughter with a Walther P38 in her hands. Opposite her lay the dead body of Thomas Kissberg; the man in charge of Virelli's illegal booze operations in Louisiana. Maria Virelli; the beautiful Italian woman looked at Ray Torreno, smiling slightly as she noticed the puzzled look on his face. The smile soon faded as Torreno's men came into the room, pistols and guns, in hand. Maria then took her seat at the large desk in the reading room and tucked away her Walther P38 into a drawer. ?Clean this up for me would you?? She asked Torreno. ?Yes Lady Boss. Mario! Luigi! Take this mess to the boat and dump it.? Two large mustached men moved forward and picked up the dead body and made their way out. Torreno's other men soon exited the room, knowing that it was Torreno's turn to meet the Virelli. When the last henchman exited the room and closed the door, Torreno put away his gun and waited for Maria Virelli instruction. The Italian woman slouched back and closed her emerald green eyes, while massaging her scalp, messing her short shiny brown hair. Raymond noticed that she always did this when something was wrong. ?Miss Virelli . . .? Torreno began but Maria held up her hand. ?Aren?t you going to ask why I slugged Kissberg just now?? ?I can guess,? Torreno shrugged. ?The fat bastard stole 50 K from our bootlegging operation.? ?I see. Why didn?t you ask me to take care of the greedy bastard, I?m sure you have better things to occupy you.? Maria got up and started toying with a combat knife she held in her hands. ?Yes, I could of. But you see, your henchmen just saw me standing over Kissberg holding the gun. They?ll spread the word that I am not woman to cross.? She drove the knife into the desk with a wild ferocity. ?You can?t strike fear in the hearts of your subordinates if you don?t get your hands dirty once in a while.? Torreno started to see Maria in a new, frightening light. ?Anyway, let?s get to the point. Usually Papa would brief you on these matters, but as he is unwell of late . . .? Maria began. ?The Don is unwell!? Is he okay?? Torreno interrupted. ?He is fine now, he just needs some rest. We have gotten word that someone has been using our operations to front drug running. Now as you know we deal with extortion, arms sales, booze, gambling rackets and prostitution, drugs are a definite no-no.? ?Yes, the Family does not condone drugs.? ?Well I want you to look into this matter and deal with it as you see fit. And be sure to notify me of any changes.? She waved a dismissive hand and Torreno rose to go. ?Yes Miss Virelli, I?ll see it done.? _____ Baz and Mia watched and waited as the ship pulled into the dock. The ramp was lowered and out came a bunch of men hauling crates. They were being ordered around by a man in a suit. A car pulled up and a man got out and ran over to the suit. Mia swore under her breath as he conversed urgently with the suit. ?What?s wrong girl?? Baz enquired. ?Take a close look at that guy that just pulled up. It?s the guy you shot yesterday; he must have been bailed out.? Baz swore too as the suit turned and spoke to the crate haulers. They dropped their loads, drew handguns and started looking around. The snitch fell to his knees and looked like he was begging to the suit. The suit just stared coldly, and then shot him in the face. ?Looks like our friend paid for his loose tongue.? Mia said neutrally. ?Yeah, looks like we?re both going to pay for it if we don?t do something.? Baz replied, his face set. Mia started to worry. ?What are you planning to do?? She asked as the started walking past their crate. Baz ignored her and stepped out behind him as he passed. He tapped him on the shoulder. The suit turned quickly around to be met by a bullet in the face. He fell in a crumpled heap. ?You?re under arrest.? Baz told the dead suit. He dived back behind the crate and shots screamed past. He grinned over at Mia who was merely standing in shock. She shook herself and then drew her magnum as panicked yells filled the air from the suit?s men. ?Nice going, Coddlesworth. Now you've completely blown our cover. Couldn't you have waited for a bit?! Then we could sneak our way in!?? She hissed. Baz reloaded his .45s. ?This way?s faster.? He answered simply. ?And not to mention suicidal, you idiot! The Chief is gonna have our heads, I'm telling you! The rules . . .? She raised her voice to a loud whisper, her violet eyes flashing. Baz interrupted her. ?Rules are meant to be broken girl.? He stepped out again and started firing. Mia yelled after him. ?BUT NOT BY ME!? Baz ignored Mia while she had an apoplexy and continued firing, each shot hitting home. As his last bullet slugged between a thug?s eyes he jumped back behind the crate. ?Your turn.? He grinned that mischievous smile of his. She scowled. ?I hate you.? She stepped out and finished off the rest of the thugs. As the last body hit the floor she strode over to Baz?s car and popped the trunk. She retrieved a crowbar and went to one of the crates and levered it open. The crate was packed with cocaine, and lots of it. Baz looked over it and whistled. He turned to Mia. ?You call it in, I?m going to check out the tub. I?ll try not to shoot anyone.? He smirked and headed up the ramp into the ship. _____ Russo threw his paperwork on the floor in frustration just as the dispatcher kicked in. ?Papa Bear this is Dispatch. Report of a disturbance at New Orleans Docks. Shot fired.? This didn?t improve Russo?s mood. ?I swear those two will be the death of me.? He put his mean look on and yelled through the door at the first officer to walk past. ?WILLIAMS, IN MY OFFICE NOW!? Jacob Williams stuck his head in the door. ?Yes Chief?? ?Look Williams, I know you?re not long out of the academy, but I?ve got no one else I can spare at the moment. I need you to take care of something.? ?Sure, what do you need?? ?I need you to check up on Coddlesworth and Farrow, make sure they don?t kill anyone. Wait, let me correct myself. Make sure Coddlesworth doesn?t kill anyone. The dispatcher will tell you their location, maybe the presence of a younger officer will make him wary to make a good impression.? ?No worries Chief, I?ll take care of it. He walked out. _____ A black Rolls Royce Sedan 20/30 pulled over a good distance away from Dock No.7. A large burly mustached guy wearing a red business suit was in the driver seat while another man, a mustached tall mustached guy in a green suit sat at the front passenger seat. Raymond Torreno was at the back seat, looking at the action that had just happened on Dock No. 7. ?Looks like we?re a bit late boss, the pigs have caught wind of the crack pushers.? The man in the green suit said with a thick Italian accent. ?Looks like it. Mario, you recognize those two? Are either on our payroll?? He asked the red suit. Mario looked over carefully at the two. ?Yeah, I recognize them. The guy?s name is Basil Coddlesworth. The man?s a nutcase. He?ll shoot first and won?t bother asking questions later. He was the guy who put Casey Gay and his gang in the slammer a week ago.? ?Casey Gay? That prick owes me money!? The green suit said. Torreno whacked him around the back of the head with a rolled up newspaper. ?Silenzio! Who asked you Luigi?? ?Sorry boss.? Luigi said sullenly. ?And the skirt, who is she?? Torreno asked Mario. ?Mia Farrow is her name. She isn?t on our payroll either. None of our legal men dare approach them. Last guy who went to Coddlesworth found himself trying to fly outside of a third storey window.? Luigi pulled out a colt revolver from his jacket. ?You want me to go over and pop the both of them boss?? He asked. Torreno hit him again. ?Are you blind you idiot? Did you not just see what he did to those thugs of Catroni?s? Think before you speak next time or the paper will go south for it?s next hit.? ?Yes boss.? ?We?ll let the pigs handle it. It?s not like we can take the drugs for ourselves. Virelli will have out balls for mince if we deal in crack. Besides, killing those cops will warrant some unnecessary attention. Let?s just go to Minelli?s for some pasta. I?ll get someone to handle Catroni later. _____ After twenty minutes of waiting while Baz checked out the ship impatience was just about to kick in as a squad car pulled in. Young Jacob Williams hopped out and smiled. ?Hey ma?am, how you doin?? He then stopped and looked around at the bodies and whistled low. ?Looks like I came a bit too late.? ?Yeah, my partner seems to have a bit of disregard for the rules. I?m dreading the paperwork when I get back. One of these days I?m going to shoot that big lug.? She smiled fondly. ?Yeah, but he?s the best there is . . . I mean, you two are the best there are.? Mia patted him on the back. ?Save the flattery kid, I know he?s good. You just have to look at the results rather than the method. Let?s check out what the big guy?s up to.? They headed up the ramp into the ship and began to search around for Baz. They entered the bridge to see Baz standing over a bloody and bruised suit tied to the captain?s chair. They both winced as Baz pushed a lit cigarette into the suit?s arm. The suit yelled in agony as the cigarette seared into his flesh. Baz pulled the cigarette away and the suit was breathing very hoarse and rapidly. ?Let me ask you again. Who are you working for?? The suit stared acidly at Baz and then spat in his face. ?Now you?ve made me angry. I don?t like being angry.? He spoke in a very soft voice, but with daggers beneath it. He grabbed the suit by the back of the head and drove his face into the control board of the ship a few times. The suit yelled out to stop and Baz released his head. ?Okay, okay. I?ll talk. Just don?t hurt me no more.? ?Alright then. Who are you working for?? The suit took a deep breath. ?I work for Jimmy Catroni.? ?And who does he work for?? ?No one in this. He?s gone off on his own; he?s not sposed to be dealing in drugs.? ?Why not. Who won?t let him deal drugs?? The suit realized he said too much. ?I ain?t sayin no more till I speak to a lawyer.? Baz raised his hand to strike him but decided against. He turned to Jake. ?Kid, take this scum down to the precinct.? He turned back to the suit. ?I?ll be seeing you later.? The suit swallowed. Jake moved over to the suit and untied him, herding him out of the ship. Baz sat down on the chair and made himself comfortable. ?You may proceed.? He told Mia. ?Proceed with what?? She asked. ?Yelling at me.? He replied. _____ Jake walked into the ship's bridge as Mia was giving Baz quite a revving. He had dropped the suit off at the station and returned; he stood behind a pipe and tried to look inconspicuous. Baz was sitting down looking very calm and cool as Mia spouted out every curse and insult that mankind could come up with. ?Finished?? Baz asked as Mia took a breath to continue on. Mia sighed and answered. ?I suppose.? ?You can come in now kid,? he indicated to Jake. He came further into the room, looking somewhat sheepish. ?You know you two should be married the way you act, always fighting and stuff. But anyway, the Chief wants you back at the station. Looks like you?ll have paperwork to last you into next decade.? ?Surprise, surprise.? As they walked down the ramp to get to the car Baz was met by the stern, yet beautiful face of Josephine Baylinke, the coroner. Baz almost jumped three feet in the air when she suddenly appeared. ?What a surprise to find you here Coddlesworth. Must you always make life impossible for me? I have enough work down at the morgue for you to land me seven more stiffs and what?s more, you didn?t call me back last week like you said.? Baz stood looking sheepish. ?Uh, I?ve been kind of busy Josie. You know, paperwork, detective stuff, saving the universe.? Baz said, looking like a cat with it?s hair raised. ?Well, you might have to unbusy yourself, Baz. Or I might decide to use you as a practice corpse for my studies.? She poked him in the midsection. ?You got it.? He flashed her a winning smile and then strode off before she could corner him again. Mia and Jake caught up with him as he got to the car. ?What was that all about hey Baz?? Mia asked slyly. Baz turned red. ?None of your damn business girl.? He started the engine and drove off, silent the rest of the time back to the station, silent amusement permeating the air from Mia. He got out of the car and stormed into the station only to be pounced on by the chief as soon as he stepped through the door. The chief grabbed him and dragged him into his office. This looked quite amusing as Baz was quite a large and quite a built man, being manhandled by a short and tubby chief. Russo sat Baz down and that took his chair. ?What am I going to do with you Coddlesworth?? He asked ?Give me a raise?? ?This is no time for your goddamn wisecracks. Do you know how much paperwork this department has to go through because of you? Now you are to return to your office and fill it out, and don't come out till you are finished.? ?Yes Chief.? Baz left the office thanking his creator that his hide was still firmly attached. _____ Walter Parkinson walked down the lonely darkly-lit street rather impatiently. In his hands were a large suitcase; filled with files, accounts and other documentations indicating that the Black Libra Bank of New Orleans had been distributing counterfeit money to its customers. Walter had decided that he had enough working for the Virelli owned bank and wanted to turn over a new leaf somewhere. His conscience had been bothering him for the past two months since he began to work there. He hasn't been able to eat properly, or even go to sleep because of this. Walter was an honest man, and his moral values would not let him allow the Black Libra Bank to hand out 20 dollar counterfeit bills to every person who makes a 100 dollar withdrawal. He knew very well the Black Libra Bank conned people at least 20 million dollars per day using this method, and he is determined to stop it. The people of New Orleans do not need this, and he will make sure the evil practice will be known to the public soon enough. Walter passed Cajun Avenue and saw a black Ford parked near the Laundromat where he used to do his laundry. He had contacted someone from the police and wanted to cut a deal with them; a new start under the Witness Protection program in exchange for proof to bring down the Black Libra Bank. He was supposed to meet Lieutenant Accarde that day to bring some concrete proof about the Black Libra Bank. Walter smiled as he noticed the back door was unlocked and he quickly rushed in with his briefcase. ?Hi. I hope you didn't wait long. I finally got all the proof you need . . . to . . .? It was then he realized that the car floor was soaked in blood. Walter moved towards Lieutenant Accarde and saw the front part of his neck were slit, blood pouring down on the car floor. The dead body of the policeman fell forwards towards the steering wheel and Walter saw five small bullet wounds on the lower back of Accarde's body, from the kidney area to the pelvis. Walter dropped the briefcase and tried his best not to throw up but failed in doing so. He then reached for the door to shut it but a shot hit him on right arm, knocking him away from the car door. Walter looked towards the source of the gunshot and saw a beautiful blonde woman with short hair smiling at him. She was wearing a black trench coat and was pointing a revolver towards him. ?Throw that briefcase over here.? Walter complied and threw the briefcase to the ground. Fear was taking over his body and he hoped his life would be spared if he complied with the woman, but a part of him knew his life would end soon, and complied anyway not wanting a slow, painful end. ?Miss Virelli has asked me to inform you something.? Walter closed his eyes and began praying. The woman smiled. ?You're fired.? And with that she opened fire towards the poor man. Walter was killed instantly as the five remaining shots each found their mark. The first shot hit him in the head killing him instantly, while the second one found its mark on the neck. Two more shots hit Walter's chest while the last bullets penetrated through the man's heart. After checking her handiwork, she moved the body into the car a then the blonde woman raised her hand, signaling a yellow car to stop by near her. She reached inside for a small Molotov cocktail and lit the fuse-cloth before slamming it inside the car where Walter's body was. After that she entered the yellow car and the vehicle cruised away. Within moments the fire inside the car spread and caused the vehicle to explode into a large fireball. From the shadows, a trio of homeless men moved further into the darkness of their alley. _____ Hours later, that night Baz still sits in his office doing paperwork. Frustrated he threw his pen to the desk, got up and started pacing around the office. Russo knocked on the door and entered. ?What?s up chief?? Russo sighed and sat down. ?Basil, Lieutenant Accarde went to meet some informant down at Willie's Laundromat. He was supposed to come back a couple of hours ago, but he hasn't returned. Can you go and check it out?? ?Sure chief, I?ll pick up Mia on the way.? Baz got in the car and drove to Mia?s apartment. He knocked on the door, Mia opened the door, her eyes red. Baz put a hand on her shoulder, concerned. ?You okay girl?? She shrugged his hand off. ?Yeah, I?m fine.? ?You?ve been thinking about Rick again haven?t you?? He asked ?I just can?t accept the chief saying he?s dead, I can?t.? ?He?s alive girl, he?s out there.? Mia lifted a hand to her head and closed her eyes in pain. ?Did I come at a bad time?? Mia shook her head. ?No not at all. I?m just having the beginnings of a migraine, that?s all. I'll be fine after I get more coffee.? Baz doesn't look too convinced, detecting sadness in Mia?s voice.? ?You better let it all out girl, before it kills you. And no, coffee won't solve it. What you need is another outlet.? Mia laughed weakly. ?Sure, another round of boxing.? She punched him playfully in the arm. Forget it, Coddlesworth, I'm too tired to do anything other than drink coffee. So...what's going on?? ?Lieutenant Accarde went to meet an informant an hour ago, he hasn?t returned.? Mia?s eyes narrowed. ?Accarde isn?t one to goof off, he?s straighter than I am, strange thing to be when he?s friends with you. I suppose I managed to get stuck with you as well.? ?Yes. There?s something wrong, I know it.? Mia nodded as she followed him out to the car and they drove off toward the meeting place. _____ Jake sat down in front of the suit and stared at him for a while, while the suit eyed him nervously. After a moment Jake spoke. ?What?s your name?? The suit hesitated a second before answering. ?Vincent. Vincent Capelli. What?s yours? He asked back ?Jake? ?Jake . . . Jake.? Vincent repeated the name silently for a few seconds. ?What?s going to happen to me once we?re finished here?? ?You?ll be put away for a fair while at least. The sentence for drug running isn?t very lenient.? ?Good, good. Because if they ever knew that I was in here.? He indicated the room. ?In the police station, I'd be as good as dead. ?He leant forward and looked deep into Jake?s eyes. ?Good as dead.? ?Well we?ll make sure that doesn?t happen. Now tell me. Where does this Jimmy Catroni hang out?? Vincent sighed and answered. ?He runs a cathouse in an abandoned mansion in the French Quarter, that?s his legitimate underworld business. He?s runs his drugs through that unbeknownst to his superiors.? ?And who are his superiors?? Vincent shrugged. ?I only get told what I need to be told; hardly anyone knows who is at the top of crime in this city. Some family, rich, powerful. Don?t know which one though.? ?Well thank you Vincent. You?ve been very helpful. Someone will be in to escort you to your room shortly.? ?Trust me. I ain?t helping you. The only thing this information will help toward is an early grave if you mess with the family.? He said to Jake?s retreating back. Baz filled Mia in on the way to the meeting place. ?It so happens that this guy rings the department spouting all this **** about counterfeit money or something like that, and he'll meet an officer at Willie's Laundromat. So Accarde heads down there about 8 o'clock and we haven't heard from him since.? ?So what do you think happened?? Mia asked. ?I don?t know, but I smell the mob.? They pulled up at the Laundromat ?Oh ****.? Baz said. They got out of the car and stared at the charred remains of what was once a car, Mia had to force her stomach not to throw up at the horrid stench of death permeating the air. Baz walked over to a bent and melted piece of metal and picked it up. His heart sunk. ?This is Accarde?s license plate. We?re too late.? Mia walked over to him and put her hand on his arm. ?Look Baz, I think we have to be very careful here. You smell the mob, I smell trouble. Accarde was one of our best men.? ?I don't want to sit around and do nothing, girl?? Mia began to get very irritated. ?For Heaven's sake, it's Mia! Not "girl"! Work on calling me by my name, Baz! And please, I never said we were going to sit around and do nothing!? Despite the seriousness of the situation Baz lifted an eyebrow and smirked. ?Well you?re pretty cranky tonight. Looks like I was right, that time of the month, isn?t it?? ?Shut up.? Baz laughed weakly and then sat down on the hood of his car and lit up a cigarette. He held up his hand just as Mia was about to get up him. Accarde had been a good friend of his. And he was one of New Orleans? finest. What had been so important that would have killed him over it? And what happened to the informant, had he been killed too? Who was next? They getting very close to something big and Baz knew it. ?You alright Coddlesworth?? Mia asked. ?Yeah . . . I?m fine.? ?We should call up the chief and tell him about this.? Mia said. ?I?ll take a look at the car. You call the chief.? Mia got into the car and got on the dispatcher. Basil walked slowly up into the car and looked inside. The still smoking body of Accarde was sitting in the driver?s seat. But he was not totally burnt up; somebody must have found it and put it out. But why didn't they contact the authorities? From what was left of the body, it looked like he had been killed before the car was set alight. He looked more closely at his back, something was wedged in there. He took out a pen knife and levered it out. It was the remains of a bullet. There were a few more in his back as well. Baz looked in the back seat; there was the body of the informant. _____ Karin Rukov sat on the seat offered to her by one of the many suited mobsters present in the big dining hall of the Imperial; New Orleans finest hotel. The mobster muttered something in Italian and suddenly a waiter came by and placed a wine glass on the table before leaving a bottle of wine on the table. ?Mister Lynn will be down shortly. Please have a glass of wine while you wait,? a suited mobster told her. Karin looked at the mobster before turning her attention towards the glass, amused at the person's nervousness towards her. True, she was one of the best assassin?s in Russia but she didn't expect a member of Virelli's gang would be afraid of a woman. She had heard the Virellis surrounded themselves with the crème de la crème of New Orleans criminals. And she usually heard things right. 'Heh....probably one Virelli's small fry peons,' she thought as she took a sip. Soon, a skinny browned haired man entered the room with a large envelope in his hands. He wore a loose white tuxedo and his gel-rich hair combed back. Karin fixed her eyes on the person and recognized Archie Lynn, Virelli's personal accountant and the guy in charge of the Imperial Hotel. He moved toward her table and sat down. ?I regret to inform you that Miss Virelli is unable to meet with you tonight. She has some ah . . . personal issues to take care of. ?I understand.? She answered back. ?I have completed the task she set me. The nosy policeman and the bank geek would trouble you no more.? ?So I have heard.? Lynn said. ?I trust you have kept your end of the bargain.? It was not a question. ?Yes. Your brother and sister have already been moved. They will arrive safely in Canada soon by sea, as agreed. I gave instructions to my men to take good care of them until they reach Vancouver, making sure they have a place to stay and some money to start off with. I shall inform you of their specific location once they have arrived safely.? ?Good.? ?I am touched by your sacrifice Miss Rukov. Here you are, selling your soul to organized crime, in exchange for a new start for your family.? ?There is nothing more important than family, comrade.? Lynn passed her a thick envelope. She took it and opened it. ?I trust 10,000 is sufficient for your services?? He asked. ?I am satisfied with any amount of money that comes my way Mr. Lynn. This is more than most people would earn in a year.? ?Excellent. Now, we have another job for you.? ?So soon . . . what?s the pay?? ?25,000. 5,000 now and an extra 20 when the job is done.? ?What is it?? ?One of our boys has been greedy, selling cocaine on the streets, against the Family's orders. His operations got a kick in the balls some time ago and we need someone to rub him out. Quickly. Usually we would deal our own people, but Miss Virelli thinks things would be a lot smoother if we let someone outside the Family to help out once in a while.? ?Does this . . . greedy person, have a name?? ?Jimmy Catroni. He runs the cathouse in the French Quarter, on Fern Avenue.? ?Ah yes, I know the place. My boys hang out there a lot.? ?The police however may know of it. A couple busted up one their shipments today and took prisoners. So be on your guard.? ?Do not fear Mr. Lynn. This, Catroni will be as dead as Lenin. Do you wish me to take care of the snitch as well?? She asked. ?Do not worry; we have someone taking care of him. Just take care of Catroni and his boys.? _____ Jake checked himself out in the mirror of his car as he sussed out his new threads. He had chosen a black pinstripe suit with a red tie and red banded, black fedora. He pulled up at Catroni?s cathouse and got out. He walked through the door confidently with his smile flashing the whole way. A suit caught his eye. Jimmy Catroni. He had checked out his picture in the police files and memorized it. Catroni was heading up the stairs so Jake followed at a distance. He was stopped by a woman who ran her finger down his cheek. ?How are you beautiful? Ready for a good time?? Jake handed her a fifty. ?Not now honey, but take this for your trouble.? The hooker stood there looking at the note, stunned. Jake continued up the stairs. He stopped outside every door he came across until he came upon an interesting conversation. ?Jimmy . . . we need to leave New Orleans tonight! You're a marked man! Everyone knows that!? ?Man, **** the Virellis! **** them for forcing me out of town! I swear Tony . . . I'll make them pay someday. They'll all pay!? There was a pause. ?Look at it, Tony. Isn't she beautiful? Sure, there's the crime problem, but what city doesn't have their problems? I'll miss this old town.? Jake felt a hand grasp his shoulder. ?I told you, not tonight honey.? A male voice breathed in his ear and the grasp tightened. ?You?re not my type.? The man pushed him through the door where Catroni and his associates were conversing. They stopped mid conversation and looked at him. ?Hey boss, this kid was listening outside your door.? Catroni walked over to him, reached into his jacket and felt around. He found what he was looking for and pulled out Jake?s police badge. ?My my, how the New Orleans Police Department has slipped. I thought they?d be sending the two who busted up our shipment today, not some kid.? The suit holding him kicked him to the floor. ?Whadda you want us to do with him boss?? Catroni was about to answer when a suit by the window cried out. ?BOSS! Two cars pulled up with lots of guys. They look like they mean business!? ?****! Tony, tie the kid up and put him in the closet! We've got bigger problems on our hands now!? Tony tied Jake up and shoved him into a closet as the other suits ran out guns drawn. _____ Mia got up out of the car and headed over to Baz, gasping sharply when he pointed to the body of the informant. This time, she bended over and threw up, unable to hold back the bile in her throat. Baz patted her between the shoulder blades and helped her up. ?You okay now?? Baz asked her. Mia wiped her mouth. ?Those bastards! Those ******* bastards! I could ******* kill them!? She stopped and regained her composure. ?We?re closing in on something big. There's a lot of **** going on and I'm going to find out exactly what's going on.? Baz said resolutely. Mia nodded. ?You and me both, partner. But the chief needs to know what happened before we continue the investigation. We've got two cases on our hands now. Accarde's death and the drug cartel.? Baz noticed an alleyway next to the Laundromat. He loosened his weapons in their holsters and walked on in. Sleeping under a newspaper was a homeless man. Baz nudged him with his foot to wake him up. The bum jumped up and leapt at Baz with a broken bottle. Baz sent a solid kick into his chest and the bum crumpled to the ground with a grunt. Baz picked up the bum, dragged him out into the street and sat him on the bonnet of Accarde's car. Baz offered the bum a cigarette and he gladly accepted. ?You see what happened here friend?? ?I didn?t see nothin, I was sleeping.? The bum said defensively. ?You seem to be a pretty heavy sleeper if you can sleep through several gunshot and an explosion.? Baz said. ?Um . . . yeah, that?s right.? Baz heard a soft footstep behind him. ?Tell your friend he can back off, or I?ll shoot him where he stands.? Baz heard a startled gasp from behind him. He called Mia over. ?Question him while I see to this fine member of society.? ?Sure thing big guy.? She led the other bum off to question him. ?Now. You are going to tell me everything you saw, or I must just take offence at what you nearly tried to pull. And I don?t take to being offended very well.? The bum swallowed and eyed him nervously. ?Okay . . . I?ll tell you. I saw this guy's car pull up a couple of hours ago. Then this skirt pulled up in a fancy car and got into the back, I heard gunshots and then silence. Then some guy carrying a suitcase walked up and got in. They talked for a couple of minutes and then the guy tried to get out and run, but he was gunned down. Then the lady got out with the suitcase, threw the body in the car, then a petrol bomb and drove away. That is all, I swear.? ?Okay. You can go. But I want you to stay around this area. I might want to talk to you again. But if I get asked who gave me this information I?ll just say a little birdie told me. You?ll be safe. ?Thanks.? The bum got up and returned to his alley. Mia had finished up with the other one and they got in the car and drove off. ?He said something about a family but wouldn?t say which one. He told me to be careful or I might get my pretty little head blown off.? Mia filled him in. ?Well, what do we do now? Know anybody who has info on affluent families?? Baz asked her. ?I do . . . but it?ll cost a lot. I have seen her in quite a while. I doubt she still remembers me.? Baz frowned. ?Her? Who is this woman that?ll cost us our paychecks?? ?Charlotte Du Lisalier. Heard of her?? ?The voodoo woman? Yeah I know her.? Baz reached for a cigarette but Mia punched him in the arm. ?Absolutely no smoking around me, remember. Keep your hands away from the nicotine okay?? ?Sheesh, alright. Anyway, tell me more about her.? ?Why? So you can attempt to ask her out? Don?t even think about it. She?ll have a rapier up your throat before you could even ask her to dinner.? Then Mia proceeded to tell him about the much feared and respected voodoo woman, heiress to the Du Lisalier fortune. ?Charlie's somewhat quiet, but when she opens her mouth, you can bet she's got intelligent things to say. Before I forget, she can't stand smoking either, so don't light a cigarette in her house or she'll hex you.? Baz just grunted. Mia filled him in on everything she knew about her. ?So there. That?s Charlotte Du Lisalier. Oh, and don?t call her Charlie unless she lets you. Another hexing offence.? Baz raised his hand in a mock salute. ?Yes ma?am.? _____ The Du Lisalier Mansion in the French Quarter of New Orleans. Charlotte ?Charlie? Du Lisalier sits comfortably in her study looking through a few letters that had come through. Charlie sighed to herself. ?Mon Dieu, does this mean the cargo will not come in on time? That was more than a thousand dollars worth of caviar and cheese. Not to mention the Venetian crystal and chandeliers. How will I ever get this old place fixed?? She took out a quill and started to pen a letter. ?Well then Monsieur De La Colfeu, if you are not willing to give me what I want, when I want it, then perhaps I should turn to Monsieur Gelemagne for his products. It seems he is more reliable than his long standing rival . . .? There is a soft knock on the door and a maid walks in. ?Pardonnez moi, mademoiselle.? She curtsied deeply. Charlie looked up from her writing. ?Oui? Is something the matter Anne?? ?You have guest?s mademoiselle. A man and a woman from the police.? ?And did you ask their names?? Anne curtsied again. ?Oui. Madame?s name is Mia Farrow and Monsieur calls himself Basil Coddlesworth.? Charlie smiled. ?I see. Very well Anne. Tell Francois he made lead them into the parlour downstairs. And do not for get to provide them with refreshments. I believe I still have some of that wine that Monsieur Sauverogn gave to me. And prepare an extra glass for me.? Anne curtsied once more. ?Oui, at once Mademoiselle.? Anne curtsied and left. Charlie rose and looked out the window thoughtfully. ?Mia Farrow . . . it?s been a while. I wonder what brings you to me this time.? She proceeded out the door, stopping at a mirror in the hallway to ensure that nothing is out of place. After convincing herself that she looks perfect, she made her way to the room adjoining the parlour. She looked the spy hole in the wall through to the parlour. Mia Farrow was as beautiful as ever. She looked quite fragile, but Charlie knew that there was a fire inside her that could not be quenched. She was not tall, but held an air of confidence and power that would make any but the strongest back down. She moved her attention on to the man. Basil, she recalled. Basil was a large and muscular man who seemed to hold even more power and confidence than Mia. This was a man to move mountains, Charlie thought to herself. Each movement he made was certain and even though he was large, he moved with a certain grace. Not a man even Charlie herself would wish to cross. Basil seemed to shiver and turned directly to where Charlie was. His eyes were grey and piercing, and even Charlie felt a cold shiver of fear when his gaze locked directly onto hers. ?Are you going to join us Miss Du Lisalier?? He asked. Mia spun around, looking for a sign of her and then looked quite puzzled. Charlie brushed off her shock and moved through the door into the room. She quite deliberately ignored Basil and locked onto Mia. ?Mia ma cherie! It has been so long since we last have met.? Mia walked over and offered her hand for a shake and winked at the beautiful woman. Charlie ignored the hand and drew her into an embrace and kissed her cheek. ?Tres bien, I am glad you are well. She lowered her voice. How is your search faring?? Mia shook her head. Still no sign of him friend. But I won?t give up until Rick is back with me.? Mia?s eyes took on a faraway look for a moment. She shook herself out of it and continued. ?Charlie, I?d like to introduce you to my partner, Basil Coddlesworth. He is the senior investigator in the New Orleans Police Department. Baz, this is Charlotte Du Lisalier, one of New Orleans most beautiful . . .? ?Pleasant day to you Monsieur Coddlesworth. You may call me Charlie.? She cut Mia off hurriedly, wanting to get past the introduction. Baz gave her an amused look. ?Good day to you Charlie. You may call me Baz. I?m not one for formalities.? Charlie bade them sit down, sliding gracefully into the chair, determined to not let the man affect her. ?Well, what brings you here ma cher? You appear quite troubled. I assume you are not here to talk about the weather. Especially since you brought your partner along.? She cut straight to the point. Mia took a deep breath. ?We need information. One of our best men was murdered tonight and then he and his car were set alight.? ?Mon Dieu! Tell me more.? Baz shifted in his chair and spoke. ?Lieutenant Accarde. He was sent to meet an informant this evening and then both he and the informant were shot and killed then set alight. We were then told by a couple of vagrants that some family was behind it.? Charlie?s eyes narrowed. ?I see . . . and I suppose then you want me to tell you about this family?? She asked. Baz spread his hands. ?That?s what we came for.? ?I can tell you some of what I know, but not all. This kind of information could cost you your life.? Charlie warned. ?So you do know who is behind all this? It?s a wonder you haven?t been killed yet.? Mia exclaimed. ?They are afraid I might suck up their souls for breakfast. They are somewhat superstitious.? Charlie smirked. ?What do you know Charlie? Please tell us.? Mia pleaded. Baz cut in. ?If you know so much, than do you know who is behind the drug cartel? The one giving Jimmy Catroni orders?? He asked. Charlie turned toward him. ?Jimmy Catroni is the one in charge of the drug cartel. But he also gets his orders from this family you were told about.? Baz interrupted her. ?So the two are related!? I knew it.? ?Not directly. The same family is involved, but this family has nothing to do with the cartel. They do not . . . approve, of drugs. Catroni works alone in this endeavour. If they find out about Jimmy Catroni?s doings, I imagine they will take measures to stop him . . . permanently.? Mia was starting to get very impatient. ?But Charlie, who is this family?? Charlie shot her an irritated look. ?As usual your impatience and impulsiveness will lead you into danger.? Charlie paused, studying Mia for a moment. ?I?m sorry Mia, but I cannot tell you who they are. The clues I have given you will have to suffice.? Mia cut in again. ?But . . .? Baz broke in on the exchange. ?Enough girl! She has told you no, accept it.? Mia ignored him. ?Please Charlie . . .? Charlie held up a hand. That will be enough cher, you may visit me another time. Anne!? She called to her maid. Anne came into the room and curtsied. ?Oui Mademoiselle?? She asked. ?Show our guests out please.? ?Oui Mademoiselle.? She curtsied again and addressed Baz and Mia. ?This way please Madame and Monsieur.? Mia gave Charlie a regretful look and followed Baz and Anne out. Charlie got up and looked out the window at the two being escorted to their vehicle by Anne who was conversing with Baz happily. The man was an enigma; she would not want to be in Dominic Virelli?s position. All the same she would not want to be in Baz and Mia?s position either. They were in great danger. But Baz . . . he was a force to be reckoned with. Charlie began to greatly consider breaking off her ties with the Virelli family . . . _____ ?So what did you think?? Mia asked Baz, pretending as if she hadn?t just been rebuffed by Charlie. ?Beautiful. Very sexy too.? Baz answered grinning. ?I meant as a person, not as a sex object.? She said frowning. ?You were right, she is quite intelligent. She seemed somewhat unsettled by me though.? Mia rolled her eyes. ?Most people are unsettled by you Baz. You aren?t exactly small.? Baz shook his head. ?She doesn?t seem the person who can be intimidated by that kind of strength. Something else about me set her on edge. I think maybe next time we see her you should let me do the talking. If she is as uneasy around me as she was then, she will be a lot more open to mistakes.? ?Whatever you say big guy. It?s getting pretty late. We should get back to the station and give a full report to the chief.? They got in the car and drove off. The trip back to the station was a silent one. The two were both pondering the night?s happenings. They got out and headed to Baz?s office to find Russo sitting at his desk. ?Thank God you?re back, Coddlesworth.? Russo said, sounding relieved. ?Why, what?s the problem chief?? Baz asked him. ?Williams has been questioning that suit you arrested today and now he as disappeared. We found his notes on his desk. All the files on Jimmy Catroni and the transcript from the interrogation. He has circled the address of the cartel and I think he has gone after Catroni by himself.? Baz swore very loudly. ?****! I?ll kill that kid if he hasn?t been killed already! Where is the cartel?? ?It?s in the French Quartet on Fern Avenue. In an old mansion. Please bring him back alive.? ?You can count on us chief.? He turned to Mia. ?Let?s go.? _____ Karin's car pulled up in front of Jimmy Catroni's place. The Russian blonde woman exited her car while waiting for her man to arrive. Two large Ford trucks arrived behind her car and out comes at least twenty armed men all clad in black wearing ski-masks. Karin, all dressed in black with a black trench coat, puts on her black ski-mask and re-checks her Thompson sub-machinegun. Just as she was about to give her orders to her men, Raymond Torreno and a group of armed men exited the mansion's front door; carrying some large bags and escorting many of the woman sex-workers to nearby parked cars outside. ?Miss Virelli has informed me of what is out to happen. Feel free to do whatever you wish with the occupants and belongings inside. We have already moved our people and . . . assets from the building.? ?And Catroni?? Karin asked? ?On the second floor with his boys. We have cleared the first floor; there are no armed men or problems there.? Torreno smiled. ?Put a bullet in the bastard for me.? He asked. Karin merely smiled politely and turned to her men. She gave them instructions; four went round the back to ensure no escape, another four stood out the front guarding that entrance and rest were to go with her inside. ?Shoot anything that moves and breathes inside. Leave no witnesses and make no one is left alive.? And with that Karin and her men began to make their way into the whorehouse mansion.....weapons at ready. Raymond Torreno just smiled as he entered a car and sped away to someplace else as another car pulled up. Baz and Mia jumped out of the car and took cover behind it at a bunch of armed men were making their way toward the entrance. Baz yelled out from his cover to them. ?THIS IS THE NEW ORLEANS POLICE . . . THROW YOUR WEAPONS DOWN AND PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR.? One of the men politely responded. ?**** YOU PIG!? Baz leaned over to Mia. ?I think that was a no.? A barrage of bullets rained in on Baz?s car. Baz had to restrain his rage as the onslaught of bullets tore his Chevrolet Classic to shreds. Mia put a comforting hand on his arm. Baz, ignoring the hail of lead, ran around and popped the boot, pulling out two sawn off automatic shotguns. Already loaded Baz jumped up screaming profanities and returning fire. Mia joined in and eventually they eliminated all of the men. A female voice shouted out. ?HOLD YOUR FIRE!? A pretty blonde woman brandishing a Tommy gun stepped out from behind a pillar and walked over to them. She held the gun by the barrel so she did not appear a threat. ?It appears you and I both want the same thing detective.? She told him. ?And what would that be?? He asked, his gun trained on her. ?We are both her to get rid of Jimmy Catroni. I propose a truce; we go in together and work together to get him. ?Who are you?? Baz asked. ?My name is Karin, you need know no more. Do you accept my truce?? ?Agreed. You help us capture Catroni and you walk away.? ?Very well. But understand this Detective; your department is not unscathed. There are men working for us and Catroni will not survive the night.? She warned. ?We?ll see.? The trio stormed into the mansion only to be met again by gunfire, this time from Catroni?s men. Baz aimed, not looking over at his attacker but just firing as he ran. A voice cried out followed by a thud as the shooter hit the floor. Four more men ran into the room and Baz dived behind the bar. The bottles on the shelf burst as they were hit by gunfire. As the men simultaneously stopped to reload Baz jumped up and opened fire, downing them all. There was a sound to his left. Baz swung his guns around to be met by Catroni brandishing two Beretta pistols. The two men stood in a standoff. ?Give up now Catroni and I promise I won?t kick your ***.? Catroni smiled. ?A generous offer Detective, but I have other plans.? ?Like dying a gruesome death and falling to hell?? Spoke a voice from the door behind him. He quickly looked behind and Karin stood there brandishing two similar Berettas and Baz swore silently. He was caught in the middle, he was wondering what she was up to. ?Thank you for getting rid of Catroni?s men for me Detective. And for luring out the scum himself.? Fear overtook Catroni at the sight of Karin. He knew who she was and her methods and then opened fire on the two of them. All of the shots missed except one that hit Baz in the thigh. He rolled across the room, ignoring the pain as he fired on Catroni, hitting him in the left shoulder. The blast sent Catroni against a wall and almost took his whole arm off. Still clutching one of the Berettas, Catroni took aim at the injured Basil, ready to finish him off. He was stopped short of pulling the trigger as a shot took him in the stomach. He fell to his knees as he remembered Karin, too late. The Russian assassin smiled as she fired on the dying Catroni, riddling his body with holes. The corpse that was New Orleans reigning drug lord fell to the ground with a thump. ?Dosvidanjya, Jimmy Catroni.? She dropped her pistols and started to walk off. She heard a pistol click from behind her. ?Yes Detective?? She asked as she turned to Baz. He had his shotgun trained on her as he struggled to his feet. ?You?re under arrest for the murder of Jimmy Catroni.? He said through gritted teeth. ?I thought we had a deal Detective. Besides . . . I just saved your life.? Baz laughed. ?Saved my life? Bah, I was in control. Truce or not, you?re coming with me.? ?I do not think so comrade.? She pulled a long metal rod from her trench coat. ?Put that down.? Baz spoke with power. ?You put that down Detective.? Baz squeezed the trigger an a click sounded. ?****, out of ammo.? Karin laughed. ?You fired seven shots already comrade. I counted.? Baz pulled out his .45 colt and aimed it at Karin only to be countered by a swipe from Karin's metal iron rod-club. The two were in very close range and Baz backed away, putting some distance away from the woman and avoiding the blow. The first blow missed him but the second blow from the other rod managed to hit the side of his handgun. Baz's managed to hang on to the pistol and aimed it back a Karin as he backed off. ?Game over . . . comrade.? He told her as he fired. There was another click and Baz swore. Baz looked at the pistol to see the chamber was dented from Karin?s rod. He threw the gun to floor in frustration. Karin took the moment to deliver a blow to Baz?s knee. He fell to the floor writhing in pain as Karin stood over him. She stood undecided whether to finish him. The man was an obvious threat and this could be her only chance to dispose of him. She decided and put the club back into her pocket. ?We agreed to a truce today Detective and I shall honour it. But next time we meet only one shall walk away.? Karin then exited the building and made her way back to one of the vans. She drove off back to the Emerald Rose. Just as Baz heard Karin?s car sped off, sirens were heard in the distance. They were into something big. Something bigger than New Orleans itself. _____ Mia searched the top floor for a sign of Jake. She searched through all the rooms with no sign of the kid. Suddenly she heard a knocking. Mia opened a closet to find Jake tied and gagged. She untied him and took out the gag. Then she slapped him. ?You goddamn idiot! How could you bloody run off by yourself with no backup into a cartel filled with armed men? What the HELL were you thinking?? ?I didn?t want to put anyone else in danger.? This only made Mia angrier. ?Well a fat ******* lot of good that did. You?re lucky they had other things to deal with. They could have killed you.? She took a deep breath and regained her composure. ?Well. It?s already done anyway. Let?s go and find Baz. The gunshots have stopped so I assume he?s finished with Catroni and that woman.? They went downstairs to find Baz and found him in the bar with several dead bodies. He gave Jake a furious look and Jake backed away several steps. Baz looked like he was about to say something but then shook his head and offered his hand. Jake took it gratefully. ?Aren?t you going to give me a big lecture or something?? Jake asked. ?I would, but I assume you?ve already gotten one from Miss Priss over there. Besides, who am I to judge? I?m not exactly a model officer.? Baz turned to talk to Mia but then dropped to one knee and groaned. Jake moved over to help but Baz waved him off. ?Don?t worry about me kid, I?m fine.? ?Fine!? You?ve been shot and by the looks of it, had your knee half bludgeoned off. You most certainly are not fine.? Mia fumed. ?We?ve got bigger things to worry about right now. Like who this Karin is working for. It has to be this family that Charlie told us about.? Baz said. ?How do you figure?? Mia asked him. ?Think girl, it?s obvious. This family doesn?t condone the dealing of drugs, and Charlie told us that they would get rid of Catroni if they found out about it. It can?t be coincidence that someone else sent an entire hit team after him.? ?Good point. But we?ll have to worry about that later. We can?t let you walk around with your kneecap half hanging off Baz.? ?I can fix that he said.? And with that, he took his pistol and slammed the butt into his knee causing a resounding crack as his kneecap popped back into place. He grunted in pain and Jake turned away sharply, wincing. ?Well that takes care of that.? He said and walked outside. Mia just looked at him in disgust and shook her head. Jake turned to her. ?Does he do that for all his injuries?? He asked her. ?Well yes, most of them.? Jake just looked bewildered. ?Sprains?? ?Yep.? ?Muscle tears?? ?Sorta.? ?Cramps?? ?You got it.? Jake looked thoughtful. ?But how would a pistol whip help a groin pull . . . ? ?I said most of them!? Mia cut him off quickly. ?Geez, thanks kid. Now I?ll have nightmares for a week.? Jake gave Mia a smile and an amused look as they followed Baz out to the car. ?Finally. What the hell were you doing in there?? Baz asked them. They just smiled at each other. ?Nothing.? They both said in unison. _____ Maria Virelli slouched on her seat as she took a sip of coffee served by one her young housemaids. She had been on the phone for almost half an hour now, on a secured line talking to a representative from a large powerful Chinese triad based in San Francisco's Chinatown. ?Thank you Mr. Khor. I am happy we can come to this arrangement. This will certainly smooth over things between our two groups.? She made her goodbyes, hung up the phone and finished her coffee. Her eyes then trailed over to Karin Rukov who was examining Maria?s firearm collection mounted on the study?s wall. ?I like your collection of weapons Miss Virelli. Especially this T-50 Automatic Rifle. This is a very rare collector?s item.? Karin said, still looking at the guns, not Maria. ?I know. But I believe you came to see me for other reasons, rather than admire my firearm collection.? She said somewhat impatiently.? Karin turned and sat in a chair in front of Maria. ?That is correct. My whole death squad was decimated by this single detective from the New Orleans police force. I believe he will be coming for me now, so I need a place to lie low. This man is truly one I do not want to be hunted by. Your family commands such high respect in this city; the authorities would not dare to cross you without reason. So I am asking for you to grant me sanctuary here for a while until the heat has passed. ?Well the Virellis do take care of their people . . . however; you are not one of our people. You are merely a hired gun. Why should I help you?? Maria asked. ?Because I am more useful to you alive than dead. You may be able to hire as many assassins and hitmen as you want, but I can assure you, none can match with me. I am the perfect killing machine you see. I trust you have checked my background?? ?Of course. You have had an impressive military career Miss Rukov . . . enlisted into the Bolshevik forces in 1919 at the age of 13, from your usual conscript machine-gunner in the frontlines, to sniper, to special ops, to Liutenant in just two years. You have 347 kills in your list . . . but I assume the number is much, much more.? Karin smiled.
  11. [size=1][color=darkblue]Bradley downed the rest of his soda and looked over at Liam. He still looked to be stewing in his anger at Rae. 'Look man, you've got to leanr to let it go. She been your best friend for God knows how long.' He told him. Liam grunted. 'I don't need lectures from you about how to handle my anger. I've dealt with anger my whole life, I know how to.' Liam replied acidly. Bradley shrugged and stood up. 'Fine. If that's the way you want to be, I'll let you sit here and sulk like a child.' Bradley turned ad walked off down the hall to find Zharra. He went into their room. He could hear the shower going. He decided to sneak in and surprise her. He walked into the bathroom and he heard her voice singing softly. He stood and listened for a while, bemused. He then popped his head in. 'Writing a hit are we?' He asked. Zharra jumped three feet in the air, causing some . . . interesting things to move. Zharra then stood there, wet and fuming. 'Don't sneak up on me like that.' She said through gritted teeth. 'I missed you too.' He replied. He then shot her a dazzling grin that only the coldest of hearts could not forgive. She shook her head and then smiled. He opened his arms and she stepped into his embrace. He kissed her wonderful smelling hair. And then he kissed her gently, savouring it. 'I missed you, truly.' She breathed. He picked her up in his broad arms and carried her into the room and laid her gently down on the bed. He lay beside her and she stroked his hair while looking deep into his startlingly blue eyes. 'I love you . . . more than I could possibly say.' He told her. She smiled and kissed him. She pulled his head close and whispered in his ear. 'And I you.' ---------------------------------------------------- An hour or so later they both set out of their room to find something to do. They decided to find Rae rather than Liam as he was probably still simmering in his own juices. They found Rae in the gym, she waved them over. 'You might want to have a bit of a workout . . . or have you already taken care of that?' Rae asked slyly. Bradley winked. 'The Commander will brief us later on our next task, but for the moment have a play around on some of the equipment, or have spar.' She told them. 'Sounds good, I haven't practiced in a while. How bout a bit of a tussle hey Rae?' Bradley asked.[/size][/color]
  12. I will be sitting in my room listening to Aenema by Tool and watching the tidal waves wash everything away. Seriously though, I don't think the world is going to end all too soon. I'm an Atheist, so I don't believe in that revelations crap, and I don't think it's possible for humans to destroy the world. Are we really all that vain to think that we could destroy a planet? When the world for humans is gone there will still be something left, life doesn't revolve around us.
  13. Look, everyone gets rejected by someone at least once in their life. (or twice, or threes times, or . . .) The fact is, get over it. You're not going to find someone who won't reject you if you sit there mooning about the last person to reject you. As your parents would say as you fall over as a kid: 'Get up, give it a rub and get over it.' Or is that just mine? Oh well, just move on, everything goes away with time.
  14. [QUOTE]I never had a problem with cloricus. I know lots of people did Why do lots of people develop enmities of a sort with others online? [/QUOTE] Believe me, if you knew him in person, you'd understand. And I believe I speak for everyone who knows him in person when I say that. Ah, registering on my day of birth. Now that just goes to show how important I am. And Ash and Mo better love me, we are married remember. In fact, I'm married to you as well now that I think of it. And quite a few people, if I remember correctly: Rae Ash Mo Raeven The Harleuqin Panny Chan I think there are others, but there are too many to remember. I then have a quest for you OB. Find my estranged spouses, and return them to me. Oh yes, I remember SYF. I'm sure Raiha does too. :;
  15. Well well. It's me again. Bet you thought I'd ceased to exist or something to that extent. I belive I had registered before Lady Asphyxia did and I also believe that it was I who convinced her to join. [i]Sits and awaits a thank you. Doesn't get one, huffs and continues.[/i] I would be on more often however my internet has died. However I shall have broadband next year so you can expect the glorified return of The Unholy Newt. (Run away while you still can) So Rae, you're not the only one left of us, sorry to take away your prestige. I intend to give the RPG section a fair bit of my attention. It is somewhat dissapointing that many of the old members that I know have sadly departed. Although you might want to be thankful that the dreaded reign of Cloricus' idiocy is over. (For those of you who have never experienced Cloricus, count yourself lucky) But all things pass, but fear not for I shall return. But that is for another day, I am not actually supposed to be on here so I wish you all adieu. ~TUN
  16. Could someone please make me a Tool banner with the words 'Prying open my third eye' and also a picture of the Tool eye on the back of the Aenima album and whatever other stuff you can do to make it awesome looking. Thanks ~TUN
  17. [size=1]Zharra draped her arms around Bradley's shoulders and kissed him passionately. Bradley went along with it for a while and then gently pushed her away. 'This place isn't going to blow soon ,we need to get out.' Zharra put a finger to his lips. 'We've got plenty of time.' At that point they heard the radio crackle, and then Mat's voice came on. [i]'Goddamn you two this is no f**king time to be playing house, get your asses down this tunnel now.'[/i] Zharra looked regretfully at Bradley, kissed him and they both ran out the door and down the tunnel.[/size] ooc: Sorry, short post and long absence. Been on holidays and I haven't got time to be on the net currently. ~TUN
  18. [size=1]Bradley stripped the top half so he could move easier when barricading the front door. He looked and saw Zharra smiling as she watched him. 'Aren't you going to finish the job?' 'That's what I'm doing, this stuff is damn heavy.' 'I wasn't talking about the barricade.' Zharra pointedly looked him up and down, Bradley could feel his face heating. He just winked and kept going. He stopped and looked to see what would be suitable to put in front of the door. He found a nice big table that would be big enough to cover the entire double doors. He gave it an experimental lift to see how heavy it was. It was a reasonable weight but that wasn't the problem. It was going to be damn awkward carrying the bloody thing by himself. He looked over at Zharra. 'Little help?' He asked. Zharra, smiling, shook her head. 'No, this should be interesting to watch.' He gave her an exaggerated death stare and turned back to the task at hand. His arm span was just a few inches shy of being able grab both sides. He tipped the table up on it's sides an against a wall. He then grabbed underneath it lifted it up, using the wall to keep it up. He then leant forward resting the table on his back and carried to the door and triumphantly set it down. 'You could have just dragged it you know.' Zharra pointed out. ~TUN[/size]
  19. WARNING: I'm not putting the spoiler tags in this post because it is annoying for the people who have seen the movie and if you haven't seen it yet it's pointless reading this far through the thread since it is just people saying they're favourite parts of the movie ------------------------------------------------------ Firstly I would just like to point out something about the Witch King of Angmar and Eowyn's battle. It had nothing to do with girl power or some really cool line. Although Eowyn is a reall good character and not to knock her or anything but, her killing the Witch King wasn't to do with her strength it was the fact that she was a woman that she was able to kill him because no [i]man[/i] could kill him. If you want to know where that originally comes from read the play [i]Macbeth[/i] by William Shakespeare. ---------------------------------------------- With Pippin finding the Palantir it was stupid that they cut out the scene where Wormtoungue throws it at them because it lefts unexplained why such and dangerous and valuable possesion of Saruman's is left lying in the mud when the Ents hadn't breached Saruman's keep, so how did it get outside? Also they missed a vital thing with Denethor. In the book Denethor had another one of the Palantir which explains his insanity and reluctance to enter into battle with Sauron. --------------------------------------------------------------- Now I'm getting carried away. I'm like that with movies made from books, I always compare them and it ruins the movie for me. Like all those Michael Crichton books that were made into films. I enjoyed the film however, it was a brilliant ending to the trilogy, My only problem with it was not it's not fault but I kind of wish I hadn't read the books because it somewhat ruined it for me comparing the book and movie. Did anyone else have that problem? ~TUN
  20. [size=1]Dominic wished he had died in the car chase. His stomach heaved as it emptied it's contents into the toilet bowl. [i]This is why I don't drink[/i] he thought to himself. After his stomach ran out of things to regurgitate it still continued heave as if it wasn't going to stop until he coughed up a lung or something. Someone knocked on the door. 'Dominic are you alright?' Julia's voice asked. He attempted to answer between heaves. 'Does it sound like I'm goddamned alright?' Finally his stomach settled. And by settled I mean didn't feel like it was going to rip a hole in his front and jump out. He wiped his mouth on the toilet paper and flushed the toilet. He opened the door to a concerned looking Julia. 'If I ever pick up another glass of alcohol again. Shoot me.' 'Want a drink?' she replied grinning evily. 'No thank you,' he answered, oblivious to the fact it was a joke. He stumbled past her, slumped down in a seat and she sat down beside him. 'Sure you don't want that drink?' Dominic finally got the joke. 'Very funny.' ~TUN[/size]
  21. [size=1][color=darkblue]As if summoned by Julia's feeling of needing to be somewhere a mafia thug lightly touched the both of their shoulders. 'Are you the one I get to shoot?' Dominic inquired, half intoxicated. The thug looked rather taken aback and unsure. 'Uh . . . no, sir. Don Merconi wants to see the two of you right away.' 'Then lead the way my good man.' The thug lead them up to the room outside the Don's parlour where they were shown in. They entered to meet the Don. Dominic bowed and kissed his hand and Julia did the same. 'How may we serve you my Don?' Dominic asked. 'We have just been informed of a shipment of weaponry crossing Africa for the Yakuza.' Dominic spat at the mention of Yakuza. 'You two and a group of Sicilian and Russian mafia operatives are to travel to Africa and intercept this shipment and ensure in does not reach Japanese hands. You leave on a plane to Johanessburg tomorrow morning, make yourselves ready.' 'As you command my Don.' Dominic and Julia kissed the Don's hand and left the room. ~TUN[/size][/color]
  22. [size=1]I used to be an absolute role-playing freak. We formed our own role-playing guild and we met once a week and played Dungeons & Dragons. (3rd edition of course, 2nd edition is stone age stuff) We even had a 24 hour game session to celebrate our Dungeon Masters birthday. We were absolutely buggered afterwards. But yeah, I definitely would reccomend Dungeons & Dragons to anyone interested in taking up real life role-playing. A player's handbook only costs about 40 bucks and if you get serious there are heaps more books on D&D so you can make playing even better. Our DM (Dungeon Master) is an absolute D&D nut. Off the top of my head I think he has about 20 D&D books which all cost about $40 each. So it's about 800 bucks worth of D&D books he has. I'm cheap I only bought a player's handbook and nothing else though. ~TUN[/size]
  23. [size=1][color=darkblue]Dominic just grunted and sat down at the bar. 'Well aren't we sociable today?' Julia said. Dominic ignored her and caught the attention of the barman. 'What'll be sir?' 'I don't care, just something strong.' The barman went and poured a vodka and handed it to Dominic. Dominic downed it in one shot. 'Again.' He ordered. Julia looked at Dominic with a raised eyebrow. 'What is this? You don't drink.' 'I had a bad night.' 'What happened.' Dominic told Julia about the car bomb and how his men were killed in the explosion. Julia didn't comment she just took it all in. 'So in other words, I'm a very pissed off Italian and I feel like shooting someone.' 'Well I'm sure someone will oblige you.' 'Are you offering yourself?' Dominic asked with a raised eyebrow. ~TUN[/size][/color]
  24. [size=1][color=darkblue]ooc: Sorry for being so late in posting, our hard drive died for absolutely no reason a few days ago and we just got a new one today. So again I apologise for the lateness. [center]___________________________[/center] When Dominic finally woke up everything was a blur. His head was stinging like he had been stabbed by a thousand knives. He sat up a lightly touched his head. His fingers came away wet and sticky. Blood. He looked over to the charred remains of his merc. [i]Thank God I had Toni start the car,[/i] he thought. He rose to his feet and reached into his pocket for his cellphone. He pulled it out to find that was smashed beyond repair, he had no way of contacting any of his men. For several minutes Dominic bellowed out a string of expletives, half in english, half in Italian. He finally came to his senses and started walking to the nearest busy area to find a taxi. He eventually found a taxi driver that wasn't on duty or was entertaining company in the back seat and drove over to the meeting hall, hopefully it was still going. He arrived and told the driver to wait, in case it was finished. He entered the building to find it more or less deserted except for two mafia members who had stayed behind, to see him it appeared. 'Ah, Mr Virelli, sir. We have been waiting for you. The Don was not pleased when you did not make an appearance.' 'Save your talk or I will shoot you. Where have they gone?' Dominic answered in his chilling tone. 'They have all gone to a local hotel, we shall take you there now. The Don said you were to meet with him as soon as you arrived.' 'Very well. Take me there.' The two members escorted him to their car behind the hall, leaving a very angered taxi driver, who would be waiting quite a while. They arrived at the hotel and Dominic was shown in to a room adjoining where the Don and his associates were. After a few minutes of waiting one of the associates came and invited Dominic into the room. The Dominic entered and saw that the Don and his men were rather taken aback by Dominic's state. Blood trickled down the side of his head and down his neck and his clothes were torn and scorched from the explosion and the impact as he hit the ground. 'Dominic, my son. We missed you at the meeting.' The Don greeted him disapprovingly. Dominic went up to the Don and took his outstretched hand and kissed the ring. 'I bring my sincerest apologies Don Merconi. I was delayed at my lodgings when my car was blown up.' A scowl settled on the Don's face. 'This is not good news my son, what of you men?' Dominic did not answer, he just shook his head. 'Although, I am saddened by their deaths I am glad that I do not have to kill you. Go now downstairs and clean up and then join the others in the bar.' 'Yes my Don, thank you for your forgiveness.' Dominic kissed the ring on the Don's hand again and exited the meeting room. ~TUN[/size][/color]
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