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The Unholy Newt

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Everything posted by The Unholy Newt

  1. Malek: Well that was interesting. What do you propose we all do? Frederick: I reckon we should do it! Ryan: We don't even know where to look. Malek: Is there a priest in this town? Frederick: Why don't you ask someone? [i]Malek coathangers the nearest peasant, knocking him to the ground. The peasant just looks up at him, his eyes fearful[/i] Malek: Where is the town priest, my good man? Peasant: He . . He's right aroung that corner at the local church giving a sermon *he points as he struggles to rise* Malek: Thank you, my good man. *he tosses a few coins on the ground near the peasant and turns to the others* Well lets go then. [i]They make their way to the church and let themselve in. They stand at the back as the priest delivers his sermon to the congregation. When he finished he makes his way over to the four.[/i] Priest: Well what can I do for you?
  2. [i]As soon as he heard about it he bolted for Chrome's room. He got there, opened the door and rushed in, puffing from all the running[/i] Chrome: What is it Ftharom? Ftharom: Mara and Kain have been captured!!
  3. SEE! You are a good writer, if they gave you a trip to disneyworld for one of your poems, thats gotta be saying somethin.
  4. You are a really good writer. You should put them into a contest or something
  5. That is not dumb, that is really, really good :)
  6. (You are pulling into the town at different entrances at the same time) [I]You ride into the town of Koron, you don't know why you came here but you just felt like it was where you needed to be like you were compelled to come. You also felt the need to come to this particular tavern The Hilt and Blade Tavern. It was a pretty average place, drunks line the floor and lusty tavern wenches go around seducing tips from their customers. You feel a driving force to a certain table where there are three people sitting there already, you sit down not talking, just waiting. something important was going to happen, something you had a part in. An old man in a long brown travellers coat sits down at the head of the table. The man is obviously very ancient, his long hair and beard white with age has but a tweak of silver. He just sits there for a few moments staring at one person for a few minutes then moving on to the rest as if he was sizing them up. then at last he speaks[/I] Man: Ah, it seems I have chosen well Ryan: What am I doing here old man, and who are these other people. Malek: Respect your elders fool Ryan: HOW DARE YOU!! Malek: (Ignoring Ryan) As he said, why have you called us here ancient one (That feeling was telling him that he is one of importance) Man: I have call upon thee all to embark upon a task of great importance. I must implore thee to believe what I say and to not interupt me. I have called thee here because thou are the ones destined to save all of mankind. Even now a great evil doth roam the earth and seeks to destroy it. The Dark One, Lucifer, Prince of the Underworld is at a great unrest he has awoken from his eternal slumber and seeks to bring about the apocalypse. He has resurrected the Accursed, the Horseman of the Apocalypse who once sought to bring the end of the world. They were vanquished by a band of great and powerful heroes and as they did thou must too. The Accursed seek to create havoc on the realm of Earth and if they succeed, the world will be plunged into darkness and Lucifer will be able to enter this realm from his imprisonment. That is your task and yours alone. I implore thee to follow it. [I]The old man arises and leaves the table. He walks out of the Tavern. All four of you jump up and chase after him but he is gone.[/I]
  7. ok, GREAT, we got our four. I'll put it in the RPG section now . . .
  8. Umm, people. This RPG started ages ago, why are people still signing up?
  9. Destyr: Okay then, the first thing we do is figure out where these demons are going to strike next. Any ideas? Jessi: Maybe they will come back to the town to feed on the dead? Destyr: Not possible. The town doesn't even exist anymore. I may not have been in time for the fight but I saw everything get obliterated. There is nothing left. [i]Everyone sits down with a look of failure on their faces, thinking about how they could possibly figure out where the demons will strike next.[/i]
  10. Name: Knives Age: 135 Weapons: Twin Dostovei Pistols, MP5 Appearance: Blonde spiked hair, blue eyes and Red Armour Background: Knives vowed to destroy all humans after he destroyed a mission that his brother was in killing everyone except his brother OOC: Vash looks like the evil one not knives lol
  11. Destyr: I was NOT hiding in these mines, I was merely setting up and I had no idea that the town had been attacked. I mean the town is a few miles from these mines Jessi: Oh, I didn't know that. Sorry for calling you a coward. Destyr: I accept you apology. Now Ken, you seem like a proficient fighter. Maybe we should team up to stop these demons. Ken: Sounds like a plan.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char! [/i] [B][color=blue][size=1]Well, I think it's a good, if not great idea. We've pretty much discovered all there is to know about Earth. The only true option left is space. [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] That is bull. There are millions of things we don't know a bout Earth. Especially in what Majora's Mask said. We haven't cured all of the diseases and other bad stuff like that. We should clean up our own mess until moving on. I am 100% against this until Earth cleans up their act.
  13. [i]As Ken and the group of people who followed the Mayor entered the mine, Ken felt something, like a gun barrel touch against his head[/i] Voice: What are you doing in my mine? Ken: We just want some shelter, we don't mean to intrude. [i]The voice then steps out of the shadows. He was a man somewhere in his late twenties/early thirties. He had shortish black hair and wore a long black trenchcoat. In his hands he held two silver pistols.[/i] Man: I'm Destyr. Who the hell are you? Ken: My name is Ken. All these other people used to live in what was our town until it was destroyed by Demons. Destyr: *swears profusely under his breath* I was too late. Ken: What? Destyr: I figured they would strike here next, but I was too late to stop them. Ken: How did you find that out? Destyr: Well these Demons have only been attacking small towns and working tmemselves up and this is one of the only small towns left. Damn! There is no way to find out where they will strike next now.
  14. Yes, but. That is way off into the future. Starting out they will make it painfully expensive. And once it does become cheap and easy, some Texas millionaire wanting a new ivory backscratcher will just keep jacking up the prices. It is, at the moment, still a bulls**t idea
  15. Name: Destyr Age: 32 Height: 6,2 Gender: Male Soul: Neutral Skill: Highly skilled in all forms of martial arts and also weaponry Weapons: Triple Bolt Crossbow, Twin Dostovei Pistols and 308 Bolt action sniper Rifle Bio: Just a guy trying to make his way through the cruel, cruel world Personality/Appearance: Black hair, Brown eyes and Long black trenchcoat
  16. Ryo: Hmmm, it's pretty boring here. I might just go cruising. I might even happen upon our friend on the board up there. [i]He gets into his ship and takes off[/i]
  17. Get a punching bag. Or a sound proof room and scream your head off.
  18. Even if they did manage to colonize the moon. Who would be able to go there? Scientists and Astronauts and important people like taht. And even if they were allowing normal people to go there, how much would it cost? $100,000 , $1, 000, 000? Only the rich would be able to go. And in 2060 none of us now would be in a good enough condition to space travel. And also, the colony would only be an experiment. What would happen if there was an air leak? Or if something exploded? It is way to dangerous for my liking. I would rather die a nice normal death than axphyxiate out in lonely space.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=coral]To call ANZAC day "idiocy" is one of the most disrespectful and offensive things I can possibly fathom, as an Australian citizen.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] EXACTLY!! People (Especially Australian Citizens) should have some bloody respect for people who defended their country and kept it how it is today. Think. If those ANZAC's and others had failed in what they were achieving. the nazi's would have taken over the world and you probably would'nt even be born. Or worse you could be in some concentration camp. Or a slave for those nazi bastards. Sorry. There aren't many things I stand for but I do stand for Patriotism through and through. And people who don't have respect for their country and people who set out to achieve what their country has become shouldn't even be allowed to live there.
  20. I think it is a stupid idea because by the time they manage to actually colonize the moon or mars or whatever, all three of you, and me will be long bloody dead. So this space station would not benefit any of you at all. Not even babies that are just being born would be alive to see the moon or mars colonized
  21. [i]Rogan and Enron stumble around the passages trying to find the centre or at least Zaltazar and Alastuin.[/i] Enron: They have got to be around here somewhere. ZALTAZAR!! Rogan: Shouting is not going to help. It will just bring more Naga. Enron: Too late. [i]They hear slithering from around the next corner and then from around it come more naga. But these ones were different and Enron and Rogan figure that they are the Nagishnzni.[/i] Rogan: Good, things were starting to get boring. Now we can have a nice little skirmish to occupy us. . . For a few minutes at least. Enron: A little!!! There must be at least 50 of them!!! Rogan: That's good. It means we must be nearing the centre. [i]Rogan darts in and starts slicing up the nagas with his sword and is quickly joined by Enron.[/i] Five Minutes Later . . . Rogan: Nice fight if I do say so myself Enron: Yup Rogan: You need to improve your fighting. I killed twice as many as you. Enron: *mutters obscenities under his breath* Rogan: Well then. Lets continue. [i]They keep going down the passage, carefully avoiding the dead bodies that litter the corridor[/i]
  22. Dark Apocalypse, Commando goes into your field not your rank because commando is not a rank. Your rank is like seargent or corporal or somthing like that. And you can't be the weaponry guy because i've already taken it.
  23. Date - 23/4/2067 Time - 7:09 PM Location - U.S Defense Base, 13 Miles from the Russian Border. Status - The Cold War has broken out again. Only this time there is open warfare. The Soviet Union has rised to power and communism reigns in Russia. The Soviets have come together under what they believe is the Josef Stalin, Resurrected. You are currently in Kazahkstan in a military base 13 miles from the Russian border. Roughly ten miles inside the border, lies the city of Yekaterinburg. Within that city is a powerful nuclear base where "Stalin" is manufacturing weapons and freighting them up to Arkhangelsk and being transported to Newfoundland where they are building a powerful base to attack the U.S. WE have taken measures to stop these ships but the danger of a nuclear explosion prevents us from taking action. Your mission is to (Covertly) sneak into the base at Yekaterinburg and neutralize it. Then move on to Arkangelsk and destroy the harbour there. We will be taking a team of seven - A Weapons expert An Explosives expert Two ordinary Commandos A Professional Assasin A Communications Officer And a civillian skilled in stealth, lockpicking usual criminal stuff My Character: Name: Bradley Russo Rank: Lieutenant (Nobody can go higher, I am in charge) Dog Tag #: 295437 Age: 29 Height: 6,2 Weight: 79kg Field: Weaponry Weaponry: 308 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle F88 Austeyre Machine Gun Twin Silver Dostovei Pistols Twin Baretta Pistols Combat Knife Strong Cord (Strangling People) c4 Explosives Description: Short Brown hair (Everyone's hair must be short, this is the army) Brown eyes. Normal camoflauge uniform History: Joined the Army when 17, promoted quickly
  24. Hey no chatting in the sign up. If you want to chat, PM each other. So please delete those posts.
  25. [i]Belthazor draws althame stabbing it into the gut of one villager twisting, lifting him up and then drawing it out bringing his intestines with it with a look of horror showing in the villager's face. Seeming satisfied with that he spins round and slices one of their throat's open spurting blood as it seemed he had hit the jugular vein. He thrust out behind him stabbing one in the heart and then bringing it out slicing it along the priests face, who promptly falls to the ground. The other villagers horrified by the carnage turn and bolt back from where they came from.[/i]
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