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The Unholy Newt

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Everything posted by The Unholy Newt

  1. [i]Ryo walked up to the bounty board.[/i] Ryo: Strent hey, not worth my time. weakling. [i]Ryo made his way over to the training room and started slicing thin air with his katanas and somersaulting and rolling around the hall. He then performed 300 sit ups and 50 pushups and made his way to the weight room . . .[/i]
  2. [b]Name:[/b] Tavesti [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Height:[/b] 6,2 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Class:[/b] Thief [b]Weapons:[/b] Rapier Dagger [b]Armour/Clothes:[/b] Leather Armour [b]Description:[/b] Long, Black hair tied behind head in apony tail. Deep, blue eyes that could charm a troll. [b]Bio/History:[/b] Was born in a remote town that was invaded by raiders when he was 10. After that he drifted for a while begging in different towns and so on. Realizing that he wouldn't get anywhere begging, he turned to a underground crime syndicate in the current village he was in. The boss there showed him all the ropes, pickpocketing, murder, you know that sort of thing. He started out runnung errands but worked his way up in the rankings of the syndicate. He was eventually run out of town by the syndicate when he was framed by a rival who wasn't very pleased with Tavesti's success, so he faked a plot that had him at the head planning to kill the head of the group. He then took to vagrancy again, stopping at towns, casing noblemans houses, robbing them and then fleeing. On the way to other towns he also waylaid other travellers taking their belongings and getting quite proficient in a fight.
  3. [i]Baz takes cover behind their car and orders the others to do also. He then draws his Revolver[/i] Baz: IDENTIFY YOURSELVES!!! [i]The men give a startled cry and dive behind trees their weapons blazing. Baz fires two shots downing one of the five men then running ahead taking cover behind a stump[/i] Baz: THROW DOWN YOUR WEAPONS NOW!!! [i]Sikes steps out with his two automatics and blasts three of the men down and the last one promptly surrenders.[/i] Baz: Angel, Cuff em! Angel: Right, *she does so* Baz: WHO ARE YOU! Man: I'm . . . I'm . . . Dravan Peters Sikes: Why are you here? Dravan: I was sent here to . . . [i]Draven is cut short as a shot rings out and he drops dead from a bullet to the face. Sikes runs after the source of the fire but finds nothing[/i] Sikes: He's gone . . .
  4. Ok, all we need is a fighter now, so when we get one i'll start it up
  5. um . . yes i can, she said she would choose the people and i think my post is better then yours
  6. Ok, I'm going to try this one again. I had it in the RPG section but no one who signed up posted so here goes again. I will need four people. One to oppose each horseman and you must be one of the horseman's classes. Alas the apocalypse has fall apon ye and all will be destored unless ye stop it. The Horseman of the Apocalypse have been called upon by the Prince of Darkness to bring on the end of the world and create a lot of havoc in the process. The Horseman are: War, Strife, Death and Famine War - Fighter Strife - Rogue Death - Necromancer Famine - Druid/Cleric Heres my character: Name: Malek Age: 27 Sex: Male Height: 6,2 Weight: 180lbs Race: Half-Elf Class/Specialty: Rogue Armour: Studded Leather (Black) Weapons: Rapier Dagger 4 Throwing Knives Magic Ability: None Background: Grew up as a basic pickpocket and moved around a lot robbing travellers and other basic rogue stuff Appearance: Black hair, Brown eyes, Red Head band, normal clothing black shirt brown trousers and brown boots. Personality: Cynical, Easy going once he knows you
  7. Name: Phoenix Adams Weapon: Orc Double Axe Personality: Cynical and Dark Location in hell: Los Angeles Date of Death: 1567 Age: 28
  8. Can I be Sunchi? Name: Sunchi Background: A small half-dragon sent to get the guy and his friend in order to help him. He is the boys partner Age: 427 Personality: A klutz, but has a good sense of humour. He knows that fighting is wrong, but he does it anyway. He doesnt listen to a word the boy says Also just a word of advice, you shouldn't double post because you will get in trouble for it. Moderators think it is a way to get your post number up.
  9. Character sheet ((Dragon)) Name: Thrak Gender: Male Age: 2789 Description: About 3 Stories tall, BronzeyGreen Scales. 3 whiskers on either side of snout. Dark Blue slits for eyes. long pointed ears (A lot like horns) that protrude to the back. Long sharp claws. Wings that can be concealed inside back but span out to incredible size. Color: Bronze Past: was born when many mythical creatures roamed the Earth. in his clan he was a very important figure head who ate many bad humans. When he was 200 his clan was set upon by "righteous dragon hunters" and his entire clan was killed. After many moons he hunted his clans killers down and redeemed his vengeance. After that he roamed the country hunting down the "bad people" who wronged others. In the medieval times or the "Times of no Dragons" he went into hiding as there were many "righteous dragon hunters" walking the Earth taking it upon themselves to exterminate the "vile creatures who befouled the very ground the Earth was made of". When he finally came out of hiding the world was filled with many men and tall things and beast that ran very fast with round feet
  10. [I]Baz looks around and something catches his eye. It was just a tiny sparkle but just enough to notice. He walked over to it and looked at it. It was a snake scale, it wasn't small but it wasn't too big either.[/I] Baz: Anyone know anything about snakes? Siren:*Looks at it* Looks like a Python scale. Angel: Isn't there one of those at the Voodoo Museum? Giovanni: Hey Guys, come look at this! [I]Everyone comes over to look at it. There was some kind of strange marking carved into the wood. It looked like some funny circle thing filled with lines and other markings. Also above the wall was some kind of message, written in some symbol code. Baz copies it down and continues to search[/I] Baz: Looks like that is all we'll find here. The next scene is down by the swamp, lets go.
  11. Name: Belthazor Age when died: 27 Time in Hell: Immemorial Position in former life: Soldier Position in Hell: Leg-Breaker Short bio of life/death: Was a mercenery in his past-life and was killed on the battlefield Appearance: Black Hair, Red Eyes. Black Trenchcoat Equipment: Athame (Dagger type thing), Quad-Bolt Crossbow. QuarterStaff
  12. (New Orleans PD, New Orleans. Time: 5:39pm) [I]Senior Detective Basil Coddlesworth (Baz for short) and Senior Detective Angel Isis, are called into Comissioner Anderson's office[/I] Baz: Whats up Chief? Chief: I've got a case for you Baz: Well, what's she doing in here *points to angel* I work alone Chief: I've decided to make you two partners. Angel & Baz: WHAT!? Chief: Look, I know you two got history and everything, but you have to work together on this one. Baz: Well, what have you got for us? Chief: They're has been a couple of murders. Angel: So what else in new? Chief: They aren't your average murders. They're all wierd. The press are calling them The Voodoo Murders. Apparently they were commited by the Voodoo locals. Baz: But they haven't caused us any trouble before. Chief: Yeah, but apparently they've been done with some kind of ritual knife and the heart has been removed and looks like burned in some kind of basin or something like that . . anyway you can find out when you get there. Angel: Lets go then. Chief: Wait, first you have to meet the other people you'll be working with. Baz: Other people? Chief: Yep, first is Detective Tepes. He's just been promoted and this is his first case. Next is Detective Sikes, he runs a private detective business and is an expert in criminology. And last is Siren Kotja. He is just your basic street urchin but should prove to be useful. They are waiting outside. Get yourself aquainted and then head down to the armoury for your weapons
  13. Okay that is enough ppl. I'll just create a new thread in the RPG section. :)
  14. Name: Ken Nagasaki Age: 27 Height: 6,2 Weight: 178lbs Appearance: (Japanese) Long Black hair, in a ponytail. Brown Eyes. Wears Long black trenchcoat, Black shirt, black belt, black pants and Combat boots (You reckon you can guess what colour . . . yep, Black) Personality: Passive normally, but when annoyed LOOK OUT! Background: Born in Japan, in a monastery and learned many fighting arts. After he left, he became a evil hunter. Fighting Style[s]: Karate, Judo, Kendo, Juu Jitsu and Ninjitsu Weapons: Kitana's x2 (Gold handle with dragon on it) Long black cord (Very Strong), Two daggers (Handles same as kitana's) and a Zig 9mm x2 (Uzi)
  15. Yeah, whatever. I need people anywayz
  16. And by the way Jupitersun and whoever else is going to join you can't be senior detective or higher because my character is meant to be in charge
  17. Name: Ryo Age: 27 Bio: Ryo was born in the Moon Colony in the year 2519. He was abused by his parents and eventually ran away from home. He took up murder when he was only 9, killing and robbing people in the alleys until he was picked up by a sensei for a Ninjitsu Dojo, The Dragon Clan at the age of 15. He trained there for ten years and was given the name Ryo (Old Japanese for Dragon). He then came to work for the Space Government Alliance. Has a tattoo of a Dragon on left shoulder Fighting Style: Ninjitsu Strength: 17 Speed: 29 Agility: 28 Technique: 26 Weapon: Kitana, with dragon hilt Ship: The Black Dragon Type: Shogun 435 DEF Pulsar Weapons: Two guided missile turrets either side of cockpit Two Machine Guns(Highly explosive and armour piercing bullets), one behind cockpit, and other at back of ship. And Each wing has 20 Missiles (25) Armor: Titanium (25) Speed: (25) Manuverability: (25) Equipment: Black, very strong Cord Access codes for ship Key to room back at HQ Picture of Sensei
  18. I would like to throw something different into this discussion. One thing, Euthanasia does not actually mean doctor assisted suicide, it comes from two greek words (or latin, one of the two) with euth meaning good and anasia meaning death. So by definition everyone has the right to a good death so in those terms i support it. But in the common perception of that term I think, yep if they want to die it is their own choice, however they should not drag someone else into it, such as a doctor, endangering their reputation, their freedom (getting thrown in jail) and in the theological terms, their soul. So if they want to end their own life, good for them
  19. OOC: Why don't you have something that involves a tree so I can intoduce my character into the story
  20. I am - INFP moderately expressed introvert moderately expressed intuitive personality slightly expressed feeling personality slightly expressed perceiving personality
  21. [I]Without hesitating, Rogan runs off to join his . . . Aquaintence. He draws his blade in a manner decapitating three Nagas. He then slices open one right down the middle and then turning a braining one in the head with his hilt. He then stabs one in the chest almost certainly in the heart, pulls his blade out and slices diagonally across one of their faces spilling brains and blood everywhere. Alastuin and Enron suprised by this sudden brutality streak, run in and join the melee. After several minutes the cold stone floor is covered with the dead and dying, the smell of blood lingering in the air.[/I] Rogan: Well, shall we continue?
  22. [I]Rogan runs after her too. After a while they decide to wait for the others to turn up. Zaltazar and Enron come running up to them puffing.[/I] Rogan: What is it? Enron: Naga's, lots of them [I]Suddenly around the corner comes a big herd (Or whatever) of Naga and they don't look happy[/I] Alastuin: Do something Zaltazar! Zaltazar: what? Rogan: Try talking to them!
  23. OK what we want is at least two more people to sign up and then we can get started (As soon as I think of a half decent storyline :whoops: )
  24. Seeing the other two Enron and Rogan run up to meet them, Alastuin was covered in blood and holding a paper of some kind Rogan: What happened? Zaltazar: We encountered a Naga Enron: You okay? Alastuin: Yeah, we're fine Zaltazar: We have a problem . . . Enron: What? Alastuin shows them the picture of the labyrinth and tells them about it Rogan: Well what do we do?
  25. They didn't have t-shirts in that era Jupitersun
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