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The Unholy Newt

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Everything posted by The Unholy Newt

  1. Rogan: Okay, Enron we'll tunnel out. . . Just as soon as you figure out how to tunnel through solid rock!
  2. Rogan: Ok, Enron go get firewood, Alastuin and Zaltazar go find a cave or something to keep us out of the storm and i'll find food (All three of them look at him weird) Rogan: What! someone has to take charge around here (They shrug and go off to do their jobs, after awhile they all meet back, A and Z, hey i'm lazy found a cave E found a lot of fire wood and R hunted down a couple of deer)
  3. (Suddenly the group are surrounded by the wyverns still but also a herd of one hundered tarrasques all foaming at th mouth) Rogan: Me and my big bloody mouth (Rogan tells the others to duck and does a spinning swing and decapitates all 4 wyverns and then starts engaging a tarrasque
  4. Rogan: Great, first trolls then goblins, then riders on dragons and now bloody wyverns. What's next a herd of rabid tarrasques
  5. OOC: Okay so are we actually going to continue now? . . . Good (They all continue on after the incidents at th hermits hut for a several leagues or so until night) Rogan: So, how do we intend to fight this "warlock" if he can control the monsters and all that hpw are we to contend? Zaltazar: As Alastuin said we'll burn that bridge when we come to it I suppose. (As they discuss what they are to do they hear noises from near by they sneak behind some bushes to find out what it is. They see a party of goblins walking around searching the area and speaking in a language that is barely intelligible) Goblin 1: Where are they the master said they'd be around here somewhere Lead Goblin: Just shut up and keep looking
  6. Name: Threane Age: 2456 Race: Dryad Magic Type: Power over Nature Description: Green Hair, Brownish skin and blue eyes Bio: Threane mostly spends time hanging around her tree and talking tro creatures of the forest
  7. OOC: You can't just go and stab the warlock in the heart cloricus he is not around so stop screwing up the RPG that is to everyone
  8. Rogan: What the hell is happening this is so stupid!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Rogan: What the hell happened here? Alastuin: Zaltazar just blew up Rogan: And would that be? (enron and alastuin just look at him blankly) Rogan: Well what do we do now? Do we still go for the warlock or do we find out what happened to him *points to the pile of ash that was once Zaltazar*
  10. Name: Ftharom Species: Human Age: 27 Height: 6,2 Weight: 160lbs Historial Background: Ftharom was born on earth in a suburban area. He never really paided any attention to the name, What was the point. His parents were killed by local gangsters for refusing to pay "protection" and he was turned out. He got by being a pickpocket and then working his way up to house robbing and big jobs like that. He was caught by a local gang for not having a thieves license so he was trained there as an assasin. He pretty much got by until he had tracked down the gangsters who killed his parents and he returned the favour. After that he was forced to leave Earth because the members of the gang he killed were very important in the criminal underworld and had factions everywhere. After fleeing earth he reverted to being a pickpocket on other planets but then got hired as a bounty hunter. Appearance: Long brown hair, goatee and moustache. Brown eyes, wears a long black trench coat long black pants and dark brown combat boots. Weapon[s]: 38. calibre pistol Sawn-off Shotgun 308 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle (with scope) Other Devices: Tracking Device Grappling Hook and Rope Lock Picks Personality: Very Cynical and pessimistic because he has lead such a s**t life. Doesn't have many close friends at all and doesn't really want any either. Takes a lot to gain his trust.
  11. (After asking around rogan finds that the herit's place is outside the town in the forest, they poke around in the forest for a while and eventually find a hut.) (Rogan knocks on door) Man: (opening the door) Yes Rogan: Are you the one they call Koron? Man: Yes Rogan: We were told that you would know something about the strange behaviour of the troll that attacked the village Koron: Oh yes, he waas being controlled by a warlock, Mordak Rogan: Black cloak, surly disposition? Koron: thats the one Rogan: Can you direct us to where we can find this Mordak Koron: Yes his castle is a few hundred leagues off that way *he points* Rogan: Thanks (leaves the hut) Well people what do you think we should do?
  12. Rogan: Lets go ask someone in this town maybe they know something about it or direct us to someone who does Zaltazar: Why don't we just threaten to kill them, that always works. Rogan: Why don't we try asking them first Zaltazar: That's just crazy enough to work (Rogan pulls aside a villager) Rogan: Do you know why that troll was here Man: I don't know why don't you ask Koron the crazy hermit he knows everything Rogan: I might just do that
  13. People can sign up you know. My RPG is not going to bite you.
  14. Suddenly a man in a long black cloak appears. Man: Mwahahahahahahahahahahahaha, it seems my delaying tactics have worked while you were busy handling those absurdities I have come one step closer to ruling the world Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah . . . ha . . . . . . . . . . . ha Rogan: What the hell :flaming:
  15. Rogan: What the (Explicit Mode of Verbal Communication) is going on here we have locusts rising up out of this funny grey hard stuff and weird contraptions that spit out pastry, what is all this about?????!!!!!!!
  16. Evolution is the process of life which involves one organism (example- ape) evolving into another (Human) I'm not so sure on Creationism
  17. OK This is set in the Pre Gangster Era, a few decades before the invention of the Thompson Machine Gun, one of the first Machine Guns. So about the limit of weaponry you can have is a shotgun, a 38 cal. Revolver and things like that. You are members of the New Orleans Police Force and you have been called to investigate some strange murders. Name: Basil Coddlesworth (Don't Knock it it's cool) Rank: Senior Deyective Badge #: 567 Gender: Male Age: 35 Bio: Watched while his parents were brutally murdered at the age of ten. Made a resolution to become a police officer so he could find his parents murderer and bring him to justice. Description: Black hair, Brown Eyes. Wears long black trench coat and bl Equpment: Nightstick, 38. cal Revolver, sawnoff shotgun (concealed brilliantly under trenchcoat.) Badge, Wallet and cool sunglasses. :demon:
  18. Name: Pthora Code name: Lonewolf Dog tag Code: 645378 Weapons: Glock Pistol (Silenced) 308 Silenced Sniper Rifle 2 Dostovei Pistols Vehicle: Humvee Gender: Male Race: Humanoid Bio: Mostly Unknown, Wears Black Bulletproof Vest, grey shirt, Black Trousers and Black Combat Boots Personality: Cynical, No conciense or guilt Specialty: Assasin, Extremely Good Marksman
  19. Sorry about this guys my computer is stuffing up at the moment so i can't continue with the storyline tonight because I can't read anything because there are bloodyu pictures all over my screen and i can't see the posts. So we'll have to leave it there for ttonight seeya
  20. AS i said in the sign up section the troll has crashed through the door bellowing aand eating people. Do something before you get eaten too. Rogan sstarts by darting around behind it ready to attack
  21. While you're busy chatting up the local peasants, serfs etc. You hear a deafening bellow and loud (and i mean LOUD footsteps) all of a sudden a troll bursts through the door he's your average sort of troll Tall Ugly and very nasty he is holding what kind of looks like a human but it has been ripped off at the torso and the troll is eating the remains
  22. Well we may as well get started Anyone else can join along the way but a least try to find a decent way to incorporaye yourself into the story don't just have yourself magically appear somewhere Ok you start off in a tavern in some remote hole of a village The tavern is called the Lusty Bar Wench You are there to investigate the reports of monsters in the area acting strangely The tavern is a pretty normal sort of a tavern drunk people lying around the place, smell of vomit lingering in the air that sort of stuff
  23. Is any one else going to join because it's not very interesting with only two characters
  24. You are a group of elite adventurers called to stop an evil warlock who has stolen an ancient artifact (Pandora's Box) and is using it to control all the monsters in the land. OK this is my first thread so don't blame me if it sucks. Well maybe you can blame me because it is my thread but try not to. I'll want about 5 or 6 more people to join but I can be flexible. Heres my character. Name Rogan Age 27 Eyes Blue Hair Light Brown Height 6,2 Battle Axe and Field Plat armour Rogan was raised in a monastery by warrior monks so he is also skilled in no weapon fighting
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