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The Unholy Newt

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Everything posted by The Unholy Newt

  1. [size=1][color=darkblue]Bradley managed to crawl his way out of the canvas and somehow manage to keep his ribcage from exploding as he supressed his laughter. He felt content in the knowledge that concealed in his pocket was a nice little snapshot of Liam that he hadn't managed to confiscate. He looked around and saw that everyone had already made their way out of the tent ages ago. That was Bradley's major fault, he had absolutely no sense of direction. He heard a scream coming from Zharra's/Medical tent. It sounded like Liam, [i]this should be entertaining[/i] Bradley thought. Watching Liam in pain was always good fun. He made his way into the tent just as Zharra stabbed a massive needle in Liam's arm and he yowled in pain.[/size] ooc: Sorry I haven't posted in ages. I finally got enough time on the net to post. ~TUN[/color]
  2. Just a question. When is this set? If it is like a 1930s type gangster setting I can help, I love that era. [center]_____________________________[/center] [size=1][b]Name:[/b] Dominic Virelli [b]Codename:[/b] Mad Dog [b]Biography:[/b] Dominic 'Mad Dog' Virelli was born in #### (Dont know when set yet) in a small town in Sicily. His parents were rather poor and they didn't lead a very easy life. One day when Dominic was about 15, his father decided he had had enough with being poor. He contacted some 'friends' of his and decided to go into business. What that business was, Dominic and the rest of his family did not know. About five years later a couple of policemen turned up outside the Virelli household. They had long moved out of their run down cottage and into an expensive villa. When Dominic's mother had asked his father where the money for such an expensive house, his father just shrugged and replied 'from the business.' When Dominic's father looked out the window and saw the police, he cursed fouly and ran down into the cellar. He returned momentarily with a shotgun. He burst out the front door and shot the two policemen. He then herded the family into a car and sped off with Dominic's mother screaming hysterically at him. Their trip took them to a dock on the outskirts of the town, where the Virelli family were put on a cargo ship headed for America. After a few weeks of travel the family arrived in America and taken by car to the city of New Orleans where the were met by Virelli's who had already immigrated to America. Life continued much as it had in Sicily except that Dominic's mother had become rather quiet and reclusive, except when Dominic's father came home and they argued for hours. One night after a large argument, Dominic's father burst out of his bedroom, teary eyed and with gun in hand. He made his way out into the backyard where a shot sounded. Dominic's elder sister went out after him, Dominic heard her scream and ran outside to see his father's brains splattered across the courtyard. After standing in shock for several minutes he ran inside to get his mother. He recieved another shock. His mother lay on the bed, strangled to death. A few days after the joint funeral, some strangers approached Dominic. They told him that now his father was dead, he had inherited his father's business. And thus Dominic was inducted into the world of crime. He rose quickly through the ranks of organized crime in New Orleans as he had vast intelligence. And because he lived by the rule, kill or be killed. He inspired fear in his enemies because of his cold manner in the way he dealt with both customers and victims. It was only a matter of time before he was called up by his superiors for something truly big. And he hoped he could get something big in return. The city of New Orleans perhaps? [b]Personality:[/b] Dominic never shows any emotion whatsoever. Just cold indifference after his parents were killed. He has the manner that absolutely chills people. Even those he considers his friends. He is also extremely intelligent. [b]Description:[/b] Dominic has short cut black hair. He is rather handsome as well, except for two things that stop him from being dashingly handsome. The first are his eyes. His grey eyes are cold and full of malice. No one can hold his gaze for more than a few seconds. The second is a scar that runs from the start of his hairline to the corner of his mouth. The remnants of a fight with an enemy that had an attraction to blades. He wears a full black suit with a white tie, a ankle length trenchcoat and a black fedora with a white band. [b]Weapon:[/b] Dominic has two .45 colt revolvers and the good old classic, the brass knuckle. Whew. i'm done ~TUN[/size]
  3. [size=1][color=dark-blue]ooc: Sorry I haven't posted in ages. Haven't had the time or inspiration.[center]___________________________________[/center] Bradley decided now that people had a chance to socialise and do what they want, that he would catch up on some sleep. He was buggered from their jungle trek, plus he hadn't gotten much sleep while he was with Zharra. He made his way over to his tent and collapsed onto the stretcher. He lay on his back and stared at the roof of the tent for a while. After about five minutes or so he realised that he wasn't going to sleep and got up again. He walked out into the center of the camp to find someone to talk to. He saw the guide . . . Eve, standing by herself. He walked over to her and offered his hand. 'Hi. I'm Bradley,' he introduced himself. 'Eve,' she replied, with a small smile. Bradley noticed when she looked at him that her right eye didn't focus on him, but instead looked off elswhere. (ooc: I wasn't sure what kind of blindness you had in your eye, so I guessed). She also seemed somewhat distant, as if if she could she wouldn't be out here with the rest of the agents. [center]___________________________________[/center] ooc: Sorry for the short post. I feel especially bad since everyone else's are so long. I'll make up for it later. Promise. ~TUN[/size][/color]
  4. [size=1][color=darkblue][i]Finally a situation where my athletic abilities could help,[/i] Bradley thought to himself, no sign of fatigue in him so far. He briefly glanced behind him as they struggled on to look at Zharra. She gave him a small smile and he winked and turned around. He looked forward to see Matt storming onward. He laughed to himself, [i]Matt and Liam should be married the way they fight,[/i] he thought. He wasn't worried about Liam at all. Most likely he's already found Rae and carrying her with his teeth, both hands still on his P-90. He was more worried about his group without Liam. Sure the skills of the team were good but nothing compared to the ferocity Liam has in a battle. If he could choose anyone to fight beside him, it would be Liam. [i]Sorry Zharra,[/i] he silently apologised. [i]I love you, but I'd rather fight beside Liam.[/i] Liam was the only reason he had survived in that gun fight with the Triads back in Singapore. He dismissed the thoughts from his mind. There was no point in brooding on it. Liam wasn't here so they had to deal with it. Besides, Liam will leave the SYF anyway so we'll have to learn to survive on our own anyway. He wasn't sure how the SYF would deal without Liam. All through his training for SYF they had been told of Liam's exploits, and now meeting him Bradley looked up at him as somewhat of an idol. After about an hour of trudging on through thick jungle they came upon the base camp. It was more or less a mass of large green tents and electronic equipment. They were to sort themselves into pairs for tents, each tent had two stretchers and enough space for their belongings. Bradley went up to Matt and offered to pair with him. Matt was somewhat confused. 'I thought you would be pairing with Zharra.' 'No sir, in the field we are strictly fellow agents so she can pair up with whoever she damn well feel likes. Plus I'm an intelligence officer, so you may want my help as Rae is MIA.' 'Good point. Go set up your things in our tent and then in an hour get the others together and I'll brief them in an hour. I'm going to speak with Callum and the technicians and see what's happening.' 'Yes sir.' Bradley saluted, picked up his stuff and went to his tent to set up. ~TUN[/color][/size]
  5. [size=1][color=darkblue]Bradley grinned at Liam as they buried the parachutes, all traces of his vertigo and anger non-exsistant. 'God, I wanted to do that ever since you left me in that triad cell.' 'What? Pistol-whip nougie me?' 'Well not that exactly, but attack you in some form or another. You're lucky Eve came along or you wouldn't have a scalp left.' Liam gently touched his head. 'Ain't that the truth.' Bradley laughed and turned to Zharra. 'Now you missy, are in big trouble.' Zharra feigned a look of exaggerated innocence. 'Who me?' 'Yes. Don't think I haven't forgotten you pushing me out of a plane.' 'Yes but you don't have the heart to pistol-whip nougie me.' 'Oh? Why not.' 'Because you love me too much to hurt me.' 'Well that just ruined any argument I could have come up with,' Bradley laughed. 'You're in much better spirits now.' Zharra noted. 'Why shouldn't I be? I got to exact my revenge on Liam and I just faced my fear and I feel great. Plus I'm down in a beautiful jungle with the most beautiful girl in the SYF.' 'You certainly have a way with words.' 'Damn straight.' ~TUN[/size][/color]
  6. [size=1][color=darkblue]If I get married I will leave it to my wife to choose what she wishes with her surname. Also I think it is arrogant that some males expect their wife to take on their name. We are supposed to live in a time of free choice and still we have the chauvinists who follow the old ways of the wife does what she is told. A marriage that begins with the husband forcing his wife to take on his name isn't going to last long. Also I've considered the possibilty of taking on my wife's last name. If women can do it, why can't men. Also it would be a symbol of devotion to my wife and that I love her that much to surrender the name of my family. Some people say that taking on the last name of the husband is tradition and should be followed. But there are hundreds of traditions that were just as prominent but are totally ignored nowadays. Tradition annoys me somewhat anyway, if people wish to do as they want then unless it harms someone else then good for them. ~TUN[/size][/color]
  7. [size=1][color=darkblue]What annoys me is that most people believe that teenagers are incapable of romantic love. They say that it is just infatuation, or lust, or familiarity. Most cases they are proably correct but it isn't entirely true. I would like to give the example of the Harlequin and Ravenstorture. They'll probably shoot me (or knowing Flynn do something extremely painful) for using them, but they aren't exactly keeping it a secret, everyone on otaku and at school knows about it. I have never seen two people so absolutely taken with one another. Not even in the adult world. They match each other in every single way and it makes me extremely jealous that two people can find such blind love so early in their life. I seriously doubt that many people could provide a credible argument that they do not love one another. If that is not love then love does not exist. ~TUN[/size][/color]
  8. [size=1][color=darkblue]I've been playing guitar for . . . jeez, coming up on five years now. Where does the time go? I play both acoustic and electric guitar and I find that I favour the acoustic. For one thing you don't have to have an amp and I like the sound a lot better. I gather (from theory, not experience) that bass is somewhat, but not by much, easier than the guitar. With the bass guitar you're not usually jumping up and down the fret board and bending strings and doing all kinds of crazy stuff. The bass in a band is usually the harmony (to create a foundation on which the guitar builds on) of the two and is not as complicated. But then again if you're playing off some tablatures (guitar music) some bands have really complicated bass lines that are sometimes more difficult than the guitar line. Go figure. But anyway I'd recommend the acoustic first and then the electric. I wanted to begin with the electric but my parents insisted on the acoustic first. The reason being is that the neck on the acoustic is a lot thicker and so you have to stretch your fingers further so that when you get to the electric it is heaps easier. If you want to get a really good acoustic but that is at a cheap price I recommend you get yourself an Ashton. They're not one of the most popular brand but they're good quality and isn't an imitation of some other brand. I've had mine for four years and it is in brilliant condition still. Also when you get a guitar, no matter what brand. Take the strings off (or get someone else to do it for you), the reason being is that millions of people would have used the guitar in the store and the strings will be in real dodgy condition. Get yourself a set of D'Adarios, they're pretty expensive but they're top quality. And one last thing. Guitar may seem pretty hard at first, mainly with the stretching your fingers to make chords and such, but with a heap of practice and hard work it gets easier. Practice does make perfect (I know it's a cliche but it is true in this case). I hope I've helped you Nate and anyone else interested in taking up guitar. ~TUN[/size][/color]
  9. [size=1]Bradley found that he wasn't pissed off at Liam anymore. He was just scared absolute shitless. He didn't feel sick or anything like that, he just felt a wave of sheer panic sweep over him as he was clipped to the front of Liam by Zharra, who at the same time was speaking comforting words to him. They helped but didn't make him feel much better. Zharra finished doing the last of the clips up and Liam spoke. 'You know I could have done it myself.' 'Yes, but Bradley trusts me more than he trusts you.' 'True, but you could have been too concerned with calming him that you could have missed a vital clip.' Bradley paled somewhat considerably at that. 'Do you mind. Both of you, you're not helping.' Bradley said his voice neutral. Zharra looked sympathetically at him and then kissed him. Liam made one of those faces that a six year old does when he sees people kissing in a movie. 'You'll do fine don't worry.' At that point Matt told everyone to prepare themselves, they jumped in less than a minute. Bradley caught Zharra by the hand before she went to her position. 'Zharra if anything happens . . . I love you.' The door opened. 'I love you too Bradley.' She kissed him tenderly. And then she pushed both Liam and Bradley out of the plane. ~TUN[/size]
  10. [size=1]Liam was too busy spouting off various ways you can die from doing the wrong thing while you're on a drop to notice the death stare from Bradley for that sporty spice remark. He could feel his trigger finger itching. ' . . . SPLAT!' Liam finished. 'So do you think you're fine for this jump?' Bradley was too annoyed to be scared anymore 'Fine.' Liam looked at him with an eyebrow raised. 'A little touchy today aren't we sporty?' Bradley's expression darkened severely. His finger twitched slightly. Liam just laughed, and slapped Bradley on the back. 'You'll do fine.' Liam walked off happy with himself. Rage was always a good way for someone to overcome a fear. Better he should hate someone than fall apart. Liam wanted Bradley to hate him all the way down. Bradley stalked back over to where Zharra was sitting with an exagerratingly bored demeanor. Bradley flopped himself down on the bed beside Zharra. 'How are you.' Bradley responded with an annoyed grunt. 'What did he do?' 'Nothing, I'm fine.' There was that look again. 'Ok ok, he's just an asshole. I'll get over it.' He smiled at Zharra and kissed her on the neck and she melted into him. ~TUN[/size]
  11. [size=1]Bradley and Zharra picked the last two beds in the line and Bradley pushed them together. He then looked around to see if anyone was making any snide remarks giving a look of belerigence that said 'First one to make a comment gets shot'. No one did so it was all good. Bradley lay down on the bed with Zharra curled up beside him listening to her iPod. Bradley outwardly displayed a look of cool calmness, but inside he was freaking out. Not many people knew but Bradley was absolutely piss scared of heights and the thought of jumping out of a airplane that was in perfect working order seemed inside to him. Zharra could feel Bradley's tenseness and turned around and looked at him. 'What's the matter?' 'Nothing, I'm fine,' he responded a bit quickly. Zharra gave him one of those looks that said 'what utter bullshit' Bradley saw it and then smiled weakly. 'I'm a little apprehensive about heights.' 'A little apprehensive,' she repeated. 'Ok ok, I'm absolutely scared shitless.' Zharra looked sympathetically at him and then reached up and stroked his face. He smiled and kissed her. 'Don't worry, I'll be right there beside you for support.' 'Thank you, I don't know what I'd do without you.' He kissed her again and felt a little better. She smiled her smile that was just for him, and then put her head phones back in a snuggled upto him again. ~TUN[/size]
  12. [size=1]Bradley looked back at the others seeing them roll their eyes at him and Zharra, but he really couldn't give five hundred flying firetrucks. All he needed was Zharra and his .45 cal colt revolvers and he was happy. Bradley could feel the beat from Zharra's music pounding in his shoulder as she rested her head on it. He held her hand, which was rather warm, in his. The other hand held one of his revolvers which he twirled on his finger as his arm hung limply off the edge of the seat. It seemed the wait for the Russians to arrive was going to be longer than the bus ride itself. He wasn't really concerned though, he'd rather be with Zharra than crawling around Columbia on a mission. Zharra yawned and let go of his hand. She pulled a pillow out of her massive pack at put it on the side of her seat. She then twisted around so he thighs rested on Bradleys lap and the rest of her leg hung off the seat. She lay back on the pillow and fell asleep. Bradley leant forward and retrieved a book from his pack and read. ~TUN[/size]
  13. [size=1]Bradley lay his head back against the wall and continued to stroke Zharra's hair as she snuggled up to him. He dozed off for a few minutes and then woke up. He looked at his watch, they should probably catch up with the others. He looked down at Zharra's face, she was asleep. She was even more beautiful when she was sleeping he thought. He leant down and softly kissed her. Her eyes opened and she smiled and Bradley's heart melted. 'We should probably go and find the others to see what's going on.' Bradley told her. She sat up and put her hand on the back of his neck and pulled him in and kissed him. 'In a bit.' Bradley made no objections, what sane man would? After a while they got up and left her room. They walked down the corridor and Zharra's hand crept into his and he closed his hand around it. They found Liam at (Do I even have to say it) the drink machine. When he saw them his eyebrow rose slightly but he said nothing. 'So what's happening?' Bradley asked. 'We're meeting Matt in two and a half hours and then driving to the airport.' 'Is there are briefing?' 'Matt'll brief us on the way.' ~TUN ooc: Sorry for the short post, I'm absolutely buggered. :sleep: [/size]
  14. [size=1]After one small distraction, one big distraction (although not an unpleasant one), and about ten minutes of blindly wandering around in the corridors of the SYF HQ they [i]finally[/i] made it to the cafeteria. Bradley instantly went straight for the food dragging Zharra behind him. After Bradley getting just about one of everything at the canteen except this weird looking green thing and Zharra getting her food they sat down and ate. 'So you know much about Columbia?' Zharra asked Bradley. 'Um, about all I've heard is that it is filled to the point of erupting with Columbian drug lords. Hopefully I'll get the chance to explode something again.' 'Like a quarter of singapore?' 'Hey that wasn't my fault . . . totally. I got to blow up a door though. Liam didn't like it very much though.' 'Why was that?' 'Probably because he was right next to it. His ears were ringing for ages. Serves him right for leaving me in that cell for so long, I needed some excitement.' 'Don't complain, you've got the most action on this mission than anyone else. Getting kidnapped, beating up four triads, jail breaking, a shootout, and exploding a door and Singapore. . . Not too mention the action you've gotten at HQ as well,' she added slyly. 'Yeah . . well. I supposed you're right. But it was still funny watching Liam rolling on the floor clutching his ears.' They ate (well, Bradley ate. Zharra finished her food ages ago) and then got up and began to wander the corridors loking for trouble. Bradley had somewhat began to know his way around the corridors of the SYF HQ, but only a little. It was still pretty much like a maze for him. He felt some satisfaction that Zharra didn't know her way around very well either. They couldn't find anyone so they decided to go back to Zharra's room. They'd be contacted if they were needed. They got to her room and Bradley sat on the bed. Zharra lay down on the bed with her head resting in Bradley's lap. He gently ran his fingers through her hair. 'You know this was the last thing I though would happen when I signed on for SYF.' Bradley said. 'You happy though?' 'Deliriously. Couldn't think of a better way to spend the time when not on a mission.' 'Is that all you see it as though. Something to do? There was a note of accusation in her voice. 'Of course not. I'm absolutely smitten by you.' 'Smitten hey?' 'Well maybe it goes further than that, who knows?' ~TUN[/size]
  15. [size=1]'That's really not very nice you now Zharra.' 'So? He'll never know, it's behind his back.' Bradley shook his head and they walked on. After a while a thought came to him. 'You know, I've never liked the phrase "behind your back" cause it isn't really true.' 'Meaning . . . ?' 'Well you back is behind you right?' 'Right.' 'So it's facing the opposite way to your front. So if it is facing the opposite to your fron then wouldn't behind your back be your front?' 'I suppose so.' 'Then wouldn't the correct term be talking to their back? Otherwise if you say behind their back wouldn't that mean insulting them to their face.' 'I haven't really thought about it but I guess that would be true. You know I never wouldn't have taken you for the intellectual type.' 'Not many do.' They passed by Bradley and Liam's room on the way to the cafeteria. 'Do you mind if I stop and get changed? That way I don't have to get ready later.' 'Sure. Maybe you should shower as well.' 'I spose you'd like to join me?' He asked. 'The thought had crossed my mind, yes.' They went into the room and locked the door behind them. Bradley didn't really think Liam would appreciate walking in on the to of them. It was amazing as Zharra walked that her clothes just seemed to fall off her. No struggling with buttons or anything. She just had a certain grace about her. 'You seem to enjoy staring you know that?' 'So?' 'Just thought I'd point it out.' Bradley got undressed and they headed into the shower. It was somewhat cramped, they weren't really meant for two people. Not that there was any complaining or anything. They took turns to wash each other, it was such a novelty having someone to wash your back for you, especially when you can't reach that spot between your shoulder blades. They finished up and walked out sopping wet. 'I suppose I should find a towel.' Bradley said. 'Could you? It's not particularly warm when you're dripping wet.' Bradley fished around in his duffle bag and finally found a towel. He quickly dried himself and then went ito the bathroom with it around his shoulders. 'Would you like to come in?' He asked. 'What do you think?' She stammered, her teeth chattering from the air conditioning. Bradley opened the towel and Zharra stepped into it. Bradley closed the towel and put his arms around her shoulders. The smell of her wet hair reached his nose and was quite pleasant. He kissed the top of her head and she looked up at him and smiled one of those heart melting smiles he found she was so good at. ~TUN[/size]
  16. [size=1]'You know what?' Bradley asked. 'What?' 'I'm starving, I think a trip to the cafeteria would be absolutely brilliant right now.' 'You're hungry already? I thought you had enough to eat last night.' Bradley blushed again, (he seemed to be doing that a lot lately) and Zharra laughed a throaty laugh. Bradley smiled and kissed her and Bradley walked out of the room. 'Um, forget something lover boy?' Bradley looked down at himself. He wasn't wearing any pants. He quickly looked down the corridors, no one was there. He quickly ran back into the room. 'What's the matter, I think you look quite good without your pants,' Zharra said between laughs. Bradley pulled his pants on and looked quite embarassed. Zharra laughed and kissed on the cheek, she then grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the room and they head toward the cafeteria. ~TUN[/size]
  17. ooc: Sorry Flynn, I'll try and finish it up, for now, so that you don't have to all cringe everytime you read one of our posts. [size=1]The world seemed to melt away from Bradley and Zharra's awareness as the two merged into one, riding on the waves of ecstacy. They were freed from all the troubles of SYF in that perfect moment when all that mattered was each other. After exploring the differences between boys and girls for an hour or so Bradley and Zharra slept. Zharra was enclosed within Bradley's strong but gentle embrace. Bradley was the first to awake. He could smell the wonderful fragrance of Zharra's hair, probably because his face was pressed right up against the back of her head. He sighed contentedly which woke Zharra. She twisted around in his arms to face him and smiled. He kissed her on the forehead and stroked her hair. 'Good morning. I think.' Bradley wasn't sure what time it was. 'It is indeed.' He released her from his arms and she lay back on the bed. Bradley was happy to just lie there on his side and look at her beautiful form. He watched her chest rise and fall with every breath. She noticed him watching her and smiled. 'Sleep well Bradley?' 'How could I not?' He asked. 'Me too.' 'Sorry to break the mood, but I'd like to know what happens now.' 'Meaning?' 'Well, us. Was this a one night stand or more?' ~TUN[/size] ooc: Your decision Raiha.
  18. [size=1]Bradley let Zharra have her turn in control for a while and then without notice he clasped both off her shoulders and flung her back and went with her as she fell into the mattress. She playfully tried to struggle but to no avail as Bradley was easily stronger, than most of the team actually, not just than Zharra. Zharra did not easily admit defeat though. She put her face into his chest and gently though just enough to give a bit of pain, bit Bradley's nipple. Bradley cried out, more in suprise than in fright and while he was distracted, Zharra rolled him over and regained her position. 'That's cheating.' He complained half-heartedly. 'So?' 'How would you like me to do it to you?' 'Go ahead.' Bradley did so, except rather than bite her he kissed her softly and while she was enjoying her victory, and enjoying other things as well, Bradley flung her back again. Before Zharra could fight back, Bradley tenderly kissed her on the lips and lovingly ran his fingers through her hair, down her face and then ran them down behind her back, his fingers brushing her shoulder blade in a circle. 'You're very good,' she breathed. 'Thank you, would you believe this is my first time?' He grinned. ~TUN[/size]
  19. ooc: I'm assuming that you want something to happen Raiha so I'll go on that. [size=1]Bradley seriously considered his situation. . . But not for long. 'You don't waste anytime do you?' He asked. 'No, not really,' she responded bluntly. Bradey really looked at Zharra for the first time and took the sight of her in. She was quite attractive and obviously eager. She looked at him coyly. 'Would you like a closer look.' She ran her fingers teasingly down the front of her shirt unbuttoning it (ooc: I assume you have buttons). She wore a simple grey singlet beneath her shirt which showed her figure quite clearly. Bradley got the point, quite quickly actually. Bradley moved over to her and took her in his embrace. They kissed passionately. Zharra took a hold off Bradley's lower lip between her teeth and pulled him down on to the bed. [/size] ooc: Your turn, I don't know how far you wish to go with this. ~TUN
  20. [size=1]Bradley was thirsty. He got up out of his room and went pff in search of the drink machines. After about 15 minutes of wandering around the labyrinth that is the SYF HQ he finally found the vending machines. As he was leaning down to collect his tasty beverage, he felt the hairs of his neck prickle as someone silently, as possible, approached. Liam came up behind Bradley thinking that he had no idea he was there and then leaned in close behind him and yelled. 'BOO!' 'Good evening Liam' 'Goddamn it, you and Rae are no fun. You can't scare someone if they know you're there.' He said dejectedly. 'Oh I'm so sorry Liam, how's this.' Bradley feigned a look of absolute terror and cowered behind one of the drink machines. 'Thanks,' Liam said dryly. 'So what are you doing here this time of night.' 'Tradition.' He said off-handedly. 'Sorry, I missed that.' 'Every night when possible I have the yearning for a nice cold 7-Up.' 'I see. You know what this calls for?' Liam and Bradley played a brief game of 'can-on-the-head-around-the-bench-near-the-SYF-HQ-vending-machines' and then Rae turned up. She looked rather troubled, she leaned over to Bradley and whispered in his ear. 'Goodnight, Bradley' Bradley made himself scarce. ~TUN[/size]
  21. [size=1]Bradley stood rooted to the ground in shock. If he hadn't been so goddamned stupid, none of this would happened. He yelled out a scream of rage and punch a hole in the outer shell of the van. He was so pissed off with himself that he didn't notice the pain from the steel cutting the flesh of his fist. Matt, who was guarding the van, put a hand on his shoulder. 'Calm yourself Russo. We can't afford to have one of our agents running around doing even more damage to the city just because he stuffed up.' Bradley swung around to glare at Matt and was met with a cool, calm stare. 'Yes?' He inquired. 'Nothing,' Bradley muttered and walked off to help the people that he had injured. Looking around to see what he could do, Bradley saw an arm sticking out from underneath a large chunk of concrete. It didn't seem to have totally squashed whoever was underneath, just trapped him. Bradley ran over and appraised the slab. It was way to heavy for a normal person to lift, but then again Bradley was no normal person. He had once been referred to as the Incredible Hulk on steroids. He grabbed the slab underneath with both hands and began to lift. It was just a bit heavier than it looked. Bradley thought the weight would tear his arms out of their sockets. By some miracle he managed to raise the slab. The arm belonged to a young man, luckily he was stil breathing. With great effort he yelled out for someone to come and get him out before he dropped the slab on him. A bystander rushed over and dragged the man out. Bradley dropped the slab with a massive thud and collapsed to the ground. ooc: Sorry for short post. Don't have much time. ~TUN[/size]
  22. [size=1]ooc: If you had read earlier posts Raiha, you would see that from the outset the plan was to infiltrate the triad headquarters and start killing triads as to seriously cripple them. Bradley being rescued was merely an excuse for an attack on the triads. ~TUN[/size]
  23. [size=1]That was it. Bradley had enough. Orders or not he was getting out, tonight. He was due for breakfast soon so his breakfast delivery man was due for a large headache. After some time waiting there was a click and the door to Bradley's cell opened. A triad entered, one hand held his food and the other held a loaded gun trained on Bradley. Bradley got up and walked over to him to collect his breakfast. He grabbed hold of the plate and brought it upwards to smash into the triad's face. He then grabbed the gun with one hand and the triad's head with the other and pulled it down onto his knee. The triad dropped to the floor unconcious. 'And so it begins." Bradley said to himself. He quickly looked aorund the corner and then ducked back in again. Outside his cell was a corridor with numerous other cell doors, he briefly considered freeing the occupants of the cells but decided against it as they would be a hinderance rather then a help. The corridor was clear so he cautiously crept out into the hallway. So far so good. He went down to one end of the hall way. It ended with a door that lead to some unknown place. Bradley decided to check it out. He opened the door a crack and saw nothing. He took a chance and swung the door open. Bad idea. The room appeared to be some sort of meeting room where a group of triads were having some form of meeting. Bradley just managed to dive back behind the door before a score of bullets rushed past. They seemed to share Liam's philosophy of 'here is no suchthing as too much ammo' so as they broke to reload Bradley jumped out and opened fire with his newly 'aquired' gun. He took out about four with about three remaining. He heard footsteps behind him and saw about six triads coming up the hall behind him. He swore loudly. He had to take the meeting room or he was screwed. He quickly reloaded with the ammo he took from the unconcious triad and rolled inside the room firing in the general direction of the remaining triads. By some miracle he downed them all. He moved quickly over to a table in the centre of the room and turned it on it's side using it as cover. He jumped up and fired down the hall, hitting a few triads and then ducked back down to reload. He swore again. He didn't have nearly enough ammo to take on a whole triad cell if they kept coming. As if answering his problem the door behind him burst open and Liam followed by the rest of the team burst in. 'It's about time you bloody lot showed up.' He yelled at them. 'Hey, we're supposed to be here to rescue you,' Liam answered as he routinely began blasting triads. 'What the hell are you doing out in a gun fight with triads.' 'Um . . . I had some urgent unformation that couldn't wait.' He answered lamely as he gunned down a few triads. 'Yeah, right. Well we here now so you didn't mess things up too bad.' 'My saviour' he said sarcastically. 'Damn staight.' 'Remind me to hit you when we get out of here.' ~TUN[/size]
  24. [size=1]Bradley was annoyed. . . He had been in the triad's custody for almost a day now and there was no sign whatsoever of any attempt to get him out. He seriously considered breaking out by himself but dropped the idea because he didn't feel like getting discharged from the SYF. Worse than that, he was so bored he thought his head would explode. The only source of entertainment so far was watching the triads he beat up get berated for getting bashed up by a rich little snot. They were probably lying dead in an alley way somewhere now, riddled with bullet holes. After the incident with the four triad thugs all the rest of them had been rather apprehensive around him. They were always armed and on their guard, which would make it slightly difficult to escape if he decided to. Bradley decided he was going to have a very stern word with Liam when he got out. He imagined yelling his head off at him for stranding him in a triad holding cell. Maybe this time he would [i]actually[/i] punch him. If they ever come for him that is. . . ~TUN[/size]
  25. [size=1]Bradley could see that his interrogator was getting slighty annoyed. Obviously they expected him to break within seconds and start spilling everything. So much for that. 'I am beginning to tire of you, you foolish child. I have tried to be patient with you and you refuse to answer these simple questions.' 'Bite me.' The triad's fist rose to strike him but the one behind the camera moved in and caught the blow before it could land. 'The Boss told us not to harm him.' 'I do not care about the orders, they were not counting on such a stubborn child like this when they were issued.' He pulled his arm away from the other's grip and backhanded Bradley in the mouth. Bradley took the blow without a cry. 'Takes a real big man to strike a kid tied to chair doesn't it. You must be the real popular guy on campus.' 'Silence!' He roared as he hit him again. This time the blow was so hard that Bradley out to spit out blood. The blood just happened to land in the triad's face and Bradley got punched in the stomach as a result. 'Are you ready to talk now boy?' 'Nope' The triad began to raise his hand to hit him again but the cell door swung open and another triad came in and pulled the interrogator aside. 'Have you heard what just happened?' 'No, I have been dealing with this child.' He cast a dirty look in Bradley's direction. Bradley just smiled impishly. 'Well. There was a slight hitch with the other job tonight.' The triad's face darkened. 'What kind of hitch?' 'You remember that gun toting maniac from the market? Well he and that girl showed up and almost jeopadised the whole operation. The man shot up one of our men, but we managed to get away with the girl.' 'That man is starting to become a nuisance. Anyway, it is of no matter, we have the girl. Would you like to stay. Maybe putting a few hits into this white pig will cheer you up.' He walked over to Bradley, obviously meaning to starting hitting him again. Before he could Bradley spoke. 'Before you start, I was thinking maybe I could have a turn. I mean it is a bit unfair you getting to have all the fun.' The triad laughed. 'You think you are going to fight us tied to that chair?' He asked incredulously. 'No. I was going to get out of the chair first.' 'And how do you plan to do that.' 'Well I was thinking like this.' Since the triads were stupid enough to not tie his feet to the chair, Bradley managed to push off his feet a fling himself, and the chair backwards, crashing into the triad behind him, who fell to the ground Bradley and all. When they fell, the impact was hard enough to smash the chair to pieces, freeing Bradley. He used his hands to flip himself up off the ground, his feet smashing into the face of the extremely suprised triad, breaking his nose and plunging him to the ground. His head struck the floor, knocking him unconcious. The newcomer, looking dazed and bewildered, stood there as Bradley smashed his elbow into his temple and he fell to the floor. The last man rushed him and Bradley sidestepped him, driving his elbow into the base of his neck. Bradley looked into the camera. 'Did you get all that? You can come and get me now, I'm getting bored with this scenery.' He walked over to the camera and pulled the disk out of it. He moved to the laptop in the corner of the room and put the disk in. He sent the movie in an e-mail to the team's mail [email]liamc2@hotmail.com[/email]. He went into history and deleted the traces of him sending it and put the disk back into the camera and turned it on again. He then lay down on the ground faking unconcious and waited to be found. . . ~TUN[/size]
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