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The Unholy Newt

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Everything posted by The Unholy Newt

  1. [i]Asmodeus opened his eyes and he was in the loading program. He stood steadfast as the weapon racks flew out millimetres from his face and stopped at exactly his choice. A pair of Zig 9mms and a pair of silver Dostovei pistols. He holstered the weapon inside his leather jacket and stood waiting for the loading program to finish.[/i] ~TUN
  2. [i]Tyrael walked out into the courtyard at dawm to meet the other two. They were waiting at the stables with the horses the Baron had given them. Without a word the mounted the horses and left the castle. They travelled through a garden that belonged to a Centaur farmer. They stopped to ask him about the cave where the Baronet had ridden to.[/i] [b]Centaur:[/b] That area of the forest is a dangerous one you know. There is a very dangerous Troll that lives in it, and they say that the cave is occupied by an evil sorceror who enchants all who enter. That is probably what became of the Baron's son. [b]Tyrael:[/b] Thank you. [i]Tyrael threw the Centaur a few gold pieces and they continued on. By about midday they reached sight of the cave. A large troll was sleeping outside the entrance. They attempted to sneak quietly past the troll but as they neared him, Alastuin stepped on branch and snapped it, waking the creature . . .[/i] ooc: Not a very good post I know, but I really couldn't be bothered at the moment.
  3. [i]BJ sat still and silent in the confines of his prison cell. His cellmate was not one of his men. The cellmate introduced himself as Samuel, and tried to strike up a conversation with BJ a few times but he just ot ignored. BJ knew his training, don't talk to any inmate you don't know. You never know if they are spies or not. Don't even talk to your own men if possible since the place could be monitored. After a few hours the cell door opened and a guard came in and ordered him to follow. He was taken to another cell which looked like an interrogation room. They sat him down in a chair, tied his hands behind it and left. He felt comfortable with the knowledge that there was a knife concealed in his sleeve and when the time came, he would cut the ropes and escape. He looked around the room, there was no mirrors, cameras or spyholes that they could be watching him on. Good, that meant if he attacked his interrogator, no one would see him and he could escape unnoticed for at least half an hour depending on how long they expected the interrogation to last. To his left there was an air vent he could crawl through and find his men. The door opened and in walked a very burly looking officer. He walked up to BJ and back-handed him across the face. He was left-handed. That could be annoying for when he steals his gun. BJ was not ambidextrous which could make it difficult. The interrogator demanded BJ to tell him what he was doing here and what his mission was. BJ just spat in his face. When the Soviet walked up to BJ to hit him again, BJ shot out his legs and used them to snap the interrogator's neck. BJ slipped out his knife and cut the ropes. He took the dead soldier's AK-47 and slung it over his shoulder. He opened the air vent and lifted the body into it,crawled in after him and shut the air vent. . .[/i]
  4. Well, like Lalaith's dad, mine is absolutely obsessed with fantasy. We have a bookshelf that is roughly 3.5 metres high and 2 or 3 metres long and I think just about every single book in there is fantasy, which is over a couple of hundred books easy. Well I started when Dad handed me [i]The Hobbit[/i] and told me to read it. Well I decided that I would start right at the beginning with [i]The Silmarillion[/i] the actual first book in Tolkien's series. That is right started with [i]The Silmarillion[/i] and for a 2nd grader, that is pretty huge. Then I read the rest of the series and started on others. Here is a list of most of the fantasy books i've read: [i]The Silmarillion,[/i] J.R.R Tolkien [i]The Hobbit,[/i] J.R.R Tolkien [i]The Fellowship of the Ring,[/i] J.R.R Tolkien [i]The Two Towers,[/i] J.R.R Tolkien [i]The Return of the King,[/i] J.R.R Tolkien [i]Pawn of Prophecy,[/i] David Eddings [i]Queen of Sorcery,[/i] David Eddings [i]Magician's Gambit,[/i] David Eddings [i]Castle of Wizardry,[/i] David Eddings [i]Enchanters' End Game,[/i] David Eddings [i]Guardians of the West,[/i] David Eddings [i]King of the Murgos,[/i] David Eddings [i]Demon Lord of Karanda,[/i] David Eddings [i]Sorceress of Darshiva,[/i] David Eddings [i]Seeress of Kell,[/i] David Eddings [i]Belgarath the Sorcerer,[/i] David Eddings [i]Polgara the Sorceress,[/i] David Eddings [i]The Redemption of Althalus,[/i] David Eddings [i]The Diamond Throne,[/i] David Eddings [i]The Ruby Knight,[/i] David Eddings [i]The Sapphire Rose,[/i] David Eddings [i]Domes of Fire,[/i] David Eddings [i]The Shining Ones,[/i] David Eddings [i]The Hidden City,[/i] David Eddings [i]Legend,[/i] David Gemmel [i]The King Beyond the Gate,[/i] David Gemmel [i]Waylander,[/i] David Gemmel [i]Wolf in Shadow,[/i] David Gemmel [i]Last Sword of Power,[/i] David Gemmel [i]The Last Guardian,[/i] David Gemmel [i]Quest for Lost Heroes,[/i] David Gemmel [i]Sword in the Storm,[/i] David Gemmel [i]Midnight Falcon,[/i] David Gemmel [i]Ravenheart,[/i] David Gemmel [i]The Legend of Deathwalker,[/i] David Gemmel [i]Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone,[/i] J.K Rowling [i]Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets,[/i] J.K Rowling [i]Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban,[/i] J.K Rowling [i]Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,[/i] J.K Rowling I think that is about it. Shuttup about the last four Harlequin, I was bored alright. I wonder who can beat that many. I'd place a bet on Harlequin beating me, he would have read about three times as many. ~TUN
  5. [color=purple][b]Name:[/b] Asmodeus (Real name Bradley Russo or BJ) [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Expertise:[/b] Marksmanship, Karate, Athletics, Gymnastics, Fencing, Explosives and Hacking. [b]Bio:[/b] Was part of a terrorist group. The group had no real dogma or propaganda, they just enjoyed wreaking havoc anywhere and everywhere. The police was never able to catch any members of the group because of their randomity and unpredictability in there attacks since there was no patttern to their terror. Asmodeus was chosen because of his wide range of skills and abilites. He is extremely cool headed which makes ot easier for him to get out of tight spots because he can think quickly and clearly. He has a small level of insanity and irrationality on his personality which makes him fun and interesting to work with. Because of his brilliant skill in gymnastics, he made the jump on his first try. [b]Description:[/b] Has long white hair tied in a ponytail at the nape of his neck. His eyes are grey and pierces into your soul which makes it extremely difficult to look into his eyes for more than a couple of seconds. As most other Matrix people he has the ankle length blakc leather trench coat. He wears a pair of black Taipan Combat boots and a grey shirt and black trousers. On his right upper arm is a tattoo of the globe with a longsword stabbed through the axis, the symbol of his terrorist group. As soon as he got brought into the real world he got it tattoed onto his real world body.[/color] ~TUN
  6. ooc: Sorry I haven't posted yet. I've been away from civilization for a couple of days. --------------------------------------------------- ic: [i]BJ could see the coastline slowly increasing as the plane neared the city of New York. They had no idea what had been happening for the past couple of weeks when an EMP knocked out all the communications on their aircraft carrier. He hoped the Soviets hadn't made their move yet. A loud explosion sounded from out on the left wing. The plane began to shake and plummet toward the coastline. It dived into a tailspin and smashed straight onto a warf. BJ looked around, the pilot had been thrown through the windscreen of the cockpit when the plane hit. None of his men were injured except for a few cuts and bruises. They opened the door and stepped out of the plane to be met by Soviet soldiers pointing rifles at them.[/i] [b]Soldier:[/b] Come with us.
  7. [i]Tyrael now knew that he was right. The Archon was definitely unhinged. He accepted the Baron's offer for a drink, a very strong drink and they discussed this Hero of Spielburg business. They decided the best course of action was to find the Baronet first. They questioned the Baron and learned that the Baronet had ridden out on his daily monster hunts and only his horse had returned. On that particular day he had gone out to vanquish the evil troll that lived in a cave north of the castle. No one dared to try and see if he was still alive because they feared being eaten by the troll. The trio decided they would stay the night at the castle and begin in the morning.[/i]
  8. [color=purple][b]Name:[/b] Captain Bradley J Russo (or BJ for short) [b]Allegiance:[/b] Allies [b]Military:[/b] Australian SAS (I'll change if Australia isn't involved [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Description:[/b] Has brown hair cut to the military standard. Piercing grey eyes, with a scar through his left tracing from the start of his hairline to the corner of his mouth where he was hit by a piece of shrapnel. Dresses in the standard Australian urban SAS uniform, which is basically totally black(attachment below). [url]www.counter-strike.net/images/weapons/sas.jpg[/url] Has a tattoo of the SAS logo on right upper arm (attachment below) [url]www.defence.gov.au/army/traditions/images/Sasr.gif[/url] [b]Bio:[/b] BJ became interested in a military career from joining the cadet unit at his high school. He quickly rose up the ranks within the unit getting the highest grades on all his promotion courses and eventually becoming the OC (Officer Commanding) of the Cadet Unit. Once finishing High School as Dux of the College, he applied for ADFA (Austrlian Defence Force Academy) for officer training. Passing the entry exams and fitness tests with ease he was accepted into the academy. Through his time there, he spent most of it studying, working out and achieving a 2nd Dan Black Belt in Karate all for his goal to get into the SAS. He graduated in his third year as the Student of Honour, grading above all the other officer cadets. He spent a year posted in Canberra as a Lieutenant already studying to go on course for promotion to Captain and at the end of the year was promoted to that rank. After his promotion he applied for the SAS only narrowly getting accepted even with his perfect record. After months of vigorous and exhausting training he finally became a full member of the SAS. He was then posted in Indonesia doing peace-keeping when a terrorist attack was attempted on a special military building. The terrorists attempted to take over the facility but failed after BJ and a number of SAS troops stormed the area and killed them all. After a number of other assignments, BJ has been posted in the U.S with his unit to aid against the siege. ~TUN[/color]
  9. [i]Tyrael was rather nervous sittiing with this pair. The man looked extremely unhinged and looked like he could snap at any moment. The woman was attractive, but not his type.[/i] Tyrael: Well, I haven't travelled that much, but I do get upto some fun things around this little town. I guess you have heard about the incidents last night. The five murders. That was me. And now, in fear of executuin, I need some quick cash to get me out of here. See, I've been looking at that noticeboard at the Adventurers Guild and I reckon that could get me out of here and set up somewhere else. But, some help would be nice. Are you in?
  10. ooc: Fireball isn't a QFG spell. The spell is Flame Dart. For other people who want to get spells, the spells you can get in this episode are, Flame Dart, Open, Calm, Fetch, Detect Magic, Dazzle and Zap if I can remember correctly. ----------------------------------------------------- [i]As night fell upon the town of Spielburg, Tyrael decided it was thieving time. His first stop he decided was the place that had the crazy old woman in the rocking chair out front. He moved quickly and silently up the stairs and proceeded to pick the lock. He saw a shadow coming down the street so he quickly dived in the rosebush. He saw who the person was, it was the nightwatchman making his rounds. After he left Tyrael jumped up and finished picking the lock. He shut the door behind him in case the watchman came back. Inside the house was your very basic old lady house. At the last minute he noticed a cat coming towards him, it leapt and morphed into a jaguar. Before it could get Tyrael, it fell to the floor with a dagger embedded in it's jugular. "Sylvester? What's going on down there?" Came an old voice from up the stairs. There came footsteps as the old lady came down. As she reached the bottom, Tyrael crept around behind her and snapped her neck. After hiding the body, he went up to the cat and pulled the dagger out of it's throat and cleaned the blood off on it's fur coat. Tyrael thoroughly looted the place and then left for his next job. On his way to the next thieving task, Tyrael came upon the Nightwatchman snoozing on the steps of the Sheriff's Office. What a perfect chance to get rid of that nuisance Tyrael thought as he cut his throat and hid him in an alleyway. He continued on to the Sheriff's house to clean the place out. He picked the lock easily and entered. First thing to do was to make sure the occupants couldn't discover him. He sneaked into the first room beneath the stairs. In it was the Sheriff's Goon, Otto Von Goon. Tyrael slit his throat and went upstair's to take care of the Sheriff and his wife. They were sleeping so peacefully it seemed almost a shame to kill them. Oh well. After taking care of them he cleaned the place out and left for the Katta's Tail Inn.[/i] ~TUN
  11. ooc: Here goes . . . -------------------- ic: [i]Tyrael finally caught sight of the city of Spielburg, all the brochures about said it was beautiful, wonderful, fantastic. But the reality, well let's just say he was just a tad dissapointed. As a matter of fact it couldn't even be called a city. All it consisted of was a Police Station, manned with two men, a Magic Shop, an Adventurer's Guild, a Fish Shop, a Bakery, a General Store, a Tavern, a few houses and . . . [drumroll please] a Tomato Stand. To the north was the Healer's Hut, further north was the Castle Spielburg, behind the town was a Graveyard, south was the Brigand's Fortress hidden among the mountains and cliffs, behind the castl was Erana's Peace (The magical garden planted by the Archmage Erana) and that was about it. All in all pretty pitiful. But hey, the smaller the town, the less suspicious the townsfolk were, and the less suspicious, the crappier the locks. Tyrael decided the first stop he would make would be the Thieves Guild. The mostly likely place for it to be was in the Tavern. Tyrael entered the tavern and went to the Barkeep, he ordered an ale and made the thieves secret sign. "Talk to Rocko over there mate," he said pointing to a rather nasty looking Goon. So talk to him he did. He made the thieves sign and Rocko got up and opened a trapdoor The trapdoor lead to a rather dank looking joint. The Thieves Guild in Silmaria was a huge grand place and the Chief Thief sent him here. The dissapointment kicked in once again. Not wanting to hang around too long, he caught up with the Guildmaster, got his Spielburg Thief License and left to rob the town.[/i]
  12. [color=red]This RPG is kind of a favour to Enigma. He asked someone to do a QFG II RPG. So I decided rather start from the second, we'll begin at the beginning as all good RPG's should. If this one is a success, I will make parts 2, 3, 4 and 5 as well.[/color] [color=blue]All of you who have played the games should have a lot of fun in this one. Unlike in the series however, we'll let you become a Paladin straight away, as along with Thief, Fighter and Mage.[/color] [color=green]ADVERTISEMENT! Wanted, Hero to save the town of Spielburg. See the Adventurers Guild for details.[/color] ------------------- |GUILD NOTICEBOARD| ------------------- 1. Reward for whoever can find lost ring. Please return to healer. 2. WANTED, Brigand Warlock, DEAD OR ALIVE. 3. WANTED, Brigand Leader, DEAD OR ALIVE. 4. Reward for the return of the Baronet Spielburg to Castle Spielburg. 5. Reward for the return of Elsa Von Spielburg to Castle Spielburg. 6. WANTED, Ogress Baba Yaga, DEAD. 7. Wanted, spell components. See Healer for details. 8. Wanted, Adventurer to break curse on Spielburg and claim title "Hero of Spielburg" see Baron Von Spielburg for details at Castle Spielburg. Have a nice day :) [color=sienna]Details for sign up: Name: Age: Class: Bio: (Not Compulsory) Description: (Not Compulsory) Class Stuff: Thief - Equipment: Lockpick, Leather Armour, Dagger Spells: None Fighter - Equipment: Sword, Shield, Leather Armour Spells: None Mage - Equipment: Dagger, Leather Armour Spells: Zap (Enchant Weapon) Paladin - Equipment: Sword, Shield, Chain Armour Spells: Zap, Heal [/color] [color=orange]My Character - Name: Tyrael Age: 21 Class: Thief Bio: Graduated with honours from the National Thieves Academy in Silmaria, came to Spielburg for some action and stuff to steal. Main goal is to aquire all four Black Birds and discover which is the real one.[/color] [spoiler]~TUN[/spoiler]
  13. [i]Balthazar looked over at the two approaching him. He struggled to his feet and took up a fighting stance just in case.[/i] [b]Balthazar:[/b] Wha . . . What do you want. [b]Person:[/b] We're here to help you. [b]Balthazar:[/b] Who are you? [b]Person:[/b] I'm Valen.
  14. [i]Balthazar was in bad shape. Which is the normal thing to be in when you've just had a building fall on top of you. He could get no movement from his right arm and he could barely stand up. His crossbow looked beyond repair but his sword didn't bear a scratch. What had happened, he thought. It was certainly wasn't a natural disaster. Before the blast he felt a massive wave of energy sweep the city. He could only sense that small pockets of life still existed in the ruins of New York. With extreme difficulty he dragged himself out from beneath the rubble. He attempted to take flight out of the city but he found his wings had been badly wounded and made flight impossible. He was stranded in a vision of armageddon. This was what all the cities on Earth shall become. His heart was torn. He was unable to determine whether he liked the future of Earth. He had rather begun to enjoy his existence again for the first time in thousands of years. But now everthing is to be destroyed. Well not while he was around. He was just one creature, but Balthazar was going to try to rescue Earth. He knew it was a lost cause, but it was the only way to redeem himself. He could do nothing but try . . .[/i] ~TUN
  15. [color=purple][i]Balthazar walked through the dark alleyway behind a New York nightclub. He decided it was his turn to get in on the turmoil that was destroying the city. He felt something push into his back, a gun barrel. He turned around to see a group of 'homeboys' looking for someone to mug. And they thought they had found a target. They were wrong.[/i] [b]Balthazar:[/b] What do you want? [b]Homeboy:[/b] What do you think we want dips**t? Cough up yo cash or i'll pop ya one. [b]Balthazar:[/b]] No. [i]Slowly, Balthazar's eyes began to glow with their dark red colour. The whites of his eyes seemed to burn with flame as he stared with his piercing gaze at the homeboy. As the the homeboy turned to run, he felt Balthazar's blade slide between his ribs into his beating heart. Another homeboy went down with a crossbow bolt in his forehead. Before he could reload, the others ran for it. Balthazar wiped the blood from his blade, collected the crossbow bolt from the homeboy's skull and stepped into the street to stir up some havoc.[/i] [/color] ~TUN
  16. [i]After all had gathered at the stables to embark on their quest, they set of toward the dark lands of the Gan Empire. The High Priest saw them off, warning them to be ever vigilant. The Four were not the only evil that had arisen from the Nine Hells. The Agents of Chaos, Asmodeus' personal guard, had also been summoned to aid the Four. During the journey Enialis stayed with his own company, either leading out the front or straying toward the back. The only other member of the group he talked to was Drak'kon, as he was a fellow Drow, he took special measures to keep away from Siren and the High Elf. One day, weeks from their departure, they sighted the border between Dun and Gan, the two reigning empires. Gan was a desolate place, barren and practically deserted. The group reluctantly crossed the border into the lands inhabited mainly by the forces of evil . . .[/i]
  17. ooc: Epssy, the cookie mission is far from complete. Me Rae and Alley still have a huge evil conglomerate empire to build and a Hairy Mclairy (from Donaldson's Dairy) to attempt to thwart our diabolical plans. And also, Mr Robotto is not an imaginative person. He is Rae's android. -------------------------------------------------------------------- ic: [i]Hairy hung upside down by his legs in Troy's (Who will now be known Dr. Newt)secret underground lair.[/i] N: Bwahahahahahahaha! You are unable to stop us Agent M (M = Mclairy) our fake cookies are already on their way to stores to be consumed by naive little children. There is nothing you can do to thwart our plans this time. M: You'll pay for this Dr. Newt. N: You just keep thinking that McLairy. Robotto, dispose of him. [i]Mr Robotto advances on Mclairy, cracking his robotic knuckles . . .[/i]
  18. [b]Name:[/b] Balthazar [b]Age:[/b] Unknown [b]Alignment:[/b] Evil [b]Race:[/b] Fallen Angel [b]Short Bio:[/b] Balthazar was an archangel who switched sides in the Blood War fought by the forces of Good and Evil. He was cast down from Heaven and stripped of his angelic powers. He founded a Satanic cult who live for the destruction of churches and slaughter of priests. His main goal is to regain his powers or gain demonic power in an effort to destroy God. [b]Weapons:[/b] [i]Thrak[/i] The Dark Greatsword of Slaughter. A Demonic Lord awarded the blade for his treachery. Ordinary crossbow Zig 9mm x 2 [b]Description:[/b] Longblack hair that reaches halfway down his back when tied in a ponytail. The iris of his eyes has turned blood red from light blue from his immense bloodlust. Has a long scar that reaches from the top of his forehead, through his left eye to the corner of his mouth. Dresses in a long, black, leather trenchcoat, black T-Shirt, Black trousers and black combat boots (Basically a hell of a lot of black)
  19. [b]How to Leave the Planet[/b] 1. Phone NASA. Their phone number is (731) 483-3111. Explain that it's very important that you get away as soon as possible. 2. If they do not cooperate, phone any friend you have in the White House - (202) 456-1414 - to have a word on your behalf with the guys at NASA. 3. If you don't have any friends at the White House, phone the Kremlin (Ask the overseas operator for 0107-095-295-9051). They don't have any friends there either (at least, none to speak of), but they do seem to have a little influence, so you may as well try. 4. If that also fails, phone the Pope for guidance. His telephone number is 011-39-6-6982, and I gather his switchboard is infallible. 5. If all these attempts fail, flag down a passing flying saucer and explain that it's vitally important you get away before your phone bill arrives. [b]The Universe - some information to help you live in it. 1 Area:[/b] Infinite. The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy offers this definition of the word 'infinite'. Infinite: [i]Bigger than the biggest thing ever and then some. Much bigger than that in fact, really amazingly immense, a totally stunning size, real 'wow' thats big' time. Infinity is just so big that by comparison, bigness itself looks really titchy. Gigantic multiplied by collosal multiplied by staggeringly huge is the sort of concept we're trying to get across here.[/i] [b]2 Imports:[/b] None. [i]It is impossible things into an infinte area, there being no outside to import things from.[/i] [b]3 Exports:[/b] None. [i]See Imports.[/i] [b]4 Population[/b] None. [i]It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number if inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the Universe is said to be zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination.[/i] [b]5 Monetary Units:[/b] None. [i]In fact there are three freely convertible currencies in the galaxy, but none of them count. The Altairian Dollar has recently collapsed, the Flainian Pobble Bead is only exchangable for other Flainian Pobble Beads and the Triganic Pu has it's own very special problems. It's exchange rates of eight Ningis to one Pu is simple enough, but since a Ningi is a triangular rubber coin six thousand eight hundred miles along each side. no one has ever collected enough to own one Pu. Ningis are not negotiable currency, because the Galactibanks refuse to deal in fiddling small change. From this basic premise it is very simple to prove that the Galactibanks are also the product of a deranged imagination.[/i] [b]6 Art:[/b] None. [i]The function of art is to hold a mirror upto nature, and there ismply isn't a mirror big enough - see point one.[/i] [b]7 Sex:[/b] None. [i]Well in fact there is an awful lot of this, largely because of the total lack of money, trade, banks, are, or anything else that might keep all the non-existent people of the Universe occupied. However, it is not worth embarking on a long discussion of it now because it is terribly complicated. For more information see[/i] Guide [i]Chapters seven, nine, ten, eleven, fourteen, sixteen, seventeen, nineteen, twenty-one to eighty-four inclusive, and in fact most of the rest of the Guide.[/i] [b]Important facts from Galactic History, number one:[/b] (Reproduced from the [i]Siderial Daily Mentioner's Book of Popular Galactic History.)[/i] The night sky over the planet Krikkit is the least interesting sight in the entire Universe. [b]Important facts from Galactic History, number two:[/b] (Reproduced from the [i]Siderial Daily Mentioner's Book of Popular Galactic History.)[/i] Since this Galaxy began, vast civilizations have arisen and fallen, risen and fallen, risen and fallen so often that it's quite tempting to think that life in the Galaxy must be (a) something akin to seasick - spacesick, timesick, historysick or some such thing, or (b) stupid. [color=purple]~TUN[/color]
  20. [i]Jheoul clenched his teeth as the whip sliced into the skin of his back. He looked up and noticed blood seeping from his wrists that had been cut into by the tight steel cord. He attempted to gather his power to heal the wounds, but the pain was to extreme that he could not concentrate enough to gather his energy. It was just his luck. The one time he decided to stray from the temple he was captured by Formorians and set to torture. He noticed his weapons in a heap near him, if only he could gather his magic and free himself. With all effort left in his body he healed himself. Before the lash could hit again, he broke his bindings and ran to his equipment. Quickly throwing them on, he turned to face his captors. There were roughly twenty of them. No hard task. With a small ounce of energy he blasted a fireball at them, incinerating about six Formorians. He drew his two shortswords and started to spin. He moved like a whirlwind, cutting and slashing through them until one was left. The one who held the whip. He gathered all his hatred for this creature and blasted it at him, destroying his soul. Gathering his horse, he left and returned to the oracle.[/i]
  21. [Name] Jheoul Malkar [Age] 20 and 3/4 [HA!] [Birthmark] A skull with a scythe behind it signifying dearh [well duh] [Bio] Born in a small township, Jheoul never fit in. At an early age when he became extremely annoyed at something, it would unleash his power. Eventually he was driven out of the town when one of his outbursts killed a villager. After ages of wandering, he came across a strange group called the oracle . . .
  22. ooc: Shield you're eyes children, it's godmodding time! [i]Suddenly the room filled with big scary security guards each armed with a "Holy Mackerel."[/i] Troy: Leave this to me guys! *Bang* *Pow* *Kablammo* *Bort* *10 seconds later* [i]All the security guards lie unconcious in a huge heap with Troy standing on top looking triumphant. The other two look on in awe.[/i] Troy: Come on, let's get out of here -------------------------------------------- ooc: teeheehee, I've always wanted to do that. *Praise the godmodding rule suspension!* ~TUN
  23. [Day Two] [i]Enialis stood waiting with the High Priest for those who were to undertake the quest.[/i] High Priest: So fare you? Enialis: The one, Siren, I do not believe that she is too fond of me. High Priest: Many years ago, the Drow destroyed her village and slaughtered her family. The malice she has for them, she bears for you also. Enialis: Accursed to mine heritage. It doth follow me to depths of The Pit like a curse. What shalt I do, what say thee priest? High Priest: Only time can heal wounds such as hers. Gain her trust and do nothing to give her an excuse to kill you. Enialis: I shalt not do that. I would not like to kill her, and I would. High Priest: Just keep your distance. [i]They waited the rest of the time in silence.[/i]
  24. [Later that night at "Ye Olde Cookie Factore (I spelt factory wrong on purpose)] [i]Troy slid down the rope through the hatch in the roof. He felt something touching his neck. He was just about to run for it when he realised what it was. He pulled the tag off his newly bought balaclava and waited for the other three to come down. Once Rae, Sky and Robot (Who shall henceforth be known as Mr Robotto), they started loading the boxes of various cookies onto the crane run by Krab and Gnarak. One by one until all were gone, they kept loading. They then went for the Golden Cookies, the Lord of all Cookies. Two guards were guarding the not-so-secret vault. Once the plan had messily formed in his head, Troy jumped out and yelled "Look a distraction!" While they were distracted, he ran up and fhwapped both of them with a "Holy Mackerel". They then opened the vault, loaded all the crates onto the crane and made their escape, all the time aware if the Security Camera where *supense music* "Hairy McLairy from Donaldson's Dairy" was watching them from his secret dog kennel lair . . .[/i]
  25. If that is what my other two names mean, that means my name means beloved protector of the light. *falls onto knees* NNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
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