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Everything posted by The Unholy Newt
[i]The agony was endless. The burning fire of God raged on eternally in their infernal imprisonment. Their punishment was great for a great evil. For centuries they had roamed the infinite material planes, conquering the inhabitants in the name of their Lord Asmodeus (Lucifer). But their failure was at the hands of but a few heroes of one such realm. Defeated by a pathetic group of mortals. What burned worse than the eternal flame of God was the burning pain of their humiliation and shame. But they would escape their imprisonment and destroy the world that the heroes fought so dearly to protect. Their age has gone and the group would surely have passed on and their would be nothing to stop them. As the thought of such escape entered their mind, the pain seemed to fade away. The black that shrouded their eyes fell away as they returned to the material plane of Earth. As the realization of their return entered their thoughts, they fell to their knees and yelled in joy. They were the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. And they were free.[/i] This RPG is based on D&D (Dungeons & Dragons) rules. Their is a list of character classes you can choose from. If you are a magic user (MU)there is a list of spells you can choose from and when you progress a level you can select more. With other character classes, as you progress through the levels you get other benefits. You start with no equipment, each player gets an amount of gold and you have to buy equipment from the price lists I will give at the start of the RPG. You also choose an alignment from the 9 choices Alignments- Lawful Good Neutral Good Chaotic Good Lawful Neutral Neutral Chaotic Neutral Lawful Evil Neutral Evil Chaotic Evil Character Classes- Barbarian Bard (MU)Can start with 5 spells Cleric (MU)Can start with 10 spells Druid (MU)Can start with 5 spells Fighter Monk Paladin (MU)Can start with 5 spells Ranger Rogue (Basically a thief) Sorceror (MU)Can start with 10 spells Wizard(MU) Can start with 10 spells Spells- (1st level) Resistance Ray of Frost Detect Poison Daze Dancing Lights Flare Light Ghost Sound Disrupt Undead Mage Hand Mending Open/Close Arcane Mark Detec Magic Cantrip Read Magic Alarm Endure Elements Hold Portal Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law Shield Grease Mage Armour Mount Obscuring Mist Summon Monster I Unseen Servant Comprehend Languages Detect Secret Door Detect Undead Identify True Strike Charm Person Hypnotism Sleep Magic Missile Tenser's Floating Disc Change Self Color Spray Nystul's Magic Aura Nystul's Undetectable Aura Silent Image Ventriloquism Cause Fear Chill Touch Ray of Enfeeblement Animate Rope Burning Hands Enlarge Erase Expeditious Retreat Feather Fall Jump Magic Weapon Message Reduce Shocking Grasp Spider Climb PM for questions on any spells Races- Human Elf Half Elf Drow Dwarf Gnome Half Orc I'll post my character later
This is a repeat of an RPG I started back when I joined but everybody decided that half way through it they didn't want to post anymore. But here goes again. [21 July 1929, New Orleans] [i]A series of murders have occured in the city of New Orleans. A local voodoo cult have been put as the prime suspects of the case. The cult have long been suspect of other crimes and supernatural occurences but have had no material evidence to incriminate them. 5 officers of the New Orleans Police Department (Myself and four others) have been placed on the case. The latest murder occured behind a crypt at the St. Frederick Cemetary. The group is to investigate and then take action as they see fit.[/i] Here's my character - Name: Basil Coddlesworth (Shutup Harlequin!) Age: 32 Rank: Senior Detective Description: Tall imposing man with short cut brown hair slicked back with oil. Wears a long brown, leather trenchcoat which conceals his weapons. Weaponry & Equipment: 2 x Colt. 45 Revolvers 2 x Sawnoff Double barrel Shotguns Handcuffs PR-24 (Nightstick) Wallet Badge History: Graduated from the Ogma University of New Orleans with a degree in criminal psychology when 20. Served as a street cop for 5 years and was promoted to homicide as a detective. Recently promoted to Senior Detective, Basil was an excellent choice to lead the case.
[i]Rek heard the thinder of hooves from nearby. From the east he could see the dust being kicked up by many horses. Above the dust he could see the glinting of steel. He felt panic rise up in him.[/i] Rek: MARAUDERS!! [i]He knew his small group had no chance fighting off the marauders and their only chance was flight. He kicked his horse into a gallop and signalled the others to follow him. Arrows flew past as they tried to escape. If he could get back to camp he had enough people there to fend the brigands off. But camp was so far away . . .[/i]
Remember the thread "Things Otaku Board Members Never Say"? I reckon that the person who did the orignal one or someone else should ressurect it. I would but I can't think of anything to start it off with. Just a suggestion.
Character 1. Name: Rek Cade Race: Human Equipment: Shotgun, Rapier , Leather Armour, Rations Location: Somewhere in what was Eastern Europe Bio: Was a Lieutenant in the military in the old world. Is now adapting to the new world. Using his leadership skills he formed a small group dedicated to killing those responsible to the near armageddon Character 2. Name: Peter Cade Race: Human Equipment: S&W Revolver, Leather Armour, Dagger Bio: Brother of Rek. He was a small minded accountant who went to work one day and returned to find his house had been wiped out by a stray lava rock which killed his wife and kids. Enthusiastically joined his brother's group to kill his family's murderers. Character 3 Name: Daniel McAdam Race: Human Equipment: Twin Shortswords, Combat Knife Bio: Close friend of Peter. He was secretly in love with his wife and was enraged when she was killed. Character 4 Name: Paul Layton Race: Human Equipment: Twin 9mm Semi-Automatic Pistols Bio: Was a Sergeant under Rek's command. Being a loyal soldier he followed along in his little slaughtering expedition.
What I am wondering is if the American populus has figured this out. In Australia we write our date 11/9. But in U.S.A they write 9/11, 911 the number Americans call when they are in an emergency. Coincidence? I think not.
OOC: Sorry ElvenFoxKnight, I haven't been online for ages. I'll post soon. [i]The Dragon swooped and tried to grab members of the group in his claws but missed. He breathed out fire and set the woods ablaze. He landed on the ground and morphed into a human figure, garbed in blood red plate-mail. Dragon/Man: You shall never reach the ruins and get the Artifact. Not as long as I am around! [insert evil/maniacal laugh here] [i]He morphed back into a dragon and flew off.[/i]
OOC: We've got enough people in this RPG already Calumon. Maybe you can join once I've killed most of the people off. :demon: [i]The roar came from an area where the trees were very tall. (heehee, that means whatever the roar came from is very big.) They pushed through the bushes and other vegetation and came to a clearing. In the clearing stood nice large Red Dragon, and he looks very hungry to meet you.[/i]
OOC: If you think the quest is stupid, you could always attempt to take over the city and become the extreme overlords.
[i]As the last of the demons fell, the bodies just faded like they were not really there. After looking for a few seconds, they found the king hiding behind his throne.[/i] Lacroix: Come out now. The danger is gone. King: Thank you, noble warrior. Thou art all fine warriors. Now the reason I have call thee here, is to retreive an ancient artifact that was stolen from my family. It has been hidden in the dark lands of mine nemesis, Grak, King of Cthar. Thy task is to go and get it. Faretheewell. [i]You are escorted out of the palace into the streets of the city. Cthar is to the east. Go forth and find the artifact.[/i]
OOC: Since when did [i]I say[/i] that we had reached the castle and since when did [i]I say[/i] that the king was being attacked by Demons? If I'm not on-line for a while, could you just bear with me and wait.
[i]Tharivol regained his conciousness. He sat up in the bed he was in and looked around. It was just a plain hut. There were three elves and a DROW!!! Tharivol instinctively went for his sword and prepared to defend himself.[/i]
[i]Tharivol stumbled through the woods. His encounter with the Clerics of Hextor had left him severly weakened. He attempted his Lay on Hands spell, but he was to weak to perform it. After walking further and further through the woods, he came across a hut. He opened the door to find someone to help him. There was an unconsious elf on a bed and another elf tending to him. "Help," he barely muttered and collapsed.[/i]
I shotgun Master of all Evil! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Bahaumet Age:Unknown Weapons: Inscarborus (The Black Sword) Bio: Sauron was just a pawn. Bahaumet was the real mastermind behind the evil of Mordor. After Sauron's demise, Bahaumet rose to power, secretly building Mordor's forces and power. He forged a new ring and melded his dark power into it. He is now going to conquer Middle-Earth Appearance: Bahaumet is unbearable to look upon. He is dark blue in colour, with black slits for eyes. He has an Aura of unspeakable evil and darkness which kills all living creatures except those who he wishes to spare. His hands are long sharp claws, his right hand bearing the new ring. He stands 9ft tall.
OOC: You know, if these encounters keep happening, we'll never make it to the city. [i]They heard snarling from back in the shadows. The figures came out, it was more werewolves! Some of them were injured from the previous nights encounter and weren't too happy about it so they gathered reinforcements. And they didn't look to pleased either.[/i]
Necromancer's Intervention: [i]Thar was closing in on his final revenge. The Grand Temple of Hextor was in sight. He quickly raised his blade, The Blade of Heironius, Ilvellios and smote the Temple Guardsmen. He burst down the cast iron door with one kick and entered foul temple. He smashed every idol of Hextor he could find and threw holy water everywhere. He was then set upon by Clerics of Hextor. They cast their evil magic at him, but he resisted and ended their foul existence in this realm. He hoped that the Abyss had a lot of room, for when he was finished with this pagan temple, the plane would be full. Then, a figure clothed all in black appeared. He drew for his belt, a black steel sword. They fought but they were too evenly matched. From under his cloak, the man pulled something out. It was the symbol of Hextor! His eyes burned at the sight of the unholy object. He burned with agony and fell to the floor. The man mumbled under his breath and his holy sword, Ilvellios rose and disappeared. The man laughed and disappeared. Thar limped out of the temple, still in pain from the symbol. He grabbed the Guards sword and crossbow. He blessed the blade and made it holy and then continued on his way after setting the building alight.[/i]
Name: Tharivol Ilphukir (Thar for short) Age: 130 Race: Elf Alignment: Lawful Good Class: Paladin Deity: Heironius Height: 6'2" Weight: 170lbs Eye color: Blue Hair Color: Blonde Weapons: Greatsword (Holy) Crossbow Armour: Full Plate Description: Thar's long golden hair is tied into a ponytail, behind his head. His deep blues eyes are hardened through his battles with evil. On his right arm, he has a tatto of the fist of Heironius holding a lightning bolt. Short Bio: He was born a remote village. When he was 29 his village was set upon by evil warriors of Hextor, (Heironius' Arch-Nemesis) and was burned to a cinder. His parents were killed in the battle but he survived and made it to the capital of Faerun where he trained in the temple of Heironius to become a Paladin for the cause of good. Spells: Lay on Hands - [i]The ability to heal himself.[/i] Holy Weapon - [i]Blesses any weapon and makes it holy.[/i] Control Undead - [i]Exactly that[/i] Disrupt Undead - [i]Causes damage to any undead creature.[/i] Abilities: Infravision (See at night) Blind fighting, Ambidexterity Weakness: Symbol of Hextor Unholy Water Strong against: Orcs Evil
[i]Everyone decides to go to sleep. The only light that shines in this part of the forest is the[/i] full moon. [i] Lacroix, sleeping next to Hunter, is awakened by the sound of growling. He looks over to find that Hunter is growing a new hairdo at an alarmingly fast rate . . .[/i]
[i]On the fallen werewolves, you find . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fallen werewolves!
[i]Raistlin and Lacroix were right. Something was watching them. There was a deep breathing from inside the foliage, followed by a snarl. They quickly drew their weapons, except for Hunter who was too busy chatting up the female elf. As the Werewolves jumped out ti attack them, one bit straight into Hunter's arm. They then all prepared for dinner.[/i]
[i]Amongst the bodies of the Orcs you find . . . (squabblin time!) 100 gold pieces, various pieces of broken armour and 14 longspears.[/i]
[i]The orcs (what is left of them) realise that they are no match for the party. When there vision cleared from the flare, they bolted leaving the dead bodies behind. Fresh for the looting.[/i]
[i]As Kabuki attempts to sneak away. He steps on a twig and snaps it, alerting the orcs who discover the group and prepare to attack.[/i]
OOC: Don't post in this cloricus, you are not in it. [i]All of you set out for your very long journey. The area around the village is forest area. And there is a long path that leads to the capital. After a couple of hours of travelling. You hear voices from up ahead. After some careful investigation you find that there is a party of Orcs of about twenty or more just around the bend in the path. They appear to be arguing about something, so they don't notic you.[/i]
[i]You are all in the tavern that the king's recruiter told you to go. You all get by as hired mercenaries. But this job should get you enough to retire. The king's recruiter tells you that you are to report to the capital and present yourself to the king. You will get your further orders there. It is about 1000 leagues the capital from here.[/i]