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- Birthday 05/03/1987
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um lets see.... ill get back to you on that
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*Edit* Added a picture of both of my characetrs appearence( s ) for you guys, totally slipped my mind -.-;; Sorry! Hiya people! guess whos back? Anywho.... if you dislike this, PM me and tell me to edit it; I'll change it ^_~ yah i know... its kind of a DNAngel / Ranma 1/2 ripoff... in a derranged way. Still, I was bored and had fun making this character [B]Name:[/B] Hoshiko (day) Alistair (night) [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Chosen Magicka:[/B] Ice [B]Personality: [/B] [B]Hoshiko: [/B] Sarcastic and cynical, this is merely a mask to drive people away from her. Though if you're one of the few within her "inner circle" shes rather caring, kind and will most certainly be concerned about your well being. Really she acts more like a big sister if you get that close. Heck, she may even let you in on her "secret"... if you aren't dead yet.... Oh yes, she also refers to herself as "we" sometimes without realizing it and tends to talk to herself/Alistair if she believes she's alone. [B]Alistair:[/B] Alistair is by no means as bad as Hoshiko, in fact, they are almost as different as day and night (no pun intended). A happy-go-lucky if you will, by Hoshiko's standards. He does however, tend to get tempermental and protective if someone near to him is injured, he is a guardian angel afterall. [B]Weapons:[/B] A katana whose blade that looks as though its made of pure crystal, but can slice through almost any non-enchanted material. "Akumos" is inscribed upon the blade, so Hoshiko calls referrs to it by that... Alistair, being the childish fellow he is, just calls it "that shiny weapon." he really doesn't care otherwise [B]Appearence (s):[/B] see picture. Try to imagine her with long royal blue priestess-like robes with silver embriodery on the sleeves; the embridery looks very much like a vine pattern. The guy with the purple hair is Alistair. You can't seer it, but his hair hangs down to his ankles and is wrapped up with long strips of cloth so he doesn't trip on his own hair ^_^;;;. His outfit is the same as the mage-person in the third pic is wearing. Alright now that I have that handled; I must go to work, yipe! [B]Bio:[/B] As a child, Hoshiko was teased all the time by her older sisters and the other children that she attended school with. the reason: for she did not seem to have the inborn ability to aquire a Magicka of any kind. Over time, Hoshiko became more cold and uncaring to cope with the taunts. Though it was not until word of the academy spread to her small backwater village did it really begin to get to her as the other teens she grew up with were accepted and left. Furious with herself for not being able to be able to use a Magicka type, she left her village when a warning came of a troop of dark alliance raiding the nearby villages. Hoping to prove to herself, and hopefully the other villagers that she wasn't useless, she found herself being chased down into a church by a band of the dark alliance. Her back pressed to the cold stone of a statue that was to look like a fallen angel bent over weeping in sorrow, it was as though this statue wept for her. The setting sun, shining into the church, made rainbows play across the bare walls and the angels features. Weeping, Hoshiko prayed to any higher power that dared to listen that she may live to fight these puppets. As though something above heard her prayers, one of the spells meant to finish her backfired and struck the statue behind her instead; shattering it beyond repair. The last thing Hoshiko remembered before being knocked unconscious, was the feel of snow on her face. Night had now fallen, but a presence had risen to awareness. Alistair. His mind having been locked within the statue of the weeping angel for centuries, Alistair was forced to take Hoshiko's body for his host in order to protect her from harm. While Hoshiko now possesses Magicka and could go to the academy, the downside of this is, at night. At the very moment the first star appears in the sky, Hoshiko transforms into Alistair, the fallen angel. This is a bitter secret that Hoshiko hides with her life; wouldn't you if you became a guy at night? Now, several months later, Hoshiko snores away in a place she never would have dreamed of ending up. Who would have known that she would ever be of help against the Dark Alliance afterall? [I](Hey... Hoshi dear... it's 7:30AM, do you know where your children are? )[/I] Alistair's voice was no more than a whisper within Hoshiko's head as he tried to nudge her to awareness in the only way he could. [i]"Ugh... shut up Ali... let me sleep!"[/i] Her thoughts protested. [i](Cannot do that m'love, morning has broken and you are back in charge...doesn't mean I cannot be a pain in your butt though. Hehe)[/i] Alistair teased happily, Hoshiko swore her drew a smiley face in her minds eye for added effect. Grumbling, Hoshiko cursed the fallen angel and sat up in bed. "Happy?" she grumbled [i](Quite.)[/i] said a rather amused-sounding Alistair. [i](now get moving! Today's your day to shine!)[/i] "Or so we hope." Hoshiko said with a sigh. Okay it's lame, may edit later... not right now though... its 12:47AM by my watch. *yawn*
Writing Idiots of the Three Kingdoms (WARNING: crude humor)
starlight replied to G/S/B Master's topic in Creative Works
That's hilarious! I love it, very cool. It had me laughing pretty hard, (yes I do have a dirty mind...bad me)I have never heard of the three kingdom era, but this parody rocks! Could you post more of it, please? -
[I]Meanwhile, Ayumi had headed the "drag-the-crying-men" group and was assisting in yanking the sissies out of the building. Dispite the fact that Makoto was in fact a sheepdog, or at least was assumed to be one, he obviously had no herding instinct whatsoever and calmly strode alongside of the panicing teens as if nothing was going on. looking down at her canine friend, Ayumi sighed and turned away from her current panic victim to glare down at the drunken dog.[/I] "You could at least Try to be a bit of help!" [I]Scolded Ayumi before turing to dash back at the entrance... Missing the doorway entirely and smacking into the doorframe. Falling flat on her back, Ayumi moaned something along the lines of "I meant to do that" before falling silent and still.[/I] "ruff ruff!" [I]barked Makoto as he stumbled half-drunkenly (OOC: that even a word ? 0.o) over to his mistress and giving her a hard shove with his head. For some odd reason, this action got Ayumi to leap to her feet, pumped up with energy. [/I] "Arigatou Makoto-sama" [I]thanked Ayumi before dashing back in side, for real this time...honest....[/I]
[I]Satsuki slipped quietly back into her room, making sure to turn off the lights this time before going over to her bed. She was definately in a confused and amazed haze. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, she thought about those three that she had just been aquainted with. She [B]knew[/B] from the moment that she took this job that she would probably be dealing with Vampires, but was any of those three a Vampire? Going into deep thought she began to think about each one, trying to see if they could be. She really couldn't tell. Especially since both Yuto-San [B][U]AND[/U][/B] Shizen-San appeared to be albino, which would naturally make their skin paler. What about little Arden though? Thought Satsuki as she thought about the little annoying one. He LOOKED around 13 to 15...and acted like a 6 year old... but was he really as young, naive and innocent as he appeared? Did [B]HE[/B] depend on blood for his survival? Sighing, Satsuki flopped down on the bed and stared at the ceiling as she remembered when she had first met an Aylward representitive, at the bus station; the metting place they had finally agreed upon over the phone...[/I] _________________________________________________ [B][I]Flashback to meeting...[/I][/B] Satsuki paced the terminal platform, getting many a worried glance from nervous onlookers as they watched. Satsuki, oblivious to the onlookers, sighed inwardly and checked her watch again. "It's getting late... maybe they meant another station..." She murmured as she cast another glance around the crowded station. Even at this hour, the bus station was still busy as if it was midday. Growing impatient, she moved off of the busiest part of the platform over to the red brick wall of the station building. Leaning against the rough bricks, she cast another half-hearted glance down at her watch. The neon-green numbers flashed the time again, almost a half hour later than what had been agreed upon. "Dammit! Trust me to take a job with a stuck up, no good ***hole that keeps his new employees waiting! If he was here right now I'd--!" "Ms. Yukimori?" A new voice cut into Satsuki's ranting causing her to stop immediately to face them. Her face was already bright red with embarrassment. The man that the voice belonged to looked a bit embarrassed himself. "Y-yes?..." She stammered in embarrassment, praying silently to any god listening that he hadn't heard her. "I am a represntitive of Master Aylward!" He said proudly as he held out his hand for a handshake. Satsuki shook his hand and smiled weakly in greeting. "May I see the card that was left in your mailbox Ms. Yukimori?" He asked. Satsuki was taken off guard for a moment before remembering. "Y-yes, certainly... Give me a second to find it please." Satsuki said as she rummaged through her coat pocket for the small card. Upon finding it, she handed it over to the representitive. He smiled as he saw the unique emblem, which was all that was on the card except for a small note scribbled on the back that read: [B][INDENT][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][I]Do not loose this card, it is an identification clearence for any of my representitives that I may send.[/I][/FONT][/INDENT][/B] "My apologies for keeping you waiting Ms. Yukimori. The car broke down about halfway here so it took awhile to get it running again. I tried your cellphone, but you didn't pick up." The man tried to explain. Chestnut brown hair framed his kind youthful face. It seemed to move on its own when he talked, even with no wind. An emblem was sewn to the front of his black formal jacket, its stylized deep red phoenix stood out againt its light backing. The emblem matched that of what was printed onto the card. "Thats okay, I was just worried you weren't going to come at all!" Explained Satsuki with a smile as she shifted her backpack on her shoulder. "Yes well... the days are shorter now so I suppose I could have left earlier..." murmuered the representitive. This statment confused Satsuki entirely, but she didn't dare comment. "Now... would you please follow me to the car? I am to escort you back to the House... I'll explain the details on the way and answer any questions you may have." The rep made a sweeping motion with his hand to the ancient car that Satsuki hadn't even noticed, even when it had apparently pulled up longside of the bus terminal. Agreeing to follow, Satsuki nervously headed over to the car... "I'm going to WHAT?! Work with an actual Vampire?!" Declared Satsuki less than 10 minutes later. The rep cringed slightly and nodded as he re-confirmed it. "Yes... Ms Yukimori... as I just said... You will actually be working with Vampires. Humans... maybe, I'm not too sure. But I know at least one of your co-workers will be of that nature so don't be surprised if and when they reveal that nature to you alright?" ________________________________________________________ [I]Satsuki sighed again as she rolled over onto her side. [/I] "But which one of them is the Vampire?..." [I]She murmered just as sleep overtook her. Holding her firmly in it's grasp until morning... When the real work would begin...[/I]
"Come on!" Ayumi was almost begging "No way! We hear your music enough as is!" [I]came the annoyed reply of the "DJ." [/I] [I]Ayumi continued to bug the person currently in charge of the music to put on a few of her CD's. While Makoto took this opportunity to pour--yes thats right, pour himself a drink and pushed it to a safe corner, using his nose to move it. Ayumi eventually had given up with the music selection. Obviously the person guarding the CD player had [B]NO [/B] taste of music, and decided to bug the newcomers as they entered. Seeing as she had nothing better to be doing; this party was just starting! ... and yet Makoto was already getting tipsy, his big bulky sheepdog body swaying side to side.[/I] "Whoa! What's with the dog?!" [I]Came a voice from nearby.[/I]
Ayumi watched Smokey with growing interest through her dark sunglasses. Smiling delivishly she bounded down the hallway, Makoto in tow, and nearly smacking into a door left ajar as she dashed. Skidding to a stop right in front of smokey she grinned with accomplishment as she had for the first time in a very long time, had not hit anything. "Hey! You the guy that was talking to himself about bootleggin'?! [B]Do you know how bloody illegal that is?![/B] Er...." She stopped yelling as she saw the supposed "new couple" sweatdropped and nervously laughed. "w-well what d-do you know?" she said nervously, her currently teal-blue hair seemed to wave about as she spoke. Makoto, was getting dangerously close to Smokey, and all whom were present minus Manic, knew what might happen should he not move soon... Ignoring her ancient dog, and getting serious for a brief moment. Ayumi faced Smokey again and blushed slightly. Her courage with talking to people again was gone with her sugar high. "Annnnnnyway... um... yeah... Smokey... c-can I come to... y-your p-party?... P-pretty please?" She asked as she looked down sheepishly at the ground. Before Smokey could reply though someone spoke up from another hall. "What is with all the yelling?!"
Writing OtakuBoards: Enter the Net [PG]
starlight replied to Solo Tremaine's topic in Creative Works
Oh my... er... pickles... I feel so left behind in the "virtual dust". I really have been away too long from here, playing the hermit. (I have to thank Valen for dragging me back, despite screaming about the addictiveness and how I had just "kicked the habit") This story is awesome Solo! Ive been laughing my head off since I started reading it. (Enough to get my parents wondering about my sanity.) Please Solo don't end this wonderful work anytime soon! I wanna read mooooorrrrre *whimper* If possible you think you could fit an itty bitty cameo of me in there? It's alright if ya can't after I recounted all of the requests.... wow... I feel so ashamed of myself for asking now ... I have to say that this part of the last chapter had me laughing the hardest: Desbreko looked at him blankly. "You were prepared for us to be sucked into the Boards by a freak accident, start a virtual community and deal with an army of spam-throwing hackers?" "Yes." "Oh." Definate classic material there ^_~ I love the way you intergrate the features of this board, old series/games and everything else that I haven't thought of adding to the list into it. Keep up the good work! Can't wait to see the next chapter! -
[I]As Satsuki walked down the dim hallway that, according to the small paper posted by the entryway into the hall, was the dorms she felt a small twinge of worry begin to build up inside. [/I] Satsuki: Stop it... Stop it... Stop it! No bad thoughts on the first night! I'm gonna be living her for a bit, I don't need to be scared out of my skin on the first night! [I]Trying to get her mind off it, Satsuki began to pay more thorough attention to the room numbers on the doors. The hallway was white, like the rest of the lab building, it gave Satsuki the impression of a hospital. The doors however, were a different story. They were metal, each had a number painted in black on its smooth surface, they looked like very similar to elevator doors. The lights overheard flickered again with a small buzz. Glancing away from the wall to what lay ahead, she smiled as she caught sight of several small packing boxes that sat alongside of from what she could see, was room #6. Reaching what she now believed was her room, Satsuki tested the code on the keypad on the wall next to where the doorknob should have been. With a buzz and the reassurance of a little green light that blinked on moments before the door began to slide open Satsuki knew this was the right one. Peering inside, all that could be seen by her was pitch blackness. Edging her way inside, the door slammed shut behind her, engulfing her in the darkness of the room. Fumbling blindly in the dark, it took a minute or two before Satsuki could find a light switch. Temporarily blinded by the light when she flicked it on, it took a moment before she dared to open her eyes again. Unlike the rest of the lab, this room was painted a light green. This surprised Satsuki a bit. Looking around the room, she found that it contained a desk, dresser, a table with a pair of folding chairs, and a bed. Satsuki smiled drowsily before checking her watch, the time surprised Satsuki and quickly wiped the smile off of her face. Groaning, it suddenly dawned on her that she was supposed to start actually working tomorrow... well... today if you wanted to be technical. Too tired to even want to think of unpacking, or changing for bed for that matter, Satsuki headed over to the bed and flopped down on it. She was asleep before her head hit the pillow. This unfortunately, didn't last any more than an hour. Hearing the sound of glass breaking startled Satsuki awake. Groggily, she sat up and looked around the room in utter confusion before remembering where she was.[/I] Satsuki: What was that?.... wait... the lab! [I]Tumbling, quite literally out of bed, Satsuki stumbled to the door and put her ear to its cool metal surface. Straining her ears in hopes of catching even the slightest sound Satsuki felt a feeling of fear well up inside of her. Calm down, it's probably Mr. Yuto coming back in and he knocked something over, Satsuki told herself. Her conscience was telling her to believe otherwise. Satsuki, not wanting to take any chances, knew it WAS her duty to at least check in on what may or may not be happening in the lab outside. Edging cautiously to the keypad on the wall, she punched in the code again, and opened the door. Peering out into the now-darkened hall, she strained to hear something else, her ears were greeted by the sound of something bumping into a chair from the screeching sound it made as it moved across the tiled floor. Taking a cautious step out into the hall, she began to sneak back into the lab area. ...Oh gods...If this is really an intruder I'm so screwed! Thought Satsuki as she scolded herself for not thinking about picking up some kind of weapon. Slowly, she climbed up the three steps into the main area of the lab and looked around. The computer consoles in front of her abstructed her view of the rest of the lab. Edging along the wall, she moved until she could see a large portion of the darkened lab. She couldn't see anyone at first, but when she noticed some kind of movement near the lab tables she began to panic. Trying not to be spotted, Satsuki darted along the wall. Her goal: get the hell out of here and find Yuto or someone else who could help her. Dashing around a corner as she drew close to the stairway out she suddenly ran headfirst into someone and bounced off of them, falling to the floor in a surprised heap. Suspecting that she had been found by the intruder, Satsuki let out a terrified scream.[/I] ???: (Whoa! What the?!) [I]Satsuki stopped screaming immediately as she heard the voice... [B]In her head no less![/B] [/I] Satsuki: That voice... was...in my head?! ???: Well that's no good, I 'spose that there's doctors out there that can help ya fix that. Satsuki: Huh?! [I]Looking up again, Satsuki could only see three silhoettes directly in front of her.[/I] Satsuki: What's going on?!
[B]Name:[/B] Ayumi Akuma [B]Age:[/B] just turned 17 [B] Description:[/B] Ayumi is unfortunately, a nerd gone hippie, and it shows. She has short brown hair that jist brushes her shoulders. She hates her natural hair colour and dyes it any colour of the spectrum whenever possible, much to her fathers dismay. She always wears bright flouresent colours or if not that, a dark grubby old burgundy hoodie and jeans. If you ever have the rare opportunity to actually see her eyes, they are a pair of rather intelligent hazel eyes. Though she always has them hidden behind a pair of dark sunglasses that she wears even at night! She swears that she can see perfectly fine in them, but the number of times she manages to "miss the door" and smack into a wall makes one really wonder... [B]Life Story:[/B] Having never had that much of a "real" family as a kid, and being the shy-and-nerdy-hide-your-face-in-a-book-kid when in elementary and early in high school. Because of that, she never mastered her social skills and pays dearly for it now. though in later grades nearing the end of her highschool years something in her snapped and she went from the soft-spoken paranoid Ayumi, to the, "colourful" girl she is now. Though she still can get rather tounge-tied when meeting new people. Shes as ditzy as they come, and blind as a bat, though she denies both furiously. Which is why you're asking for death if you ever meantion either one in front of her. Ayumi's hobbies include, listening to J-pop/rock "crazy american" bands as she likes to call them. Her problem is, she likes to share this music with the entire house and blares it at ungodly hours of the night and more importantly, when a certain someone is trying to study ^_~. That wouldnt be so bad, if she didnt decide to sing along in her high sshreiky off-key voice! Some are starting to believe shes a demon sent to make their nights loud and sleepless. Ayumi moved out of her fathers house when things began to get bad for them financially. Her father stated that they had two options: "either the dog goes or you go honey" guess who went? Thats right! Both she and the dog went and headed into the inner city. Ayumi holds no grudges towards her beloved father, heck she had been dying to get out of that house for ages! Aymui and her big old border collie, Makoto, are now tennants in the Masion. Ayumi works after school as a Waitress in one of the nearby "casual fine dining" places and gets rather good pay for it. Despite the fact that she can hardly talk to the customers nor get the orders quite right its a surprise they even keep her around. Makoto has been in her family for generations apparently. With his shaggy brown and white coat and big brown eyes you would hardly suspect him of being so old. Ayumi has a deep love for this old dog and can be sometimes caught talking to the old mutt. Unfortunatly, Makoto has the dirty habit of getting a "taste" of the new tennants, and he seems to have developed quite a liking for Manics flesh... ^-^ hope you liked my wacky character as much as I have had making her!
[I]More confused at her "meeting" with her new partner than anything, Satsuki went back to getting more familliar with the laboritory. The first thing Satsuki had encountered upon entry was a flight of stairs leading down into a large rectangular room. Apparently all of the equiptment that she and her partner would need was all there. An examination table and an operating table sat looking rather harmless against the wall nearest her, their smooth metallic surfaces reflecting the bright lights from overhead. A rather large wooden desk sat alongside of these. The desk itself reminded Satsuki of a teachers desk, if only it didnt have all of those... interesting instruments laying out atop of it. She approached it for a closer look and cringed. [/I] Satsuki: Now what am I to do with this stuff huh? Cut someone up? No way jose! [I]Wincing slightly at the thought of actually having to do something like that Satsuki remembered her school. Sure they had cut up a few cadavers, it was part of the program for the gods sake! Even the thought of it was nothing like this! Slowly backing away from the table Satsuki decided to explore a little more before trying to find her dormitory. Walking around the perimeter of the room a pair of doors set into the wall caught her attention. Going closer to check this out she noted the keypad for a passcode. She also noticed that one of the doors was open peeking inside she saw, the it was no more then what looked like a small storage room, or a holding cell of some sort. How weird, what would we use a room like this for? Satsuki thought to herself with a shrug. Wandering around a little more Satsuki found a few computer consoles strategically placed about. Usually near a few lab tables with empty beakers and test tubles sitting out, just waiting to be used. Looking to the opposite end of the room was yet another flight of stairs leading into what she assumed was where her dormitory was. Deciding that was best at this time, Satsuki had to find the backpack she had brought along with her and headed for the stairs to her own dorm.[/I] ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ OOC: Valen asked me to do this part lol ^_^ so I am [I][U]Back at the Aylward Coven House...[/U] Arden crept slowly down the hallway towards Shizen's room. As hard as he tried, he couldnt stop himself from making the floor creak under his every step; he obviously hadn't been taught many of the "tricks" yet. Pausing at his friend's door momentarily, Arden drew a deep breath before opening the door, making sure to slam it behind him when he closed it; it was something that really peeved Shizen when he did so. Walking over to where Shizen still lay sleeping, Arden looked down at his friend's sleeping form and rubbed his chin as if in deep thought.[/I] Arden: He looks so cute when he's sleeping ^.^ [I]Cracking his knuckles in preparation, Arden took a few steps back away from the small cot. Bracing himself, Arden then ran full throttle at the cot and pounced at Shizen.[/I] Arden: [SIZE=1][B]SHIZEN!![/B][/SIZE] [I]Landing squarely in the middle of Shizen's chest, Arden shook Shizen frantically by the shoulders. [/I] Arden: [B]Shiiiiiizeeeeeennnnnnnnnn!!! Wake up! Master is gonna kill you if you... Don't. Wake. Up.... NOWWWW![/B] [I]When Shizen merely grunted and rolled over, throwing Arden off of him, Arden knew it was time to get serious. Turning on the waterworks, Arden climbed back onto the bed and sat on Shizen again.[/I] Arden: Pleeeeeease Shizen! Ya hav'ta! *whimper* Shizen: "(Screw....Wak..u...sei...)" Arden: Shizen, seriously! Wakusei said if I didn't get your bum upstairs in 5 minutes... well...you dun wanna know what he said he would do! Though it was really really really bad! [I]No reply came this time. Arden whimpered one last time before he jumped off of the cot. He slid underneath, and then, using his enhanced strength, kicked the underside of the cot, sending Shizen sprawling to the floor.[/I] Arden: You can get yourself in deep crap if you wanna, but I for one, like breathing! SO GET UP NOW!!!
Welcome to the continent of Anemia, home to Demon, Elvin, and Human kind alike. After an unrecorded catastrophe took place over 3 milenia ago, the entire globe had to start from scratch again. Now in 3045 AC the species that had survived the disaster to begin, have evolved to a "modern day" lifestyle. (Think about 10 years ahead of us) While "new" species have appeared on the scene... Others... ...Have become no more than mere legends... One of those "legendary" creatures, is the Vampire. Hidden from the mortal world, these aristrocratic people have built entire empires away from the leering eyes of society. Covens, groups of vampire "families" live undergroud, for the most part. Ruled by a Master and a few handpicked "Nobles" of theirs, they lead a rather undisturbed way of life. Crosses and holy water affect few, if any vampires.Though the good ol' stake in the heart still works perfectly! As you know, the sun is their mortal enemy, so they are forced to live and hunt within the boundaries of the night. (which sucks if you ask me...especially for Daylight Savings Time) Though there is one coven Master, that no longer wishes for this to be so... A Master that uses unorthodox methods, not only to keep his coven in line, but in punishment, and in...other feilds. When the former Master was mysteriously murdered, he took the position from the young inexperianced heir before the word could get out about there even being an heir to begin with. Now, almost 200 years later, this "Master" still rules, and the young "Heir" still sits in one of the lowest positions in the coven, for fear that if he was given any sort of power, he might try to overthrow the Master. Why did this young heir not speak up during any of this? Why didnt he voice the truth? He would have, he truly would.... ...had he possessed a voice to do so. Back to present day: The Master, known better as Master Wakusei whom reins over the Aylward Coven is planning something that, if accomplished, could mean disaster for the more ...mortal type... inhabitants of Anemia. Breaking almost every law that applies to human/Vampire contact he has recruited a young female scientist; Satsuki Yukimori. Hired to do studies on the anatomy of Vampires, she is to find a cure against their deathly sunlight intolerance. Working alone in a reasearch facility almost 50miles away from any known ciliization. Wakusei has obviously placed much trust into this young human woman to complete the cure he so desires... Though the problem seems to be...in doing this, alot of things get kicked up...rumors...of vampires actually existing. A strange phenomonon of "slayers" suddenly appearing ont he streets, hunting these legends... and then there are those ...who strangely know of this...project...and will stop at nothing....to stop it. Satsuki stared at the overcast night sky through the heavily tinted passenger's side window. The 1959 midnight black Bentley roared down the misused dirt doad, leaving a cloud of dust behind. The road ahead was lit solely by the cars twin headlights. Glancing over at the car's driver, a young man with blond streaks in his chestnut brown hair and a kind face. Satsuki sighed inwardly before asking, "How much further away from the city is this "lab" anyway?" asked Satsuki with a slightly worried undertone. "Not much further now Ms. Yukimori." Came his reply. Looking back out the window, Satsuki had to sigh again, this time out of boredom. [I]...And so it begins...[/I], thought Satsuki. About a half hour later, Satsuki found herself staring at a dome-shaped building looming up from the otherwise flat landscapre, save for a couple of trees scattered about the property. Slamming her door shut behind her, Satsuki blinked a couple of times as she gazed in amazement at its smooth white exterior. "I'm going to be doing my research [U][I]here[/I][/U]?!" Satsuki declared in awe. "Yes. Mr. Aylward gave you the passcodes for the doors did he not?" Asked the driver with interest as he leaned on the hood of the car. Satsuki's reply came as a small nod. "Good, good... Your belongings are already inside, have a good evening, Ms. Yukimori." Satsuki turned around to thank Mr. Aylward's driver but he was already back in the car and driving down the gravel road by that point. [I]That was fast[/I]. Thought Satsuki with a small shiver as she turned to look at her new "home." "Mr Aylward said he would send my partner tommorrow, so I suppose I'm on my own until then"
[COLOR=YellowGreen][I]...What would you do... If you were a member of a vampire coven...[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen][I]...What would you do... if you were the rightful leader?...[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][I]...What would you do... if you were denied that right and were a low rank member instead?...[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][I]...What would you do... if you life was about to have many a drastic change?...[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][I]...because of a human girl?[/I][/COLOR] Welcome to the continent of Anemia, home to Demon, Elvin, and Human kind alike. After an unrecorded catastrophe took place over 3 milenia ago, the entire globe had to start from scratch again. Now in 3045 AC the species that had survived the disaster to begin, have evolved to a "modern day" lifestyle. (Think about 10 years ahead of us) While "new" species have appeared on the scene... Others... ...Have become no more than mere legends... One of those "legendary" creatures, is the Vampire. Hidden from the mortal world, these aristrocratic people have built entire empires away from the leering eyes of society. Covens, groups of vampire "families" live undergroud, for the most part. Ruled by a Master and a few handpicked "Nobles" of theirs, they lead a rather undisturbed way of life. Crosses and holy water affect few, if any vampires.Though the good ol' stake in the heart still works perfectly! As you know, the sun is their mortal enemy, so they are forced to live and hunt within the boundaries of the night. (which sucks if you ask me...especially for Daylight Savings Time) Though there is one coven Master, that no longer wishes for this to be so... A Master that uses unorthodox methods, not only to keep his coven in line, but in punishment, and in...other feilds. When the former Master was mysteriously murdered, he took the position from the young inexperianced heir before the word could get out about there even being an heir to begin with. Now, almost 200 years later, this "Master" still rules, and the young "Heir" still sits in one of the lowest positions in the coven, for fear that if he was given any sort of power, he might try to overthrow the Master. Why did this young heir not speak up during any of this? Why didnt he voice the truth? He would have, he truly would.... ...had he possessed a voice to do so. Back to present day: The Master, known better as Master Wakusei whom reins over the Aylward Coven is planning something that, if accomplished, could mean disaster for the more ...mortal type... inhabitants of Anemia. Breaking almost every law that applies to human/Vampire contact he has recruited a young female scientist; Satsuki Yukimori. Hired to do studies on the anatomy of Vampires, she is to find a cure against their deathly sunlight intolerance. Working alone in a reasearch facility almost 50miles away from any known ciliization. Wakusei has obviously placed much trust into this young human woman to complete the cure he so desires... Though the problem seems to be...in doing this, alot of things get kicked up...rumors...of vampires actually existing. A strange phenomonon of "slayers" suddenly appearing ont he streets, hunting these legends... and then there are those ...who strangely know of this...project...and will stop at nothing....to stop it. [B]Please Note: [/B] your enterance into the rpg will be determined by the quality of your post and the amount of useful information given in your bio. Simple (and otherwise crappy) Things like "His name ish Joe-smo and he is an all mighty slayer of all vampires! He uses a gun to blow their heads off!.." Will not be accepted. The following Roles are OPEN please we have to have at least half of them filled for this RPG to take place. IF you are requesting a position, just PM me with the reason why you want that character and possibly send some of the missing details for that character that I have delibarately ommitted. If accepted, I will send you a PM stating so and then I would ask for you to submit your revised bio (This is only for those requesting a position) [U][B]The Vampires:[/B][/U] [B]Played By:[/B] Information Not Available [B]Surname:[/B] Aylward [B]First name:[/B] Wakusei [B]Species: [/B] Vampire [B]Status in Coven:[/B] Master [B]Age:[/B] Information Not Available [B]Appearence: Hair:[/B] Ebony Black, with hints of grey in some spots, long enough to be tied in a braid that reaches past the midway point of his back [B]Eyes:[/B] Deep emerald green [B]Height:[/B] 6'3'' [B]Cloice of Clothing:[/B] Information Not Available [B]Abilites: [/B] -Mind reading -Telepathy *Further abilities are unknown* [B]Personality: [/B] Wakusei. Is. Crazy? He is very much a cocky, power driven, serious, nutjob. He is rather sarcastic when not dealing with his duties. The problem is, hes a genious (isnt that always the way it goes?) so he can hold office despite his... mental...issues... He will stop at nothing to be able to walk in both day and night, heck, he even hired a HUMAN to do the work for him. A rule that bears severe penalty...if youre not the Master (~_^) [B]Estimated Level of difficulty:[/B] medium-->high [I][B]*Not recommended for less experianced Role Players[/B][/I] [B]Played By: Legacy Surname: [/B] Aylward [B]First name:[/B] Yuto [B]Species:[/B] Vampire [B]Status in Coven: [/B] Noble (right hand man of Wakusei) [B]Age:[/B] Information Not Available [B]Appearence: Hair: [/B] Short spikey alabaster white hair. [B]Eyes:[/B] silverish blue [B]Height:[/B] 5'9'' [B]Cloice of Clothing: [/B] Information Not Available [B]Abilites: [/B] Information Not Available [B]Personality:[/B] Yuto is wiser in his actions than his Master. He calculates a situation carefully before initiating a plan. Slow to anger but quick to anger others, Yuto is very hard to figure out. He comes off as cold, and that he is. He disallows any to get near and if they do, he is quick to betray them. Hates Wakusei's plan, believes it will put the entire coven in jepardy [B]Estimated Level of difficulty:[/B] Hard, Yuto has a deep personality and very hard to guess what he will do next, requesting an experianced Role Player for the part.... Thanks to Legacy for taking Yuto's role ^_^ [B]Played by: Valen surname: [/B] Aylward [B]first name:[/B] Shizen NOTE: Valen has now posted his sign up post for Shizen, if you require any information for him, just look down a few posts for it. Thank you. [B]Played by: Information Not Available surname: Information Not Available First name:[/B] Arden [B]species:[/B] Vampire [B]Status in Coven: [/B] Information Not Available [B]age:[/B] 128 [B]Appearence: Hair: Information Not Available Eyes: Information Not Available Height: [/B] 5'6'' [B]Choice of Clothing:[/B] Asian (your choice though) [B]Abilities:[/B] Information Not Available [B]Personality:[/B] Arden is...Arden. Close friend of Shizen, and personal alarm clock to all members of the Aylward Coven. Arden is very laid back, innocent, and childish. His gentle nature helps him fit in with everyone, hes the type you really cant hate...nor get rid of. Has a tendancy to stick to Shizen like glue though... [B]Other info:[/B] The Aylwards "adopted" him in almost three decades ago and hes stuck around ever since Estimated level of difficulty: very easy, Arden is pretty easy to figure out. [U][B]The Humans[/B][/U] [B]Played by: Starlight Surname: [/B] Yukimori [B]given name:[/B] Satsuki [B]age: [/B] 22 [B]appearence: hair:[/B] long, deep chestnut brown with rusty red highlights. [B]eyes:[/B] Sea Blue [B]Clothing choice: [/B] Lab coat, long sleeved shirt, and black pants and when working. Faded blue jeans, T-shirt, and a sweatshirt when not working. [B]Personality: [/B] always happy to help other, deep into learning more about histories and cultures which helps to drive her wild imagination. A daydreamer by nature, Satsuki has issues with keeping her head out of the clouds. Though when she gets serious, look out! [b]Bio:[/b] Satsuki hesitantly strode down the familliar hallways of her former medical school, her footsteps echoing throughout the otherwise empty school. She didn't know why, but she felt uncomfortable being alone in this building. It was after-hours, most of the students were probably at home studying or out partying with friends. Afterall, it WAS Friday Satsuki reminded herself with a small unhappy sigh. Stopping briefly to shift the weight of her purse on her shoulder, she cast a look down at the medium-sized cardboard box of the few things she had forgotten tucked under her arm. Sighing, Satsuki looked back over her shoulder at the dim empty hallway and shook her head. "I really don't want to leave do I...?" Satsuki became very silent then, as the reality of those words hit her full force. Standing in the same spot for what seemed like ages, she snapped out of her zoned-out state of mind when she suddenly became aware of footsteps. With a small gasp, Satsuki realized just how late it had become. "Oh my Gods! It's already past 6?! I'm supposed to meet with Mr. Aylward in less then a half hour!" Exclaimed Satsuki as she cast a quick glance the time displayed on her digital watch. [I]'Great job Satsuki, now you're going to be late for your new employer...greeeeat way to give a good first impression!'[/I] Satsuki thought bitterly. Not wanting to really see who it was in the building with her, Satsuki dashed to the glass double doors and slid out into the cool dusk air. In truth, she and Mr. Aylward had never met personally, only a few hushed late night conversations on the phone about an interesting job. It was strange more than anything, as Satsuki had needed a job, but hadn't put her ad in the paper yet... One of those things she hadn't quite gotten around to yet. Dashing down the sidewalk to the bustop Satsuki remembered that she would have to check her map for the directions for their meeting place for the billienth time. "Okay Mr. Aylward...time to find out what this is really all about..." Murmured Satsuki. [B]Estimated Level of difficulty:[/B] easy [CENTER]~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~[/CENTER] [SIZE=1][B]I think we have enough people to be able to properly start this RPG now. I apologise for the delay in starting this but I was away for the majority of my weekend and was unable to have access to a computer. Signups are remaining open for two more days. After that they will be officially closed. [/B] [/SIZE]
[i]Karina leapt to her feet and lashed her whip at the griffin again. Getting it to hesitate for a few moments in its raging and haphazard attack pattern.[/i] Karina: Hey! Bird brains! Over here! Remember me?! [i]The griffin sorted and turned to fix it?s lifeless eyes upon the girl, it screeched and snorted again as if to reply to her question.[/i] Karina: Oh good, so you do! Then maybe you?ll remember this! [i]Karina held up her right hand which was glowing an ice blue colour and seemed to have ice crystalizing over her very flesh, yet she could still move her fingers with ease even with her knuckles frozen over. Smirking at the strange hybrid creature she ran at it again and lashed her whip so it wrapped around the griffin?s neck again, was she insane? Hadn?t she tried this already and failed? As she had guessed the creature began to buck and shake again because of the whip. She used this as her way up, when it lunged the opposite way she deliberately let herself be thrown into the air until she was right over the back of the creatures neck, that was when she dropped her whip and with her non frozen hand, grabbed onto the fur of the griffin. Somehow avoiding the two inferno?s that were the griffin?s wings as they beat in vain she crouched down upon the back on the monster. Focusing for a few moments longer she waited until her left hand was crystalized as well, she smiled wickedly.[/i] Karina: This had better work dammit... Frozen Touch!! [i]That was when she brought both hands down hard upon the same spot she had tried centuries ago. The ice from her hands seemed to move like water from her hands onto the back of the griffin. Just like it had back then, it seemed to fizzle out, leaving only a bit of frost upon the fur of the griffins neck and merely numbing the griffins neck partially, doing no real damage. She could have sworn she had heard the beast snicker.[/i] Karina: YOU LIKE MOCKING ME DON?T YOU?!... WHOA! [i]The griffin reared up and screeched, sending Karina sliding down it?s back. She was not going to fall off this time. Reaching out for something to grab onto, amazingly, she somehow caught hold of the tail of the monster. The beast turned its monestrous head around and seemed to glare at her. Karina deathglared it back and clung for all she was worth to the fuzzy lions tail.[/i] Karina: I?m NOT falling off this time!... You hear me? I hate repeating history! [i]It was then that Ari got up enough bravery again, ran up and slammed her staff down upon the griffins leg. Managing only in distracting it from the nuisance clinging onto it?s tail for a second and went after the little descendant.[/i]
*dances around happily* yay! I'm glad you guys like it, and to answer D_A's question, nope thats a totally different pic that i created and faded on top of the other pic ^_~ just to clear that up
well here it is my first try at doing this, I was going to use this for my new banner but I'm kind of undecided at the moment. I don't want to put lame stuff in my sig so your input on this would be great ^_~ ... yes I did post the image of the girl in the banner a while back, I wanted to use her for this