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Everything posted by starlight

  1. [i]Karina watched still unable to move, as the explosion shook the earth beneath her. She clamored to her feet just in time to watch the dust rise from the new crater in the mountain. She hadnt bothered to look behind her yet, to see what had happened to the one responsible for the demise of the Griffin, she was still shocked, by everything that had just occured. When she finally looked behind her she screamed.[/i] Karina: OH GOD! IS HE?... Wolf: No.. just knocked out. [i] Wolf went and lay the fainted Valen upon the ground. Karina was still shocked for awhile. When she found herself able to speak, she turned to Visor.[/i] Karina: Ok Visor. Lets bring back your Bro, before anything else happens. You still have that sword Tyron bought? Visor: Yes I do Karina: May I see it please? [i] He handed her the blade and she lay it on the ground. She motioned for him to sit next to it. He did as told and held out, the mythical blade for her to touch. She knelt down and gingerly lay her hand on the smooth flat surface of the sword. Her hand strarted to strangely tingle, as if her hand had fallen aslee and had woken up again. The tingleing spread up her arm and all over her. She closed her eyes, then suddenly, she felt charged up, as if someone had given her a high dose of adrenaline. She pulled her hand away from the blade, and held her hands just inches above the ground, still with her eyes closed. She knew now what to do. She started to speak in another language, it was like a half chant half song. The whole Battlefield went dark, as if night had decided to fall early. A strange blue light was emitted from her open palms and spread onto the ground. It seeped across the ground and stopped in random places. The mist had formed a cloud shaped like a human being, and still she half-snag half-chanted in the same strange language. The mist started to turn less see through and became more opague. Then the blue light from her hands seemed to grow brighter, she sang the words now, getting faster with every passing moment. Then from nowhere, and yet, from everywhere, dust came and filled the opaque mist, Karina seemed to be in extreame pain by then forceing every word. Suddenly Visor yelped, and a presance (presumeably Tyrons) seemed to seep out of him and into the... thing... on the ground. With a final bright flash of blue light, the darkness disappeared. and where the strange event had taken place, now lay Tyron, with Karina and Visor at ether side of him. Karina sat gasping for every breath she could manage. She wasn't going to let herself faint this time.[/i] Karina: ...There... Visor... I did... it! Whew! [i]The only sound that could be heard now was Karina's gasps, she didnt want to move at all. So she sat there waiting...[/i]
  2. [i]Karina watched Valen be thrown backwards, she just made it out of the way as he flew past, she heard the sickening thud as his body made contact with the tree. Then the giant crash as the tree fell to the ground. She turned to look behind her and she groaned at the sight.[/i] Karina: OMG! Valen?! [i]She started to go to him, but Visor grabbed her by the arm. She pulled his hand off of her and gave him a light shove.[/i] Karina: What the heck was that for?! Visor: The fight is this way. [i]Now Karina was thoughly worried, Visor never acted that way...[/i] Karina: Visor?... you're scareing me. [i]She gave him an odd look then turned and charged the beast, her katana raised. She didnt realize how fast the Griffin was chargeing at her and was slammed off to the side by its huge paw before she knew it. She got up and looked around, totally dazed at what just happened.[/i] Karina: I'm ok, The ground seems to have broken my fall! [i]She saw the Griffin screech to a halt. It turned its giant head around, it snorted, then turned with amazeing speed and charged again.[/i] Karina: Oh crud! [i]She went over every attack, every counter,every weapon she had she knew in her mind. Nothing seemed right for this... except. It would be risky she would actually have to touch the monster in order to do it but... by the way things were looking she needn't have worried about how she was going to go about getting near enough to do it. It was now a matter of would she be killed before she could finish! As the Griffin drew ever nearer, she heard someone yell for her to move out of the way, Karina prayed to every God and Goddess known, before jumping up as high as she knew how, flipped and landed squarely in between the Griffins massive wings. She breathed a deep sigh of relief.[/i] Karina: I think... I'm gonna faint. [i]She steadied herself on the beasts back, and the griffin, know relizeing that it hadnt yet trampled it's prey started to buck and shake, frantically trying to throw Karina off. She somehow was barely manageing to stay on. She raised both hands above her head and closed her eyes, she seemed to go into a trance. Soon the beast just stopped dead in its tracks. A faint ice blue aura appeared around her, her hands seemed to have ice crystalizeing around them. Her eyes suddenly snapped open and with one quick movement, she slammed her frozen hands with amazeing force down upon the creatures back.[/i] Karina: FROZEN TOUCH! [i]The Griffin bellowed and reared back finally throwing Karina off of its back. It bellowed again in a rage and came down to trample her under its paws, but she rolled away to safety, just mere seconds before the enormous paws crashed onto the earth. She got up as fast as she could and ran over to the group. She panted for breath, and put her hands on her knees.[/i] Karina: Ok... I..I'm done... that attack should... have ... frozen it ...solid! [i]She fell to her hands and knees still panting heavily. She couldnt stand. The attack had drained her emmensely.[/i] Wolf: Ok who should try next?
  3. starlight


    [i] Ari crossed her arms in front of her and watched as Piper ran through the feild, kicking at the tall grass. She nearly birst out laughing, but caught her self as Piper picked up a stick and started smacking at the grass. Ari finally couldnt hold in her laugh any longer and ran over to help. She pulled out Pidgeotto's pokeball and tossed it into the air.[/i] Ari: Let me help! Pidgeon!(Pidgeotto's nickname) Blow the grass down! Piper honestly needs help with this... [i] Ari started laughing again. Sunchi, Piper, and Pidgeon all sweatdropped[/i]
  4. starlight


    Ari: Oh I just traded in my Haunter thats all. [i] She looked at Piper smiled then logged off. she placed the pokeball into her backpack then crossed the tiled floor to where she was sitting before.[/i] Ari: So... Piper. Have you decided which pokemon youre going to use in this battle? ... Hey! Where did Sunchi go?! Sunchi!? [i]Sunchi's head popped out of her backpack and yawned.[/i] Sunchi: Chiiiiii!!!! (yawn!!!) Ari: So there you are Sunchi. Sunchi: chi sun (yes Ari)
  5. starlight


    [i]The two trainers grined at their good fortune. They walked the streets of this new town, checking everything out. As they passed the pokemon center Ari suddenly stopped dead in her tracks. Piper soon noticed and walked back over.[/i] Piper: Ari? Why did you stop? We haven't even seen the gym yet. Ari: Well I say we take a break... Please? If youre going to battle the gym leader here, you should stratagize first. Piper: Ok. Lets go inside the pokemon center. [i] The two trainers lounged about on the benches inside. Piper got her pokemon checked, and Ari FINALLY decided to not be afraid and sketch.[/i] Ari: I'm so glad we got here as fast as we did... Oh yeah I just rememebered! PC here I come! [i] Ari leapt off of the bench and rocketed over to the PC, and signed in. She started typeing and before anyone knew it she had placed a pokeball onto the transport, and traded it for a new one... Her Smeargle ^_^[/i]
  6. starlight


    Ari: erm...rememeber that sound you heard back in the woods? and the puddle you saw? I think it's following us! Piper: How?! Puddles cant walk! Ari: Well then take a look!
  7. starlight


    Ari: Yup and ill be watching you all the time, you know giving you hints. Considering ive been training since I could walk [i] Ari blushed she was so embarrassed at what she had just said. She pulled out Sunchi's pokeball and released her serpant pokemon[/i]
  8. starlight


    Ari: Ok then Ill take a friend ball and a fast ball. [i] The markings on the balls differered from any type of pokeball she had ever seen before.[/i] Ari: Thanks Blake this is some fine work.
  9. starlight


    Ari: Hello Piper: Shes the "former" Bright twon gym leader Blake: oh I see [i] Ari sighs anime style and nodds[/i]
  10. starlight


    Ari: Yeah at the next town. My pokemon I have with me are Haunter, Sunchi, Doduo, Seel, Raichu, and Pidgeotto [i] She smiled before returning Sunchi to its pokeball.[/i] Ari: what were you looking at anyways?
  11. starlight


    [i] The fireball rocketed from Sunchi's open mouth right into the smeargles gut. Smeargle collapsed panting. Ari took out a :ball: and threw it at the dazed Smeargle. The ball rocked once...twice.... ding! [/i] Ari: Yes! Caught it! I guess it will now have to go to the lab in Houndoom Valley [i]The ball disappeared just after she finished speaking[/i]
  12. starlight


    [i] Sunchi slammed into the enemy Smeargle at full force throwing both pokemon off balence. Sunchi tumbled off of the fallen Smeargle and got back into position.[/i] Ari: Ok Sunchi weve nearly got it! Hit it one more time, with an ember atack!
  13. starlight


    Ari: Sunchi! Move out of the way! Take to the air! Use a fly attack! [i] Sunchi started its acent into the air, Smeargle saw beforehand what Sunchi was up to and stopped dead in its tracks. It grabbed its paintbrush tail and drew in the air. Then suddenly it released an... Ice Beam! it caught Sunchi and froze him inside an icesicle. he fell out of the air and crashed to the ground breaking the ice around it. Sunchi pulled itself up then flew into the air again[/i] Ari: Ok sunchi nail that Smeargle now!
  14. starlight


    [i] The Smeargle was painting on a tree its back was to them.[/i] Ari: Oh its so cool! Sunchi! Get in there! Sunchi: Chi! (yes!) [i] Sunchi flew out of Ari's pack and landed on the ground right behind the Smeargle. Sunchi's green and gold scales reflected the light that shone through the treetops. The Smeargle turned and faced Sunchi. It didnt seem happy.[/i] Ari: Sunchi use Ember!
  15. intercom: Passengers, this is your captain speaking, we have now docked in the Onett harbor, please proceed off of the ship now, and have a nice day. [i]Peach ran down the walkway onto dry land. She could have jumped for joy, the messed up cruise was finally over![/i] Peach: Yes! Well thats a relief, I thought the trip would never end. [i]As the S.S Anne pulled away on yet another long trip she sighed. As strange as it was that ship was most likely her only way back. It seemed that it would be a long time before it would return. She sat on the docks watching the ship grow smaller and smaller, until it was just a mere dot on the horizon. She got up and brushed herself off, and turned to go. She looked back at the ocean one last time, in the direction of the Mushroom Kingdom. She could have sworn she saw a dot coming from that direction, but it disapeared as quickly as it came. Shaking her head she walked away from the harbour.[/i]
  16. starlight


    [i] Ari blushed and without a word, reached into her pack and pulled out a book, she flipped to a page inside of it and held the book up to Piper. The book had a sketch of a Sunchi in a battle pose[/i] Ari: I skecthed that I wish to be an artist/pokemon trainer. My Dad hates art so... [i]She slipped the book back into her bag, but just after she did so sunchi (who was napping inside) stuck his head out and started whineing about not being allowed to sleep[/i]
  17. starlight


    [i]Ari's Father turned her back to them to stare at the wall. Ari thought he wasnt going to back down. But then the most amzeing thing happened.[/i] Ari's Father: Go... GET OUT OF MY SIGHT! [i]Ari nearly fell over from shock. Ok so maybe it wasnt amazeing but he had given his consent.[/i] Ari's Dad: Dont let me ever see you again! Ari: Dad I... Ari's Dad: GO! Be happy [i]Ari ran out of his office up to her room and grabbed her backpack, which was already packed. (lol) She then ran downstairs to Piper.[/i] Ari: Alright. Lets go
  18. [i]Karina leapt down from the tree and walked up beside Tyron.[/i] Karina: Show off... Tyron: huh? [i]He hadnt heard her insult so he just shrugged and continued along.[/i]
  19. starlight


    Ari's dad: Look Ariadne I dont have time for-- Ari: You never have time for this! You just brush me aside! Youre the Bright town Gym Leader! Ari's dad: No Ari... you are Ari: I'm not going to follow in your footsteps Dad I want to go on my own quest... not stay here and think about it
  20. starlight


    [i] Ari and Piper entered they were welcomed by her fathers pokemon Dramari. Dramari took them to her father when Ari asked soon they were standing in his office...[/i] Ari's Dad: Hey Ari... oh whos your friend? Ari: Erm... this is Piper... shes someone who had a battle with me today. Sunchi: :bluesweat: chi sun (nice one Ari) Ari: Dad? I'm leaving with Piper to go on my quest. Ari's Dad: what are you talking about?!
  21. starlight


    Ari: Come with me to find out. This time I'm not backing down! Sunchi: Sun sun sun chi! ( whoo hoo thats da spirit Ari!)
  22. starlight


    Ari: Thanks Piper. I'n the short time Ive known you Ive... Look if I can get myself out of this... can I come with you? Sunchi: sun? chi? shi? (whats going on? wha? who?)
  23. starlight


    Ari: Looks like you're about ready to go. I wish I could leave.... but I cant. I dont know why I cant leave though. I wish I had, had the chance to leave on my jouney when I was old enough. But my duties that my father gave to me kept me here. Hes the one you should have fought today Piper... not me [i] She looked at the ground, her eyes misting over. Sunchi flew out of the examination room and nearly bowled his poor trainer over.[/i] Sunchi: chi sun! (hiya wazzup?!) Ari: Come on Sunchi lets go. See you later nurse Joy! [i] Ari sighed one last time before walking out the door Sunchi sitting on her shoulder[/i]
  24. starlight


    Ari: I have an idea! [i] She reached into her pocket and pulled out the Shine Badge.[/i] Ari: Just take it Piper. This is how I deal with draws.
  25. starlight


    Ari: Ok Sunchi go! :ball: [i] The snake appeared barlely staying in the air. Sunchi looked at Ari for a second longer sighed and collapsed. [/i] Ari: Oh no! Sunchi! Im sorry... I forgot you were hurt! Piper: I was wondering why you had done that. [i] Ari didnt answer she only cradled her beloved Sunchi in her arms, stroking its cheek.[/i] Piper: erm...:bluesweat why dont you take Sunchi to Nurse Joy? Ari: ahem!... [i] She pointed to the sign above the door the needle was still glowing red, which meant she was still busy inside with their other pokemon. Ari set Sunchi down on the couch and sat down next to Sunchi.[/i] Piper: I'm worried Ari: Join the club [i] Ari sighed deeply and pulled out from her pokemon pack, a sketchbook she flipped it open to a page near the back and started drawing.[/i] Piper: What are you drawing? Ari: huh? oh no! I did it again [i]She snapped her book shutand shoved it back into her bag. [/i] Piper: Why are you so afraid of doing that? Ari: Doing what? Piper: You were just about to draw something until you relized what you were doing. What made you so paranoid that made you not want to do what looks like to me, a hobby outside of gymleading? Ari: Its nothing really. Piper: It has to be something otherwise you wouldnt act so weird! [i] Ari opened her mouth to reply but just then the light above the door clicked off with a satisfiying ding! and they rolled open revealing Nurse Joy standing in the doorway with her trademark grin on her face. The two trainers were right in front of the nurse in a flash.[/i] Ari& Piper: Hows my pokemon?!
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