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Everything posted by starlight

  1. [i]Valen, Wolf and Karina were blinded by the light of the sword, and when Visor grabbed it they were forced to turn away or be blinded. Even as they faced away the light shone through their eyelids as if they were open.[/i] Karina: OH GOD! Its so bright! Wolf: Don't look! Unless you want to be blind! Valen: I think I'm already blind! Karina: Visor?! Visor where are you? Why isnt he answering!? Valen: I dont know! He just grabbed the hilt and now hes not answering. But I'm not planning on looking right now!
  2. starlight


    Ari: Oh boy. This isnt good! Piper: Im aware of that! Ari: Ok lets not lose our heads here. The pokemon center is right next door. If we can get ther fast enough we can save Charmander. [i] Piper gingerly lifted Charmander. Ari did the same for Seel. [/i] Ari: Ok lets hurry!
  3. OOC: whoo hoo! Welcome back Valen! I was wondering where the heck you had gone! ^_^ If you want me to fill you in on all thats been happening in this RPG tell me and Ill PM you the details ok? ___________________________________ Karina: Guys watch your language! yeah I'm back ... HAIL STORM! [i] The familliar ice blast rocketed past her comrades into the beast. She didnt know if it was hurt by her attack or not.[/i] Karina: well wasnt that a waste? >.< [i] She leapt to the side just as the griffin tried to smash her with its huge paw.[/i] Visor: I think you made him mad. [i]Karina glared at him and said sarcasticlly[/i] Karina: No? you think?
  4. starlight


    [i]Ari had been digging alongside Piper to free her pokemon. She finally reached Seel. She groaned as she saw what happened. His usually wihite fur was now brown, grey and red (dont ask) She gently lifted him from the pit he was stuck in and he whimpered as she moved his battered form. She whistled for the ref and whispered something in his ear. She set her injured Seel on the ground and went to help her fellow trainer dig out her Charmander.[/i] Ari: Many hands make light work! Ill help you save Charmander [i] She moved a slab of plaster as she said this and hoped the fire pokemon would survive until Charmander was found[/i]
  5. So theres only one girl allowed in this rpg? Im just checking.
  6. [i]Shaking her head she took to the trees that ran along the side of the river. leaping as fast as she could to keep up with the fast moving current.[/i] Karina: What is that guy running on?! *pants* [i] She sees that water fall ahead and looks down at Tyron he doesnt seem to care that its there.[/i] Karina: Tyron! Youre crazy! You cant survive that waterfall!...or can you?
  7. OOC: Sorry D_A! ~_~ Karina: I hope you dont mind me asking... but whats your name anyways? I'm Karina. Tyron: My name is Tyron. Karina: Interesting... so where are you going in such a hurry anyways? I mean you look like you were being chased by something. Tyron:.... Karina: look I want to join you, if thats not a problem? I dont exactly enjoy having to move around in order to keep ahead of the demons, you seem to be heading the exact same way as me so, what do you say? can I join you?
  8. [i]Peach stood at the rail watching the waves roll by. The sailor whom had let her on in the first place had told her where the ship was headed but it had slipped her mind completely.[/i] Peach: So where did that sailor say the ship was heading again? [i]Peach pulled her ticket out and read it out loud.[/i] Peach: S.S. Aqua, N. star lines... um... ah there it is. Onett? I know I've heard of that place before. But where? Oh well. [i]She turned around and walked back to her room. The ocean didnt seem that interesting to watch any more. She sat around in her room looking at her gold locket. she clicked it open revealing a picture of Mario and Luigi doing the V sign. The picture was taken about a year or two ago. the other half of the locket had a picture of just Mario. Sighing she clicked it shut. There was a knock at her door, she opened it, the metal door squeaking on its unoiled hinges. A sailor informed her they would be docking shortly, then left.[/i]
  9. starlight


    Ari: I think I see Charmanders flame over there! right next to the tail sticking out of.... OH NO SEEL?! [i] She runs full speed over the chunks of brick, ice and motar from the gym, to the fallen pokemon. It was seel all right! He was trapped under the rubble, only his tail was seen Ari started throwing rocks and other things away trying to free her ice pokemon. [/i]
  10. starlight


    Ari: Ahhh! Not again! [i] She heard the hiss as embers from the flamethrower hit the puddles of water throughout the gym. The light was so bright she was blinded for a few moments. After the light died down she opened her eyes. [/i] Ari: WHAT THE?!... WHOA! [i] The walls were scorched black by the fire and Aurora beam and it now had deep craters from the shockwaves coaused by attacks colliding. chunks of the walls and ceiling littered the gym loor making it immpossible to see if there was something there.[/i] Ari: Wait a sec... Wheres Seel?! [i]She looked frantically around the Gym hopeing to catch a glimpse of her beloved pokemon. She didnt see charmander ether.[/i]
  11. starlight


    [i] Seel blasted through the side of the wave spraying water everywhere as he jumped free of his safe watery haven. He launched his Aurora beam straight at Charmander. The beam this time, was smaller, and it seemed to look a bit weaker than the others had. He panted as he fired the multi-colored beam at the flameing lizard.[/i]
  12. starlight


    Ari: Just remeber this Piper. Dont push your pokemon too hard or someday they will turn on you. Its been known to happen. Pokemon refect what the Trains thinks of them. [i]She then turned her attention away from the trainer and focoused on the wave that seel conceiled himself in.[/i] Ari: Seel you may attack at will!
  13. starlight


    Ari: Remeber Seel you dont [i]have[/i] to win. I dont want you to get hurt Seel! So please old friend, dont overdo it. After this battle I promise you dont have to battle anymore for awhile. Ill transfer you so you can rest up! Deal? Seel: Seel (deal) Ari: Remeber try youre best and even if you do lose out there you honestly won because you know that you tried your best! Just remeber your training, and you will do fine. Just a bit more now Seel!
  14. starlight


    Ari: Come on Seel just power it up to its maximum potential! Just like your former trainer, and my dad taught you! Seel: Seel seel! seel seel! (more power then! I wont let you down!)
  15. starlight


    Ari: Seel dive! Fire cant go underwater! then when the time is right.... use Aurora beam!
  16. starlight


    Ari: Seel dont let that charmander grab you! drag him into the water when he tries to smack you off!
  17. starlight


    Ari: Seel as the wave comes in ride it! [i]As soon as her words left her mouth the waves of cold water crashed in again Seel happily dove into the rolling waves. [/i]
  18. starlight


    Ari: Seel use your Surf! But dont fill the gym up this time ok? just do it the old fashioned way with a giant wave! Seel: Seel! (gotcha!) [i]Seel clapped his paws together again in the same fashion as before. And sat there waiting... waiting for the water... [/i]
  19. starlight


    Ari: Patence is a virture Piper, you learn patience from painting... erm... being a gym leader full time! [i]Ari thinking: No no no Ariadne! you are a gym leader! You cant do painting, and go on a pokemon jouney! its not what your path is... my path is to be a gym leader though nobody said I was to like it. Man this battle is not going to drag on any longer time for buisiness![/i] Ari: Seel! Rise and shine! Move it buddy!
  20. starlight


    Ari: I wouldnt suggest that. Piper: Why not? I just wait till your Seel wakes up then BAM! this battle is mine! Ari: youre missing the point! Piper: and that is? Ari: the longer Seel sleeps the more health he recovers! ^_^
  21. starlight


    Ari: Seel use a Rest! [i]Seels head fell forward as it dropped off to sleep[/i] Ari: sleep well bud get your energy back. because after this flameing little lizards done were pulling out the big guns!
  22. starlight


    Ari: Bubblebeam again huh? Ok seel let that powered up Aurora beam go now! I hope it has enough power to slice through those bubbles! Oh well you never know if you dont try, Seel go! Seel: Seel seel! seel! (hey I have a package for a mr. Poliwhirl? its an Aurora beam! have a nice day!) [i]The lights in the gym faded and almost went out completely the only light seen was the beam that floated atop Seels horn, a split second later Seel lowered his head and the rainbow colored beam shot off of his horn directly at Poliwhirl it was going at an amazeing speed! Would Poliwhirl be able to get away in time?! [/i]
  23. [i]Karina was roused from her deep sleep by Ryoko's thought-speak. She got up slowly from her spot in the corner. and walked over and sat on the ground in front of Ryoko, still keeping her distance, she was still unsure of the wolf and her intentions.[/i] Karina: Good! I would like to know exactly what the meaning of this whole campout in the woods! [i]She clapped her hand over her mouth immediately after she said that. She hadnt meant for that outburst to happen. But by then she was going crazy from the tension and the suspence of why all of them were there.[/i] Karina:...Sorry
  24. [i]The crewmember showed her a room and gave her the key before leaving. She opened the door and walked inside to take a look. It was a nice brightly room. There was a single bed on the far wall. That was where she placed the small backpack and the sneaky parasol she had brought along with her. She didnt want to unpack, she had no clue how long she was going to be onboard. She went over to her door and opened it, she took out her small notepad and wrote down her room number then walked out into the corridor and locked her door.[/i] Peach: This ship is huge! I hope I can find my way back here again. [i]She walked up a flight of stairs to the deck above. She went to the guard rail and looked down at the ocean that seemed so far below her. She looked out to ther horizon and kind of zoned out. She was snapped out of her deep thought by two people nearby.[/i] Rose: I'm flying Jack! I'm flying! Peach: Hey do you mind? Jack: Sorry [i] Before Peach could say any more the couple just vanished into thin air.[/i] Peach:... Ok thats the last time I watch Titanic before going on any kind of ship!
  25. starlight


    [i] seel dove in through the shattered ice and nothing was seen for a few tense moments. Then out of nowhere Seel dove out of the water ans slid onto the ice, followed closely by Poliwhirl. they went back to their original positions on the battle field.[/i] Ari: Seel can you please drain the gym now? Dad's gonna flip his lid if you dont. Seel: Seel seel! (ok Ari Ill do it) [i] Seel raised his paws over his head and the water level immediately lowered, but there was still a thick sheet of ice on top.[/i] Ari: Seel finish it! Aurora Beam!
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