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Everything posted by starlight

  1. [i]Karina stared at him as if he was an alien. She looked at his face hard, she knew that he wasnt Human or Elvin now. She laughed when he asked her again about her following him so she replied to him.[/i] Karina: I'm following you because I have nothing better to do. You think I would have much to do after you lose everything?... By the way I'm not trying to be rude but... what are you?
  2. Mario: Yoshi and I shall-a go back to the Mushroom kingdom to guard-a Peach's Palace Yoshi: Yeah! What he said. As partners were sticking togthwer Mario: togetwer? Yoshi: Hey dont make fun of how I talk! Mario: Calm-a down Yoshi!
  3. starlight


    Ari: See? And the moral is: Movies arent always right and you should never try to recreate moves you saw on tv. Seel: Seel! (so true!) Ari: now back to the battle... Seel you can see Poliwhirls shadow right? Seel: seel! (yup) Ari: Good go through the cracked ice after Poliwhirl and finish what we started!
  4. Karina: duh! its a skeleton! they cant feel pain like we can it has no flesh! Smash its bones! [i] She charged into the fight, katana drawn and started hitting the skeletons arms and legs with her blade. Seeming to have no effect on it.[/i] Karina: What the heck am I doing!? This is insane! Me fighting?! Is that even possible? [i] Just then the skelston with amazeing strength for just a pile of bones, grabbed her by the wrist and threw her 10 feet away. She slid a few feet then stopped at the foot of a tree. She said something, sarcasim in her tone.[/i] Karina: Ow! Remind me never to do that again!
  5. Yoshi: Thats 2 worlds already! Not good oh no not good! [i]Yoshi whimperd and started talking in a mix of english and his oqn tounge making it really hard to understand[/i] Ness: Calm down yosh! We still have a chance here Yoshi: B..b..but- Ness: No buts! I know what youre thinking and yes this is gonna be hard. But not impossible, understand? [i] Yoshi nodds but still had a worried expression on his normally happy face.[/i]
  6. starlight


    [i] Ari zones out for a second thinking of this stratagy that her opponent was using, it was too late to call off Seels attack because it was all powered up by now and the ice was slowly breaking under the presure of the body slams. Suddenly she snapps out of her deep thought and yells to Piper[/i] Ari: Hang on! As much as I need to win this battle to keep my dad from taking my Sunchi I think you need to know this! If my calcuations are right, and using my knowlage of how most attacks work. If poliwhirl was to use the stratagy from that movie, then... Oh my gosh! Hang on Piper maybe you should reconsider! Because if I'm right then if my Seels ice move met your water move Poliwhirl would be the one frozen! Because its the one spurting out water! Seels aurora Beam would travel down the stream of water!
  7. starlight


    Ari: Seel as soon as it breaks through hit it with a Aurora Beam! Seel: seel, seel! (gotcha, will do!) [i] Seel slid over the ice right above the area where Poliwhirl was trapped and got ready to attack, its horn lighting up with a multicolored beam this time[/i]
  8. starlight


    Ari: YES! Just as I thought! Seel freeze the surface of the water! quick! before it comes up again! Seel: Seel seel! (gotcha! will do!) [i] The ice quickly started to cover the whole area of the pool Seel had hopped atop an ice flow and was now freezeing every square inch of water as fast as he could[/i]
  9. starlight


    Ari: Alright! Seel youre ok! Use Surf! [i]Seel clapped its paws toegther and water flooded in through the doors and windows into the gym. Seel rode a wave as it crashed into the poliwhirl. As the water level rose quickly so did the platforms that the two trainers were standing on. The water level stopped rising once it had risen to the depth of a deep swimming pool[/i] Ari: werent expecting that now were you? Seel is my dads old pokemon he built these platforms just so he could train his pokemon properly. I guess this battle will go on aquatically now. [i] The two water pokemon sufaced and glared at each other Poliwhirl took no time in blasting a stream of water Seels way. It struck seel in the chest and sent him splashing backward[/i] Ari: Seel! oh... Ice Beam!
  10. [i]Yoshi was slightly confused, why were they fighting each other and not the bowser clone? He took out another egg and aimed it at the bowsers head and let it fly. It hit creating an effect that resembled fireworks[/i] Yoshi: yay! Party!
  11. starlight


    [i]Ari called to her opponent throught the smoke though she couldnt see her.[/i] Ari: I dont know about you but I've had enough of this smoke. Pidgeotto go!:ball: Please clear this smoke so we can see use whirlwind! Pidgeotto: pidge? otto? pid! (what the? wheres the woods? well ok) [i]As the bird pokemon flapped its wings clearing the dust and smoke away the two trainers stared at it wondering the outcome of that last attack...[/i]
  12. [i]Her footsteps making absolutely no noise she dashed after him. She lost sight of him for a moment then he came into veiw. He had stoped and was looking at something. She ran up behind him, still keeping her distance from him.[/i] Karina: Where did you learn to run so fast? Youre running as if theres a demon on your tail! [i] She crossed her arms over her chest and stared in the same direction as he was, She didnt see anything.[/i]
  13. starlight


    Ari: Ok Seel let it go! [i] Seels attack basted across the gym as Poliwhirl relised its hypnosis attack the two attacks collided and caused an explosion that filled the gym with dust and smoke making it hard to breathe without coughing and immpossible to see [/i] Ari: *cough* Seel!?
  14. starlight


    [i]As the Poliwhirl ran towards Seel, Seel got more and more nervous. Why wasnt Ari doing anything? Was she just gonna stand there and let the Poliwhirl pound the living daylights out of him? At the last second Ari called to Seel.[i] Ari: Seel now! Raise your horn, let that overgrown tadpole hit that! [i] Seel raised its stubby, yet very sharp horn up and poliwhirls outstreched hand hit that instead of Seels tender flesh. it brought its hand back quickly and slapped at Seel with its other hand. Seel wasnt ready to protect itself against this slap and got hit upside that head. Seel got hit twice more than rolled back and dodged the fourth one.[/i] Ari: Now! Seel use ice beam! [i]Seels horn lit up with an eerie blue light and the gym lights suddenly dimmed a ball of blue light formed on Seels horn and Seel raised his head up ready to strike...[/i]
  15. starlight


    Ari: Now the real fun begins doesnt it Seel? Seel: seel seel! (yup lets go!) Ari: Seel use Strength! [i] Seel raised its paws(flippers?) above its head and huge chunks of the gym floor broke off and hovered in the air. Then seel dropped its paws and the chunks flew throught the air towards Poliwhirl. Would they hit?[/i]
  16. starlight


    Ari: Doduo! Watch out! Quick use agility before that Charmander gets y- [i]Charmander had released its fire spin the flames encircled the twin headed pokemon, the ring quickly closed in leaving poor doduo defenceless... when the flames died down a while later doduo lay on the ground, its feathers severely burnt... it wasnt moving[/i] referee: Doduo is unable to continue, the second round goes to the challenger Piper! Ari: NOOO!! Doduo! [i]She ran up to her fallen pokemon and cradled both of its heads in her arms, holding back tears.[/i] Ari: I'm sorry Doduo... return!:ball: [i]She stood, shrunk the pokeball and reattached the ball to her belt[/i] Ari:one more round Piper! My last pokemon. [i] she pulled the :ball: off of her necklace and enlarged it in her hand, she stared at the red and white ball for a few moments. Thinking about the pokemon that was contained inside.She thought out loud, her voice just above a whisper.[/i] Ari: Please old buddy win this one for me... [i] she gave a quick glance at her opponent who was stareing at her impatiently waiting for her to release her last pokemon.[/i] Ari: GO SEEL!! :ball:
  17. starlight


    Ari: Piper you may not know this but this doduo has a move that sunchi and him both share.. Doduo! use fly attack! Piper: how? Doduo doesnt have wings! [i] doduo leapt, unnaturally high up and over the fire wall but by then Charmander had released its flamethrower, Doduo tried to jump away but was hit, it wasnt a direct hit. Luckily.[/i] Ari: Doduo! Doduo: Doo! duo! doduo do! (yowch! painful! Youre gonna pay for that!) Ari: Doduo Fury Swipes!! [i] Doduo charged at the Charmander and pulled one of its heads back ready to strike the Charmander, would the attack hit though?[/i]
  18. starlight


    Ari: Ok so now were even again! Doduo go! I've got a feeling that this charmander has more to it than it looks, so use some speed! [i] the sivery bird pokemon charged foreward its large clawed feet hammering upon the gym floor it came close to the charmander then at the last second dashed to the side[/i] Ari: what are you doing!? ok fine Doduo Agility!
  19. [i]Blood hammered in her veins as she ran following the strange trail, she knew she was getting close there was now more recognizable prints in the snow. she entered the clearing and nestled within it was the cabin that she was seeking. Karina would have did a happy dance but she didnt want to embarass herself. so she just walked up to the door and turned the icy handle, and let herself inside. She found herself surrounded by many different people.[/i] Karina:um..hi. I belive I was summoned here by a talking wolf can anybody explain whats going on here? I hope I'm not intrudeing on anything...
  20. [i]Yoshi sat listening. It didnt sound good... Not knowing what to say Yoshi just gurgled and whimpered in his native language, which got some stares from the other members of the group. He noticed that he wasnt being understood so he "talked" to them in english as best he could.[/i] Yoshi: oh no! one Bowser is bad enough! But thousands... uh... how much is a thousand? ^_^() Sheik: Alot more than you could take on alone. [i] Yoshi said no more, for once he honestly understood completely so he sat back down and squeaked and gurgled to himself out of uneasiness.[/i]
  21. starlight


    [i]Sunchi crashed into the ground and slid into a wall hard sending dust and peices of the wall flying, so nobody could see the result of Zubats attack for a few moments, then the dust cleared and there was Sunchi trying to lift itself up with its wings, but failed and flopped to the ground. Defeated.[/i] Ari: SUNCHI! no! [i]She rushed to her pokemon and lifted Sunchi gently into her arms.[/i] Sunchi...chi..chis.. un(...sorry Ari) Ari: Its ok. For now return :ball: [i]Ari returned to her battle position then drew another pokball[/i] Ari: You may have taken Sunchi out, but with this next pokemon it lives by the old saying that goes ,"two heads are better than one" Go Doduo! [i] She released the ultra ball into the arena and withing seconds, Ari's giant silver doduo stood there an eversone on two collars one for each head, they stood facing Zubat. One head turned to Ari and winked at her as if to say "we can handle this one"[/i] Ari: Doduo Tri Attack!
  22. starlight


    Ari: No Sunchi! Hurricane Slash! [i]The poor little snake was being drained of its energy but it still had enough energy left to do this attack, he flapped up above the gym floor weakly and started spinning rapidly throwing the Zubat loose but still Sunchi ascended. Then in a split second Sunchi still spinning like Taz went into a freefall and was going on a crash corce with the Zubat... would Sunchi hit?[/i]
  23. starlight


    Ari: ok Sunchi use fly NOW! [i]Sunchi blew out of the beams and smashed into Zubat head on! Sunchi didnt have enough time to get away so Zubat struck, locking its jaws into Sunchi's wing [/i] Sunchi: CHI! CHI! CHI! CHI! soosun! chi sun! (OW! OW! OW! OW! that burns! Let go!) Ari: come on Sunchi hang in there! Use your bite attack back at that Zubat! [i] Sunchi's jaws opened wide as it launched itself at the Zubat that was hanging onto its wing, Sunchi hoped that the attack would hit the Zubat and not its own wing!...[/i]
  24. starlight


    Ari: Sunchi are a tough pokemon to begin with! This little guy is no exception. Sunchi! watch out behind you! Dive! Sunchi: chi sun! (I hear ya!) [i]Without a moments hesitation Sunchi dove downward just as the Zubat slashed through the air with its wing hoping for a hit.[/i] Ari: Sunchi use fly! [i]Sunchi immediately stopped its decent and shot up past the Zubat into the maze of metal beams and bright lights that covered the ceiling of the gym and flew through the holes in the suppost beams trying its best to stay undetected[/i]
  25. starlight


    [i] The cry Zubat emitted was ear spitting, and caused Ari to cover her ears over the attack she called to her pokemon[/i] Ari: Sunchi doesnt get confused that easily! Sunchi please dont let it... [i] Too late, the little Sunchi was looking around dazed. It couldnt keep into the air any longer and flapped to the ground.[/i] Ari: SUNCHI! use bite attack on Zubat! Sunchi: chi? (huh?...) @_@ [i]The snake flipped around and saw his opponent... though through his eyes he was now seeing double he wasnt gonna attack himself, he lauched himself, jaws open wide, at the righthand side Zubat... and flew right through the Zubat![/i] Ari: Sunchi watch out behind you! [i] Too late Sunchi had been bodychecked out of the air by the purple bat and fell to the ground Sunchi shook its head and cleared away the confusion[/i] Sunchi: shi sun soon! (ok NOW I'm mad!)
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