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Everything posted by starlight
[i]She watched the strange man leave then decided to follow him. She grabbed her small pack then leapt to the ground and raced along at a fast pace behind him, still keeping her distance so he couldnt see her.[/i] Karina: Geez how fast can this guy go?! He cant be human! Or Elvin for that matter. OOC I apologise for the small post -.-
Ari: A Zubat huh? then I choose...um [i]She went over every pokemon she had in her mind, none seemed right, she then looked down at her little pal Sunchi waiting at her side patiently. The snake seemed to know what she was thinking and flapped up to her shoulder height.[/i] Ari: Sunchi GO! Sunchi: Chi! (right) [i]The little dragon pokemon was immediately in the air circleing the Zubat checking it out from all angles.[/i] Ari: We have to win this one Sunchi! Or dad will kill us both! Use Ember! Sunchi: Chisun! [i] Sparks and embers flew from Sunchi's open mouth at the Zubat... Would they hit?[/i]
Ari: Pleased to make your aquaintence Piper. I accept your challenge as leader of the Bright Town Gym. I belive youre after this badge? [i]She reaches into her pocket and holds up a badge shaped like a red sun it glinted in the bright lights of the gym. She sighed before pocketing the badge again.[/i] Ari: Its not like I enjoy this job but a challenge is a challenge, come on Sunchi Sunchi: chi Sun! (right behind ya!) Ari: This will be a 3 pokemon match do you accept?
[i] As the trio of Pokemon and trainer sat taking a break from their nighttime training, a nearby bush shook and made a squaking sound. Suddenly a pidgiotto flew out from it and tried to slash Ari. But Sunchi blocked the blow. As soon as the bird pokemon saw that it was outnumbered it made an attempt to fly away.[/i] Ari:I dont think so! Sunchi Hurricane Slash! [i]Sunchi flew above the pidgeotto and started spinning as it flew then Sunchi suddenly went into a dive still spinning, so quickly by now that it just looked like a miniature floating tornato. Before the pokemon could realize what was happening Sunchi struck and knocked the pokemon from the air, both landing on the ground. The battle had went from arial to the ground very quickly. The Pidgeotto tried a gust attack sending debris and dust at the snake. The attack hit sending Sunchi flying. But the little pokemon wasnt about to be done in by just one attack[/i] Ari: Ok Sunchi attack it with a Bite! [i]The serpent pokemon flew behind the Pidgeotto and chomped down hard on its backside, Pidgeotto flapped and pecked at the Sunchi, trying its hardest to shake its jaws off of itself, but Sunchi had other plans.[/i] Ari: ok Sunshi whip it around and throw it, then use Ember attack! [i] Sunchi obeyed even though it was a bit disoriented from a blow to the head caused by the flailing pokemon that it still held fast in its jaws. Sunchi whipped itself around like a lasoo and flung the now dizzy pidgeotto into a nearby tree. before it could shake off its dizziness though Sunchi had made its move.[/i] Sunchi: sooonnn chi!!!!! (ember!) pidgiotto: piiiggg!!!! @.@ Ari: Whoo hoo! Ok go :ball: [i]The ball sucked the now defenseless bird pokemon inside, it wiggled once... twice.... ding![/i] Ari: YES!! A Pidgeotto! Sunchi! you did it! [i]As soon as she said that Ari's watch started beeping the time, she checked it then screeched[/i] Ari: OH NO!! SUNCHI! COME ON! Sunchi: chi? (why?) Ari: we've been up almost all night training! That's why... Oh no! I forgot to lock up the gym last night! Come on! Embers please get us home as fast as you can! Sunchi fly up here with me and hang on! [i] Embers tore out of there immediately and thundered out of the woods stopping abruptly in front of Ari's house. She hopped off of the Rapidash and ran inside and up to her fathers poke-heal machine, it was almost an exact replica of the ones used in pokemon centers... but faster.[/i] Ari: Oh man I hope that nobody decided to show up while we were gone! Sunchi, Embers return! [i] she placed all of her pokeballs into the machine and they popped out moments later she quickly strapped them to her belt and left Ember's ball on the table. she ran out of her house and around to the front of the gym, she ran into the gym so fast she smashed into a trainer waiting inside[/i] Ari: sorry that was my fault
OOC:What the?! whoa! I must have been really wired and wasnt thinking when I wrote this!!!! Time for some editing! [i]Though Karina's body was physically on the battlefield her mind and soul were no longer within her. She was still very much alive but instead of being [b]there[/b] and watching from the ground, where she should have been. Her presance sat atop a boulder nearby, and it had just awakened...[/i] Karina: ohhhh huh? ok thats it from now on I'm not gonna eat Valens cooking! Hey! What the?! Since when has a battle been going on? [i]Just then the battle between Wolf and the Griffin changed cource and came directly at her presance, not giving her enough time to move instead of squishing her like she thought that they would they passed directly through her![/i] Karina: hey! :eek: What the?! What just happened here?!Hey Valen! OMG Visor! what happened to you!? Hey guys?! Whats going on? Cant you see me? [i]That was when she saw herself laying nearby.[/i] Karina: OMG!! :nervous: b..but how is that possible?! I'm here! Am I dead?! [b][i]???: It's quite simple Karina. Youre not dead. You know how this happened.[/i][/b] Karina: Who said that? [i]The battlefield dissappeared and then Karina saw someone, or something, in front of her. They wore a cloak that was the exact same as hers, their hood was drawn up and had their back to her. They were about the same height as her if not the same[/i] Karina: Would you mind telling me who you are and what is happening?! [b][i]???: Of cource Karina.[/i][/b] Karina: h..h..how do you know my name? [i]The person still had their back to her, and from what Karina hear was a laugh coming from them.[/i] [b][i]???: Geez girl I thought you would know who I am by now. I know you verrry well.[/i][/b] Karina: Good then tell me! [i]Just then the mystery person whipped around revealing... Karina? Her hair had blonde highlights and some other things about her were different, but it was almost an exact duplicate of herself.[/i] Karina: Youre me! [b][i]???: well not quite. I represent what you should be had you lived normally. Just call me by yor old nickname ok? Really youre looking at the other possible future you could have had... But who cares right now!? I have something important to get through your thick skull quickly! You want to know why Wolf was able to run through you right? Or why Valen and Visor couldnt hear you, when you talked to them just a few minutes ago? Or why youve been feeling strange?[/i][/b] Karina: What the heck are you talking about!? [b][i]Karrie: You know what I'm talking about Karina [/i][/b] Karina: huh? [b][i]Karrie: OMG! Look youve ovbiously lost the will to fight.I can help you find yourself again. Find the will to fight again.[/i][/b] Karina: How? [b][i]Karrie: Think Karina. Why did you stop in the first place?[/i][/b] Karina:... because... I remebered my Dad. He always told me that I wasnt cut out to fight. Then I remebered what happened that very afternoon... he was-- [b][i] Karrie: No need to tell me I know youre history, remeber? we are the same person until that explosion. I represent the innocene that is still within you. I know what Dad said. [/i][/b] Karina: Then I saw Wolfs family die. In my mind again. Every death that ive ever seen. Happened again right in front of me. It was unbearable. I wasnt in control of my mind anymore, I couldnt stop the onslaught of memories. I dont want to see any more death or destruction. So I gave in. [i] A tear rolled down Karina's cheek she didnt bother to wipe it away. It fell and hit the floor. More tears followed and streamed down her cheeks, she didnt bother to wipe any of them away. Karrie (Karrie= her old nickname) could only watch, she couldnt console Karina, because she didnt know what had happened to her. Their pasts branched off, the events the two lived through after that very moment where Karina found out her family was dead were totally different. Carrie lived as Karina had her whole life, nothing changed. She lived the peaceful way while her mirror self took it the way of vengance and destruction.[/i] [b][i]Karrie: You dont have to live this way, Karina. [/i][/b] Karina: I..I dont? [b][i]Karrie: Your life is what you make it, and you chose this path, dont go wallowing in self pity. Wolf, Visor, Tyron, and Valen need you! You are the person who can revive Tyron.[/i][/b] Karina: I know but... I cant. [b][i]Karrie: You mean you wont. Mom was the one who taught us that attack and told us to use it to help others! Youre letting your family down! Please...[/i][/b] Karina: Youre right Karrie. I made this decision so I have to live with it. [b][i]Karrie: Thats the Karina I know! Now go on Ill put your spirit back where it belongs.[/i][/b] Karina: Thanks Karrie I owe you. [b][i]Karrie: Ill remeber that. Ill tell Ari that too.[/i][/b] Karina: NO WAIT! Ari's alive!? [b][i] Karrie: Why of course silly. She thought that YOU were the one who died! I met up with her just after... you know. So yes our twin is very much alive. someday I know you will meet up with her in your timeline... until then audios![/b][/i] [i]The battlefield appeared as quickly as it had disapeared the battle was still raging, it had only been a few mere moments she was gone to wherever.[/i]
[i]She moved with ease, leaping from branch to branch through the trees watching the path below. She stopped and sat down in a perticulary large tree. She sat high above the world on the tree limb absolutely silent, watching nothing at all. She saw the path through the green veil of leaves. Even from this height she could see the tracks that troops of demons made as they passed through there.[/i] Karina: you think that this far East the demons wouldn't be as strong. Curse them for what they did.
Peach: Ok thats it! No more being wussy! Its time for action... Question is, what shoud i do?. [i]Peach reached down and straightened out her knee-high skirt (No not a dress, a skirt.) As she got up from the bench she saw a camera flash, from a nearby bush, then mere seconds later she saw about 5 toad reporters leap out and start to run up to her on their stubby legs.[/i] Peach: Oh no, not this again! [i]She turned and ran down the path, the toads strangely gaining with their stubby legs. As they neared the docks she saw a huge ship about to leave, without hesitation she ran up to a crewmember and asked for admittance.[/i] kid: Sure! Get in. Were heading to Onett in case your interested. Though by the looks of those lil guys that are tearing up here to catch you I dont think youre that worried. [i]The port door slammed shut as the toads reached the end of the dock.[/i]
sounds like fun! ^_^ name: Yoshi occupation: none Bio: Yoshi has been in many games includeing both ssb games and now Yoshi is ready to go for round three! with his long tounge and great jump and agility Yoshi is gonna be tough attacks: -egg throw -ground pound -kick -egg lick -lick cannon (my nickname for yoshi's R move in the original ssb game) -tail whip -headbutt ... I forgot the rest >.< special: jumping partner: Mario OOCI fogot the rest of yoshi's moves! I only know the moves he had for thr first ssb game so can anybody give me a full list?
I belive im a so-so role player (I'm under avg) I do have problems with spelling but thanks to a whittle program that I now type my posts in first to check for spelling errors (Hehe MS word you just gotta love it!) My spelling is getting slightly better. Ok I know I do stuff with some of my posts that sometimes irk some of you so I'm making an attempt to fix that. Because of some of my bad habits, a few of the rpgs I had made a weak attempt to start died before they could even get started. Need an example? anyone remember dragons flame? my first try... it bombed -.-(So dont feel bad Lauren ;) )But theres just some things that bug the living daylights out of me such as: 1) 1 or 2 liners. Come on even with writers block anyone can do better! 2) baaed spealing. I have no problems reading most posts but there is a few out there that are reaalllly bad. 3) little/no discription. Ok I am also to blame for this but when someone writes "the guys came and cut his head off" that kinda gets me going ...? it could at least be like this (possibly) "The four men in black armour ran up at an incredible speed across the hard stone floor, one of them drew their sword and in one quick swipe took the victims head off." Ok so maybe not that discriptive but you get the basic point.... right? 3)PEOPLE CHANGING THE STROYLINE!!!! >.< I have one going right now where the characters in it were SUPPOSED to go [u]find[/u] these elemental orbs. Instead I have people just going "Oh I have one right here!" "Oh I fought someone and now I have one" Ok so maybe I'm partially to blame but come on! I dont want any more of mine to fizz out stupidly -.- why do i even bother anymore!? sorry I needed to get that out it was driving me mental. Anyways thats just a few things that drive me crazy!! ok now I'm gonna go sulk in a corner now Ill be back in a few hours, audios!
Ari: Mom, Dad, I'm home! Huh? A note... [i]Ari, we had to go to see Grandma we wont be back until tommorrow evening. We would have come up to the gym and got you but we saw that you were in a battle. Your suppers in the fridge. If there is an emergency send pidgeon with a message, since you know that Grandma doesnt have a phone. But if its a huge emergency and you have to see us right away then take embers, her pokeball is in the kitchen. Luv you lots Mom and Dad[/i] [i]An evil grin crossed Ari's face as she read the part about Embers Sunchi read the letter as well and gave a huge toothy grin.[/i] Sunchi: soon son chi CHII!!! (whoo hoo! there gone, that means PARTY!!) Ari: No wait I have an even better idea Sunchi :devil: Sunchi: chi sun sun chi (uhoh Ari's got a plan, I know what youre thinking) Ari: yup now lets go get ol' embers shall we? [i]Ari walked into the kitchen and picked up the ultra ball that sat in the middle of the table, she walked out to the middle of the yard and threw it.[/i] Ari: Embers go! [i]Theres a brief flash of red light and then, standing in the middle of the yard 7'8tall was a huge rapidash. It was her Mothers, she raised all the pokemon that Ari's family had from eggs. Embers was supposed to be Ari's but she let her mom keep the pokemon for her errands. Embers was different like most of the pokemon that Ari's mom raised, instead of having a firey red mane she had a icey blue one.[/i] Ari: I'm sure Mom wont mind if she let us go for a ride on Embers Sunchi. Sunchi: chi sooon chi sun sun! (fine with me then, but I call shot gun!) [i]Ari and her little snake hopped up onto the huge horse. Embers trusted Ari and wouldnt burn her. Ari whispered something into the pokemons ear and in seconds they were out of sight. [/i] Ari: Whoo hoo! time for some late night training Sunchi!
Ari: SUNCHI! finish it! Bite attack! Sunchi: sun! (ok!) The serpant flew with amazeing speed at his opponent, an Ekans. Before the purple snake could react Sunchi had latched on with his poisonous sharp fangs. The snake fainted to the ground. Ref: Ekans is unable to battle Sunchi wins! Trainer: No ekans! Return Ari: hey you did good maybe next time you can get the shine badge, you just have to keep at it! Trainer: right! [i]She smiled as the young kid left her gym. She went over to a nearby wall and leaned up against it. Ari had just returned home after the previous night, her Dad was furious but that was typical.[/i] Ari: Sunchi you rule!... but that doesnt ge you off the hook with me just yet bud! Sunchi: Chi sun hun (darn aw well) Ari: ok lets get back home, oh yeah, and please, no more faking a faint please? Sunchi: soooonchi! (you got it!) ^_^
[i]She was forced to stop when the dirt road suddenly came to a dead end, in the woods. She was about 7-8 miles into the woods, no turning back now. Karina turned the mortorcycle off and took her bag off of the back of her bike. Something didnt feel right, she had had this feeling since she left her home town, she couldnt quite put her finger on it though. Her footsteps made loud crunching sounds in the snow as she walked, there was no sign of Ryoko anywhere, so she kept on walking, she came across a tril of... blood? She recalled the wolf had been covered in it, so without hesitation she followed the crimson trail...[/i] OOC Im going to be gone for this weekend so if it wouldnt be much trouble, can one of you geet my character met up with the rest of the group? sorry -_-
OOCI'm dropping out, so if you wanted fladingomon to die a terrible deletion then go right ahead! ^_^
[i]The bikes motor groaned and whined as it was started. From the sound it made, anyone could tell that it hadn't been used for awhile. She turned her motorcycle off, and went inside, still kind of in a daze. She opened her bag and put in her handheld computer, a electric whip,(...I dont want to know how she got that)a pistol, her disks that held some very dealdy viruses, some food, a first aid kit... the list goes on. With one final inventory check Karina zipped up her bag, walked outside and looked at the house that she had lived in her whole life, kind of losing herself in her old memories of the place. She snapped out of it and locked her front door her helmet in hand. She tied her bag to the back of the bike making sure none of the things she packed were going to fall off. She tied her hair back and put her black helmet on. Trying to peice togther what had happened within the last 15 minutes.[/i] Karina: I think I've finally gone nuts [i] Sighing she rev'ed her bike up and sped towards the location the colorless wolf had told her to go to.[/i]
Ill join! ^_^ Name: Karina Age: 129 Race: Elf Weapons: bow & arrows, short sword Magic element: ice Magic spells: -Hail storm: spears of ice come from nowhere and smash her enemies) -Arctic wind: creates a wall of thick ice that can protect her -healing snow: the name says it all Looks: Karina has white hair, that goes halfway down her back, she wears it in a loose ponytail, and dark blue eyes. She wears a short forest green skirt and a light blue top. She wears a navy blue cloak and hood over top (as always lol) Bio: She had been studying human culture up in the mountains(for some strange reason) when it had happened and by the time she reached home... it was over, Other info: since then she has become more volitile and easier to anger she has a problem with any kind of dragon, full or half her problem is... she just doesnt like them
Ari: Why did Sunchi decide to faint now!? of all times?! why didnt he when we were at home Sunchi: sunchi! (I didnt faint) [I]Ariadne skidded to a halt on doduo three heads stared at the serpant pokemon, none of them were smileing.[/I] Ari: :evil3: youre a dead snake Sunny boy Sunchi: ....sunchi? (....gotcha?):bluesweat Ari: well now what doduo? were too far from home now, man dad is so gonna kill me! we need to find a phone, or a town, or anything! Doduo: Duo do do! doduo! (Dont worry Ari! I know just the place) [I]The ostrich-like bird changed cource and zipped towards the nearest place, Houndoom Valley[/I]
The princess ran along totally unnoticed. She watched the little toads play near the road. As she entered the toad town she knew that Mario wouldn't be there. Peach: Ok lets see... Places he might go to? Checking all the usual places, the pizzaria, the inn, the Golf Cource, the Go Kart track, and the Tennis courts. She finnaly gave up. He wasnt in any of these places. Peach: Thats it I give up! She went over to a nearby bench and sat down, she doodled on the gravel path with the tip of her parasol. Peach: Ok I like him but, Why must I be so obsessive about him?! Bowsers gone so... I'm not worried about being kidnapped. Again! Why do I have to worry if hes around or not? OOC sorry about the short post! I have to get to school *collective scream*
[I]Ariadne ran through the forest getting farther and farther away from Bright town, riding on her doduo, and Sunchi flapping crazily to keep up with the fast paced pokemon. She let her doduo do the steering while she sat back with her thoughts. [/I] Ari: The nerve of him! Hes a much better trainer than I shall ever be so why cant he run the gym while I go? Sunchi: SOOOONNCHIIIII!! CHI SUN!! (hey waaaait up!! dont leave me!!) >.
ok fine youre in I dont think anyone else is going to sign up...
[I]In Bright Town, all the shops were closing for the night. The streets were pretty much empty, except for the last few stragglers. A girl emerged from the gym she held the door open for a few seconds longer to let out a strange little creature, locking the door she started heading around the back of the pokemon gym, the little snake flapping casually along behind her.[/I] ????: come on Sunchi I dont want to be late again! Sunchi: chi-sou, chi chisoo (we wont be late Ari!) Ari: Dad is not going to be pleased with me. I cant belive I lost that battle, I could have won too! Sunchi: chi-chi chisoo sunchi chu. (dont feel bad Ari its not your fault) [I]They reached Ari's house which was in a subdivision situated behind the huge Bright Town gym. Both trainer and Pokemon were panting when they entered. Ariadne's father aproached followed by his own pokemon, Sunchi's evolved form, a Dramari.[/I] Ari: I...Im home Sunchi: chiiiiiii...... @.@ Ariadne's father: ah! Ariadne! I heard of your loss today Sunchi: chi su!... (uh oh busted) Ari's father: I'm not pleased but I know that youre still not that good so I'll let it slide... this time Ari: um... Dad? Theres something I want to ask you. Ari's dad: uh no Ari not this again! you know very well that you cant go on your pokemon quest, you have to stay here to be the Bright Town gym leader! Ari: DAD! Bright town already has a gym leader... You! Sunchi: chi sunchi! (thats right) Dramari: grrr dra! (shut it little one) [I]Sunchi and Dramari look at each other and glare daggers at each other.[/I] Ari: whats with them? Dad please! Ari's Dad: Ari... Ari: fine if I cant go on my quest so I can do what ive always wanted... I have to go for a walk see you later Dad, c'mon Sunchi Ari's dad: its getting late Ari! Ari: thats the way I want it to be. Dad ill be fine I have my pokemon... [I]She walked out the door so the rest of what she said wasnt heard.[/I] Ari: GO doduo! [I]With a flash of red light a huge silvery doduo appeared from the pokeball she hopped onto the duo headded bird and ran off. [/I]
OOC: Karina's acting strange and not talking or acting normal right now rememeber? Karina, being the last one up saw that the others had gone into their normal fighting stances, but this time instead of charging in blasting away as she always had. She stayed at the back of the group unarmed, and unprepared for any attack that may occur. She brought forth her Katana, she held it in front of her in both hands as if she was presenting it to someone, then she did the most unexpected thing. She dropped it to the ground, when it landed it made hardly a sound, then she grabbed her throwing stars out of their bag and she dropped them as well in the same fashion. Visor: what the heck are you doing!?! Karina looked at him her eyes totally emotionless. She quickly untied her cloak, and folded it placeing it on top of her weaponry. revealing how small she actually was without it. She wore a necklace with a single tiny charm that couldnt have ever have been seen when she was wearing her hood. Her clothing was pretty baggy otherwise. She started walking towards the griffin as if she was under some kind of spell. Wolf: What is she doing?! Valen: I dont know Wolf. Has she finally lost it?! she will be killed!
[I]Watching everything around her nervously, Karina felt extremely helpless. Every one of her senses was on overdrive, missing absolutely nothing. Her heart pounded against her ribs. She clutched her short sword, as if it was to bring some kind of comfort to her. It obiously didnt. The group had no way of knowing when Ganon would attack again, or where for that matter... or who. If she was to be attacked at that very second she would not be able to defend herself. She looked at the Hero of Time in wonder, as if seeing him for the first time.[/I] Karina: God how can you stand this?! This is insane! How can we defend against something that we cant see?!
Name: Ariadne Age: 15 Starter: Sunchi Starter Description (if made-up): *what the pokedex has to say about it* Sunchi the little dragon pokemon it resembles a little blue snake with what looks like pure white pidgey wings on its back, it has great eyesight and doent get confused that easily, so confusion attacks do not work that well on this pokemon. type: normal attacks: -bite -fly -ember -hurricane slash - this pokemon creates a whilwind by spinning extremely fast in circles at the enymy pokemon, never misses! Evolution: Dramari type: dragon descrpition: a larger, armoured version of sunchi, but instead of being a snake with no legs it has huge back legs no front legs though, it still has large feathered wings. It has a metal helmet and breastplate to protect itself from most attacks attacks: -Bite -fly -flame wheel -hurricane slash -dragon rage Other pokemon: Doduo, Raichu, Seel, Haunter Your Description: She has purple eyes (hey Ive seen purple eyes on the show!) and light blue hair, she wears glasses. Wears a light blue hoodie, but its usually tied around her waist, she wears a dark green t-shirt and blue jeans, and has a necklace with her Sunchi's pokeball on it Bio: Shes lived in Suunara her whole life but she has does know of the other regions, and someday wishes to visit them. Shes had a passion for painting murals of pokemon for as long as she could remember, and has wanted to go on her pokemon quest forever! But her family raised her and her pokemon to lead the gym instead, and she has done a very good job of it shes been leading the bright town gym for 4 years now. But that doesnt mean she doesnt occaisionally close the gym and go visiting places to train! Hometown: Bright town Gym Leader(and badge)/Trainer: gym leader, shine badge