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Everything posted by starlight

  1. (OOC: sorry I'm so late getting started I signed up a bit late :( ) The Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom stared out at her country from her high balcony. She sighed unhappily and closed her eyes she missed Mario. She knew that she shouldn't leave the castle, because of all the rumours of some crazed madman on the loose. She wanted to leave so badly, to prove that shes not helpless despite all of Bowsers attempts. Walking back into her chambers she passed by the giant vase by the balcony doors. Nobody knew what the large vase contained, except for the princess herself. A little devilish grin crossed her face. Reaching into the pink ceramic vase she pulled out what seemed to be an umbrella, but in truth it was the sneaky parasol. Peach: If they dont know I'm not here then they wont panic Walking out of her room with the parasol tucked under her arm as if she was going for a walk. Wandering around the castle she looked for toad entering the main hall of the castle she looked down from the top of the stairs she saw Toad, his back turned to her. Peach: Oh I hope this works. She started her slow descent down the stairs as she was nearing the bottom a sudden movement from the other side of the room startled her, she watched as the basement door flung open and... A two tailed fox?! Ran out the double doors of the castle, rushing past toad in the process and blew the little toad guy over. Peach: What was that!? I guess Ill find out soon enough Toad was on the ground totally dazed, usually she would have ran over and gave him a hand but this time she had a mission, and that mission was to escape. Pulling the parasol out from under her arm she aimed its tip at Toad sparks flew at Toad and in a small flash of light there was now two Toads!? Peach: Yes! Success! I cant belive I just did that. Quickly running past the confused Toad she made her way to the doors past the unsuspecting guards to freedom! She didn?t want let the magic of the sneaky parasol off yet, she was still on the castle grounds. Passing Mario?s monument she sighed and looked up at the marble statue, She wanted to see him badly enough to run off! She headed towards town, stopping briefly away from the castle grounds to change back into her normal self. Her heart beat like it was going to explode, the adrenaline rush she was having was unforgettable!
  2. Aerow: Its just a scratch, nothing to worry about Karina: Since when do scratches bleed that much:therock:? I think I have something in here to cover that up. [I]She scrounged through her pack and soon found what she was looking for. Her hands moving very quickly she wrapped up the bloody gash. Sirven came up to them just as she finished.[/I] Sirven: Karina? Why did you go run off like that?... Whos your Dragoon friend? Karina: Wha?! hes a... uh... one of you, ah man! -_- his name is Aerow. Aerow this is Sirven. Areow: Hello
  3. Karina: ok... maybe I'm new to this, but how come I all of a sudden feel that he was gonna kill me? WHAT DID I DO?! Lita: Remember? Karina: that was? oh crud. Look no offence but this is starting to fall way out of my strange happenings category, you guys are nuts! Karina ran out the other door and sat outside.
  4. Karina saw Kamui coming in for the attack and suddenly it all went into slow motion except she felt this strange energy flow from within her. She dropped to the ground quickly and rolled out of harms way then roundhouse kicked him from behind. He was slightly startled by the attack. Karina: whoa I did that?
  5. is it too late?! anyways since pretty well all the characters that I wanted were taken I guess Ill choose... Character name: Princess peach Reason for choosing character: Peach is a misunderstood character and thats why I like her, plus yoshi was already taken -_- My Knowledge of this character: I watched the super mario show as a wee lil kid and I played paper Mario (Peach the undercover spy ^_^) so I know she feels responsible for her kingdom, shes sweet (maybe a bit too sweet :smirk: ) and I think ive got her personallity down Starting location of character: Mushroom Kingdom (where else?)
  6. [I]Karina listened to everything that had happened to this small group, now she knew what a 'dragoon' was. It still sounded extremely weird to her. What questions she asked were answered. [/I] Karina: so you guys just found each other just like that? Lita: Yup pretty strange right? Karina: Ill say why am I a dragoon? and how did you guys know that I'm one of you guys? I mean from what you guys told me it doesnt sound like something I do! I mean I'm a servant not a fighter. You sure I'm a dragoon?
  7. [I]As Karina headed through the countryside towards her destination she looked at her list.[/I] Karina: geez this guy definately needs to have his eyes cchecked half of this stuff I didnt even think existed! [I]Shifting her pack she continued nearing the city she checked her map. She still seemed to be going the right way so she continued towards the city. Reaching the gates she paused, something bad had happened here. Rushing into the city she saw that she was right there was a huge gorge in the town square, parts of zombies littered the ground.[/I] Karina: wha?... what happened here? it looks like an explosion happened here! [I]She continued her search of the city unknowing what might happen.[/I] OOC: if somebody could introduce me to the dragoon group I would apprciate it thanks ;)
  8. Karina was still acting a bit wierd as if her mind had gone to another planet altogether. Walking once again at the back of the group, her eyes were once again looking at the floor and her arms were crossed, something was wrong. She usually had her let-me-at-this-thing-so-I-can-kill-it attitude but no, not this time. Karina: what are we fighting for? Visor: huh? Karina? what were you just muttering? Karina: is this all really worth it? Visor: of cource it is!!! my bro will be revived once we finish this!! Karina didnt answer and continued to stare, eyes vacant, at the floor.
  9. [I]Karina felt like jumping for joy, she was finally free for the day! just as she reached the gates of Mr. Garfans dwelling, she heard him come up behind him.[/I] Mr. Garfan: sorry Karina but I have one more task for you today, hope you dont mind. [I]Now the thought going through Karina's mind at that moment was: " Yes I do mind doing your stupid tasks so why dont you shove that job list up your..." but her thoughts were cut off by Mr. Garfans rapping on her skull.[/I] Mr. Garfan: Karina? you listening? Karina:uh... yeah! of cource I was! sure Id [I]LOVE[/I] to do that for you! Mr. Garfan: good. I want you to go to the next town and pick something up for me you understand? [I]Karina was just muttering words that shall not be repeated under her breath at him, she was his hired hand, or more like servant. She sighed then answered.[/I] Karina: fine I shall see you later. Goodbye sir [I]She said the word sir with a bit of sarcasum forutneatey Mr. Garfan had not heard her. She started running to get away as quickly as possible from the huge house. once the huge estate was far away, she let out a yell of joy [/I] Karina: whoo hoo!! FREEDOM!!!
  10. (OOC: sorry I wasnt here to post my enterance -_-) Meanwhile in another toally different town... ???: KARINA! You done with your jobs yet? [I]A tennage girl looked up from her work hearing the burly man call to her, dropping her broom she sighed. She had been working there for who knows how long, possibly years, but still the teen answered the mans call. [/I] Karina: Yes Mr Garfan! I'm finished. Mr. Garfan: Good good. Then youre done for the day Ill see you back here early tommorrow you hear me? Karina: Yes sir.
  11. Armourdonimon: just like old times! megidramon now its your turn to join devimon! your going down! FIST OF PAIN!
  12. Fladingomon: Yeah sounds like a good idea! Fladingomon digivolve to!... Ardonimon: Ardonimon! Ardonimon digivolve to!... Armourdonimon: Armourdonimon! Fist of pain!!! *targets devimon*
  13. Name: Karina Name of Dragon: Tierra earth dragoon (Tierra) Color of armor: green Weapon: katana Magic: mountain blast Level: one
  14. Karina looked at Visor, pity flashing accross her face for a split second. Shaking her head saddly she quickly gathered her things together. When she finished she went and sat next to Visor as she had the day before, after his insane attempt to kill her. Karina: Maybe you should remind your bro that youre still breathing and need sleep, so he should cut you some slack. Visor just yawned and didnt answer, and Karina sighed again letting her mind wander to other places old memories and new flashed through her head. ~~~~~ What looked like a younger version of Karina was running through the brush she hoped that the rumour wasnt true. She clamoured up the hillside that faced away from her town reaching the crest she screamed an inhuman cry. Her home was destroyed. Karina: oh my God no! Running up to the smouldering rubble she saw her fathers old Katana just lying on top of the pile. Crying now she knew in her heart that he was dead, as well as the rest of her family. She picked it up tears running down her face and turned away looking to the south. When she looked up again the innocense was gone from her eyes, anger was in its place. Karina: the dark one. I promise you I will be your demise!! ~~~~~ Visor: yo? dont fade out on me again! Karina: huh? ah man sorrry I was daydreaming Visor: about?... Karina: nothing really.
  15. [I]As they walked back up through the cave, Visor leading with his fire, they congratulated each other on the good job. Everybody, that is except Karina. She walked near the back of the group her arms crossed, her hood drawn up and was stareing at the ground as she walked. She may have looked tired but really her mind was elsewhere. As they reached the mouth of the cave they saw how late it was. [/I] Wolf: Well now we can ether keep going and fall asleep in a fight, OR make camp for tonight whats the decision? I personally say we rest now. Valen? What do you think? Valen: I say we make camp. Visor? Visor: Yeah I think we should. Karina whats your vote? Karina:.... Visor: Hello? Earth to Karina? Is there any life out there? Valen: I think shes falling asleep on her feet. Karina: Wha? oh sorry. Visor: See?! shes already falling asleep on us! Karina: Was not! I was just thinking.
  16. sorry just one more question! (I feel really stupid right now) but here it is: are the characters you featured on character select the only ones we can use? or can we use other characters from other nintendo games?
  17. actually yoshi does talk but its a mix of jibberish and words but in paper mario yoshi talked normally! I would have chosen yoshi but he was already taken
  18. So will this be played as a normal rpg? or is it different? I'm kinda lost
  19. Karina and Tyron help each other off the ground Karina: hey Tyron you ok? Tyron: yeah. Ready for round two? Karina: I am but I have no clue what to do! Or how to attack it Tyron: We wing it! come on Karina! Just attack in anyway you know how!
  20. OOC: I deleted it ________________ T.Karina charges at full speed and slams into Gannon not even fazeing him Gannon: what was that? an attempt to throw me off? Well Ill show you a real charge attack! She runs at Karina and they make contact. Karina throws her tail around his neck holding him, Ganon though was prepared and threw the gigantic worm off.
  21. Karina: Well if we got him, in that case ATTACK!! HAIL STORM!! ok heres the plan somebody restrains him the others attack like crazy! Ill restrain him. Karina leapt up attacking with her ice blasts slowly freezing the huge golem in place. Karina: ok time for some rock bashing fun! whoo hoo!!
  22. Nicky: oh right! She leaps up as well and slashes at the dodongos as well but with little effect Nicky: whoa! hey they blow up when you kill them!! nobody ever told me that!!
  23. Ive seen them on the ground you know when you place the beetle things in soil? they pop up and land on the ground
  24. Ok thats really confusing! Un fortuneatly I havent been able to play and of the old Zelda games because I havent been able to find them so I dont really understand I know what Link looks like in those games so I kind of understand where youre comming from.
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