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Everything posted by starlight
ok then you think of somebody defcon
Karina: I wish we had Tyron back... in the flesh no offence to you Visor but I think the whole 2 souls 1 body combo is way too disturbing. Tyron to Visor: Once we have the blade I will be able to come back. Visor telepathically: You want me to tell them that or now? Visor: Once we have the blade Tyron will retun Karina: ohhh what are you now mr big scary "Look at me im a skitsofrensic!" Sorry but I had to say that couldn't resist! Wolf: Will you 2... er 3 knock it off? lets get on to the next beast.
Karina thinking: This is so gross!!! Ew!!! Tyron thinking: Cool!! Link: Ok guys I'm throwing it again so be ready. He threw the bottle but Karina didnt see it comming and it hit her right where her forehead should have been. But she was fine after awile they got the hang of it but the spell wore off and they turned back into their normal un-slimy selves. Karina: OK that was gross but at least I have arms now, do I have a bump on my forehead? Tyron: I thought it was cool and no you dont have a bump. They sat there for awile until the light started to fade away. They couldn't leave as long as Happy wasn't awake (and sober) so they watched the sun set. After about 2 1/2 hours Karina got very impatiant and broke the silence. Karina: Ok Link how much did you let him drink?! Link: Belive me once he started I couldn't stop him so I watched actually it was kinda funny to watch. Tyron: I think they have help clinics for people like Happy haha! Karina: so how much longer till we can move sleeping beauty over there? Link: wait a sec... whats that? Karina: Aw man everytime we hear something something always happens! Lets just get otta here for once please? I'm not much of a fighter so I'm taking the chicken's way out.
Karina: Here kitty kitty kitty!!! HAIL STORM!! a giant cloud forms above Karina and it realises a blizzard and giant spears of ice aimed directly at the tiger. Karina: is it... dead?
Karina: What just happened here? Tyron: I...I... I dont know Valen: This is getting way too weird Karina covers Illy with her cloak. Tyron: What are you doing? Karina: Im not sure.
ooc: what my partner and i made it were not in the digital world anymore were in the real world!
Karina: OK!! TIME TO FINISH FLUFFY OFF!! Id suggest your strongest attacks everybody!! once this is done it on to the next beasts of burden!! and then hello Tyron!!
Ardonimon: I have a present for you its a HURRICANE STRIKE!!
Karina: I get it now nice thinking Tyron at least were not acting like lunitics!! Guys move it again!! HAIL STORM!!!
ahem wolf have you forgotten that you asked me too? and I tried to pm you back but your box was full sry
Karina: Whats wrong with him?!? Hes shakeing like crazy!! Illy??? Illy? Does anybody know whats wrong with him? Tyron shakes his head. Tyron: He might be having a seizure or something? Karina: What should we do? Artea: We wait
Fladingomon: Fladingomon digivolve to....... Ardonimon!!! Ardonimon: Now Dylan if you would be so kind... Dylan: Oh right! Digi-modify speed activate! Ardonimon: thank you come again!! HURRICANE STRIKE!!
Karina : whatever the heck is going on its gonna kill this firey furrball. Visor: YOU MONSTER DIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Visor and Valen start shashing like crazed lunitics at the tiger. Karina: Theyve gone nuts!! Uh Guys Im staying back I want to keep my head, Hers the plan I stand back and you guys murder fluffy ok? dammit Tyron what did you do to them?
Karina: Hey Visor? Visor: Yeah? Karina: Tell Tyron if he can't hear me that I'm bringing him back after all of this ok? Visor: He knows that already. Karina: Well then ahem... here kitty kitty kitty whos a stupid tiger? whos the stupid tiger? you yes you are!!! The group stare at her in true confussion. Karina: um ahem oops. I used to have a cat! :D
Dylan: Home somehow seems... different Fladingomon: Hey how do you think I felt when that stupid darkness covered my world? Dylan: Thats true but remeber I was trapped there also when the portals froze shut. Fladingomon: I know that memory disk showed all.
Tyron: ok lets get outta here Karina: I second that opinion! lets move out! Visor: Fine with me lets just stop talking and start moving before Karina has to use revival on us because we stood here talking and died because of the demons! Wolf: You spoke more than all of us They started to get out on the opposite side of town they hoped not to run into the demons for many reasons.
Karina: Come on don't leave us hanging what happened to your friends?! Do you know they are okay or not?! Come on! Kei and Tyron: KARINA SHUT UP!! Karina: But I know those young trainers they were the guys that beat me and I gave my other doduo Dody to!!
Karina rounded a corner and saw a more peacefull part of town she looked around hoping to find somebody and she did. Karina: Wolf? what are you doing? the demons are here we have to go!
Karina: You do have a point there hey! Theres Valen Tyron: Valen! We have to get out of here the demons are here!! Karina: Tyron I?m going to try to revive somebody we need to find out exactly whats going on but nobodys left. Tyron: Are you nuts?! Youre totally helpless if you revive somebody! Karina: Well its good for practice!
You know that would be kinda freaky to see Youre just sittin around and all of a sudden you hear somebody beating the pulp out of a chicken in the other room and all of a sudden there chickens sticking their heads and whatever through the wall triing to get in lol that would be very freaky.
OOC: have you guys forgotten about me?!? I had left to get my partner!!!! Fladingomon: I'm back come on Dylan Dylan: Where are we going? Fladingomon: If they remeber to leave the portal open for me and you.... your home Dylan: You mean?! Fladingomon: uh huh Dylan: Then what are we waiting for? Fladingomon: me to catch my breath Dylan: ok but first you can digivolve! Fladingomon: Fladingomon digivole to... Ardonimon: Ardonimon! ok Dylan forget me catching my breath lets move! They fly towards the village hoping that they had not been left behind.
Fladingomon hung her head when she heard that she was supposed to have her partner with her. Apocomon noticed this and spoke up. Apocomon: whats wrong Fladingomon? Fladingomon: nothing I just have less than an hour left to find my partner and it took me more than 3 hours last time and that was at max strength!! man I'm such a loser Apocomon: If thats the case go find him you know where he is this time so go get him!! Fladingomon: Youre right, I'll take my leave now farewell all of you I hopefully wont be long. She does a sort of bow and leaves the room.
Fladingomon: whoa Dylan: you understand now? So are we partners again? Fladingomon: um uh no I've been a rouge digimon for too long now and I must return to my friends so.. oh my Dylan look outside! the light is returning! Dylan: wow Fladingomon: remeber we will alwayas be friends bye my tamer I hope I will see you again. Dylan: but flad.... But it was too late fladingomon had already started fliing back to the now split group.
Fladingomon walked in not noticing that the door had dissapeared she called out but nobody was around. Fladingomon: Whoever summoned me here answer now! ????: Oh no need to be so rude my friend Fladingomon: wha-? whos there? Where are you? ????: Oh good so you decided to come to me willingly Fladingomon: I'm totally confused here... I am a wild digimon I was raised in the data village and the darkness came and now I am standing here awaiting an explanation! ?????: You were always a energetic little digimon fladingomon Fladingomon: huh? Ok who or what are you!? ?????: Oh my poor little fladingomon you don't even remeber the voice of your old partner Fladingomon: p..p..pp..p.partner?! I'm not your partner! I've never had a partner! show yourself now or I'm leaving! ?????: Oh fine then no need to be rude. A young boy jumped down in front of fladingomon startling her. He had wavy black hair and greyish-blue eyes ?????: There satisfied? Fladingomon: No you still havn't told me your name. I don't recall ever seeing you b4 in my life!! ?????: how sad but if you want to know so bad my name is Dylan. Fladingomon turns her back arms crossed. Fladingomon: I have no memory of you Dylan: you want your memories huh? I took them so you wouldn't search for me Fladingomon: why would I search for you? Dylan: Long story, but here give me your paw. Fladingomon: Why? Dylan: You want your memory back or not?! Fladingomon: Ok ok gimme your best shot Dylan hands her a cd Fladingomon: whats this for? Dylan: stick it in that computer over there then you will have your full memory back. Fladingomon: But do I WANT my memory back?
the reason you can't hit the indoor chickens in OOT is b/c they are part of Talon's cucco game.