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[i]Karina watched in slight shock as she watched the antics of Ryan and Valen.[/i] Karina: Lemmie at em... this is crazy! [i]She held her hands out and concentraited her icy energy into an attack as familliar ice spears appeared behind her. She swung her arms as the ice shot forward making a whistling sound because of its immense speed, they slammed into a dragon and, amazeingly broke through its armor-like scales in places, hitting its soft flesh beneath. The creature screeched in agony as it tried to shake the spears free. But to no avail. It only managed to shift the spikes in it causing more pain to it.Karina could see blood trickling down its side where it had pierced the flesh.[/i] Karina: oh... Yes! [i]She ran at this dragon and pulled out a few more of her throwing stars. She whipped them at the open areas where the scales no longer protected it because the ice had either destroyed or moved them.[/i]
[i]Hiei heard the girl snicker behind him.[/i] ??: Tsk tsk Hiei, I dont recall you ever hanging out with the lower lifeforms... of course since you are one, that may explain it. [i]She did a sort of half-giggle half-snicker. She had always enjoyed pushing Hiei's buttons and driving him crazy like this. Even though she was asking for it in doing so.[/i] ???: Now now no need to worry I'm not here to torment you, I come here before you and your... companions, bearing a message! [i]She paused for a moment as Hiei stared at her and waited for her to continue.[/i] ???: Well... not really but its a message straight from yours truely! Stuff has been going down in the spirit realm... big stuff, and well... I kinda sorta... left. It is a dark time I tell you! [i]She crossed her arms and smiled, she seemed pleased at finally delivered her "important message"[/i]
[i]Moments after the final message had been said by the staff, it fell to the ground, lifeless, as if nothing had ever happened. The lights went on again and the room went back to the way it had been before the staff went and acted up.[/i] Ari: Um... so... does that mean we have a quest lay before us now? Karina: Pretty much... wait... yeah that's a definate. Vahn: Yes! Ari: Oh cool! Valen: Now wait a second! You think it's going to be fun? Wolf: This is real, it's no legend. Karina: It's a life or death situation... as you've witnessed. Ari: You three dont understand! My father is studying that fight! I know what went down that day! Karina: *murmuring* you mean [i]who[/i] went down. Vahn: Syk! Karina: huh? What the heck does that mean? Vahn: Its slang Karina. Learn it. Use it. Love it Valen: Vahn! [i]Valen whapped Vahn upside the head, as payback. As Karina rolled her eyes at the two guys antics.[/i] Karina: No thank you I really dont want to learn your wierd slang terms. Ari: You think the way we say things is weird?! What about that weird way you guys talk sometimes with your thou's and ye's and all that stuff... whats with that? [i]After reciveing several weird looks from Valen, Wolf, Karina and Vahn she sighed in defeat and shook her head as if to say "forget it" Karina looked over to Valen only to realize that they were both still in the formal outfits! Karina felt her face quickly going red and before anyone could see her blush, tore out of the room without another word said, and did a mad dash to her room. She slammed the door shut behind her and locked it before quickly getting changed back into her usual clothes.[/i] Karina: That was so embarrassing... how could I have humiliated myself like that?! [i]She knew her face was bright red with embarrasment and she hated it, she hated being embarrased it was one of her pet peeves or something like that. She looked on the chair where she had set it but couldnt find her throwing stars bag. She grumbled something in the four letter words catagory as she dropped to her hands and knees and peered under the bed, and just as she thought, it was there. she grabbed it out with and air of triumph and slung it over her shoulder as she grumbled.[/i] Karina: I seriously hate when things like these happen. A quest? is that what it's to be called? I hope this one ends without the death of a friend.
Karina: What's with the shrines? [i]Karina was about to step forward to get a closer look but Valen held his arm out to stop her.[/i] Valen: Wait... Karina: huh?...alright [i]Karina stepped back and watched the scenes flash by as they were displayed by the staff, the majority of the places she had never seen before, let alone even knew existed.[/i] Ari: This... is... incredible Karina: Where are these places? Wolf: Maybe it will tell us, I wonder what caused this to happen...
Ari: Of cource we did Wolf!! Wolf: Well then... why is the staff doing that? What did you kids do? Vahn: I didnt do anything! Ask Ari! Ari: What?! I didnt do anything either! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ [i]Meanwhile downstairs again... Karina reached down and moved the blanket that Wolf had placed on them the night before.[/i] Karina: I can't give an exact time, but I'll just say I was awake long before you. [i]She was about to say something more, but just then they both heard Ari and Vahn call for them. It didnt sound right...[/i] Karina: What was that all about?! Valen: Oh no... You think we should?... Karina: Yeah... [i]They both made their way up the creaky basement stairs and found, much to their delight, that the door was unlocked and open now. But there was no time to enjoy their freedom, they had to see what their desendants were yelling about. They heard Wolf and them speaking, so they followed their voices to the room where. When they reached the doorway they were in for a surprise...[/i]
[i]Karina blinked as she pused her head up from the snowdrift she was in and groaned as she rolled over onto her back in the snow. She rubbed her head with her hands all the while curseing about her stupidity.[/i] Karina: Some teacher I am, losing all the students I was supposed to be watching!! [i]Karina slowly got up and brushed the snow off of herself. She suddenly heard a shriek from behind her, she knew that scream all too well. She ducked as the beast-bird swooped over her narrowly missing her head with its talons. She turned to where it disappeared, and yellled into the wind.[/i] Karina: Bring it on bird! You wanna piece of me?! Then come and get me! instead of swooping in and being a coward! [i]She heard the bird screaching as it circled back around, Karina suddenly realized in horror that she could not harm it. She saw the bird diving in to claim its prize... her! She dropped onto her stomach but the bird was smarter this time, it dove lower and slashed her back lightly with its talons, drawing blood.It screamed in furry that it had not caught her and came in one last time. Karina lay there helpless as the bird dove in again... she prayed that it would not catch her...[/i]
[i]Karina panted slightly, she was tired but still intent to complete her search. But the blizzard was getting worse, and making it harder to see anything any farther than 3 feet ahead.[/i] Karina: Curse this blizzard! [i]Karina sighed unhappily and sat down on a snowdrift to catch her breath. She looked up suddenly, she couldve sworn she saw something through the snow, but looked away and decided it was only a mere cloud or something like that. No it wasnt that, she heard something faintly through the howl of the blizzard, she rolled out of the way, just as a pair of claws destroyed the snowpile she had been on just a mere second before. It disappeared back into the blizzard[/i] Karina: Oh lovely, that was close! Where is it?!
[i]Karina zoned out for a little while and listened to the sounds of the house creaking now and then. She suddenly felt Valen hug her tighter, had he woken up? She moved slightly to get a glimpse of his face, "yup he's up" she thought.[/i] Karina: ...Morning Valen ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ [i]Meanwhile upstiars...[/i] Ari: Okay... Vahn this is freaky! Vahn: Seriously Ari... what did you do!? Ari: I swear I didnt do anything! Vahn: Tell that to the staff! [i]The staff began to hover in the air as the room fell dark the orb at the top of the staff began to glow faintly.[/i] Ari: Oh gawd... Vahn? What's happening!? Vahn: How am I supposed to know?!
[i]Karina blinked, she was underwater! She looked upwards at the surface and began swimming. She broke through the already freezeing surface and spluttered for air. She liked the cold but this was getting rediculous. She swam to shore and pulled herself out of the water, coughing up the gross water that she had somehow swallowed.[/i] Karina: okay that was nasty... where did everyone go? [i]Karina looked around, she saw reminants of footprints in the quickly rising snow drifts. So she followed as best she could. All the swimming that she had been doing had her slightly worn out but her survival instincts had kicked in, meaning that she didnt care how tired she was. She was intent on finding those kids... they were her responsibility, as much as they didnt seem it.[/i] Karina: Come on guys... where are you
[i]Karina had been doing fine on her own, and had taken down a few of the monstositys, without having to even use her smokebombs! She noticed some of the students racing towards the mountain.[/i] Karina: (thinking) What are those kids up to? [i]She looked at the top of the moutain and caught a glimpse of something... something was up there... of course! These beasts were Bozel's doing! She turned to follow but in her few moments that she had stopped fighting she realized that the beasts had surrounded her on all sides.[/i] Karina: ooooo should I be afraid? [i]One of the beast grunted and charged her. Exactly what she thought they were gonna do. She took out both of her smokebombs, held her breath and whipped them both at the ground causeing a huge smokecloud that blinded all of the beasts that had surrounded her in a choking cloud giving her the diversion she needed to run for all she was worth! She tore after the others without hesitation, Bozel's words echoed in her mind about if ANY student was harmed in any way...[/i] Karina: Im not going to zone out again, ive gotta catch up, if one of them was to be hurt im doomed!
[i]Karina woke up, opened her eyes and after a second of confusion recalled the events of being locked down there the night before. She felt someone hugging her and smiled as she realized that it was Valen. She looked over at him, amazeingly, he was still asleep, she could tell by how he was breathing. She sighed as she rested her head back on his shoulder again, and listened to his breathing. She couldnt help but feel... safe, as strange as it was to her. She hoped that her moving around hadn't woken him up. She looked at him again, to her, he looked so peaceful asleep. Unlike the rest of the time that she had known him... back then... when there was fighting and peace seemed irrelivant. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Meanwhile upstairs..[/i] Ari: Aw man, this sucks! If only that door didnt creak... Vahn: Oh quit whineing Ari: I'm not whineing! Look im just stating fact! [i] Ari sighed as she sat down next to the door and put her staff down next to her.[/i] Ari: So what now? ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ [i]Karina really wished now that she had gotten to know Valen better when she had had the chance to, but she had been stupid and stubborn and the chance had passed her by, and by then it was too late, Lacroix had finished him off. She never even had a chance to say goodbye to him... She hugged Valen as if checking to see if he was really there, and smiled as if she had decided that: "yup hes really here, and I'm not dreaming" she loosened her embrace slightly, so she wouldnt awaken him. She seriously didn't want to disturb him. She just had a feeling that they needed to rest because something was coming.[/i]
[i]Karina saw Mischief pass out with the beast just about ready to chow down on him[/i] Karina: Oh geez why me?! [i]Karina ran at the beast as she did so she called to Hielo whom had taken shelter nearby. The fire bird soared above her as she pointed at the monsterosity Hielo understood and breathed a fire stream at the beast distracting it long enough for Karina to get in there and pick Mischief up. It was time for her to get him out of the line of fire.[/i] Karina: What were you thinking you moron?! Hielo! Take care of it! Ive gotta get the kid back to the dome! [i]Hielo nodded and shot another fire stream at the beast setting its fox tail on fire. Karina looked at the ice dome in slight surprise, whomever had conjured that had done a good job of it. Karina put Mischief down on the back side of the dome, the side that faced AWAY from the monsters. She turned and ran back to assist her Phoenix, who was now losing terribly.[/i] Karina: Hey! Ugly! yes you! The rhino! Why have fried chicken when you know you want a taste of me? [i]The beast roared and charged at her.[/i] Karina: Just as I thought.... well you asked for it! [i]Karina raised her hands in front of her and waited for a few moments as her hands began to glow a pale blue, then ice seemed to form on her bare hands. Just as the beast nearly had her she sidestepped and whammed her hands down onto the creatures hide. Ice immediately crystalized all over the beast freezeing it inside an ice block.[/i]
[i]A hooded figure sat atop a roof near the hospital, just watching the people go by, living out their simple lives, when the hospital suddenly... wasnt there anymore. Well it was but it was a flaming mess![/i] ???: (thinking) whoa! An explosion?! Somethings not right here... That type of explosion could only have been caused by... oh dear... But where theres something like this, you know that [i]they[/i] will soon be there. [i]The figure smirked as they adjusted their hood and leapt off of the roof and started towards the hospital. If they were going to be there, she was sure that she was going to meet them.[/i]
hmm cool RPG sorry that I didnt sign up sooner >.< but um im going to make my own character, if thats alright with you? Ill also play keiko which I'm pretty sure that most of you know about her Name: Karina Age: known to her, unknown to you Race: demi-demon Side: good Bio: After she gave up her dark ways she took up a role as the unofficial Hiei tormentor for a time, until she found better things to do. So she left him alone for a millenium or so, not that long. Then someone who must have been crazy gave her clearence to go to the human realm where she intends to find her old "friend" Weapon/s: -Katana -throwing stars Special Powers: -Hail storm: summons ice spears that are very hard to evade, very painful -capable of summoning storms... amoung other things, she specializes in ice and water. Description/Picture: She looks like this except her hair is longer
[i]Karina rolled her eyes and sat down on a snowdrift and sunk in slightly.[/i] Karina: Until were completely sure that everyone is here I guess you cold-haters will have to warm up, now for those of you who are taking my class this semester, this is going to be a bit of a preview! [i]Karina dropped to her knees and closed her eyes as she went completely still, it was as if she had frozen in place, but suddenly after a long wait she started to murmur something.[/i] Karina: Il phoenix della fiamma la più calda invito il suo potere ancora! Sentire la mia chiamata e sorgere, e discendere giù dai cieli nuvolosi. [i]She kept her eyes closed as a strange sound came from above them, some of them looked up at the overcast skies but saw nothing. The sound got louder it now sounded as if something was singing, it was lovely and yet mysterious at the same time. With a bright flash of gold a flaming bird, with what looked like a 6 foot wingspan burst through the cloudy sky above them and decended, all the while singing in that mysterious tone, its body was a golden and blood-red inferno, yet the bird did not die, despite the flames, for it was a phoenix. Karina gave a half smile as the bird circled down and landed upon the ground next to her.[/i] Karina: There you go for those of you who want to sit near a fire... or firebird under the circumstances, meet my dear old friend Hielo or Hielo-llama [i]Karina got up and nodded to Hielo as she stepped away from the Phoenix[/i]
[i]Meanwhile Karina had made sure that everyone had gone through before diving in herself, she too saw the change happen and the strange invisibility. Once she was solid again she saw the others out of the water, she broke the surface and smiled as the frozen air settled on her. Ice? Snow? Tundra? SHE WAS IN HEAVEN! She pulled herself out of the pool and did a quick head count of who all was there in her mind. Everyone seemed to be here. Although they did seem kind of cold...[/i] Karina: I cant believe you guys! This cold is wonderful! [i]When she looked everyone seemed to be looking at her as if she had lost it, sure in theory teachers were supposed to be weird but this one was ether really enjoying the cold or putting on a show for them.[/i]
[i]upon the ridge there came a shrill whistle as another fircracker zoomed upwards into the sky. In the darkness there lay another troop that had been camping elsewhere, away from Kusana, Xra, Valen, and Shiro when they saw the firecrackers go off. A warrior that had seen them go off ran into a nearby tent and came out a few moments later with a young woman in tow. He pointed at the sky as yet another fircracker went off.[/i] Warrior: This is not good! Karina, we have to go and stop them! Karina: Holy crap! youre right! You sure its Orions army's doing? Warrior: Yes im sure! Karina: ok gather everyone and tell them to arm themselves, we're moving out, understand? warrior: yes ma'am! [i]The man took off to spread the word. Karina looked at the sky in worry as another fircracker went off.[/i] Karina: Just when I thought they had given up for the night they go off and do this, when will they ever learn? [i]She shook her head and went back into her tent to get her weapon. Within the hour the whole troop had started its fairly quick movement across the plains.[/i]
ahhhh sorry Sage I had no clue! *Starts grumbling about her so-called "brain" being in the shop for "repairs"* Anyways if its alright I would like to edit... If she isnt taken already may I try Keio Akiro? this one --> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Keio Akiro -shaman -origin Maua Wanga of the Maua Isles -age 15 -weapons rod&shuriken -special skill Trance (boosts attacks) -alliance Yin ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ I want to try something different for a change and, this character seems really great (I mean just look at her name! I love it, dunno why but I think it's cool! lol) anyways... ive wasted you time long enough I really really hope that you will choose me for that part, thanks for your time!
[i]Karina stood back and watched as the students took their stones, if any teachers had taken any she wasn't sure. But it seemed that the others were holding back. She would put a stop to that... well not exactly, but she had decided. That was for sure. She slowly made her way over to the circle of remaining stones and stood before it, waiting...[/i] Karina: I didn't come all the way here just to turn and walk away... [i]She realized that the circle had started to move, it rotated once and stoped, the stone in front of her rose up and promtly smacked into her stomach with a force that she couldnt believe that something so small could have, it had knocked the wind out of her as well. Growling she quickly snatched the stone from the air and held it at eye level.[/i] Karina: I take it that this one is mine... I swear that sombody has something against me. This is seriously not my day! [i]She backed away, mostly out of embarrassment and ducked to the back of the group, still holding the stone tightly in her hand as if fearing that if she let it go it would attack her again.[/i]
[i]Ari quietly unlocked the door to the basement. After she was sure that they hadnt heard them she opened it slowly and waved Vahn and Wolf in. All three made their way noiselessly down the stairs. As soon as they saw Valen and Karina asleep on the couch Ari and Vahn slapped each other a high five. Pretty sure that there wasnt much else to see they all made their way back upstairs. Ari locked the door once again and smiled at Wolf and Vahn[/i] Ari: We did it!! Vahn: Oh yeah! It worked! Wolf: You guys... Ari: Oh come on Wolf?! Didnt you see it?! It was great! Wolf: Yes it was great, but you said that after you got a "peek" at them you would go to bed, now get going! Vahn: Geez rain on our parade why dont you? [i]Ari sighed in defeat[/i] Ari: come on, hes right...
*looks waaaaaaayyy back at page 11 at the phoenix card* Thanks so much DW! I love it! ^_^ Its great! AND its stats rule! muahahahahaha *ahem*
[i]Karina dusted herself off and stared after Elsyan. Unless her eyes were playing tricks on her, (which almost never happened) she could have sworn that the girl that had run into her was an Elf! But, that was most likely to be expected at this school, Karina suspected. She shook her head slightly and sighed.[/i] Karina: I seem to be finding myself on the ground more often then what I would prefer. I hope the rest of this school year isn't so... [i]She looked around and suddenly realized what time it was, she had to get to the pool for Orientation was going to begin very soon! She turned a complete 180 degrees and hurried along the path that she had watched Elsyan take. She soon heard the excited and nervous voices of the students, though she could not see them yet. She rounded a corner and stopped to gaze at the large group of people that stood waiting in front of the pool, which was now in sight.[/i]
Do you think it would be possible if you made this second card for me? please? Name: Guardian Phoenix Magic Type: fire type: winged picture: effects: -Blazeing Enferno -call of despair: Stopps one opponents monster from attacking for one turn, can be used only once description: A lone Phoenix whos song is so beautiful and sad that those who hear it become entranced and unable to move.
[i]Karina had been standing next to one of the com outlets just as they exploded, shocking her and sending her to the ground. She quickly got up and dusted herself off, grumbling about how someone was going to get it later.[/i] Karina: I hope that isn't a daily thing... [i]The last knowlegeable annoucement she had caught was something about having to go and meet at the pool. She suspected that she was to go and meet there. She sighed and started heading towards her set destination, on the way passing by some students that already seemed to be getting in trouble, she rolled her eyes and continued on. She was sure that they had enough sense to sort it out themselves, and if not... well there's a few less students for her class then. Well she had time to kill so she decided to take her time and get a feel for the school, being hired to teach on such short notice.[/i] Karina: Ok... so the Nex-thing is over there... and the medical wing is that way... so that means I should go down that corridor and then go outside and I should be nearing the Lost Pool... Great! I'm getting the hang of this already!
OMG! I love my card! Its so cool! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! ^_^ *does the happy dance*