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Everything posted by starlight

  1. Karina watched Hunter go to his hybrid form from her chair thinking about her magic. Karina: Now thats just cool, Iv'e definately got to study my magic more. Tyron: Will you give it up with the spells already?! Karina: Fine I'll take myself elsewhere! With that she walked outside and started to read by the base of the tree. Eve came out after awile and sat down next to her. Eve: Your'e not going to learn any spells just by reading about them all the time. Karina: Yeah I know my problem is if I'm going to get good I'm going to have to memorise the magic that I want to remeber but when I try to actually DO the magic...... I screw up big time. Eve: Well we're going to have to work on that don't we?
  2. They land at the shore and they head through the storm twards the pokemon center. Karina: I wonder if my doduo is fine by now? I had to sic my raichu, Thunderjolt on him Kei: I wouldn't try just yet. Karina: My raichu wasn't affected yet so if demitri gets out of control ill use him. Kei: ok we can try Karina: Please be ok Demitri.... GO!! Demitri appears, a bit shaken and hurt but just fine otherwise. Karina: Demitri!! youre ok!! She runs up to the two headed pokemon and strokes his silver feathers while hugging him. Kei: Theres no time we have to hurry. Karina: Demitri was trained to be a messanger when he was younger if theres something we need delivered fast Demitri's the one you call. Kei: Can he carry two passengers? Karina: yeah I used to have two but I gave his older brother to a young trainer I had a feeling that he was the one for her. Kei: well let's get moving.
  3. Karina: and what should happen if you missed him and we were hit? wouldn't we die? I don't want to die as a giant worm gross.
  4. Karina: Yes I know this already which is why I will say it again I prefer to use these
  5. Karina: Link where you going? Link: Nowhere special Tyron: So are we using Happy's mask's or not? Karina: I don't know the arguement sorta didn't go anywhere
  6. So why is navi missing? like is there anything said about the fairy's dissapearance
  7. Fladingomon gets up and starts growling like a wolf. Fladingomon: your'e gonna wish you hadnt done that!! Fladingomon digivolve to!........ Ardonimon!!! Ardonimon: I want a peice of that action too.
  8. They rode along in silence towards their destination not speaking at all as the storm worsened suddenly Kei spoke. Kei: So where did you come from and why are you in my frozen wonderland anyways? Karina: I'm from blossom town, you know that little town deep in the valleys? I heard of you from my dad who is a gym leader in my home town so I came looking for you. I'm a gym leader there also. Kei: I see so your'e sure it's mew's clone thats causing this? Karina: Yeah the one they call.... mewtwo? I think thats what his name is. I remebered this story that my mom told about it how he controlled pokemon with his psycic powers. Kei: I don't really remeber ever being told that one hey! Were nearly in Spirit town!
  9. Tumini: OkIhavehadit!!! Siren: What? Can we have a translation of that please?! Tumini: Man what's the fun in talking this slow? Abob: Its easier to understand for one thing Tumini: All I've heard from Indrid this whole time is "I want a drink, What about drink?" Drink Drink Drink!! One of these days I'm going to use spritish cure on you Indrid! tee hee hee
  10. Karina: I'll tell you guys right now don't expect me to use these guys that often. My style is with these. Holds out her katana and throwing stars.
  11. Karina, after watching her pokemon take on the whole lot of water pokemon without hardly a scratch she decided that going to the islands would be a bad idea. She was glad too because almost seconds after getting back home to Blossom Town, a blizzard started. Her family was just glad to have her home. She went to bed that night with a very strange feeling that something bad was going to happen soon. The next morning she awoke to the sound of Demitri... but something wasnt right, he sounded different, off in fact. She Jumped out of bed and raced downstairs to find Demitri staggering around the house, as if he had been attacked. She ran back upstairs to find a madhouse of pokemon.... every pokemon her family had was fighting, running into things, triing to escape the whole nine yards!And since Karina's family belives their pokemon to be part of the family they kept them out all the time. Karina only kept Dody and Demitri out her pokemon wer in her room! which was currently being blocked by her father's Ryhorn. Karina: Dusty move out of the way!! Dusty growled then lowered his horn. Karina: Oh boy HELP!!! SOMEBODY!! Just then a flash of red light came from Karina's room... It was her squirtle!He had heard and came to help. Karina: Yes! Macensie water gun! Mac: squirt squirt!! Mac fired directly onto the charging ryhorn fainting him. (because everybody knows that rock type hates water.) Karina:Mac do you have any clue whats happening? Mac: tle squirt Karina: No clue? I'd better return you who knows what might happen? Return! Karina ran into her room got changed grabbed her pokeballs she saw Demitri barley getting upstairs. Karina nearly started to cry because she knew what to do. Karina: Go T.J.!...... Attack Demitri....... with thunder T.J: rai? Karina: Just do it! It was over within seconds Karina placed Demitri back into his pokeball and started to go out the door to get to winter town then she remebered the old stories told of a great psycic pokemon that could not be captured by anyone. Karina: I'm hoping that Kei will know the answer to this.
  12. ???????: need any help with those guys? The same little fladingomon landed and folded her small wings Blackagumon: Aw man not you again! Fladingomon: Maybe we got off on the wrong paw yesterday I attacked because I was defending myself, just like any other digimon that lives out here does. Guilemon: Well if your'e gonna help... help already!!
  13. Link: Because I don't think they are as strong as the other two. Karina: I seriously don't see your point. I mean Tyron and I are not as powerful against that monster we saw that already didn't we? Tyron: Please don't remind me! Tyron held up his broken sword. Karina: Oh grow up already you decided to go for a shot and you failed! You can't deny it I was there too.
  14. Fladingomon rolled over in her sleep and all of a sudden the ground wasnt there! Fladingomon: uh oh..... ahhhhhhhh!!! She landed on her head on the ground next to the tree that she was sleeping in. Fladingomon:Well that was um fun. Hey whats that sound? She whipped around and saw another portal open. Fladingomon: Thats the third one today whats going on??
  15. ooc: do we have to be a real digimon? or can we be an imagionary one? if we can be our own digimon heres mine: _________________________________________________ name: Fladingomon level: rookie type: data attack(s): laser wing, air tackle digivolution (if she had a partner):fladingomon--> ardonimon--> armourdonimon-->nindonimon bio: She awoke in the real world without much of a memory but with only one thought in mind: find her partner. Shes gracefull like renamon but looks nothing like her. description: light blue fur with tiger stripes and her stomach is yellow. She has a dinosaur-like tail and a dog-like head. She stands 4?9? (hopefully I will be able to post a pic soon of her)
  16. Karina: Good luck Wolf! She then felt something on her forehead it was that gash from before. Karina: Great oh well. Hey guys! time for some healin' magic! HEALING SNOW!! Tyron: youre telling me that you had that spell and you didnt use it during our fight!?! Karina: yeah so? Tyron: Visor. Valen. Don't hold me back I'm gonna kill her!! Karina: If I was to use that spell at that time I would have died! It takes up too much energy so it wouldn't have done you much good.
  17. yeah hopefully I will post a pic of a half dragon (handrawn) and possibly r.a.v.e.n. We still need sombody to play the other characters!
  18. Fladingomon followed the group of digimon at a distance to where she could see them but they couldnt see/sence her. Her small coloured wings and body had been the victims in angelicmons attack so fliing was not an option anymore so she leapt from one dead tree to another, gliding across the large distances like a fliing squirrl. Why she was following them, she had no clue she just felt drawn to them somehow, like she was almost SUPPOSED to follow them. But she kept her distance anyways. She didnt know why she attacked them and why she was spiing on them. Fladingomon: "What are those digimon doing out here anyways? why arn't they safe in their little villages?" She sighed "I guess I should ask myself the same question. As the group of digimon entered the town she landed lightly on a rooftop stareing at the notrhern sky. Feeling alone for the first time since "the event" she sat down and watched the inhabitants walk by the house she was on and didnt notice her at all.
  19. Karina: Oh joy! Since Link is the only one of us who is even capable of even putting a scratch on that monster then the rest of us are really gonna have a problem aren?t we? Tyron: Don't say stuff like that!! Youre making Link depressed! Link: Depressed? Who said that I was depressed? I'm frustrated but not depressed. Karina: I get your point already. Happy: I can't believe you guys have already forgotten about these! Happy held up his bag of masks. Karina: Ok what are those masks for anyways? They seem to cause more trouble than help if you ask me. Tyron: I saw Happy change into something when he put one on. Happy: Yeah that?s exactly what they do! Karina: That?s just scary. Link: Look we have to find someplace to stay tonight its already getting dark. Karina: We might have had someplace safe to stay tonight but then there was this guy I?m not going to mention names but he?. Tyron: Oh just shut up! Karina: Maybe we could stay in town? Happy: If you haven?t noticed, some of us don?t exactly ?blend in? He waved his arm as if to say ?everyone here.? Link: We do sort of have that problem but if you don?t remember the town is completely empty.
  20. yeah may i join up as well heres mine if im allowed: name: fladingomon type: data Group: nature level: rookie attacks: laser wing, air tackle description: A small doglike digimon that is said to bring misfortune to their foes. blue fur with tiger stripes, a blade/horn on top of her head a dinolike tail and small colourfull wings and youve got fladingomon. digivolution: fladingomon--> ardonimon--> armedonimon--> nindonimon name: Ardonimon Type: data Group: Animal Level: champion Attacks: Hurricane strike, Laser Blast description: A bigger verion of fladingomon except this digimon walks on all fours has her wings comming off her back instead of being attached to her front legs and has a helmet on her head that is harder than a dimond. Dont get ardonimon mad if you want to live to see another day. Digivolution: Armedonimon--> Nindonimon name: Armedonimon Type: data Group: none Level: ultimate attacks: Armoured fist, Bladed hurricane decription: It's ardonimon... In armour? digivolution: Nindonimon name: Nindonimon Type: Data Group: Ninja Level: Mega Attacks: Thunder blade, poison stars description: Shes as big as Fladingomon but no wings this time shes a killer ninja that doesnt back down even if shes outnumbered and would not win. she wears a white karate outfit and a dark blue eyemask
  21. Karina decided that doing the whole "jouney" would be too much especially without Dody around so instead she was planning on leaving the gym for awile and sorta disappear into the Whirl Islands to train with her pokemon. So she hopped on Demitri and they set off, reaching the waterfront in a very short period of time. Karina: Well Demitri we made it! Aw man we missed the boat oh well this does have it's advantages lets go fry some water pokemon!! Thunderjolt (TJ) go! TJ: Raichu rai! Karina: T.J. if you will be so kind.... TJ: raichu TJ shocked the water driving many water pokemon to the surface. Karina tossed her pokeballs onto the sand letting all of her pokemon out. Karina: Guys you know what to do, attack at will!
  22. Karina: Great so we now have two things to worry about: getting Link and Happy otta here before they are chish-ka-bobed and finding that mask. Man how do you put up with this all the time Link? Link shrugged because he didn't even know how he had put up with this all the time. Tyron: So what are we gonna try to do first? Majora's mask or sending you guys otta here? We can do both but we have to decide which is more important. Karina: Ok so Link, you said that Ganon has found a way to go inter-dimensional so maybe hes found away back to your home?
  23. Beaten, depressed, and alone, Karina looked at the gym not even 2 days after her defeat as if she was a young trainer entering a gym for the first time. She looked across the arena at the young trainer who wanted to challenge her, she picked up Demitri's pokeball.... she couldn't throw it she couldn't battle she looked at the young boy one last time Karina: I'm sorry I can't do this! boy: what?! I came here for a pokemon battle! Karina: Some battles are not fought with pokemon..... you will learn that soon hopefully. boy: wha?...... She ran out of the gym, leaving the young trainer behind dumbfounded at her last remark. she was heading back to say bye to her parants... proud gym leaders themselves and to grab her gear which strangely was packed up.What that kid and Karina's family didn't know was Karina was hoping to start something she wasn't allowed to do at the age of ten..... .... a pokemon jouney.
  24. Karina heard faint voices, then she felt the searing pain from the gash on her head. She woke up to a huge fight that she was missing!! She stood up unseen because she was deep in the shadows where she was kicked. She brought forth her katana and calmly walked into the fight. Karina: Man why am I never invited to these parties? Hey guys!! heads up!! Hope you all like a good snowball fight!! As she spoke her eyes started to glow an icy blue and her cloak blew around her on an unfelt wind as she got ready for an attack. She waved her katana around in a strange fashion. Karina: HAIL STORM!! Chunks of sharp, hard, spearlike ice came from nowhere, targeted and pelted only the 3 unholy brothers in a constant barrage of ice and snow.
  25. ooc: my character's name is spelled karen _____________________________________ Karen's hand raised again Master: yes? Karen: so you mean that we have miniature beings inside that we wern't even aware of? Is it contagious? Master: No of cource not and you know very well that it isnt contagaious!
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