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Everything posted by starlight

  1. Karina: I say we bust in, grab Tyron and run like theres no tommorrow! Valen: That might work..... If we were cartoon characters!! Get real Karina! Karina: At least im TRIING to think of a way to get him out!!! Valen: Yeah right Karina: Why I otta.... Visor & W M: SHUT UP!!!! W M: Fighting won't get you any closer to getting Tyron out so lets just stratagise on how were gonna do this. Karina: I say we talk to that king persasively! She held up her katana
  2. Karina looked after the trainers and called her other silver doduo, Demitri to say goodbye to his older brother. Karina: Don't worry Demitri he's in good hands, lets get back to the gym.
  3. Karina found her old treehouse and climbed up the rickity old ladder. She settled down and began to study her book. Suddenly she heard voices from nearby, she stuffed her book in her pack and ran towards the voices keeping her distance she peered around a tree and saw... the elf that she had met earlier she ran out and saw that she had a group surronding her.
  4. Karina: That creep! I wonder why he would do such a thing?! Visor: I don't know but we have to get Tyron back! Who knows what they will do to him?
  5. Finally after countless failures Karina gave up and slammed the leatherbound book closed and sighed in frustraition. she looked out her window towards the woods and wondered if that elf she had met earlier had put a spell on her so she couldn't do any spells! She put her head down and covered her head with her arms thinking. After about a half hour she just got up from her desk grabbed her small pack which contained many random items as well as a smaller version of her spellbook looked at her spellbook as if to say "oh forget it" went outside and started off towards the woods hoping to study there and to clear her head.
  6. They had just reached the end of town when they heard somebody running after them they stopped waited Karina ran up to them on Dody's back,Karina hopped off Dody and returned him, then she walked up to Lauren. Lauren: Karina? what are you doing here is something wrong? Karina: No nothings wrong actually I want to speak with you for a minute privately if it's ok with you. Lauren: Fine. They walked out of the group's hearing distance, Karina looked happy yet sort of upset as well. Lauren: So what was it you wanted to talk with me so badly about? Karina: Here Karina handed Lauren a pokeball Lauren: Whats with the pokeball? Karina: Throw it you'll see. Lauren tossed the ball and Dody poped out. Lauren: Oh no don't even think.... Karina: it's ok take him Dody is a wild spirited pokemon that needs to travel in order to be happy as long as hes confined to this town he can't live out a full life. I know that you would be perfect for him so what do you say? you want my doduo? Lauren: but he's yours! you raised him! Karina:I've still got his twin brother so i'm not totally alone. My family got their ancestors from a great breeder... Oh sorry you should be going.... please take Dody I know you two are perfect for each other I can feel it!
  7. ive already got the zora tunic and the iron boots :D but I've heard this is the hardest temple so maybe im not ready?.....
  8. Karina: Valen? oooo I don't have to be a guy to see how much that hurt Valen: Just... shut... up!! Karina: Oh Lacri..ooooox!!!!! I've got a present for you!! HAIL STORM!! Lacriox dodged the attack. Lacriox: aw that was sweet of you and stangly enough I've got one for you too! Just then Tristam still in pain from the throwing stars lept up and kicked Karina headfirst into a bolder knocking her out momentarily he then procedded to throw her into the river. Tristam: Hope you can swim byyye now!
  9. Karina: you had to scare us didnt you? Visor: Just keeping everyone on alert
  10. OK so the water temple is next correct?
  11. Karina: Ok so.... maybe I was wrong maybe we can beat these guys... TYRON BEHIND YOU! Tyron spun around and countered a sneak attack from Lacroix sending him sprawing. Tyron: aw whats the matta? cant fight me face to face?
  12. oot- thanks dont worry this will be good I promise you! ____________________________________________ Dody ran forward and jumped at Bolt the pikachu, claws sliceing through the air, but Bolt was ready and leaped to the side at the very last second! Dody stumbled and fell face(s) forward onto the ground. Lauren: OK Bolt use thundershock!! Bolt glowed with electricity as its cute red cheeks turned blue from the power surging through them Karina: Dody fly up!! Lauren: but its got no wings! Ok Bolt finish it! Bolt unleashed a huge storm of electricity fired directly at Dody but by the time it got there Dody was long gone! Dody had lept up to the gyms rafters and was laughing at Bolt. Lauren: So thats it ok we can handle that!! Bolt do a thundershock attack again!! Karina: It wont work ive trained my Dody to handle electric shocks! plus hes a special breed of doduo really fast and really strong! No electric pokemon has gone up against Dody and survived! Lauren: Then we will be the first to show him an electifing defeat! Go Bolt! Karina: Fine then Dody! drillpeck! Dody jumped from the rafters landing next to the powered up Bolt and went in for a drill peck but just as its left head lowered its beak and smashed it into Bolt, Bolt released a huge electric shock! The current zapped Dody and sent the silver doduo sprawing backwards into the nearest wall. Dody looked up with its concious head and ran up to Bolt triing for another drill peck! Dody made contact and Bolt was sent rolling. Lauren: Bolt! You ok? Bolt looked up and did a peace sign with one paw "pika! pika!" Karina: amazing work but this battle is almost over Dody drill peck! Finish that yellow pompom! Lauren: It's too weak! you can't think of doing that youd faint it triing! Karina: whatever! Dody you know what to do! Lauren: Bolt get onto its back! Then finish it! Bolt sprung away from Dody's deadly drill peck just in time! Bolt then leapt gracefully between the two heads on the injured doudo's body. "PIKA......CHU!!!!!!!" the light from the electric blast was so bright everybody had to sheild their eyes. When it had calmed down Dody lay, fainted in the centure of the gym, and there standing squarely on top of its pika-roasted body stood Bolt looking very proud. Lauren: Bolt!! You did it! Bolt, hearing Laurens voice ran over and climbed onto her shoulder. "pika!" Lauren looked around for Karina she saw her sitting next to Dody stroking its long neck. Karina: Dody........
  13. Karina: Ok then Bring it on!! this wont work guys im telling you were all gonna fry ive seen them at work
  14. Yes that temple is finally finished!! (man the boss was fun :D) thanks alot!
  15. Karina: well its a bit hard for a girl to blend in in a BOY army dont you think?
  16. Karina: I highly doubt that we will win I mean look at all of the destruction those three have caused alone! Visor: You always have to be on the downside dont you? Karina: No I'm looking at the cold hard facts!
  17. Karina: No clue whatsoever Tyron: well we'd better think of something quick there almost here!
  18. Karina looked at Link, he looked worried despite the fact the he had just taken on an army and won! Karina: Yo Link what's wrong? Link: Gannon... he has Majora's mask Karina: A mask? whats so big about a mask?
  19. ok ive freed 2 gorons and have a small key the second goron i got was behind that blue block (used the song of time) and got the key
  20. Karina: Man you sure cracked easy. Visor looked up at her and gave her a dirty look. Karina: Look in your current condition you wouldnt last 10 seconds over there!
  21. Karina: Forget it they arnt demons, um guys there closing in for the kill!!!!!! Link: oh really? DUCK EVERYONE!!! Everybody ducked and Link started his spin attack hitting the closest enemies. Happy: Youve still got it Karina: dont celebrate so soon!! there comming back for more!!!
  22. Karina: if youre thinking of using me as bait then you are sadly mistaken!
  23. Karina shook herself free of the bush where she had jumped clear of the motorbikes. She ran back to the clearing and what she saw wasnt pretty. She saw Happy Tyron and Link standing weapons drawn backs to each other in a circle surrounded by these vile looking creatures. Karina: Oh crap Just then one of the creatures grabbed her from behind and tossed her in the centure with the rest of the group. Link: I thought you said that you were leaving Karina: Yeah well I guess my trip was canceled at the last minute. Tyron: Get ready Happy: for what?? our exucution????
  24. can i sign up? name: Karina eye colour: hazel/golden height: 4'2 age:10 abilities: working on speed, magic spells: -heal (only a little bit) - snowfall (small snowstorm) weaknesses: fire, electricity pretty well all of them strengths: ice,water and intelligence equipment: darts, throwing stars (learning), magic book, dagger, wears a navy-blue cloak that almost touches the ground The youngster wandered around aimlessly until she found a small clump of pine, she headed down into them. Yes practicing magic alone was dangerous but she was gonna try it anyway. she was about to summon something but, all of a sudden she heard someone behind her she whipped around and... ????: Hey what are you doing down there? Karina: Oh um nothing much ????: You know you shouldnt do that at least not without someone else here with you Karina: So? whats your point? My name is Karina. ????: My name is Eve, anyways i should be going. Karina: Can you help me with my spells sometime?? I still really stink at them. Eve: Sure just promise me that you wont try anything till then ok? Karina: ok then bye! (ill edit in the info thats missing soon once i get what some of it means)
  25. Karina turned from the door then called to the group. Karina: Guys I think you will need this! She tossed something down to them it was small but it looked like a claw on a chain Valen: What is this thing? Karina: a tiger's eye charm no it isnt a real tigers eye but they are supposed to be able to scare weaker demons away Visor: rrrrright uh thanks Karina: Sorry, see you possibly in the near future She turns and walks into the door closing it behind her
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