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Everything posted by starlight

  1. Karina at hearing this springs from the ground and turns to the trio. Karina: Whoa whoa hang on a second!! I heard that look I just helped out to save your hydes thats all. Im after the"dark one" as I like to call him, I personally dont think hes worthy of a real name. I have no clue where you guys are going but good luck. Tyron: Hey dont go were after the same guy, come with us.
  2. nope im still stuck. Uh which entrance do you mean? ive so far found 2-3 ways in the main entrance you mean?
  3. karina: "oh whats the matter? I remeber you Tristam. Maybe I hit you over the head too hard the last time we met" smirks
  4. Just then a throwing star came out of nowhere and implanted itself in Lacoix's arm. Lacoix turned slowly looking for the culprit who threw it but it seemed that nobody had done so to him. Suddenly a shadow sumersalted out of a tree and landed lightly on the ground in front of him. Their hood was up so a face could not be seen by anybody. the person held up their right hand, a katana was held up. The person nodded to Tyron and the others and said to Lacoix ????: thought you could have a party without inviting me? im hurt o well i brought a gift for you anyways!! All of a sudden a frozen blast erupted from the perons outstreched hand.
  5. can i still sign up? if so heres my character: name: Karina age:20 alliance:good weapons: katana, poisonous darts, throwing stars magic elemental: Ice bio: she was forced away from her city and her home because it was destroyed and she had nowhere else to go so she started chasing after the vile murderer wherever it went shes been following it for almost 2 years now. She still is chasing it hopeing that someday she would be able to stop the destrction. appearance: she has long light bown hair, but she keeps it tied up all the time, she has hazel eyes. She wears a long navy blue cloak and likes keeping the hood up. personallity:She likes keeping to herself. she used to be very outgoing, and informative and hated fighting but after what she had seen shes just not the same anymore now shes quiet and fights all the time. magic: -frozen touch (self explanitory) - healing snow (se) (doesnt use it that often) - hail storm
  6. Karina: in this gym you get the blossom badge but wait until tommorrow to work out your stratagy i warn you though im tough come on Dody
  7. Karina: fine then see you later just then thay heard her scream " WHAT THE!?! OH NO! !!?? GUYS!? LINK TYRON HAPPY! GET OUT OF THERE ITS GONNA!!!!......" after that they heard a roar and a huge crash of branches
  8. Karina gave Tyron an evil look, but Tyron just ignored her completely. Karina: well I'm sure not going in there lets just get going already, theres no point in staying. with that she turned around and started walking deeper into the woods when they couldnt see her anymore they heard her call out to them. Karina: you guys comming or not?!?
  9. I'll edit that out ___________________________________ Karina: ok Happy NOWS the time I kill him Happy: thanks for the warning
  10. Link: Alright just act like we don't know they are watching us Karina: lets just back to my place so we can get what we need. Tyron: oh no Happy: What? Tyron: oh nothing lets just get back to the woods and get our supplies. Karina: Oh please Tyron dont say you left that light on! Tyron: what would you like me to say then? Happy: uh oh this is the point where I slowly back away while she kills him. Link: Not now Happy, save it for later
  11. As Link, Happy, and Karina reached the town they saw that Tyron wasnt joking about nobody being there. house doors swung open in the wind, cars stood abandoned in the streets. There was no sign of life anywhere, they didnt even hear birds singing. Link: Something's not right here Happy: What gave you that first clue? Karina: Ok this is WAY too freaky for my liking. Happy: I'm with you on that one Link: Yeah Karina: You guys can do what you want but im keeping my throwing stars at hand. Just in case
  12. Tumini lands on the ground,and crosses her arms and looks with a childish look in her eyes Tumini: sheech its not that interesting to look at and im the one who saw themwell then to the trees!! with her dealy poisonus darts at the ready she starts firing with deadly accuracy
  13. Karina: i seriously dont like that idea, what if it ends up sending you two to someplace that you CANT get out of? Link: Its a risk that I guess has to be taken. Happy: Yup Karina: Look even if we could find a seacret military base its almort impossible to inside one without getting caught which could mean bad things for whoever IS caught doing so. Link: Just like the gerudo's fortress...... Karina: ok whatever. I seriously dont think that the people will hold back anymore today, if were gonna leave now would really be a good time.
  14. ok so heres my character: name: Tumini (prounouciation 2-mine-nee) type of creature: sprite (no not the computer sprites) weapons/items: poisonous darts, pack, rope aprox age: 130 (very young for a sprite) special abilities: speed, can become almost invisible description: shes larger than most wood sprites, some would even call her a nympth. Shes not very serious most of the time but will become very serious at the time its needed. Sprites sometimes bond with a human or an elf at a young age but she decided not to. she wears a very small blue hood most of the time. if you choose I can come in at any time you want
  15. .[I]After throwing the rat outside Karina returned to Link's room and sat down in a chair nearby.[/I] Karina:May I make a suggestion to you guys? Link: ok what is it? Karina: id suggest that you shouldnt hang around in one spot for too long, those psycos might catch on to where you are and who knows what they would do if they caught you. Link: The answer to what they would do is simple, they would kill me first ask questions later. Karina: No i dont really think so honestly, those guys that had Happy earlier didnt seem interested in killing you from what he told us. They sounded like the men in black if you ask me Link: men in black? Karina: Oh sorry i forgot. Yeah they are interested in alien life forms and keeping anyone from ever knowing. Like the alien police, or F.B.I. or something to that extent. Link: So what are you suggesting? Karina: I say that we find a way to get you and Happy home quick, and staying here wont do any of us any good. Link: you do have a point. Karina:look lets just find out who brought you here and why then.... well i guess we reverse whatever brought you here and it and have it get you out of here. Link: Lets just wait until tyron my "bodyguard" comes back then we can continue to talk about getting out of here.
  16. so can anybody else join up?
  17. Seriously what do you do with that chicken that the chicken lady gives you after you grow up? i dont know what to do with it can anybody help me find this feathered nusiance's place in the game?
  18. ok then forget that idea ill just say this to those programmers ahem ...HURRY IT UP ALREADY!!!!! WE WANT THE GAME WE WANT THE GAME!!!!! there i said it lol
  19. Karina:I honestly dont think its the mob but just in case Ill wake Link up if hes not already up that is.Check the window beside the front door and see if anybody's outside if theres a mob outside you could see them from there. Tyron walked up to the window and looked outside there wasnt a mob in fact the only guy outside none other than Happy Tyron: Hey its ok its Happy he came back! Im letting him in
  20. sry about that i didnt read that post ill be more careful next time -------------------------------------------------------- Karina: anyways you guys can all stay at my place tonight if you want, my family wont mind, they like trainers
  21. the new game for gamecube its been said that there is a possibility of a more realistic "traditional" zelda game.... and then there is the cartoony one. which 1 is released first... leave that to the programers to decide
  22. Lauren: Bolt! are you ok? ????: oh im so sry i was chasing my doduo and I didnt see you is your pikachu ok? Lauren: who... are you? Karina: oh im so sry i was never good at introductions my name is Karina um you need a lift into town my doduo can take you there in no time so nurse joy can take a look at your pikachu. I sorta owe you something considering i caused this in the first place. here you can borrow him GO Dody! just then in a blinding flash a silvery doduo appeared
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Herman [/i] [B][size=1][color=crimson]Yeah, but if you go into Kakariko(I forgot how to spell it >
  24. ok so the games arnt really connected thats really messed isnt it i dunno im still tring to under stand oricana (sp?) of time!
  25. so true but i guess we will all have to see which game is released its survival of the graphics realistic or cartoony? only time will tell
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