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Everything posted by starlight

  1. well if i can be a gym leader heres my character: name: Karina age: 19 pokemon: doduo, squirtle, persian, ponyta, raichu (newly evolved) description: she has brown hair, and green eyes, shes a bit tall and loves her pokemon very much which is why she trains them the way she does badge: Bloom badge bio: after being unable to leave town at age 10 because of her family not letting her (because her family runs the blossom town gym) she decided to use her new pokemon doduo and become an unstoppable gym leader. Until she met a group of very strong trainers
  2. Karina: poor guy thats way too much responsibility for one person to handle alone didnt he say hes been doing this since he was ten?! Tyron: I belive he did say something like that Karina: ?Man when I was ten I was out playing with my friends hanging around. You know the whole childhood thing.? She pulled her cloak up around her. Tyron: We should be leaving him alone so he can get his strength back Karina: yeah you can use my grandparents room for tonight I don?t think the mob will think of coming here at least not until morning. Tyron: ill stand guard at the door if they do try to come back. Karina: ok wake me in a few hours so i can take the second watch. Goodnight Tyron Karina tried to fall asleep but it was imposible she couldnt sleep after what had happened that evening.Everytime she closed her eyes she saw the fight replay over in her head and she didnt know why. She gave up after awhile and relived Tyron downstairs of his watch. She stared into space blankly thinking all the while "how did I get myself into this? This is totaly nuts!" she watched as the first rays of sunlight filled the room.
  3. the padawan whos name was Karina greeted Master Matrix and had watched him go into the training room. She then turned around and headed into another training room where her master was waiting. Master: so you finally decided to show up im surprised especially after you said if my memory serves me right that you would never train again or am i wrong? Karina: Master i promise i wont make that mistake again *sigh* im ready maybe i should train with a stick first so im not a hazzard to anybody? Master: i dont belive that is nessesary now continue where you were from yesterday oh and please... dont try to slice me in half again? Karina: but master!.... Master: i was joking now shall we begin?
  4. Karina knelt down next to the hero of time checking to see if he was ok she watched in horror as blood slowly stained Link's green tunic. Karina: weve gotta get him otta here Tyron: then lets get him out of here now! Karina:but im afraid to have him move right now and my house isnt exactly the best place to go now but it seems the mob has given up for the night so maybe we should take him back to my place... aw man. Link? hey come on we have to get out of here! Tyron: help me get him up lets just get him someplace safe for now Karina: i just hope that guy doesnt come back i wonder what that light Link was giving off you know that light coming off the back of his hand.... Tyron: that doesnt matter now
  5. may i be a gym leader? even though im not into pokemon anywore may i join?
  6. Karina: you think you scare us? think again!! we might not be of your kind but we know how to fight!! Gannon: shut up! you insolent little human! with that he slams Karina into a nearby tree knocking the wind out of her Gannon: now my old friend where were we? ah yes i was about to destroy you for good!
  7. well as i said b4 this is only what i think of it anyways it doent matter asim probably now going to get a gamecube for a while anyways so it doesnt really matter
  8. Karina: ok Tyron I just had a very strange feeling im back for Link and Happy we cant stay here anymore let them find my place it doesnt matter anymore lets just get the heck otta here! with that said she darted back towards her house
  9. ok heres my idea of this game: -it totally ruins Links dignity (well if he was a real guy) - I think it really messes with the Zelda timeline I would say more but wouldnt be right but this is a few of my thoughts on this game
  10. hey dark_apocalyps i think you should let desbreko character in on some action i mean Link isnt a wuss and shouldnt be partryed as one ____________________________________________________ Karina:hey Tyron? Tyron: yes? Karina: you think you should have let him come i mean he IS a supreme fighter by the looks of him Tyron doent answer instead darted ahead Karina: so I take that as a no?
  11. Karina watched the two run out she then looked at Happy and decided to rather die with those two than live knowing that she had just let them go. Karina: "forget this" she then ran out the door throwing stars in one hand, and her small sword in the other "guys wait up you brought me into this! im going with you!"
  12. name: Karina Jose age:16 race: human class: jedi weapon(s): lavender lightsabre, force ship(s): old cruiser bio: she was raised by a family that knew and socialized with the jedi thats how the jedi discovered her at age 4 ever since then she has been trained but is still a total klutz despite her training but there is still hope for her. description: she looks like a jedi. She dresses like a jedi. She acts like a jedi (somewhat) but shes still in training to master the use of the force. she has brown hair with gold streaks in it. She also has hazel eyes and stands about 5'9. personallity: when not almost accidently killing her master with her lightsabre shes a very happy energetic person but inside has mixed emotions. She can be stubborn at times but will listen if its someone that she knows very well
  13. round 8- agumon vs charmander well this will be a fight to remeber as both compeditors are fire element 3,2,1 GO!! charmanders using... ember!! not a smart move as agumon has moved in for the kill behind charmander hes using pepperbreath!! oh but char has eveded the attack oh WHATS THIS?!! rage??? oh man this is a fight to remeber agumons doged it and... hes grabbed that charmander by the tail!!! agumon looks like hes gonna finish him off and.... charmander tried a sneak rage attack!! but agumon has countered with a close range pepperbreath oh i cant see whats going on the smoke still has to settle and..... AGUMON HAS WON!!!!
  14. karina: "so what exactly are you Link? you sort of remind me of an elf no offence. Link: none taken, im a Hylian. Karina: Anyways I guess the reason I belive your story is because that light that appeared around you has actually been showing up alot lately and... suff is coming out of those beams.. monsters and everyones been freaking out so you just showed up at a bad time I guess. Tyron: do you have any idea of whos causing this to happen? Karina: no another reason i belive you is because im different as well I can do this " Karina said something in another language and all the lights in the house went out* freaky right? Tyron: can you turn them back on? Karina: yes so i guess you guys are now gonna find out whos causeing this right?
  15. Karina lowered her sword and looked at the pair they didnt seem to be murderers so she let them in Karina: ok this is too weird why were all those guys after you in town? Tyron: "they were after him" he pointed at Link Karina: well whatever you guys did it really got the town in an uproar, hmmmm hey uh Link havent i heard your name b4? it sounds too familliar o well nows not exactly the time to be thinking of stuff like that. that crazed mob wont find you guys here so i guess you can stay here till morning.
  16. you know what i think ill sign up for this i like the sound of it name: Karina weapons: throwing stars, small sword, spellbook
  17. As Karina sprinted through the woods she saw the same shadows again so with that in mind ran in thorough the back door and ran upstairs to get her grandpa's old sword "to be used only if theres a burglar or for your own safty" she remebered him telling her when he gave her the sword. It hung in its glass case on her bedroom wall, she grabbed it out drew up her hood then showly advanced down the first flight of stairs, hoping not to be seen or heard.karina then remebered a spell she could use to escape if it got too bad. Karina: lets just hope i dont have to use it... oh man if they are armed im toast! this may be good against other blades if they have them but if they have guns...
  18. Karina looked at the stars and remebered something from long ago " how to read the stars" she wanders the now dark streets as the street lamps came on. she shivered thinking of who or what could have caused the whole town to panic. all of a sudden she spotted 3 shadows running into another dark alley she runs after the shadows knowing that she could keep up as she knew the whole city off by heart Karina: ok so maybe there is something out here HEY WHOEVER YOU ARE WAIT UP!! hey where did they go? oh no they are heading towards the woods and I didnt put that lamp out they will find my house for sure! with that Karina ran at an amazing speed towards home
  19. ok where is that? im totally a stranger in that crater
  20. well i know OF the fie temple but i cant find anything there no keys... mothing! i even talked to that big goron in that 1 room (sry i 4-got his name )
  21. fladra flew away with her best friend still un-concious in her arms she looked back at the island and mumured Fladra: thank you Aster someday i will be able to thank you face to face until then ive got to help my friends... even if they are not of our kind farewell with that she flew off to find someone that would hopefully reawaken her best friend
  22. yes!! thank you ive finnally finished the forest temple! (yay) now all i have to do is figure out what the next temple is
  23. Karina streched out on her house's old porch swing . The house itself was near some woods that had a path that led to the towns park. Karina was 14-15 years old at the time and she lived alone but that was ok as long as nobody found out she WAS alone she would be fine. Karina turned on the radio and pulled her handmade green cloak around her. A local news cast had just started so she listened. nothing really caught her attention until she heard the words " an alien is wandering the streets it is armed and dangerous please take caution" Karina thinking: well the twins have done it again getting people to think that aliens exist p-lease, still i might as well leave a lamp on just in case they are "out there" and could go into town just to see whats really happening. Karina took to the path behind her house and headed into town. when she arrived the streets were empty and it looked like a ghost town karina: whoever pulled that stunt off did a pretty good job of it
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