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Everything posted by starlight

  1. Karens first class had ended, and she had some time to tour the place herself. As she neared her room she called out for her only friend fladingomon. Karen: hey fladingomon you around? fladingomon: yeah you rang? karen: flad, youve already been around this place right? fladingomon: ok ok ill take you on the grand tour just dont get mad at me if we get lost! karen:alight then lets see whats here as they turned a corner they accidently rammed into none other than Master Skywalker! fladingomon and karen fell flat on their butts but Master Skywalker stayed standing. flad: um karen I think you should look at who we just ran into! karen: why? oh um hi Master, we wernt exactly expecting to run into you..... so we will be running along now.... Master Skywalker: whats the hurry? youre class just ended you arnt supposed to be in this area anyway, fladingomon will you see karen safely away? flad: yes master karen: i just hope that on the walk back we wont run into someone else if you get what i mean flad: but you have to mingle at some point nows a good a time as any karen: o well, um fladingomon? i think we should find someone who knows this place better than we do as i think we are now officially lost flad: hate to say it but... told ya so! karen: whatever lets just try to find someone
  2. A small girl at the back of the group of the new trainnies didnt laugh when Eubla when she upset Master Skywalker. She seemed to be off in her own world yet still listening intently to everything that was said. she wasnt different, she just never learned how to act around other people considering she was sent off to a work camp on the other side of her home system because her parents feared her for some reason.
  3. am i too late to sign up?if im still allowed heres mine name: Karen age: 15 digimon: fladingomon Lightsaber colour: yellow race: human class: learning to focus best skill: talking to animals bio: when she was little her parents knew she was different because she displayed powers they had never seen before so they sent her away because they feared her. She learned that she wasnt alone and after finding the right place and the right people she got to come along on Golden-Sun
  4. ok so i just found the boss key (he he) and I got the blue flame lit (3 more to light) so now what to do next I need help!!! please! ill be forever in the debt of the one who helps me finish the forest temple
  5. Fladra arrived just after Sairo and some of the competitors were somewhat shaken up after his "entrance" Fladras entrence to the locker room was somewhat in contrast. Her mind still set on what she had seen the night before atill had her shaken up but she was still ready to fight. Her tail whipped gracefully behind her as she cautiously steped inside, she felt so weak as she looked at her kind, her people. she didnt have much time to be in awe thought as she was quickly shoved into another room for regestration.
  6. fladra dreaming: why were we created? why must i fight? voice: humour them for if you dont they will kill you..... fladra: youre right ill do it from now until the end of the tournament ill be a good girl and obey my master after that... Mike i wish i knew if you were ok... fladra awakens only to notice that she was fully equiped in her armour, a guard tells her to make for the transport to the tournament so she darts down the hallway, when she passes the medical ward she pauses for a moment then starts running again to the awaiting truck... and the tournament.
  7. Fladra's mind once innocent and willing to fight anything, was now scarred, depressed and unwilling to hurt any other living thing. As she prepared herself she wondered how she will be able to pull off not fighting in the tournament. Fladra:I am ready to be "presented" so do what you must. two guys enter and escort her to an auditorium full of important people and commonfolk of Canada they were going to now see what was going to determine their countrys fate. A man started to explain what Fladra was and how she will fight. Fladra listened intently waiting for her chance. after a while she got fed up with waiting and her long tail started to twich in anxiety. Suddenly she ran to the podium and grabbed the microphone from the mans hands.. Fladra: i cannot fight! nothing will make me!..... fladra continued on like this until a scienitst ran up behind her and injected her with something fladra fell to the ground and a scientist took the podium and explained scientist: this drug we have just given the creature will make her obey us so dont worry ladies and gentlemen this country will come out victorius what you had witnessed before was her free will this hopefully will stop that as the scientist spoke Fladra was dragged offstage will that drug do as the man said it would?.........
  8. sry about that ok then ill be the girl name: Lily age: 15 profile:Shes the guys best friend theyve known each other since they were babies. when she found out that her best friend wasnt liing about suchi existing she gets right down to buisiness. when she finds her half-dragon (Terrock) partner she really gets down to buisiness. She has black hair and blue eyes shes taller then her friend. personallity: shes optimistic but she can be very sarcastic she likes to mess with peoples minds(much to everyones dismay) ok when i wrote the beginning i didnt tell what half-dragons were they are an ancient breed of dragon but they are only from 2-5 feet long. They can breathe fire or ice. they dont have legs so they do look like a snake with wings the half-dragons in this story are about 2-3 feet long ok?
  9. uh oh can you move this to sign up sry!!
  10. ok so here goes this isnt based on anything but my imagination this is a world that is the same yet different the story is this: once 4 toddlers two guys and two girls were playing in the backyard all of a sudden there is a quick beam of light appears and when the beam dissapears 2 out of the four children had disappeared 1 boy and 1 girl the parents were devestated. 13 years later the guy and girl that were left behind were still best friends but had no memory of that event. one day the boys grandmother gives him a strsnge gift.. a pendant that had been passed down for generations in her family and now it was his. She explained that it had been the key to a box. so the guy decides to find the box for his gramma so he and his friend go to her old house near the woods to try to find it. They do and the guy puts the pendant in the hole and the box slowly opens on its own a beam of blue light shoots out the window and crashes in the woods the two friends decide to find whatever it was so they split up and try to find it. the guy finds it first it was still glowing it was... a small snake.. with wings! he obiously picks it up and takes it home to check it out. the little snake turns out to be a half-dragon not of this world and his name is sunchi. he takes his freind and the guy back to his world with the help of the box. their mission in this new world is to find the soul gems of what was once the ancient dragons and to stop this dark ancient dragon which was once a good guy. he decided that if he could control the night he could control the planet so the two friends and sunchi now must help sunchi if they hope to ever see their familys again! ok so here is the character lineup: the guy (whoever gets him can name him nothing bad please?) profile age 15 personality the girl (same case) profile age 15 personality sunchi profile: a small half-dragon sent to get the guy and his friend in order to help him he is the boys sidekick/partner? age? personallity: a klutz but has a good sence of humour he knows that fighting is wrong but he does it anyway he doesnt listen to a word the boy says the other half-dragon (name you can decide) profile:? age? personallity (you can make it up) R.A.V.E.N profile: a perfect robotic fighter sent to help the teens and their half-dragons.he must find the teens and their friends b4 he can help them so his mission is clear though he does get sidetracked alot the fladingo (theres more than 1) speicies profile: a fighting race that was creatd to help the dark dragon they will not help him any further so a bunch help the group from the sidlines i guess a few do join them in their fight ok so the baisic mision is they must find the soul gems and use sunchi to reawaken the ancient dragons of fire, water, wind, electricity, ground, wind, nature (grounds twin) and ice (waters twin) this is not an easy feat as they are spread everywhere.they also meet other characters as the story progresses like cough b...e...s..t. .f..r...i...e.n.d.s. cough
  11. Chris leads Fladra throught the tunnels and corridors of the new base they search for the medical ward but with no avail. Chris is starting to panic as the chemicals start to take their effect on Fladra, making her more violent and angry. Fladra spots a nurse and tells Chris to ask her where they are if he cares for his life. Chris returns and they start to make their way through the dim underground bases corridor to the medical ward. Fladra's personal mission was simple "find out if her best friend Mike- a normal person was still alive." Fladra: are you positive that you got the right directions? if not you know what will happen correct? Chris: yes i do but why are we heading to the med ward? Fladra: none of your buisiness Chris: there it is! we should hurry before they find out what i did Fladra: what? let me out HA! ok you stay out here im going in alone got it? if i come out and youre gone... Chris: im not going anywhere just go Fladra enters the room only to find a huge room full with people moaning or sleeping. As she walks down the rows of beds and glass containers, she comes upon a large glass tube. the person inside wasnt the only thing that scared her it was the name on the clipboard.... "Michael Kevin Tamo" Fladra fell over it was such a shock.. Fladra: thats not Mike! it cant be! This is what they do to humans? lets see omg hes barley alive! Mike, Mike im so sorry and... saiya-jin are no better than demons! we destroy life.... and innocent humans are lost as well.... Mike if you can still hear me i will never destroy again they wont make me!!! Just then a group of soldiers rush in and grab Fladra and drag her from the medical ward to the testing room. scientist: you have no right to be in there Fladra: why not so i cant see what becomes of the victoms of this unstoppable war! i should kill you right now! scientist: yes good i see the injections have set in well... good good... Fladra: what the bloody?.... you did what to me?!? scientist: yes well thats enought of that language young lady Fladra: "young lady"? YOUNG LADY?! its because of your humans that these demons exist in the first place! so what do you do? create us to destroy your "boo boo" and when your done with us youll get something else to destroy us its a cycle man get out of it! scientist: you guys will you see to it that our chatty little friend here gets suited up for presentation? head guy: yes sir we shall see to it a group of men grab Fladra and take her to a room man: get dressed we will be waiting outside when your done Fladra: fine when the door closes Fladra not willing to hurt anything ever again prepares for presentation Fladra thinking: i hope their happy with what they created
  12. fladra groans as she awakenes in her new cell but this time she is bound with electrical shakles, she could easily break them. But since she doesnt want to cause troble she wears them anyway.She is totally unaware of the new chemicals they pumped into her before she woke up. As she hangs there thinking about her best friend Mike and slowly growing more angry by the minute, she hears the door open and a strange man she has never seen before enters her dark cell.... man: so this is what im being paid to keep under control? a kid? she doesnt seem that dangerous, hey kid what did you do to get put there? Fladra: Im no kid im a dangerous weapon. man: yeah sure you look about 14 how can you do any damage Fladra: does this mean anything to you? "Saiya-jin" the mans eyes get very wide at the sound of that. Fladra thinking: obiously he wasnt told his orders were to watch a saiya-jin! ha man: look kid if you are 1 of those then why dont you prove it to me? Fladra: ok but i warned you the shakles immedeately break off and she lands silently on the ground Fladra: so what happened to Mike? where is he and who are you? man: im Chris and i dont know who this "Mike" is or where he even is.. i was brought here and was told to watch you until the tournament! Fladra: look buddy im growing tired of your yabbering I know youre lieing! tell me all you know and i might consider letting you live Chris: forget this im otta here!! he turns to run but hes now frozen to the spot and unable to run Fladra: whats the hurry? if youre leaving im going too! any objections? Chris: no mai'm Chris unlocks the door and lets Fladra out first, following after in growing terror of her. Fladra: now where is the medical ward? Chris old buddy old pal tell me where it is and ill let your head stay on your shoulders. Chris: dont ask me I just got here today! ask someone else who might know like.. those guys! Fladra: I asked you to tell me ether tell me or a will have a new punching bag. Now take me to there! understand? Chris: ok ill try Fladra: dont try do it!
  13. fladra: nuts lost it whatever it was com: fladra report back to base immediately we have a situation here! fladra: ill be right there fladra flies back to the base only to find it in smoldering ruins with only a few people diging in the rubble tring to find their lost comrades. fladra: what happened here? omg! MIKE! MIKE WHERE ARE YOU!? a commander comes up behind fladra and starles her when he starts to speak commander: this is what happens when we allow our seacrt weapon out.. demons attack! this is what happens and its because I was so stupid as to give your caretaker the ok to set you loose! fladra:where is Mike? is he dead? commander: you take her to the transport you know what the orders are,so do it soldier: yes sir! come on lets get you ready for transport fladra: make me soldier: dont make me gas you fladra: make my day! im not willing to go until i find out if Mike is ok soldier: then so be it two men come up behind fladra and gas her while she was caught off guard soldier: there i made your day
  14. fladra thinking:demon killing well that wasnt too hard. So now what am i supposed to do? im supposed to be priming up for that stupid tourament...tounament what a joke its like what people used to do... what was it that Mike told me? oh yeah they bet on horses and thats probably what there gonna do when the tournaments on! i will have no part in this! I AM NOT PROPERTY! IM NO SLAVE! why wasnt I born like all other living things...oh well i should be happy at least they let me out for now then they will come out and try to retrive me then lock me up again.... fighting is something im not looking forward to.... especially if it means what it does. all of a sudden something very fast passes overhead. Fladra thinking: oh no not again im not in the mood for demon squashing.. hey wait thats no demon! hmmm yes! entertainment! lets see where it goes... maybe its 1 of my kind! If it is I wanna see who it is. I wish I wasn?t sold before I was awakened
  15. is it too late to sign up? if not heres mine if thats ok with you.. name: Karen age: 15 gender: female bio: shes always seen with a bandana around her head her hair is chestnut brown and she has brown eyes, she likes keeping to herself. digimon and evolutions: fladingomon ->ardonimon-> armouredonimon-> nindonimon fladingomons appearance: dog like face, a flat horn-like blade atop her head,blueish tiger fur, small retractible wings emerging from her arms and a dinsaur-like tail rookie attacks: laser wing & air takcle ps i have mentioned fladingomon before i hope its ok if i bring her back in
  16. Fladra awakenened in her "room" if you could even call it that. To her it was a prison. She looked at the wires attached to her arm that were supposed to drain her of her energy so she wont escape, but really it was doing the opposite. (because she knew how to work with computers stangly enough) All of a sudden the door to her cell opened and the motioned her out. Fladra: is it time? Mike: yeah, so get moving Fladra: you know you really shouldnt push someone around that is capable of destroying you Mike: please just move it you dont want to keep them waiting Fladra: if I must its not fair though why do you guys stay safe in this base while I fight your battles for you you guys took a big risk in buying me Fladra: if im property and ive got more strength then them then why am i a possession i mean im a living thing too... but i shoulnt complain I was created to do this... Mike: we're here kid time for your first taste of freedom now go out there and kick some demon butt.. but try to stay in peice okay? i was put in charge of you so dont do anything stupid ok? Fladra: hey did I ever do anything wrong before? Mike: well... Fladra: dont answer that im otta here... she lifts off into a desolate world that once had been lush and beautiful. Landing in France near where Paris had once stood , she looks around... and spots a demon! a rouge one but "all of them must die" she thinks in disgust she sighs before doing what she was designed to do.. destroy!
  17. name: fladingomon type: vaccine level: rookie attacks: laser wing, air tackle description: a little blueish digimon with wings spanning from her thin arms that can be brought in at will and has a dog-like face, tiger stripes, a dinosaur-like tail (w a spike on the end) and a horn comming from the top of her head. ps do we have to have a tamer for our digimon right at the beginning or can we bring them in later?
  18. name: Fladra age: 15 height: 5'8" power level: 5100 bio: nothing special about her (accept for the tail.. if you call that unusual) she doent look like much of a fighter but people shoudnt underestimate her because of her looks. Her mouth is almost as fast as her attacks. Her courage matches that of Goku but she can be very stubborn and irrational at times as well. She was bought by the Canadian armed forces because of her speed description: dark brown hair, green eyes, thin ... etc.. most common fighting techniques: fire storm (self explanitory) light spirit final blaze benefactor: the Canadian armed forces (c.a.f)
  19. roses are red violets are blue im allergic to flowers so... ACHOOOO!!!!!! lol
  20. i dunno but if it does have gannon in it i wanna see a pic of him lol
  21. starlight

    Otaku town!

    me? well since im new here id probably be the new girl in town who doesnt know anyone so i end up andering around town lol nobody likes me! :'(
  22. roses are poems that ive picked up roses r red violets r green youre so fat like a washing machine! roses are wilted violets r dead the sugar bowls empty and so is your head thats all i want to type right now but dont worry i have my own that ill post later:angel: :tasty:
  23. what is it with you guys and monkeys? anyways my wish (well i have a few but you get the picture) would likely be: -to meet all my favourite characters from my favourite games in real life Yoshi, Link, Gatomon.... -world peace= no terrorists and for osama bin laden to be ether killed or brought to justice ether way hes dead - to live out my dreams -to work as a game designer or cartoonist - for all good heated people to get ether a monky or a wish of their own thats all i can really think of now
  24. i saw the trailer and i dunno what to think of it. i would rent and play it... but i dont have a gamecube yet so im sorta stuck in the middle o well lol man that yell sounds like my lil bro when hes upset lol
  25. well if link is Hylian he wouldnt have a fairy b/c hes normal not kokiri as we in the beginning of oot were made to belive so that explains my theory of why he didnt have a fairy till navi showed up
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