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Everything posted by starlight

  1. o I see what you mean yeah this is my first time through oot (and i just got to the forest temple grrr) so no wonder y im so lost
  2. my theory is that link and zelda are related and in order to keep them both safe they were separated. zelda became the princess and did the ruling dansel in distress thing, and link was the 1 raised elsewhere and became the hero so in other words i think they r related and theyll find that out hopefully soon. so links not a kokiri? strange i played ootand it says nothing about his mom or him being ditched there or finding out what he really is.... ok now its official im lost explain to me when they explain to him what he is plz?
  3. i know its simple but i just cant get it done i havent even found the flippin bow yet:flaming: um... help?
  4. well they called link "different" in oot cuz he had no fairy and video game desingers never make the "hero" in the game the same as the rest so they made him unique to the rest of the kokiri. What i cant understand is why name him link? Wait a second how and when did zelda die?
  5. personally i hate what they did to link ive seen those screenshots before... and i hate them but i know why they made the game cartoony its because they can do so much more with a cartoon character (facial expression) then they can with a more realistic character
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