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Everything posted by starlight

  1. [i]Karina was still irked by the facts lay before her, but she knew that there was nothing she could do. But it still annoyed her immensely, she couldn't help that. She sighed unhappily, got up off of the step, and dusted herself off.[/i] Karina: This is going nowhere! [i]Karina wandered back over to the couch and quietly sat down right next to Valen. She smiled slightly..[/i] Karina: ...Life really sucks sometimes doesnt it? Valen: Yeah [i]Karina was kind of getting a bit drowsy, but she didnt care. She reached over and hugged Valen as if to say "I'm here for you" She then sighed again and rested her head on his shoulder. She didn't know why she had done that, but she had. She could faintly hear his heart beating from there. She closed her eyes and whispered.[/i] Karina: Can you promise me... that you won't leave me?... [i]If Valen had replied to her question... Then Karina never heard it, because she had fallen asleep.[/i] [i]Meanwhile upstairs...[/i] Ari: Vahn? got any aces? Vahn: Quit asking me that! *sigh* Go fish Wolf: Ari, got any ones? Ari: No... go fish! Vahn: Haven't we been playing this game long enough?! Wolf and Ari: ..... NAH!
  2. Name: Starlight Magic Type: light type: warrior picture: [img]http://img.neoseeker.com/m/55312_photo.jpg[/img] Effect(s): Typo bash!: flip a coin, if heads Starlight uses her lead pipe and does direct damage to all monsters that have equip cards. If tails Starlight does nothing Friend call: (flip effect) you can special summon one monster to the field, this effect can be used only once.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JesterSpirit [/i] [B] How about teaching the Lost Magick class Star? I don't have it listed yet since I didn't wanna bog down Bozel. Its basically summoning and spells that can alter time to some degree (things like haste and slow and stop, see just about rpg for info on those spells). [/B][/QUOTE] Sure! Thanks! ^_^ I'll go edit that now! I apologise for not editing that sooner
  4. [i]Karina was thinking of what could possibly be going on upstairs and shuddered.[/i] Karina: Valen think about it! We're talking about Ari and Vahn! The two who locked us down here, what do you [i]think[/i] they'd be doing? Playing tea party?! I seriously don't think so! [i]Karina knew that she was starting to get a tad angery so she cooled it and shut up immediately. Usually if she stayed quiet for a while she could keep her temper under control. She heard Valen moving around, why did he keep walking around the basement all the time? He was seriously asking to bump into something. Though she couldn't see him, she could hear him moving around off to her left.[/i] Karina: Valen, be careful! ...What are you doing over there anyways? [i]When he didn't reply she strained to try to see him and what he was trying to do. She couldn't spot him, so she got up, went to the stairs and sat down on the bottom step. She was kinda upset for Valen, sure it was bad having violent memories, but she still had her good childhood memories as well, so it all balanced out for her. But all that Valen had were those violent memories, according to him he couldn't even remember his own family. That was disturbing for her to even think about.[/i] Karina: Poor guy...
  5. [i]Karina smiled at Valen and placed her hand on his arm.[/i] Karina: Thank you... [i]They both started to come closer together... closer... closer. Meanwhile upstairs...[/i] Vahn: I think now would be a great time to turn on the radio we hid down there! Ari: Great idea Wolf: Radio? Oh no! Guys... I wouldn't! Vahn: But you're not us and we are [i]going[/i] to do this! Ari: Yup [i]Ari picked up the remote that was next to her and aimed it at the basement door, she fiddled around with the volume control, she didnt really remember how to use it properly, and all the while hoping that it was not going to be too quiet.[/i] Vahn: You sure you know how to use that? Ari: Yup, pretty sure... [i]Ari hit the power button just as the remote slipped from her hand and hit the floor, completely switching the channel.[/i] Ari: Oh crud... thats not good! [i]Ari fumbled for the clicker just as the music of a heavy metal band was heard through the closed basement door.[/i] Vahn: (sarcastically) Nice going Ari! [i]Meanwhile back downstairs... Suddenly intense loud screaming blasted from an unseen source, scaring the living daylights out of both Valen and Karina. They both leapt up from the couch forgetting for a brief moment where they were and what was happening, and instinctively reached for their weaponry, only to remember that they were unarmed! Back upstairs...[/i] Ari: Oh crud oh crud oh crud! Vahn: Yeah just keep repeating that! ...When you should be turning that radio off! Give me that! [i]Vahn picked the remote up and clicked the power off.[/i] Vahn: Ok that plan was a total flop! Ari: You think those two will be Ok? Wolf: I'd be more worried about the radio right now! [i]Back downstairs...[/i] Karina: What in all of creation was that!? Valen: I have no idea... But it seems to have stopped. [i]They both sighed in relief as they settled back down on the couch. Karina rested her head on the arm of the couch and sighed. "Ok that was close..." she thought.[/i]
  6. Name: Karina Winter Race: human/undead Powers: -summoning -Ice Magick -Weaponry Age: 1401 Height: 5'5" Weight: 101 lbs Others control: must ask permission first and even when you do ask for permission... please do keep her in character Class: -Lost Magick Appearance: she has gold catlike eyes(watch out for her deathglare its scary!), light brown hair, and wears a green t-shirt, ether a pair of blue jeans or a skirt that goes to her knees and a navy blue cloak. History: Her Mom helped her learn how to properly use magick. Her Dad taught her all she needed to know about fighting and using weaponry. But after their tragic deaths she left and somehow... after a time, wound up completly stuck outside of the realm/world she called home. She found this strange new?... hidden... school... She asked if they needed her skills, apparently they kinda did. So she was hired and did some of the classes as a supply for awhile. She was finally was asked if she wanted to teach Lost Magick
  7. [i]Karina watched the others firing their attacks, and guessed that this was the signal to fire her attack, which she was thankful to do.[/i] Hikaru:[i] What are you waiting for Karina?! shoot it already!![/i] Karina: Fine then... HAIL STORM! [i]Karina waved her arm at the enemy as if telling her ice spears what to hit, and they seemed to understand for the moment she released them they went crazy and shot at the enemy beast at an amazingly high speed. When they smashed into its hide they shattered as they drove their sharp tips into its skin, creating painful open gashes and slashes where they struck or sliced it's skin. Karina made a sickened face at the sight.[/i] Karina: Thats gotta sting Hikaru: [i]I agree[/i]
  8. Name: Karina Age: 18 Weapon of Choice: katana Physical Description: golden, almost catlike eyes, and light brown hair. Wears a blue skirt that goes to her knees, dark green t-shirt, and a navy blue cloak. Profile: She was sent away from her doomed town to be kept safe from the forces of Orions army when she was 15, but what her parents didnt know was that she had been training with the local weapons master for a long time. She ran away from her "safe" house a year later and set out on her own. Type of magic used: Ice
  9. [i]Karina saw that Valen seemed kinda shaken by the news, and sighed.[/i] Karina: If only you knew Valen: knew what? Karina: Ever been forced to marry a prick that can beat the living crap out of you at any given time? Valen: What? Karina: Key words there are "forced" and "beat" I seriously had no choice in the matter, because as you know, women were property according to the king. Fighting back against him was not an option. He knew my past, and made sure I came into no contact with any weaponry... ever. [i]Karina shuddered a bit, she knew she was probably blabbing too much.[/i] Karina: ...He must have found out in some way that I knew where your IK was hidden and when I would not spill to him, he got his gooney buds in there to make me tell. Obviously I didn't tell, but I didn't exactly come out of it alive now did I?
  10. [i]Karina remained silent for a moment or two after Valen asked her his question. She blushed slightly, before starting her own story.[/i] Karina: Well lets see... in about my mid teens, I came home from an errand one day to find my home consumed by fire, and my family... all dead, all except Ariadne... though i thought she was dead as well at the time. [i]Karina watched as Valen gave her a confused look, and she remembered that he didn't know that she had a twin.[/i] Karina: Yeah you heard me right, Ariadne! My twin! Not my soon-to-be-dead descendant that's upstairs. Anyways, all I could salage was my dad's katana. After that crap happened I went after the murderer. and our paths crossed that night when I was passing by and witnessed a battle. I recognized Tristan from before and decided to have a bit of fun. So I just climbed a tree and... The rest is history! [i]Karina smiled, happy now that her story was done. She would have given the full story, but minor details were something she believed were best left out. She let her mind go on to the events that happened after the battle of elements. She still couldnt believe that she had been married and had built a slightly normal life! But it seemed so distant now... [/i] Karina: Hard to believe I was actually married... To be married is one thing, but to be happy in a marrage is another.
  11. [i]Karina noticed that Valen had gone into deep thought. Had she said something wrong? She seriously hoped she hadn't.[/i] Karina: ...I know what you are... my best friend [i]Karina made a mental note to slap herself later for the cornyness of what she had just said. She remembered her family, which bought about the painful memory of her parents death. But what if Valen had said was true then... [/i] Karina: ...What you're saying is ...That you dont recall your family? Or where you really are from?... I'm sorry I'll change the subject... you dont seem to comfortable with this one.
  12. [i]Karina felt sorry for Valen, and paused for a moment before speaking.[/i] Karina: I had reason not to attack... Valen: ...And that reason would be? Karina: Well I cannot go about thinking of myself as the murderer of a member of my friends family now can I? [i]Karina pictured the guardian, and shuddered slightly. Then she looked over at Valen. "How in creation could those two be related?!" She shook her head in wonder.[/i] Karina: ...I'm sorry to ask... but, [b]What[/b] are you? Again you dont have to answer, your privacy is important as well. [i]Karina didnt care if he didnt replied, it mattered not to her what he was, but still it would give her confusion a bit of rest if he did tell.[/i]
  13. [i]Karina stared at Valen in disbelief. She could easily understand and translate that phrase, but she kept silent and said nothing about it. After a few moments of silence between the two she spoke up.[/i] Karina: ...It's me who should be thanking you, you've saved my hide many times over. [i]Karina gave a mental groan as she recalled how many times she gotten herself into a fix and Valen got her out.[/i] Karina: and as for that little stunt I pulled when I first met you guys... I was just helping out a group of travellers that messed with the wrong Daemon. I was actually going to leave right after the fight. But something was different about you three, I dunno what it was, but I decided to follow you guys. Valen: Wonder what it was that was different about us... [i]Karina shrugged and stayed silent for a moment before placeing her hand on his shoulder in a small sign of her gratitude towards him.[/i] Karina: Thank you... for not letting that guy take me, I had no clue what you were doing until you gave the signal to run. You risked a lot in doing that... [i]Karina then did the most unexpected thing, she hugged him. She was surprised with what she had just done, but honestly didnt care.[/i]
  14. [i]Karina sighed, and stared out the little basement window, their only source of light. She caught a faint glimpse of the night sky from her spot, and looked over at Valen. "I wish I could tell him how much I missed him..." She remembered the damage he had taken earlier on that day, because he wouldn't let the guardian, aka his brother take her away again. She was forever thankful to him, and wished she could someday repay him for all he had done for her.[/i] Karina: Valen? Why did you do that anyways? Valen: Do what? Karina: Let your own brother hurt you? I mean why didnt you just let him take me? I don't consider myself at all that important... so why did you do it and let yourself get hurt? [i]Karina looked at him sadly, she was worried that the spells had done more to him them what he was letting show.[/i] Karina: I'm sorry for being so harsh earlier, I didnt know how to act or what to say, so my temper got the better of me and I asked wild crazy questions... I hope you can forgive me...
  15. [i]Karina smiled and nodded happily.[/i] Karina: Yes! Ari is so gonna fry! [i]Karina paced around the darkened basement as she thought about stuff she could do to Ari. She spotted the old couch on the far wall. She went over, sat down on it and sighed.[/i] Karina: Ok, I plan on using that staff of hers and get her with the spells I learned with that very staff! Valen: I have an idea that can get both of them... Karina: Oh? pray tell! Valen: We do to them like... What they did to us! Get them alone, and together... Karina: yeah... [i]Karina sighed again as she remembered that fateful day of the battle of elements. She had seen the blood of her friend stain the ground. She shoved away the disturbing image and shuddered.[/i]
  16. Karina: I seriously think they were trying to get us together alone, for a reason other then to embarrass ourselves. Valen:... but what reason would that be?... [i]Karina bit her lip and blushed again, she couldn't... [b]would never[/b] admit it. But would have that thing have been the reason? It must have been.[/i] Karina: oh crud... Valen: What? Karina: Hey you have your very big secrets, I have my little one...
  17. ???: So they caught you down here as well Valen? Valen: Who are?-- ???: Geez I look that much different in a dress?! [i]The girl stood up and her face fully came into view. It was none other then... Karina!? Valen stared at her for a moment before she spoke again.[/i] Karina: What are you staring at me for?... oh... it's this thing I'm wearing right? [i]Karina wished that she had left her hair tied up, but it couldnt be helped now. She looked up and took notice of the suit that Valen was wearing.[/i] Karina: Valen?! OMG I'm so gonna ask Vahn how he was able to pull that off! Valen: If hes still living when im done with him... Karina: True, same for Ari ...As you can see, the two little demons upstairs tricked us. [i]Karina played with the side of her dress, she was seriously embarrassed, luckily it was dark and she hoped that Valen couldn't see her blushing.[/i]
  18. Ari: Hey Karina! um... I sort of kinda want to... show you something! Karina: ...ooook Ari: Great! Its upstairs, follow me! [i]Karina looked at Valen as if to say "What is the girl on?" before following Ari upstairs. They both entered Ari's room. Ari closed the door behind them, went to her closet and started looking for something.[/i] Karina: Ok Ari, what did you want to show me? Ari: This... [i]Ari pulled a baby blue spaghetti stap dress out from the closet and held it up for Karina to see. Karina was senseing an evil plot here and was going to try and make a getaway.[/i] Karina: ...Ok thats it? Great! I'll be going now! Ari: Oh come on Karina! Will you please try it on? I've never seen you in a dress! Karina: Ari there's lots of people that have never seen me in a dress! Ari: Please?... Karina: No way! Ari: Why not? Karina: I have reasons... Ari: What? ...You scared to wear it aren't you? [i]Karina went bug eyes and looked at Ari as if she had just turned green and sprouted wings.[/i] Karina: NO! [i]Ari smirked, Karina was scared to wear a dress![/i] Ari: OMG ...You are! Karina: Why would I be scared of a dress? Ari: I dunno, but you can prove me wrong if you just tried this on... please? Karina: Why are you so intent on getting me to try this thing on? Ari: No reason, I just want to be the first person in this time to see you in a dress. Karina: Ok fine. I'm just trying it on though! Ari: Yeah I know, I'll leave you alone so you can get changed. [i]Karina watched as Ari left, and shook her head when she closed the door. She slowly pulled her gloves off and looked at her one palm in disgust as the reminder of a childhood injury was shown to her in the form of a long white scar that went from the base of her pointer to her wrist. She shook her head as she untied her ponytail and let her hair free. She quickly got changed into the dress, it was an almost perfect fit. It was a nice dress, but for some reason she hated wearing any kind of dress. [/i] Karina: Ok, now I just have to show Ari. Great! I am never going to do this again! [i]Karina quietly unlocked her door and stepped out into the hallway, and scanned the area. No sign of Ari anywhere. Karina made her way downstairs, and peeked into the rec room, it was strangley empty.[/i] Karina: Ok this is getting stupid!! [i]Karina saw the basement door, which was open.[/i] Karina: maybe shes in the basement?... [i]Karina made her way into the darkened basement, as soon as she reached the bottom of the stairs, she heard the door slam behind her. Karina ran up and tried the doorknob... it was locked![/i] Karina: Oh come on! [i]Karina sighed and headed back downstairs. Ari was playing a stupid prank, and she was going to wait until she was done with her jokes, and then she would get her back later.[/i]
  19. [i]Karina shrugged and sighed sadly at Valen?s question.[/i] Karina: I dunno? Pick up where I left off I guess, but its not going to be easy, I mean I don?t exactly know anyone? Except you? and the others. [i]Karina brushed away a strand of hair that had fallen into her eyes. Then turned her gaze back to Valen.[/i] Karina: Well that?s my plan? Valen: Want to head back now? Karina: Yeah sure [i]With that they started heading back the way they came, they kept up their conversation just because they could. They decided to go around the back of the cottage and go through the back door, so thats what they did, totally avoiding the front yard part. They locked all the doors after they entered.[/i] Valen: Well that was fun Karina: uh huh
  20. [i]After the door was unlocked, the whole group of six trudged in. Wolf and Rajaah had headed off into another part of the large cottage to get a feel of their new surroundings. Ari went into the rec room and collapsed in the armchair immediately, and Vahn on the couch, while Karina disappeared upstairs into the room that was pretty much declared hers now. Valen had followed Karina as far as bottom of the stairs and leaned against the wall of the stairwell as Karina headed upstairs. As soon as Karina came back downstairs after dumping off her cloak and other stuff, Valen started following her around wherever she went, Karina tried to shake him, but he kept following her. After a bit of this, Karina gave up on trying to get him to leave her be. She headed into the rec room and took up her usual spot near the window. She heaved a sigh of dismay. Ari looked up from her book and watched as Valen sat nearby. Ari looked over at Vahn who had also taken up watching the two, they looked at each other and shrugged, and continued watching their ancestors in silence. Valen got up after a few minutes of silence, walked over to Karina, who was off in a daydream by then, and tapped her on the shoulder, startling her back to reality. She turned to face him. [/i] Karina: Yes Valen? Valen: I'm gonna go take a walk for a bit, wanna come? Karina: Sure, just let me go fetch my cloak. Valen: Ok [i]A few minutes later Valen and Karina had closed the door behind them and started off on their walk. Ari got up and looked through the bay window, and watched them heading off into the woods, it was nearly sunset already... [/i] Ari: I wonder what that was all about... Vahn: No clue, but you know there's something going on. Ari: Yeah... Vahn: ...I'm gonna follow them! Ari: What?! I'm going with you! Vahn: You are so not coming! Ari: Wanna bet? [i]About an hour later Ari stood hidden by the shadows, near the trail that they had seen Valen and Karina take. She and Vahn had been out there for an hour already trying to find Valen and Karina, but to no avail, Vahn and her had split up in hopes of finding them better that way. But so far, there was no such luck. Suddenly, she spotted them walking along together, talking as they made their way along. She then saw Vahn walking her way and she quietly motioned to him. Once he came over she pointed and whispered. [/i] Ari: Vahn check this out! Vahn: Ari what are you going on about? Ari: I've found them? Vahn you heard me right? Vahn: (sarcastically) Oh no Ari of course I haven?t... I [i]was[/i] just standing here listening that?s all!! Ari: Geez take a chill pill will ya?! [i]Ari snickered then turned back to where she had seen them walking together. In the mere few short moments that she had turned away, they had disappeared. Suddenly Vahn grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her away from the path. [/i] Vahn: Ari! Hey, if you don?t want them to see you, get down! Here they come! [i]Ari ducked down into a bush next to Vahn just as Valen and Karina passed by the bushes, and stopped right in front of their hiding place. [/i] Karina: Oh wow, just look at that sunset Valen: Yes it is quite beautiful... [i]As they went on with their conversation, Vahn and Ari listened in carefully. Suddenly, Ari felt her nose start to stuff up, and her eyes start to water, it was her allergies! The bush they were in must have had flowers with pollen in it! If she didn?t move out of the bush now she was going to sneeze and blow Vahn's and her cover! But she couldn?t move with the two ancestors being there.[/i] Ari: Oh no ...This bush has pollen in it... I have allergies... when I get near pollen I always s-sn-sn!! Vahn: Ari! no! Ari: ACHOO!!!! Valen: ?Did you just hear something? Karina: Nope, why? Valen: No reason... [i]Inside of the bush Vahn smacked Ari upside the head, she covered her mouth and nose to hold back another sneeze that she felt coming on. [/i] Vahn: Ari you moron! You nearly blew our cover! Ari: Geez sorrrrry! I told you I had allergies! Vahn: Come on I?ve heard enough. Lets get out of here. Ari: But we don?t know what they?re- Vahn: I do now! Ari: Good then please tell me ?before the pollen drives me crazy! Vahn: Look at them Ari? what do you see? [i]Ari sat for a moment and watched the two carry on their conversation, suddenly her eyes got wide as if she had just thought of something and she looked at Vahn with a huge smile on her face. [/i] Ari: ?Are you thinking what I?m thinking? Vahn: Yup? I think so? Ari: Come on! [i] The two of them snuck off undetected and as soon as they got back to the cottage they ran downstairs into and got straight to work, for there was much to be done, in a very short period of time. [/i]
  21. [i]Karina felt as if she had just been slapped. Had she heard wrong?... Valen?! Her friend... her best friend. The person she had trusted her life with many times over... Had wanted to help murder innocent people, and destory many towns and cities?![/i] Karina: You're joking me right?! Please say you're kidding! [i]Valen didn't answer her, he only sighed. So she slowly backed away from him.[/i] Karina: You mean?!... Wait... [i]She calmed down, had he wanted to destroy he would have done it himself, instead of join Tyron and Visor in the first place... wouldn't he? She had wanted answers, but now she was more lost now then what she was before. All she knew for sure was, Valen was her best friend, and no matter what she would never turn her back on him. She went over to him again, knelt down in front of him and placed her hand on his shoulder.[/i] Karina: ...Ok. If your intent was to totally confuse me. You've succeeded. Congrats!... I thought I knew you, but the last few events have proven me wrong. I've seen you forced to take on 2 of your family members in the time I've known you... Whats up with that? Which side [i]are[/i] you really on? I mean I know you as being on the "good side" but looks are deciving... and lastly... [b]What[/b] are you?... I wish you would tell... But you don't have to. [i]Karina wasnt getting much of an answer from him. She hoped that she hadnt sounded as harsh as she had before. She hated the idea of killing your own family off, no matter what the circumstances.[/i] Karina: By the way... I didn't attack... Just thought I'd let you know... [i]There was no more time for talk for Ari came running up the path just then.[/i] Ari: There you two are!! We've all been looking for you! Come on! I've figured it out where we were! We're close to my family's cottage, so we can spend the night there to rest, then we can head into town in the morning. Karina: I'm with that idea... Valen how about you?
  22. [i]Karina wondered about what Valen was talking about when he was fighting with the guardian. A dark possibility loomed overhead, and she didn't like it... but... Could it be true? It was nagging her and, as usual she was going to get to the bottom of it. She got up and went to find Valen, who was standing off to the side, watching the effects of the magic attacks. He didnt seem to notice her, he seemed off in his own little world. She grabbed him by the hood, and dragged him off a little ways from the fight. When she finally stopped she let go of Valen, turned around to face him and crossed her arms.[/i] Karina: OK. Explain! You have alot of it to do! What in the name of creation was that all about?! [i]She didn't mean to sound harsh but she couldnt help it, questions echoed in her ears and it was driving her up the wall.[/i]
  23. [i]Karina summoned up a Hail Storm and aimed it to fire. But then she heard Valen hesitate in giving the order to attack. This thing was a threat, but she would not go about thinking of herself as the murderer of her best friends brother for the rest of eternity. So just a mere second before everyone fired at the guardian creature, she waved her hands in an X sign and the ice disinigrated into thin air again, and turned away as the other attacks hit. She assumed that none of them had seen what she had done.[/i] Karina: ...that was weird [i]She went away from the rising dust and sat down near the edge of the clearing, acting as if all was well and she [b]had not[/b] just called off an attack.[/i]
  24. [i]Karina braced herself for the blast that was surely going to destroy them all. She could only stand and watch, as what she belived to be their doom grew in the creatures grasp. Ari watched in horror as well. She was not going to let her family and friends be hurt by this... thing! but how? She was just a kid... But she had to do something! Something deep within her snapped suddenly, and she felt an energy she had never felt before rush through her being, it was the trademark power of the ice element of her familys long forgotten clan, though she was too young, and too inexperianced at the time with it to know that. She looked at the old staff in her hand for a brief moment. Before holding it out as she was taught by Valen and ran as fast as she could all the while concentrating this newfound energy.[/i] Karina: Well it's been great knowing you guys! [i]Ariadne started glowing a faint icy blue as she ran, she didnt notice it. She ran up behind Karina and shoved past her and stopped a few feet in front of her, just as the guardian released his plasma blast. Ari closed her eyes for a moment when she opened them they glowed a bright blue. She raised the staff above her head and brought it down hard upon the ground. [/i] Ari: WINTERS CHARM!! [i]The very moment the orb atop the staff met the earth a wall of ice and snow formed around the group encaseing them all within a bubble-like shield... the question was... would it withstand the force of the guardians attack?[/i]
  25. true, I had to live with them too... until I got banished to the Sahara desert! I swear I will be back *ahem* I also know who my vote's going to, I asked the questions just for fun ^_^
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