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Everything posted by starlight

  1. OK! I have a question for Athena! ....Daisy you stay out of this! my question is: Do you think you will need councelling after this event? and as for Geroshi my question to you is:... What are you going to do if you win?
  2. Name: Karina Age: 18 Weapon: -bow/arrows -twin Scimitars Items: -lens of truth -magic powder Description: Shes' a gerudo, so she has the trademark baggy pants, and belly top. Dark complection, and red hair with blonde sreaks. ok ill edit anything thats wrong or isnt allowed ^_~
  3. Karina: Ok unless you have a deathwish do [b][i]NOT EVER[/i][/b] call me babe! I mean it! [i]Karina fumed for a few moments, now was not the time for silly fights, she would have a talk with this guy later. She held her hand out in front of her, palm facing away from her, she stood absolutly still, waiting... she didnt have to wait long, for within moments hovering ice spears had materialized behind her, their razor sharp points all faceing towards the enemy ready and waiting for the order. Karina turned to Valen and nodded.[/i] Karina: My last ouce of energy is in these things, once this attack is done, so am I. Ill be unable to fight properly, as much as I hate to admit it! I shouldnt have been so reckless with my whirlpool... but I guess recklessness has a price! Valen: Karina don't be stupid! Don't go blowing all your energy off in one attack! Karina: Why not? If this doesnt work were as good as dead anyways, might as well make myself the easiest target while the rest of you go and finish it off. [i]Karina smirked at Valen again, and he knew she was bluffing him. Nobody was that stupid.[/i] Karina: Ok ready to fire my ice anytime now! thats right lets all take our sweet time and wait until im dead tired of holding this spell back! Hikaru: [i]Oh quit whining Karina[/i]
  4. Karina: (sarcastically) ooo I know! How about we... get out of here!? I hate fire! And an army of firebreathing dragons really does tend to put a damper on my mood! [i]The baby dragon, which had been hiding during the battle, suddenly appeared again and bounded over to Valen. It squawked when Karina said the word "dragon" and whimpered for its mother.[/i] Karina: Looks like youve got yourself a new pet! [i]Ryan slowly backed away from the dragon and made a disgusted face at it.[/i] Ryan: Just keep it away from me! Dragons dont tend to like me for some reason! Venna: How about we go?-- Karina: No way! You've led us into enough trouble already! It's about time that someone else led for awhile.
  5. [i]Karina witnessed something strange happen just moments after the group had started heading off. The ground started to rumble and shake.[/i] Karina: Ok [b]NOT[/b] good, um guys? The ground is shaking! Shaking ground is not good... shouldn't you be?... you know... UNTIEING ME SO WE CAN RUN!? Ari: Ok this isnt funny anymore, I dunno about you Wolf, but I'm going to go free her now, we need to get outta here! [i]Ari turned to run back, but just then right where the temple had been there was an explosion, and who should be thrown by the force of the explosion from the midst of the dustcloud, but Valen himself! Karina could only watch in shock as he crash landed with a sickening thud and slid right past her. Karina couldn't turn to see where he was, or if he was ok.[/i] Karina: ...Holy crap! What the hell was that all about!? [i]Ari shook her head and shrugged, but just then she noticed the guardian, and her eyes went wide. The rest of the group now noticed the creature.[/i] Karina: Ok now would be a perfect time to free me!! Ari: ...yeah I agree!! You guys take on the monster and i'll untie Karina. [i]Before anyone could reply Ari had taken off. Karina had no clue what Ari was doing bahind the tree but she felt her bonds loosen. A few moments later she felt the whip drop off. Ari from behind the tree suddenly gave a startled cry. Karina ran over and gave a startled cry of her own, when she saw what Ari was yelping at. Karina went over and knelt down next to him, she waved her hand in front of his face.[/i] Karina: Ohhhh crap... Ok Valen?... yo? How many fingers am I holding up? Ari: Oh... please say I'm seeing things! Karina: Ari just go back over to the fight, use my throwing stars if you want, I know you still have them. Ari: But how do I?!-- [i]Karina glared at the girl, and made a throwing motion with her hand.[/i] Karina: --Throw them like a frizbee!! Geez! [i]Ari tore off before she could get Karina any angrier with her.[/i]
  6. [i]meanwhile... Karina had given up struggling, so she wouldn't damage her own weapon. She went and leaned against the trunk of the tree, plotting evily about what she would do to Ari later, to get back at her for tieing her up in the first place. She tryed to move her arms, but they were so tightly bound to the tree that it almost hurt to move them.[/i] Karina: Hey Wolf! You can let me go now! Wolf: No I can't! Karina: Fine then... Rajaah! please? can you let me go? Rajaah: ...I'm sorry... I can't Karina: You guys are evil!!! [i]Ari suddenly ran up to wolf, panting for breath. She couldn't speak, for she was so out of breath that she couldn't. So she pointed towards the ruins instead.[/i] Rajaah: calm down! [i]Ari nooded and fell to her knees panting. They waited until Ari had caught her breath. She pointed at the ruins again.[/i] Ari: I saw someone coming out of the dustcloud! I didn't see who it was, but I think it might be Valen! Karina: Ok cool! So now that he's out... you can let me go now right?!... right?!... [i]The group had been ignoring Karina and didnt hear what she had said. They all took up their weaponry, and Ari, still holding onto Karina's throwing stars, and headed off to see who it was, leaving Karina tied to the tree, unarmed, and helpless to attack. Karina sighed, and swore at the world under her breath.[/i] Karina: HEY STOP IGNORING ME!!! [i]Like they would listen to her in her current mood! Karina pulled on her restaints again, only to have the whip cut into her skin.[/i] Karina: This sucks! *sigh* yeah thats right! Lets leave me alone, and without any means of defense!
  7. [i]Karina ran for all she was worth, she lost sight of Valen through all the dust and debris. the sound of the temple collapseing was deafening, as the ground shook beneath her.[/i] Karina: Oh crap... Valen can you hear me!? [i]When she recived no reply, she called to him louder then before as she ran blindly through the chokeing dust, still... nothing. She was slightly worried now, but couldn't do anything else but run for her life... which was something she was kinda used to, unfortunatly. without warning she was suddenly in clear air again, and could see and breathe properly now, she had safely broken through the dustcloud.[/i] Ari: Hey! Karina made it out! [i]Karina turned and waved to the group briefly, before running to meet up with them. Ari ran up, grabbed Karina and squeezed her around the middle, in a semi-kinda-hug-thing. Karina waited for Ari to let go. When she finally did release her, and let Karina catch her breath Karina pointed back at the dustcloud.[/i] Karina: Guys Valen made it out of the temple... but hes still in there! Ari: oh my... Karina: Yeah exactly... I couldnt find him... I tried but I couldnt... I'm going back in! Ari: Oh no you're not! [i]Ari tried to stop Karina from going off but Karina easily dodged, Karina turned to run back in, but wolf grabbed her by the shoulders and stopped her from running back in. He spun her around and looked her in the face.[/i] Karina: Wolf?! What are you doing?! Wolf: Keeping you from doing something stupid! Use your head Karina! He could come out while you're still in there, and then we'd be back right where we started! [i]Karina looked up at the werewolf prince and glared at him. She didn't care. Wolf pinned her arms to her sides so she couldnt reach her weaponry. Karina payed this no mind and still struggled in his grasp but he held her firmly. No matter how hard she tried to break free, Wolf made sure that she wasn't going anywhere. [/i] Rajaah: Whats wrong with her? Wolf: Nothing, shes just being a pain. Ari: Anything I can do to help? Wolf: Um... [i]Ari noticed something on the ground nearby her, she picked it up, it was Karina's whip. Ari guessed that she had dropped it.[/i] Ari: Like with this? Wolf: Well... yeah! Maybe we can tie her wrists together. It is getting to be slightly painful with her kicking and thrashing. Karina: I have a better idea! Just let me go!!!! Vahn: With these guys? No such luck Karina: Hey you can't blame me for not trying! [i]Wolf hauled Karina over to a nearby tree and held her while Ari disarmed Karina of her throwing stars, much to Karina's displeasement. After Ari had taken the throwing stars bag, Wolf held Karina against the tree and kept her from moving, while Vahn happily tied bound Karina's wrists together. After they had finished, Karina slumped against the trunk of the tree and deathglared at all of them.[/i] Karina: Ari?! You of all people! Ari: It was for your own good! Wolf: We will untie you when Valen comes out and meets up with us. Karina: And if he doesnt come out?! Or "meet up" with us?! What then!? Wolf: We will worry about it when the time comes! Vahn: Its times like this that I wish I had a camera! Karina: I swear I'll kill you guys the second you untie me!! [i]Karina struggled against her bonds, but to no avail, the knots had been well done, it looked like she wasn't going anywhere. She hated being bound like this. It brought about too many painful memories. Memories of being bound like this just before she was killed.[/i] Karina: Dammit untie me! I swear I wont go back in there! Ari: How stupid do you think I am?! knowing you you will take off the second youre loose! Karina: Thast not entirely true... il probably kill you first... then i'll take off ^_^
  8. [i]Karina growled at the goons as she attacked with her weapon. Everytime she took one out, 2 more would jump in and take its place.[/i] Karina: annoying accursed things! Hikaru: [i]I agree with ya completely![/i] Karina: then, why dont you help? Hikaru: um... oh my gosh look at the time, I must fly! [i]Before Karina could yell at the bird he had flown off.[/i] Karina: Some help you are Hikaru!!! [i]She bit her lip and thought of anything she could use to attack. Ice magic might work... if she was willing to risk everyone being frozen solid that is! Wait...why use ice when she had water... and the climate here was perfect![/i] Karina: Guys! get back... unless you would all like to drown! [i]Karina raised one clawed hand over her head and the other resting on her elbow, supporting her raised arm. She opened her hand wide, and cried something out in a language that most would not understand. Whatever she had said, it had summoned a bright blue orb that floated just mere inches above her outstreched hand. she closed her hand around it and pulled it down from the air. she held it in both hands for a moment before whipping it at a huge group of baddies, it stopped just above them and hovered there for a few moments, before it started to spin rapidly.[/i] Karina: Hope you like my eternal whirlpool! [i]Water suddenly appeared from nowhere and formed a giant whirlpool around the one group of baddies. It stayed like that spinning and drowing its victims for a few minutes before vanishing into thin air, baddies and all. Karina stood there for a few moments, panting. She had used up almost everything she had in that one whirlpool. She sighed, there was still many of these freaks left to take out. She drew her weapon again and charged at another goon.[/i]
  9. [i]Karina growled slightly at the other halfdragon but made sure that she did it so that he couldn't detect it. Hikaru saw her current mood as yet another perfect moment to bug her further, and to push his luck even more so further with the already-angry Karina. He streched his wing out and wrapped it around her neck as if hugging her, until he brushed it off.[/i] Hikaru: [i]aww whats the matter?[/i] [i]He looked over at Valen for a moment. He smirked at the male halfdragon and snickered quietly before looking back over at Karina, looking very much in mock shock. He squawked loud enough for the whole group to hear.[/i] Hikaru: [i]Oh... I know whats going on here! You like the dragon-boy don't you?![/i] [i]One moment the bird was barly hanging onto Karina's shoulder laughing like there was no tommorrow, the next he was being firmly held by his neck in Karina's grasp, just inches from her face. She smirked at Hikaru as he struggled to get free.[/i] Karina: You were saying dear Hikaru? I believe that you had something to say old friend? Hikaru:[i]...nothing at all! please just lemmie go![/i] Karina: Fine, your wish is my command. [i]She tossed Hikaru over her shoulder and didnt bother looking back to see where he landed...if he landed, that is[/i] Karina: Annoying nuisence!
  10. OOC: ok so my Pheniox talks... ill edit if its not supposed to ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~ [i]Karina leaned against a wooden pole as the others said their goodbyes, she didnt have to say goodbye to anyone, she didnt know anyone here. When they all started off she lagged behind near the back. Even though the morning had a slight chill to it she didnt notice it. Extreme cold was what she lived for, and this was nothing compared to it. The mist made it slightly harder for anyone to see properly. Karina suddenly heard the rustle of feathers and the squawk of a familiar creature.... one she knew of all to well, she kept walking along at a hurried pace to try and not be spotted.[/i] Hikaru: [i]Well well well now what have we here? I believe this is I-am-so-not-going-anywhere-so-help-me[/i] Karina: Shut up Hikaru! [i]She felt something land on her shoulder, it was a pheniox... a pheniox, as blue as a saphire. It squawked again this time sounding as if it was laughing. [/i] Hikaru: [i]Why? I think you're cute when you're mad![/i] Karina: You have a deathwish you crazy bird?! Hikaru: [i]Oh most definately! ^_^[/i] Karina: Please remind me again...why do you stay with me? Hikaru: [i]To torment you 'till the end of your days cutie.[/i] Karina: If you [b]EVER[/b] call me that again i'll-- Hikaru: --Ok ok I was just having some fun wit' cha! geez lighten up! [i]Karina didnt answer the strange bird she just stared ahead and ignored his bird clicks and squawks completly.[/i]
  11. [i]The two of them made their way down picking a path downward through the dangerous sloped and rocky terrain. Once they made their way down Valen walked away from the entrance and scanned the area. The temple, for the most part was intact, just some of the tunnels had collapsed over time. Without a word Valen chose one of the darkened tunnels and started heading into the darkness. Karina hung back for a second and shuddered.[/i] Karina: Oh this is just greeeat! Another dark, damp, and freaky place. The things I do? [i]She turned to look down the tunnel, Valen had disappeared into the darkness by this point. Karina gulped then ran after him.[/i] Karina: Valen! Wait up! You aren?t gonna find it without me! [i]Karina kept running down the passage, calling out to Valen as she ran. She saw a dim light ahead. She saw that it was a chamber that had been smashed in over the ages, she saw Valen standing near the entrance and yelled at him again she got no reply, he seemed to be in deep concentration, she came up behind him and stopped, she hung back, she knew where in the temple they were now. She remembered this room.[/i] Valen: Where could it.... [i]Valen saw the casket and froze in his place. He motioned for Karina to come. As soon as she was next to him she turned away and closed her eyes, she could not bear the sight. She held back tears as the ancient memory of this room surfaced to haunt her.[/i] Valen: Karina...... is that..... [i]Karina nodded solemnly. Valen went up to it and saw writing on the lid, Karina cut in before he could read it properly.[/i] Karina: ...yes Valen... thats your coffin? Welcome to your burial chamber! [i]Valen read the name on the coffin, it was his, just as Karina said. Karina looked away at something else, and left Valen alone for a few moments to get over the irking thought of actually being IN the thing.[/i] Valen: Oh yay.... [i]Karina called from the other side of the chamber, trying to lighten the mood, though she didn?t see how she could under these circumstances.[/i] Karina: quaint isnt it? Valen: Very.... [i]Karina came back over to Valen and stood next to him staring up at the ?skylight? in the ceiling above them. She put her hand on his shoulder, and wondered how he felt about being here. She didn?t know about him but she was extremely upset and freaked out.[/i] Karina: Ah yes nothing I love better than jumping down dark damp holes into a burial chamber late at night? How do I get myself into these things? Valen: Me too.... [i]They both stood there for awhile staring at the coffin in front of them. Karina snapped out of it and looked around at the chamber. She tapped Valen on the shoulder and made him snap out of whatever daydream he was having. He walked away from her and started to investigate the place.[/i] Karina: well I know it was buried in another chamber As she spoke Valen stumbled over a few rocks that were scattered about on the floor. Valen: Damn, i need to clean this place up.... Karina shook her head and rolled her eyes at the ceiling before moving away from the coffin. Karina: You?re a riot Valen Valen stopped and turned to Karina. Valen: Well? I do.... [i]Karina rolled her eyes again, and paused as if trying to recall something.[/i] Karina: If my memory serves me right its right through.... there! [i]She took a few steps towards a caved in wall and points at it, Valen went up to the remains of the wall and examined the slabs of rock that had once made up the wall. Valen suddenly backed away from the wall.[/i] Valen: ...Woah [i]Karina looked over, noticed what Valen was doing, and quickly made her way over. She stopped next to him and gave him a questioning look.[/i] Karina: what did you find? [i]Valen pointed at a carving that was on one of the slabs. Karina crouched down and went in for a closer look. It was still legible, but she didn?t understand what the goofy little drawing meant.[/i] Valen: who did the carving? [i]Karina shrugged, but kept staring at it.[/i] Karina: this was a temple, they did they did tend to have these things carved on the walls. [i]Valen shruggs then searches through another pile of rocks nearby. Karina turns away from the drawing and starts moving rocks on her own. They went on like this for a while, neither one speaking. Valen suddenly spoke up.[/i] Valen: ...Looks almost like the death symbol [i]Karina glared at him, and shook her head.[/i] Karina: Please don't... Valen: ...or a symbol to keep the dead at bay in their graves-- Karina: --Ive had enough death to last me thank you!! Valen: Oh.... yeah... sorry Karina: it's ok? oh boy [i]Karina jumped down from the part of the wall she had been working on clearing. She kept staring at the very spot where she had been.[/i] Valen: What?... Did you find it? [i]Karina paused for a moment then pointed up at the ledge.[/i] Karina: ...Go see that for yourself [i]Valen tried to get around the rocks without falling down, and made it without much trouble. He climbed up past the area where Karina was and found a hole just above it.[/i] Valen: ah... made it..... [i]Karina stared up at him, though she couldn't see what he was doing up there.[/i] Karina: Do you see it? Valen: ... ... ... Karina: ...hang on, I'm coming! [i]Karina climbed up the rubble, and slipped a few times, but eventually succeded. She clung to the ledge, slightly out of breath. [/i] Valen: it's so... ... Karina: what... did .... you see? [i]Valen moved over so Karina could see what he had been looking at, after a fe moments silence she spoke.[/i] Karina: Whoa? that's [b]not[/b] what I saw! Valen: ?..beautiful Karina: But still.... [i]Karina moved away from the hole so Valen could have his spot back.[/i] Valen: what'd you see? Karina: Just... some strange inscription? I could read it, I thought you might've wanted to see it, but you climbed right past it. But? this is still good... [i]Valen nodded and Karina paued again for a moment before continuing.[i/] Karina: --It was a warning to trespassers Valen: Hmmm.... Karina: But we aren't tresspassing... aren't we? Valen: did it mention a curse of some sort? Karina: Yeah it did... oh crap... Valen: Um... I don't think its trespassing to come back to your own grave Karina: but what about me? [i]Karina looked at Valen her eyes wide, hinting just a bit of fear.[/i] Valen: If anything bad happens, it's my fault Karina: no its my fault I always tend to do this kinda crap, and get us in trouble... and we always seem to get out fine! I say we just find your Katana and leave ok? [i]With that, she climbed through the hole and dropped lightly to the ground on the other side. She stepped away from the wall and waited for Valen to drop through.[/i] Valen: I agree... the sooner the better Karina: yeah... [i]Suddenly the whole place starts to shake, they both drop to the ground, thinking that the whole temple was collapsing. Chunks of the ceiling landed around and on them. Karina closed her eyes and waited for the rest of the place to fall... but it didnt. The rumbling stopped after a few moments. They both got up and relized that the wall that they had been upon had just completly collapsed, making the whole pathway clear again for passage. Karina groaned.[/i] Karina: Yeah just our luck! We climb [i]through[/i] the wall then [i]after[/i] we get through it decides to finally drop! geez! [i]They both headed over to a nearby door. Valen tried to open it... strangly enough, it was locked. It was in good condition, because it had been inside and had not had to deal with natural elements that would have destroyed it long ago.[/i] Valen: Stupid door Karina: Please Valen, allow me! I want to try! [i]Valen moved away from the door, and Karina kicked the door as hard as she could, and fell over from the backlash of the kick. the door crashed open.[/i] Karina: I hate doors! [i]Valen looked at the symbols on the doorframe.[/i] Valen: Well, these are signs of cleansing, so maybe its here Karina: is that a good thing or a bad thing? Valen: it's a good thing Karina: Oh yeah!... Valen: No evil can enter this chamber Karina: Then we're totally fine then... lets go! [i]Valen ran his hand along the frame, over the symbols. As if he was examining it further, he didn't make a move to enter the room.[/i] Valen: I believe this used to be used as a sanctuary at one point... [i]Karina nodded in agreement.[/i] Karina: Then it became a burial temple thing... Valen: yeah... Karina: I'll go first, I brought it down here, I'm going to make sure that you're in one piece so you can retrieve and reclaim it. [i]Karina slowly enters the room, she looked around slowly, then motioned for Valen to follow. Valen followed Karina in and noticed something in the far back.[/i] Valen: wait... what's that? [i]Valen walked over to get a closer look. Karina followed close behind.[/i] Karina: Careful! You dunno what it is! It may be a trap! [i]Valen read the inscription on the stone box. The thing that had been sitting there and caught his attention. He was silent as he read the lid.[i] Valen: Hmmm interesting Karina: hang on I want to read this for myself? [i]Karina walked up beside him and stood there as he read it, once she was sure he was finished she wiped the dust away with her sleeve and read the ancient inscription for herself. Once she had finished reading she turned to Valen with a confused expression on her face.[/i] Karina: ?what?s that supposed to mean? Valen: Well, we can't open the box physically.... This may be just a trap... go stand in the doorway.... Karina: hey! I live for danger! Trap or no trap I?m staying with you [i]She looked defiant for a few moments, but then realizing what Valen was saying and took a small step back.[/i] Karina: ...How do we know if it?s booby-trapped or not? Valen: That?s the thing? we don?t. [i]Valen motions to Karina to move to the door and he grabs the box and follows behind her. Karina runs ahead, Valen close behind, they heard a deafening shriek ring out behind them as they made their getaway. Neither one had to guess at what had made such a sound.[/i] Karina: Typical! Valen lets move! [i]The two ran out of the chamber as fast as possible, the sound of their pounding footsteps as they ran off through the darkened tunnels echoed throughout the whole temple. It seriously reminded Karina of when she was in the catacombs.[/i] Valen: I?m right behind you! Karina: Just don?t look back! Valen: Wasn?t planning on it? were you? [i]They tore through Valen's burial chamber in record time, they could hear the thing coming after them now. They zoomed through the hallway, heading back for the entrance as fast as they could. They heard the thing scream again. Karina looked back at Valen briefly just in time to see him start to slow down because of the box's weight.[/i] Karina: No! Oh great just great, Valen? Do you think you can open that box with your magic or something? It?s weighing you down! Valen: I can try, but if I don?t make it Karina, get out of here. Karina: No! I?m not gonna lose you again Valen!
  12. [i]Karina pointed ahead to the temple.[/i] Karina: Well guys we've made it this far, lets just go up to the old building and talk there. Valen: I see no problem with that. [i]They all reached the temple and sat down near a cluster of trees that shadowed the ancient building.[/i] Wolf: Tell me, why do you want to go in there? If I do recall correctly, this is where Valen was buried. Karina: Exactly! Remember what I lay to rest with him? [i]Valen shifted uncomfortably as he listened to the two of them talk about that subject. Karina noticed and shut up.[/i] Karina:... I think we need a better topic Valen: What about Ari, Rajaah, and Vahn? Karina: ARIADNE, RAJAAH, VAHN!!!! All: Coming!! Valen: That's not exactly what I meant but, that works. [i]Ari and Vahn come tearing out of the woods, Rajaah in tow. As soon as Ari saw Wolf, she screamed, and backed up right into Rajaah. Vahn's eyes got wide as soon as he realized what Ari was looking at, and backed off just a tad as well, though not as much as Ari who was now trying to run back into the woods, and Rajaah restraining the failing kid. [/i] Ari: WEREWOLF!!! Vahn: !! Valen: Yeah no kidding, Ari! Cool it! He's not gonna hurt you! [i]Ari stopped trying to break free and turned around, shaking in fear. Karina turned to Wolf and Valen[/i] Karina: Geez youd think that the kid would show a tad more respect for her elders! Wolf: Come on give the poor girl a break, you know the old legends people tell of werewolves that eat people on nights like this! Karina: Yeah but the whole fact that we werent running away from you should have been a major hint for her! [i]Once they had everyone over the shock of meeting a giant talking wolf Ari spoke.[/i] Ari: where are we going? Rajaah: Yeah Karina: to get Val back his Katana. You know Val, 3 years later I was in the same position that you were. Valen: What do you mean? [i] Karina did the finger across the throat thing, that signaled that she was killed.[/i] Valen: Oh... yeah.... Karina: That's what I mean Valen: You're fareing much better Karina: I had life! Heck I had a kid... then I died! He was such a sweet little boy.... [i]Karina stopped herself from crying, it hurt her to think of her family. With Valen the message hadnt sunk in, yet. Valen: Ain't life just a kick in the Er....... or should I say.... oh you know what i mean! Karina: yes I know... I hate to admit it... but I am missing dumb and dumber right now [i]The message had finally sunk in, and Valen suddenly got the full force of what Karina had said before.[/i] Valen: Sorry to hear about your loss of your family.... Karina: It couldnt be helped.... I was outside doing chores and these 2 bozos came and hauled me off... no chance to fight back. I know they went into the house because they had my old travel gear. [i]Karina clenched her fists at the memory, as Valen put his hand on Karina's shoulder reassuring her that they will never be at peace for what they had done. Karina turned away from everyone.[/i] Karina: They wanted something... I would not tell them Valen: What did they want? Karina: That, Val must remain secret. Valen: Oh, alright Karina: but I'll tell you because you are a very close friend Valen: yay! Karina: Sorry Wolf but this is kind of private Wolf: I understand [i]Karina led Valen out of the groups earshot and started to tell him.[/i] Karina: Its quite simple.... they wanted us! and your IK... they must have figured that if they had one of us caught they would get us all. But it doesnt work that way. Valen: The IK? Why would they want that? Karina: How am I supposed to know? I was the victim remeber? They dont give info to the victim! Valen: oh.....right....sorry [i]Valen looked at her with an embarrassed/confused expression (aka sweatdrop)[/i] Karina: How come they always think the girl is the weakest link? Valen: Because of wrong teachings and screwed up minds? Karina: I dunno! I'm serious though! But, for once I couldn't... fight back. Ari: that idea is still active even today [i]Karina whipped around to face the eavesdropper, and saw that the whole group had come up behind them and was listening in on their "private" conversation. Vahn came foreward.[/i] Vahn: Yeah, they're really screwed up. Wolf: I agree, Vahn. Valen: What have these people been thinking?! Ari: I don't know [i]Karina was fed up with Ari by now and yelled at her[/i] Karina: Ari shut up! Valen: I've seen Karina fight better than most "men" i've seen... [i]Karina fumed for a moment or two before sighing and apologising to Ari for the outburst, she felt her throwing stars bag, it was lighter then usual... too light[/i] Karina: Oh gawd I'm so low on throwing stars... I'm very nervous now Valen: Don't worry, I heard from Vahn that you can go buy them now Karina: Thanks Valen, that was real nice [i]Ari cut in and piped up.[/i] Ari: Throwing stars? why them again? [i]Ari groans at the memory of her experiance with one.[/i] Valen: If you can control a throwing star, you can control your destiny. Karina: Thats the most important thing you must learn Ariadne. That's why I use them... Wait... How did you know that?! Valen: I learned that from watching you Karina: ... Really? Valen: Really. Karina: ...wow
  13. Venna: Kid youre an idiot! Why would you piss off a mother dragon!? ???: ITS NOT MY FAULT! Valen: from the looks of this, it sure is your fault! Karina: Ive got this one covered! ???: HOW?! Karina:... please dont let me get fried! [i]Karina ran towards the dragon powering up as she did, as soon as she came within attack rance she suddenly stopped and put her hands into the air, as she did ice started to crystalize around her hands. as soon as her hands were completely frozen over she started running forward again, the dragon opened her mouth and shot a fireball at her, Karina squeaked and dodged the fireball for the most part. the dragon kept trying to hit her but she kept on dodging, she got hit by some of the embers, but kept running despite the burns. She dove and slid on her stomach right up to the dragons leg snapped her hands foreward and slammed her hands down upon the dragons scaly hide. Ice immediatly started to spread like flames across the dragons skin wherever it went would freeze over. Withing moments the dragon was encased in a thick icy case. Karina was still on the ground underneath the dragon, her hands still on top of the ice, she didn't seem aware that her spell had worked. She was shaking violently with fear and pain.[/i]
  14. name: Karina species: Halfdragon (hope you dont mind Valen, I just like being one ^_^) looks: a girl with the back legs of a dragon. She has piercing golden eyes that turn more cat-like when shes mad, and light brown hair that she keeps tied up in a pontytail for most of the time. She wears a light blue t-shirt, a navy blue hood, and dark blue jeans. attacks: -[b]Hail Storm:[/b] self explanitory -[b]Healing Snow:[/b]self explanitory -[b]Frozen Touch:[/b]self explanitory -[b]Eternal Whirlpool:[/b] Summons a gigantic that surronds the target and ether drowns them, or sucks their spirit out of them, whichever comes first. attack weakness: N/A -[b]Shadow Call:[/b]Only when she is in an uncontrolable rage, she then summons the shadows to her being and becomes a dark destructive being, and goes out of control, starting a destructive rampage until she can be stopped by force. Attack weakness: light/fire element(s): -Ice: her primary element -Water -Darkness pet pet: a very small ice pheniox named Hikaru bio: she was trained in the frozen northern region of the world by her parents since she was a young child. Once she was old enough, she went away from her frozen home to the warmer southern part of the world. That was where she found someone willing to teach her to master the art of dark magic. She accepted, not knowing the consequences, and was cursed with the shadow call.
  15. [i]Karina was still slightly surprised herself at the fact that she had finished his sentance, but she shook it off quickly.[/i] Karina: Hey, don't mention it Valen Ari: So... shall we be moving along? Karina: Yeah, I'll trailblaze! Just follow the slow-moving undead! [i]Karina walked to the front of the group, paused, and looked around, as if getting her bearings straight. After a few moments of doing this she nodded and turned around to face them.[/i] Karina: Ok I know where I'm going. The old temple was over that-a-way... We just head down that path and we're are almost home free. [i]She motioned with her hand to their left, at what looked like an old path, it was hard to tell, it was so overgrown and underused it harly looked like a decent pathway anymore. It seemed more shouded in shadows, giving it a dark forbidding look. Ari cringed sightly.[/i] Ari: ...w-w-we have to go... down there?... Typical! [i]Vahn smacked Ari upside the head. Ari let out a small startled cry.[/i] Vahn: Oh quit whineing Ari! Rajaah: Its not the pathways that are the thing to be worrieing about, it's the things that live around places like this. Vahn: And in our case, the trailblazer herself! [i]Karina had moved to the entryway of the path and was now tapping her foot impatiently.[/i] Karina: Well are we gonna get Valen's Katana back or not? Come on! [i]They started to make their way down the ancient path. Karina in the lead followed by Valen, then Vahn, then Ari and watching the back of the group, Rajaah. Ari was gripping her staff so tight that her knuckles were white, and she was jumping at every little noise. They all engaged in little conversation at all, they were ether to terrified to speak, intent on getting off of the path, or just weren't at all that talkitive at that point. Suddenly Karina yelled something that cut into all of their thoughts.[/i] Karina: Yo! Guys we're getting close! I can see the edge of the forest! Ari: YAY! THIS NIGHTMARE IS NEARLY OVER!!! Vahn: Geez Ari, cool it will you? It's only a forest! Ari: But a freaky one at that! Rajaah: Well hurry it up, if you want out of here so badly. [i]They emerged from the woods, into a large clearing, that would have been next to impossible to find, no matter what, had they not stuck to the trail, for the forest seemed to almost change shape at times, making it easy to get lost within. The clearing was painted with the colors and long shadows caused by the sunsets last rays of light. That wasn't the most amazeing thing about the place though, the thing that caught everyone's attention right away was in the very middle of the clearing was the still-standing stone ruins of a once proud ancient temple. They all stood staring at it, as if in a daze, for a few moments before Valen made the first move. He started walking towards the temple, as if drawn to it by some unknown power, he stopped a good 20 feet or so away from it. Karina watched him do so, and shook her head sadly. She turned to Vahn and Ari.[/i] Karina: Ok why dont you two go scout out the area and practice your fighting skills? Ari:...Ok I can do that Vahn: :devil: with pleaseure Karina: Vahn, I dont want you testing your moves out on Ari! [i]The two teens took off towards the far end of the clearing. Karina turned to Rajaah.[/i] Karina: Hey Rajaah? Can you do me a favor? Can you go to watch those two please? I think I need to talk with Valen... Alone. [i]Rajaah paused for a moment then nodded slightly[/i] Karina: Thanks so much Rajaah.
  16. [i]Karina placed her hand on his shoulder, all the while thinking:[/i] "Dammit Valen I hate it when you bring that promise up. You did the best you could to keep it, as far as I'm concerned--" [i]Karina stopped thinking of what to say to him without making it sound like she had gone absolutely soft. But in truth... Had she become soft? Had she actually lost her edge? She turned away from Valen and faced the rest of the group.[/i] Karina: Ok you heard the man! Lets move! [i]The group started heading away from the chaotic catacombs, as soon as they were far enough away Areow finally came fully above ground. With all the dirt, cuts, and blood that covered him from head to toe, he looked as if he was an undead rising from a grave.[/i]
  17. [i]Valen looked at Karina, she understood what he was trying to tell her. So she slowly started moving up behind the assassin trying not to make a sound.[/i] Valen: ...two... [i]She prepared to attack still not noticed by the assassin, she shook her head and got into position[/i] Valen: Hope you had a nice life! ...THREE!! [i]The assassin didnt even have a chance to react before Karina decapitated the demon, as Valen stabbed the assassin through the gut, his katana's blade coming out through it's back, dripping in black blood. They both pulled back, as the now dead assassin fell to the ground and turned to dust on impact.[/i]
  18. [i]Karina stepped towards Rajaah, Ari close behind. Their footsteps making crunching sounds in the fresh snow as they walked. Karina was seriously worried, and it showed.[/i] Karina: Lemmie give you a bit of our history Rajaah, we are the ones who defeated these 4 demonic like people that were out to destroy the world in our time. So weve all kind of dealt with this before. [i]She motioned with her hand to the group that surrounded them, Tyron, Visor, and Valen all waved or nodded to show their agreement with that statement.[/i] Karina: But what is it thats going to hurt this plain Rajaah? You havent made that clear! we seriously need to know! But another question thats been bugging me is: why are we back? I mean it isnt coincidence that we all came back at the same time. [i]Ari came from behind Karina and stood right beside her.[/i] Ari: Yeah I've been wondering about that too, it doesnt seem accidental that you guys are all back here at once... could that have been a sign of what Rajaah is talking about now? Whatever it is I'm in! Karina: ...Whoa! What's gotten into you Ari? *ahem* well I'm in as well, you're gonna need help in the weaponry and attack department.
  19. [i]The hooded person laughed at Elsyan's statement, she stepped back and bowed.[/i] ???: So many questions at once... but I guess I'll answer them to keep you from mistaking me as a dark minion. I kind of enjoy [b]not[/b] being shot at. [i]The cloaked person laughed again, as if what she said was a funny joke.[/i] ???: Now, who am I? I am one of the the so called "shadow counterpart" of "normal" elves. Elsyan: ...a dark elf? ???: That's correct, and my name is Karina. But I reassure you I am not like the others, I'm surprised to why i'm not.
  20. [i]Karina cursed at herself and sighed. She pulled her cloak around her side to hide the wound so people wouldnt be sickened by the sight of it (mostly Ari)[/i] Karina: I had hoped that nobody would notice it... but you guys want an explanation so here goes. Well when I was wandering in that stupid maze of catacombs, I got into a few scraps with the locals, nothing serious just a zombie or two. Well when i was fighting a zombie I picked up this whip. [i]She uncoiled the whip and cracked it once for them to see it. When she finished her little show-and-tell she coiled it back up and continued.[/i] Karina: Later on I ran into a hellhound, it seemed to enjoy ramming into me and sending me flying down the tunnel. Well it managed to get me with its claws and hurt me... Its not that bad, honest! I just need to rest thats all.
  21. [i]As Elsyan stood in front of the store pondering to where the girl of the prophesy had gone, a dark figure came up behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder. She whipped around to face a dark cloaked figure.[/i] ????: Laithrielsyan Similothlas I presume.
  22. [i]Karina looked down the hole at the shimmering form of Ariel.[/i] Karina: Mom... please?... Ariel: I'm sorry Karina... [i]Another quake rocked the ground as Aerow fired another shot. Karina was thrown to the ground. She heard the tunnel collapsing, and the ground shook again.[/i] Karina: Mother please! I just found you again! Ariel: Karina... [i]A chunk of the ceiling crashed down nearby. Dolosus suddenly flickered into veiw next to Karina on the surface of the catacombs.[/i] Dolosus: dammit Ariel go to our kid!! And you say I'm stubborn! Ariel: What!? You never said you were up there! Dolosus: No kidding! Now come on woman! Move that transparent rear of yours up here! [i]Ariel nodded and floated up out of the hole, now to the others it just looked like two glowing, floating orbs of light were govering next to Karina now, one was blue with a golden tinge (Ariel) and the other was a yellowish white (Dolosus) By now Valen had grabbed Karina and dragged her away from the hole. They stayed back, after awhile the hole caved in as they watched and made sure that Aerow hadnt got out.[/i] Visor: So... I guess that's the end of Aerow! Rajaah: I'm afraid not, there are many exits out of there, he will most likely find a way out soon... or starve to death. Ari: Oh yeah, thats a really comforting thought! Ariel: There Dolosus, I did it, satisfied now? Dolosus: Yup, quite satisfied indeed. [i]Karina sat down in the snow as it continued to fall. She was loving it, the snow brought her comfort. She looked around at all the people watching the tunnel collapse, so many familliar and unfamilliar faces... Tyron, Visor and Valen... people she thought she would never see again, looking just as they had the day they had taken the demons on in a final stand against them. Rajaah... a Dark Mage gone good... well maybe just for a time. He was still mysterious. Then there was Vahn, Ari, and Shin. Three people that were their families futures, and her parents spirits... people of the past. All standing in one area, together. It was a clash of era's, and it was quite amazeing[/i] Karina: I never knew that just me disappearing would cause so much trouble.
  23. [i]Karina lagged behind, she couldn't help it, her agility and speed were way down, she was far behind the group now. She suddenly tripped and slammed into the rock floor. She heard the groups pounding footsteps quickly disappear into the distance. She sighed, thinking it was all over again. Suddenly she saw two forms to the right of her.[/i] Karina: Rajaah! Mom! I thought that Aerow got you. Rajaah: Obviously not. Ariel: Now what gave you that silly idea? [i]She quickly got to her feet and dusted herself off.[/i] Karina: Come on we have to catch up, I want to spend as little time in here as possible. [i]They made their way along the tunnel and soon Karina came back down the familliar passageway that was no longer blocked off. It was lit now with something Karina thought she would never see again. Sunlight poured in from a hole in the roof at the end of the tunnel.[/i] Karina: Sunlight! oh gawd it burns. [i]She sheilded her eyes with her arm, it hurt her eyes, even though it wasn't that bright from their position in the tunnel.[/i] Karina: Damn darkness! [i]As soon as they neared the end of the tunnel she heard them talking from through the hole, above ground. Karina shut her eyes to block the light out, put her pinkies in her mouth, and whistled to alert the group on the outside world that they were there.[/i]
  24. Venna: So... kid whats your name? ???: Oh so NOW you want to know my name! Venna: No need to get defensive I was just asking! Karina: sorry, *sigh* it's not your fault I was nearly BBQed, my names Karina, and you guys are?... Venna: I'm Venna and that weird boy over there.... I think he said his name was Valen.
  25. OOC: I dont think so! I'm NOT going to the slaughterhouse! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Karina shivered slightly as she went up to the stage, she accidently went too far and walked into the microphone, knocking it over, she picked it up and sighed, she was the only norm left. But luckily for her she had taken opera lessons at a young age. She took a deep breath.[/i] "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" [i]She heard glass breaking, stopped to catch her breath and looked at the table. 16 bottles were broken...wait! 2 fell over and broke...final count: 18, she panted for a moment bowed and fainted.[/i]
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