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Everything posted by starlight

  1. [i]Karina moved away from the side of the tunnel, it looked like the battle was over. She could have kicked herself, she wanted to have done... something, anything! But she hadnt, instead she had just stood there.[/i] Karina: Dammit! I should have done something! [i]She was about to slap herself, but Ari caught her arm and pointed at Rajaah and Valen. Karina nodded to Ari then went over and knelt down next to Valen. Ari went over to Rajaah.[/i] Karina: Hey? Are you ok? ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ OOC: AHHHH!!! I HATE WRITERS BLOCK! >.<
  2. Karina: No problem... Valen?! What happened to your wing!? Valen: I'll explain later. [i]Karina nodded in slight surprise and shock. She drew her own blade, and followed Valen's lead. Karina examined the thing while she still could, it didnt look like much but this thing had speed and agility on its side, both of them knew that. If someone was to land a damaging blow, the thing had to be still. Only a distraction could cause it to stand still, even for a brief period of time.[/i] Karina: Need a distraction? I can provide one easily. [i]Karina grabbed her whip and uncoiled it. She cracked it at the assassin just to test it out. Naturally, the assassin growled.[/i]
  3. [i]Karina watched the portal close behind the man, she shook her head slightly as if in disbelief, she had recognized the armour that the knight had been wearing, unless she was mistaken it was the same one that DeathKnight had been wearing...[/i] Karina: Well thats something you don't see everyday. [i]She turned and started to head to the temple. She heard something, she whipped around and looked all around her, and yet she sensed nothing. Shaking her head she started walking again. A few moments later, she heard it yet again, this time she stopped for a moment, and as soon as she heard it a third time she whipped around as soon as she heard it. She sensed nothing behind her, but still she could have sworn she had seen something duck behind a pile of rocks. Karina couldnt do anything, so she kept moving as fast as she could go without breaking into a run.[/i] Karina: I must be getting paranoid! [i]Karina stopped for a moment to try to find which direction she was going to head in now, unfortunately for her, she didn't sense the beast that now was looming up behind her, poising for the kill...[/i]
  4. [i]A scream from deep in one of the tunnels was suddenly heard, Valen turned his head to watch as a girl darted out of one of the tunnels, a firey blast following close behind her.[/i] ???: THE EXIT ISNT DOWN THERE! NOW SOMEBODY HELLLLPPPPP ME!!!!!! [i]Though the flames stopped a few feet out of the doorway of the tunel, the girl kept going. She tripped over a stone, fell, and slid a few feet. She stayed down panting. After a moment or two she got up dusted herself off and turned to face Venna and Valen.[/i] ???: This place is a deathtrap! I'm NOT going into any other tunnels! Have any of the others returned besides you two? Valen: No, not yet. ???: With the luck were having I wouldnt be surprised if they were dead by now... Typical! I hate heat of any kind! So what comes after me, when I went down deatchtrap lane? Fire!
  5. [i]Karina tried a different route back using the rugged terrain to her advantage. It was hard to hit her, almost impossible. She suddenly skidded to a stop, something had caught her eye. It was a blade laying in the middle of the path. She recognised it immediately. For it was Valen's IK.[/i] Karina: Oh Lord no! ...Please don't let this mean he's dead... [i]She aproached and picked up the Katana, she didnt know what else to do, and slid it into her sheath for safekeeping, until she couls turn it in or whatever. She paused there for a few moments before moving along again. She had to get back, Karina hurried as fast as she could back towards the battle, while dodging enemy fire at the same time. She didnt want to fight, fighting was stupid... She suddenly heard the battlecrys of airbourne demons comming from the skies behind her, she turned around to watch them come. She was a lone Archangel, and this was a large troop of demons, she couldn't take them all on and survive, she drew a deep breath and braced herself. Just before they cleared the remaining wall of Jerusalem, about a hundred crimson orbs started pelting the demons at an amazeing speed, the demons didn't stand a chance as they were hit and instantly killed on contact with these strange orbs of crimson light. Karina stood frozen to her spot as she watched as each and every flying demon in that perticular troop met it's demise. Karina was fazed for just a few moments after the last demon had been killed.[/i] Karina: What... the heck was that? [i]She was going to investigate, despite the possible danger of being hit by those... things. Still she wasnt frightened. She spread her sandy coloured wings and was over the wall mere moments later. She quickly scanned the ground, she didn't see anything down there, so she landed lightly upon the bloodstained ground, she couldnt see anything, except piles of rubble, and dead creatures.[/i]
  6. [i]Karina watched as the new wave of dark warriors poured into the battle. Everytime she would injure or slaughter one, another would leap over its fallen comerade and take up the fight.[/i] Karina: Oh this is just supurb! I kill one and 2 more take it's place! [i]She pulled away from the demon she had been fighting, and let another Archangel jump in to take up that battle. She now looked around for Valen. She could have sworn he had been nearby last time she had seen him, which had been just moments ago... Just before she had started fighting yet another demon, and had turned around for a moment. But now that she looked he was nowhere to be seen. She quickly scanned the skies above the city. Nothing.[/i] Karina: Ok... how come I've got this feeling that somethings wrong. [i]She went over the possibilites of what might have happened, and started moving towards the high inner walls of the city.[/i] Karina: No need to overreact here, he must have just moved to another part of the fight. [i]She still hurried along the outer edge of the battle, scanning the fray as she passed, and taking on anything that tried attacking her. She had a bad feeling that something terrible had happened, she hoped that it was only the tension of the fight that was causing this feeling to surface. The ground around her was stained with both red and black blood, blood of both angels and demons. She had gone along most of the remaining wall, but found nothing. The dreadful feeling still gnawed away at her, more deeper and deeply felt now.[/i] Karina: Dammit where are you?! OK he's fine, I know he is... I'm going to find him... and then possibly beat myself up for my stupidity of doubting him later. [i]She was getting nothing accomplished there, the fighting had moved on, away from this area of the city. So she started walking back towards the fight, hopeing that he was still just back there, just kicking some major demon a$s, and that she was just overreacting because of some dark feeling of dread.[/i]
  7. [i]Karina had decapitated another demon, just after she had turned away she witnessed Valen attacking with his Crimson Judgement Beam. It was an incredible sight to behold. But she kept fighting with the demons in her area until she saw him come down. She knew it was time to meet up with the Eastern Guardian again. So she finished off the demon she had been combatting with, and made her way over to where she had seen him come down. She saw him going at it with a horde of demons, she jumped into the fray and tried her best to help. When the yells had calmed down for a moment she yelled at him and alerted him to her presance.[/i] Karina: Told you id catch up!
  8. [i]She was drained completly again, but she tried not to think about it, because if she thought about it, she would want to stop to rest, and that was something she didnt want to do. A sudden movement caught Karina's attention, she stopped and waited until it got nearer. She saw three familliar forms approching Rajaah, Ariel, and herself... She knew who they were.[/i] Karina: Valen, Ari, Vahn! [i]Karina tried to run to run up to greet them, but she was too out of it, so she walked up to them as fast as she could. She held back tears of joy. She stopped a few feet in front of them, and sighed, before going the rest of the way. She went past Ari and Vahn and stopped right in front of Valen, and stood there, neither one doing a thing for what seemed like ages. Karina suddenly did the most unexpected thing, she hugged Valen, she didnt know how he reacted, and honestly she didnt care. She let the tears come now, it was too dark to see them anyways.[/i] Karina: ... Valen I'm so sorry... [i]She couldn't say anymore, there was nothing more she could think of to say, she was so upset with herself for leaving in the first place, she hoped that Ari, Vahn and Valen could forgive her for her absolute stupidity[/i]
  9. [i]Karina waited for a long time for the mans responce... the was none. She had a feeling... she had to catch up with the guardian.[/i] Karina: So you wish to go without help? Fine then, I'm sorry sir to have to do this, but I must leave, I wish you the best of luck. [i]She spread her wings wide and left, scolding herself for going back in the first place. But now was not the time, she felt as if she was being summoned to the holy city of Jerusalem, she flew at a speed that she didnt think she was capable of, but time WAS NOT on her side, she knew that much. As she drew ever nearer she saw that the battle was already occuring. A gigantic mob of demonic beasts had surrounded the city. She gasped at the sight, for it was not everyday that anyone could see this.[/i] Karina: I hope I'm not too late to do something! oh well at least i cant be blamed for not trying. [i]Karina started to hover about 100 or so feet above the massive swarm of demons. She held her hand out, the palm of it facing directly downwards. Her hand began to glow with a blue light, as the air around her began to chill. Ice chunks of various sizes and shapes... but mostly spear shaped, appeared from nowhere behind her. With a flick of her wrist, the ice started to bombard the demons, killing not at all that many.[/i] Karina: Well wasn't that pointless? [i]She felt a sharp pain as an arrow fired by a demon peirced her left wing. She faltered for a moment but managed to stay in the air. She had to land soon to get it out, so she flew over the walls of the holy city and landed. Without hesitation she ripped the arrow out, winceing slightly, she pulled out her blade and went to help in the fight, slaughtering where she could.[/i]
  10. [i]Karina stared at Rajaah, not really knowing what to say.[/i] Karina: ...Well I'm glad that we came to an agreement. Can we please go catch up with my descendant? I heard her calling me from down that way. Ariel: Oh you mean that charming little girl back there? Karina: Mom! [i]Ariel shimmered into view, she cast a strange look at Rajaah.[/i] Ariel: I found someone, hopefully they are on their way. Karina: Ok that's great... think we should go to catch up with them? Ariel: Karina, I'm totally against you running off. I mean when I left you... Karina: ...That was then, this is now Mother [i]Karina started walking down the tunnel, she had been fine until she had started moving and walking again. She called out to Ari, Valen and anyone else she could think of that could possibly be down in these catacombs.[/i] Karina: Valen! Ari! Vahn! Anybody! Can anyone hear me!? If so I'm over here! ~~~~~~~~~~~ Ari: Guys! I hear her!
  11. [i]Ari cringed as she watched the two slam into the wall, she backed away slowly from them.[/i] Ari: ...You two ok? [i]Ari waited alone in the darkened hallway for Valen and Vahn to catch up with her.[/i] Ari: I'm sorry that I didn't stop Valen. Valen: You know better then to be running off like that Ari! *sigh* At least you bothered to stop this time. Vahn: Hey... What happened to those two? Ari: um... I heard Karina yelling from just down there... I hope shes ok. [i]~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Meanwhile...[/i] Karina: Whats your name anyways? I mean you must have a name... or do you want me to call you no name? [i]~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Back with the others...[/i] Vahn: We should get moving then, we arent going to get anything done by just standing here. [i]Ari pointed her staff to the right, into the gloomy tunnel.[/i] Ari: Yeah! ONWARD!
  12. um we have to go into another world/dimension/ whatever to fight the elmental monsters they arent even in our world!!!
  13. [i]Karina glared at him, she still didnt trust him, but something inside her told her to trust this guy, despite what he did.[/i] Karina: I must be crazy... trusting you... but I'm willing to show you my ways. [i]Karina stopped leaning against the wall, and held her hand out to him for a handshake.[/i] Karina: So heres the deal I help show you my ways that are contrast to darkness are worth it, and you dont lock me up in creepy places for prolonged periods of time... deal? ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ [i]Meanwhile back with Ari... Ari was worried, Karina hadnt said anything in a long while, and she couldnt see through the clouds of dust ahead of her.[/i] Ari: Karina? can you hear me? Please answer! [i]Suddenly a little ball of light zoomed past her and into the fog, she could have sworn she had heard the little thing say "excuse me, coming through!" as it rushed past.[/i] Ari: This keeps getting weirder and weirder...
  14. [i]Meanwhile...[/i] ???: People are strange, they never cease to amaze me. [i]A shadowy figure perched atop a house in the town, watching the locals go about their daily buisiness. None of them paying no attention to the one watching them.[/i] ???: I wonder... should I go down there? They seem to enjoy driving me off. hmmm... as comical as it is I will have to say no, their aim has been getting better lately... Well I guess its time to go. [i]In the blink of an eye the dark figure had disappeared completely from the town without a trace.[/i]
  15. Ari: Its so dark in here, how can we find our way around in here? [i]The suddenly heard a scream from deep in the tunnels, followed by a massive explosion that shook the ground beneath them.[/i] Vahn: There's your answer! Ari: That must mean she's down here! [i]Ari took off down the tunnel leaving Valen and Vahn behind her.[/i] Valen: Ari!... She doesn't know what she's getting into... Vahn: Well that was stupid of her! ...Ari wait up! [i]Vahn took off after her.[/i] Valen: Oh no! Vahn! Ari! Get back here! [i]Valen ran after the two calling them back. He caught up with Vahn first. But still no sign of Ari.[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ari: Karina!? Karina? You down here? [i]Ari ran deeper into the catacombs. She heard Valen and Vahn yelling her to return, but she wasnt going to listen, she was hearing voices now, she kept running getting ever closer, she suddenly heard Visor and the other guys, then she heard the faint voice of...[/i] Ari: KARINA!? Karina can you hear me?! [i] Karina turned towards the voice and listened again. She saw the faint forms appear, she couldnt belive it it was them...[/i] Karina: Omg no... It can't be them! TYRON?! VISOR?! Tyron: Guys we found her! Karina! [i]Karina didnt answer, because she had heard Ari screaming at her from a long ways down the hallway. She yelled back.[/i] Karina: Ari! I'm here!
  16. [i]Karina slowly pulled herself to her feet, holding her wound. She had no clue to what had just happened, all she knew was, her jailer was now standing there, and she was royally pissed.[/i] Karina: What the hell did you do?! Rajaah: Help you. [i]Karina gave him a look of pure confusion, she put her hand to her forehead and shut her eyes for a second, before looking at him again.[/i] Karina: can you please repeat that? I must have hit my head off of that wall harder then I thought.... did you say you helped me?! after what you did!? Rajaah: Yes... Do you have a problem with that? Karina: ...No ...but...aren't you the one who locked me in there in the first place!? Whats wrong with you?! Rajaah: Nothing is wrong with me... but from the looks of you, somethings wrong with you. [i]He nodded to her side, she looked down at it for a brief moment before, pulling her cloak over it to cover it. She sighed in disbelief, and looked away.[/i] Karina: I seriously think I'm dreaming now. What ever happened to the whole torture-the-undead-thing that you did to me? [i]Karina leaned against the wall, watching his every move.[/i] Karina: So what now? What plans do you have for lil ol' undead me? [i]She didnt expect a reply from him so she stayed put.[/i]
  17. [i]Karina heard something coming her way, she didnt have to guess at what it was, she knew.[/i] Karina: Crap! Not Sombra! [i]She turned her head, for now there was another noise coming from the other direction... it was faint but the echos told her it was a group of people. She couldnt make out who they were, she hoped that whoever they were, were prepared to take on the demonic-guardian-of the-lower-catacombs Sombra. She had sensed the monsters power, he was not going to be easy.[/i] Karina: Whoever you guys are, I hope you get here soon! Sombra is moving fast. [i]She heard Sombra yelling at her as he moved through the shadows.[/i] Sombra: UNDEAD I SHALL FIND YOU! YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE MY WRATH! [i]Karina shut her eyes and pulled herself deeper into the groove in the wall. She was too tired to fight, let alone run away.[/i] Karina: Oh please someone anyone... help.
  18. [i]Karina was suddenly awake and alert, she put her hands on the ground to steady herself, and her hand felt liquid, she shuddered, because she knew what it was... a small puddle of her blood. She slowly got to her feet, and listened. Her shoulder and side were stiff with pain, but she paid that no mind. Something was nearby, and it wasn't the spirits. She heard it pounding on the door. To be absolutly honest, she didn't want to meet up with whatever it was now. She was as good as blind, but still she turned and ran back down the tunnel from where she had come. She ran for a very long time, she never seemed to hit a dead end. She suddenly tripped over... something, she didnt know what it was. She got up quickly and started running again. Ariel, without warning appeared right in front of Karina, causeing Karina to skid to a stop. Ariel's faint light made it slightly easier to see, but not by much, the darkness seemed to absorb all light, it was like a lit match in a black hole.[/i] Ariel: Karina what do you think you're doing? Karina: I dont know... Ariel: You shouldnt be running off like that! Do you have any clue how deep into the ground youve gone since you ran off from the door? Karina: Nope [i]Ariel suddenly gasped, and tried to speak, but could only squeak in fright. Ariel pointed to behind Karina, unable to speak. She stood there frozen in fear, before she was able to whisper.[/i] Ariel: ...Karina. Don't. Look. Behind. You... [i]Karina, tensed up and sighed.[/i] Karina: Something really big, bad, ugly, and possibly deadly is behind me right? [i]Ariel couldn't find her voice again so she squeaked and nodded slowly. Karina sighed and nodded back to the spirit.[/i] Karina: ...My luck is still holding. ???: Why do you not lie dormant undead? Why do you tresspass in my part of the catacombs?! I demand an explanation, as keeper of the lower catacombs! [i]Karina turned around slowly and saw the faint shadowy outline of a monstrosity she had never seen before.[/i] Karina: ...What the heck is that thing?! Ariel: I seriously don't know, and I don't think I want to Sombra: I am Sombra, keeper of the lower catacombs, tell me what was your living name? You will answer me! Karina: You know, Im really getting sick of being ordered around! So you can take your little orders and stuff them up your-- Sombra: --YOU DARE TO TALK BACK TO ME!? I WILL MAKE YOU PAY UNDEAD!.... undead? yoo hoo undead? [i]The monster Sombra looked around, but didnt see Karina and Ariel, they had ran off when he was ranting on. He roared in anger, his cries could be heard all the way above ground. He turned and started to follow them at a slow pace.[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Karina: Well that was disturbing... Ariel: I'll get you back to the surface! Come along now! We have to hurry before the egomaniac decides to follow us. [i]Karina pulled off the path and leaned against the wall, catching her breath, she couldnt stop gasping. She slid to the floor, and wasn't able to get up again. She knew that she had made a fatal mistake in coming all the way down there, she had made way too many mistakes, using all of her magic energy up, running off, taking on more of a fight then she could handle, and yet still asked for more. She had worn herself completely out. Did she enjoy it? Didnt seem that she did now, her only thoughts were, "I shouldnt have been so stupid!... Why did I do it? why?!... I hope that Valen, Ari, Vahn and my parents can forgive me..." She waited until Ariel turned around and came back.[/i] Ariel: Karina? why did you stop? Karina: ...What surface? Theres no surface... only here, you can't get out. Sorry mom... I'm too tired to run all the way back. I exausted myself just getting down this deep into the catacombs, and now Ill pay the price. Ariel: Oh no Karina, please don't do this. I wont let you be taken! I'm going to find somebody who can help! Karina: How? you cant get out ether. Ariel: Wanna bet? Karina: You can leave? Ariel: sometimes... I'll find someone, Karina. Please dont give in to that monster if he comes. Karina: But... even if you do find someone, they cant see you as you are, only as a shimmery thing or ball of light... as youve told me before. Ariel: I dont care. I'm going! [i]Before Karina could protest, Ariel had disapeared.[/i] Karina: Good luck...
  19. Otay! thanks a million ^_^ heres my char, anything needs to be changed in anyway tell me and ill press the edit button ^_~ (ahh!! so many types of ppl to choose from! >.< lol) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Karina Age: 200 Race: Dark Elf Gender: Female Appearance: Dark hair, dark complection (you know, typical dark elf look) Wears a lavender coloured belly top and black mini skirt and dark knee-high boots to match. Bio: She knows shes different, she always had been known in her clan as "the oddball." She learned to use a bow but hates it with a passion, she prefers a sword over the bow. She ran away from her home which was in the heart of the mountains one day and hasn't returned since. She hangs out in the forest, follows people around, taking on the role of being the "mysterious person" for the most part.(you know the type that disapears after the action's over) She doesnt really know which side shes on, she enjoys helping people at times, which might become her downfall in the long run. Attitude: Sarcastic, mouthy and stubborn for the most part, she has a problem with mood swings.
  20. Oh gawd! I didnt realize this had already started! is it too late to sign up?
  21. [i]Karina surveyed the damage from the air, there was nothing left of the city... unless you counted the fires, the piles upon piles of rubble, the darkened grey sky, and the smouldering remains of city buildings and streets. Still she was trying to find where the Guardian and her had been before, she was going to try to find that man. So far she had had no luck at all.[/i] Karina: Why did I bother to come back?... He doesn't seem to be around... Oh wait! There he is! [i]She landed atop a pile of rubble, and started to aproach him, taking her time. When she came close enough she yelled out to him. [/i] Karina: Hey! Over here! ...Do you need help?
  22. [i]Karina wandered the halls alone, she was now extreamly freaked out. She suddenly heard a growl from behind her, she slowly turned around and was almost face to face with Kitty![/i] Karina: :eek: nice...kitty... good kitty... I don't taste good....um..... mommy? [i]Karina, slowly backed away as she spoke. The tiger following her every move with its eyes. Suddenly, it sprung and started to chase Karina down the long twisted hallway.[/i] Karina: BAD KITTY!!!! [i]Karina ran into the bathroom and slammed the door behind her, she heard a huge >thud< and the room shook a little. Karina slowly opened the bathroom door and peeked outside. Kitty lay on the floor dazed. Karina smiled and grabbed her yellow ring. She did a little happy dance as she ran off away from the demonic tiger.[/i] Karina: don't mess with me Kitty! ^_^
  23. [i]Karina looked back in the direction of New York. It wasnt right to leave that man there. She turned around and started heading back the other way.[/i] Valen: Where are you going? Karina: I'm sorry, but its not right leaving him there! I'm going back. ill catch up with you later, good luck Sir. [i]She turned and started back towards the destroyed city.[/i]
  24. [i]Karina waited in the dark for what seemed ages, waiting for any attack that might come at her from the gloom. The spirits seemed to have caught up with them again and they started to moan, as if warning them.[/i] Ariel: Its close... [i]As soon as she said that, two eyes as red as flame appeared in front of Karina and Ariel. A shadowy form was faintly seen, but what Karina saw was enough of it to know what it was. A demon hound. (you know those big mutated 6 foot tall monster hounds?)[/i] Karina: Oh crap! Its a demon! [i]The demon pawed the ground, and witout warning started to charge at her, much like a bull would. Karina dodged the demon easily as it flew past her. It skidded to a stop, and turned to face her again.[/i] Karina: I don't think I can fight this thing! ...What am I saying?! Here demon! You want a piece of me? Then bring it! [i]The demon charged her again, this time Karina was ready for such a move and moved to the side again as it ran past, but this time she stabbed one of her few remaining throwing stars into it's dark hide. The demon howled and whipped around at a speed that Karina didn't think that it would've been capable of. It charged, and with it's gigantic head, slammed into her and sent her flying a fair ways down the tunnel, she crashed to the rocky ground and managed to roll out of it's path. She pulled herself to her feet just in time to be smashed again from behind, and was sent flying down the tunnel again. She got to her feet yet again, and just barly escaped another blow from behind. She turned to face the beast.[/i] Karina: Oh so you want to play it that way huh? [i]Karina pulled out her whip and waited until it came into her range, and managed to whip the demon across the back of its neck as it charged past, the whip wrapped around its neck, creating a noose and choking it. Karina pulled as hard as she could and shortened the length. She leapt onto the demons back and pulled the handle of the whip as hard as she knew how. Once the demon felt the noose tighten it started shaking and bucking, much like the griffin had before, when she had jumped on top of it.[/i] Karina: Aw dam not another one that likes shaking! What is it with me and these things!? [i]Karina continued to hold onto her end of the whip for dear life. She could feel the demon starting to weaken. She didn't mean to loosen her grip, but she did, and the demonic hound felt weakness in it's restraints, and so with one final shake, it managed to shake Karina free and sent her crashing into the ground.[/i] Karina: I'm ok! The ground seems to have broken my fall, yet again! Ariel: Karina move out of the way! [i]Karina saw the beast, but it was too late for her react fast enough to do anything now. The hound had changed its attack stratagy, for it now lunged at her, lashed out out with its paw and slashed her side open with its razor-sharp claws. Karina let out a cry of pain as she felt it's claws dig into her flesh.[/i] Ariel: Karina! Karina: Mom can you zippit for a moment? I'm kind of busy right now! [i]Karina saw that the demon had shaken her whip free and it lay a short distance away from her. Karina dashed for it, but the demon saw what she was going to do and came around back to try and stop her from retriving it.[/i] Karina: I dont think so buddy! [i]Karina dove for the weapon, she grabbed it and managed to roll out of the demons path just seconds before the demon barreled past again, had she not moved it would have trampled her. Karina coiled the whip up again and grabbed a bunch of throwing stars.[/i] Karina: Ok new plan [i]Karina stepped out into the middle of the tunnel and prepared herself. She waited until she could see the red of the demons eyes comming at her again before she quickly took aim and fired two throwing stars into its eyes. The beast screamed and stopped, it was blind.[/i] Karina: Ok time to RUN!! Ariel: Follow me! [i]Karina started running after Ariel as fast as she could manage. She forgot the pain, she was running on pure adrenaline now. She followed Ariel, down many corridors, twisting left and right. But no matter how fast, or far she seemed to run the moaning lost spirits always managed to keep up. Karina stopped running after awhile, and leaned against the wall, catching her breath and holding her bleeding side.[/i] Ariel: We are getting so close! Please Karina, lets move! Karina: I can't keep running, can we please stop? Ariel: Karina we are getting so close! Can't you sense the light? Karina: In all honesty... no Ariel: Fine we can stop... oh my goodness! Karina you've been hurt again! [i]Karina shrugged and stayed silent for awhile, not thinking of anything except getting out and getting back to Valen, Ari, and Vahn. She suddenly spoke.[/i] Karina: Do you think we lost it? Ariel: Hard to tell... ???: Yes you two are now out of harm's way. Ariel: Dolosus! How did you find us? [i]Dolosus flickered into appearence and smiled.[/i] Dolosus: I just followed the others, it was quite easy. I saw that demon back there, it was blind, well it is blind for now. It will get it back eventually, knowing that thing... Was that your doing? Karina: Yes [i]Karina moved away from the wall and nodded to Ariel to start up again.[/i] Dolosus: I'll accompany you two. Ariel: Oh Dolosus, you don't have to. Dolosus: But I want to, and you cannot say a thing to change my mind. [i]Ariel shook her head and rolled her eyes.[/i] Ariel: I suddenly feel surrounded! [i]Ariel took the lead again followed by Karina, and then bringing up the rear, Dolosus. Karina was totally drained, and started to fall behind. The only thing keeping her going was the hope of freedom from this darkness prison. She blocked out the sounds and feel of the lost spirits as they floated around her. Unseen, but not unheard. Ariel suddenly called out happily.[/i] Ariel: There it is! Up ahead! I know it! [i]Karina suddenly went into a sprint for the exit. She saw it now, it was a door. A stone door.... ...and it was blocked by a pile of stones, the tunnel had caved in partially, the door could no longer be opened from her side. Karina stepped forward, surveyed the damage, and shook her head, she knew she couldnt open the door from her side of it now.[/i] Karina: no... [i]Karina fell to her knees. Her hopes of leaving this vile place and going back were shattered. She leaned over onto a slab of rock and buried her face in her arms. The pain of the wound now completely forgotten.[/i] Ariel: Karina... I'm so sorry... Karina: ...Just leave me alone [i]They faded away into the mobs of screaming spirits. Karina felt them leave, and soon faded herself, into the darkness of sleep.[/i]
  25. [i]Karina suddenly broke the silence that had been slowly driving her up-the-wall-crazy.[/i] Karina: I wish I knew why its not healing. Ariel: I think I've figured it out. Karina: Oh really? Ariel: Well see... If you're mortally wounded, you will automatically heal up... But! As long as you're not dying theres no need for you to heal like that. Karina: ...Lets stick with that old theory of this place not allowing any magic shall we? Ariel:... you hated that theory though! Karina: so? Ariel: Youre impossible! Karina: That's what everyone says! Ariel: (mumbling) I can see why. [i]They stayed silent again for awhile, Karina broke in again.[/i] Karina: I dont think were going the right way. [i]Ariel, who had been so focused on the path, hadn't heard Karina.[/i] Ariel: What?... Karina: Somethings wrong... Notice how the other spirits aren't bugging us? I havent heard one screeching for the longest time... come to think of it, I haven't seen anything strange since that zombie! Ariel: Come to think of it... You're right, it's too quiet... Wait. What was that? [i]Ariel suddenly tensed up, as if she had heard something, Karina had heard it too and was reaching for her whip when her hand brushed over something on her band that she hadnt taken notice of before.[/i] Karina: Whats this thing?... a pouch? Ariel: Karina, somethings coming... [i] Karina opened the pouch and reached inside. She felt something there were stones inside.[/i] Karina: OMG! Ariel: What? Karina what is it? Karina: Its Valen's pouch. Ariel: who's whatta? Karina: Valen is a close friend of mine, I thought I had put this into the temple with him... Ariel: Look as much as I love hearing you travel down memory lane, but we kind of have something coming, whatever it is, it can't hurt me but I don't want to see my daughter die! Karina: It cant kill me ether, if you do recall! Ariel: It can still hurt you! Karina: Right... ok time for whatever this thing is to meet Mr. Whip! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Ari sat on the floor of the rec room staring at the staff that was laying in front of her. It still didn't look like much to her, just two vines intertwined together that bound a blue orb the size of a baseball to the top. She could hardly believe that earlier she didn't know how to use it.[/i] Ari: Hey Vahn, you think my mom will freak if she found out all the stuff that's been happening here? Vahn: First, she would think you were crazy. Then she would freak if she saw me and Valen with you. Ari: You do have a point there... [i] Ari sighed then picked up her staff, examineing it as she spoke.[/i] Ari: I wish that they weren't always working, Dad may be more understanding... Valen you may find this interesting. My father is some form of an acheologist and hes been recently trying to find info on your era. They haven't found a thing yet, except some old written text that said something briefly about some kind of "battle of elements" good vs evil thing.
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