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Everything posted by starlight

  1. Karina: True... I do feel pain... but does that make me actually a living being? [i]Karina stopped dead in her tracks, Ariel noticed that Karina had stopped running and turned to face her. Darkness surrounded the duo on all sides making it almost completely impossible to see, the only light was that of Ariel who gave off a light glow in the gloomy darkness.[/i] Ariel: What are you talking about Karina? Karina: My very close friend and I... we were both revived. Ariel: ok... But whats bugging you now? So you're back in a totally different time, but that doesnt seem to be the thing troubling you is it? [i]Karina shook her head.[/i] Karina: Not exactly... I was just thinking. Sure I may look human, but im not fully mortal, and I cant be killed by normal means, so I'm not a real human am I? I may be undead, but I can feel pain, unlike a normal undead... So I'm not exactly a real undead ether... What does that make me? Ariel: ...I don't know, come on Karina, lets get you out of here ok? Karina: Ok, sure. [i]Karina followed along in silence for a very long time, could have been days, an few hours, or possibly a few minutes. All she knew was, it felt like a long time. Her shoulder was still hurting,she honestly hoped that the dagger hadnt been covered in poison or something like that. The only sounds that could be heard were the sounds of her own footsteps, the sound seemed louder than it should have, for the echos in the tunnels were loud. The only other sound was the occasional drip of water as it splashed onto the rocky ground.[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Ari seemed slightly confused for a moment before the message sunk in. She looked at him in surprised, then nodded.[/i] Ari: I would love to start my training... What do I have to do?
  2. Name: Karina Weaponry: -Whip -Throwing stars -Katana Magic: Ice magic element she can use ether her blade or her hands to do spells. history: n/a Gender: Female
  3. [i]...Her magic wasn't working. Karina had tried to use her most favourite spell, Hail Storm to possibly bash at the walls to free herself many times, but the ice never came to her whenever she tried to summon it's power. But still she tried everything to possibly get it to come to her. Dolosus had eventually returned after searching for his other daughter, Karina?s twin, but with no results. He wasn?t the only one who had returned, the other dark spirits from before had come back and were now tormenting her without hesitation. They screamed and moaned at her and though they couldn?t harm her physically, they were doing a number on her mind and soul, slowly weakening her from within. Eventually Karina got mad and turned to the spirit that claimed to be her father.[/i] Karina: Dolosus! You did something to me when I wasn't looking didn't you!? Dolosus: I havent done a thing! I know very little magic and cannot use it anymore if you get what I mean... and don?t call me by my name! I may be dead, but I'm still your father! Karina: Uh huh? great speech. Ariel: Seriously Karina we did nothing to you... It?s this place, it seems to block all magic and stop it from working. [i]Karina ignored that possible fact and kept trying. Even though she wasn?t getting any results where she was, the area outside was gradually being covered by snow and ice? ice that couldn?t reach her when she called to it. The continuous efforts and focus was starting to wear her down. Ariel was starting to worry about what would happen if Karina kept at it for too long. Dolosus leaned against a wall and watched, fuming at Karina. [/i] Ariel: Please stop it Karina! Karina: No! As long as I have the energy and will to keep going I will still try to get out of this prison! Ariel: I?ll help you out! Just stop doing that! Please daughter! [i]Karina stopped and looked at the spirit, surprised.[/i] Karina: Show me the way out then. [i]Ariel nodded and motioned for her to follow down a hall Karina hadn?t taken notice of yet. Dolosus stayed behind, still obviously mad at his daughter.[/i] Ariel: I think this is the way out, I can?t be sure, but I warn you, there is other undeads in here besides you, and these particular undeads aren?t as? well?living? As you. I can?t help you if we happen to run into one? Karina: Ok I understand? I can take ?em all on! Just watch me! Ariel: Ok turn here! Karina: If I get out? can you come with me? Ariel: ?no? I cant Karina: Why not?! [i] Ariel waved at her slightly transparent body.[/i] Karina: Oh? Am I the only one who can see you? Ariel: What kind of question is that? Other people can see me? but not like this, they see me as a shimmery kind of form, or maybe even a ball of light. Oh dear! Karina! Look ahead! There?s one of those undeads I?ve told you of! [i]Karina looked ahead and spotted the rotting form of a human, it turned and faced her. It emitted a low growl.[/i] Karina: aw crap! That thing is ugly! Ariel: And not exactly friendly ether! [i]Karina grabbed some of her throwing stars and pelted them at the undead, they only seemed to lightly faze the corpse before it started advancing on her. Karina suddenly remembered the fight between Kain and Valen. And gasped as she realized that she couldn?t exactly kill an undead? hence the title ?undead.?[/i] Karina: Oh no I just realized something! You can?t kill these things! [i] Karina threw another star at the disgusting creature, knowing that it was pointless. The thing moved surprisingly fast for a zombie! It drew a dagger.[/i] Karina: How come nobody mentioned that the zombies around here are armed!? [i] The creature had managed to close the distance between them and was now ferociously swiping at Karina, trying to slash her.[/i] Karina: Well this is a bit of an unfair disadvantage! [i] She frantically looked around the seemingly empty hallway looking for something to help her fight, while trying not to get herself stabbed. She saw an old whip laying nearby and dove for it. She rolled across the ground and grabbed it up and leapt to her feet, almost being hit by the crazy undead in the process. She gripped the handle, it was still in great condition. No time to test it, she started whipping the ground near the zombie.[/i] Karina: Ok back boy back! Back I say! Get back! [i]The zombie kept advancing, not seeming to notice that she was now armed with a more effective weapon.[/i] Karina: Fine then [b]don?t[/b] heed my warnings! She whipped the zombie right across the face with such force that a gigantic unbleeding hole had opened in the rotting flesh right where she had whipped it. Allowing her to see inside the face of the once living human head. And yet, it still advanced, Karina was shocked this thing didn?t seem to get even slightly hurt by anything! She didn?t have time to react or defend as the zombie managed to stealthily and quickly come up beside her and slice into her shoulder with its blade. She pulled back quickly and felt her blood trickle out of the open wound. It burned with pain, she waited for a few moments while dodging the barrage of swipes the zombie was taking? it wasn?t healing! [i]It must be the blade? Or maybe Ariel?s right! Maybe this place cannot have any magic within it![/i] She thought as she changed the whip to her other hand. She was now royally pissed! Nobody got away with doing that to her! She took the whip and whipped the rotting undead multiple times, then threw some throwing stars at it for good measure. The zombie just didn?t get the picture! It kept trying to land another blow on her, without any luck. Karina leapt back and cracked the whip as a lion tamer does. She waited until she had a bit of distance between the zombie and herself, brought the whip back and cracked the whip right across the zombies neck, the force of the blow decapitating it. The head rolled across the floor as the headless body slumped against the wall. Karina: Ok I think its down and out? for now. [i]She looked at the weapon in her hand and smiled before coiling it up. Karina started following the spirit again through the maze of tunnels and halls.[/i] Karina: I just love this thing! See? Told you I could take them on. Ariel: But look at your shoulder! ?You?re hurt. I wish I could do something! [i]Karina looked at her shoulder, the pain had dulled a bit.[/i] Karina: It doesn?t bug me. Ariel: Still? you may be an undead? and just slightly more alive then goony over there, but I know you felt pain when you were hit! Unlike him, when you whipped him across the face!
  4. Karina: ...and I'm Karina. [i]Karina got a good look at the man. She got a bad feeling, he gave off too many negitive vives that just weren't right. But what was right these days? Still she decided to draw her weapon as well.[/i]
  5. [i]As they made their way forward they saw an angel upon the ground.[/i] Karina: Is he dead? [i]Valen shook his head. The angel seemed to have heard them and turned to face them.[/i]
  6. [i]Karina kept up with Valen, useing every ouce of speed she had, trying her best not to lose height in the process.[/i] Karina: Why are you going back? Valen: Something's still there... Karina: Yeah... a disaster! Valen: I'm serious, I sensed something still alive back there and I want to find out what it is. Karina: But this place is huge how do you plan on finding who or what is down there? Valen: I have my ways...
  7. [i]Karina tryed to look him in the eye... but couldnt, she had embarassed herself so badly, but still she answered the questions.[/i] Karina: I thought that this city wouldn't notice me Sir, so many strange people lived down there... And why did I leave? Come on you should know, it's so dam peaceful back home that I had to leave, or risk going crazy from the serenity! I left just so I could see chaos. I mean why was a trained to use a weapon if I'm never going to use it? [i]Karina shut up as soon as she finished, something she didnt do that often.[/i]
  8. [i]Karina gasped and looked as if she had just been shot. She trembled slightly as she looked at him.[/i] Karina: Oh sh--!! Oh crap oh crap oh crap! Right to the Eastern Tower Guardian no less! Dammit! [i]Karina quickly landed on the pavement below, leaving Valen in the air.[/i] Karina (muttering): Just my luck... *sigh* [i]Karina turned and looked up at the man, she then lowered her eyes and bowed low. She was about to turn herself in, no point in running he would find out sooner or later.[/i] Karina: Your honour... my name is Karina.... PLEASE DONT KILL ME! I swear Ill never do it again! Ill confess! I left without permission, now I hide down here on Earth, and since this war is going on, hiding doesnt matter anymore... Punish me as you will. [i]Karina took her sword and tossed it aside, and signaled that she was disarmed, dropped to the ground and shuddered as she realized what she had just done, she had just turned herself in![/i] Valen: ...Ok what are you doing? We can discuss this later, take up your weapon and lets move! Karina:.... yes Sir [i]Karina snatched up her blade and flew away from the doomed city. As soon as they were well away they suddenly heard a huge explosion, Karina looked back, and saw that New York was no more.[/i]
  9. [i]Karina still raging and strangly enough in despair, was tuneing into the 2 spirit's conversation, and from what she was hearing, she was starting to believe what they were trying to say to her. Still they might be trying to trick her... So she totally ignored the conversation.[/i] Dolosus: Shes not going to listen. Ariel: We have to try Dolosus! Dolosus: I dont see how she will listen to us... Ariadne! Where did you go!? [i]Dolosus wandered down the tunnel and out of sight still calling his other daughters name, leaving Ariel and Karina alone. Karina watched him leave, she then turned to Ariel.[/i] Karina: Fine since you seem so intent on changing my mind... I give you one minute to change my mind! Starting NOW! [i]Karina sat down and listened. Ariel tensed up for a moment before crouching down in front of Karina.[/i] Ariel: Fine you want proof!? Ask me anything only I would know! Karina: :devil: If you insist... How did my mother teach me magic? Ariel: I gave you a book for study, but when that didn't work and you couldn't focus. I gave you a staff so you could focus your energy better. Karina: Ok, that one was right... Next question! What is my element and why do I favor it? Ariel: Simple, Ice element is your element, and the reason you favor it so... is because of our families close ties with the arctic regions, you found it out one day when I was still teaching you. You had decided that Ice was going to be your element even if it killed you! Karina: Dam another point! I lengthen the quiz time to 5 minutes... Ok next question, this one only Mom knew... Why was I so intent on learning to use a sword and throwing stars? [i]Ariel smiled at the girl then answered.[/i] Ariel: Because you were, no offense... a bit of a wuss when you were a kid, and one day 3 of the young boys from your fathers class beat up on you when you asked to join them. They told you that girls cannot fight and should not meddle in their affairs. You wanted to prove them wrong, so you went and asked your Father. He refused, so you asked me to help you get in. It took a few schemes and failures, but eventually I just went and told him to let you in unless he wanted to get me pissed... and you know the consequenses of pissing me off are. And by the time you were 13 you outdid most of the guys in your class! [i]Karina hid a smile, if this was a fake then it must have been an exact duplicate of her mom! still... one more question was in the works...[/i] Karina: One last question... Was I adopted? [i]Karina burst out laughing and immediately slapped her hand over her mouth to silence herself. Ariel smiled, her daughter believed her![/i] Karina: You dont need to answer that one Ariel: Karina... you believe me... don't you? Karina: I do... yet I don't. [i]Karina got up and started walking around the crypt as she spoke.[/i] Karina: I cant be sure of anything anymore. Sure you look like my Mother, talk like my Mother and even act like my Mother... But are you her? See, to me... She's still long gone... Though I still have her with me. Same case with my Dad. I cant change what Ive been believing... this is something that Ive [i]Forced[/i] myself to believe for such a long time... I'm sorry I cant just accept it just like that... [i]Karina went over, sat against the rock wall and sighed. Why couldnt anything be ever be easy?[/i]
  10. [i]Karina heard him yell at her, but all she did was shrug and sheath her katana. She rose up and faced him, obviously not knowing who he was, she assumed he was just one of the Holy Legion that got separted from his troop.[/i] Karina: I have reasons.... ???: And they are? Karina: Look buddy I dont have to listen to this crap! If I could I would help! But because of some unmeantionable events I cant! What the heck are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be out there? [i]She pointed in the direction of the fight, as she glared at him. She was not in a good mood by this point, and it showed.[/i]
  11. [i]Karina pushed herself onward as fast as she could go. But the dust that had settled from the cloud had settled and had captured her inside choking and blinding her making it impossible to see where she was going. All she could faintly see now were the now dying fires. She could have sworn she saw movement up ahead, but paid it no mind, and focused her attention on getting as far away from the dust as she could. She suddenly whammed headfirst into something and it sent her falling to the pavement. She scrambled to her feet still coughing. Luckily for her the dust was now settling now so she could now make out something descending down to her level. She didnt have to see it fully to know that it was an angel, and if she was recognized... she would be in trouble.[/i] Karina: oh well might as well make the best of things... [i]She drew her weapon and hoped that she wouldn't be discovered.[/i]
  12. [i]Karina felt so out of place as she wandered through the destruction. suddenly she felt the Earth shake violently under her feet, she whipped around and spotted the mushroom cloud, so close...less then 10 blocks away.[/i] Karina: Oh crap! [i]She opened her wings up again, she didnt care if she was seen anymore, she got into the air as fast as she could and started flapping for all she was worth, getting deeper into the concrete jungle.[/i]
  13. [i]Karina ran along the side of the now unused and empty highway. Every once in awhile she would come across a giantic crater in the middle of the highway. After the fourth or fifth one she stopped by the side of one and looked down into the deep pit, cars were piled high filled the bottom of it.[/i] Karina: This is just wrong! [i]She shook her head sadly and continued on her way drawing ever nearer to New York. She didn't know why she was hurrying. Maybe the fact that she had to get someplace safe from the demons before nightfall, all she knew was that she felt drawn to go there as if she was being summoned. After about 2 or so more hours of straight walking/running/jogging she gave up and sat down upon the guardrail. She wasn't used to this, running for her life wasn't something she had to do very often.[/i] Karina: Oh please dont let me be seen... [i]She placed her pack down upon the ground, pulled her jacket off and stuffed it into her pack. She now unfurled her sandy colored wings and stretched them out. She picked her bag up and slung it over her left shoulder. She flapped a couple of times, testing them, because she hadnt flown in awhile... Unless you count the short trip into the attic of a church flying. Karina had been dreading this moment for awhile now, if someone other then a demon spotted her she'd be done for... not as in death though.[/i] Karina: I'm glad that the four guardians won't come down, I know that much... At least... I hope that they won't. [i]She was airboune in seconds, now reaching the city by different means that she favoured more then walking. After a few minutes she could see the remains of a skyscraper looming ahead of her. She dropped altitude drastically and sped up. She landed in the middle of a city street and looked around at the destruction around her. Buildings were no more than blazeing enfernos.[/i] Karina: hmmm my isn't this... Very firey? Those acursed demons, never knowing when to leave well enough alone and going off and destroying everything! [i]She continued to walk down the streets of the once busy city feeling slightly nervous, as if she was being watched...[/i]
  14. OMG! Its actually serious! (j/k Shinobi) but anyways I likie very much! ^_~ my rating --> :cross: :cross: :cross: :cross: :cross: 5/5 smilies! ^_^ Keep it up! ^_~
  15. [i]Karina stared at where Death Knight had exited, and let out a relived sigh after she was sure he was long gone. She sank to the floor, relived that he hadn't tryed to attack her. After she had calmed herself down she went and gathered up her weapons and other gear, if what he had said was true, she wasn't planning on staying here any longer. She carefully folded her wings up behind her and pulled her jacket on to hide them. She then went through the annoying process of sliding her pack onto her shoulders without hurting herself. After she was done she went to the edge of the hole in the ceiling and looked down, it was a good 50 foot drop to the ground. She leapt through the hole and made a perfect landing right in the isle.[/i] Karina: Ok time to go to New York! Now the real fun begins! [i]She sprinted outside across the front lawn of the church. She stoped and took one last look back before heading down the road towards the city on foot...[/i]
  16. [i]The church was silent and abandoned, unlike the city of New York 10 miles or so away from her position, which was torn now and ablaze. Suddenly something in the rafters moved. A young woman peeked her head down and looked around to check to see if the coast was clear before sighing and pulling herself upright into a sitting position upon the floor of the ancient churches attic. You could now easily see that, she had wings! She was in fact an angel... not personallity-wise but in other ways. She had to hide here, it was the only place she could hide without being discovered, discovery was not an option. She went over to a non-stained glass window and peeked out in the direction of New York and shuddered. She was now starting to regret leaving her home in the first place.[/i]
  17. [i]Karina still kept her eyes and ears closed to the spirits and the dark one. She wasn't going to listen. The 2nd spirit/Karina's father glared at the dark mage, as the mage disappeared into the shadows of the crypt, leaving the spirits all alone with Karina. It was obviously seen that Karina had the same build as her Mother, and the same piercing golden eyes, attitude, and the stubborn ways of her Father.[/i] Spirit1/Ariel: Shes still stubborn Dolosus, just like you were... Spirit2/Dolosus: I know... We have to somehow get to her... We don't have much time Ariel... Spirit2/Dolosus: I still cant believe how stubborn she is... Karina listen! We are not illusions!! Karina: Still not listening! Spirit1/Ariel: Its next to hopeless Dolosus... Oh my poor child... She grew up... and she doesn't even recognise me! Spirit2/Dolosus: Gee i wonder why Ariel! I mean we did die and leave her! She was forced to grow up and learn to live with the fact that we werent around anymore Ariel, no wonder why shes so unwilling to listen... I mean, would you be willing?... Ariel: ...I suppose not... But she wont even look at me! You know how painfull this is?! Dolosus: I know... hmmm... idea time! KARINA WINTER YOU LOOK ME IN THE FACE AND QUIT ACTING LIKE A COWARD! [i]Karina's head snapped up, she glared at him defiantly.[/i] Karina(sarcastically): I'm a married woman "sir" I no longer bear that last name! Dolosus: You mean you are a widower! Karina: Shut up! You're not my parents... They're dead. [i]Karina looked at the band upon her right ring finger. She slipped the ring off, and whipped it deep into the crypt... she didn't know why she had done that, but the spirits were right, her husband was long since dead. She got up and looked at the ceiling of the darkened cavern.[/i] Karina: Why must we all be tortured like this!? You took my husband, my child, and my family! Ariel: Karina... We are still here, please look at me daughter, we may not be as you remember us, but please... Don't turn away. Dolosus: Its no use Ariel, I cant find her sister, she never came here, Karina is all we have... But she won't even look at us let alone listen.
  18. [i]Ari quickly made her way inside and slammed the door behind her and Vahn. She leaned against the door panting.[/i] Ari: Man that was freaky! Where are all these dead people coming from?! [i]She looked at Vahn as if asking him if he knew. He gave a small shrug and shook his head. Ari moved away from the door still gripping her staff tightly as if it gave her some form of comfort, even though she had no clue how to use it to her advantage. She faced the door as if awaiting some kind of attack. Vahn still only able to whisper turned to Ari.[/i] Vahn: Maybe it would be wise if we moved [i]away[/i] from the door? Ari: Yeah you're right Vahn. [i]Ari wheeled Vahn away from the door, back over to the rec room so they could both watch whatever Valen was doing out there. Ari helped Vahn back onto the couch.[/i] Ari: No offense but you kind of remind me of an egyptian mummy! [i]Vahn gave Ari a "dont push it" look so she shut up immediately.[/i] Ari: Sorry Vahn that one slipped.
  19. Name: Karina Age: 1500 Alignment: Good Race: Archangel Short Bio: Peace. Quiet. Serenity. After youve dealt with this for a millenium it really starts to get on your nerves! Yhats why Karina ran(uh...flew?) off and went back to earth for awhile, just to re-familliarize herself with chaos. Weapons: -throwing stars -whip -katana Spells: -Hail Storm -Frozen Touch -Healing Snow -Enternal Whirlpool
  20. Ari: ....Then Kain started slashing at you he got you a bunch of times, it was awful. After he finished with you, you were badly messed up. Then he shoved you to the ground, I guess you were knocked out when you hit the floor. Karina took you to the sidelines, we thought it was all over for you and Valen, because he looked no better. But then Valen somehow started healing, got up as if he hadn't been hurt at all, and started kicking his butt royally! Valen took care of the demon warrior and threw him outside. [i]Ari paused for a second, as if she was done. She looked at Vahn as if decideding to continue or not. After a moment or two she continued her explanation.[/i] Ari: I went to lock the door, I hadnt seen how badly you were hurt yet, I had just caught a glimpse of you when Karina had pulled you from the line of fire... anyways you were bleeding heavily and Karina feared that you might not live if they didn't do something... fast, anyways they helped you out and youre still here... She must have done something intense because some of the slashes are missing. but not all of them... [i]Ari sighed and rested her head on her arms upon the arm of the couch.[/i]
  21. [i]Karina ran from the cameraguy who was trying to get her to talk.[/i] Karina: NO! Athena!? where are you?! How do you get this guy away? I hate camera's! Cameraguy: Come on...stop! [i]Karina whipped around and glared at the cameraguy[/i] Karina: what do you want with me!? Cameraguy: Just stop and talk to the camera! Karina: oh...is that all? ok I can do that ^_^ I think ether Geroshi or Athena/Daisy will win this thing. I know I'm gonna get kicked off soon by some means... ether by Sage or by her little kitty friend... anyways I feel kinda weird about this whole thing I mean I'm one of the only non-freaks left here! *sigh* was that enough? Cameraguy: yup Karina: now where was I? OH YEAH THE TRIBAL WAR! WHOO HOO!!! [i]Karina ran off back into the fight, obviously still on her sugar high!![/i]
  22. [i]Karina stared at the two almost shapeless forms approach her and the dark figure. As they neared they took an a more recogniseable form. Part of her hoped they were just an illusion the other part... hoped they weren't. Karina turned to face the Dark Mage beside her and glared up at him.[/i] Karina: Why are you doing this to me!? [i]The dark one did not answer her. She felt her heart ache as it had upon that terrible day and turned away, if they were an illusion she still couldn't face it. The Dark figure laughed at her and said in a singsong tone...[/i] ???: What's the matter? Can't even talk to your own parents? Karina: Shut up, Shut Up, SHUT UP! You're messing with me and its not gonna work! These are just stupid illusions created by your dark magic to screw with me! [i]The spirit that looked like her mother came forward.[/i] Spirit: I heard that Karina. We are not illusions... we are real. Karina: Stop it!! I'm not gonna listen to this crap! Last time something like this happened someone ended up dead! I'm not gonna believe it! Spirit: Karina... Karina: Not gonna hear it!! Dolosus Winter and his wife Ariel Winter... my parents died 1400 and something years ago! You two can't be my Mother and Father!! They wouldn't still be around like this! [i]Karina closed her eyes and covered her ears with her hands. The dark form laughed.[/i] ???: Can you be sure of that? [i]The second spirit stepped forward up beside the first, he crossed his arms and gave Karina the look that she had always used on everyone else.[/i] spirit2: Karina listen! Karina: I will not listen! You're trying to trick me and I'm not falling for it. So back off!
  23. [i]Suddenly from the woods burst a middle aged man on a dark colored stallion. His brown hair hung behind him in a long braid, his face was set in determination, he wore little armor. But otherwise he didnt seem all that threatening... Except the fact that he bore the katana of a Samerai. He rode up with amazing speed to the gates of the palace and halted at the gates. He didn't dismount he just glared at the gate guards.[/i] ???: Please let me in! guard: Im sorry sir, but we cant. I ask you to leave sir. ???: Fine then! Tell his highness to release my daughter!! I know you have her! [i]Karina hearing the commotion grabbed her bag for no reason, and ran back into the courtyard to watch. Her eyes widened at the sight. The man atop the stallion was her father![/i] guard: I'm sorry we cant let you in, now may I ask you to move before we have to use force! ???: I would just like to tell you who you are challengeing I am Dolosus Winter. And I demand to know why his highness would take my child! [i]He drew his ice colored blade and held it up as if challengeing the guards. Karina ran as fast as she could up the stone path right up to the open gates to let her dad see her.[/i] Karina: Daddy! [i]He saw her and smirked at the guards before dismounting and embracing his daughter. The guards could do nothing to stop them.[/i] Dolosus: Oh Karina I was so worried about you... Why didn't you come home? What happened to your hands!? Karina: Its a long story Daddy. Dolosus: Well come on you can tell me when we get home. [i]The man hoisted Karina up into the saddle and climbed up after her, he put the horse into a full gallop and thundered away from the palace as fast as the horse could go. Karina looked back and gave a silent goodbye, before she disappeared from view. She knew she would see them again as soon as she could.[/i]
  24. [i]Ari stared in disbelief at Valen.[/i] Ari: I still dont get what you said Valen... You mean she went willingly?! Why?! Valen: She wanted to... There was nothing I could do to stop her. Ari: I cant believe it... why Karina?... [i]Ari sighed sadly, her shoulders slightly trembling, she stopped as soon as she realized that Valen was still watching her. She was obviously upset. She felt her eyes mist over, she blinked a few times to keep herself from crying.[/i] Ari: I'll take you to Vahn hes probably wondering whats going on... [i]Ari walked into the rec room went over and sat back down where she had been before Valen re-entered.[/i] Ari: Hes been wanting an explanation Valen. I dont know if I should... Valen: Let him know Ari Ari: Ok... Sorry if this tramatizes you in any way Vahn... [i]Ari went into full explanation of the events that had occured that evening. Valen had taken a seat and seemed to have gone into deep thought, paying no attention to Ari and her "graphic" descriptions of all the events.[/i]
  25. [i]Karina glared at the dark mage, hatred burning in her golden colored eyes. She sensed his power, this dark one could kill Valen and herself if he wanted to. She didnt want to endanger her friends and family again because of her stubborn attitude. She couldn't believe what she was about to do. She sighed and handed the blade back to Valen.[/i] Valen: Karina? What are you doing? Karina: I'm going with him. Valen: Are you crazy?! He will destroy you! Please dont Karina! Karina: I...I have to Val... Valen: Karina please rethink what you're about to do! [i]Karina put her hands on his shoulders and looked him in the face.[/i] Karina: Valen you have to trust me on this one, I promised myself that day just after Dymonoc fell that I would never again allow my family or friends be hurt as long as I had a way to prevent it. I would be breaking my promise if I allowed harm to befall Ari, Vahn and you. [i]She stepped away from him, turned to face the necromancer,and started to walk towards the dark figure, Valen knew he couldnt stop her from doing this. She hoped she was doing the right thing in doing this... She paused and looked back at Valen, she noticed that his hair caught the moons rays and seemed to shimmer in the faint light.[/i] Karina: Valen... Take care of Ari for me... Please?
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