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[i]Ari's hand moved off of her staff that lay across her lap as she slept. She suddenly moved over in her sleep, the staff fell and clattered on the hardwood floor startling Ari awake. She reached down and quickly snatched the wooden staff from off of the ground.[/i] Ari: Huh?!... Oh dear I hope that didnt wake Vahn up... [i]She heard a whisper.[/i] Vahn: ...No that didn't wake me up. [i] She turned, startled to the source of the voice and saw Vahn looking at her. Ari seemed slightly shocked that Vahn was conscious. But at least he was now awake.[/i] Ari: Vahn! You're awake. [i]Vahn could only nod.[/i] Ari: Thank goodness Vahn, I was so worried about you... I thought that... [i]Ari turned away and bit her lip, remembering the deep worry she had felt when she saw Vahn just laying there cut up and bleeding upon the floor. It hurt her so much to see her friend hurt like that. She had never seen anything so horrible in her whole life. But now she felt very much relived to see him awake.[/i] Ari: You gave all of us a scare Vahn, you lost a lot of blood, Karina was flipping out, none of us knew if you were going to pull through. [i]Ari shut up immediately, she didnt want to upset Vahn not now just when he had come to. She looked at Vahn sadly as if apologising.[/i] Ari: Sorry Vahn, I didnt mean to get so carried away with that...
[i]Karina gave Valen a shocked look, but hid the look as fast as it had appeared. She took up her usual battle stance. She finally had a blade for this battle, this strange man was going to pay for his threats.[/i] Karina: You do not mess with people who know magic in the first place, but to mess with someone whos undead and knows magic, buddy you are so stepping over the line! [i]Karina prepared herself, she hoped that this was a fight that they could win...[/i]
Karina: well what are we waiting for!? Lets help the ol' hamster out! [i]Karina grabbed her sword( the one she had with her when she arrived) and pointed its tip in the direction of the fight.[/i] Karina: Finally something that I know how to do is happening! Athena: ....uh...ok Karina: CHARGE!!! [i]Karina ran at the hole and dove in, making war cries as she entered, the sugar she had consumed from the mashmellows had finally kicked in and was now giving the girl a major sugar high!!![/i]
Ari watched Valen leave, she was starting to wonder if Karina was actually missing. And with the possibility of that freak still wandering around out there didnt help her mood at all. Ari: I hope that both of them will be ok... Meanwhile with Karina... Karina: so tell me, what intrest do you have with specifically me? why not someone else? ???: That is none of your concern! You're comming along with me NOW! Karina: Never, I've never obeyed anyone before, why should I start now? ???: Because your friends lives are at stake. Karina: Leave them out of this! [i]Her hand went to her throwing stars bag, she whipped one out and prepared to throw it at the still unknown attacker, when Valen rounded the corner and spotted her.[/i] Valen: Karina! There you are! [i]He stared at the shrouded figure then back to Karina.[/i] Karina: Valen this weirdo wants me to go with him, if I dont he claims he will kill Vahn, what do you suggest we do?
[i]The man had just made a fatal mistake, unless they had a deathwish, nobody in the right mind would ever even attempt to try to talk to Karina in that way.[/i] Karina: WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME!? I didnt go through hell and back just to be thought of as a mere obediant woman that shall obey your every whim! If you want me to come with you you will have to fight me, you leave Valen, Ari and Vahn out of this! Or are you scared? [i]Meanwhile upstairs with Ari...[/i] [i]Ari sat in bed reading, she couldnt sleep. She sighed climbed out of bed, pulled her housecoat on over her nightshirt and walked down the hall and peeked inside Karina's room. Strangly enough, Karina wasnt there.[/i] Ari: Maybe shes still downstairs... [i]She closed the door behind her and headed downstairs. She reached the bottom just in time to see Valen walk out the door. She was about to call out to him but stopped and let him go. She turned her gaze to the rec room, she guessed that was where Vahn was. She quietly made her way over to the dark rec room and peeked inside. She saw Vahn laying on the couch, she went and sat next to him making sure that she didnt disturb him. Karina had told Ari when she had come to see her, that he would be fine. Still whenever she thought of that "demon warrior" she felt a deep burning hatred deep within her. She disliked some people, everybody does, but she had never felt deep hatred like this before.[/i] Ari: Vahn? I dont know if you can hear me or not, but someday I'm going to help you get that freak back for what he did whether or not you like it. [i]The thought about that dark one again and her hatred licked at her insides like flames. She cringed at the memory of earlier that evening. She had never seen anything like it. She still couldn't believe that magic still existed. She went picked up the staff and stared at it with new eyes, it didnt look like much, but somehow she knew that it had helped bring Karina back. If only she knew how to use it![/i]
OOC: Um Juu, I think you made a name mix up read the second last line of your post sorry if its right and im the one messed up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Ari and Sunchi ran back over the gravel path up to the gym. Somehow in someway Ariadne felt as if something was happening, or is going to happen, she pulled open the door to the gym and just stepped back inside the brightly lit gym just in time to see Piper challenge Blaise.[/i] Ari: Piper what are you doing?! That kid isn't even done his gym match yet! [i]Sunchi nodded in agreement(for once), opened up its little golden wings and fluttered over to a stadium bench to watch, the little pokemon obviously didnt want to get caught in a fight between the trainers, should there be one.[/i] Ari: Oh thanks Sunchi, leave me why dont you! Sunchi: chi-chi! ^_^ (your welcome) Ari: Youre hopeless! Sunchi: chis-un? chichi sunchi sun chi sun sun. (Yeah so? You make it sound like it's a bad thing.)
[i]Karina had been stuffing her face, stealing and squishing all she could from the Indigoths pile. She looked over at Athena... erm... Daisy and Geroshi and sighed[/i] Karina: when will this nightmare end? Aw well its free mashmellows im not whineing! ^_~
[i]Karina smiled at her friend, he knew as well as her, that her chances of "being carefull" were next to nothing. But after all the events that happened she decided to humour him.[/i] Karina: Ill be carefull Valen, I just have to get out, go for a walk, go outside, do something! All the tension in here is driving me crazy, thats all. I'll be back in a little while Valen... [i]She got up off of the couch, went over to the front door, moved the chair that Ari had placed there, and went outside. She heaved a sigh of relief and wandered over to the tree that had tripped her up before and sat down underneath it. She stared over at the strange stone structure to the left of her, it was very weird looking, she turned her gaze away. She had to admit that being outside and breathing in the warm summer air was much better then sittin' up on some windowsill. She became suddenly aware of something being nearby. If it was dark or good, she didn't know, and to be honest she didn't want to know.[/i]
[i]Karina gazed at the sky, something was bugging her though she didn't know exactly what, it was just a mere nagging feeling that something was going to happen.[/i] Karina: Its the heat... It's getting to me. [i]She grabbed her bag of throwing stars, climbed back off of the windowsill and closed the window. But the feeling remained.[/i] Karina: I wonder if Valen has sensed whatever that is... >.< I have to go for a walk... [i]She reattached her bag to her leather strap and went downstairs, she bothered to peer into the rec room just out of curiosity, and saw that Valen was awake. He looked up and noticed her.[/i] Karina: ....busted. [i]She was frozen to the spot for a brief moment longer, she knew she had been caught, but it didnt matter. So she wandered over to Valen and Vahn and knelt down in front of the couch. She looked at the snoozeing Vahn, and put the back of her hand to his forehead and felt the teens temerature. She then turned to Valen. She got up off the floor and sat down beside him, she put her hand on his shoulder.[/i] Karina: Sorry, I was going to take a walk... Has Vahn gotten any better Valen?
[i]She made her way upstairs as quietly as possible so she wouldn't disturb Valen and Vahn. She went into her room, and instead of going to bed she passed right by it, went over to the window and opened it, letting the warm summers breeze flow inside. Even though she disliked heat of any kind, a gentle warm breeze she could stand. She hopped up onto the windowsill, and stared at the dark night sky. She had no idea to why the beautiful stars and moon would want to hide during the day. She turned her gaze directly downward to the ground just two stories below, it wasn't exactly that much of a drop, she could easily land it if she jumped. But she wasn't interested in leaving at the moment. She took her bag of throwing stars and placed them next to her on the sill.[/i] Karina(whispering): Well at least one problem is solved, for now that is. I wonder why that weirdo attacked? This is starting to remind me of when I first met up with Valen and the others... And it all happened just over there. [i]She turned her gaze to an area up on the mountainside almost invisible in the dark. There, that very area was where she found the blessing... or a curse, whichever way you looked at it, of actually finding a way to find a way to avenge her parents deaths.[/i] Karina: Who knew? I never thought we could actually do it...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Endymion [/i] [B]Despite my shining, irresistable charm, I've never dated anyone. Yes, yes, I know. I'm just as surprised as you all are. :) I'm a "guy-friend." It's a lonely existance, but somebody has to live it. [/B][/QUOTE] *sigh* same case here... except that im not a "guy" friend.... um... I guess that would make me... a gal friend?:cross: but I dont care if its another race ether, I mean, we are all just people and my school is very... international? lol ;)
[i]T.hybinmon had lost the group upon arrival but now she sensed where War Angemon was, so with emmese speed she zoomed through the maze of hallways and chambers until she reached the main hallway.[/i] T.Hybinmon: *panting* I wonder... if hes here?
[i]Karina stumbled up the staircase, slightly dizzy from the sudden energy drain. But she managed pretty well. She was much happier now that she knew Vahn would be ok. She knocked on Ari's door and slowly opened it, she looked around for Ari in the dimly lit room, and spotted her upon her bed, her head underneath her pillow. Ari's shoulders shook with her silent sobs of fear, anger, and sadness. Karina quietly crept across the room and took a seat on the bed. She tapped Ari on the shoulder and startled her. Ari pulled her head out from under the pillow and faced Karina, even in the faint light Karina could see that she had been crying.[/i] Ari: h...h..hows Vahn? Karina: Hes ok, he's still unconscious, but we think hes going to be alright... you ok? [i]Ari nodded, she seemed slightly more at ease now that she had heard the news. Karina smiled at the girl.[/i] Karina: ...Yeah well as much as I want to stick around, I'm going back downstairs to talk with Valen, then I'm going to my room. I just wanted to let you know... you know because of how freaked out you were before. [i]Ari smiled at Karina.[/i] Ari: Thanks for telling me. Karina: Hey whats a ....many greats, grandmother for? [i]They both had a good laugh and Karina left Ari, feeling... well happy. She came back downstairs, even though she knew she should have been resting... But since when has Karina done what she was supposed to? She went into the rec room and saw where Valen had moved Vahn...the couch. Valen was sitting on a chair nearby, his eyes were closed, he was ether in deep meditation or, he was asleep, it was too hard to tell. Karina turned around and went back upstairs, she didnt want to disturb them.[/i] Karina: Goodnight guys...
[i]Just after Kain had been tossed out, Ari ran over to the door, slammed it shut, and locked it. For good measure she put a chair under the doorknob.[/i] Ari: Ok the doors locked! [i]Ari ran back over to Valen and Karina who were examineing Vahn. She couldnt see Vahn yet, but she wasnt sure that she wanted to. But she swallowed her fear and came up alongside Karina and, held in a scream. Vahns black shirt and pants was shredded in places, revealing the horrible bloody gashes created by the blade as it had bitten into his flesh. She looked at the wall and saw blood tricking down the white paint in tiny streams of red to puddle upon the wooden floor. Ari backed away, she spoke, but her voice was hardly above a whisper.[/i] Ari: I think I'm gonna be sick. [i]Karina trembled slightly, the nightmare that she had been having ever since that fateful day came back loud and clear to haunt her... She suddenly saw the final battle occuring, she sound of the waterfall boomed in her ears.Every detail was there, as if she was reliving that terrible nightmare. She saw the fight to the death between Lacrox and Valen, then moments later she saw Lacroix's blade bite into Valen, she watched her friend... The one who sat next to her now. Die right before her eyes... and her unable to help. She wouldn't let that happen ever again! She turned to Valen.[/i] Karina: He's losing alot of blood Valen, if we dont do something quick he's going to die... Valen: Cant you use your healing energy? Karina: I can try Valen... I have to see how severe the wounds are, help me take his shirt off, but be gentle. [i]Ari looked about ready to pass out at any moment from fear, Karina saw her discomfort and wanted to do something about it.[/i] Karina: Ari? I know how you dont want to see this, so san you get us a bucket of water and a washcloth? Hurry please! [i]Ari didnt need to be told twice, she took off quickly to fetch the things that were requested. Karina and Valen gently pulled the tattered garment off of Vahn to reveal the deep, raw, red, wounds that covered his upper torso. Karina noticed Valen tense up slightly next to her and Karina resisted the urge to gasp in shock. She had expected the wounds to be bad, but she hadnt expected them to be this bad. Her energy wasnt yet at 100% so she didnt want to use up every bit of healing energy she had, it would take a long time to get it back, even though this boy was special. Luckily the bleeding had slowed down just a tad. Ari then returned with the bucket and cloth, and when she looked down at Vahn she nearly dropped the bucket.[/i] Karina: Ari I have one more thing to ask you. do you have anything that might work as bandaging if my healing magic doesnt work? Ari: .....ok I think so, theres the first aid kit! [i]Ari ran off, tears starting to sting her eyes.[/i] Karina: Ok Valen, lets put him on his side... Valen: Yes I know the drill [i]They gently lay Vahn down on the floor and rolled him onto his side, hopeing to not hurt him any more than what was nessessary. Karina grabbed a washcloth, dunked it into the bucket and started to wipe the blood away from the open wounds. Had Vahn been conscious when she applied the cloth he most likely would have been yelling out. But he wasnt awake, and that was making Karina increasingly nervous. Soon the water was tainted red. Ari returned with a fair sized first aid kit.[/i] Karina: Man youre parents were ready for anything! look at this stuff! Ari: yeah... they are slightly paranoid when it comes to that kind of thing... [i]Ari shifted around, getting increaingly worried and upset Karina noticed her worry again. She had done her part.[/i] Karina: Ari. Upstairs. Now. youve done your part, I know this is a terrible thing to witness so get out of here ok? [i]Ari ran off upstairs, she didnt look back. Karina sighed and dug out a package of gauze, she tossed it to Valen.[/i] Karina: Ok Valen, I'm gonna try it now, if it doesnt work... well lets just hope it does... [i]She held her hands out, the palms just inches from Vahn's chest, she closed her eyes for a moment and focused. Her palms started glowing a faint blue, but nothing seemed to be happening... suddenly the window behind them burst open, and pure white snowflakes flew inside... in the middle of july no less! Karina didnt even flinch as the snow started falling around them, or on top of Vahn, as they pure cold white snow touched a wound it would heal it slightly. She continued to hold her hands out no matter what, as more snow flew inside and swirled around them. Karina knew that this attack was weaker then it usually should have been but it couldnt be helped, she was using almost all of the energy that she had been restoring slowly all in this one heal. Karina suddenly stopped, and the snow stopped flowing inside. She fell foreward trying to catch her breath.[/i] Karina: Valen... did... it work?
[i]When Riona finally looked up she found herself alone again, for the group that had been there just before Jaudiar and Rajaah appeared seemed to have disappeared as well. They had, in fact done just that, and were now leaving the forest and heading back to Ari's residence...[/i] Karina: Valen, what was the meaning of that!? Valen: I was just stating facts that she needed to know! This forest is your domain and home, not hers... Karina: Look as much as you wanted to help I can very easily defend for myself... [i]She looked down at the ground for a moment and sighed, before looking up at him again.[/i] Karina: ...Thanks Valen Ari: Ok guys we are nearing my cottage, luckily for you guys my parents had to go back home to handle an emergency at work and won't be back for a week or so. Karina: So they can stay here too? Ari: Yeah...Thats the plan, if they want to that is. [i]Ari reached into the pocket of her shorts and took out her keys. As soon as they reached the front door she looked back at them, gave them a weird "I dont believe this" look before unlocking, and opening the door. She walked inside, followed by Vahn. Valen and Karina looked around them and took in their surroundings. Karina hadnt had much of a chance beforehand to take a good look around before rushing off with Ari. Ari leaned her staff up against the wall, then she turned to them.[/i] Ari: Come on in, it's not exactly "clean" right now, you can hang your... cloaks in the closet... well um... [i]She struggled with her words, but couldn't think of anything else to say or do, so she left the room.[/i]
[i]Ari stared at Karina her eyes quickly filling with fear, she backed away from the woman that hadnt told her what she really was.[/i] Ari: You.. you... youre DEAD!? Karina: Ari I was gonna tell you, I dont honestly believe it myself. [i]Karina leaned against a tree and watched the horrified teen flip out, at her, but she was now too tired to think of a nasty comeback.[/i] Ari: That means.... You were that zombie from before!! Karina: Huh? What are you talking about Ari? Ari: I saw a zombie... and I ran into my dad and when he went to check you were there instead... it all makes sense now! [i] Karina seemed to zone out and stared at the open blue sky. after a pause she spoke, her voice barly above a whisper.[/i] Karina: I thought that was a dream [i]Ari heard her speak and snapped at her, she was in a mixture of anger confusion and fear.[/i] Ari: It may have been a dream for you but a total nightmare for me. [i] Karina seemed to snap out of the daydream she was having, and fixed her gaze upon Valen. She shook her head as if still unbelieving of his presance.[/i] Karina: Valen... It's been so long, I've missed you...
Meanwhile back with Karina and Ari... [i]Ari had just gone over every event that had happened up until that point, Karina was staring open mouthed at the girl.... could it be true? She had even told her the date... it was almost 1400 years later! That would explain why she was there... she had been dead! though she would not tell the girl...yet, she was in total shock. Though she wouldnt let it show.[/i] Karina: So thats what happened huh? Ari: yeah... Karina: Where is your dad anyways? I would like to thank him. Ari: He and mom had to go back home immediately, they left you with me. They will be back in a week or so [i]Karina crossed her arms and glared at the wall. She was starting to feel more like herself again. She pulled the bandage off of her neck and placed it on the table.[/i] Karina: I dont need anyone to look after me... [i]She suddenly felt the urge to go to Valen's resting place... If it was still there, she hoped it was. She had always gone there to think, still in a daze she just got up from the table.[/i] Ari: Where are you going Karina? Karina: I have to check something, can you tell me where my hood is? Ari: It's just... over in the closet. Karina: Thanks Ari: You're not thinking of going somewhere are you? I mean youre not exactly 100% better yet. Karina: I'm sure I'll be just fine Ari. Ari: I'm not so sure... let me go with you! Karina: What!?... oh ok fine... if it will make you feel better. [i]She went over and tied her cloak and hood on, and headed for the door, Ari grabbed her staff and was now following close behind. Karina went into the woods, she seemed to know where she was off to, Ari didnt want to ask questions, so she stayed in stride behind the woman. When they reached a certain clearing Karina suddenly stopped, she seemed to just freeze in place. Ari felt something was watching them, from the treetops.[/i] Karina: Ari... something is dangerously wrong here... May I suggest running? Ari: Yeah... [i]The two girls ran off down an old beaten path as fast as their legs could carry them. Karina was slowed down by her injuries but even that didnt seem to slow her down much. Ari was having a tough time keeping up. Karina wasnt really focusing on the path ahead anymore, her thoughts were all jumbled and she was trying to put them all straight. She didnt even hear Ari yell to watch out, She didnt notice the person running, all she saw was a glimpse of blue hair, just before she slammed head on into the person, sending both her and the young man tumbling to the forest floor. [/i] Ari: Oh no Karina!? Karina you ok? Karina: Yeah, just fine. [i]She got up and brushed herself off, she then went over to check to see if the man was ok. She hadnt really gotten a good look at him yet, it was the same in his case, he hadn't really seen the person who had knocked the both of them over.[/i] Karina: Look, sorry sir that was my fault. I would like to apologize. [i]She reached down to offer her hand to help him up, she now finally bothered to look down at who she was talking to, and gasped in utter shock.[/i] Karina: VALEN?! Valen: What? how do you?... [i]He looked up at the girl and blinked a couple of times to make sure he wasnt seeing things.[/i] Valen: KARINA?! Valen & Karina in unison: I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!! [i]Karina pulled her friend to his feet then backed away.[/i] Karina: No way... you cant be him!! I watched the real Valen die! you cant... be... [i]The terrible memory flashed before her eyes again, she had been haunted by the memory of watching him die right in front of her ever since that day.[/i] Valen: Yes, I am Valen, its as strange for me to be standing here as it is for you to see me. [i]The corners of Karina's eyes stung with tears, she looked away. The boy that had been with Valen gave her a weird look.[/i] Vahn: Did I miss something here? [i]Ari turned to Vahn[/i] Ari: I'm just as lost right now.
[i]It was late afternoon. The sky was slowly darkening to its evening colors. In the forest where Karina used to lurk, when she was still living, had totally changed over the years? A road twisted and curved up the mountain, heading into cottage country. At the base of the wooded mountainside stood a cottage that looked like the rest that were built around there. But there was something different about this particular property, at the edge of that property stood an ancient stone structure. It stood about 10 feet tall it was made of stone with a door to match, upon the door there was writing that had been engraved there, it was almost completely worn away, but even if it wasn?t worn away nobody would have been able to read it, because the language that was used on the door wasn?t used anymore. Suddenly a girl that was in her mid teens ran out of the house. Her long light brown hair flowed behind her as she ran. She wore a white short-sleeved t-shirt and a pair of blue shorts. She carried a staff under her arm as she ran. She laughed as she tore out of there. She continued across the property to the structure and she ducked behind it, and closed her eyes hoping not to be seen. Soon after she ran out an older woman who looked like she could have been the girls mother, came running out of the same way the girl had. She came to the edge of the clearing.[/i] Woman: Ari! Ariadne where are you? Listen Ari this isn?t funny! Get back here this instant! [i]When the lady didn?t get an answer she turned and stormed back into the house muttering colorful language. When she slammed the door behind her, Ari sighed in relief.[/i] Ari: Geez Mom cant you take a hint that I was joking? Parents, sheesh! [i]She leaned against the cool stone and examined the weird old staff she had discovered recently. She had found it in the basement of the cottage, she recalled that it hadn?t been there the year before. But still? It didn?t seem that special to her, it just looked interesting so she kept it. The staff was about four feet long and was made of two thick vines intertwined together. The staff was strangely solid for just being 2 vines wrapped together. At the top there was a round light blue stone that reminded Ari of a big sapphire, or a bubble, it was bound in place to the top with the little ends of the vines. She pulled a piece of paper from a pocket in her shorts and unfolded it, the language was very strange, she had copied the phrase from an illustration in an English novel one day. She leaned back and sighed, she was on summer vacation, wasn?t she supposed to have fun? She missed her friends from school?[/i] Ari: Ok this will be fun, especially if Mom catches me doing this! Mom I wish you hadn?t got so hyped up over it, it?s just a bit of gibberish on a paper. Its not like it?s going to do anything? Alright ladies and gentlemen I will now for your entertainment? say a bunch of made up words! [i]She hopped up off of the ground and held the staff out in front of her, pointing at the stone building. She held the paper open in one hand and the staff in the other, it felt, strangely familliar. She murmured the words on the paper.[/i] Ari: Metani noyani-mah ti-marie mishana! Toe meh sham-- [i]She was stopped suddenly by a loud crash! That seemed to come from under the ground. Ari looked down and shivered a little. She had heard that there was a tomb built right underneath this area of the property, some of her ancestors were said to be buried under this very spot.[/i] Ari: Ok that was weird? Probably just a tree falling somewhere? Toe meh sham! Metani noyani-mah ti-marie mishana! Eviver-anirak!! [i]As soon as the last word left her mouth the ground beneath her shook violently. Ari was thrown to the ground. Hard. She scrambled to her feet and backed away from the stone structure as fast as she could she backed into a tree, just as the sealed stone door of the monument exploded off of the structure the door shattered into pieces in midair and landed around Ari who was covering her head, with her eyes closed, screaming in terror. When the earth stopped shaking, and the dust settled. She dared to look again? and wished she hadn?t. Because standing in the doorway of the tomb? was a skeleton, dripping in some kind of gross, nasty looking fluid. Bits of old cloth still clung to parts of this living dead. A decaying leather strap went from its shoulder down to what was at one point its waist, when it was still alive; at the end of this was a shredded old bag that looked ready to fall apart at any second. It held its head high, and stood like a normal person, not like the zombies in the movies that shuffled around as if they couldn?t do any better even if they tried. It didn?t seem evil, it seemed? actually confused, not evil, despite the fact that this thing was a living skeleton. It didn?t seem to have taken notice of Ari yet? Ari slowly let out a choked whisper.[/i] Ari: Dear lord what have I done?! [i]Ari started to back away from the scene. But she tripped on a raised tree root and fell to the ground. The creatures head turned to where the sound had come from, its empty eye sockets seemed to stare at her. Its jaw started moving up and down, as if it was trying to speak, but since it had no vocal cords anymore, speech was impossible. But it didn?t seem to realize that yet. The thing took a step towards Ari.[/i] Ari: STAY AWAY YOU DEMONIC BEAST! [i]She leapt off of the ground and charged into the house screaming all the way there. ____________________________________ The skeleton, which was actually once a woman by the name of Karina. Just watched in absolute confusion as the girl ran off. Why did she flee? Was it the explosion that set her off? Why couldn?t she talk? Karina obviously hadn?t noticed she wasn?t the same anymore? literally. She decided to go after the girl to find out why she ran away. She moved as quickly as she could manage towards the house where the girl had gone inside. But she too met the wrath of the tree root and fell flat on the ground. Her head popped off and rolled onto the grass, with her face, facing the rest of her body.[/i] Karina thinking: What the?!?! Oh I don?t feel so good? [i]She blacked out there upon the grass not moving at all. Just then the rest of the spell cast by Ari fully kicked in, and a ball of pure white light appeared and floated above the skeletal form of Karina for a moment or two before descending upon her remains. What Ari had read aloud was a plea for an ancestor?s revival? and Karina was the one chosen. With a quick blinding flash, where the skeleton was laying a mere moment ago now lay a young woman, in about her early twenties with long brown hair, much like Ari?s. She was wearing clothing that seemed out of place for this time and place. She wore a little bit of armor, and an empty Katana sheath, on top of a t-shirt and short skirt. A ripped navy blue cloak was tied around her neck. And a bag hung over her arm, similar to the one the skeleton had been wearing, though hers was in better condition. She was severely beaten up, as if she had been in a tremendous fight. She had a black eye, a nasty bump on her forehead, and multiple gashes, cuts, and bruises all over her body. There was one would that stuck out more than the rest, on the back of her neck, it was a huge ugly bruise that had a gash in the middle of it? _____________________________________ Ari ran into the cottage shaking with fear, she turned, slammed and bolted the front door, she ran around the cottage and locked the side and back doors. After this was done she ran to all of the windows slamming and locking every one. She closed the drapes on the bay windows. Just as she was running upstairs she ran headfirst into her father, his name was Andre.[/i] Andre: Whoa! Ari where?s the fire? Calm down sweetie. You look like you?ve seen a ghost or something. Ari: Dad! I DID see a ghost? or more like? one of the living dead! Its coming up to the house right now Dad! It was awful! [i]She broke down, embraced her father and started crying. Her dad?s face changed to one of worry. He knew zombies existed, but he couldn?t prove it to anyone without accurate proof. Nobody believed in that kind of stuff anymore. But still, he could have sworn he had seen them in the woods. His daughter never lied to him, he believed her, and now, he was going to protect his family at all costs.[/i] Andre: Ari? get upstairs, and get me my rifle, understand? Ari: Dad!? No! You can?t be serious! That thing was horrible! It was all? gross and? Andre: Ari, now! [i]Ari reluctantly dashed upstairs as fast as she could and got her father his gun. She brought it down to him and she watched him go and unlock the door.[/i] Ari: NO DAD DON?T! [i]Too late, Andre had opened the door and stepped outside Ari covered her face with her hands and cringed. She waited for a while she couldn?t hear anything. She uncovered her face and saw her father was bending over something? or someone? She ran out to see what had happened.[/i] Ari: Dad? Where is it? [i]Andre: I don?t know. I came out here, and instead of that zombie you saw, I found this poor soul. It looks like she?s been a bit roughed up doesn?t she? ?You know she does kind of look like you Ari.[/i] [i]He joked as he said that to his daughter, but it was true, the girl?s hair was the same shade as Ari?s, she was older than her? that was obvious, but she looked sort of like an older twin of his daughter. Ari looked at the girl that was upon the grass, she watched as the poor girl shivered as if she was in one of the coldest places on earth. Thoughts raced through Ari?s mind. Where had the vile creature gone? Did it beat the living daylights out of this girl?[/i] Ari: Look at her clothes! Man what is she? Some kind of knight from those medieval clubs? [i]Her father shrugged, then gingerly picked the quivering girl up into his arms, then started walking towards the house, still holding the strange girl.[/i] Andre: Tell your Mother what happened, and get the spare room ready? Ok Ari? Ari: But shouldn?t we take her to a hospital or something? [i]Her father didn?t answer, Ari was still in some kind of trance but snapped out of it and agreed, she rushed ahead of him to find her Mom, hoping that she wouldn?t still be mad at her for what had happened earlier?[/i] Ari: I wonder who that strange girl is? ? ______________________________________________ ? Looks like she?s been attacked? ?Who is she? ? ?Never seen her before? ?She was just outside? ? ?Just laying there on the ground? ?Where did she come from? ? ?I don?t know. She was just there... I swear it _____________________________________ [i]Karina twitched and woke up. She shot upright in the bed. Big mistake! The sudden movement caused her to have a head rush. She grabbed her throbbing head with her hands? her normal hands, not undead skeleton bones! She pulled her one hand away from her head and looked at it, she turned it over and looked at the back of her hand, everything was back where it should have been. Even the cuts? the nasty gashes had been cleaned and properly bandaged, but she paid that no mind. She looked around the darkened room she was in. Where was she? She got out of the bed and stumbled to the mirror on the other end of the room. She looked into the glass and saw her battered reflection stare back at her. She was still dressed in her normal clothing, minus her hood. Her eye was still swollen, but not as bad as when she first got it? The question on her mind now was? how did she survive a blow like that to her neck? She reached a hand to her neck and felt a thick bandage wrapped around it. Her energy was still extremely low, so she dragged herself back over to her bed, curled up under the sheets, and tried to rest. But she couldnt[/i] Karina: Its no use! I cant rest until I find out where I am. [i]She pulled herself up into a sitting position and tried to make sense of the events that happened.[/i] Karina: ok 2 guys with my katana, me pinned to the ground... the blade slashing my neck open, and then me waking up here...something is very out of sorts here. [i]She went over to the door and pulled it open and was nearly knocked over by a young girl coming in from the hallway. She didnt fall but the girl did.[/i] Karina: Sorry ???: Dont worry abou-- hey youre up! [i]The girl looked up now and showed her face to Karina... she looked almost exactly like her!![/i] Karina: What the?!... how?... I'm not surprised, so many weird events have occured already.. whats your name? ???: Ari...Whats your name anyways? [i]Karina gave a slight bow then said.[/i] Karina: My name is Karina... Ari... you have my sisters name...
OOC: Oh man! sorry! I didnt catch it in time >.< if its ok can this be set before I hand the crystal back? if not I'll edit _________________________________________ Hybinmon: Hybinmon digivolve to! Titahybinmon!!
yes Carren Heart we do!! ....I mean look at how many ppl on the good alliance as opposed to the evil alliance. Evil people are most definately needed
Ari: Ok Sunchi, we wont watch gym battles until were ready ok? Sunchi: Chi! (ok!) They went into a park, not far from the gym, where they could have been easily found, by piper and the other trainers that they had met up with, and sat down on a bench. Ari stared up at the sky and watched the clouds as they drifted overhead. She pushed her glasses back up on her nose. Ari: Oh Sunchi what have I gotten myself into? Maybe it was a bad idea to leave Bright Town.... Sunchi: chi sun (I dont know.) Ari suddenly looked at her serpant pokemon with her amythest coloured eyes. Sunchi gave her a confused look and flapped up onto her lap to confort her. Sunchi: Chi sun chi sunchi (dont be sad Ari, I'm here for you) Ari: Thanks Sunchi
Name: Karen Age: 15 and a some fraction DOB: May 3 1987 Location: Canada!!! One Word: huh? No, seriously. Describe yourself in one word: INSANE!!!! Occupation: *blinks* whats an occupation? oh... me student! Color: Blue/purple (got a problem with purple!?) Food: Pizza Beverage: Pop! Alter Ego: if you havent guessed by now its... Karina! Dream Job: Writer or ...something else... Self-Proclaimed: Weirdo! Ethnicity: English, Irish, Scottish, German, Cheq/Slovak, and CANADIAN! Extracurricular: Art Hobby: Writing and Sketching (though I suck at it :p) Dessert: Anything Chocolate! Musician: ...I dunno Group: I dont know, I just listen to random music Mac or PC?: Both! (dont ask) Nics: Fuzzy, Starlight, Yoshi, Chicken... (I would name more but I think ive damaged my pride enough for now.) Blog: wha?... Home Page: N/A (in other words me no have one) Religion: Christian Book: um... what? Collections: Pennies, pop tabs, cards and their packages, Teddy bears, Origami books, Yoshi pictures... (too many to name!) Sport: Basketball Won't Eat: My friends TV Show: Yugioh Words to live by: Follow your heart... Addicted to: OB! Comic: Garfield or Charlie Brown! Movie: Dragonheart a new Beginning
[i]Hybinmon saw the tamer and digimon apear out of the portal, she smiled under her mask then aproached them, she stopped a few yards away and bowed.[/i] Hybinmon: Hello, it was about time we had someone else appear. As you can see, right now our forces are limited. [i]She waved her hand at the digimon in the area around them. As she watched them merge again she smiled.[/i] Kerpymon: Who were you anyways? Hybinmon: well we used to be Fladingomon and Athena, now we are Hybinmon.
[i]Karina looked at the raging river ahead, she shook her head at the sight of the sharks docal fins sticking up, she turned around and gave a startled cry at the sight of Athena[/i] Karina: Oh gawd! Athena why are you acting like Geroshi? Where are your clothes? [i]Athena just glared at her so Karina backed off.[/i] Geroshi: Well the boat is ready, shall we be off now? [i]Karina just looked extreamely frustrated and embarassed. She seemed to hesitate.[/i] Karina: Oh joy, first I fall into a river of waste now if I fall off I'm sharkbait!