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Everything posted by starlight
Fladingomon: I must have missed that part of the meeting... but exactly HOW are we going to get to the real world? [i]As she talks she recalls her experiances in the real world...with Dylan... He had recently passed away in a fatal car crash. His best friend who had known of Fladingomon had offered to be her new partner... She missed both of her partners dearly and wanted so badly to return.[/i] Fladingomon: Sorry I just am so... grrr... mad! All ways of communication are down! I cant communicate... what is going on anyways?
[i]Karina sat on a park bench, reading the letter from the lime green envelope for the millienth time. She shifted her Katana's sheath, she had just finished fenceing class and had been taken to the city right afterwards giving her no time to prepare.[/i] Karina: This thing doesnt make any sense! Who in their right mind would think of something this bizzare, and strange? [i]She got up off of the bench and read the directions aloud.[/i] Karina:... and turn left to reach [b]The Shoppers Nightmare Mall[/b] [i]Thunder and lightning suddenly flashed and boomed overhead![/i] Karina: Weird.. we wernt expecting a storm... [i]She ran off to find the mall, upon arrival she overlooked the waring signs out in front, and walked inside [b]The Shoppers Nightmare Mall[/b][/i]
Shouldnt this be in sign up's?
OOC: Um i dont know if im one of those summoned by pixiemon if im not tell me and ill edit ^_~ IC: [i]Fladingomon was wandering the woods, wondering if Athena was ever gonna return, even if she didnt she would be fine...wouldnt she? She had no more time to think because a Noticemon landed right on the surprised rookie.[/i] Noticemon: Now where did that little rookie go? I could have sworn I saw her... Fladingomon: Would you be so kind as to get off of me!? Noticemon: oh... Sorry [i]Noticemon climbed off of the now confused rookie and told her of Pixiemon's message[/i] Noticemon: ...Now can you fly? Fladingomon: what do you think these wings are for?! But I might as well digivolve, I'm kind of out of practice. [i]She blushed then digivolved to Ardonimon and followed the Noticemon to the castle. She de-digivolved and burst into the meeting (late as always) panting[/i] Fladingomon: I'm sorry... that ...I'm ...late! Apocomon: Hey Fladingomon! Long time no see Fladingomon: My deepest apologies Pixiemon, I always tend to be late. [i]She bowed then went and sat off to the side listening, yet not speaking.[/i]
Ari: I wouldn't worry Piper you have the potential to be a great trainer! Sunchi: soon! (suck up!) Ari: Quiet you! Sunchi: Chiiii!!!(awww Im sorry!!!) Ari: Hes so mouthy Piper: I've kind of noticed Sunchi: chi chi sunchi! (pokemon center 3 o'clock!)
[i]The icey flames slammed into Tristam freezeing and burning him at the same time. The I.K and Karina yelled the attacks name in unison.[/i] I.K. and Karina: Crimson Ice!! [i]Tristam yelled out in pain as the two opposite elements damaged him, Wolf took this time to nail him with his own attacks. Now that the attack was fully released and done its part, Karina stumbled over to a tree and leaned her back against it, exausted. Her energy was diminishing at an alarming rate, and that one attack she had pumped all of her magic energy into.[/i] I.K.: Ok Karina cool it a bit, you're tireing yourself out, dont overdo it. Karina: Don't worry, I'm fine. I.K.: Youre only saying that! Look at yourself! Karina: Ok ok ill tone it down!
Sunchi: Chi chi sun! (Yes she did it!) Ari: See Sunchi what did I tell you? [i]Ari got up and dusted herself off she aproached Piper, Sunchi poked its head out from undrer the flap on her backpack watching the two trainers talk.[/i] Ari: Congrats Piper! So are you going to go challenge the gym leader yet? Sunchi: Chi sun? (yes are you?)
OOC: I'm SOOOOOOO sorry! I can never make up my mind!! I'm sticking with this decision though! Can I pleae join?! I feel really bad about not signing up when I should have ~_~ if I am allowed in... even after I said I wouldnt, heres my signup. Name: Fladingomon partners name: Athena (new partner will explain later) bio: Her former partner passed away in a car crash, leaving her depressed and without anyone, considering her tribe finally decided she was going to stay out... for good. She met Athena, her old partners best friend and became her digimon, so she now roams the digital world when shes alone. digivolutions: (slightly different this time) in-training: Striprymon rookie: Fladingomon champion: Ardonimon ultimate: Armamon mega: Hybinmon bio-merge: ?? ok if im still allowed there you go and if not well thats ok too i understand ^_~
I.K: Next... You attack! Karina: I like that part! [i]She charged forward and sliced at the Tristam's chest. He leapt up and was missed by the attack. The attack left her totally open for an attack by Tristam. Just as Tristam sung down for a blow, Wolf bodychecked him out of the way. Karina heaved a sigh of relief and rushed after Wolf and Tristam to help finish what had already been started beforehand. She prepared to release a full powered hail storm when she was smacked to the ground from behind.[/i]
Karina: Ok you want to be out of the fight so I wont make you fight. I.K.: Thanks [i]Karina sheathed the I.K. then ran up and snatched her own katana from the ground, she hoped she could help out with the rest of the battle, she grabbed as many throwing stars as she could without cutting herself.[/i] Karina: Guys watch out! Air raid!! [i] She whipped the stars, three or so at a time at the remaining opponents, if they were going to hit would be one thing... If they did actual damage would be another...[/i]
Ari: She'll be fine Sunchi Sunchi: Sunnn!!! (yup yup!!!) [i] Ari and Sunchi sit at the base of a tree, Ari pulled out her Gym leaders, and trainers licences. She sighed at the Gym leaders one, even if she wasn't at home she was still the Bright town Gym Leader, and had to bear the Shine badge, and accept any challenges for the badge. In other words she was just off work until challenged.[/i]
your characters name: Karina (you can call me any kind of odd nickname you can make of that lol) your age: 16 your race/kind/type/whatever: human your occupation: high school student your origin: 92nd parrallel your bio: She was tricked into signing up for this show by her sick minded best friend... but moving right along, shes led a fairly normal life (until this show) She lives with her dad and stepmom and has a talking pet cat that claims hes an alien :drunk: Shes usually patient but who knows... dont get her mad though because she carries sharp pointy objects! ^_~
[i]The two guards that had grabbed Tyron had him by the arms and were now dragging him off, him fighting against them, but to no avail, they were much stronger than the little kid.[/i] Tyron: Lemmie go!! Guard: Sorry, can't Tyron: I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!! [i] The two guards continued to drag the screaming Tyron out of the courtyard towards the gate.[/i]
Thats ok Deedlit you can have the same element... oh yes and by the way note to everyone the signups are done ill edit my post at the top to put in everyone whos in. Sorry, as of now im not excepting any more signups. Im reserveing a spot for Valen, I told him he could be in this rpg ^_~
[i] Serenol silenced Karina by motioning with his hand to keep quiet. She understood and shut up immediately. He snuck out again as quietly as he came. Karina looked at the book that lay shut on the windowsill. Her eyelids suddenly felt as if they weighed a thousand pounds. Sleep had finally found her, and wasnt going to let her get away. She curled up on the bed and just before she drifted off she murmured[/i] Karina: Thanks Serenol... [i]Morning came too soon, Karina swore she had just fallen asleep moments ago... Well it sure felt that way. Karina rolled over, and found herself suddenly on the floor.[/i] Karina: Yeow!! [i]She got up off of the floor and sat back down, this time on the edge of the bed, momentarily forgetting where she was. She then remebered all the events that had happened the night before. She pulled the book off of the sill and opened it to a random page, the random page chosen, was one for ice attacks. She didnt recall ever seeing it before so she sat down on the windowsill and started reading. Most of the attack spells were too advanced for her to master at this time. So she looked for a more simple one...[/i] Karina: Snow Storm? Sounds interesting... maybe if I learned how to fight properly, I wouldnt have to rely on this book so much! [i] She glared at the words on the page,as if they were her enemy. Shaking her head she closed the book again and got herself ready...[/i]
Karina: Thanks... I.K.: We've done our part Karina lets get out of the way for awhile, they seem to have things under control for now... Karina: You want us to...leave? I.K.: Not that far, just over there, out of sight yet safely out of the line of fire. [i]Karina moved out of the way quickly and ducked into a safe spot, she propped the I.K. up against a tree and sat down nearby. Waiting...[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Sorry!! I have writers block! I cant think of anything to write ~_~
Karina: This thing will be back... unless we take care of big boy over there! without the life source Lacoix is as good as dead! [i]Karina charged Dymonoc only to be suddenly grabbed by the demons dark powers and thrown aside. She bouced once upon the rocks then stopped herself from slideing any farther.[/i] Karina: That was ether very couragous or very stupid... I'm guessing on the second one. I.K.: Dont give up so easily Karina just wait for an opening. [i] Karina just glared at Dymonoc and pulled herself to her feet.[/i] Karina: Waiting is the last thing I want to do! Lacoix will be back soon! Time is NOT on our side here. I.K.: I know but we have to try to keep Lacroix down [i]and[/i] go after Dymomoc. Karina: If only we had an attack that would throw Dymonoc off guard long enough to get at him... I.K.: If I could smile I would be smileing right now. Karina: Whys that? How come youre so happy? I.K.: In my pouch theres some magic gem-like looking things, you will know what to do with them. Karina: How can you have a pouch when youre a... Oh no man! Not gonna do it, no way! I.K.: You have to! Karina: Its dishonouring the dead! I.K.: You think these demons are gonna honour you if they kill you off? I dont think so. Please Karina... Karina: The things I do... [i]Karina headed for the other side of the battle where Valen's body lay. She felt tears stinging her eyes again, but she blinked them away as quickly as they came. She reached down and pulled the pouch off that had been attached to his belt.[/i] Karina: Please forgive me... I.K.: You're forgiven now lets get them! [i] Karina glared at the blade as if she was glareing at a person. [/i] Karina: My arent we a cranky Katana? I.K.: Ha ha very funny.
Karina: So what should we do? If I cant kill him then we have a serious probem. I cant just jab at him for awhile then say, "Ok I'm done beating you!" That has happened so many times already! And now they did something that I can never forgive. Not even after I'm long dead! [i]She started trembleing with what looked like absolute rage. But no, she was now fighting with something else, not rage. She seemed to go into a trance for a moment, as if decideing the demons fate, or something to that extent. When she came out of it, the color of her eyes, which were usually a cinnimon and honey colour, changed to a deep shade of ice blue.[/i] Karina: Lacriox! [i] She ran forward, and stopped just within Lacriox's hearing range. She hoped that the guys would make the right decision and fight too, despite what had happened. The dark creature turned his head to stare at the girl that dared to challenge him.[/i] Karina: If you hurt one of us you hurt us all! But we become that much stronger because of that. Because that makes us more intent on doing away with abombinations like you! Lacriox: Such strong words for a weak girl! Karina: Weak?! [i] She seemed to get ready to attack but the I.K. stopped her at the last moment.[/i] I.K.: Stop! Hes just trying to get under your skin! If he does its all over... Dont let his words affect you. Karina: Yes ok youre right ...Ill cool it.
[i]Karina watched as Valen looked at her for the last time... He then closed his eyes for the last time, never to open them again. She would never forget, not even in a million years, the look he had in his eyes. She felt as if she had been the one who had been just killed... Not him. The pain of watching him die, and her unable to do anything felt like a thousand swords stabbing into her.(no not like the titanic lol) Tears flooded down her cheeks. Valen's final words emitted from his I.K. then it floated over and landed right in front of them. As if his spirit was giving it to them. She stood completely frozen to her spot, unable to say a word, when she was finally able to speak, all she could get out was.[/i] Karina: Valen... cant be... gone! [i]Tyron gulped and walked up beside her.[/i] Tyron: Yes he can... and he is... Visor: Karina can bring him back!... cant she? [i] Karina closed her eyes, looked down at the ground, and shook her head slowly. Visor seemed shocked.[/i] Visor: WHY NOT KARINA?! You brought Tyron back! Karina: Visor... I'm sorry... Valen was killed by a demon, also his will to live was gone. I dont have the power to do that kind of revival. A death caused by that is different than kamakazeeing yourself. And now... [i] Karina turned away and unsheathed her own katana then lay it down upon the ground next to Valen's.[/i] Wolf: Not this again! [i] Karina still has her back to them.[/i] Karina: No Wolf I'm not doing that again. He last words were "I will get my revenge, one way or another" well... [i] She turned around and now in her hand, instead of her own icey bladed katana she wielded Valen's I.K.[/i] Wolf: What the heck are you thinking!? Karina: It's simple Wolf, I go in, we kick their ***es, we help grant Valen's last request. Visor: You have a death wish or something?! Karina: Possibly [i] Karina then smiled at the remaining trio, turned, and ran at the demon. she realized what she was getting into. But she ran at the demon murderers anyway. Karina looked at the crimson colored blade, and, muttered to it.[/i] Karina: If youre still here Val a bit of help would be greatly apreciated, if not then I'll be seeing you soon.
[i] Karina yawned she was still only half awake.[/i] Karina: I'm up! [i] Wolf seemed pleased with his idea of a "wake up call" despite the glares he was now reciveing from everyone, except her. Karina climbed the hill where wolf sat, watching natures beauty. The morning dew fresh upon the earth. She sat down next to Wolf, she hugged her knees and watched the sunrise, She smiled and seemed happy, but inside she was wondering. "Could this be my last sunrise? Will we all die today?"[/i] Karina: Wolf, the guys are all just thrilled with your wake up call. Why dont you do that every morning? You know, scare us all out of our skins? [i] She said it with a noticeable amount of sarcasim in her tone, she turned to Wolf and laughed.[/i] Karina: You know, I've been thinking about what you said last night. Wolf: Really? Karina: Uh huh. Were you kidding me when you said that I'd actually settle down someday? Wolf: I wasn't kidding you. Karina: Yeah well good luck to me then. Almost every one of the towns within a hundred mile radius of here are gone. You know what that means [i] She fell back onto the dewy ground, she didnt seem to care that she was getting all wet from the grass. She covered her eyes with her hand, making an attempt to block out the suns rays.[/i]
[i] Ari remained silent for a moment, she was in deep thought.[/i] Ari: Ive got it! Piper: Got what? Ari: Just follow me. I know of a good place to train! Doduo go!... [i] Duduo was soon bounceing along an old beaten trail, Piper sitting atop of the huge bird pokemon. Ari wasnt around. She had gone back into town to do something, and promised she'd show up later. Doduo stopped in a clearing deep in the woods and bent down to let the trainer off of its back. The place was beautiful, there was a cave, its mouth was covered by a waterfall though and the sunlight danced upon the small pond at the bottom. Pokemon wandered around doing their own thing, they all looked very strong.[/i]
[i] Karina leaned against a nearby tree, trying to get comfortable. The moon, stars, and the late night breeze, that ruffled her hair were her only company. She sighed, and started to sharpen her katana as quietly as she could manage. The treetops formed a roof over most of the camp, but she decided to sit away from the safe canopy. She yawned and started to feel slightly drowsy. But she was going to stay awake even if it meant that she would have to hold her eyes with her hands in order to do it! She zoned out and started thinking. She snapped out of it when she yawned again.[/i] Karina: I wont fall asleep! [i] She got up and groaned, her legs had decided to fall asleep, she leaned against the tree for support as she shook the feeling of pins and needles out of her legs.[/i] Karina: Yeah just my luck. I shouldnt have sat there for so long! [i] She moved stiffly around her spot trying to get her circulation going again. The pain from being thrown off of the Griffin was gone, but she was sure she was definately going to have a huge bruise later.[/i]
[i]Tyron smiled and reached his hand down to help Karina up off of the ground. She took his hand, and he pulled her up. As soon as she had dusted herself off and was standing, she raised her hand, brought it back and.... Slapped Tyron upside the head! Tyrons hand immediately went right to where she had smacked him. She just glared, while he gave her a confused look.[/i] Visor & Wolf: :wow: .... Tyron: KARINA?! WHAT DID YOU?... Karina: That was... for being stupid and... kamakazeeing yourself! :flaming: [i]She gave a deep sigh then walked over to where Valen lay.[/i]