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Everything posted by Sara
[quote name='Jabberwocky'][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I'm sure you'd all love to share your automobile fantasy! As long as no ones dream is to sleep with a city bus, but it's okay if you're metrosexual.[/FONT][/QUOTE][size=1]. . . okay, that was pretty funny.[/size]
[size=1]The closest thing I have to a car is my city bus pass.[/size]
[quote name='Jabberwocky'][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I just realized something sort of ironic. When you become a non-conformist, technically you're conforming to non-conformity. Also when you try being yourself, you're also being everyone else who's trying to be themselves... so in reality, you're not JUST you... you're a part of a group of people who are trying not to be in a group... Someone shoot me before this gets out of hand, please?[/FONT][/QUOTE][size=1]If it's more important to you to "not be like everyone else" than to simply "be yourself," you've got a problem.[/size]
[size=1]I just graduated with a degree in German Philology. I don't see myself using it too much. (I learned a lot of interesting stuff, but the general career track for this major seems to be "professor," and I'm not interested in grad school right now.) Instead, I will be working at a couple educational museums in my area. I spent several years volunteering at one of them, and I'm pleased to now have a job there. It's just as well—very few of my graduating friends have any employment at all right now, much less employment that fits with their majors or their interests. The economy isn't very encouraging for recent graduates. But I have a job at a place that I love, so I'm pretty lucky.[/size]
Sandwiches, the best thing made WITH sliced bread
Sara replied to Jabberwocky's topic in General Discussion
[size=1]You know what's lovely? Toast with cream cheese, basil and tomato. (Feta's good, too, but the cream cheese helps stick things together.)[/size] -
[quote name='Zen'][color=royalblue][size=1] Text Talk = NewSpeak...[/color][/size][/QUOTE][size=1]. . . How does that follow?[/size]
[size=1][url=http://news.cnet.com/now-closing-geocities-a-relic-of-webs-early-days/]Yahoo recently announced the closing of Geocities. (Link)[/url] When I first heard this news, it filled me with some amount of sadness. I was in middle school in the late 90's, which (news articles tell me) makes me part of the first real "Web" generation. There's a lot of nostalgia there, in the annals of the historic 90's internet?and Geocities was at the forefront of that, leading the charge with a certain brand of personal website that the internet will probably never see again. (We should probably all be thankful for that, but there is nevertheless a sadness in its passing.) Anyway, this post is just a long, roundabout way of giving context to the following sentence: [url=http://www.flashpointsocialmedia.com/Area51/Orion/geocities.html][b]Check out this cool link I found![/b][/url] P.S. If anyone still knows where their old Geocities site is, you should post a link for us.[/size]
[quote name='John']Dear most of you, 1) Recognizing a word officially doesn't mean it will suddenly gain common usage among highly-regarded literary works now and in the future. No sensible person ever defends their word usage with the phrase "it's in the dictionary". People use what words they want, and giving one the recognition of being a "real word" means nothing. 2) If you haven't noticed, English is already pretty messed up. For the most part, that's what gives it character and makes it endearing. 3) Language isn't sacred. People should use whatever words they want however they want to get their meaning across. If anything "corrupts" a language, it's resisting new developments as they come, which are natural and culturally beneficial. You're welcome, John[/QUOTE][size=1]I feel like this needs to be in the thread again in order to balance things out a bit. Seriously, English is a (sometimes ugly, piecemeal, and patchwork, but nevertheless) wonderful language. It is infinitely adaptable, and absorbs (and leaves behind) new words at an exciting rate. The fact that a computer-illiterate person could look up "noob" in a dictionary to see what it means? Somehow, that doesn't cause me great concern.[/size]
[quote name='John']EDIT: Also, I notice your area has a few heroes keeping it safe, Sara. Ever heard anything about them?[/QUOTE][size=1]'Fraid I haven't. I'll keep my eyes peeled, though.[/size]
[quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink]The Star Wars fan in me thought [spoiler]Okay, there's the Death Star. Whoops, there goes Alderaan. Hey, Kirk's on Hoth. Better run from that Wompa! Whoops, ran into a cave. Oh, Obi-Wan'll save you. Better have a showdown with the Emperor on the bridge of the Death Star.[/spoiler][/color][/QUOTE][size=1]Hahaha. Yeah, that made me laugh a little. But I gotta say, I loved this movie. It's been a [i]long[/i] time since a film has left me feeling so satisfactorily entertained. The casting was great--really, just a delight to watch.[/size]
[size=1]The internet is full of amazing things. Some of them are designed for internetters, by internetters, to improve the internetting experience. Here are some of them. [b]TinyURL:[/b] [url]http://tinyurl.com/oqsowq[/url] (When your URLs are just too long.) [b]HugeURL:[/b] [url= http://www.hugeurl.com/?ZjAyNWZjN2NkOTBmMmU1MmNkYjZhYzVmMTdj MTQ1ODUmMTEmVm0wd2QyUXlWa2hWV0doVVYwZG9jRlZ0TVZOWFZsbDNXa1JT VjFac2JETlhhMk0xVjBaS2MySkVUbGhoTVhCUVZteFZlRll5VGtsalJtaG9U V3N3ZUZadGNFdFRNVTVJVm10a1dHSkdjSEJXTUZwSFRURmFjVkZ0UmxSTmF6 RTFWVEowVjFaWFNrbFJiR2hYWWxob00xWldXbUZrUlRGWlkwZDRVMkpIZHpG V2EyUXdZVEZrU0ZOclpHcFRSVXBZVkZWa1UyUnNjRmRYYlVacVlrWmFlVmRy V25kV01ERkZVbFJDVjAxdVVuWlZha1pYWkVaT2NtSkdTbWxXUjNoWFZtMHdl R0l4U2tkaVNFWlRZbGhTV1ZWcVJrdFRWbFowWlVoa1YwMUVSa1pXYkdoclZq SkZlVlZZWkZkaGExcFlXa1ZhVDJOc2NFZGhSMmhzWWxob1dsWXhaRFJpTVZW M1RVaG9WMkpyTlZsWmJGWmhZMVphZEdONlJteFNiSEJaV2xWak5XRkdXbk5q U0hCYVRVWkthRlpxU2t0V1ZrcFZVV3h3YkdFelFrbFdWM0JIVkRKU1YxWnVV bWhTYXpWd1ZtcEtiMlJzV25STldHUlZUVlpXTkZVeGFHOWhiRXB6WTBac1dt SkhhRlJXTUZwVFZqRmtkVnBGTlZOaWEwcElWbXBLTkdFeFdsaFRiRnBxVWxk U1lWUlZXbUZsYkZweFUydDBWMVpyV2xwWlZWcHJZVWRGZWxGcmJGaFhTRUpJ VmtSS1RtVkdaSFZVYkZacFZqTm9kbFpHVm05Uk1XUnpWMWhvWVZKRlNtRldi WE40VGtaWmVHRkhPV2hpUlhBd1ZsZDRjMWR0U2toaFJsSlhUVlp3V0ZreFdr dGtSa3B6VkdzMVYyRXhhM2RXYlhCS1pVVXhTRkpyWkZoaWF6VnhWVEJvUTFs V1VsWlhibVJzWWtad2VGVnRNVWRWTWtwV1ZtcGFXbFpXY0hKV2FrWkxWakpP UjFac2FGaFRSVXBKVjFaU1IyRXhaRWRWYmtwb1VqSm9WRmxyVm5kV1ZscDBa VWM1VWsxWFVucFdNV2h2VjBkS1dWVnJPVlppV0U0MFZGUkdVMVp0UmtoUFYy aFhZVE5DU1ZkVVFtRlZNV1IwVTJ4c1ZtRnJOV0ZhVjNSaFlVWnNObEpzWkdw aVNFSklWMnRrYzFVeVNuSlRiVVpYWVRGd2FGbHFTa1psUm1SMVUyczFWMVpz Y0ZWWFZsSkhaREZaZUdKSVNsaGhNMUpXVlcxNGQyVkdWWGxrUkVKV1RVUkdl VlJzVm5kV01ERjFZVWhLV2xaWFVrZGFWM2hIWTIxS1IyRkdhRlJTVlhCS1Zt MTBVMUl5UlhoYVJXUlZZbXR3YjFWcVNtOVdSbXhaWTBaa1YxWnNjREJhUldS SFYyeGFjMkpFVWxkTlYyaDJWMVphUzFKc1RuUlNiR1JwVjBVME1GWkhkR0Za VjFKSVZXdG9hMUp0VWs5WlZFNURUbFphY1ZOcVVsVk5WMUl3VlRKNFYxVXlT a2RUYkdoVlZsWndNMWxWV25kU2JIQkdUMVU1YVZKWVFqWldNblJyWXpGVmVW TnJaR2hOTW1oWVdWUkdkMkZHYkhGU2JFcHNVbTFTZWxsVldrOWhSMHBKVVd4 V1dGWnNTbEJWVkVaYVpVWmtkVlp0Y0ZOaVZrcDZWMWQwWVdReVZrZFdiR1Jv VW5wc2IxUldXbk5OTVZsNVpFaGtWMDFFUmpGWlZXUnZWakZLTmxKcmFGcE5i bWh5V1RKemVGWXhjRWRhUjNob1RWZDBOVlpxU2pSV01XeFhWVmhvV0ZkSGVG WlpWRVozWVVaV2RFMVhPV3BTYkhCNFZUSXdOVlpzU25OalJFSlZWbFpLU0Za WGMzaFdNazVKWTBaa1RtRnNXbFZXYTJRMFZERk9TRkpyYkZWaVNFSlpWVEJX UzFOV1duRlJiVVpYWWxaYVdWWnRkRzloTVVwMFZXeG9WVlpYYUVSVWJGcGhV MGRXU0ZKdGFFNVdNVW8yVm1wS01GbFdVWGhYYkdSVVlrZG9WMWxVUm1GaFJu QllaVWhPVDJKRmNEQlZiWGh2VmpBeFIyTkZhRmRTUlZwb1dWUktSMVl4VG5O YVIyaE9UV3hLV1ZaR1dtRmtNV1JIWWtoR1UySkZjSE5XYlhSM1pWWlplV042 UmxkTmEzQktWVmQ0YzFkR1duUlZWRUpXWld0YWNsVnFTa3RUVmxKMFlVWk9W MVpHV2pKV2JHTjRUa2RSZDAxVlpGWmlSMUpZV1d4V1lXTkdWblJsU0U1T1RW WnNOVnBGWkRCV01ERlhZbnBLVm1KWVVuWldha1poVW0xT1IyRkdjRTVpYldo NVYxaHdSMUl5VFhsU2EyaHBVbXMxVDFac1dscGxiRnAwVFVob2EwMVZNVFJX YkdodldWWktXRlZzWkZwaVdGSXpWakZhYzJNeVJrZFViR1JUWWxob05sWnFT akJOUmxsNFYyNU9hbEpGU21GVVZWcFdUVlphZEUxVlpFOWlSWEI2V1ZWYWEx UnNXWGxoUkVwWFlsUkNORlZ0TVZKa01EVlhZa1pLYVZKc2NGbFhWM1JoWkRK SmVGZHJaRmRpVlZwWVdXeGFZVmRXV2xoa1J6bFdUV3R3U0ZZeU5VTldiVXBI VTJ4b1ZrMXVhR2haZWtaM1VsWldkR0ZGTlZkaVdHTjRWbXhrTkdJeVNYaGFS V2hVWWtkb2IxVnRNVzlXTVd4VlVtMUdhRkpzYkROV01qRkhZV3hhY21OSWNG aGhNWEIyVm1wS1MyTnNUbkppUm1SWFlsWkZkMVl4V21GWGJWWkhWRzVLV0dK Rk5WaFZiRnBXVGxFOVBRPT0=] http://www.hugeurl.com/?ZjAyNWZjN2NkOTBmMmU1MmNkYjZhYzVmMTdj MTQ1ODUmMTEmVm0wd2QyUXlWa2hWV0doVVYwZG9jRlZ0TVZOWFZsbDNXa1JT VjFac2JETlhhMk0xVjBaS2MySkVUbGhoTVhCUVZteFZlRll5VGtsalJtaG9U V3N3ZUZadGNFdFRNVTVJVm10a1dHSkdjSEJXTUZwSFRURmFjVkZ0UmxSTmF6 RTFWVEowVjFaWFNrbFJiR2hYWWxob00xWldXbUZrUlRGWlkwZDRVMkpIZHpG V2EyUXdZVEZrU0ZOclpHcFRSVXBZVkZWa1UyUnNjRmRYYlVacVlrWmFlVmRy V25kV01ERkZVbFJDVjAxdVVuWlZha1pYWkVaT2NtSkdTbWxXUjNoWFZtMHdl R0l4U2tkaVNFWlRZbGhTV1ZWcVJrdFRWbFowWlVoa1YwMUVSa1pXYkdoclZq SkZlVlZZWkZkaGExcFlXa1ZhVDJOc2NFZGhSMmhzWWxob1dsWXhaRFJpTVZW M1RVaG9WMkpyTlZsWmJGWmhZMVphZEdONlJteFNiSEJaV2xWak5XRkdXbk5q U0hCYVRVWkthRlpxU2t0V1ZrcFZVV3h3YkdFelFrbFdWM0JIVkRKU1YxWnVV bWhTYXpWd1ZtcEtiMlJzV25STldHUlZUVlpXTkZVeGFHOWhiRXB6WTBac1dt SkhhRlJXTUZwVFZqRmtkVnBGTlZOaWEwcElWbXBLTkdFeFdsaFRiRnBxVWxk U1lWUlZXbUZsYkZweFUydDBWMVpyV2xwWlZWcHJZVWRGZWxGcmJGaFhTRUpJ 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VTJ4b1ZrMXVhR2haZWtaM1VsWldkR0ZGTlZkaVdHTjRWbXhrTkdJeVNYaGFS V2hVWWtkb2IxVnRNVzlXTVd4VlVtMUdhRkpzYkROV01qRkhZV3hhY21OSWNG aGhNWEIyVm1wS1MyTnNUbkppUm1SWFlsWkZkMVl4V21GWGJWWkhWRzVLV0dK Rk5WaFZiRnBXVGxFOVBRPT0=[/url] (When your URLs are just too short.) [b]DickensURL:[/b] [url=http://dickensurl.com/a5a1/Old_Marley_was_as_dead_as_a_doornail]http://dickensurl.com/a5a1/Old_Marley_was_ as_dead_as_a_doornail[/url] (When your URLs are just lacking a certain Victorian literary quality.) Some people are of the opinion that jokes, even jokes expressed through online type, are uniformly better with sound effects: [url=http://instantrimshot.com/][b]Instant Rimshot[/b][/url] [url=http://sadtrombone.com/][b]Sad trombone[/b][/url] [url=http://instantcrickets.com/][b]Instant crickets[/b][/url] What else have you got?[/size]
[quote name='Rachmaninoff'][CENTER][IMG]http://punditkitchen.files.wordpress.com/2000/12/political-pictures-fashion-sense.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/QUOTE][size=1]I hope that person lives in my city, because I want to meet her and shake her hand. Maybe with gloves on, if she's more comfortable with that. But that is one fantastic get-up.[/size]
[quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink]The closer I got to solving the equation, the more singular my obsession with it became, and it began to dominate my entire being to the exclusion of all else. I was growing more and more terrified with every incomprehensible equality as this happened, and it came to the point where there was absolutely no rational thought left, replaced with pure, animalistic fear and the madness of the horrible equation. It became simpler and simpler, more and more refined, until there were just a few steps left. These steps were blindingly obvious relative to the unholy gibberish the rest of the equation demanded, though they were still beyond any human comprehension. Finally, in a moment of pure horror and understanding, I completed the and I [i]knew.[/i][/color][/QUOTE][size=1]The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.[/size]
[size=1]My "wallet" is a clear plastic card holder attached to my keyring. It contains two things: 1.) My Student ID (gives me access to my building, free meals at my cafeteria, and a few more fake dollars that I can only spend at select University dining locations; and works as an ATM card) 2.) My bus pass (which gives me unlimited rides throughout the metro area) If I need to carry money, I grab my coin purse, but the contents of that are much more complicated.[/size]
[quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]Amazed that no other oldie has mentioned this but surely any flag of OB would have to feature Otakubot.[/SIZE][/QUOTE][size=1]Isn't he . . . dead? Maybe we should put up a statue or something.[/size]
[quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink]Super-hypnotism. And I'm [URL="http://superdickery.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=742:more-super-hypnotism&catid=36:stupor-powers-index&Itemid=38"]not[/URL] [URL="http://superdickery.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=681:superhypnotism&catid=36:stupor-powers-index&Itemid=38"]kidding.[/URL] Note to Sara: You are awesome. I will get to this when I'm not swamped with all the book-learnins I have to do for finals.[/color][/QUOTE][size=1]I do what I can. There's something wonderfully charming about the complete lack of continuity (or sense) in a lot of old superhero comics. [b]EDIT[/b]: [url=http://www.worldsuperheroregistry.com/world_superhero_registry_gallery.htm][b]This is [i]completely awesome[/i][/b] (click)![/url] And very related.[/size]
[quote name='Drizzt Do'urden']Well, see if I try to put a humorous spin on a subject while you're around Sara. Yes I realize that the flu (A respitory virus that would not survive in the pigs body long enough for somebody to become infected by eating said pit) mutated into a strain that could affect the human body. Then, where it bested Avian flu, mutated again into a nasty little bug that can be passed from human to human. See my first post was MUCH more entertaining then rattling off the same thing everybody already knows...[/QUOTE][size=1]It might have been humorous, but then instead of actually [i]making[/i] a funny comment, you simply alluded to one, patronisingly implied that anyone who didn't understand your allusion was "too young," and instead of helpfully explaining the reference, invited them to watch a two and a half long movie for the privilege of understanding your comment. =p Anyway, there's a lot of speculation and misinformation flying about. The fact is, [i]not[/i] everybody knows what's going on. My concern wasn't that you believed the statement in question, but that other people do. There are lots of people who simply aren't as informed as you, and the spread of the idea (even via innocent joke) that the flu can be contracted by eating pork is not a good thing. [url=http://www.calgaryherald.com/Health/Pork+bans+concern+Alberta+producers/1545041/story.html][b]Several countries have banned US pork imports[/b][/url], and despite the [url=http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/business/04/28/09/pork-sales-dip-not-because-swine-flu-farmers][b]recent statement[/b][/url] of the National Federation of Hog Farmers, there is [url=http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20090427-716784.html][b]real concern[/b][/url] that the virus, despite not affecting the meat, [i]is[/i] affecting sales and futures. In agricultural areas (my state has 4700 hog farms), there are a lot of people who make a living based on the fact that people eat pork and they were [url=http://www.startribune.com/business/18435089.html][b]already struggling[/b][/url] due to normal economic factors. (Bolded phrases link to related articles.) Financial health aside, the belief that H1N1 can be caught from pork products can be downright dangerous if the disease continues to be deadly. If misinformed people believe that it can be evaded by avoiding pork products, they may not observe recommended practices (be it hygiene, avoiding crowds, or whatever), assuming that the disease "does not apply" to their situation. [/size]
[quote name='Drizzt Do'urden']Damn pigs...If we only shared the [B]Pulp Fiction[/B] approach to eating everybody would be okay...and for anyone to young to get the reference watch the movie.[/QUOTE][size=1]Yeah, I don't really think eating pork is the problem here.[/size]
[quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink]That is exactly what I thought the first time I heard about. Today was actually the first time I had ever seen it. It's like horseshoes, but instead of horseshoes and posts there are beanbags and a wooden plank with a hole in it.[/color][/QUOTE][size=1]Oh! We used to play games like that all the time at my grade school carnival. One of them was painted like a creepy soulless clown, and you could try to toss the bean bags into his nose, eyes, mouth, or forehead. Do you play other carnival games, too? Like, do you have cakewalks at all your social events?[/size]
[quote name='Nerdsy'][center][YOUTUBE="&nyaaaaaaa"]1wnE4vF9CQ4&nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa[/YOUTUBE][/center][/QUOTE][size=1]Okay, I guess I've seen that. But it's more of an "internet" thing than an "OtakuBoards" thing, isn't it?[/size]
[quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink]The cook out went as expected. I showed up, ate, watched people playing cornhole, and didn't talk to anyone for two and a half hours.[/color][/QUOTE][size=1]They were playing . . . what?[/size]
[quote name='John'][B]Flag:[/B] You know this to be true.[/QUOTE][size=1]I love this. Hahaha. (Related: can we not post images that are uploaded as attachments? Or did I suddenly just become terrible at BB code?) Also, I don't get the leek thing. Is this from a show?[/size]
[size=1]I thought this could be fun. Sort of a neat way to think about what's important to a community, and what it should have representing it. If OB had a flag (or coat of arms), what would it look like? What colors would it use? What shape should it be? Are there any historical figures or events that should be depicted? What should the design look like, and what kind of symbolism should it have? Some related links: [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heraldry]Heraldry[/url] [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variation_of_the_field]Variation of the field[/url] [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coat_of_arms]Coat of arms[/url] [url=http://inkwellideas.com/coat_of_arms/]Coat of arms designer (take a while to load, but kind of fun!)[/url] [url=http://www.flags.net/UNST01.htm]Flags of the fifty states of the USA[/url] Just trying out the Coat of Arms designer, I made the image attached below. It doesn't have a lot of symbolism yet, but I wanted to use "classic" OtakuBoards colors for the background. Owls are "wise," and I think that no matter your opinion on the strictness of the rules here (whether or not people consider the rules too strict or not seems to change every time I'm around), high-quality posting is a hallmark of our little corner of the internet. Also, the owl is hot pink because of Nerdsy. So what can you come up with?[/size]
[quote name='Botar'][COLOR="DarkGreen"] "Theconner" would of been better off telling his manager, "**** You!"[/COLOR][/QUOTE][size=1]Do you think that would have helped?[/size]
[quote name='Rachmaninoff']I love finding amusing stories like this: [URL="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29796962/wid/11915829/"][U]Twitter gets you fired in 140 characters or less [/U][/URL]Nothing like a good laugh to make one's day better. Heh.[/QUOTE][size=1]From the article:[b]"We here at Cisco are versed in the web."[/b] Oh, [i]are[/i] you?[/size]