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Misayo Takahashi

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Everything posted by Misayo Takahashi

  1. Your freedom and life are extended at the expense of innocent lives. In the world of Sarilonne,the year 2314, all rulers have been murdered by their Mafia, and the world is in chaos and destruction. Unfair laws are passed by the Mafia and the consequences of Good and Bad have been changed; if your good, your punished, if your bad your awarded. Now if you don't give yourself up innocent lives are wasted, igniting your fire to do good, but you can't or you'll never get out. Running is no longer an option. Rumors are going round that there is a sanctuary for "The Good". Will you risk going and take a chance at being captured, or worse, die? Or will try to continue running? Or worse, will you join the Mafia? Choose wisely...
  2. Your freedom and life are extended at the expense of innocent lives. In the world of Sarilonne,the year 2314, all rulers have been murdered by their Mafia, and the world is in chaos and destruction. Unfair laws are passed by the Mafia and the consequences of Good and Bad have been changed; if your good, your punished, if your bad your awarded. Now if you don't give yourself up innocent lives are wasted, igniting your fire to do good, but you can't or you'll never get out. Running is no longer an option. Rumors are going round that there is a sanctuary for "The Good". Will you risk going and take a chance at being captured, or worse, die? Or will try to continue running? Or worse, will you join the Mafia? Choose wisely... Form: Name: Age: Good Deed orBad Deed: Personality: (optional) Bio: (optional) Other: Mine: Name: Alledya Corim Age: 15 Good Deed orBad Deed: Saved a kitten from a burning building Personality: (optional) Bio: (optional) Other: She a kitten that she saved.
  3. My life is just a sad story I just want to be free My first , I pray to be my last For in the future it hurts to look into the past Every angle, every turn Something around me must always burn The simple words "Don't touch me." Are enough to make me bleed I don't want to lose you But by you my heart is drew With my tears Though I have no fear If you go I will die No matter how much I fight No matter how hard I try The problem started little Then grew hard and brittle Too hard to break Too hard to be a strong fake As I pour out my heart I hope you will not take part In letting out emotions sealed And let them all be revealed For what goes on in my mind Is not for my time I pray that when I die At least one person will cry...
  4. You decide to become a spy because [Insert good reason here] and you ask one of your friends if they know about one. They tell you where it is and you ask how they know. They drug you and take you to the agency to be initiated. When you regain consciousness what do you do? Flare up and scream your head off at your friend? Or will you forgive your friend for taking you away in such a rude way? Or become more than friends? (Hint, hint.)   Rules   1.No godmodding 2.Romance (You can pass kissing by just a little. But don't over do it) Drama and Fighting ( No killing unless its ok with that person ) are encouraged. 3. You will chose your own partner. 4.Everyone except for the friend will be a Beginner 5. Have fun!   Grades: Beginner Intermediate Advanced   Form:   Name: Age: (15-18) Gender: Skill: Looks: Personality: Bio: (Optional) Grade Position ( Friend or not) Reason for joining: Other:   Mine:   Name: Audrei Age: 15 Gender: F Skill: Hand-to-hand combat Looks: Black hair,hazel eyes, fair skin Personality: Kind,disobedient,shy till you get to know her, and has a mild inferiority complex. Bio:Had a happy childhood until her family and friends were murdered in front of her. Reason for joining: To protect herself and the people she loves Other: None  
  5. Ok.You have to pick a partner after more people join.That person will be the 'friend' Ok?
  6. You decide to become a spy because [Insert good reason here] and you ask one of your friends if they know about one. They tell you where it is and you ask how they know. They drug you and take you to the agency to be initiated. When you regain consciousness what do you do? Flare up and scream your head off at your friend? Or will you forgive your friend for taking you away in such a rude way? Or become more than friends? (Hint, hint.)   Rules   1.No godmodding 2.Romance (You can pass kissing by just a little. But don't over do it) Drama and Fighting ( No killing unless its ok with that person ) are encouraged. 3. You will chose your own partner. 4.Everyone except for the friend will be a Beginner 5. Have fun!   Grades: Beginner Intermediate Advanced   Form:   Name: Age: (15-18) Gender: Skill: Looks: Personality: Bio: (Optional) Grade Position ( Friend or not) Reason for joining: Other:   Mine:   Name: Audrei Age: 15 Gender: F Skill: Hand-to-hand combat Looks: Black hair,hazel eyes, fair skin Personality: Kind,disobedient,shy till you get to know her, and has a mild inferiority complex. Bio:Had a happy childhood until her family and friends were murdered in front of her. Reason for joining: To protect herself and the people she loves Other: None  
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