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Everything posted by [Sound_Nin]

  1. Well, I have read it. But not really. I read to the 4th chapter...and got bored. My ADD kicked in and I was flipping through the pages...I can't say I really liked it. Good plot, boring format. I'd say...so-so.
  2. [i] Goken moved backwards and tripped over a log that he had just annihilated and landed on a silver armor plate. "Damn! Erghh..." He muttered to himself about how the armor should've been perfected before use, before he remembered he wasn't the only one in the area. He tapped the button on his double-sided scouter. Left side for the detection of dragonballs, the right for locating and analyzing power levels. He realized he wouldn't need the left side, but it was the only scouter he had, however obsolete. The levels came up, one extremely powerful. The others around it but not quite...he knew he would have trouble here. He could probably make it out alive if he was as strong as he liked to think. He scowled indifferently and walked out of the forest, his eyes shifting. [/i]
  3. Yes! My specialty. It should be done within hours, and trust me, it will be MUCH better than what I usually do.
  4. Well, it's [I]okay[/I] but I wouldn't call it great. For one, the eyes are too dark and there should be some white to the eyes. The entire thing is too rounded. If you're looking for a rating... 4/10.
  5. I know, I know. When will I stop? You might be surprised to find that this time,. at least, I didn't make a banner. Yeah, I'm okay with using this for sites, whatever as long as it isn't entered in a fan art/computer edited thing, mainly because it sucks and I, not you, made it. Okay, so maybe it doesn't suck, but I doubt it's very good. Simple, layered art thingy. Just an experiment while working on my banner. (In thread: Newest Banner!). It has the same font as the banner, 911 Porscha, a little of the acid green showing through it. It was supposed the be a wallpaper, but then I realized it was much too small. But if you like it and don't care if it gets stretched and mutilated, go ahead. It's your comp. Ratings, maybe? And yes, I am aware it is a rather large file.
  6. Yeah, I was thinking a border would do it justice. But even though it was on my mind I forgot, so there you go. And where is the Smart Blur...? Can't seem to find it. Photoshop CS. The saturation tool is the deal with this banner, I'm currently just experimenting with Photoshop, I'm used to MSPaint, which I could make [U]half-decent[/U] banners and such. Half-decent being the keyword, there. I'm improving the quality and the banner, trying to locate the smart blur...I can guarantee it will be much better in a day or two.
  7. Lol, I can't stop making banners. this banner is sorta funny in that goku looks really freaky and weird-looking, which is the namesake of the banner; "Bad Trip". He looks like he's on something. o_O; I chose the acid green background because it just seemed to fit, I tried a blue background and it just seemed so...weird-like, in short: It was a piece of crap. Not my best, but I can't blend and I'm not familiar with transparent thingies, so a good copy and paste over a good background is sort of my 'style'.
  8. ^_^' Dunno why I didn't think of that. Been a long time since I was last on the OB, something like August or September. Musta forgot... Well, will do that.
  9. I was thinking Tripod, but I'm not sure if they host images. Angelfire would be a good bet. As for the drawings, the first one is okay except for the lack of detail, and I think the second needs more demension. If you want ratings... No. 1: 5-6/10 No 2: 4/10 The lack of demension on the second is that if it is meant to be jumping, the legs are hardly ever in unison like that. Maybe place a second one at a different angle. On the first, detail. Detail, detail, detail. If the character thingy is metal (which I think it is) you should add some shine. If not, go with increased features and such. I can't very well help you on the topic of drawing, not very good myself.
  10. Woah. Nothing came up. You should either host it elsewhere, or just attach it. Either way, I highly reccomend you do NOT use geocities. But anyway, I bet it's not nearly as bad as you say, they usually aren't.
  11. Thanks. Yeah, I know how it's spelled, just a typo. And I'll do that. ::Fixes title.::
  12. Now this one I NEED rated.This is because it looks fine to me, but there could be errors I left unnoticed. I am aware that the edges are choppy and bizarre looking, but aside from that I can find no errors. Also, I needed to put it on my sig. EDIT: added the other two banner variations.
  13. Yep. Very good visually, but considering how long it must've taken, it isn't that hard at all. But it [I]was[/I] done in MSPaint, which is often harder to create backgrounds/effects. It depends if the characture pic is the foreground or background, but maybe you should put the border [I]over[/I] the character pic. But like I said, it depends.
  14. I know, it's choppy and took me only 10 minutes (not counting background work) but I'm not good at Photoshop and I had to do most of the foreground editing in MSPaint, the background in Photoshop. As for the background, it was edited from a black and white version I made. You can rate it, I expect most of them to be less than 5 but, oh well. I'm still working on it.
  15. I usually just sit there and stare into space, racking my brain for good ideas. If this doesn't work, I start typing the first thing that comes into my mind. This usually gets me going. T.T Okay so maybe this doesn't ALWAYS work, in which case I just either turn on some music or give up on it. :nope:
  16. I'm kind of divided on this issue. On one hand, the word ****** is offensive and racist and shouldn't be used in any book, TV show, etc. Now, on the other, it IS part of history and of course, back in that time there still were slaves, which 'justifies' the subject. Put simply: People were ignorant back then. Specifically the whites. So, from this you can see I don't know what to think. Maybe it should just be censored. But banning the book wouldn't do much good.
  17. ::cries:: THOSE...ARE EXCELLENT! But seriously. I like them all except the first Legolas one. The lips. But, freaky lips or not, it's very good. I have to say my favorites are the Jack Sparrow ones. Mainly the full-body one, but both because they portray him so well. You should REALLY do that comic, it would work out. Good job on all of them. I've probably said this thousands of times before, but WAY better than I could ever do.
  18. Yes, very good. I suck at drawing, and all, but still good. I agree with Cinnamon except for ONE thing: The hands behind the back adds to the posture, and although it would naturally with any other drawing ruin it, in this case it is very fitting. Usually, anyone in this position would have their hands behind their back, so I say it's not quite necessary, but (in my opinion) it's better off that way.
  19. Hmm. Simply put, it could be done by getting the pic, copying and pasting reverse, and then typing 'easyaccess' on it. Definitely 7 minutes' worth of banner-creation. But, assuming you made the background yourself, that ups the rating. 6/10.
  20. Crappers. I could do this, but it would have to be somewhat RE1 based, mainly because that's the only type of Resident Evil graphics I have. Would this work? :twitch:
  21. [i] Goken looked up slightly and encased himself within a red ki sheild before darting off, moving between trees quickly until he stopped dead in his tracks. Voices. He grunted and moved right, away from the voices coming from the left. Antisocial, or just not wanting to strike up a conversation with possible enemies? Most likely both. Either way, he lowered himself to the ground, landing slowly. His training wasn't quite complete just yet, so more training was in order. He decided against it, as his concious told him he would get enough training done in the fighting process. He couldn't resist, though, blowing up a few trees. [/i] OOC: BTW, Goken's mother was the daughter of Vegeta Jr. (alternate universe) which explains why he is so confident and pride...ful...
  22. Yeah, that's perfect. Small but good, much better than what I was working on. Thanks.
  23. Wait a minute...aren't Nameks asexual? I highly doubt there is such thing as 'female nameks'...
  24. OOC: Good with me. [i] Goken sat in a Saiyan Space pod, eyes closed and about half asleep. The pod crash-landed into the hard ground at high speed, sending a trail of smoke that would rise into the sky and disappear at 400 feet up. Automatically, the door opened with a slight 'ding' sound and he opened his eyes. A smirk that was nothing short of Vegeta-ish crossed his face, gray eyes shining maliciously. He had felt abnormally strong power levels slowly moving towards this area, and of course, couldn't resist a challenge. Previously, on New Vegeta, they had devised a different type of armor. This kind had the same stretchable material as any other, but black and plated with split peices of silver that came together but moved to suit the position of the user. He punched the button that closed the pod's door and walked away from the site slowly, confidently. Steel-toed boots moved under him, one always in front of the other. Somehow, he knew this would be a great challenge; even for him. [/i] OOC: Not all that flashy, I couldv'e done better, but it'll have to do.
  25. Yeah, I've thought about my place in society repeatedly, but this doesn't mean I really care. Or maybe I do. I basically fall into the 'Absolute Freak' catagory, meaning I'm just that guy that sits in the back seat, flicks things at people and says random things. I am what has been 'misunderstood', 'rejected' and 'just plain creepy'. I have only 2 friends but, as annoying as I may be, I have some good acquaintances. About the random things thing, here's one. "Get off my stairmaster!" Now, as opposed to online, online I have what I like to call 'Slight respect', not just here but other places online, like RPG chats and such. So, 'Absolute Freak' fits, doesn't it?
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