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Everything posted by [Sound_Nin]

  1. About that, I don't know how to help you on that, it does that to me too. Maybe it IS too big. I dunno.
  2. My idea, personally, is if you transferred it to MS Paint (you won't have to use it, I swear. Horrible MS Paint.) by opening it from there and changing it to bitmap, but then type [B].ani[/B] or [B].cur[/B] at the end of your file name. It has worked for my MS Paint/Photoshop because before it couldn't save as .gif or .jpg unless I [I]typed[/I] it like that. So, maybe it can work either way. BTW: If this doesn't work, to keep it safe, save it as [I]both[/I] .gif and whatever.
  3. Okay what I want is like 2 different pictures of Vincent from Cowboy Bebop anywhere on the banner, maybe one holding a gun and the other not...any colored banner and then "GoldScorpion78" on the bottom left side. ANY font except Comic Sans...I dislike that font. Badly.
  4. THANK GOD YOU SAID THAT! I was about to collapse from reading the profiles and stuff that...::fades:: Name: Chester Brookes aka. Bengal Age: 'round 17 Powers: Transformation into a large bengal tiger (woah...hasn't this been used? I swear I didn't copy. I swear.) and a somewhat monkey-like ability to scale trees, passing from one to another with ease... Sex: Male Group: X-men (to make the numbers closer...sorta, anyway) Appearance: Black hair streaked red in the front, icy blue eyes. He usually wears a black shirt and black jean shorts Usual emotion: Weird mix; hyper and pessimistic, he usually freaks people out without trying, sometimes getting him hurt because of his incessant talking. Yeah I know, I'm already in 2 battle/adventure thingies, but I doubt anyone would answer...so, I picked a backup. Plus I like the idea.
  5. Eh. I did a battle thing...but I can'r help myself sometimes. Name: Goken Age: 16 Relation to original character: Goten's son from the far future (for clarification, around the time of what would be Goku Jr.) Race: 3/4 Saiyan, 1/4 earthling Description: Short, spiky black hair like any other saiyan (that HAS hair ::thinks of nappa:: ) except when in super saiyan form, but something other saiyans lack; gray eyes that barely change when Super Saiyan. Implaced Abilities (things no other of his race knows): Special Beam Cannon (taught to him by piccolo) Special Info: Part of the project 'New Vegeta', the true reincarnation of Planet Vegeta; succeeded. General skills: Special Beam cannon, Demon Roundhouse, Big Bang Attack, Final Flash, Kamehameha Wave, Destructo Disk
  6. Oh my gawd! £35?! But, considering it's a fairly good anime (in my eyes, anyway) it's not the MOST far-fetched price. Beats $75 per DBGT...yes, here they ask that much for anime of all kinds, given they sell Pokemon DVDs for around $13 which makes it 'reasonable' to sell other anime for high prices... I HAVE to get out of Montana.
  7. I download MP3s off of Shareaza all the time, and even copy them to CDs for my own personal use. Well, it's like an addiction (excuse me is anyone has said this already), no matter how wrong it is, I can't stop. Kinda like a drinker that WANTS to stop but just can't. But, on the flip side, I only own about 10 songs, a far cry from those who download, this is a real number of someone I know, 957 mp3s. I don't fanaticize about it, but I'm not saying that justifies it. o_o; Wow. An entire paragraph that has NOTHING to do with the subject, or very little... Anyway, I haven't downloaded any anime, cartoon, movies, TV shows, anything. This is mainly because it is VERY HARD to find free versions, or the program you need to download does. If there are free versions of anime...nvm. ::goes on Shareaza
  8. I'm not a Pokemon fan, but personally I think Pikachu would be cool...I mean, how cool is a furry yellow rat thing? That can jump-start your car? Definitely. As for Ed from Cowboy Bebop, yeah. That would be fine, not I someone I would prefer, but it beats ANYONE from sailor moon ::shudders:: Not anyone from DBZ, I'd hate to come home with my refridgerator empty. Well, it usually is because of me, but I'm the only one allowed to do so. Vegeta would be okay, I mean, I would just not argue with him, too risky. I might get blown into chunks of uhmm...flesh and skin and gross stuff. Generally, anyone homocidal and possibly insane is okay. Just safe-proof the house and keep knives out of the house INDEFINITELY. Hmm...someone who I would absolutely not want for a roommate... nobody. I'm cool with whatever. Sephiroth is VERY iffy. Can't decide.
  9. I read it in 7th grade. It sucked and was very hard. 'Nuff said.
  10. DEPRESSING! WAAAAAAAH! lol jk, but seriously that is depressing. I am SOOOO glad I am not suicidal. But aside from that, its VERY VERY VERY VERY good. you show her what I said! VERY VERY VERY GOOD! I think its one of the best things I have ever seen! tell your friend she is a literary genious because well, that poem rocks!
  11. *strokes tiny goatee* that is very interesting stuff. Creepy too. I want to... *sees wild thangs post* DAMNIT WILD THANG! *kills wild thang* hehe... that'll teach you to use a good idea!
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OtakuSennen [/i] [B]I've seen enough constipated screaming powering up.. I want shows with substance. Evangelion and .hack are great examples. I've gotten stuffed in trash cans enough due to my Dragonball Z shirts I am forced to wear... I don't need another run of the whole series. They're just saying it's the world's greatest action cartoon because it was so popular.. That's stupid, really. They're expressing their opinion as though it were a fact. [/B][/QUOTE] I agree that it is THEIR OPINION but I do not agree that .hack is better. I find that .hack is a way too complicated, piontless show. Once again I'll state that that is just my opinion. Aside from that, why not show the saiyan saga over again? those of us that watch the show and not the movies and dont tape it should be able to see the shows incase we missed an ep.
  13. ok the thing about 6 is I can't read it because it gets cut out where it shows the school dance sign, but i suppose it wouldve been good, so my rating is 97% out of 100% it wouldv'e been 100, but ep. six got cut out :(
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Elk [/i] [B]Maybe he thinks his dad is still alive some where.(saiyain aren't the smartest race) [/B][/QUOTE] Thats not really true, because you see Goku isn't very smart because he never went to school, not because hes a Saiyan. what about Gohan? or Trunks (future)?
  15. Frieza: Whatever urns you on big guy. Goku: EWWWW! SICK! *flies away in disgust* I know it sucks, but its better than saying, Frieza: O que quer que o gira no guy grande. Goku: EWWWW! DOENTE! * moscas afastado na aversão * u_u; sadly, É tudo que eu posso pensar de.
  16. Oh god, thats FAN ART you gullible fool! Ugh I've never got mad at someone on here before, but DUH you should read some of this before you go and say something like that. Also, Vegetrunks is fake, and so is Gokillin or whatever hes called, and so is SSJ5 Goku in case you were going to say any of those. Besides, you posted twice in a row, and if I'm not mistaken theres a rule against that. OH YEAH! DBAF is fake too. And more than two people cannot fuse. It's against the laws of fusion. And besides all that, if they COULD all fuse, why would Brolli agree to fusing with them anyway? I think I've explained enough here.
  17. I recently visited the site and I have to say it's not that good, aside from the rare chance to make fun of predjudice guys and skinheads, it sucks. The pictures of Black Goku are pretty well drawn but... the site still sucks. What do you think?
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo][size=1]The name "Bula"/"Bulla" does not appall me much. "Bura" I do believe in the Japanese pronunciation of her name, and, if my memory serves me correct, some Japanese pronounce L's as R's. So it could very well just be that all-too-in-depth pronunciation of her name. Sure, they probably could just stick with "Bura", but it is FUNi. *shrugs* Endymion, my reason for Tenshinhan's name being changed to Tienshinhan is just because it would sound a bit odd to call someone "Ten". It just sounds better in English to say "Tien". That is my belief as to why they did that.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I don't remember him ever bieng called Tenshinhan. But it could be, I never pay much attention to what they call each other.
  19. I hate it when they repeat the season. Why can't they do the Saiyan Saga all over again? I can't remember most of it.
  20. I did mine. DBZ's the theme (as if you didnt know)because there arent that many of them.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Foredaddy [/i] [B]My real name is Forrest. Just guess what that means. :devil: Edit: Whats with the backround. It says Mike was here. [/B][/QUOTE] What are you on? And i want to ask, did i already post my name here?
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Devon [/i] [B]yes. i do know what it means. it mean you hate me. so mind you i am not as dumb as i seem. [/B][/QUOTE] in the last one its [i] do[/i] not du. Just thought id piont that out to you.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JCBaggee [/i] [B][color=red]I think Goku has talked a great many people out of immortality with that same plea. Honestly, who wants to live forever? [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I do :D hes not stupid though, he pretty much lived with Gohan and hunted and fished for his food, not to mention they drank nothing but water (correct me if thats wrong.) And he lived in the woods, away from technoligy.
  24. wow, thats good... and didnt you say 'Silence Britty. I know your ways.' before? o_O Oh wait, you didnt, im just really really tired.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Devon [/i] [B]this aroughment has been around since trunks was first aired. its lavender. no doubt. [/B][/QUOTE] I dont get technical, i just say its purple. Lavender, purple, whats the real difference? but yeah, its definitely....that o_O....
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