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Everything posted by [Sound_Nin]

  1. I need Otakuboards to [i] live [/i] who else would make fun of my crummy drawings? lol jk, i like it so far....thats why im still here. :p
  2. some people just assume because they [b] don't [/b] they [b] can't [/b] If they did decide they wanted them to be super saiyans they'd create a sequal to DBGT
  3. i cant understand the whole attack pionts things. If the monster has 1600 atk pionts would that take 1600 from the opponents life pionts when you attack?
  4. I want the rules to the Yugioh TCG. I know what everything is and everything means, i just want the basic rules. can you explain it to me? Give me a link to the rules?
  5. Ed,Edd,N Eddy! I was wondering if anyone would mention that! But yeah, Courage is purple-like and is an okay show.
  6. the only MOD's I know are like 30 years old and they freak me out. But i guess they're okay.
  7. I'm sure they can, but all through GT Pan doesnt which tells us they might not be able too.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Marron347 [/i] [B]nemekians are assexual. that means they are neither male nor female(everyone just refers to him as "he" because he sounds like a guy), and they reproduce by themselves by spitting eggs out of their mouths. but that does not mean piccolo could never fall in love with someone no matter what race they are. it isn't all about sex you know. [/B][/QUOTE] Not to mention he looks like a guy too. And it isnt all about sex, because if he had a relationship there WOULD be none.
  9. Ugh.... I too am growing up but my only way to deal with it is lie about my age.
  10. oh boy. My family roots are from mexico and Japan. I'm from Aurora IN but originally from Mojave CA
  11. My name is Jake. It rhymes with steak. I like steak
  12. I've been picked on since the third grade. either: A) ignore it or B) kick their asses. i handled it with B but got expelled for 5 days for it. Try A
  13. Let her think what she wants to. See if it works. If it doesnt be nice
  14. lol. I was thinking the same thing. But why "Goku Jr."? He doesnt look like Goku that much. I think he looks like Goten.
  15. That is really true. Theyre assexual. Nameks just aren't attracted to women, i think the guy that created GT would be screwing the series up even more if he made a woman come along and date piccolo.
  16. I really don't know, uhmmm..... I guess they're all different heights because....ummm...I don't know. But I'll look that up.
  17. I'm still waiting for the newest ones to come out.
  18. well actually, i did try...., but i hit my head on the screen. How did you change your name like that? [color=red][size=1]Please try to stay on topic with your responses and questions. -Shy[/color][/size]
  19. freaky... double post, sorry... i too it again and it says i scored 60, freaky but cool
  20. Okay. I'm lost now. lets see..... Bardock and Gokuh look alike, Spike and whatzizname look alike, Hurcule and Spike....lol that was dumb....
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]It sounds all right. I expected a more prominant Vejita-sound, but, you know, whatever. I think the Gokou's dubbed voice should be changed anyway. It's almost as bad as Krillen's as far as matching the character goes...*shudders* -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] Hey! dont make fun of the man, he doesn't have a nose! I know how he feels... *touches where nose should be* lol jk, but seriously Gokuh shows there, and Vegeta in ha ha ha, basically because Gokuh doesn't laugh all evilly-like..
  22. Thats why they're making another one
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