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Everything posted by [Sound_Nin]

  1. [quote name='8bit'][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DimGray][center][IMG]http://photos-h.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v190/62/10/1642470148/n1642470148_171375_6580.jpg[/IMG][/center] I'm the guy playing the rock band drums on the right. [URL="http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/771/n5062036033318864910ve5.jpg"][I]Peace and Rock n Roll[/I][/URL] - Me at work. Cineplex Odeon. woot[/COLOR][/FONT][/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]I have to admit, the first thing I noticed was that guy's cro-... belt buckle. I just couldn't stop staring at that... belt buckle. Anyway, you'll be wanting new ones of me. Without the hair, this time. D: [IMG]http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n103/himfan2004/emo_hitler.jpg[/IMG] Eh, I'll be getting new ones up. Promise. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [quote name='Tical Blue'][COLOR=DarkOrange] Plus, small tits, I mean really, what's the big deal about big ones? All they do is jiggle like bowls of ****ing jello, and that's just weird. Also big shirts and sweaters, my dream girl [I]MUST [/I]wear big shirts and sweaters. It just makes them look so much cuter >_
  3. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Kill All The White People?! I'd retaliate with "Kill all the non-white people" but that doesn't seem like such a good idea... Okay, anywayzorz. I only like one Fair to Midland song, and the rest honestly appall me. :] Oh, righto. I got back into Madball. I still only really like one song, being Heaven and Hell. And as usual, Elvis Costello. :D Actually, I'm listening to what I always listen to. And I've spent more than enough time replying to this thread, so away with me! [/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Unfortunately for me, I can't afford anything. So it's the usual Super Mario or one of the Pokemon games for me. I gave up on Super Metroid a while ago, but I might pick that up. Oh, also Street Fighter. Old school gaming shall always be better than all. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]"Weddy's? Doe. Ad we've beed to BicDoddles twice dis week. Let's go to Burger Keeg." [/FONT][/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Ahhh... BicDoddles made me laugh so hard. But seriously. I refuse to call him Light. Ooo! Ooo! Gokusen. I love Gokusen. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Ack, I noticed the mentioning of Linkin Park and Avenged Sevenfold. :animesighI detest A7X. Now I'm listening to Sikth. No song in particular, just basically everything off their newest album. Also I got back into Caliban, and Nightwish since there's so much talk of it. Haven't listened to Nightwish in years. [/FONT][/COLOR][QUOTE]I think I am confused here...are you guys saying that grunge was heavily influenced by classical music? If so how? I don't see it at all...[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Everything is influenced by classical. :p [/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [quote name='Panache']What type of music is that? I might check it out.[/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]It sounds pretty thrash-y to me, or hardcore. But I'm not very good with genres. I'd say Thrash, though. Whatever it is, it sounds good. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Yeah, I've been watching the sub, and though they do pronounce it Raito (with the flip, I might add), it [I]is[/I] supposed to be Light (place the Yagami on whatever side you want :p) [/FONT][/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]I've been switching back and forth from subbed to dubbed. I think the English voice actors are fine. However, in the manga, it was translated as Raito, and then somewhere along the line they had to switch it to Light due to the writers or somesuch thing. And while this part is boring, I don't want to stop watching in case something interesting happens. Which I'm certain will. :D [/FONT][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]I would like to add that I'm not just READING Death Note, I'm watching it too. Does anyone else detest the name changes in the English version? I mean LIGHT? What the eff is up with that?! But it's getting rather monotonous. I'm on episode 16. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Right now it's on White Knuckles by Five Finger Death Punch. When I first heard the band name I was thinking it was well... a lame band. But now they're one of my favourites. Whenever I hear a guitarist with actual talent, I smile. It's not easy to find these days. Don't get me wrong, I like catchy riffs as much as the next guy. But there's just something about music you can listen to in complete awe. I'm also listening to Bright Eyes. Completely different genre, but that's how I am. So anyway, I completely recommend the aforementioned song. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]I have to agree. That was... well, yeah. No comment. (Otherwise I'll start with the old 'Figures, Republicans...' lecture that will probably make someone unhappy with me.) [/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]So I had to check out some of the bands mentioned on here. Namely Polkadot Cadaver and This Is Your Captain Speaking. And I love them both. :p So you guys are pretty damn awesome. Favourite songs by them: This is Your Captain Speaking - Fear Fear Fear Polkadot Cadaver - Wolf in Jesus Skin Kudos on the awesome taste in music, folks. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  13. [quote name='Sandy']C'est plus facile que Francois. ;P No tenía tantas problemas estudiando español en la escuela que tenía en francés. [/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua] C'est 'Français', pas 'Francois'. Francois est un nom? Eh... I bet that was intentionally to confuse me. Lol. I can only understand the bits of Spanish that are similiar to French, otherwise the language totally confuses me. Had to use a translator. Languages don't come naturally to me, I have to work extra hard on them. [/FONT][/COLOR][quote name='Sandy']But it really is nice to know different languages. Since Finland has two official languages, Finnish and Swedish, I know how to speak those too. ;D[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]I would love to know Finnish, being as I was born there. Jyväskylä, to be exact. And I have a friend that knows quite a bit of Swedish, and I heard that it's easy to learn. Oh, and the only Spanish I know is "Tu madre es muy caliente". There's some immature humour for ya. :animesmil [/FONT][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]I'll finish up my part in this thread with this statement: [B]I don't trust politicians. [/B]Democrat or Republican, Green party or Nazi party, I don't really think any of them have the peoples' well being in mind. I feel slightly different about Obama, but then again, who knows what's going on in his mind? Or Clinton's, or McCain's? And as for pulling out of Iraq, whether we do or not makes little difference as to how they feel about us. The damage is done. So unless Bush, or the next President, has some sort of time machine to go back and prevent the US from invading Iraq, I doubt they're really going to like us either way. I guess that about sums up my say. :animesmil [/FONT][/COLOR]
  15. [quote name='Nomad'][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]The Rammstein albums have all been thoroughly listened through countless times. There's never an occasion which doesn't fit a Rammstein song. :animesmil[/FONT][/SIZE][/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Amen to that. I've only owned Herzeleid, Sehnsucht, and Mutter. So naturally those are my favourites. I've listened to Hybrid Theory countless times as well, but Linkin Park just isn't my thing anymore. Meteora was pretty good. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]I'm quite an insensitive person. And laughing at this is just another instance of that. So don't take that too seriously. I think it's already been established that this is tragic. Yes, we all know that. And like I said before, whether it was his fault, or his parents', or his friends', or no one's at all... he's still dead. So there's no point in debating that. Fact is, if his parents had explained reality better to him, or if his friends hadn't helped him, any of these things could've prevented his death. But these things simply [I]did not happen.[/I] Besides that, we don't know that his parents hadn't explained reality to him, quite well even. It's possible he just went along and did it anyway. Okay, yeah. I guess that's all I had to say. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  17. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][COLOR=#9933ff][FONT=monotype corsiva][[SIZE=3]Ah ¿tú hable español? Moi aussi. Hablo piquito español porque mi trabaje requirmente... bah I can't really do that either Pero tengo un arguemente en español con un patient de mi. Verement es merde aussi. Yeah- now that was tri-lingual. [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Pretty damn confusing. Je déteste L'Espagnol. C'est nul. >.> Mon opinion. J'aime l'Alemand, toutefois. Anglais est bof. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [quote name='Premonition'][COLOR=#123400]Bonjour, je suis de la France, mais je vis en Amérique. Je m'appelle peter et moi sommes un géant harcèlent le crayon. I do not know what I just said, but good lucky trying to translate it.[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua] "Hello, I am of the France, but I live in America. I am called Peter and me let us are a giant pester the pencil." I dunno, it makes sense to me. :animesmil [/FONT][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Oh! Oh! I'd also like to add, that since I never watch TV, and I'm too lazy to search for the episodes, I'm reading the Death Note manga series on onemanga.com. It makes a lot more sense when I can go back and read things over, but I don't seem to be having any comprehension problems with it. And since I usually prefer anime over manga, this is the second series I've bothered to read, the last one being the entire DBZ series I bought at a book store. Quite an investment, if I hadn't left my books behind after moving. :o Still haven't recovered from that one. I lost the first 5 Harry Potter books, as well. Anyway, I'm at chapter 11, page 15. Where L is finally revealed. Got a ways to go. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Je volonté parler le complet truc en Français. Hmm... Je suis Shain, mon premier nom est 'Mikäel'. J'adore musique, le dessin, et les arts dramatiques. C'est intéressant soit ce thread est populaire. Hmm. L'ouvrable est ennuyeux. Au revoir. :animesmil [/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [quote name='Solo Tremaine'][COLOR=#503f86]Well, [I]technically[/I], 'pomme-frites' is only a colloquialism, short for 'pomme de terre frites', but yeah, you're right. It's used far more widely anyway. Hah, moi aussi, bien que j'ai eu un peu plus six ans. J'ai observé les videos de Muzzy. Ils étaint trés utile pour moi.[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Well I learned something today. I always thought it was 'fritte', and no 'pomme'.[/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Navy]Haha, je sais de cela. Un petit étrange pour moi, mais eh, j'ai aimé les annonces. Also, I usually use an acute accent (é) in the word trés, but I've seen it with a grave accent (è), which one should be use? Going with the pronunciation, it should be trés, but it always shows up on spell-check. Yeah, I know about the Spanish thing. I learned a little, not because I WANTED to, but because my grandmother speaks four languages. And I only use accents because they're burned into my memory. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  22. [LEFT][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]I'm rewatching Gravitation. It never gets old for me. There are a few bits that will never cease to annoy the living ***** out of me. And there are parts I had to rewatch to understand. But you know what they say about Gravitation, it's a gateway anime into the world of yaoi. Actually, that's what [B]I[/B] say, but hey, someone has probably said it before. Other than that, I can't say I've much been into the anime lately. If I could get control of the TV, or had my own, you KNOW I'd be watching Adult Swim every single damn night. [/FONT][/COLOR][/LEFT]
  23. [quote name='Erika'][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=Purple]Wow, if you think 10 monsters is a grindfest, or WoW in general as a grindfest, then you obviously haven't really touched asian MMO's, namely MapleStory, and from I heard of Final Fantasy XII, and Ragnarok Online.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Oh god, MapleStory is ridiculous for that. I got to about level 14 before I decided this was going to take ages and it wasn't worth the space on my computer. However, it was fun for a while. Warhammer looks pretty good, I have to say. Are we talking about the same Warhammer I think we are? I assume so. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  24. [quote name='Korey'][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Je parle francais aussi. Je m'appelle Korey (s'voulez mon nom =P) and j'ai dix-huit ans. J'adore la musique, l'art, et le sport. Je suis sportif et intelligent. Le week-end, j'aime faire un promenande dans ma universite et parle avec mes amis. J'habite dans El Paso, Texas dans les Etats-Unis. Je sais le francais parce-que je fait les classes de Francais dans mon ecole. Et toi, les franophones? Que est-ce que vous faisez dans le week-end?[/FONT][/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Musique est ma vie. :D J'étonné ceci est si populaire. J'ai pensé cet étais une bonne idée. Uhmm... J'aime parler, aussi, à mes amis. ...et je n'ai rien à dire. Haha. :animeswea [/FONT][/COLOR]
  25. [quote name='JimitheGreat11'][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Basically you said: " Yes, I am well. My name is Nick. I am an apple fry. Mmm. Oh ho ho. A, yes yes. I would like the Eiffel Tower. Pizza Pizza." Well ... it's a rough translation anyway. I've actually been in French for four years now, so hopefully I didn't scuff that up too bad. Also, it's actually Je m'appelle and la tour eiffel. I think. [/FONT][/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Oui, c'est 'la tour eiffel'. Toure? Tour? Eh. I chose not to comment on 'I am an apple fry'. I just giggled at it for a good 2 minutes. [/FONT][/COLOR]
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