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Everything posted by [Sound_Nin]

  1. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Most of my RP experience is through chat rooms. (Hence saying RP, rather than RPG. Old habits, y'know) So, as such, I like completely character-driven games. It feels more natural, because in reality the personality of a person is a key factor. And they go in whatever direction they go it, no predictions. As for plot-based, I'm not biased against it. In fact, it's more like acting. Which in itself has its own positive qualities that I enjoy. I just haven't had much experience in that area. I'm taking it that chat RPGs aren't exactly... smiled upon here. So please excuse, but it's what I'm used to. :animesmil [/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]This is a bit big. I downsized it, I turned the quality down, but for some reason it's a higher file size than the last one. But I'd say I'm not changing it for quite a while. And the upload form was being a major *****, wouldn't let me upload, even though I got it down to the right size. [URL=http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n103/himfan2004/rammsteinbackground.jpg][color=blue][u]Click Here[/u][/color][/URL] Please don't kill me for the size. 1440x900 or so, original size.[/FONT][/COLOR] [size=1][color=green][b]Boo -[/b] Pardon me, but I've turned your image into a link too, to prevent stretching the lay-out.[/color][/size]
  3. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]The hell? This kinda seems pointless to me. Anyway, why isn't there a 'I hate bacon' option? Not too big on the fried fatty foods. =/ [/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Actually, you and I are on the same page really. ^_~ Just the opposite sides of the spectrum. People have to respect that when they are at my house, they have to leave those things behind. So they have to at least tolerate the no smoking/drinking rules when they are there. What they do at home is their business, but in a relationship... Sadly, most forms of cigarette smoke do nothing but aggravate my allergies and it's not worth the headache, literally. So I too don't need people to argue over it, I need them to accept that it's not something I can have around. The drinking.... That's more from losing loved ones to drunk drivers. So no getting smashed or wasted. My true friends understand and support that. Sometimes it's the ones who can't seem to let it go and insist on showing up drunk that make me sad. The others have no problems with abstaining when they come to my place. Just as I don't give them grief when the get together is at their place. And no worries, it's not an argument, you just reminded me we're not that different when you think about it. Our need for acceptance/tolerance is merely different. It works out for me since my boyfriend is like minded. He doesn't drink or smoke either. [/FONT][/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]I totally understand. If someone can't handle it around, I'm totally fine. I'll go outside, or whatever else. Especially if they're respectful about it. What I can't stand is this: For you, it would be someone who insisted on smoking or drinking around you. For me, it would be someone who, even after I went outside and there's no harm to them, harp on it incessantly, or even threaten not to be around me anymore. Anyway, it's the same general idea. I just didn't really think of it in that way. Yep. And yes, most of my relationships have been with someone who either smokes or doesn't mind it. The one that didn't last long at all was with someone who was strongly against it, around them or not. And drinking is VERY rare for me, I don't spend every day drunk. It's more of a special or rare occasion type of thing and stay inside. I smoke outside most of the time anyway, just not lately because of the cold. Back on topic, another thing I'd have to say I like in a person is an animal lover. Whether you're a cat person or a dog person, that's something in common. Although I'm more a cat person myself, I have dogs too and love them just as much. If I notice a person is an animal person, I'm more drawn to them from the start. Good chemistry, there. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [QUOTE][COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] Naturally there are other things I don't like. Such as smoking and drinking.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Ahh! That reminds me. Many a relationship (friendship or otherwise) have been destroyed on the basis of my smoking, drinking, and other things like that. So, you have to at least tolerate it, if you don't do it yourself, to be associated with me. If you're going to complain about it, I don't need you. I need to be accepted the way I am. And my best friends are the ones that tolerate it. The ones that complained about it wouldn't have been very supportive friends anyway. And as for relationships, if you're going to kiss me, expect it to taste like cigarettes most of the time. ;] (Please note I don't want to argue about it. It just reminded me.) [/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [quote name='CosmicSailor'] Either one is fine by me I'm pretty lax about what I'm called by others.[/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]I believe I've said the same thing here somewhere... but anyway, my name is Mikäel, which is pronounced My-Kale, but most people pronounce it Michael, and it got shortened to Mikä, which is My-Kay, but most pronounce Micah. So some people call me Micah. And my middle name is Shain, so most people call me that. So any of those, or Nin, or Sound Nin, are tolerated. And also I'd like to say, a lot of people think Sound Nin is Naruto-based. It isn't. I dislike Naruto for the most part. I've been using that name since '03 or so, and I can't remember for the life of me where it came from. Woah I got distracted. [/FONT][/COLOR][quote] Hi i'm new here as well. Just checking things out.[/quote][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Can't get more 'to the point' than that. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]My experience in this subject is very small. So I'll keep this quick. The only two I have played are Maple Story and for a very, VERY short amount of time, Runescape. Screw Runescape. The graphics alone turned me off of it, so I'll never know if the gameplay is worth it. As for Maple Story, it was okay. Not really the best, not much to do, but it was fun. If you don't mind having to kill 123,162,634,247,853 snails. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Wowzers. I knew this had to be an old one, 'cause I subscribed to it forever ago. And since I subconsciously drift back to my Subscriptions page, I saw it and kind of went like this. > :o Cause I had no clue where it came from. And I didn't even post in it. Anyway, no I don't play it, mostly 'cause I live in a small town, nowhere to get it. But it's really something I'd like to try, since I've been into online roleplaying since... well... about the time I came here! Which is 6 years ago. But I think I was involved in it before then, and yes I was 10 at the time. But I wasn't horrible, as you might expect. It's how I came to be such a good speller, unlike all the txt tlkrs of my generation. EDIT: I said Wowzers too?! I didn't even notice the post before me. o.O [/FONT][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]They've done it! Resurrected this thread! Just like I'll be resurrected when the Apocolypse happens. As a mutated super-human. To collect the souls of everyone except the Germans. They don't have souls, after all. (My grandmother's German, so it's okay to say that!) Now, what to put on my tombstone? "Pepperoni." Baha. I'd love to have that on my tombstone. Get it? Get it? "(My name, date born, date died) : Went the way of the Marlboro man." "It wasn't suicide, it was an accident! Seriously!" No, I don't plan on suicide. So if something happens that appears to be suicide, you know it's an accident. :D "And I STILL don't know where babies come from." >.> [/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. [quote name='MaskedRider'] I'm actually a nice guy, but girls don't generally tend to go for nice guys. Yes, that's what they want, but they usually end up going for the self confident jerk who treats them like ****. But whatever, it's their mess not mine.[/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]That's exactly true. I never used to think so, but when that happened to me, I realised that I better stop being such a nice guy. In my own opinion, as far as personality goes, I'm pretty close to perfect. Sounds stuck-up, doesn't it? And I'm not bad looking, either. No one really wants to say it, but looks are a factor. No matter what, they're a factor. However important, they're a factor. They're just not AS important to me as some people who only care about the physical aspect. Well, I'm bi. With a strong leaning to men. So I guess it depends on whether this individual is male or female. I tend to care about attractiveness more in men. Because it's a more physical relationship. But I like a good personality too, so if I ever find a guy that is attractive, has a great personality, AND isn't straight, I doubt I'd want that relationship to end. Even if I had to hold him at gun-point. Haha. :animesmil Girls, I like a great personality. Looks aren't as much of a big deal with them, as long as they don't look like they were run over by a semi repeatedly. It just isn't as physical as my relationships with men. Now, as for friends! Most of my friends are girls. But I've had several good male friends all the way back from 4th grade. So I have a few things for friendship. 1. Loyalty. 2. Sense of humour. 3. Shared interests, though not all. 4. You have to talk to me. Come on, don't ditch me for other people. But this might relate to #1. And as for the sex part of relationships, I'd say it's not that important, people. If it's your top priority, that's a sign that you don't care if the rest of the relationship goes to hell and eventually ends. Balance is the key. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. [quote name='Premonition'][COLOR=#123400]3. Worst choice was believing I was bi. I was very confused, I thought I was something I wasn't'. Mostly the reason I thought I was bi, was because I couldn't find a gf, so I thought I could go to guys for that empty space. It has made me realize that gays and bi's and all them aren't bad people. But it was one of the reasons I almost killed myself last year. It was a double-edged sword actually.[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]I can see why it'd be sort of a bad thing, thinking that. But I always say, ... I forgot. Well it had to do with experimenting and figuring yourself out. But it's good that you got to realise that non-straight people aren't 'evil, immoral, vile creatures'. [/FONT][/COLOR] [quote][COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Verdana]Quoted for truth, because I could had sworn this thread died. Through the ashes my friend.[/FONT][/COLOR][/quote][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]I've resurrected two threads this week (maybe three, I forget.). I've got the magic touch, man. >.>[/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. [quote name='Premonition'][COLOR=#123400] I am straight but come on, women do it all the time. [/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Women doing it is why men don't. They're afraid it'll make them feminine, when really, it makes you a cleaner person, I mean, when the deodorant gets in there... ew. [/FONT][/COLOR] [QUOTE][COLOR=#123400]Now I don't enough armpit hair to say so, so I can't really say anything about that...[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]I always forget that 14/15 are the normal years for puberty. I was done with it by then, pretty much. I developed super-fast, except my voice. Doctor says it's done getting deeper, but I get mistaken for a girl on the phone all the time. Not fun, not fun at all. [/FONT][/COLOR][QUOTE][COLOR=#123400] I have the feeling that this thread will soon be renamed to 'Developing Teenager & Awkward Silences Stretching Across Multiple Posts Thread.' So let's get off the subject.... please...[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Yeah, or a mod will come marching in with the ol' 'off topic' lecture. :animesigh Anyway, it's always been the case that if you say a guy looks good, everyone assumes you're attracted to him. Or even if you say he's really nice and likable. Luckily, I don't have to worry about this. I am attracted to men! Ha ha, hee hee. >.> And I have very few straight male friends. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  13. [quote name='Premonition'][COLOR=#123400]Hypocritical bastard >_> [/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Pfft. Young'ns these days. :rolleyes: [/FONT][/COLOR][QUOTE][COLOR=#123400]I feel [I]tainted [/I]by the hair sometimes. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Maybe you're just like me and you have an unhealthy (well, I think it's pretty damn healthy, and clean) obsession with shaving everywhere. I can't figure out for the life of me why most guys don't shave their armpits. I know it's because they're deathly afraid of doing anything that could make them seem feminine and/or gay, but come on. That's gross. Swallow your pride and shave that ****. [/FONT][/COLOR][QUOTE][COLOR=#123400] And Allamorph we know you aren't that grown up, in fact sometimes I think you're a 12 year old with a very wierd sense of humor hiding behind the facade of yours.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]We all have that suspicion, don't worry.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  14. [quote name='Starwind'] 3. The worst I ever made was to smoke pot in high school [/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]I've always wondered why marijuana seems to mess up peoples' lives. And why certain people have such a huge problem with, quoting South Park, 'a plant that makes you dumb'. Anyway, that's neither here nor there. I just wanted to post to say I'm glad that people are posting on this thread again, being as it was all but ignored for almost a month. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Damn it! Remind me to never say 'this is my last post' ever again, because I can't restrain myself when directly addressed. Okay, okay. What he meant by hanging text (I think?) is look at your sig. It says [center] right there. So I think the deal is, it has to be [ center ] and then end with [ /center ] no spaces. Or maybe you started to centre something without finishing it, idk. Anyway, I kinda had a feeling it was one of [I]those[/I] secrets. At least you told her and she didn't find out herself. 'S what happened to me. I've been 14 before, we all have really. Some people need to remember that. It's really easy to get caught up in that stuff, 'cause you want to grow up as fast as possible and get involved in relationships, and drinking, and whatever else, but in the long run it's best to stay away from all that. But I've known people who can actually deal with all that, AND school. But I think it's pretty rare. It's not to make you feel like because you're young, you must not know anything. It's 'cause sometimes you can't really tell what's more important, and you figure that out later. Notice how I ended up complaining about advice threads while simultaneously giving advice. :whoops: [/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. [quote name='Premonition'][COLOR=#123400]Sorry to bring this argument back, but I'm 14, I DONT KNOW how to handle these things like you guys. Don't like these advice threads? Oh well, you'll get over it. On Gaiaonline there's a while subforum for advice. Plus OB is a pretty excepting, helpful, and friendly site. So asking for advice ehre is a pretty good idea. [/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]And I'm sixteen. That's only two more years of life experience, which isn't much. And Gaia, well... is pretty much a joke, kiddo. I'm not surprised. I mean, you can't go anywhere on there without some 13-year-old girl tryin' to e-hump you. I do think it's pretty [B]accepting[/B]. There are a few exceptions, though. If I didn't think it was any of those things, would I really have stayed here so long? Think about it, I'm 16. I've been here for 6 years. Most forums wouldn't be very nice to a 10-year-old. But I'm glad the ordeal is over, in any case. But you really should try to look at it from her point of view, anyway. Okay now, THIS is my last post. Stop dragging me back here. :animesmil [/FONT][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Yeah, but I've noticed it moves up. Slowly. Since I started posting again it went up from .11 to like I said, .14. But yeah, I was suspecting that. Just wanted to have it verified. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [QUOTE] 3. The worst choice I ever made was to purchase Alanis Morissette - Jagged Little Pill on cassette[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Oh come on, man. I love Alanis. >.> Anyway, here we go! 1. I honestly don't remember. I sat here for about 6 minutes trying to figure it out, and I don't remember. 2. The best choice I ever made... hmm. I don't make many good choices. But I think it was a split-second decision, and that was going with my mom to Minnesota. 3. This is an easy one. Not really a decision, but something I wish I'd done. And that's taken my brother with me to Minnesota. He'd still be here with me. He's been adopted now, because we left him in my grandparents' care, and they obviously couldn't take care of him. He'd still be with me if I'd just said '**** it!' and told my mom to bring him with us. 4. The hardest choice... hmm... probably the same as #2. The best and the hardest decision I've ever made. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  19. [QUOTE][COLOR=#123400]or she'll call me a dumbass or gay.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Real mature. I think you should be super sarcastic with her and tell her how mature she is. The ****ing *****. Hooray for censorship! [/FONT][/COLOR][QUOTE][FONT=Courier New][COLOR=SeaGreen] If that doesn't work, just shut up and get over yourself![/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Ahh. It's rare that I actually laugh at you guys' jokes. But that one just seemed to fit my sense of humour, so I LOL'd. [/FONT][/COLOR][QUOTE][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]******* the duck joke. [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]beat the crap outta that b****. Some people need a good beating to learn their place. Or perhaps you could tottally go passive aggressive on her b**** a**. =D[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]You cuss more often than anyone else on here. Which reminds me of what you said in the thread about censorship. Well done, my friend. Well done. Keep on ****ing cussing. Anyway. Since this is resolved, I don't see why you need advice. So yeah. No advice for you! No cookie! EAT YOUR BRUSSEL SPROUTS! I'm not going to laugh at you for being in the 8th grade, since it was only last year that I was. But wait... I was held back. Twice. So I guess I can! HAHA! [/FONT][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]I never commanded anyone to stop posting these threads. I really don't care if they started a thread about how often they clip their toenails. A lot of it was exaggeration, and not meant to be taken seriously. And totally based on opinion. Have you ever heard that '98% of statistics are made up on the spot'? Well, when I say 'quite a few' that is totally based on assumption. I mean, even the topic starter must think so due to the title. What I meant was it seems to be a new trend, since several of the top threads are advice. I'm not saying there've never been any until now, just not as many. Anyway, being as this is more time than I usually spend in a thread, and we're beginning to drift WAAAAAAY off-topic, this is my last post, and I can only hope that you can at least see things from my perspective rather than completely condemning every word I've said. And I might 'counter' this by starting a thread about whether anyone thinks there are beginning to be too many advice threads, just out of curiosity. Later. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]This is a question. (I thought that might be helpful) Well, I'm certain I post at least 2 times per day. Maybe even 3 or 4. I'm not overly concerned about my post count. But little details like this irk me. Anyway, it says I post under once a day. 0.14 to be exact. So I can't help but wonder, what is this based on? Would I have to keep posting at this rate for an extensive amount of time for it to budge, or is it just based off my total time having been a member? (Which is 6 years, so I can see why it would be so low in ratio to my low amount of posts altogether) This isn't so much of a serious question as just curiosity. Thanks in advance for any answers. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]I honestly think this is a great idea, although I think there might've already been something along these lines. I don't see why anyone hasn't replied to this. It's probably off your subscription list by now, but I'd just like to say if you ever work something out for this, or if anyone else does on your behalf, I'd be totally up for it. :animesmil [/FONT][/COLOR]
  23. [quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Notice where I said:That's the real point to my post. Because your statement that:[INDENT][SIZE=1]I know there are quite a few of us that don't like seeing every single effing one of these threads being about 'oh my boyfriend/girlfriend/ex broke up with me/wants me back, what should I do?' Seriously, folks. This is getting to be a bit much.[/SIZE][/INDENT]Isn't accurate and it's unnecessary in the first place. So lets just not do it alright? [/FONT][/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]So you [I]don't[/I] think there's a massive amount of advice threads? Fair enough. I revoke my [U]opinion.[/U] [/FONT][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Wow, I'm going to have to do a LOT of quoting in here. Starting with the one of utmost importance, so brace yourselves for another of my lengthy posts. [/FONT][/COLOR][QUOTE]Now the wierd one - for about the last twelve years, I figuartively "see" every word I hear anyone say. So, if you're talking to me, I visualize each word as you speak. I see the shape, the way the vowels flow. Depending on how you stress the word, it may be italicized or bold. I see punctuation, drop-downs for new trains of thought. You get the picture.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]I have the exact same problem. It really is distracting. Whenever I spell something wrong, I perfect it. Drill it into my mind. (Did you notice 'figuartively'? That one bothered me.) Do you ever lie in bed, trying to sleep, but words keep popping into your mind? I spell them, spell them backwards, count the letters in each word, words in a sentence, letters in a sentence, characters including punctuation in a sentence, and so on. I just can't understand people who can't spell. It makes no sense to me whatsoever. [/FONT][/COLOR][QUOTE][COLOR=#4b0082]Click the Game Videos link in my signature if you want to see examples.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Ah! Someone who shares my passion for Super Metroid (Well, actually, Metroid in general. I can't get past the very beginning of Super Metroid). I love video games. I really do. But I have neither the skill nor patience for them. Not something I can REALLY get into, if you know what I mean. I think it's stress-related. In fact, I'll look into your walk-throughs because like I said, can't get past the beginning. Lack of patience. [/FONT][/COLOR][QUOTE][U][URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synesthesia"]Synesthesia[/URL][/U],[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]My absolute favourite word. Take a look at my AIM screen-name. [/FONT][/COLOR][QUOTE][SIZE=1]Urgh, have you ever read "Eats, Shoots and Leaves"?[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]My absolute favourite book! Jeebus, this thread seems to be made for my reply. [/FONT][/COLOR][QUOTE][FONT=Arial] Oh, and I can blow some pretty hardcore smoke rings.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Me too, me too. I was just about to get to that, when I looked back whilst quoting the last one, and I was like woah. Now I have to quote something ELSE. Anyway, on to the main course. If you haven't noticed, I spell everything right. I never have to use spell-check. On the rare occasion that I do, someone's bound to correct me eventually and it sticks. I wouldn't call this a talent, but I also speak French. It isn't a talent because I was raised bilingual. I learned English after I had grasped the concept of language and knew basic French. Around 6 years old. However, even though I knew French before English, my French spelling is often poor. Grammar also. I confuse 'es' and 'est' frequently, because the pronunciation is similiar and my concept of French is phonetic. A talent that I have often concerns my friends and family. I have a poor memory and can't remember facts, except for two things. The first is serial killers. I could tell you name of a serial killer, date born and date died (if any), MO, childhood experiences, and the date each murder was committed and the names of the victims. That's what bothers my family and friends. [U]Also I have a gun, knives, and swords mounted on my wall next to the serial killer dictionary.[/U] The next thing I can memorise would be music. The genre of a band, the members, what instruments they play, albums, lyrics. But only if I actually like the band of course. I have to REALLY like them. Both of these things just stick in my memory. I don't TRY to remember them, just happens. So I guess that's all. I'm not very talented, I don't think. Sorry for the post length, guys. I got a bit carried away with this one. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  25. [quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]You know... It's not that hard to[I] not[/I] answer advise threads. ^_~ If they really bug you that much, then don't bother to read them. [/FONT][/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]That's true. But notice where I said, [/FONT][/COLOR][QUOTE][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua] (You might not want to read this part.*)[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Which is along the same lines. Don't bother to read it. ;) Point taken, however. I knew someone would say that. [/FONT][/COLOR]
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