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Everything posted by [Sound_Nin]

  1. [quote name='nekochuni'][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=Purple]I speak naturally spanish, so i'm sorry if my english is hard to understand n_n [/COLOR][/FONT][/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Awh, it's okay. I don't think most native English speakers are even as good as you. Besides, you can use it as an excuse! Whenever I spell something wrong, I always give the old excuse 'Mon prèmier langue est Français, excusez-moi.' Because, well, it is. [/FONT][/COLOR][quote][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=2]I won't be on much though, because I only get computer time on the weekends, because my parents think that the computer interferes with my schoolwork Dx[/SIZE][/FONT][/quote][FONT=Book Antiqua] [COLOR=Navy]That's total bull! Well yeah, I guess it can interfere sometimes... but what if you need to look something up? Do they make you get a book? How medieval![/COLOR] [/FONT]
  2. [quote name='Lt.Zero'][COLOR=Navy]which includes me painting my face like ICP[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]This seems to be a trend these days. Lmao. Well, whatever tickles your pickle. Anyway, either Alka-Seltzer or Mentos would work. They both fizz up real nice. A less explosive way of doing it would be to just fill up buckets with soda. But that doesn't seem as fun. (Or fill up super-soakers?!) And remember, don't get caught. Cops have no sense of humour. I like that Super Soaker idea. Hmm [/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [quote name='MissWem'][FONT=Arial][COLOR=Sienna] If you really think about it, there aren't really any secrets worth keeping because if you're having to keep them, you're obviously doing something wrong in the first place. [/COLOR][/FONT][/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Not true, not true at all. There are some secrets you really have to keep, because if they ever got out, you'd risk being beaten to death by a less tolerant person. I have one of those kinds of secrets myself, and it got out. It was NOT a good thing at all. And I mean about things you can't help. Not because you ****** up or whatever. I'm not saying he has one of those secrets, just saying sometimes you have to keep secrets for your own safety. Moving along. [/FONT][/COLOR] [QUOTE][SIZE=1]What you need to concentrate on is passing high school with good grades so that you can get into a good school, etc. Once you get your life together and be near you want to be then it is time to worry about that.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [LEFT][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Too true. I got caught up in all that drama, and I completely lost track of school, and fell so far behind I had to drop out because the work was so hard because I hadn't been paying attention to it. You really don't want to end up like that; now I have to get my GED instead. (You might not want to read this part.*) Now. [U][B]*At the risk of sounding like a complete *******.* [/B][/U]Can we please stop with the advice threads? They're getting way too excessive. Really, why don't you call Sue Johanson, or Dr Phil? At least invest in a psychiatrist, because I know there are quite a few of us that don't like seeing every single effing one of these threads being about 'oh my boyfriend/girlfriend/ex broke up with me/wants me back, what should I do?' Seriously, folks. This is getting to be a bit much. [/FONT][/COLOR][/LEFT]
  4. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Wow, all these people asking for advice these days. I remember when I asked for advice once. I got a whole lotta 'This isn't the place for that' and 'we aren't qualified, go see a psychiatrist'. But my two cents now: Well, I'd say just talk to him about it. Like most people say. If he laughs it off, or doesn't take you seriously, that should show you a lot about him. But if I was him, I'd stop after being talked to about it. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Are you serious? Everyone here is for cookies? Crackers fershur. Crackers crackers crackers. Salty, spicy, sour. I like all those, but sweet? Sweet that isn't even a little bit sour? No way! Ewww. Sweetness makes me sick. >.> [/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [QUOTE][COLOR=#503f86][B]1. What have your experiences with rudeness on the internet been? 2. Do you get affected by them, generally? 3. Have you ever been deliberately rude to someone over the Net, and why? 4. Do you think there are times when it's justified? 5. Why do you think people feel the need to make unecessary comments online?[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]1. Mostly pompous ******** who think they're vastly superior because they can spell correctly. It's nice to see a well-written sentence, honestly, but they get so full of themselves trying to impress their e-buddies who are all equally obnoxious. The ones that are like 'omg u r such a fagt' don't bother me at all. 2. I get frustrated. Especially when I have other, more important things to do, and this guy is just going to go on and on because he has nothing better to do. 3. Yes. I do it more than I should, but I'm sure most of it is just brutal honesty anyway. 4. I do. Especially when the freedom of opinion is misconstrued as the ability to blather nonsensically for shock value. 5. They have no life, I'd imagine. If they did, they'd be off doing more productive things with their life. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [quote name='PutoFace'][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=2][COLOR=seagreen]I don't think my parents would let me take online classes! :P[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=2][COLOR=seagreen]Oh yeah.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=2][COLOR=seagreen]And explaining my username..[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=2][COLOR=seagreen]There's this rice cake thing in the Philippines called Puto.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=2][COLOR=seagreen]And I love Puto, I eat it a lot.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=2][COLOR=seagreen]Hence the name PutoFace. XD[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]I must have a really dirty mind, because I thought you meant the... Spanish word... >.> -Clears throat awkwardly.- Anyway, it's nice to meet all of you. Or meet you again. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [quote name='MistressRoxie'][COLOR=#9933ff]Sound Nin - is your hair blue/violet? Or is it just black and the cam is weird? [/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]They were all out of black, and there was a colour called 'blue-black', but it's just black unless the light hits it. I get that question a lot for that picture. :animesmil [/FONT][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Well, I'm more of a chat RPer myself. I've only used a handful of characters in my experience. My favourite will always be my very first, [B]Kaio, [/B]who started out as a DBZ based kinda thing. But his story became really interesting, almost epic in a way. In fact, I plan on writing it out. I've been trying to write it out and make a short story of it for years, but my attention span is too short. Anyway, by the time I was done developing the character, there wasn't a trace of DBZ on him. Another would be the reincarnation of Kaio, [B]Sebastian[/B] (Who later became Sebastiaan). I still use him to this day, but he's never quite the same. He started off as a pirate, when I was all hyped up about POTC when it came out way back when, and he just kept evolving. Finally, my only female character, [B]Evangeline[/B] who unlike the others, never changed. I was so happy with her original personality that I'd come up with, I never altered it. Except for maybe the hair colour, but hey. She could be dying it. >.> And that's all I have to say. :D [/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]I'll do one more. This is my innocent face. [IMG]http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n103/himfan2004/Pictures%20of%20Me/favouriteresized.jpg[/IMG] (I had to resize it. It was huuuuuge.) Hooray! Bow before my beautipleness. Yes, beauti[I]ple[/I]. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Amen, sistah, [I]preach[/I] it! 'Cause people, we got to go [I]outside[/I] and [I]tell[/I] the world! We got to [I]bring[/I] them in so they may par[I]-take[/I] of the waffle that is the [I]Lawd's[/I] sal-[I]va[/I]-tion; let forgiveness [I]cover[/I] their sins like [I]rich[/I], [I]warm[/I] maple syrup, let them [I]feel[/I] the buttah of the Holy Spirit [I]melt[/I] across them, so they may be showered with His [I]grace[/I] that rains down like powdered [I]sugah[/I] over their lives! 'Cause the world is [I]hungry[/I] for the Lawd, people! Hungry like they just woke up on [I]Saturday[/I] mo-nin' with their mouths waterin', 'cause they can smell the sweet a-[I]ro[/I]-ma of [I]truth[/I] comin' outta God's kitchen as he prepares the food for their spirit! (Somebody hit me, noowwww....)[/FONT][/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]-Flashbacks of childhood religious-oriented trauma.- D: -Unintelligible screaming.- ...yeah, breakfast foods aren't rated very high with me, unless they're eaten at night. In the morning, I can't eat. I get sick. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Well, I can't think of one for each genre. But that doesn't mean I'm just going to list one and be done with it. [U]Sailor Moon:[/U] I didn't like it. I still don't like it. It turns my stomach, personally. But that doesn't stop it from being a classic. Wait... lets add asterisks to that. *Classic!* [U]Dragonball:[/U] I don't think Z or GT are classics. They're great, DBZ is still at the top of my list of favourites. But DB started it all and deserves much respect! *Respect!* [U]Lupin the Third:[/U] It recently came to my attention that a lot of people can't stand this 'un. It shocked me. It really surprised the hell out of me, considering a few years back when it aired on Adult Swim everyone, their mother, and their grandmother, and their uncle Joe... were obsessed with Lupin. [U]Gundam:[/U] I'll admit, I know very little of the mecha genre. The most I know of Gundam is that they used to have a kickass fighting game on Sega or SNES, or both. But I do know it's either the first or most well-known series in Mecha, or both. And a few that no one's mentioned yet. [U][B]Speed Racer:[/B][/U] A lot of people overshadow this in favour of Astro Boy. I honestly think, with all due respect to Astro Boy, that THIS was more influential in the development of anime in both Japan and the US. [B][U]Yu Yu Hakusho:[/U][/B] At the time I was too enveloped in DBZ and YuGiOh to really appreciate this one, but I watched it. Considering how old it is to appear in the US in '02 or '03 or whenever. And I know someone already mentioned this... [U]Tenchi Muyo:[/U] This got so many people obsessed with RPing on AOL. I'm not kidding. The RP rooms were flooded, and Tenchi-based rooms were springing up everywhere. It was definitely influential. And last but certainly not least! [B][U]Pokémon:[/U][/B] Oh, come on. Don't try to tell me you didn't like it. Everyone's liked it at one time or another. It's just that some of us are still obsessed with it. Don't get angry at me for this, but Digimon came 2 years later, and I seriously think it was a rip-off. Someone's going to get their panties in a bunch for that one. [B]THE END![/B] [/FONT][/COLOR]
  13. [quote name='Mr. Maul'][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray]YOU DIDN'T MENTION WAFFLES! [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][LEFT][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/LEFT] [/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Well, SORRRRRRY. Waffles are great. Especially with syrup, sugar, cinnamon, cinnamon sugar, whipped cream, cool whip, and brown sugar. In that order. Unless I'm not hungry. Then EWWWWW. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  14. [quote name='Inculta_Bellum'] I'm not going to take my doctor seriously if he has a dragon down the length of his arm, simply because that doesn't look professional. He could be the best doctor in the world for all I know, but that doesn't change the fact that he doesn't look like it. [/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Oh, wow. I can't relate. I would LOVE to have a doctor like that. I'd be more comfortable talking about things with him, because he'd seem like a real person, not some cold professional type. I repeat, that would be AWESOME. [/FONT][/COLOR][QUOTE]I wouldn't get a tatoo are piercing, but I would love to have my tongue split like a snake.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]That seems like... something people would consider MORE odd than a tattoo or piercing. Anyway, I think piercings are the most reasonable. Take 'em out and no one will ever know, unless they get real close to your face and whatnot. And people that would get THAT close are creepy. Very creepy. Tattoos have the Superman aspect when hidden under your shirt. Wear a suit... and you melt into the crowd. Whip that shirt off, and BAM. Sorry, I'm hyper. [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=Navy][/COLOR]
  15. [quote name='Mr. Maul'][SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray]The real crime is namedropping such mediocre items as MD and C&C in a futile attempt to sound cool. I like waffles. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]At the risk of sounding like a 4 year old... ... that's mean. (Seriously, unnecessary. Tut tut.) [/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. [QUOTE]I would say this thread is about [I]looking[/I] different, not really [I]being[/I] different.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Some would say that presentation is the basis of personality. And it's an expression of what's inside, and since it becomes a part of who you are... well, I'll stop there. However, I was raised around it. And I'm definitely proud of my liberal, accepting upbringing. I remember one of my mom's friends having a nearly full-body tattoo. Another of her friends had about 25 piercings and different coloured hair every week. People are people. I don't even notice these things, is how used to them I am. People are going to have to start changing with the times. Get used to it. I'd also like to mention these things have been around longer than the Bible. So it's nothing new at all. Just getting more elaborate. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  17. [quote name='Sandy']I found this extremely enlightening video about the democratic candidates... I think it's safe to say they're playing it [I]hard[/I] now. [/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Notice the word 'FOX' in the lower right corner. Figures. :rolleyes:[/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Thankfully, I'm not the only Vista user. I was all... "Oh noooo. They're going to see my Vista-ness." Notice how I coordinate my sig/av with my desktop and, although you can't tell, my screensaver. [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=Navy][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Yeah, it's okay. Didn't show up on the banner or av, so that's fine. Glad you like 'em. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]One inch gauge? I've seen much, much larger. Well, I have to say society on the whole is a lot more accepting towards any kind of body modification. With my small amount of piercings, I hardly ever get second looks. Occasionally someone will asked if they hurt. Of course dramatic modifications will get stares. If you can't handle the attention, don't do it, I guess. People shouldn't be judged on looks alone. I don't have much to say on this subject, sorry. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Well here ya go. I don't know if you'll like 'em, but I did the set. The image was of pretty crappy value, and I couldn't fix that. But I did the best I could with 'em. :animeswea [/FONT][/COLOR]
  22. [QUOTE] As a side note, add me to your ignore list if I've annoyed you SO MANY unbearable times. ;-)[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua] I doubt anyone is going to cry themself to sleep just because you have a different opinion, or even because you're a tad on the annoying side. :] [/FONT][/COLOR]
  23. [QUOTE] My point was that people make a leap of faith when they believe in science.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]When you believe [U]anything[/U], you make a leap of faith. Think of it like a brick wall with missing bricks. Those are the things we don't know. Science and religion alike fill in those gaps with either 'God' or 'Science'. Not respectively, of course. (I'm starting to come up with analogies for everything. o.O) [/FONT][/COLOR]
  24. [quote name='Aceburner']What? There's been cottage cheese and ramen. Heck, we've had a soda thread. Waffles are just the next logical step. Spinach thread coming soon maybe a little.[/quote] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Cottage cheese?! I mean, ramen makes sense. Anime, ramen... but cottage cheese? Wow. People must have some time on their hands. :animesmil [/FONT][/COLOR] [QUOTE][FONT=Arial] That wasn't meant to sound mean either....but slightly degrading works.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT=Book Antiqua] [COLOR=Navy]-Thumbs up.- [/COLOR][/FONT]
  25. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]If you can type out a single paragraph of high quality, that doesn't seem like it was all smooshed together in a hurry and is perfectly coherent, great. It's just that most people can't do that. They have to elaborate, and if you're starting threads (This part confused me a little.) maybe you just shouldn't do that, if they get locked down every single time. [/FONT][/COLOR][QUOTE]More often than not I will be active in almost 10 RPs at once and still will be bored out of my head waiting for people to post back because they take so little time.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Oh yeah, I know that feeling very well. I think I was involved in 6 at once, a long time back, and I had to wait a WEEK for one. I was almost to the point of scratching my eyes out in boredom and annoyance. I haven't seen massive activity in a thread in quite a while.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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