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Everything posted by [Sound_Nin]
Now That We've Narrowed Down The Candidates...
[Sound_Nin] replied to Morpheus's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE]Funny thing is, Ron Paul didn't even win a state. That should say something about the White Nationalist population in the US.[/QUOTE] Mhm. I wasn't saying it was important. Just a little fact. Of the utmost UNimportance. [QUOTE]He was born in Austria. It's illegal for him to run.[/QUOTE] I know. I'm not a complete idiot. :rolleyes: Just saying. At the rate that things are going, anything can become possible. My point was that if he COULD... yeah. -
Well, it's only 3 days away. Two for those of you on the other side of the world. ^^ At least everyone has some idea of what they're going to do. I don't know, really. I mean, I said I did. But I'm not sure. I might just sit around doing nothing as if it were any other day. Yeah. M'hm. :animeswea
Now That We've Narrowed Down The Candidates...
[Sound_Nin] replied to Morpheus's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE]If Canada jumped off a bridge, would you?[/QUOTE] Other countries have done it too. It's a bit old-fashioned of us... but to each his own, hmm? [QUOTE]Yes it does. I doubt separation of church and state was meant to bar anyone with a religious conviction entering the race for the white house. Heck, the founding fathers who wrote it [I]were[/I] christian.[/QUOTE] No, no, no. Not what I meant. Of COURSE you can be religious. 1st Amendment. What I meant was, and I should've clarified this, is that it shouldn't be part of politics to impress your personal religious beliefs on someone else. I.e. trying to make everyone in the US Christian. That's a bit dramatic, it was just an example. I think you get the point. [QUOTE]Quick! Grabb your tin-foil hatts, [B]Clintonn[/B] is on her way![/QUOTE] I laughed at this. But it's not so much her as her husband. And yes, I spelt her name wrong on purpose, emphasis on the N. I should've added one more N to avoid confusion. Cute, though. ;) As for Ron Paul, well, this certainly doesn't constitute his views, but if you check out the Stormfront.com (white nationalist) forum, you see pro-Ron Paul everywhere. And I mean EVERYWHERE. This doesn't make him one of them, and it doesn't mean their political views are wrong. No one's are... well, with few exceptions. Just pointing out that he's the candidate of choice among White Nationalists. Giuliani wasn't so bad, except for the fact that he went on and on about 9/11 and changed his views around so much. At least Schwarzenegger isn't running. -
Now That We've Narrowed Down The Candidates...
[Sound_Nin] replied to Morpheus's topic in General Discussion
I can't vote. But I do have opinions, so bare with me. I don't like McCain. Why? Because I lived in Arizona. And if you know ANYTHING about the prison system in Arizona, you know that it's (What would be a good word?)... inhumane. Do we really want the entire country like that? And put simply, he seems mentally unstable. I know we have no hope of having gay marriage legalised. Which is horribly unfortunate, these days. Canada's legalised that... what was it? '04? Huckabee... seemed okay for a while. Once it became evident how overtly religious he is (Didn't take too long to figure that one out), my opinion of him changed dramatically. Religion has no place in politics. Romney... I have no information on him other than he's a Mormon. So I'll stop there, and note that that wasn't a negative comment. Clintonn. Well. No, just no. I have a theory on this, and it involves the New World Order. Paul. Well, I did try to read up on him. Long story short, I like Obama. There isn't anything NOT to like. Unless you count his middle name, and that's just, for lack of a better word, [I]silly[/I]. 'Night. -
[COLOR=DarkGreen]And so I have the great honour of being first to reply to this. The first one was fun to read. It's got that subtle flavour, where it seems like it took no effort at all to put in so much talent. I have to say it wasn't NEARLY as good as the second, but I'll get to that. I have a bad habit of merely praising someone's work, rather than nit-picking for the sake of helping them get better. So I'll try to avoid that. Maybe it's just that I'm so used to my style of writing, but the first one, yes, seemed too short. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it. But at the end, I was thinking 'Is that all?' It just seems like it's set up to be much longer. Now the SECOND one. [/COLOR][FONT=georgia][/FONT][COLOR=DarkGreen][QUOTE] He smiled again, that threadbare cat of pain And spoke aloud the curse that was my name[/QUOTE] That part got me. At first, I had little interest. And I got to that part... and I had to read the whole thing over again. [QUOTE] My ink-stained hands did tremble as they wrote The words that clasped my hands around my throat...[/QUOTE] Those are just my favourite lines, mind you. Captivating, sinister. The whole thing reads like Poe. No doubt you've been reading him. Poe's always in style. Howeverrrr... yes, however. It was long. Which makes it more of an interesting read, if you have the attention span. Which I don't, so I had to read it a few times. So on a scale of one to ten for the first poem: 6. The second: 9. I hope I was of at least a LITTLE help. If nothing else, I can tell you that I enjoyed them. ;] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple]Wow. That was great. Especially for the length of the story, it was amazingly well-written. Humour, some of it dark in a subtle way. Memorable. On a scale from 1 to 10, I'd give it 9. Keep up the good work. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen]I don't think it's so great, but at the same time I always celebrate it. :] Last year I went downtown with my girlfriend at the time and got her a lot of nice stuff at Macy's. I'm sweet like that. :animesmil This year, I'm not sure what I'll do. She's now my ex, I'll probably call her so we can talk about way back when, lol. And then I'll spend the entire day talking to my boyfriend. Maybe we actually won't argue for once. Lol, it never lasts. As for my friends, they're all girls. So I know they're expecting something. >.> The most I can do this year is hang out with them for a while, so they can complain to me about being single on Valentine's Day. Not that I mind. I'm sweet like that. :animesmil You get the point. Well, I don't have any negative Valentine's experiences, so I don't have a reason to lock myself inside for the day. All the pink and red and white everywhere is kind of obnoxious, but it doesn't last long and they do that with other holidays (orange and black, red and green, etc.) So, it won't be the best. But it'll be something. [/COLOR]
[quote name='JazzLady22']My least favorite has to be [I]Law of Ueki[/I]. I'm not at all surprised that I haven't seen it mentioned yet; I only knew of it because a couple of my friends got inexplicably obsessed with it. Anyways. This show basically threw whatever idea came into the writers' heads on the wall to see what stuck. I could never decide if it was a huge parody or was trying to take itself seriously, but I didn't stick around long enough to find out.[/quote] [COLOR=Purple]Maybe no one mentioned it because they've never heard of it? I haven't, but I guess it would be a stretch to say no one has. I think I'd only put the effort in to check it out if it really sounded interesting to me. But I'm forgetting why I started this post. [B]Sailor Moon.[/B] I understand that a lot of people like this. But it just has zero appeal to me. I guess that would be the extent of shows I dislike. I usually like anything I watch, but there are a handful that just seem like the creator put more effort into the art than the story-line. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple]My list is SO DAMN LONG. So I'm going to start... well... wherever I want to. If you absolutely MUST KNOW THEM ALL, (Who would? Really? Come ON.) they're on my profile. [/COLOR][URL]http://www.myspace.com/ckyhimfan2004[/URL] [COLOR=Purple]Okay. Here goes. Starting with the oldest. [B]Before Their Eyes - The Journey Down South [/B]I really liked this song. I still do, really. I guess that's all? [B]Combichrist -WTFIWWYP? (What the F**k Is Wrong With You People?) [/B]I really, really like Combichrist, and at the time the rest of the songs on their profile were the only 3 songs by them I DON'T like. [B]MC Devvo - Euronob [/B]I don't know. I'm a big fan of fat-pie.com, so... yeah. [B]Aqua - Candyman [/B]I was obsessed with this song at the time, and it just seemed to fit my profile. [I] I'm going to skip a few because it's longer than expected... [/I][B]Audio Bullys - Shot You Down [/B]I like it, because it's an electronic twist on an old, old song that I like to begin with. I don't know why I changed it, I guess I got bored with it. [B]Alice in Videoland - Radiosong [/B]This isn't even my favourite song by them. So I have no clue. It's okay, I guess. [B]A Perfect Circle - Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythm of the War Drums [/B]Just an awesome song. I changed it because I thought it was better suited to my other profile. But one of my favourite songs of all time. [B]DJ Mangoo - Screw Me [/B]I wanted a song with no lyrics, all electronic. So I found this. [B]DJ Cammy - I'm Horny [/B]My current song. Don't ask... just, don't ask. That's all. :] Yeaaah. EDIT: I forgot I changed my song to Gimme More by Britney Spears. Yeah, laugh all you want. LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE! SHE'S A HUMAN! ...ahem. [/COLOR]
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
[Sound_Nin] replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Purple]Proof I actually SMILE. Boyfriend made me take it.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n103/himfan2004/Pictures%20of%20Me/shainsmilingsmall.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Purple]Low quality, but one of my very favourites. [/COLOR] [IMG]http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n103/himfan2004/Pictures%20of%20Me/shaintoothbrushsmall.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Purple]And me, just being weird.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n103/himfan2004/Pictures%20of%20Me/shainsmall.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Purple]I think that's all I'm going to put up, 'cause they're the best I have. :shifty:[/COLOR] -
[quote name='The13thMan'][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic] Then i give them many kudos and shove lollipops and popsicles up their arsses. It's all in good fun. [SIZE=1]stfu[/SIZE] [/FONT][/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Purple]Popsicles? That sounds really, really cold. Lollipops? Sticky. Anyway, 'Lol' is a hard habit to break. Once you've started using it, it's hard to stop. At least, for me it was. Besides that, sometimes you just need something to say when there really isn't anything to say. [/COLOR]
[COLOR="Purple"]I seem to be the only one who actually eats the ramen in the cup. It just tastes better to me, and takes a lot less effort (I don't cook it like it says to on the cup, I just fill it with cold water and microwave. No stove involved.) And I eat it a LOT. I have some of the roast chicken kind right now, but I much prefer shrimp. Cheetos (the puffy kind, not those odd shaped not-puffy ones, ew.) and pretzels. Lots and lots of pretzels! The small kind. :] I haven't had tea in... months. Not because there isn't any, there's always tea in my house. I just forget about it. But you people have got me craving it now, thanks a lot. And also... I'M ALLERGIC TO CHOCOLATE. It makes my throat close up and of course, I choke. But that doesn't stop me![/COLOR] [quote name='The13thMan'][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic] For the record....eff tony the tiger. He gets kids addicted to frosted flakes, which everybody knows is the gateway cereal. It starts out all fun and games and then next thing you know you're passed out in some inner city alley with empty boxes of Count Chocula littered all about. Just say no! [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Purple"]Haha. True, true. But I have a thing about Fruity Pebbles and Froot Loops. Dry, with milk, it doesn't matter. I must have them![/COLOR]
[COLOR="Purple"]Well... here's how I use it. I never use 'lol', usually 'Lol.' Because I have a grammar hang-up. 'LOL' when something actually makes me laugh, LMAO when I'm actually laughing uncontrollably. 'Haw.' when it just makes me smile or something. I wish I didn't, but 'Hahahaha!' looks so idiotic to me that I'm left with no choice.[/COLOR]
[quote name='Solo Tremaine'][COLOR=#503F86]Ooh, [i]I[/i] can :p For one thing, there's something about watching overly muscular men suddenly transform into even more overly muscular men and punch each other at high speed that turns me right off. And personally, I don't really like Toryiama's style of drawing.[/COLOR] [/QUOTE] [COLOR="Purple"] I respect your opinion; I doubt I'd watch it today. Most of the anime I watch these days has zero action, but I'd still rather watch high-speed punching than a bunch of shooting. I love his style of drawing. It's not overly complex, and I think my doodles would be extremely lacking if I hadn't learned to draw from his stuff. Not saying I still draw page after page of Vegeta. One Piece! There we go. That's the other one I can't stand. And Bleach, well, I'd love to get into it. But I just can't. I don't hate or even dislike it, but I can NOT get into it no matter how hard I try.[/COLOR]
I have a few, actually. [B]Flyleaf - All Around Me[/B] This seems to be a typical love song these days, but the way I interpret it is opening up to someone, and healing, even though you know they could just knock you down lower than you were to begin with. And damn, do I have experience with that. [B]Coheed and Cambria - Wake Up[/B] I really do agree that Coheed and Cambria is the single most emotional band, without being 'emo'. [I]"I'd do anything for you... KILL anyone for you..."[/I] This song just makes me feel safe. [B]Metallica - Fade to Black[/B] I don't have a perfect mother. And she used to tell me she knew she'd die young, and this was the song she wanted played at her funeral. The instrumental by Apocalyptica is -dare I say?- even more mind-blowing than the original. [B]A Perfect Circle - Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drums[/B] or [B]Pet[/B] Many people have gotten these two songs mixed up. Same lyrics, different songs. While Counting Bodies Like Sheep just send shivers down my spine and a feeling of dread, Pet illicits more of a, angry, sadistic mood. Or even, complete apathy. Which is an emotion in itself, interestingly enough. [B]Straylight Run - Hands in the Sky (Big Shot)[/B] The feeling I get off this song is giving in and accepting your fate ('It never ends, never ends, never... ends...') but regretting it later, questioning yourself why you never fought back. Idk, these are just my interpretations. :] Everyone gets a different feeling off a song.
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
[Sound_Nin] replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
I might as well do this. Put my pictures up. Being as the last time there was one of these I totally faked it. >.> Ahem. Well, I was 12 or something, so it's not a big deal. I don't have to really [I]try[/I] to look evil. [IMG]http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n103/himfan2004/Pictures%20of%20Me/mesmall.jpg[/IMG] There's always this one, that I cut out most of the picture and brightened the colours up a bit. :: [IMG]http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n103/himfan2004/Pictures%20of%20Me/omgyouresosexyshainnn.jpg[/IMG] I'll do more later maybe. :] -
Ah yes. You can't diss Dragonball (Although DBZ was more entertaining from an action perspective). If it weren't for Dragonball, roughly half of us wouldn't be here. I speak from personal experience and the vast amount of folks in the old DB/Z/GT forums. Good times. Bobobo bo... bo... etc. is another of those I can't stand. But I'm wondering... do they even show that anymore? On any US channels? Doesn't seem like they have for ages.
I'm actually surprised at how damn long I've been here. Just about as far back into my life as I can remember. Pretty impressive I daresay. Since March of 2003. :] I just wanted to reintroduce myself on the note that this, hopefully, will be the end of my hiatus after hiatus (yes, I know. I use that word FAR too often) pattern for the last... 4 years. :animesigh I can remember back to the individual forums... DB/Z/GT, Pokémon, Digimon, etc. and I frequented the Dragonball forum because I was obsessed. :D And I can't even remember for the life of me what the site looked like back then... I've just been around since I was 11. And I had amazing grammatical skills for an 11 year old. ^^ Hence the name. -.- GoldScorpion78 isn't exactly... well. Yeah. I haven't gotten around to changing it quite yet, and it's well enough alone. So... hey everyone! :animesmil EDIT: Umm... excuse me. May of 2002 I joined, it says. But I don't... wow.
Hell, I'm engaged at the ripe old age of 16. Well... my only comment on this would be... umm... hmm. :animestun My brain stopped.
Wasn't there already a thread like this? Excuse me, but I've been here since '03 and I go on a hiatus every once in a while. Last time I was here, I saw a thread called ''Least favourite anime'' or something of the sort. And shame on all you FLCL haters! Ha, jk. And Lupin the Third actually used to be a forum-wide obsession back in '04 or something. I had a huge obsession myself. Let's see... Naruto. I can't get into it. And the hype keeps getting more and more. I find that the art/animation/aesthetics of it are great, but it really needs to... well, I just can't get into it. Inuyasha used to be one of my loathings. I don't dislike it so much anymore, but I don't watch it. [QUOTE](Astro Boy=/=Gay)[/QUOTE] Huh? An extra equal sign and a forward slash?
[FONT=Times New Roman]Wow... once again I have gone a long period of time w/o being on... Not since January 25th... But anyway, umm... the reason I'm back on OB is because my interest in Anime has reawakened... I'm kind of an off and on member, and if you have a problem with that or fail to see me as a "true" anime fan, then thats fine, opinions you know, everyone has one. I'm hardly ever active in the Anime sections anymore anyway, but I try to keep caught up. I remembered that after I got familiarized with the site, I got more into Forum RPing, when before that I was a hardcore chat RPer. [/FONT]
Where do I begin? Okay obviously to you newer peoples (that is, anyone that joined since 2004) I don't show up very often. This is simply because my interest in anime has fizzled out somewhat. But back on topic. Well, I joined here waaaay back when there where different forums for each anime. I was hugely obsessed with Dragonball/Z/GT as you may remember (older members) and yeah. I was 11 or 12 trying to pass myself off as a 19-or-so year old. Which may or may not have worked. I believe I was on theOtaku looking in some kind of PokeDex thingy when I noticed the word "forum" and there ya go. I don't remember why I came up with this SN though. :animeknow
What do you do when the power goes out?
[Sound_Nin] replied to CyberPandaLove's topic in General Discussion
Well, thankfully the power never goes out, or hardly ever, but usually I lay on the ground and laugh when people trip over me. Or grab my little brother from behind and make moaning zombie noises until he's traumatized. -
[QUOTE]if it was the other way around I'd think i deserve the same.[/QUOTE] [FONT=Times New Roman]Well then, you're one of the few decent women in this world. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2]I don't know if I said this before or not, but usually looks mean very little to me because everyone I seem to find attractive is totally creeped out by me[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='wolf Toboe']Girls are NOT cootie-infested stupid heads! I do agree with the rest of what you said though, except it would be a hot guy. I've never known love from anyone other than my family before.[/quote] Hey, wow me too. Unless someone wants something from me, then they [I]pretend[/I] to be interested. So... what's up? -wink wink- Just kidding. (Maybe...) ;) Yes they are cootie-infested stupid-heads! :p [quote name='The13thMan']Bottom line: girls are good, especially hot ones.[/quote] I totally agree. [QUOTE=Chibihorsewoman]And what do I think about the opposite sex? You can't live with them, and they don't like it when you throw your cell phone at their head. [/QUOTE] I don't have a cellphone. Or any phone for the matter... If a girl throws something at a guy, it's because he deserved it. If a guy throws something at a girl, it's abuse. See the hypocrisy in that?