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Everything posted by [Sound_Nin]
[FONT=Times New Roman]Original question: Well, ummm... my pessimism usually gets the best of me, so when I see a hot girl or something I think "Oh she wouldn't like me anyway" and that's the end of that. Relationships for me are never sexually-based, I just like knowing that I'm loved which (here comes the pity trip) I have never known. Oh and the cooties. I don't want to get cooties. Girls are cootie-infested stupid-heads.[/FONT]
Writing Scariest non manga comic book character
[Sound_Nin] replied to lee123's topic in Creative Works
Well, the penguin because he's all messed up. Do they ever explain WHY he looks like a penguin? And also because of his umbrella. The riddler because of his tacky outfit. (Joking, joking...) Actually because I don't like riddles. The joker because I've always had a fear of clowns. Back in the 90's they had this cartoon called Evil Ernie or something like that. I always thought it was scary. -
I am too. FTM pre-hormones, pre-op. But I suppose there are several different definitions, either way, it's not the same as a hermaphrodite. Anyway, as far as "homosexual anime" goes, what about VanDread? It's pretty moderate, no hard-core stuff as far as I know, but still.
[QUOTE=different ki]Did nobody notice V.T. from the episode Heavy Metal Queen? He looked like a man, but [spoiler]at the end Spike finds that picture of him as a woman with his husband. He was a female-to-male transsexual. That was the point everyone trying to guess what V.T. stood for - He didn't use his full name anymore because it was a woman's name (Victoria something, I don't remember).[/spoiler] EDIT: Oops, spoiler tags added.[/QUOTE] Actually, that was who I had in mind when I asked, I just figured, you know, manly looking woman. xD But now that I think about it, that was the first episode I ever watched. Then I saw the movie. Also transvestites & transsexuals = not the same. hermaphrodites have both male and female genitals, transsexual means: having or wanting to have a SRS (sexual reassignment surgery, AKA sex change) At least that's the current definition. And finally, true, about the whole Gren not counting as a transsexual. You can't be forced into it. Oh, and BKStyles, a chair is too flimsy. A pool table would be better. ;)
[quote name='EVA Unit 100'] and (while it might not be what you're looking for) Cowboy Bebop has a 2-parter concerning a transsexual character (who's in my avatar) as well as the hacker-of-ambigious-gender Edward Wong bunchamiddlenames The Third.[/quote] I wasn't aware of any transsexual characters in COwboy Bebop. Name please? (Your avatar changed)
It's actually evolved into more of a romance than I intended, like a sci-fi romance type thing. I'm at the 7th chapter right now, and I will definitely post more soon. What I thought I could do, is put this short story together with a few others, but I don't know. I guess we'll just have to find out.
Well, I did. What a rush! I'm kind of into pain so... But hey, I don't blame you. I'm just a bit off, have a needle and have a barbell so I had a little fun, is all. Wow, that made very little sense.
Ummm... what? I just barely got the gist of what you said. No, I can't say that I do, but if you know of any more I want to know about 'em.
Oh...my...god... ONE PIECE! Don't get me started. Somewhere between the theme song and the Clown Pirate Guy-thing... I lost interest. Completely. Forgetful. So, before I forget... Fruits Basket. I saw an advertisement for it in a Yu-Gi-Oh! magazine and decided to check it out. Honestly, what the H-E-double hell is going on?
Writing Scariest non manga comic book character
[Sound_Nin] replied to lee123's topic in Creative Works
the Joker, the Penguin, and the Riddler. :animedepr Batman comics ish scary! Why can't they have a villain called "the Bunny"? :catgirl: -
I totally agree. I just forgot to even consider this series because everytime it comes on I switch to FUSE or Sci-Fi. It's boring, annoying, and well... it confuses me. GITS is one of the finest. I liked Pokemon! When I was 9... Yugioh? 11... Digimon? Never! Seemed too much like a Pokemon rip-off (and still does!) All of the Gundam series' EXCEPT Wing.
Anime What anime ending confused you?
[Sound_Nin] replied to the Samaruimist's topic in Otaku Central
Dragon Ball GT. ALL of Big O confused me. DBGT, for one thing, ends strangely. I get it, but I don't. -
Wow, I can't believe it's that recent. It seemed like something out of '94, about the same time the Street Fighter series came out. It really is a good series, disturbing, captivating I guess you would call it.
Be honest. If this has the makings of a full-length novel, tell me. If it's crap, tell me. I MUST KNOW!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [CENTER]Chapter 1: Introduction[/CENTER] When it rains for days at a time, it reminds me of the few happy times of my life. I know that's kind of weird, because most people think rain is depressing, but to me it's the second most beautiful thing in the world, and always has been. So when I stand in the rain on a soaking wet day, I break free of my eternal depression for a moment and I can BREATHE, like it was me first breath. You see, when I was just a baby, I was given away by my parents to an orphanage. That seems normal enough, but it wasn't an ordinary orphanage. It was run by scientists, geneticists to be precise, and the children there were all used as experiments. Living, breathing experiments. Their goal was to create perfect soldiers, perfect people, so they were constantly finding new ways to mutate us. Some of us were human-animal cross-breeds, some were subjected to Accellerated Evolution, most died before they even woke up. I was one of the few that survived, but when I was younger, I wished I'd died. The pain was so severe I thought dying was the only way to escape. Then, I met [I]her[/I]. I was only eight when I met her, but I knew right away she was the only friend I'd ever have. The only family, the only other person I could possibly trust. She was my salvation, and her name was Serenity. They had decided to make us a joint experiment, so we shared a room. We shared everything, until we turned 14... They had given us the same "birthday", June Sixth, though our real birthdays were unknown. They had done this, done everything, because we looked so much alike. We both had the same black hair that shone in the light like the glossy feathers of a raven. But Serenity had deep brown eyes, and I had an icy blue color, but they overlooked this. They overlooked everything they wanted not to see. She was the most beautiful girl I would ever meet in the years to come, and she thought I was perfect, so throughout the years we would only have each other to cry on, to count on, because no one else cared, and they made a point of telling us that every day. "Sebastian," Serenity said during one of the most difficult, painful days, "why doesn't anyone love us? They say we're important, why don't they care?" I couldn't explain, I never could, all I could do as she cried in my arms was tell her it was okay. It seemed like the most painful moments of my life as I held her until her sobs subsided and she fell asleep. Ever since that day I've had nothing but hatred for the monsters that did this to us. What they did, the curse that afflicted us for all our lives and still does, always will, the curse that is also a blessing. You see, what they did, what is so horrible, is that they gave us wings.
[FONT=Times New Roman]Well, a few weeks ago I came across an anime series I noticed, for one, wasn't on Cartoon Network. Surprise, surprise, it was amazing. Except for the fact it was like 10 years old, which of course isn't a bad thing, but I haven't heard anything about it. So, has anyone else seen this series? Or noticed it on their cable guide?[/FONT]
I know, anime blasphemy and all that. But for curiosity's sake, what series could you just [U]not get into[/U] no matter how hard you tried to? I have a few, okay, so no screaming or shocked gasping: Naruto Yu Yu Hakusho (gasp) Inuyasha And one that I like but can't really grasp the storyline: Cowboy Bebop So, yeah, some of the most popular series' on here. (If this has already been done, close immediately to spare me the shame)
Oh well, it worked. That's all I really have to say, that it worked. And it did. I'm not saying it's what I should've done, or really what was best for me, or even that it was intelligent. Just that it worked.
I never said it was the best option, I just said it works, and it does.
i startd spellig lyk tis. yno? yno wat i meen? Oh, I think it was 2 years ago I ate a bunch of paint in art class because this girl I liked told me to. I'm not entirely sure if she was serious or just telling me to f**k off. And in kindergarten, I ran around in circles with a flower in my mouth screaming in a high-pitched voice.
That is completely not true. I used alcohol to clean my other ear and it healed completely perfect. And, I've pierced other people's ears and had [I]them[/I] clean it with alcohol and theirs healed as well. You're only supposed to use peroxide if it's already infected. And even that doesn't work very well, only if it's just started infecting.
I should think the problem is that people [I]should[/I] find gays and the blind usual and routine but a lot of people don't. That's the problem with people these days... too conservative. Look, I have nothing against conservatives and republicans... wait... that's wrong, I have EVERYTHING against them. But take no offense. If we are to evolve further, we must accept each other as HUMAN, whether we're gay, straight, black, white, blind or deaf. Or anything else for that matter, and I'm just not seeing it in the near future. I don't think I have a "condition" I would much rather call it a birth defect than a sickness. And that's what it is, a birth defect. I was a baby girl that should've been born a baby boy. If science can correct other birth defects, then why not this one?
I already [I]had[/I] my chromosomes tested. XX, completely female. So if you're looking for some biological proof that seperates male from female, chromosome testing means very little. Having the genitals of one or another (or sometimes both) sex, to me, also means nothing. But let's take into consideration the [B]outward appearance[/B] for a moment. The person in question will undoubtedly dress to their preferred gender, and that, to me, is what qualifies someone to be that gender. If you consider yourself to be female, for example, all your life, and at birth some doctor says you're male, does that not sound just a bit strange? And if your parents made you wear boy clothes, that too is wrong. Now, for me, it is opposite of that. My point is, humanity as a whole should learn to accept that someday a person will have a baby of one gender that grows up to be the opposite. It isn't a disease, or a mental illness, it's just [I]there[/I] and it will always be there. There's no medicine that will make me feel comfortable as a female. But there [I]is[/I] medicine that will make me more of a male, and that, my friends is testosterone. Which, I'd like to announce, my doctor and psychiatrist are trying to find a way to put me on.
Ouch. That sounds... painful. I don't know why, but I only find nipple piercings hot on guys. Anyway... my tongue is almost completely healed now. I got worried because I thought it was a bit crooked, but I checked again and it's not. Everyone thinks it's hot, and I like it. I really can't imagine taking it out and letting it heal. I took it out a couple of days ago and it felt... naked. :animestun My ear started to infect so I cleaned it out really good with strong rubbing alcohol and it's starting to heal up. How do you get your ears gauged? Do you like have to put something in there to stretch it out or what?
What I meant to say is that I KNOW that no matter what others may get from appearance I AM male, regardless of the missing and extra anatomy. But the bisexual thing has kind of confused me but I think, honestly that it would be best to just label myself "bisexual" instead of being one way or another. At least until I figure it out completely. I think I have it figured out now. It's really a hard issue to deal with so it may take me some time before I'm completely self-assured about myself. Anyone who says they weren't confused at age 14 is either a liar or the world's most perfect person.