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Everything posted by [Sound_Nin]

  1. [QUOTE=Stuart][FONT=Trebuchet MS]I honestly have no idea, lol. Someone wanna help me out with this one? Anyways, I remember getting to Member somtime before the new version was released. I was so proud *tear*. And who can forget the "Post Your Picture" forum!? I still demand we bring it back *chants*. Yeah, it spawned 0 discussion aside from the "Omfg you're so hawt.", but that's all fun. 80x80 avatars were teh bomb![/FONT][/RIGHT][/QUOTE] I remember I was a New Member for what I thought was too long of a time. I used to just sit in my room with no lights on, frying my eyeballs by replying to every thread I could find. Did we even call them threads back then...? Anyway, after being gone for a while, I realized I was a Member. I was like yesssss and then I thought maybe someone was hacking into my account or something and then I freaked out and I cannot remember how and when I figured out it was just because there were some changes. (woooo who needs punctuation do you need punctuation I don't I don't need it at all if you use punctuation you're a loser punctuation sucks like WHOA) The post your picture thing [I]was[/I] fun. I used to post like 5 or 6 different pictures just to see if anyone noticed they were nothing alike. No one ever did... I remember 80x80 avatars! I came back and someone gave me a notice that my av was too big. (That's what she said xD)
  2. [QUOTE=KatanaViolet]however, I always wondered what would happen to Canada if anything ever did happen to the US, like if they lost their power or what.. and not just Canada, the rest of the world... well I guess for the rest of the world the power would just shift to another country....[/QUOTE] If the US lost power, the reigning "country" wouldn't be A country at all. It would be the EU. They're the other superpower.
  3. Hey, here's an idea! Next time maybe try to have the content of your thread have something to do with the title. Wouldn't that be nice? Yeah, I've tried it. But my poems aren't good enough, deep enough and don't have enough feeling. So I kind of restrict my artisticism to novel writing and drawing.
  4. I know, I know. I'm not one of the oldest members, but I've been here since 2002 or 2003 and things have CHANGED, for better or for worse. Some of the past layouts were better, some were worse. Hell, I can't even remember the one that was here when I joined. The boards are overrun with n00bs. Yeah, I know, I used to be one too, but come on. There's more now than ever. I created this thread to reminisce about the way things used to be. For instance, remember when there used to be more titles than New Member, Member and Moderator? Whatever happened to "Otaku"? I too a year long hiatus a while back, and since then things have been so different I had to learn how to navigate the boards all over again.
  5. Fooly Cooly. Definitely. I was just watching cartoon network, the remote was lost, and I was too lazy to get up and change the channel manually. Then this show comes on, and at first I'm like, wow this is stupid. And then I get into it like 10 seconds in. So there you have it. One of the best animes to date.
  6. Thank you thank you THANK YOU! Now, if someone had only replied to my last one... xD Well, thanks. And no problem about the av, I love it too!
  7. Alright, well thanks for the advice everyone. To clarify: I've talked to my counselor, she says I am most definitely transgendered but the problem is I'm not so sure of this myself. THAT'S my gender identity problem. I have been with guys, I have been with girls. It felt right either way. The problem with that is I don't know whether I identify as a bisexual male or female. THAT'S my sexual orientation problem. The reason I posted this HERE is because I wanted to see if anyone else here has this problem or knows someone who does, that way I can get in contact with them.
  8. My last request was a total bust, sooo... I need a banner. Put simply, I want it based on a guy holding a knife (any guy) and it has to have a black background. In the bottom right corner I want the text: "-gskorpion.-" No quotes. Simple enough? I'm wicked tired of my Charles Manson banner (that isn't to say I dislike it, I've just had it for a couple YEARS now...)
  9. I think at the time I was looking for something different and unique, but kind of tough sounding, y'know? Like I had this really cool thing going on? Oh, and I was under the influence of mind-altering substances. :animesmil And I had this hang-up with scorpions, I drew them, I wrote the word "scorpion!!!" on napkins, on my clothes, my hats... my socks...(don't ask).
  10. I have a problem and I need to figure it out NOW. Okay, so I guess I haven't told anyone this yet, but I am a female-to-male transsexual. I mean, I'm physically female yet it doesn't feel right. It doesn't... fit, I guess. I completely, 100% identify as being male, and I have always, as far back as I remember to about 3 or 4, felt this way. Now, I've had a few girlfriends, and things didn't go that far so they never found out. And that was nice, and perfect, until now. Actually, until the summer of 2004, when, I somehow fell in love with a guy. But he was gay, so it was a homosexual male relationship. That worked out fine. Then I thought I was gay AND transsexual. BUT I still like girls. A lot. So now I'm thinking I consider myself bisexual male. But there still is that part of me that says "it was just a tomboy phase, and now you're realizing you're a bisexual FEMALE" so, excuse my language, I AM SO ******* **** **** ******* CONFUSED!!!! Could someone please help me figure this mess out? (To clarify, I've had more boyfriends and girlfriends in the past and recently)
  11. My barbell hasn't even loosened. But maybe that's just mine. Oh, and the fact that I take it out and put it back in too. You can bet I won't do anything like that again. I've run out of things to pierce, except maybe my nose and I don't have a ring so... I'm not going to. I've gotten the piercing out of my system. I think, and always have thought that self-piercing depends on whether or not you're confident enough in your abilities and knowledge of the topic. If not, I guess learning from experience is the only solution. No, saline isn't for oral piercings. Diluted mouthwash and salt water (ideally sea salt) are the cheapest option. Or if you can, buy some oral piercing cleanser.
  12. I can understand the being called stupid. I really didn't expect for everyone to be all admirative and nice. It WAS stupid, and honestly, if I was not me, I would call me stupid too. It hasn't infected yet, people. No nerve damage, otherwise I'd be able to tell. No vein was injured. No bleeding, no infection, nothing. You can't swallow a barbell, they're too tight. The earring idea wasn't bright at all, and if I hadn't been given the barbell it would be all healed up by now. As far as the pain goes, I kind of like pain. No, actually, I REALLY like pain, so it was no big deal. I didn't feel the pain of the needle and I can't even remember doing it. I just remember trying it several times before I worked up the courage to do it right. I wasn't afraid of the pain, I was afraid of piercing a vein and squirting blood all over the place. But, no regrets. Syrius, Your ears swole up because you didn't do it right. Did you try loosening the earring maybe? I'm just as surprised as you guys that my tongue hasn't fallen off by now, or my lip. You have to admit though, I must've done it right or I'd be in the hospital by now.
  13. Alright, well, this last saturday, I pierced my own tongue. It looks AWESOME and feels awesome, and I'd like to debunk a few rumors. One is that if you pierce ANYTHING except your ears yourself it will most certainly infect. Not true. If this is something you want to do a lot, come on, you gotta learn how to do it. I wouldn't recommend piercing yourself if you have no idea what to do. As far as the tongue goes, I was very very high and felt like I was invincible. Lucky for me, I knew how to do it. It started to hurt because I put an earring in it and it was getting absorbed by my tongue. :cross: well, duh. I know, I know, stupid idea. Well Yesterday morning I got a barbell from one of my friends. It feels great, and I don't regret piercing myself (I just wouldn't want to do it over again). I have pierced my ears and lip as well. Now on to the [B]TOPIC OF PEIRCING ITSELF[/B] Honestly, this is something I have always wanted to do, for aesthetic purposes and for... more practical, personal things. :devil: I think that it should be a more common practice. It's been around since the dawn of humanity, and since I live in the bible belt I should know, it isn't very well accepted here. So... what are your thoughts?
  14. [QUOTE=Amelia][FONT=Arial] and I may not listen to many TRUELY emo bands (such as NOT Fall Out Boy, NOT My Chemical Romance, NOT The Used, etc.) [/FONT][/QUOTE] Fall Out Boy? Omg. Fall Out Boy is so cheery. It's really not an emo band. My Chem and The Used are more screamo than anything, but you go on that. Emo I would say is more fun than being all bubbly and preppy. Being a depressing person is a great way to get attention. (Nobody comment on that.)
  15. I think everyone knows how to pronounce mine. If I could change it, I would. Definitely. What was I thinking, Gold Scorpion? I think it would be cooler with a K instead of a C. And all in caps. As for my... erm... paragraph in German there, if you can't speak German, don't even try. I wouldn't want anyone to get hurt. Dun dun dun... my real name. I know, I've said my name was Kyle before, and I think Mike. But my real name is kind of hard (not really hard) to pronounce. Shain Mikael. Actually pronounced Shay-in Mi-kale But nobody really pronounced it that way so now I pronounce it Shane Michael.
  16. Bush is a worthless president. If you can't recognize that, then you are obviously not seeing what he's doing. He's anti-poor, anti-gay, anti-minority, he is (excuse my language, and excuse me for resorting to cursing) a suck-*** president. I live in a small, small-minded rebublican conservative christian town, and everyone (right down to the 1st and 2nd graders) has a republican influenced opinion. Yes, I agree that Saddam Hussein was evil, but we are supposed to be fighting the Al Queida. And the WMD thing was a complete bust, and so is everything he does. If you support him, you must be a rich, christian, heterosexual white male, or just an idiot.
  17. [QUOTE=Killer7]Any real "satanist" knows many of the preconceptions of satanism are absolutely wrong. For example, the pentagram is actually a pagan symbol for the goddess, distorted by the tyrannical christian church, it does not mean you worship the devil and do sacrificial rituals. Also the word "Satan" comes from a Hebrew word meaning "opposer". A real satanist is just an atheist (such as me). Most people who listen to this junk are just those kids who try to be cool and wear goth clothing to be different and have attention paid to them. Most songs like this *cough*American metal*cough* are redemeless. The music usually sounds like they just play as loud as they can and scream. Don't get me wrong, I like loud music as much as anyone else, but if you want to go dark listen to Dir en Grey or Malice Mizer.[/QUOTE] True satanism has its roots in atheism, but it isn't the one in the same. I don't necessarily think the goth clothing thing is a call for attention, and it definitely isn't an attempt at coolness. These days, coolness is influenced by hip hop, pop punk and right out pop. IE, pop culture, in which goths and TRUE punks (not the skater-type Sum 41 and Green Day kids we have now) don't have and may never have a place in. By the sacrificial rituals, you're referring to Satanic cults. Finally, some forms of Satanism DO include worshipping the devil, although Their Satan isn't the same as the christian Satan and is even diefied into a type of Messiah. This differs to the Satanic wannabes the supposedly worship the Christian devil, and that's yet another example of trying to differ from the pop culture norm. I conclude with this... I detest Malice Mizer. Sorry, but America is one of the forefathers of metal, not Japan. I have respect for them, but no liking.
  18. Wish I was. That is a cool show... but I like the band slightly better. And Interpol really isn't that good. And Orange Range? Blech. Sorry about a really late reply. :drunk:
  19. I think that in conclusion, MOST of the people here are not popular. Uh-kay... yeah I'm pretty sure there were a few... then... those people are POSERS! Posers! xD A large percentage of the majority (yeah, I know, that makes no sense, but stick with me here...) are, in fact Punk, goth, or nerd/geek. So that means... we should... -painful thinking- arrange a revolt against the popular ones! Puppets to the media! They shall be destroyed! Anyway what I was meaning to say in the fisrt place is... many of us may dislike labels, but the fact is, society as we know it is based on labels and catagories. Nonconforming is always nice, but honestly, deal with it. At least they aren't forcing us into two armies, unpopular and popular, and forcing us to kill each other. That's because they know [COLOR=Magenta]the UNPOPULARS[/COLOR] would win! That would be cool... a war... well, it would clear up a major problem. Popular bastards... I loathe ye so...
  20. I've got a pretty good idea of what you want. Obviously, I have no computer, thus no scanning, but purely out of curiosity... do you want hand-drawn or a graphic type drawing, like PSP, Adobe Photoshop, MSPaint (lmao yeah right), that kind of thing? Either way I can't draw it for you. No computer. I'm at a library right now. But yeah, I know exactly what you want.
  21. Okay! Long time since my last request. Since I can't make my own banners and avs, I need someone to make them for me. What I need: Avatar Banner (duh) Okay first the banner. I need it to be divided in half down the center, on the left side I need MCR, the entire band or however many guys you can fit. As long as it includes Frank and Gerard. The other side, I need The Used, entire band if you can, same rules apply as MCR. It is required that Bert be included. ^.^ MCR - Black background The Used - White background Okay next the avatar. I need Frank from MCR with a black background and flashing white text that says "Yummy" ...'kay? I would prefer to have someone do this that has experiance, not someone using MSPaint. :animeswea
  22. Alright. Since it took me a day later than expected, here you go. It is inspired by my own personal experiences of being drawn between life and death. [CENTER]Untitled[/CENTER] 10-31-05 Pain is like an angel That carries you away And helps you sell your soul for one more chance to stay and if I leave you late tonight for how long would you cry before getting over everything or would you want to die? I need to know right here and now how much do you love me? If you even care at all Please tell me that you trust me I'd give up everything just to be at your side For a change from all those nights I stayed awake and cried Waiting for someong to love me Just tell me that you love me.
  23. There's a kind of melancholy that accompanies everything I write or draw. It's just a part of who I am. I don't think even I could tell you, because it's a feeling of worthlessness that I can't quite put into words. I guess I have always felt unworthy of love, and even though I know I am loved, I never feel loved, like people just tell me they love me to hurt me... But that's a personal issue you probably don't want to hear about... :animedepr
  24. Since my computer has been down for almost 2 years now (blech, so annoying) and my hope of getting a new one was raised and dashed quite expertly (Futurama quote, btw), it's no surprise it's taken me this long to put this up. This one may be slightly depressing. I've attempted suicide myself several times and came dangerously close to succeeding. I wrote this one just before one of my attempts. [CENTER]Suicide Note[/CENTER] 11-1-05 Dear family Don't cry for you see I've decided that it's my time to die god gave me his grace but would not look me in the face so it's something I must try I'm sorry for the way I treated you I'm sorry for the way I lied Soon you'll see I'm doing you a favor I'm serious this time. I'm tired of the pain from problems that are secrets you told me you would understand yet you refused to hear it. Sometimes secrets are too much to bear collapsing under cold blank stares My huge secret is burning on the inside You didn't understand. And I could tell you how many times I've lied that things came out as planned. By the time you read this note I'm already too far gone You didn't even have a chance to convince me this is wrong. I really hate myself sometimes. Protect myself with all these lies. So forgive me for this decision, though I don't expect to be forgiven I don't know why I'm still here I haven't lost a single tear. I linger on the edge of death and now I say with my final breath I'm sorry for the way I hurt you I think I need to let you know I Love You. 2 more on the way!
  25. I have the same problem dividing lyrics from poems. It seems more like the lyrics to a song than a poem, but that all depends on your definition of a poem. Some people like rhyming poems, some prefer non-rhyming. If you consider it lyrics, I would add a few more lines. Otherwise, it's well-written save for a few typos.
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