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About Washu

  • Birthday 08/12/1988

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Profile Information

  • Biography
    I was raised by rabid monkeys and they taught me how to learn!
  • Occupation
    I'm happy n.n

Washu's Achievements

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New Member (1/6)



  1. Here you go...Uhm...If you don't like it...I guess I could do it again ^_^;
  2. lol, yeah! I won 1st place! YAY! ^_^ Well...In Acara's...lol -request- (Anyone here want me to draw there pet? n_n; E-mail me at [email]MegaWashu2@aol.com[/email]) lol, I love doing these =P
  3. x_x;;;; Quick post Ignore me Nother request
  4. lol, no, I used to, but not anymore ^_^;;; Another request from someone XP-
  5. lol, no, my little pets are sorta weaklings ^_^;
  6. lol, I'd be happy too ^o^ Just not right now...Cause I just got finished doing one for a friend of mine and it took forever... (MSPaint...And rainbow X_x) lol, but what do you think of it? ^_^
  7. My pet is in the Beauty Contest and it would mean a lot if you would vote for her :blush: [URL=http://www.neopets.com/beauty/details.phtml?pet=Neetiru]http://www.neopets.com/beauty/details.phtml?pet=Neetiru[/URL] Thank you SO much :angel:
  8. Just posting one more really quick :angel:
  9. lol, I've done a lot...But never got close to winning.. I just did one, so I'm posting it first! ...And I have to wait for a reply to post another :whoops:
  10. I got it in an e-mail from my friend...So...I dunno n.n;
  11. Yeah, I know @.@ It's pretty cleve to do something that confusing. Who gets these ideas?
  12. It's so...Creepy and cool at the same time :whoops:
  13. lol, I'm bored and I saw this somewhere else so it couldn't hurt to give it a try :box: Well, you scan in all this odd-important random stuff and post it! lol, I dunno n.n;; Well...I did it. Okie... On the top, thats a bookmark that I've never used Then theres a little bouncy ball just for fun. Next to it is a fuzz ball mouse that I made 2 Christmas' ago On the other side its a ring box, theres no ring but when I was little I'd pretend I had one n_n;; Below that is a...*cough* Beauty and the Beast jewlery thing...Ignore me... THEN ON THE OTHER SIDE A PICHU CERIAL BOX THING! I found it on the floor. ^^ Theres a paintbrush on lil Pichu and then the last thing is... SCORCH! I love him n_n He's kinda worn down cause I've brought him everywhere with me for 4 years but I love him so much :love:
  14. lol, glad I don't have to worry about it ^-^
  15. Well...I've dislocated my knee twice from basketball... Broken my ankle from...*cough* Running down a hill and tripping on it u.u;; So pathetic... And I'm broken my pinkie in a car door x.x lol, and hurt the rest n.n; Other then that...I'm a healthy child =P
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