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Everything posted by PrisonerOfHope

  1. It's called 'The Dolphins Cry' :) I think their older stuff is the best too. I like all of thier stuff when they were known as [i]Public Affection[/i]. 'Mental Jewelry' would have to be my favorite album though. -POH
  2. It looks like a story. Good though :) -POH
  3. I can't even look at this tonight Knowing that you are only here awhile Hold me in your arms and breath through me Like only you can do Nothing truly ever dies, in you Never tremble with fear You're just married to the sun And every second only makes it deeper Flowers push through the sand in bloom It doesn't have the faintest that its due There is a light Way off in the distance, up above All I can hear is the sound of my heart beating away But I will follow you, deep into the night Beyond this death of love Take it deeper Deeper than this death of love And I will follow Deeper than this death of love Deeper than this flesh and blood
  4. [quote][i]Originally posted by Nuchlear[/i] I don't know if i've seen a Throwing copper CD, is that thier debut album?[/quote] Live's debut album was [i]The Death Of A Dictionary[/i] (sometimes 'Death Of A Dictionary) under the name of 'Public Affection' Their debut album a Live was [i]Mental Jewelry[/i] then [i]Throwing Copper[/i]. [quote][i]Originally posted by Aries[/i] "All Over Me", or was it "All Over You"?[/quote] It's called [i]All Over You[/i] :) Anyway... Live are my favorite band and I love just about every song by them. [i]Secret Samadhi[/i] is probably my least favorite album though. I don't really have any favorite songs... I just like a whole bunch of them. -POH
  5. I Cibo Matto. [i]Sugar Water[/i] is a really good song :) -POH
  6. I am totally addicted to the net. I always go online whenever I can and I mainly post on boards like this. I'm an admin on one... a mod on one and this and another one, just a member. I like being a member, because you don't really need to know the rules (except here you do). Being a mod / admin... you have to enforce the rules and I'm just liek "yeah... ok" and do so... but really I think some of the rules are silly... but I supose I could just change them. Oh... I love to go on voice chat and sing. -POH
  7. I stuffed my knee playing hockey. Broke my arm riding my bike... long story. Tried to fly and broke my ankle... another long story. Popped my hip out of place skateboarding... all thong stories really. Heh! Ummm... I think that is all. Could be more. -POH
  8. Good poem, [b]Ben[/b]. I mean that... it's really good. I think you should show her it. -POH
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G/S/B Master [/i] i'm Trajo Thgra.I can't prononce my Last jedi name.My name is screwed up.But i think i could pronounce it a little.BUT TRAJO?????it sounds like my friend's joel's last name trejo.or something like that.For POH's friend's jedi name it would be trajoh thugra. [/QUOTE] Easier to pronounce Trajoh Thugra than Trajo Thgra, eh? -POH
  10. My school has a uniform... so I don't have the problem of clothes and the like. -POH
  11. A friend of mine wrote that. I'll tell him what you guys said. I'm sure he will be pleased. -POH
  12. The night rolls in Such as the moon flies overhead Casting its hue upon us The grassy knoll high above the fields We lay there; The stars are dots to form Words that need not be uttered Phrases so cliche And the abyss swallowing the hilltop The gaping maw And us hand-in-hand; The speeding of time past our ears Sounds like the wind in our hair Inside the chasm that is around us... And the trees are still, As the air passes them by But it chills us to the bone But we move closer Until the mood exits the scene slowly And completes her bows For the eternel performance... And we are there Watching her dance on the stars- Hide in the clouds- Every scene is within our reach For we know the dance of la lune.
  13. I just write anything. Haiku's are fun. They are 3 lines of sylables (sp?) 5 7 5 most common.... and 3 5 3 some people do that. I'm not a poet Poetry is for geeks and this is a haiku ----- I can't stand poems Most make me want to vomit Stupid ***** kids.
  14. cowardly hoping clouding newer noble clear students investing ----- party faithful pay wisely, souls reawaken incomes stand by, white ----- vows transform, treading unborn Americans cheer declaring, slowly ----- proudly, Laura vows vividly, cleaner minds weep lobbyists funding ----- inclusive vivid sound investments urging hearts believe, old old white ----- nations recover proudly helping front-runner facing humble free ----- unwelcome valued daring survivalists run brightly, voting might
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JCBaggee [/i] [color=red][size=3]Something I found that the Star Wars guys can appreciate...how to create you own Jedi name!!! [u][i]Jedi First Name[/i][/u] The first 3 letters of your real last name. + The first 2 letters of you real first name. [u][i]Jedi Last Name[/i][/u] The first two letters of you mothers maiden name + The first three letters of your hometown. Voila! Your a Jedi now! For the record I'm Bagja Mosum...geez, that's a weird name...[/color][/size] [/QUOTE] A friend of mine told me this too... except her's was three letters for each and mine ended up being Dumang Bedsta and her's was Thaali Loochi. For this one... mine is Duman Besta and her's is Thaal Lochi. -POH
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