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Everything posted by jupitersun
hey everyone i don't think i've posted in a looong time well i have a poem i want critized...nicelyy or meanly...i wont get angry....^_^ ~*~Untitled~*~ Did you ever get the feeling you were dead, Gone from the world. So cold and lonely, Heart beats seems to cease to come. But you know your still alive, Ever get the feeling that nobody cares? The people you loved are gone, No longer there to comfort you. I've had these feelings so many times before, And even then I wished myself dead. But I was all ways to afraid, Afraid of what I'd miss. And afraid of what I was getting myself into, People talk about Heaven and Hell, God and the Devil. But Where does a gurl like me, Go when I'm dead, but still forever wondering. ~*~ANGEL~*~:tasty: -cute
uuuh....i thought policeman1 got killedO.o...neways very amusing...bravo gavin*sarcastically claps*
i've read better but it's not bad...very simple and loose i like it.7
if she doesn't like it she's gone mental...that is so sweet
No One Noticed She walks down the hallway, No one notices she?s there. She thinks about her life As she?s sittin? there. A young boy sits behind her And he taunts and teases her. She sits and thinks about her he life, And wonders why she feels this pain. While that young boy feels no regret, She runs out of the room cryin? tears of pain. No one notices she?s left, Not even Jane. Jane sits in her desk ever so attentively, A girl sitting beside her makes a cruel remark. Jane laughs along, She just wants a few friends. The girl runs to her locker, grabs her bag and books. She slowly walks to the window outside of her class and nervously looks in, Jane is sitting in her desk smiling and laughing with a new group of friends. A tear roles down the young girls? cheek, She runs out the doors. The very next day the young girl just wasn?t there, Everyone was crying even the young boy, but none was crying more than Jane. They all wished to have her back, to give her a second chance so they could be nicer and change their ways. Well you see what happened the night before, after the young run off to her home She went up to her room and locked the door, A shot was heard her parents run upstairs they tried to get in, but they couldn?t They knew something had happened, So they broke down the door They saw their young daughter lying lifeless on the floor, They call 9-11 but they were to late, the wound was just too great. They prayed that night for the very first time, ?Dear god please keep her safe, let her know she is loved and missed by everyone. They all say they are sorry for her pain??.. and please tell her we will always love her no matter what. And they did always love her. One Shot Catastrophic places in my mind, secrect thoughts people never find. caring not who i am, living life, being told to scram. Ruptured feelings they care not, i coulod take my life with juss one shot. A bang rings out, people scream and shout On life gone, then another, everyone runs and heads for cover. 20 lay dead mmany more to fall. not even knowing whats going on at all. secrect thoughts people never find, better their lives lost than my mind.
it's cool i just wanna see what happens when the woman he picks finds out he's not a millionare :devil: :laugh:
omg i love it i agree with LD it is a poem that can make you sigh*sighs*
melody- quite fighting we're a team not a bunch of enemy's!!! hikura-whatever.. karina-okay...... she argrees with karina about everyone taking enough time to build attacks it seems she can't trust anyone is the group and it worries her...... melody-are you all ready yet?!?!?! she waits tensing up more and more every second
i like it, it's really indepth, i think i know what you're try to express but then again i could be wrong but all to gether it's a great poem
i obsess over a lot of things like right now i'm obsessed with hp, luigis mansion(gamecube), butter finger and peanut butter cups(ne kind), anime,angels, and of course neopets...... the worst case of obssesion of seen except mine was a freidn of mine was obssesed with hello kitty and everything she owned had hello kitty on it it was nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i have a freind who is obssesed with butterflies........ and another obsessed with sparring and drawing anime*cough*siren*cough* and many more my freinds are pathetic when it comes to obsessing...but then again so am i:)
What was the latest album/single you got? i got 3 well there is the icp jeckle brothers, missi elliotte super fly, and a nirvana CD What's the latest tune you just can't get out of your head? i can't get any song i hear out of my head but the one that plagues my mind the most is an old one by linkin park What's your favourite and worst genre of music? well rock, punk, rap, and some country(my mom is the cause of this) are my faves, and i hate techno, and polka music(it drives me crazy Last, but not least what/who is your favourite band/singer? linkin park, avril lavigne, pink, metallica, nervana and queen
from the episode where the advertisments come to life Lisa-*to the crowd of people* DON'T LOOK AT THEM!!! *everyone stops looking except homer, because the donut boy is waving his giant donut in front of hmer homer-mmmmmmmmmmmmm donut........ lisa- Dad stop looking stop!!!*homer turns away the little donut boy frowns and falls to the ground* this one is in every episode *homer does something stupid* homer-DOH!!! the episode when bart gets a babysitter *bart makes a prank phone call and moe threatens him* Moe-when i find out who you are im gonna carve be name in your back with an ice pick Bart- mty name is jimbo and i live*says his address* *moe grabs the pick and leaves the tavern and shows up and barts house chasing jimbo around barts house* how did you guys remember so many?!?!?!?!
my favorite cards are these three dark witch-creature card magicain of faith-creature card change of heart- gives control over one of the opponents creatures
i still have the game and i play it every once in a while :)i think it's fun but then again I'm easily amused..........
melody who has been silent for long time and keepng to herself notices valens little fireball, in her hands a small blue liquid like ball forms in her hand containg the spell control she is hoping this spell works along with everyone elses, she keeps anding power into her spel and waits for everyone else to start there attacks..... Melody-Are you guys ready??? Valen-I am! She and Valen await the others answers
name:Melody species: Elf looks: Tall and plain melody has raven black hair and stone gray eyes she wears a emerald green drees under a velvet black coat at her side a sack full of items. attacks( max : 5) : spell, waterfall, confusion, controlling-gives her the power to control an enemy but only for a short peroid of time. element/s( max:3) : Water, earth pet pet: unicorn (hope this is okay afterall there are dragons) bio: orphaned as a child melody has grown up fending for herself, she is very paranoid, and often sees more bad than good in anything. When she was in her early hundreds she had a run in with a wizard who taught her everyhting he knew and for that she is grateful. She also doesn't like to trust people, and she does have an attitude problem. MERRY X-MAS!!
i think its awesome! that is really indepth.
~*~LOVE~*~ Love is so confusing, Mixed emotions anger deception jealousy. Lost in your own world, Away from reality. The tenderness in his touch, The passion in his kiss. Makes your heart fall fool, Fall fool to lies untold. Your Feel Lost in a pit of confusion, Can't tell the truth from lies, can't tell true freinds from traitors. You are town between them, Wanting to Trust one but wanting to beleive the other. Suddenly your world crashes down around you, and it may never be the same, All because you loved him to the dpths of your heart...... What to you think I'm open to any criticism... ~*~ANGEL~*~
Writing Poems for the Poetically Challenged
jupitersun replied to Mr. Maul's topic in Creative Works
o.O;;; oh my, that was rather different, i know im not poetically challenged but i dont like rhyeming and you seem to have that part down, it is pretty good. -
i thinks its really good, the font is kinda hard to read, i think i might need glases O.O""""
yeah i guess i kinda did siren o.O"" and yes gavin i would like you to be the bad guy you really good at it
Name:Angel isis Appearance:blue eyes straight golden blonde hair tall slim athletic Personality:kinda clumsy,very curios she has a tendency of get very moody Sailor name: Sailor storm Power:lighting strike-lighting bolts whirl wind- a tornado Other:her uniform has a grey skirt and a white top and blue bow, she has a tiara the a jewel emeded with a lighting bolt, she owns a talking cat named storm
Name:Angel Isis Age:19 Clan:highlander Height:5'4" Bio:One of the hands on the ship "the Miranda" Persona: she is tough, reliable, and a little schizo, she is always hiding her feelings and can be annoying at times. Desc:medium length golden blonde hair, peaircing blue eyes with small grey speckles, She wears and emerald green dress with a red chineses dragon running up the front it slits up to just above the knee, and black boots Weapons:a katana in a white ivory sheeth, she has a dagger in her boot, and a whip on her side. Race:human
Writing my first and probably last peom i'll post
jupitersun replied to jupitersun's topic in Creative Works
~feelings inside~ nothing can describe the way i feel inside or the torment that i hide. \No matter what i do, It stuck ther like glue. But i dont care. I sheild myself from everyone. I try to hide my feelings, but everyone figures me out. i want to be free from misery, free and happy. -
thats a good story