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Everything posted by jupitersun
well Duo it's better than i could write...lol:)
my name is angel and my letter is T
I really loved this one. Very touching (tear). lol Angel's cuz brandy that was a great poem. it's sad in a way. I would love to here more of your work:)
i like "in my mind " the best they're all really good though.post more!:)
it pretty good:) but it kinda makes you think....
i like it! i really like it! its a great poem.:)
that a great poem i agree with anime lover those lines are the ones that made it a good poem, but withg everythign else its great^^
thats a great poem i really like it!:)
Writing my first and probably last peom i'll post
jupitersun replied to jupitersun's topic in Creative Works
here's two more they're not very good but hey... ~golden night~ As i stare at this ball of light, my eyes are fixed i stay there the whole ngiht. watching it get brighter, rising of the floor going higher and higher. Suddenly the light turns gold, I shouldn't touch it so im told. It's so tempting and beautiful. I dont know if i can bare it. Reach to touch it and i begin to fall down a coml dark pit, i fall for days , still it has no end. the pit of misery will never bend. I have been cursed, with the curse of misery looks can be desseiving and i'll never stop beleiving. Beleiving misery has no end unless you make it. -moral- even the most beautiful things can cause pain -
Writing my first and probably last peom i'll post
jupitersun replied to jupitersun's topic in Creative Works
-DISFUNCTIOANL FAMILY- Hate the way you say no and the you always lie. Hate the way you're greedy and the way you make me wanna cry. Hate it when you're here and love it when you're not. Hate how you think you're so right and you're wrong a whole lot. Hate the way you yell at me and tell me I'm stupid and dumb. Hate the way you never care and how it makes me feel so numb. Hate the way I feel right now and how I wanna cry. Hate the way I just can't and if I do I'll wanna die. Hate the fact that I have to come back home and the reasons for me writing this. Hate how much I wanna stay here and if I come back I'm gonna be pissed. Hate the way you act when others are around and how you change when leave. Hate the way you say you won't and that it always makes me grieve. Hate all your reasons and they way I don't even like you. Hate it how you don't care what Tom does and when it comes it to me you do. Hate how I don't wanna live with you anymore and how you won't let me go. Hate it that I have a choice and how you won't let me make...you blow. Hate how you try to keep me sheltered and how you don't care how hard it is for me to stay away from pot. Hate it how you say its my choice and I know it's really not. Hate it how you don't know Tom threatens me and if I don't do drugs he'll hit me. Hate it how I have to talk to you and you're dumb and don't see. Hate that dad only wants me there to do things for everyone else. Hate how he doesn't give a damn and cares only about Tom and himself. Hate the way people say I can't and how it makes me so damn mad. Hate everyone that has done anything to me and how this thought makes me sad. Hate the fact I haven't talked to any of my friends in like 2 months and how you act when they're around. Hate the way you talk to them and how you walk on me like I'm the ground. Hate how you ask them questions about me and tell them cuz they hang out with me they're bad. Hate when I ask you about this you deny it and it makes me sad...and mad. Hate how much I wanna live with my cousins and know you'll never let me. Hate how if you don't let go I'm gonna leave and that's how you'll find out...you'll see. Hate how you and dad say I lie all the time and that I don't lie barely ever. Hate that if I do it's always for Tom and that I won't lie for him again- never. Hate how so many guys have screwed me over and the way my best friend helped out. Hate the way my family sets me up for drugs and the way it makes me wanna shout. Hate how my step-dad's so nice and how he puts up with you. Hate that I love HIM so much and how I don't feel that way about you two. Hate how you say I'm lazy and you're a fu***** secretary. Hate how I know I'm not and how I work a lot you don't get off your a**...well barely. Hate the way that when I'm in a bad mood I still always seem to smile and even though I smile my eyes tell everything. Hate how people are so judgemental and how I don't think this last crush is just a fling. I hate it when you're here and love it when you're not But you're my family and because of that I still love everyone a lot. By Brandy angel's cousin. It's kinda negative but my family pissed me off. I just wrote it today hope you like it. If not oh well... -
Writing my first and probably last peom i'll post
jupitersun replied to jupitersun's topic in Creative Works
well i dont have many poems and most of them i dont want to post because they're pretty personal but i have a few more thanks VR -
Writing my first and probably last peom i'll post
jupitersun replied to jupitersun's topic in Creative Works
^^ thanks duo yeah it is depressing but i dont have many happy poems i dont think i'll post ne more poems unless people want me to -
thats really good duo, you have real talent its like a minature suspence novel..lol -angel-
Angel:uh..guys she taps vukodlak on hte shoulder and he turns around to see a voodoo village. vudkodlak:well lets go meet the natives he walks off towards the village and everyone follows they see shrunken heads and and voodoo symbols. Anathema: so do we kill the inhabitants or let them kill each other off?? vudkolak: we kill them. angel: should we kill the head witch doctor or work our way up? prometheus: i say we kill the head first Balthazar: yeah he might have some essential things we can use. the walk to the biggest hut assuming thats where the head witch doctor was at but instead they find a large group of natives listening to a speech. the natives do not seem to notice them. angel: shall we kill them now or wait a while?? vudkodlak: now. (i thought everyone forgot about this rpg)
i wrote this about my dad i hope you like it. ~crying~ Why? why do you yell at me? do you enjoy seeing tears come from my eyes? you say i hate you but you act like yo uhate me! dont ever try to make it betterbecause every time i talk to you i want to cry. your angry voice brings tears to my eyes you dont understand, you try to control me, everything i do is never enough. but you praise me in front of everyone, you treat me like an angel. but when we're alone you yell and scream and try to break me but it wont work. you say you love mebut yell and hit me.you dont love me im nothing to you. and im stopping here the rest i still have to write oops i speeled poem wrong^^
POET TO POET I LIKED IT. YOU SHOULD TRY DIFFERENT FORMAT THOUGH IT KINDA LOOKS LIKE A SHORT STORY. BUT IT WAS GOOD. ANGEL'S CUZ. that was good, i can relate to what you wrote. your a great writer -angel-
GOOD BUT NOT THE BEST I'VE READ. I DIDN'T LIKE EVERY LINE RHYMING BUT IT WAS STILL PRETTY PHAT. PEACE ANGEL'S CUZ. heh heh you've all met my cousin now(she more evil than siren)well bye
angel appears from behind a tree Angel: that is a look a like athough i dont know her name... Siren: very well She draws her katana and angel does the same Angel: are you ready to fight? Siren: of course i am.....
its a great poemno vclue who the girl is.....
its a great poem , and i remember once my dad found a poem of mine and now he wont let me write any more hes pretty strict but my mom read it and started cryin, Weird huh?
no prob.... hey since my bros band eventhough i warned him what to do and not to do like dont annoy the mods and stuff like that.
ooc:that was different ic: little did mass now angel was outside his door trying to figure out how to get across the lave pit, then she has a idea "i'll fly across of course " a whirlwind forms around her as she rises from the ground mass spots her outside of his window. mass: SHE STILL HERE!!! siren: looks like she's leaving. angel floats of the pit and lands on the other side Angel: now to find Djan and Kabuki. she walks down the road. siren: aren't you gonna stop her?? Mass: No *he thinks about what Angel did to him before he winces*
angel arrives at the garage she sees more than enough vehicles most that are ment for the air she chooses a large jeep she started to hotwire it, soon the engine reved angel: okay, now to wait for Belthazar. she heres multiple exsplosions"belthazar" she steps on the gas and heads to the arsenal she sees prometheus and Belthazar. she stops the car when she arrives. Angel: put it in the back. prometheus and belthazar load up all the weapons andd hop in the jeep. They see a lot of soldiers coming out of the building. Angel: i thought you got rid of them Gorgon: so did I. Belthazar: come on Prometheus shoot them! Belthazar and Prometheus grab to semi-atomatic rifles and start firing at the soldeirs they get all but one he fires a shot and prometheus gets hit in the shoulder, belthazar shoots him the soldeirs fall to the ground and a pool of blood form around him. Angel: Prometheus can you heal yourself? Gorgon: Of course i can, whats the piont of being a demon and not being able to kill someone prometheus puts a hand on his wound and it slowly heals, angel sees a helicopter approaching Angel: Theres vudkolak she points to the sky, prometheus and belthazar look up. Prometheus: right on time...
ooc:uh gavin what happened to me shackled to a dungeon wall awaiting torture? Angel pulls herself away from mass's grip Angel: let go of me you foul inhuman creature Mass grabs at her but pushes her over in a corner instead, mass approaches angel is on her back crabwalking farther in the corner so she desides to kisk mass where no man wants to be kicked mass stumbles backwards mass: you... angel: GO AHEAD AND SAY YOU GUTLESS WORM!!!!! mass looks at her in shear amazment and then collapses to the floor. angel leaves mass lair and goes down the road..
okay ive just started reading these everworld books and they are really good so i wanted to start a thread. im qoutint the book"there is place that shouldn't exist. But Does. and there are creatures that shouldn't exist. but do. welcome to a land where all your dreams and nightmares are very real- and often deadly. Welcome to Everworld." the plot : a group of kids are hanging out behind a building and a figure shaped like a wolfs head protrudes from the wall they look at each other and see there skin turning inside out all of a sudden a girl(also a very good freind of theirs) that is ten feet away walking toward them is snatched up by the figure as it goes back into the wall they all run to try and stop the figure but get sucked in the wall and wake up on the other side hanging from a cliff with razor sharp rocks protruding from the ground and a large castle above they see a ship coming toward a small beach... sign up stuff: name: Alias: race:i need 4 people counting me to be human, and the other races are hetwan, aztec, mexica, viking, dwarves, troll,humans(the ones in everworld) items: one person besides me may have a book bag with 10 items(no guns or knives except a swiss army one but you may take swords of enemys) appearance: mine name:Angel Isis Alias:angel or ice wichever you prefer race: human/ wiccan in training items in my bookbag are: 1 notebook, 1 pencil case (with pens pencils and a pencil sharpener)1 full bottle of pain killers, sweater, calculator, pocket knife,2 bottles of evian water,a book titled"ancient myths and tales" and her journal. appearence:long blond hair with red highlights, blue eyes, and freckles, she wears blue jeans and a a pale blue t-shirt with Ice embroidered on it. note:one person may have preminissions, and one may be wiccan. we will start at the begining before they are sucked into everworld i hope this will be fun ^.^