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Everything posted by jupitersun
okay i messed up DGoD thanks for shortning jupitersun i was waiting for someone to do that^.^
all well then she wears a silk blouse okay
okay then gavin Angel looks upset Djan: whats wrong?? kabuki:you didn't actually like him did you Angel: no of course not i just wanted to kill him myself. Djan: okay well lets be on our quest. kabuki:yeah we wasted to much time on that mass nova guy Angel: lets go they walk onto the trail let see a clearing and decide to make camp before they could a red dragon appeard ots: angel is a ice sorceress he rpower is ice i tottaly forgot that)
Angel: thats kinda sad(sad sympethetically) Vudkolack: yeah it is a bit lonely. Angel: well id be glad to be your freind Shane: i would to Vudkolack: thank you Angel: what shall we do??
okay can we get back on subject people
okay here goes nothing its in the year 3000 wiccans were very well known and powerful you could even say the ran the world but there was a selected few who didn't want the power because they wanted normal freinds to guide but most who were not wiccan were scared of them and those who weren't thought they were satanic . They decided to put a stop to the fear and make everyone equal because as you know wiccans only use magic for good not evil so says the code of merlin. The whole point of there mission besides making everyone equal but to stop the reign of terror that the evil wiccans are opposing onto the world....
oh by the way my elemental power is fire
Sign Up DragonBall After Death: Biological Apocalypse
jupitersun replied to Charles's topic in Theater
Name: Ange Isis Age: 16 Height: 5'3" Power Level : 5,000 Bio: orphaned when born she never new of her powers( her biological father was a saiyan) until a man approached her who knew her father and taught her her powers and the moves she knows. Description: longe black hair and chocalate brown eyes she wears silk pair of pants and a silk shirt. Most common Techniuqes (List five): 1)kamehameha 2)energy blast 3)hyper bomb 4)spirit bomb 5)destruco disk Owner/Benefactor: she never knew his name but a freind of her father -
a young fearie named angel sees this stranger and flutters to a tree to get a closer look she ponders could this be a actual leprechaun. she flies over to him. Angel: hello there whats ur name? Shane: my name is shane whats yours Angel: my name is angel, i've never met a real live leprecahaun before. Shane:well know u have Angel: oh i guess i have now Shane: so you be one of the wee folks who live in these woods Angel: yes i am.....
off subject: Gavin you can heal yourself so technically your not dead you moronic idiot(lol j/k) Besides you cant die know your the bad guy who sends stuff after us so ur not dead
geese be nice to him clocrius i'll join Name: Angel Isis Rank: Senior Detective Badge #: 666 Gender: female Age: 20 Bio: she was orphaned as a child and grew up in a bad neighbor hood she watched her adopted brother being killed by a opposing gang she decided to become a cop so she can stop things that happened to her brother happen to any one else Description: long golden blonde hair deep blue eyes 5'9" she wears a pair of leather pants and a tee with diablo on it(she doesn't were a police unifrom she lints its to stuffy) Equpment: Nightstick, she carries a silver magnum wich is hidden mysteriusly on her body Badge, Wallet and cool sunglasses.
fine siren you can make up the plot ur evil enough
they all eventually fall asleep mass nova is still stuck in the peanut butter until a bunch of bears come and lick it up dawn Angel: rise and shine people lets go Djan: oooh man kabuki: okay *angel and kabuki pick up djan and puts him in the bathing tub filled with ice cold water* Djan: oh my god* he jumps out of the tub Angel: heres some dry clothing *she throws clothes to Djan* he changes in the bathroom kabuki: lets go people they leave as they leave mass nova approaches angel....
ne ways back to the story Djan: i sense somethin Angel: what do you sense kabuki: what do you think angel Angel: duh any ways ways how close is he?? Djan: pretty damn close Angel looks out he window and sees and sees mass nova spreading peanut butter on the inn wall...
off subject damn were all getting confused lets just say the potion kabuki gave me cleans my wound out will i have the stiches
after the bar scene kabuki: okay lets get out of here angel: yeah this is way to easy Djen: but he said.. Angel: duh we're not suppose to listne to the bad guy Djen: oh yeah they unlock the dorr end get out Kabuki: lets get your wounds fixed angel they head to the hospital thingy nurse: the doctor will see you in a minute thank you for waiting the doctor walks in doctor: lets see that wound the doctor takes angel hand and prods the wound with a tool Angel: ouch damn it that hurt kabuki: and i thought you felt no pain Angel: oh shut up Doctor: done Angel stares at he wound it was stiched up and a peice of cloth wrapped around it Lets go back to the inn and get a room...
this happened before the bar scene Angel: damn it kabuki i took him out(remeber we dont know he can heal) Djen: stop fighting we're suppose to be partners not enemies Angel: i said i didn't trust him and i still dont. Djen: lets just get moving to the village okay kabuki: its to dark lets et up camp here Angel: Djen what do you feel Djen: i feel anger but that you guys i feell nothing besides that
Zeltoriak sees a young girl standing by a tree she also sees the terran she procedes to tkae out her katana that is slung behind her back....
angel takes her whip and coils it around destruco she whips him off the cliff Angel: there goes your evil sceam Djen: shall we defeat him Kabuki: i'll go first he *slashes out at mass nova with his sword* Djen: my turn^.^ *he takes his sword and cuts mass nova in the gut* Angel: now to get rid of him *she takes out her whip and raps mass's arm she takes out her sword and rams it into his stomach she pulls it out she notices ther is still remnents of goblin blodd on it* they walk off not knowing mass is not dead and has fully healled the wound angel gave him has put a scar of a cross on his stomach. the ones djen and kabuki gave him leave a "x" on his chest....
angel sees people walk down the road as they approach she gets up grabs her sword she trusts noone not after her village was destroyed by those those things.
im not so good at making plots but i think i have one okay there are alot of weird stuff happening in angels home town and she needs help she tries to find as many wiccan people as she can to find out and fight whoever is causeing this mayhem
you shut up siren*smacks her* im sorry well got any suggestions???
as they all walked along at night they found a small clearing Angel: Djen do u sense any thing Djen: no i dont Angel: okay kabuki can you please set up this tent kabuki: okay*thinks to himself why can she have djen do it* Angel: because djen is going to start a fire, bet you didn't know i could read minds did you? Kabuki: i have much to learn about you they all get to work Angel: everyone done well were all gonna take wathces djen do you wanna go first? DJen: fine with me Angel enters the tent Kabuki: i'll sleep outside everyones watches go uneventfull Angel: lets go come on we better get started. they pick up camp Kabuki: there is a village 5 miles from here we should stop and fix that wound of yours angel. Angel: how nice of you to care(sarcastically said) they start to walk. MEANWHILE BACK AT MASS NOVA'S LAIR
Gavin it would be crystal ball not screen ther was no electricity then back to the heroes of the story Angel:why should i trust you?? Djen: its okay hes a good guy...for now. Kabuki:i see you are very untrusting angel.. Angel: ho do you know my name?? kabuki: stupid child Angel: i am not a child *she sarts to raise kabuki in the air* Kabuki:no no put my down Djen: no angel put him down. Angel very well djen.*she lowers kabuki to the ground* Kabuki: thank you now as i was going to say i know all about you and djen its all over the village you trying to get that blaasted eye of a gold dragon. Angel: i see well i still dont trust you u must earn my trus. mean while at mass nova lair mass:ah the secret weapon a little butterfly flys toward him he takes the secret weapon and swatts at it minion: no sir you musn't wave the secret weapon, it is very unstable Mass: i'll do as i please the secret weapon blows up in his face Mass: damn it!!!!!*runs around in circles screaming because is face is on fire* minion: looks like we may need another one back to the heroes Angel:lets go before those little creeps show up. they head down the road...